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We investigated the nature of interaction of the malignantly transformed cell lines of trophoblast origin BeWo, JAR, and JEG-3 with three different human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates (RF, 3B, and NDK). After inoculation with cell-free virus, the persistence of infection was determined for 1 month by monitoring the presence of viral DNA in the cells by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Furthermore, the infectious virus in the culture supernatant was assayed with CEM-SS cells, and attempts to rescue the virus by cocultivation with CEM-SS cells were made. Appraised on the basis of the relative amount of viral DNA and the frequency of positive cocultivation. JEG-3 was the most permissive and BeWo was the least permissive cell line. However, when the cells were transfected with two biologically active molecular clones of HIV-1, the BRU and NDK isolates, all three cell lines turned out to support the production of mature virus progeny to the same extent. The abundance of viral DNA sequences in the infected cells varied with the isolate, showing an overall decline from RF to NDK. The amount of viral DNA in the cells and its expression decreased during the period of observation; this decrease was mirrored in an erosion of the virus recovery rate at cocultivation from 71% recovery on day 8 to failure of isolation on day 32. None of the cell lines expressed detectable amounts of cell surface CD4 molecules when assayed by flow microfluorometry and direct radioimmunoassay. Northern (RNA) blot hybridization analysis of both the total RNA and the mRNA did not reveal any CD4-specific message: nonetheless, by using the PCR, sequences specifically related to the CD4 gene were uncovered. The data demonstrate that the trophoblast-derived cell lines are susceptible to infection with HIV and that they support transient viral replication in the initial phases of infection. However, the latent form of infection may persist over a period of several weeks.  相似文献   

The distribution, cell tropism, and cytopathology in vivo of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was investigated in postmortem tissue samples from a series of HIV-infected individuals who died either of complications associated with AIDS or for unrelated reasons while they were asymptomatic. Proviral sequences were detected at a high copy number in lymphoid tissue of both presymptomatic patients and patients with AIDS, whereas significant infection of nonlymphoid tissue such as that from brains, spinal cords, and lungs were confined to those with AIDS. V3 loop sequences from both groups showed highly restricted sequence variability and a low overall positive charge of the encoded amino acid sequence compared with those of standard laboratory isolates of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). The low charge and the restriction in sequence variability were comparable to those observed with isolates showing a non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) and macrophage-tropic phenotype in vitro. All patients were either exclusively infected (six of seven cases) or predominantly infected (one case) with variants with a predicted NSI/macrophage-tropic phenotype, irrespective of the degree of disease progression. p24 antigen was detected by immunocytochemical staining of paraffin-fixed sections in the germinal centers within lymphoid tissue, although little or no antigen was found in areas of lymph node or spleen containing T lymphocytes from either presymptomatic patients or patients with AIDS. The predominant p24 antigen-expressing cells in the lungs and brains of the patients with AIDS were macrophages and microglia (in brains), frequently forming multinucleated giant cells (syncytia) even though the V3 loop sequences of these variants resembled those of NSI isolates in vitro. These studies indicate that lack of syncytium-forming ability in established T-cell lines does not necessarily predict syncytium-forming ability in primary target cells in vivo. Furthermore, variants of HIV with V3 sequences characteristic of NSI/macrophage-tropic isolates form the predominant population in a range of lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues in vivo, even in patients with AIDS.  相似文献   

Two different states of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 are apparent in the asymptomatic and late stages of infection. Important determinants associated with these two states have been found within the V3 loop of the viral Env protein. In this study, two large data sets of published V3 sequences were analyzed to identify patterns of sequence variability that would correspond to these two states of the virus. We were especially interested in the pattern of basic amino acid substitutions, since the presence of basic amino acids in V3 has been shown to change virus tropism in cell culture. Four features of the sequence heterogeneity in V3 were observed: (i) approximately 70% of all nonconservative basic substitutions occur at four positions in V3, and V3 sequences with a basic substitution in at least one of these four positions contain approximately 95% of all nonconservative basic substitutions; (ii) substitution patterns within V3 are influenced by the identity of the amino acid at position 25; (iii) sequence polymorphisms account for a significant fraction of uncharged amino acid substitutions at several positions in V3, and sequence heterogeneity other than these polymorphisms is most significant at two positions near the tip of V3; and (iv) sequence heterogeneity in V3 (in addition to the basic amino acid substitutions) is approximately twofold greater in V3 sequences that contain basic amino acid substitutions. By using this sequence analysis, we were able to identify distinct groups of V3 sequences in infected patients that appear to correspond to these two virus states. The identification of these discrete sequence patterns in vivo demonstrates how the V3 sequence can be used as a genetic marker for studying the two states of human immunodeficiency virus type 1.  相似文献   

