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Dendroclimatology generally assumes that climate–growth relationships are age and size independent. However, there is evidence that climate response can be unstable across different age/size classes. In addition, the occurrence of some anatomical features, such as intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs), is age dependent. The present study investigates whether the climate–growth responses and the occurrence of IADFs in an even-aged stand of Pinus pinaster Ait., growing under Mediterranean climate, are also size-dependent. We randomly selected 60 P. pinaster trees falling within two stem diameter classes: small (<27 cm) and large (>35 cm). Tree rings were crossdated, measured and IADFs identified according to their position within the ring. The residual chronologies of both size classes were strongly correlated, suggesting a common signal. In fact, similar growth–climate relationships were observed in large and small trees. The frequency of IADFs was higher in large than in small trees, suggesting that IADFs were more likely to occur in wider rings of fast-growing trees. In both size classes, most of the IADFs were found in latewood. Latewood IADFs were triggered by the combination of dry June, wet September, and warm December, whereas IADFs located at the end of earlywood were triggered by previous winter precipitation and favorable conditions before summer (high precipitation for large trees and lower temperature for small trees). Our results suggest that IADFs can be a mechanism used at the individual level for adaptation to drought in P. pinaster. The climatic signal of IADFs between earlywood and latewood was mediated by stem size suggesting that future tree-ring studies should include trees stratified by size to better estimate the sensitivity of IADFs to climate.  相似文献   

Climate change affects forest dynamics with potential consequences for essential ecosystem services. The retrospective analysis of secondary growth unveils the effect of climate on forests. However, most tree-ring studies focus on dominant trees, and less is known about the climatic response of their neighbor suppressed trees. We evaluated the influence of tree social status (dominant/suppressed) on climate response in Pinus sylvestris L. trees from two sites with contrasting water availability conditions in the forest-steppe ecotone in southern Siberia. Tree-ring width and intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) were used as proxies. Late spring to early summer conditions were the main climate drivers in both tree social status, but the climate response of suppressed trees was stronger and had a longer time window (May-June). IADFs’ occurrence was controlled by temperature and its frequency was modulated by local conditions, being more common at the dry site, with tree status just marginally significant. Our results suggest that under the projected warmer and drier climate, suppressed trees in southern Siberia will be prone to increased water shortage, leading to possible higher mortality of more sensitive suppressed trees, with potential consequences for carbon sequestration in the forest-steppe ecosystems in southern Siberia.  相似文献   

Summary Pinus pinaster plants were regenerated from cotyledons excised from in vitro germinated seeds and axenically cultured on induction medium (GMD). 6-Benzyladenine (2.2 μM) induced the highest frequency of direct bud formation from cotyledons. An average of 13.1 ± 2.1 elongated shoots per cotyledon was obtained. Germination time influenced shoot induction, and the organogenic potential decreased with explant age. Cotyledons remained for 21 d on induction medium, and in order to promote adventitious shoot elongation, they were transferred to Gupta and Durzan’s DCR medium without growth regulators, containing 0.5% (wt/vol) activated charcoal and 3% (wt/vol) sucrose. Rooting was achieved by application of an indole-3-butyric acid, (396.6 μM) pulse (24 h at 4° C), followed by transfer to a sterile mixture of peat plus perlite (1:1 vol/vol). Ninety-eight to 100% of the regenerated plants were successfully acclimatized. All plants have survived after transfer to the field.  相似文献   

Qilian juniper (Sabina przewalskii kom.) is one of the dominant tree species on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and has been used in dendroclimatological studies. Here we designed a test to examine whether or not the climate–growth responses in tree rings of Qilian Juniper vary with the change in tree's age. A total number of 135 increment cores were sampled from Qilian Juniper trees at five sites, in which 112 cores were selected and grouped into five 100-year age classes for analysis of age-dependent climate–growth relationships. Chronology statistics, response functions and ANOVA F-test were used to test the consistency of five age-class mean chronologies (AGCs). The results showed that mean sensitivity (MS) and standard deviation (SD) did not change significantly with age. Response function analysis indicated that (a) climate accounts for a high amount of variance in tree-ring widths; (b) tree-ring growth has significant positive correlation with mean monthly air temperature of previous October and November, and with total monthly precipitation of current January and June, while has significant negative correlation with mean monthly air temperature of current May; and (c) AGC-2, AGC-3 and AGC-4 have stronger response to climate change than AGC-1 and AGC-5. The ANOVA F-test showed that generally there are significant differences between the first age class and other four age classes, but among the four classes in which trees are older than 200 years, the differences are usually insignificant. Overall the long-lived Qilian Juniper is still an ideal tree species for dendroclimatic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The relationship between inbreeding depression and inbreeding coefficient (F) for several important traits was investigated in an 11-year trial of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). Five levels of inbreeding (F=0; 0.125; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75) were obtained in a mating design involving ten plus-trees, or their progenies, as parents (total of 51 families). For F=0.75, the mean inbreeding depressions were 27% for height, 37% for circumference at breast height (63% for bole volume), 23% for basal straightness (better straightness of the inbred trees), and 89% for female fertility (number of cones). Large differences were observed among inbred families for the same level of inbreeding. The evolution of depression with F was more or less linear, depending on the traits. Significant differences among F-levels appeared very early for height (from 5-years of age). Inbreeding depression was much more expressed during unfavorable years than during favorable years for yearly height growth. When compared with other Pinus species, maritime pine appears to be less affected by inbreeding, especially for the percentage of filled seeds and general vigor. A reduced genetic load in maritime pine may result from the evolutionary history of the species and its scattered distribution.  相似文献   

