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New Zealand has a good Neogene plant fossil record. During the Miocene it was without high topography and it was highly maritime, meaning that its climate, and the resulting vegetation, would be controlled dominantly by zonal climate conditions. Its vegetation record during this time suggests the climate passed from an ever-wet and cool but frostless phase in the Early Miocene in which Nothofagus subgenus Brassospora was prominent. Then it became seasonally dry, with vegetation in which palms and Eucalyptus were prominent and fires were frequent, and in the mid-Miocene, it developed a dry-climate vegetation dominated by Casuarinaceae. These changes are reflected in a sedimentological change from acidic to alkaline chemistry and the appearance of regular charcoal in the record. The vegetation then changed again to include a prominent herb component including Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae. Sphagnum became prominent, and Nothofagus returned, but mainly as the subgenus Fuscospora (presently restricted to temperate climates). This is interpreted as a return to a generally wet, but now cold climate, in which outbreaks of cold polar air and frost were frequent. The transient drying out of a small maritime island and the accompanying vegetation/climate sequence could be explained by a higher frequency of the Sub-Tropical High Pressure (STHP) cells (the descending limbs of the Hadley cells) over New Zealand during the Miocene. This may have resulted from an increased frequency of ‘blocking’, a synoptic situation which occurs in the region today. An alternative hypothesis, that the global STHP belt lay at a significantly higher latitude in the early Neogene (perhaps 55°S) than today (about 30°S), is considered less likely because of physical constraints on STHP belt latitude. In either case, the difference between the early Neogene and present situation may have been a response to an increased polar-equatorial temperature gradient. This contrasts with current climate models for the geological past in which the latitude of the High Pressure belt impact is held invariant though geological time.  相似文献   

1. The hyporheic zone has long been regarded as a potential refugium for lotic invertebrates during disturbance. However, there have been few attempts to quantify the stability of this habitat during high flow events. In a New Zealand stream with an unstable bed, the present authors monitored spatial patterns of scour and fill in a riffle in a wide flood plain and at two sites in a constrained reach: a pool-riffle with bedrock outcrops and a plane-bed (a bedform characterized by long stretches of planar stream bed). 2. At each 20-m site, 100 scour chains were installed in a systematic grid with about 1 m between chains. Scour was measured by comparing the length of chain exposed before and after a high flow event, whereas filling depth was equivalent to the thickness of the sediment deposited on top of the chains during the event. For each chain, the present authors noted dominant particle size and degree of packing of the surrounding bed, water depth and presence or absence of large stones upstream. Chains were re-located after four smaller spates, one intermediate event and one large flood. 3. Most events caused a complex mosaic of bed patches which experienced scour, fill or remained undisturbed. These patterns, which were mostly site- and event-specific, were often significantly influenced by the longitudinal or lateral position of the chains in the spatial grids. 4. The cumulative effect of the six high flow events differed substantially between sites. The first site experienced predominantly scour, the second both scour and fill, and the third almost exclusively fill. These differences were partly explained by channel geomorphology. The bedrock outcrops at the constrained pool-riffle site forced the flow at high discharge, causing deep scour in these areas, whereas a backwater effect at the third site reduced near-bottom shear stress during larger events and led to sediment deposition. 5. Except for a single event at the second site, scour affected mainly the uppermost 10–15 cm of the stream bed. Therefore, almost the entire hyporheic zone below this depth would have been available as refugium for invertebrates, in addition to the often consider-able number of bed patches which remained undisturbed during the six high flow events. 6. Fill without earlier scour during the same high flow event was common at all sites. Most previous studies have assumed that lotic invertebrates are mainly affected by scour during high flow events, but the consequences of sediment deposition may be just as far reaching.  相似文献   

