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丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)是非甲非乙型肝炎的主要病原,目前还没有有效的预防和治疗手段。多表位DNA疫苗(multi-epitope DNA vaccine, minigenes/epigenes)是指通过筛选与组合优势抗原表位(包括T细胞、B细胞表位)基因,以能产生高效细胞、体液免疫应答进而清除HCV病毒为目的的新型核酸疫苗。其优势在于通过选择最具免疫保护潜力的表位以覆盖尽量多的病毒亚型和诱导全面的机体抗病毒免疫应答,并尽量减少无关、干扰和抑制序列可能产生的负面影响。本文介绍近年来国内外在丙型肝炎多表位DNA疫苗方面的研究进展,并展望了其发展方向。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的研究近年来发展异常迅速,多种抗体检测试剂盒的问世及PCR方法在HCV检测中的应用,为献血员的筛选及降低输血后肝炎的发病率提供了一定的保障。近来,人们对HCV的基础理论及临床诊断的研究有了新的认识,特别是HCV-McAb的研制及应用工作已开始见报导。本文仅就HCV-McAb的研究现状及其发展前景作一综述。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒是在80 年代末才被确认的正链RNA 病毒,目前对丙型肝炎病毒的研究因为没有合适的活体实验模型和细胞系,而受到很大的限制。但由于HCV 的独特性和危害性,而成为众多科学家研究的热点。本文将根据近年来一些HCV 研究的进展,对病毒的结构形态、加工、病毒流行病学,肝癌相关性,病毒分子生物学检测手段以及疫苗研究等方面做一扼要综述  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒 (HapatitisCVirus,缩写为HCV) ,它是肝炎病毒家族的重要成员之一 ,是输血后引起病毒性非甲非乙肝炎的重要病系 ,没有最有效的治疗方法 ,70 %以上的感染者将发展成慢性感染 ,部分将发展成肝硬化或肝细胞癌 ,危害极大。据WHO报告 ,丙肝病毒已感染了 1 7亿人 ,是艾滋病毒 (HIV)的 4倍 ,估计不止这个数字 ;我国感染“丙肝”的约在 4 ,0 0 0万以上 (2 0 0 3)。“丙肝”的临床症状与“甲肝”、“乙肝”相似 ,HCV系一种线型RNA病毒 ,RNA约 9,5 0 0碱基长 ,它应与瘟病毒群、黄病毒群归为一科即黄病毒科 ,其形态尚未肯定 ,可以…  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)感染导致全球严重的疾病负担。虽然相关疾病的治疗药物已取得了突破性进展,但高昂的价格使得用药覆盖率成为难题。疫苗是控制HCV感染相关疾病的根本途径。现就HCV疫苗的评价及研究进展作一概述。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒基因分型研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型众多,其命名和分型标准已渐趋统一,一般采用Simmonds命名系统。不同基因型的分布地理差异明显,我国以1b、2a型最常同北差异可能不大。现有的HCV基因分型法有多种,PCR和血清学两类方法有其局限性疟的相应也出现多种改进及新方法,主要是针对PCR法的改进。近几年新兴的DNA芯片技术也开始应用于HCV基因分型,很可能提供一种更敏感、快速、高效的HCV基因分型法。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒DNA疫苗的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兵 《微生物与感染》2000,23(6):1-3,45
丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染严重危害人类健康,目前尚无特效的治疗方法。HCV DNA疫苗是近年来的研究热点之一,它的研制为预防和治疗HCV感染提供了新的思路。本文从HCV DNA疫苗的构建、免疫效果的影响因素、作用机制等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒DNA疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C Virus,HCV)感染严重危害人类健康,目前尚无特效的治疗方法。HCV DNA疫苗是近年来的研究点之一,它的研制为预防和治疗HCV感染提供了新的思路。本文从HCV DNA疫苗的构建、免疫效果的影响因素、作用机制等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:观察核酸疫苗预敏,乙型肝炎病毒HBsAg蛋白疫苗增强的免疫对Balb/c小鼠免疫应答的影响.方法:以TransfectionTM脂质体将乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs)核酸疫苗pSW3891/MHBs/adr(简称为adr),及空载体pSW3891(简称vector)体外转染293T细胞.免疫印迹法(Western blot)检测adr,vector的体外表达;动物体内研究选用Balb/c小鼠共18只,每组6只,编号后随机分为3组,即空载体质粒组(vector+vector组)、adr核酸疫苗+HBsAg蛋白疫苗(adr+protein组)、HBsAg蛋白疫苗+HBsAg蛋白疫苗(Protein+Protein组);于第0周肌肉注射法分别以vector、adr及HBsAg蛋白疫苗免疫小鼠,于第4周肌内注射法分剐以vector、HBsAg蛋白疫苗、及HBsAg蛋白疫苗免疫小鼠.采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测小鼠血清HBsAg特异性抗体、酶联免疫斑点(ELISPOT)法检测小鼠脾细胞HBsAg多肽特异性IFN-γ分泌细胞.结果:adr体外转染293T细胞后,能够表达乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs);体内研究结果显示:除vector+vector组外,adr+protein组、Protein+Protein组小鼠均能检出血清抗-HBs,Protein+Protein组抗-HBs终点滴度比adr+protein组高,但无统计学意义;三组中vector+vector组没有检测到特异性INF-γ分泌的脾细胞,而adr+protein组、Protein+Protein组小鼠均能检出,且adr+protein组特异性细胞数量显著高于protein+protein组(P<0.001),具有统计学意义.结论:乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs)核酸疫苗预敏.能明显增强Balb/c小鼠对乙型肝炎HBsAg蛋白疫苗细胞免疫应答水平.  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒载体(rAAV)可在动物体内高水平地持久表达外源基因,本研究采用两种rAAV载体(rAAV1与rAAV2)构建了表达丙型肝炎病毒中国分离株包膜糖蛋白(E1E2)的载体疫苗并以之免疫小鼠,分别采用免疫荧光证实其表达与总抗体,用HCV假病毒系统检测其中和抗体水平,用ELISpot分析其细胞免疫应答,结果表明:rAAV1-E1E2重组载体疫苗单针免疫激发的体液应答明显高于rAAV2-E1E2,rAAV1-E1E2单针注射后3个月可在肌肉组织中检出E2蛋白表达及特异性T细胞应答。上述结果提示HCV重组腺相关病毒载体疫苗单针免疫可引起明显持久的体液与细胞免疫应答。  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒DNA疫苗的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
预防与控制乙型肝炎发病的乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)疫苗,是有重大的社会和经济意义。HBV的持续感染可引起慢性肝脏疾患,并逐步发展为肝硬化和肝细胞癌(HCC)。目前的乙肝重组亚单位疫苗可以使90%的接种产生保护性抗体;但是对慢性HBV携带,由于其机体对HBsAg蛋白产生耐受,不能产生体液和细胞免疫,因此它只能作为一种预防性的疫苗。DNA疫苗(基因疫苗)是一种新的疫苗技术,通过向体内递送编码抗原的细菌质粒,刺激产生特异的体液和细胞免疫反应。在小鼠和其他的肝炎病毒感染动物模型中,HBV DNA疫苗可以特异性地引起体液和细胞免疫,清除HBV转基因动物血循环中的HBsAg颗粒和HBV DNA。如果加入各种免疫调节细胞因子的基因,可以进一步提高HBV DNA疫苗的免疫效果,因此它不仅可作为预防性疫苗,也可作为治疗型疫苗。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎是由丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染引起的重要传染病,有效的治疗性和预防性疫苗目前均尚未研制成功.HCV的高变异性及多种免疫逃避途径是疫苗研制的主要障碍.目前,已有多种类型的HCV候选疫苗进入临床试验或临床前期试验阶段,但其有效性、安全性等还不能令人满意.随着对HCV相关免疫应答机制的深入了解,有望研制出相应的治疗性和预防性疫苗.  相似文献   