Immunologically cross-reactive proteins in the human brain that resemble the V3 loop of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 have been identified. When several homogenized tissues from normal brains were used, a monoclonal antibody raised against amino acids 308 to 320 of the V3 loop reacted with three prominent human brain proteins (HBP) of 35, 55, and 110 kDa. Among the three, the 55-kDa HBP appears to be specific to the central nervous system. These results indicate that the V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120 shares an epitope with HBP. An immune response to the V3 loop that generates cross-reactive antibodies to cellular proteins may be an autoimmune mechanism by which HIV-1 can damage the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Neutralization of a chimeric human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1, containing the V3 loop of the MN isolate substituted within the HXB2 envelope, was enhanced up to 20-fold compared with the HXB2 or MN parental isolates by human HIV-positive sera. MN V3 loop-specific monoclonal antibodies were better able to recognize the chimeric virus compared with MN, staining a greater percentage of infected cells and exhibiting slight increases in relative affinity with a concomitant increase in neutralization titer. Competition analysis revealed that enhanced neutralization by human HIV-positive sera of the chimera was attributable in some cases to better reactivity with the linear V3 loop epitope but in others to conformational loop epitopes or previously cryptic or poorly recognized epitopes outside the loop region. Mice primed with a vaccinia virus-chimeric envelope recombinant and boosted with gp160 developed a spectrum of antibodies different from that of mice similarly immunized with HXB2 or MN recombinants or that of naturally infected humans. The chimeric envelope elicited antibodies with enhanced binding to the native MN V3 loop; however, the sites seen by the BALB/c mice were not neutralizing epitopes. Nevertheless, similar to the observations made with use of human sera, the chimeric virus was more readily neutralized by all of the immune mouse sera, an effect apparently mediated by non-V3 loop epitopes. These studies illustrate that not only the V3 loop sequence and conformation but also its context within the viral envelope influence neutralization.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring isolates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been described which are deficient in their ability to fuse with and kill CD4+ target cells. Although the molecular basis for their attenuation has not yet been defined, several lines of evidence point toward the viral envelope gene as a key determinant of viral pathogenicity. In the present article, we report the biological characterization of two highly cytopathic variants derived by repeated cell-free passage of an attenuated isolate of HIV type 2 (HIV-2), termed HIV-2/ST. Unlike the parental virus, the cytopathic variants were found to infect Sup-T1 cells with great efficiency and to induce both cell fusion and profound killing in these cultures. To determine whether changes in the viral envelope gene were responsible for the observed phenotypic differences, we examined the CD4 binding affinity of these viruses using a novel assay designed to quantitate the binding of fluoresceinated CD4 to viral envelope in its native configuration on the cell surface. The results demonstrated that the affinity of parental HIV-2/ST envelope for CD4 was 2 orders of magnitude reduced, while the cytopathic variants exhibited a high CD4 binding affinity, comparable to that of cytopathic HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. From these data, we conclude that the cytopathic potential of HIV depends, at least in part, on its receptor-binding affinity. In addition, our study documents strong selection pressures for viruses with increased CD4 affinity during propagation in immortalized T-cell lines, thus emphasizing the need to study HIV envelope biology in natural target cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the underlying mechanism by which the highly conserved N-terminal V3 loop glycan of gp120 conferred resistance to neutralization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We find that the presence or absence of this V3 glycan on clade A and B viruses accorded various degrees of susceptibility to neutralization by antibodies to the CD4 binding site, CD4-induced epitopes, and chemokine receptors. Our data suggest that this carbohydrate moiety on gp120 blocks access to the binding site for CD4 and modulates the chemokine receptor binding site of phenotypically diverse clade A and clade B isolates. Its presence also contributes to the masking of CD4-induced epitopes on clade B envelopes. These findings reveal a common mechanism by which diverse HIV-1 isolates escape immune recognition. Furthermore, the observation that conserved functional epitopes of HIV-1 are more exposed on V3 glycan-deficient envelope glycoproteins provides a basis for exploring the use of these envelopes as vaccine components.  相似文献   

Isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are classified according to the chemokine receptor (coreceptor) used in conjunction with CD4 to target and enter cells: viruses using CCR5 and CXCR4 are classified as R5 and X4, respectively. The major determinant of entry-related HIV-1 phenotypes is known to reside in the third variable region of gp120 (V3). It is clear, however, that positions outside of V3 play some role in influencing phenotype, although marked context dependence and extensive variability among HIV-1 isolates have made the identification of these positions difficult. We used the presence of previously described substitutions in V3 to classify a large set of HIV-1 subtype B gp120 sequences available in public databases as X4-like or R5-like. Using these classifications, we searched for positions outside of V3 where either amino acid composition or variability differed significantly among sequences of different inferred phenotypes. Our approach took the epidemiological relationships among sequences into account. A cluster of positions linked to changes in V3 was identified between amino acids 190 and 204 of gp120, immediately C-terminal of V2; changes at position 440 in C4 were also linked to inferred phenotype. Structural data place these positions at the coreceptor-binding face of gp120 in a surface-exposed location. We also noted a significant increase in net positive charge in a highly variable region of V2. This study both confirms previous observations and predicts specific positions that contribute to a functional relationship between V3, V2, and C4.  相似文献   

The principal neutralizing epitope of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) lies between two invariant cysteines in the third variable region (V3) of the viral envelope (gp120), and its amino acid sequence varies among different HIV-1 isolates. HIV-2 carries an analogous amino acid sequence between two cysteines of the V3 regions, but its functional similarity with the HIV-1 principal neutralizing epitope is uncertain. We studied the degree of genetic variation of the HIV-2 V3 region in fresh blood samples from 12 HIV-2-seropositive individuals from Guinea-Bissau. Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify viral fragments of 465 bp containing the V3 region from cellular DNA. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the entire envelope fragment from each patient revealed that the degree of variation among field isolates of HIV-2 is comparable to that observed in the analogous region of HIV-1. Most of the HIV-2 isolates studied were highly related, suggesting the existence of a limited number of different viral strains in the cohort studied. Thus, the HIV-2 and HIV-1 V3 regions vary to a similar degree and may also have analogous functions.  相似文献   

One hope to maintain the benefits of antiviral therapy against the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), despite the development of resistance, is the possibility that resistant variants will show decreased viral fitness. To study this possibility, HIV-1 variants showing high-level resistance (up to 1,500-fold) to the substrate analog protease inhibitors BILA 1906 BS and BILA 2185 BS have been characterized. Active-site mutations V32I and I84V/A were consistently observed in the protease of highly resistant viruses, along with up to six other mutations. In vitro studies with recombinant mutant proteases demonstrated that these mutations resulted in up to 10(4)-fold increases in the Ki values toward BILA 1906 BS and BILA 2185 BS and a concomitant 2,200-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency of the enzymes toward a synthetic substrate. When introduced into viral molecular clones, the protease mutations impaired polyprotein processing, consistent with a decrease in enzyme activity in virions. Despite these observations, however, most mutations had little effect on viral replication except when the active-site mutations V32I and I84V/A were coexpressed in the protease. The latter combinations not only conferred a significant growth reduction of viral clones on peripheral blood mononuclear cells but also caused the complete disappearance of mutated clones when cocultured with wild-type virus on T-cell lines. Furthermore, the double nucleotide mutation I84A rapidly reverted to I84V upon drug removal, confirming its impact on viral fitness. Therefore, high-level resistance to protease inhibitors can be associated with impaired viral fitness, suggesting that antiviral therapies with such inhibitors may maintain some clinical benefits.  相似文献   