In contrast to the northern hemisphere where species of Chironomidae are usually the dominant benthic invertebrates in the coldest upper reaches of glacial streams, mayflies (Deleatidium spp.: Leptophlebiidae) predominate in equivalent conditions in New Zealand. We examined the life histories and annual production of Deleatidium spp. at two sites on the Matukituki River (South Island, New Zealand) and at three sites in its glacier-fed tributary, Rob Roy Stream. Mean annual water temperature at the five sites ranged from 2.1 to 7.0°C. Monthly sampling showed that mayfly populations were poorly synchronised at all sites but were probably univoltine. The large Deleatidium cornutum was the dominant mayfly species found at the upper sites (Sites 1 and 2) on Rob Roy Stream, whereas above the confluence with Matukituki River (Site 3) it co-existed with a complex of smaller species we refer to as D.angustum”. Deleatidiumangustum” also dominated at the Matukituki sites. Deleatidium production calculated for the five sites, assuming an 11-month nymphal life, ranged from 0.48 g dry weight/m2/year (Site 1) to 3.07 g dry weight/m2/year (Site 3). The values for D. cornutum at Sites 2 and 3 are high for a species of Deleatidium and reflect its large size. This species appears to be strongly adapted for growth at low temperatures. Climate change scenarios for New Zealand predict the gradual and ultimate loss of small South Island glaciers and a consequent warming of streams as runoff from rainfall and snow melt becomes more dominant in spring. As a result, suitable habitats will be lost for cold-water specialists such as D. cornutum, and they are likely to suffer reductions in their distributional range and local extinction. In contrast, species such as those in the D.angustum” complex may extend their ranges into streams formerly dominated by glacial meltwater. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: S. Stendera  相似文献   

全球气候变暖影响植物-传粉者网络的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖宜安  张斯斯  闫小红  董鸣 《生态学报》2015,35(12):3871-3880
植物与传粉者间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。目前,以气候变化为主要特征的全球变暖对植物-传粉者网络的影响备受关注,概述了近年来这方面研究的几个主要热点问题及其进展,和相关研究方法。并在此基础上,提出了气温持续上升背景下,植物-传粉者网络未来的研究趋势。当前研究的主要热点问题有:(1)气候变暖使植物、传粉者的物候发生变化,并通过影响植物的开花时间和传粉者活动时间,导致两者在物候时间上的不同步。(2)气候变暖导致植物、传粉者的群落结构变化,促使其地理分布向更高纬度和更高海拔扩散,这可能潜在的导致两者空间分布的不匹配。(3)植物和传粉者通过增加或减少其丰富度来响应气候变暖,可能导致传粉网络结构特征发生变化。(4)面对气候变暖导致植物和传粉者间物候和地理分布错配所引发的互作改变、甚至解体,传粉网络可通过自身网络结构及快速进化来缓冲和适应。在今后研究中,以下几个问题值得探讨:1)气候变暖对植物-传粉者网络影响的大时空尺度变异模式。2)多因素协同作用对植物-传粉者网络的影响特征。3)全球气候变暖对植物、传粉者物候匹配性影响的机理。  相似文献   

Cold adapted plants, such as cushion plants, may be particularly sensitive to climate warming because of their compact growth form and high branch density. In the oceanic southern hemisphere, cushion communities tend to have large range distributions at low latitudes (sea level to low alpine), thus providing an opportunity to test the effects of temperature on plant morphology and reproduction across gradients. Using Donatia novae‐zelandiae as a model species, we compared the leaf morphology, reproduction and responses to warming. Two low‐alpine sites (Maungatua (880 m a.s.l.), Blue Mountains (1000 m a.s.l.)) and two sea‐level sites (Waituna 1 (0 m a.s.l.), Waituna 2 (0 m a.s.l.)) in South Island, New Zealand were used. Donatia novae‐zelandiae cushions differed significantly between the high‐elevation and sea‐level sites both morphologically and in terms of reproduction. High‐elevation cushions produced more flowers (threefold more flowers per plant) and seeds (sevenfold more seeds per capsule) than at sea level, but leaves were larger at sea level (in length and specific leaf area). The cushions were also twice as compact at the high‐elevation sites. After two growing seasons of artificial warming, seed production (35%), leaf length (7%) and width (13%), and specific leaf area (63%) significantly decreased in D. novae‐zelandiae plants; flower production was not significantly affected. Cushion plant morphology and reproduction were significantly affected by environmental drivers at their establishment sites, but all populations responded negatively to artificial warming of 1–3°C. Many cushion plants are considered keystone species because of their propensity to facilitate the growth and establishment of other plant species, the inferred negative effects of global warming on cushion plant species may have a cascading effect on other alpine plant groups.  相似文献   