Retroviruses differ from retrotransposons due to their infective capacity, which depends critically on the encoded envelope. Some plant retroelements contain domains reminiscent of the env of animal retroviruses but the number of such elements described to date is restricted to angiosperms. We show here the first evidence of the presence of putative env-like gene sequences in a gymnosperm species, Pinus pinaster (maritime pine). Using a degenerate primer approach for conserved domains of RNaseH gene, three clones from putative envelope-like retrotransposons (PpRT2, PpRT3, and PpRT4) were identified. The env-like sequences of P. pinaster clones are predicted to encode proteins with transmembrane domains. These sequences showed identity scores of up to 30% with env-like sequences belonging to different organisms. A phylogenetic analysis based on protein alignment of deduced aminoacid sequences revealed that these clones clustered with env-containing plant retrotransposons, as well as with retrotransposons from invertebrate organisms. The differences found among the sequences of maritime pine clones isolated here suggest the existence of different putative classes of env-like retroelements. The identification for the first time of env-like genes in a gymnosperm species may support the ancestrality of retroviruses among plants shedding light on their role in plant evolution.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a propagation tool of particular interest for accelerating the deployment of new high-performance planting stock in multivarietal forestry. However, genetic conformity in in vitro propagated plants should be assessed as early as possible, especially in long-living trees such as conifers. The main objective of this work was to study such conformity based on genetic stability at simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci during somatic embryogenesis in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Embryogenic cell lines (ECLs) subjected to tissue proliferation during 6, 14 or 22 months, as well as emblings regenerated from several ECLs, were analyzed. Genetic variation at seven SSR loci was detected in ECLs under proliferation conditions for all time points, and in 5 out of 52 emblings recovered from somatic embryos. Three of these five emblings showed an abnormal phenotype consisting mainly of plagiotropism and loss of apical dominance. Despite the variation found in somatic embryogenesis-derived plant material, no correlation was established between genetic stability at the analyzed loci and abnormal embling phenotype, present in 64% of the emblings. The use of microsatellites in this work was efficient for monitoring mutation events during the somatic embryogenesis in P. pinaster. These molecular markers should be useful in the implementation of new breeding and deployment strategies for improved trees using SE.  相似文献   

A collection of subfossil wood of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) was exposed to X-ray densitometry. The collection of 64 samples from the southern boreal forest zone was dendrochronologically cross-dated to a.d. 673-1788. Growth characteristics were determined by performing density profiles including the following parameters: minimum density, earlywood and latewood boundary density, maximum density, earlywood width, earlywood density, latewood width, latewood density, annual ring width and annual ring density. Seven out of the nine parameters were found to contain non-climatic growth trends and six were found to be heteroscedastic in their variance. Tree-specific records were indexed, to remove the non-climatic growth trends and stabilize the variance, and combined into nine parameter-specific tree-ring chronologies. Growth characteristics of the pines changed in parallel with the generally agreed climatic cooling from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age: pine tree-rings showed decreasing maximum densities from the period a.d. 975-1150 to a.d. 1450–1625. A concomitant change in the intra-annual growth characteristics was detected between these periods. The findings indicate that not only the trees growing near the species’ distributional limits are sensitive to large-scale climatic variations but also the trees growing in habitats remote from the timberline have noticeably responded to past climate changes.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of wounds on the volatile terpene composition of the living bark of Pinus pinaster Ait. (maritime pine) twigs was investigated with respect to the processes of mono- and sesquiterpene hydrocarbon biosynthesis. The large increase in the amounts of - and -pinene is a characteristic feature after a mechanical injury, whereas the quantities of the other terpenes are only slightly increased. This is due to the reactivation of the resin duct secretory cells of primary origin located in cortical tissues. The effect of wounding is observed over a long period and the terpene profiles are very different at the end of the experiments as compared with the initial profiles of the same tissues. The traumatic essential oil (obtained after mechanical traumatism) resembles an oleoresin extracted from tissues of secondary origin. Statistical analysis underlines the effects of the between-tree variations and of the dates of application of the wound.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments, performed withPinus pinaster cloned shoots submitted to an auxin treatment (NAA 10–6 M, 18 days), demonstrated that rooting abilityin vitro persists over 5 successive induction cycles (through out a 9-month period). Rooting ability needs a permanent synthesis of auxin synergists which activate the metabolism of cell dedifferentiation and root primordium initiation. Agar culture permitted intense meristem initiation, but prevented active root elongation. In the presence of a mycorrhizal fungus,Pisolithus tinctorius orHebeloma cylindrosporum, roots resumed growth and short lateral root formation was stimulated. These two phenomena induced by fungal association improve the quality of the root systems required to facilitate successful transplantation from test-tubes to field conditions.  相似文献   