A principal neutralizing determinant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) lies within the V3 loop of gp120, the external major envelope glycoprotein. V3 loop peptides derived from two HIV-1 strains, HTLV-III BH-10 (V3-BH10) and LAVELI (V3-ELI), were synthesized and biotinylated. The binding of both biotinylated V3-BH10 and V3-ELI to the surfaces of MOLT-4 clone 8 cells was demonstrated by flow cytometric analyses. Both the peptides (more than 2 μM) bound to the cells (2 · 105) in a dose-dependent manner. The binding of biotinylated V3-BH10 was specifically inhibited by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (0.5β). The binding of both of the biotinylated V3 loop peptides was enhanced by the addition of unlabeled V3-BH10. In addition, the peptides were employed as ligands on affinity columns. A major V3 loop binding protein (V3BP) was purified from the membrane soluble fraction of MOLT-4 cells by successive application to two different V3 loop columns. V3BP consisted of two major polypeptides (32 and 33 kDa). The SDS-PAGE profile of V3BP did not change under non-reducing conditions, but only a single band was observed after analysis on native PAGE. The major peak of the eluate as determined by size exclusion chromatography was abroad and the estimated relative molecular mass was much larger than 33 kDa, suggesting that V3BP comprises several subunits. Taken together, we confirmed that the V3 loop peptides are useful in the characterization of V3BP(s) of which they are conformational ligands.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) V3 loop is critical for coreceptor binding and principally determines tropism for the CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors. The recent crystallographic resolution of V3 shows that its base is closely associated with the conserved coreceptor binding site on the gp120 core, whereas more distal regions protrude toward the cell surface, likely mediating interactions with coreceptor extracellular loops. However, these V3-coreceptor interactions and the structural basis for CCR5 or CXCR4 specificity are poorly understood. Using the dual-tropic virus HIV-1R3A, which uses both CCR5 and CXCR4, we sought to identify subdomains within V3 that selectively mediate R5 or X4 tropism. An extensive panel of V3 mutants was evaluated for effects on tropism and sensitivity to coreceptor antagonists. Mutations on either side of the V3 base (residues 3 to 8 and 26 to 33) ablated R5 tropism and made the resulting X4-tropic Envs more sensitive to the CXCR4 inhibitor AMD3100. When mutations were introduced within the V3 stem, only a deletion of residues 9 to 12 on the N-terminal side ablated X4 tropism. Remarkably, this R5-tropic Δ9-12 mutant was completely resistant to several small-molecule inhibitors of CCR5. Envs with mutations in the V3 crown (residues 13 to 20) remained dual tropic. Similar observations were made for a second dual-tropic isolate, HIV-189.6. These findings suggest that V3 subdomains can be identified that differentially affect R5 and X4 tropism and modulate sensitivity to CCR5 and CXCR4 inhibitors. These studies provide a novel approach for probing V3-coreceptor interactions and mechanisms by which these interactions can be inhibited.  相似文献   