To ensure a sustainable food supply for the growing population, the challenge is to find agricultural systems that can meet production requirements within environmental constraints and demands. This study compares the impacts of winter wheat production on energy use, land use and 100 years Global Warming Potential (GWP100) under different arable farming systems and farming practices. Life cycle assessment was used to simulate the impacts of organic, conventional and integrated farming (IF) systems along the production chain from input production up to the farm gate. The IF system models were designed to combine the best practices from organic and conventional systems to reduce negative environmental impacts without significant yield reductions. An integrated system that used food waste digestate as a fertiliser, and utilised pesticides and no‐tillage had the lowest energy use and GWP per functional unit of 1000 kg wheat output. When the impacts of some specific practices for reducing energy use and GWP were compared, the highest energy use reductions were achieved by replacing synthetic nitrogen fertilisers with anaerobically treated food waste or nitrogen fixing crops, increasing yields through crop breeding and using no‐tillage instead of ploughing. The highest GWP reductions were achieved by using nitrification inhibitors, replacing synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and increasing yields. The major contributors to the uncertainty range of energy use were associated with machinery fuel use and the assumed crop yields. For GWP results, the main source of uncertainty related to the N2O emissions. In conclusion, farming systems that combine the best practices from organic and conventional systems have potential to reduce negative environmental impacts while maintaining yield levels.  相似文献   

It is well known that any quantitative (energy and protein levels) and qualitative (nature of the diet, nutrient dynamic) changes in the feeding of animals affect metabolism. Energy expenditure and feed efficiency at the whole-body level, nutrient partitioning between and within tissues and organs and, ultimately, tissue and organ characteristics are the major regulated traits with consequences on the quality of the meat and milk produced. Recent progress in biology has brought to light important biological mechanisms which explain these observations: for instance, regulation by the nutrients of gene expression or of key metabolic enzyme activity, interaction and sometimes cross-regulation or competition between nutrients to provide free energy (ATP) to living cells, indirect action of nutrients through a complex hormonal action, and, particularly in herbivores, interactions between trans-fatty acids produced in the rumen and tissue metabolism. One of the main targets of this nutritional regulation is a modification of tissue insulin sensitivity and hence of insulin action. In addition, the nutritional control of mitochondrial activity (and hence of nutrient catabolism) is another major mechanism by which nutrients may affect body composition and tissue characteristics. These regulations are of great importance in the most metabolically active tissues (the digestive tract and the liver) and may have undesirable (i.e. diabetes and obesity in humans) or desirable consequences (such as the production of fatty liver by ducks and geese, and the production of fatty and hence tasty meat or milk with an adapted fatty acid profile).  相似文献   

Aim Evolutionary theory predicts that levels of genetic variation in island populations will be positively correlated with island area and negatively correlated with island isolation. These patterns have been empirically established for oceanic islands, but little is known about the determinants of variation on habitat islands. The goals of this study were twofold. Our first aim was to test whether published patterns of genetic variation in mammals occurring on montane habitat islands in the American Southwest conformed to expectations based on evolutionary theory. The second aim of this research was to develop simple heuristic models to predict changes in genetic variation that may occur in these populations as a result of reductions in available mountaintop habitat in response to global warming. Location Habitat islands of conifer forest on mountaintops in the American Southwest. Methods Relationships between island area and isolation with measures of allozyme variation in four species of small mammal, namely the least chipmunk (Tamias minimus), Colorado chipmunk (Tamias quadrivittatus), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and Mexican woodrat (Neotoma mexicana), were determined using correlation and regression techniques. Significant relationships between island area and genetic variation were used to develop three distinct statistical models with which to predict changes in genetic variation following reduction in insular habitat area arising from global warming. Results Patterns of genetic variation in each species conformed to evolutionary predictions. In general, island area was the most important determinant of heterozygosity, while island isolation was the most important determinant of polymorphism and allelic diversity. The heuristic models predicted widespread reductions in genetic variation, the extent of which depended on the population and model considered. Main conclusions The results support a generalized pattern of genetic variation for any species with an insular distribution, with reduced variation in smaller, more isolated populations. We predict widespread reductions in genetic variation in isolated populations of montane small mammals in the American Southwest as a result of global warming. We conclude that climate‐induced reductions in the various dimensions of genetic variation may increase the probability of population extinction in both the short and long term.  相似文献   