Abstract: Since January 1990, Japanese Red Cross Blood Centres have introduced hepatitis C virus screening with a first-generation ELISA. From April to December 1992, approximately 0.98% among 10905 489 blood donations screened by a second-generation assay were anti-HCV-positive in all Japan. Seropositivity of anti-HCV increased with the age and serum transminase value in both sexes. In blood donors having a history of transfusion, the anti-HCV reactive rate was 7.4%. The results of the study made by the Japanese Red Cross Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis Research Group show the effectiveness of implementation of HCV screening to prevent posttransfusion hepatitis. Consecutive haemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure are at risk for inflection by a variety of blood-borne agents transmitted within dialysis units. Because of their immunocompromised state, they frequently also have an unusual susceptibility to a variety of nosocomial infections, such as HBV, and HTLV-I. We tested the prevalence of anti-HCV in 1423 (848 males and 575 females) haemodialiysis patients from 18 hospitals in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan using the Orhto first generation anti- HCV screening assay. There were 316 patients (22.2%) positive for HCV antibodies. The second-generation test was positive in most haemodialysis patients who were eractive to the firs-generation assay. The prevalence of HCV infection increased with the duration of haemodialysis, yet there was a high frequency of HCV seropositivity even wihtout blood transfusion. Acquisition of HCV in dialysis patients could be explained by HCV seropositivity even without blood (all haemodialysis are done with disposable kits, and needles), by secondary HCV infection after the immunodeficiency of haemodialysis, or by HCV infection of the kidney or glomerular deposition of immune HCV/anti-HCV complexes leading to chronic renal failure (as with HBV infection of the liver and kidney).  相似文献   