The binding of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to the cellular receptor CD4 has been suggested to induce conformational changes in the viral envelope glycoproteins that promote virus entry. Conserved, discontinuous epitopes on the HIV-1 gp120 glycoprotein recognized by the 17b, 48d, and A32 antibodies are preferentially exposed upon the binding of soluble CD4 (sCD4). The binding of the 17b and 48d antibodies to the gp120 glycoprotein can also be enhanced by the binding of the A32 antibody. Here we constructed HIV-1 gp120 mutants in which the variable segments of the V1/V2 and V3 structures were deleted, individually or in combination, while the 17b, 48d, and A32 epitopes were retained. The effects of the variable loop deletions on the function of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins and on the exposure of epitopes induced by sCD4 or A32 binding to the monomeric gp120 glycoprotein were examined. The variable-loop-deleted envelope glycoproteins were able to mediate virus entry, albeit at lower efficiencies than those of the wild-type glycoproteins. Thus, the V1/V2 and V3 variable sequences contribute to the efficiency of HIV-1 entry but are not absolutely required for the process. Neither the V1/V2 nor V3 loops were necessary for the increase in exposure of the 17b/48d epitopes induced by binding of the A32 monoclonal antibody. By contrast, induction of the 17b, 48d, and A32 epitopes by sCD4 binding apparently involves a movement of the V1/V2 loops, which in the absence of CD4 partially mask these epitopes on the native gp120 monomer. The results obtained with a mutant glycoprotein containing a deletion of the V1 loop alone indicated that the contribution of the V2 loop to these phenomena was more significant than that of the V1 sequences. These results suggest that the V1/V2 loops, which have been previously implicated in CD4-modulated, postattachment steps in HIV-1 entry, contribute to CD4-induced gp120 conformational changes detected by the 17b, 48d, and A32 antibodies.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exists as a complex population of multiple genotypic variants in persons with chronic infection. However, acute HIV-1 infection via sexual transmission is a low-probability event in which there is thought to be low genetic complexity in the initial inoculum. In order to assess the viral complexity present during primary HIV-1 infection, the V1/V2 and V3 variable regions of the env gene were examined by using a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) capable of resolving these genotypic variants. Blood plasma samples from 26 primary HIV-1-infected subjects were analyzed for their level of diversity. Half of the subjects had more than one V1/V2 viral variant during primary infection, indicating the frequent transmission of multiple variants. This observation is inconsistent with the idea of infrequent transmission based on a small transmitting inoculum of cell-free virus. In chronically infected subjects, the complexity of the viral populations was even greater in both the V1/V2 and the V3 regions than in acutely infected subjects, indicating that in spite of the presence of multiple variants in acute infection, the virus does pass through a genetic bottleneck during transmission. We also examined how well the infecting virus penetrated different anatomical compartments by using the HTA. Viral variants detected in blood plasma were compared to those detected in seminal plasma and/or cerebral spinal fluid of six individuals. The virus in each of these compartments was to a large extent identical to virus in blood plasma, a finding consistent with rapid penetration of the infecting variant(s). The low-probability transmission of multiple variants could be the result of transient periods of hyperinfectiousness or hypersusceptibility. Alternatively, the inefficient transfer of a multiply infected cell could account for both the low probability of transmission and the transfer of multiple variants.  相似文献   

Random systematic mutagenesis was used to generate a library of human rhinovirus 14 chimeras that each display a segment from the V3 loop of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. The sequence XXIGPGRAXX, where X could be any of the 20 amino acids, was inserted at the neutralizing immunogenic site II of human rhinovirus 14 between VP2 residues 159 and 160. Twenty-five unique chimeric viruses were isolated, and the identity of their randomized residues was determined. A nonrandom amino acid distribution that may reflect structural requirements for viability was observed at the randomized positions. Fifteen of 25 chimeras were neutralized by one or more of a panel of four anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 V3 loop antibody preparations, indicating that antigenicity had been successfully transplanted. Libraries of chimeric viruses produced by using the techniques described may be a source of vaccines and other immunotherapeutic reagents. The random systematic mutagenesis methodology described should be generally useful for the rapid transplantation of foreign sequences into viral coat and other proteins to produce libraries containing members with the desired properties.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis was used to study in vivo genetic variation of the V3 region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in relation to disease progression in six infants with vertically acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Nucleotide sequences from each infant formed a monophyletic group with similar average branch lengths separating the sets of sequences. In contrast to the star-shaped phylogeny characteristic of interinfant viral evolution, the shape of the phylogeny formed by sequences from the infants who developed AIDS tended to be linear. A computer program, DISTRATE, was written to analyze changes in DNA distance values over time. For the six infants, the rate of divergence from the initial variant was inversely correlated with CD4 cell counts averaged over the first 11 to 15 months of life (r = -0.87, P = 0.024). To uncover evolutionary relationships that might be dictated by protein structure and function, tree-building methods were applied to inferred amino acid sequences. Trees constructed from the full-length protein fragment (92 amino acids) showed that viruses from each infant formed a monophyletic group. Unexpectedly, V3 loop protein sequences (35 amino acids) that were found at later time points from the two infants who developed AIDS clustered together. Furthermore, these sequences uniquely shared amino acids that have been shown to confer a T-cell line tropic phenotype. The evolutionary pattern suggests that viruses from these infants with AIDS acquired similar and possibly more virulent phenotypes.  相似文献   