Habitat loss is a significant cause of biodiversity loss, but while its importance is widely recognized, there is no generally accepted method on how to include impacts on biodiversity from land use and land use changes in cycle assessment (LCA), and existing methods are suffering from data gaps. This paper proposes a methodology for assessing the impact of land use on biodiversity using ecological structures as opposed to information on number of species.


Two forms of the model (global and local scales) were used to assess environmental quality, combining ecosystem scarcity, vulnerability, and conditions for maintaining biodiversity. A case study for New Zealand kiwifruit production is presented. As part of the sensitivity analysis, model parameters (area and vulnerability) were altered and New Zealand datasets were also used.

Results and discussion

When the biodiversity assessment was implemented using a global dataset, the importance of productivity values was shown to depend on the area the results were normalized against. While the area parameter played an important role in the results, the proposed alternative vulnerability scale had little influence on the final outcome.


Overall, the paper successfully implements a model to assess biodiversity impacts in LCA using easily accessible, free-of-charge data and software. Comparing the model using global vs. national datasets showed that there is a potential loss of regional significance when using the generalized model with the global dataset. However, as a guide to assessing biodiversity impact, the model allows for consistent comparison of product systems on an international basis.  相似文献   

About 65% of all emissions of nitrous oxide, N2O, are from soils, and are caused by aerobic nitrification and anaerobic denitrification. Tropical forest soils are probably the most important single source, followed by cultivated soils. Emission rates in natural systems are related to the rate of N mineralization from organic matter, and N deposition; in agricultural systems they are related to the quantities of N used as fertilizers and, where relevant, to recent land use change. The global budget for N2O is not well balanced, and sources may still be underestimated. Direct evidence of a positive feedback of global warming on N2O emissions comes from studies of air in ice cores. One of the projected effects of future global warming is a lowering of water tables in northern peatlands; experiments suggest that this would lead to increased emissions, but that the effect on total emissions would be small. The results of many experiments with non-peatland soils indicate that the effect of temperature on soil emissions is generally positive, and that the rate of increase may be very steep when denitrification is the principal process involved. Process-level modelling suggests that the reason is increased soil respiration, which causes an increase in anaerobic volume in which denitrification can take place, in addition to the increased denitrification rate per unit anaerobic volume brought about directly by the rise in temperature. These results imply that generally a positive feedback on emissions from soils is likely. However, in some environments, a large proportion of total annual emissions can occur during freeze–thaw cycles; such cycles may become more or less frequent, depending on the climatic zone, and this may result in either a positive or negative feedback effect due to global warming. Models of global and regional trends give very conflicting predictions of the direction and the magnitude of climatic impacts on fluxes, but the prediction of a positive feedback seems to be the more soundly based.  相似文献   