Tree-ring width chronologies from 276 Larix gmelinii cores taken in northeastern China were used to analyze spatial and age-dependent growth–climate response relationships. Tree radial growth from five localities showed similar patterns, while exhibiting different tree-ring growth responses to local climate. The rotated principal component analysis (RPCA) indicated that tree age, growing season moisture conditions, and ambient air temperature variations resulted from location differences (e.g., longitude, latitude, and altitude), which could explain the non-stationary spatial climate–growth relations observed. The study tested the fundamental assumption that the climate–growth of L. gmelinii was age independent after the removal of size trends and disturbance signals. The age-related climate–growth relationship might potentially improve the veracity of past climate reconstructions. Bootstrapped correlation function analyses suggested that the response of L. gmelinii radial growth to climate differed between trees ≥150 years old and <150 years old. Mean sensitivity and standard deviation for trees increased with age in the <150 years old tree class; whereas trees ≥150 years old had no significant relationship with age. These results showed that the assumption of age-independent climate–growth relationship is invalid at these sites. Physiological processes and/or hydraulic constraints dependent on tree age, together with detrending techniques could be the possible causal factors of clear age-dependent responses. These results suggested the importance of incorporating trees of all ages into the chronology to recover a detailed climatic signal in a reconstruction of L. gmelinii for this region.  相似文献   

Heartwood and sapwood development in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) is reported based on 35 trees randomly sampled in four sites in Portugal. It was possible to model the number of heartwood rings with cambial age. The heartwood initiation age was estimated to be 13 years and the rate of sapwood transformation into heartwood was 0.5 and 0.7 rings year–1 for ages below and above 55 years, respectively. Reconstruction of heartwood volume inside the tree stem was made by visual identification by image analysis in longitudinal boards along the sawn surfaces. This volume was integrated into the 3D models of logs and stems developed for this species representing the external shape and internal knots. Heartwood either follows the stem profile or shows a maximum value at 3.8 m in height, on average, while sapwood width is greater at the stem base and after 3 m remains almost constant up the stem. Up to 50% of tree height heartwood represents 17% of stem volume, in 83-year-old trees and 12–13% in 42 to 55-year-old trees. Tree variables such as stem diameter, DBH and tree total height were found to correlate significantly with the heartwood content.  相似文献   

Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) is the main tree cropping species in the Landes of Gascogne forest range in south western France. Soils are nutrient poor, sandy podzosols and site fertility is determined essentially by organic matter content and depth of water table, which is known to limit root growth. We hypothesised, with an ultimate goal of constructing a nutrient uptake model applicable to this region, that the organic top horizons together with the depth of the water table should be the most important parameters related to fine root distribution and presence of associated mycorrhiza. To test this hypothesis, we compared two adult Pinus pinaster stands, contrasting in depth of water table and soil fertility and evaluated fine roots (diameter ≤2 mm) of understory species and fine roots and ectomycorrhizal morphotypes of Pinus pinaster down to 1.2 m, using a soil corer approach. Total fine root biomass of Pinus pinaster was not significantly different between both sites (3.6 and 4.5 t ha−1 for the humid, respectively, dry site), but root distribution was significantly shallower and root diameter increased more with depth at the humid site, presumably due to more adverse soil conditions as related to the presence of a hardpan, higher amount of aluminium oxides and / or anoxia. Fine roots of Pinus pinaster represented only about 30% of total fine root biomass and 15% of total fine root length, suggesting that the understory species cannot be ignored with regards to competition for mineral nutrients and water. A comparison of the ectomycorrhizal morphotypes showed that the humid site could be characterised by a very large proportion of contact exploration types, thought to be more relevant in accessing organic nutrient sources, whereas the dry site had a significantly higher proportion of both long-distance and short-distance exploration types, the latter of which was thought to be more resistant to short-term drought periods. These results partly confirm our hypothesis on root distribution as related to the presence of soil mineral nutrients (i.e. in organic matter), point out the potential role of understory plant species and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis and are a valuable step in building a site-specific nutrient uptake model.  相似文献   