Challenges for development of hepatitis C virus vaccines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Impediments to the development of a hepatitis C virus (HCV) vaccine are reviewed. Foremost is the perception that the limited transmissability of HCV, and reduced spread by blood-associated routes, make this a low priority target. It is argued that such a vaccine may have an important therapeutic use in the treatment of chronic HCV carriers of which an estimated 30 million exist worldwide. An HCV vaccine would also have prophylactic use in multivalent (hepatitis) vaccines, and in the developing world. An effective HCV vaccine vaccine will not be easy to develop. The high variability of the viral proteins, especially that of the envelope proteins, provide a major challenge. The association of HCV with very low density lipoproteins renders a major proportion of the virions non-neutralizable, a further challenge. It may be necessary to design an HCV vaccine which acts primarily through the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes reactive with conserved epitopes displayed on the surface of infected cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: The identification of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the availability of serological tests for the identification of its infection has deeply changed our view of autoimmune hepatitis. In fact, we have learned that autoantibodies such as anti-nuclear, anti-smooth muscle and anti-liver kidney microsomes, cannot be considered specific any longer for the diagnosis, of autoimmune hepatitis, since they are frequently found in association with HCV. The new clinical entity characterized by the association of autoantibodies with signs of HCV infection is presently under evaluation. This, in order to understand what is the prevalent mechanism, viral or autoimmune, operating in these patients and to chose the best treatment regimen.  相似文献   

基因工程乙肝疫苗研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乙肝病毒(hepatitisBvirus,HBV)为嗜肝病毒,全世界有超过3亿人受到乙肝病毒的感染。综述近年来乙肝疫苗的最新研究进展,并对乙肝疫苗的发展历程,应用中出现的问题,克服不应答及低应答的策略,乙肝疫苗的发展方向以及目前最新的DNA疫苗进行了阐述 。  相似文献   

Lipid droplets play an important part in the life cycle of hepatitis C virus and also are markers for steatosis, which is a common condition that arises during infection. These storage organelles are targeted by the viral core protein, which forms the capsid shell. Attachment of core to lipid droplets requires a C-terminal domain within the protein that is highly conserved between different virus isolates. In infected cells, the presence of core on lipid droplets creates loci that contain viral RNA and non-structural proteins involved in genome replication. Such locations may represent sites for initiating assembly and production of nascent virions. In addition to utilising lipid droplets as part the virus life cycle, hepatitis C virus induces their accumulation in infected hepatocytes. The mechanisms involved in this process are not understood but evidence from patient-based studies and model systems suggests the involvement of both viral and host factors.  相似文献   

Two different prime-boost immunization protocols were tested in rabbits and their immune response was evaluated and compared with the final aim of defining a vaccine strategy that might be able to protect non-human primates from infection with the pathogenic simian/human immunodeficiency virus, SHIV(89.6P). The two regimens were based on three priming immunizations with either an expression plasmid plus a fowlpox (FP) recombinant vector or with two FP recombinant vectors, each one expressing either the SIV(mac239) gag/pol or the HIV-1env(89.6P) genes. In both protocols, priming immunizations were followed by two boosts with SHIV-mimicking virus-like particles (VLP). A complete SHIV-specific response was observed in all animals. Interestingly, the DNA vaccine was three to 10 times more efficient than the FP recombinant in inducing an anti-gag humoral response. Real-time PCR confirmed the memory effect on T-cell subsets secreting interleukin-4 and interferon-gamma, as a consequence of stimulation of both arms of the immune system. Although both protocols were almost equally effective in eliciting homologous neutralizing antibodies and highlighted the efficacy of VLP administration for boosting, protocol A seemed to be more effective in promoting a balanced T-cell memory immune response and appears more promising for vaccine purposes.  相似文献   

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