Most New Zealand wetlands formed at or after the end of the last glaciation (c.?18?000 cal yrs BP). Those associated with major rivers and close to the coast tend to be young as erosive processes both destroy and initiate wetlands. However, there is a strong linear trend in initiations since 14?000 cal yrs BP, which suggests that geomorphic processes such as soil deterioration, landslides, sand dune movement and river course changes are constantly adding new, permanent wetlands. Most wetlands began as herbaceous fens but usually transitioned to shrub- or forest-covered bog?fen systems, in particular after the beginning of the Holocene (11?500 cal yrs BP). Raised bogs formed from fens during the late-glacial and early Holocene, when river down-cutting isolated them from groundwater inflow. As climates warmed through the late-glacial and early Holocene, wooded wetlands spread and over 75% of lowland peat profiles preserve wood layers. Large basins with high water inflow often contain lakes or lagoons and have maintained herbaceous swamps, whereas those with limited catchments have become almost entirely covered with forest or shrub. Wetlands in drier districts tend to have been initiated during the mid- and late Holocene as the climate cooled and rain-bearing systems penetrated more often. Ombrogenous montane and alpine bogs may have been initiated by the same climate change. Natural fires frequently burnt some wetlands, particularly within the vast bog complexes of the Waikato Basin, but many wetlands record occasional fire episodes. By the time M?ori arrived in the 13th century, about 1% of the landscape was covered with some form of wetland and most of that wetland was under woody cover. M?ori firing of the landscape began the process of removing the woody cover, which induced wetter, more herbaceous systems and initiated new wetlands. Deforestation of catchments in drier districts increased water yield that may in turn have created lowland fens and lagoons. European logging, fire and draining destroyed both pristine forested wetlands and fire-transformed systems from the M?ori settlement era. The loss of wetlands is now largely a crisis of continued degradation through draining, weed invasion and fire in already human-altered systems in productive landscapes. Wetland history can help assess values and inform goals for conservation of wetlands, but transformation of the lowland landscape has been so complete that an historically authentic endpoint is unrealistic for most wetlands. The major conservation emphasis should be on larger wetlands that provide a range of ecosystem services.  相似文献   



As liquid crystal display (LCD) flat-screen televisions increase in popularity, their potential contribution to global warming has received wide attention. This study presents global warming impacts resulting from the life cycle assessment (LCA) of LCD flat-screen televisions for key global warming contributors from the “cradle-to-gate” and use stages of the product’s life cycle. The emissions from nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential (GWP) 17,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2), are not monitored in the Kyoto Protocol. Emissions in the cradle-to-gate and use stages were modeled in this study according to their GWP (kg CO2 equivalent), focusing and analyzing the most significant source of NF3 emissions.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - There are specific effects of emissions in high altitude, which lead to a higher contribution of aviation to the problem of climate change than...  相似文献   

Bioenergy makes up a significant portion of the global primary energy pie, and its production from modernized technology is foreseen to substantially increase. The climate neutrality of biogenic CO2 emissions from bioenergy grown from sustainably managed biomass resource pools has recently been questioned. The temporary change caused in atmospheric CO2 concentration from biogenic carbon fluxes was found to be largely dependent on the length of biomass rotation period. In this work, we also show the importance of accounting for the unutilized biomass that is left to decompose in the resource pool and how the characterization factor for the climate impact of biogenic CO2 emissions changes whether residues are removed for bioenergy or not. With the case of Norwegian Spruce biomass grown in Norway, we found that significantly more biogenic CO2 emissions should be accounted towards contributing to global warming potential when residues are left in the forest. For a 100‐year time horizon, the global warming potential bio factors suggest that between 44 and 62% of carbon‐flux, neutral biogenic CO2 emissions at the energy conversion plant should be attributed to causing equivalent climate change potential as fossil‐based CO2 emissions. For a given forest residue extraction scenario, the same factor should be applied to the combustion of any combination of stem and forest residues. Life cycle analysis practitioners should take these impacts into account and similar region/species specific factors should be developed.  相似文献   

利用DYMEX软件构建生物气候模型并通过ArcGIS进行图形处理,对棉铃虫在我国当前和气温升高后的潜在适生分布区进行了模拟预测.模拟结果表明,棉铃虫的高度适生区分布在河南中南部、安徽和湖北北部、江西和福建南部、湖南、广西、广东等华北、华南部分地区,以及陕甘交界处天水地区、川藏交界处巴塘地区等;中度适生区在黄河和长江流域的大部分省份;低度适生区主要分布在东北三省、新疆、西藏、青海地区.模拟21世纪末气温升高3℃预测,棉铃虫中度适生区北界由营口、北京、石家庄、太原、延安、兰州、巴塘一线北移至沈阳、呼和浩特、酒泉、格尔木、拉萨一线,纬度北移约3.,海拔升高300~500 m;新疆大面积地区由低度适生区成为中度适生区.气候变暖使棉铃虫当前的少部分高度适生区(天水、巴塘等)面积扩大,但也使部分分布区(华北地区、华南地区、中国台湾、香港和海南地区等)收缩.最后,结合棉铃虫生物学特性对预测结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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