Summary Successive annual height increments (AHIs) are considered to be elements of a time series. Empirical data in Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) show that genetic correlations between successive AHIs (serial correlation) decrease when the lag between corresponding growing seasons increases. When separated by more than 13 years AHIs are no longer genetically correlated. It is shown that age-age correlations between total heights depend on three components: the serial correlation structure between AHIs, the genetic coefficient of variation of AHIs, and the phenotypic growth curve of AHIs. Age-age correlations are computed in various combinations of the three components. Serial correlation structure and the genetic coefficient of variation had the more pronounced effect on age-age correlations. The genetic correlation between height at age 10 and height at age 50 varies between 0.764 and -0.136 according to the different combinations. Results obtained by simulations are comparable to those issued from previous empirical methods. mplications on early selection procedures and on optimal selection age are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The study of local adaptation in plant reproductive traits has received substantial attention in short-lived species, but studies conducted on forest trees are scarce. This lack of research on long-lived species represents an important gap in our knowledge, because inferences about selection on the reproduction and life history of short-lived species cannot necessarily be extrapolated to trees. This study considers whether the size for first reproduction is locally adapted across a broad geographical range of the Mediterranean conifer species Pinus pinaster. In particular, the study investigates whether this monoecious species varies genetically among populations in terms of whether individuals start to reproduce through their male function, their female function or both sexual functions simultaneously. Whether differences among populations could be attributed to local adaptation across a climatic gradient is then considered.


Male and female reproduction and growth were measured during early stages of sexual maturity of a P. pinaster common garden comprising 23 populations sampled across the species range. Generalized linear mixed models were used to assess genetic variability of early reproductive life-history traits. Environmental correlations with reproductive life-history traits were tested after controlling for neutral genetic structure provided by 12 nuclear simple sequence repeat markers.

Key Results

Trees tended to reproduce first through their male function, at a size (height) that varied little among source populations. The transition to female reproduction was slower, showed higher levels of variability and was negatively correlated with vegetative growth traits. Several female reproductive traits were correlated with a gradient of growth conditions, even after accounting for neutral genetic structure, with populations from more unfavourable sites tending to commence female reproduction at a lower individual size.


The study represents the first report of genetic variability among populations for differences in the threshold size for first reproduction between male and female sexual functions in a tree species. The relatively uniform size at which individuals begin reproducing through their male function probably represents the fact that pollen dispersal is also relatively invariant among sites. However, the genetic variability in the timing of female reproduction probably reflects environment-dependent costs of cone production. The results also suggest that early sex allocation in this species might evolve under constraints that do not apply to other conifers.  相似文献   

The adaptive potential and genetic background of tree species will determine their performance and vitality under changing climate conditions. How environment and genotype influence secondary growth and their climate sensitivity in boreal and temperate conifers has been fairly studied. Provenance studies assessing the genetic variation in plasticity of radial growth, however, are scarce in Mediterranean tree species. We explored the impact of climate on tree-ring growth in Pinus pinaster based on plantation sites and genetic background. We assessed the climate sensitivity, plastic response of growth, and intraspecific genetic differentiation of pines from 10 provenances planted in two trials in south-central Spain. Trees from areas with a climate similar to that of the planting sites showed greater growth rates. Higher within-site than among-site similitude in inter-annual growth variation was evidenced by similar growth patterns in each trial test, irrespective of seed provenance. We found positive growth responses to mild conditions in late winter, and to wet and cloudy conditions in spring and early summer. Greater site-dependent than genetically-driven control was observed on growth sensitivity to climate. Central Spanish seed sources were better able to withstand the combination of stressful environmental conditions in the test sites. Inter-site environmental variation was the factor that explained a higher number of growth responses to climate variation. The significant “genetic × environment” interaction on radial growth suggested that genotypic determinants were strongly modulated by plastic adaptations due to local conditions. The site-dependent relationships of provenance climate responses with the conditions at origin also reflected the prevailing local adaptation to site constraints. Since plastic response of P. pinaster trees to local environment has more influence than its genetic predisposition, assessing the spatio-temporal variation of growth sensitivity to climate becomes increasingly important.  相似文献   

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