Latently infected resting CD4(+) T cells provide a long-term reservoir for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and are likely to represent the major barrier to virus eradication in patients on combination antiretroviral therapy. The mechanisms by which viruses enter the latent reservoir and the nature of the chemokine receptors involved have not been determined. To evaluate the phenotype of the virus in this compartment with respect to chemokine receptor utilization, full-length HIV-1 env genes were cloned from latently infected cells and assayed functionally. We demonstrate that the majority of the viruses in the latent reservoir utilize CCR5 during entry, although utilization of several other receptors, including CXCR4, was observed. No alternative coreceptors were shown to be involved in a systematic fashion. Although R5 viruses are present in the latent reservoir, CCR5 was not expressed at high levels on resting CD4(+) T cells. To understand the mechanism by which R5 viruses enter latent reservoir, the ability of an R5 virus, HIV-1 Ba-L, to infect highly purified resting CD4(+) T lymphocytes from uninfected donors was evaluated. Entry of Ba-L could be observed when virus was applied at a multiplicity approaching 1. However, infection was limited to a subset of cells expressing low levels of CCR5 and markers of immunologic memory. Naive cells could not be infected by an R5 virus even when challenged with a large inoculum. Direct cell fractionation studies showed that latent virus is present predominantly in resting memory cells but also at lower levels in resting naive cells. Taken together, these findings provide support for the hypothesis that the direct infection of naive T cells is not the major mechanism by which the latent infection of resting T cells is established.  相似文献   

Syncytium-inducing (SI) variants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are evolutionary variants that are associated with rapid CD4+ cell loss and rapid disease progression. The heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) was used to detect evolutionary V3 variants by amplifying the V3 sequences from viral RNA derived from 50 samples of patient plasma. For this V3-specific HTA (V3-HTA), heteroduplexes were formed between the patient V3 sequences and a probe with the subtype B consensus V3 sequence. Evolution was then measured by divergence from the consensus. The presence of evolutionary variants was correlated with SI detection data on the same samples from the MT-2 cell culture assay. Evolutionary variants were correlated with the SI phenotype in 88% of the samples, and 96% of the SI samples contained evolutionary variants. In most cases the evolutionary V3 variants represented discrete clonal outgrowths of virus. Sequence analysis of the six discordant samples that did not show this correlation indicated that three non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) samples had V3 sequences that had evolved away from the consensus sequence but not toward an SI genotype. A fourth sample showed little evolution away from the consensus but was SI, which indicates that not all SI variants require basic substitutions in V3. The other two samples had SI-like genotypes and NSI phenotypes, suggesting that V3-HTA was able to detect SI emergence in these samples in the absence of their detection in vitro. V3-HTA was also used to confirm SI variant selection in MT-2 cells and to examine the possibility of variant selection during virus culture in peripheral blood cells.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry is triggered by the interaction of the gp120 envelope glycoprotein with a cellular chemokine receptor, either CCR5 or CXCR4. We have identified different mutations in human CXCR4 that prevent efficient infection by one HIV-1 strain (NDK) but not another (LAI) and sought to define these strain-dependent effects at the gp120 level. The lack of activity toward the NDK strain of the HHRH chimeric CXCR4 in which the second extracellular loop (ECL2) derived from the rat CXCR4 and of CXCR4 with mutations at an aspartic acid in ECL2 (D193A and D193R) was apparently due to the sequence of the third variable loop (V3) of gp120, more precisely, to its C-terminal part. Indeed, substitution of the LAI V3 loop or only its C-terminal part in the NDK gp 120 context was sufficient to restore usage of the HHRH, D193A, and D193R receptors. The same result was achieved upon mutation of a single lysine residue of the NDK V3 loop to alanine (K319A) but not to arginine (K319R). These results provide a strong case for a direct interaction between the gp120 V3 loop and the ECL2 domain of CXCR4. By contrast, V3 substitutions had no effect on the inability of NDK to infect cells via a mutant CXCR4 in which the amino-terminal extracellular domain (NT) is deleted. In experiments with a set of chimeric NDK-LAI gp120s, the V1/V2 region from LAI gp120 was both necessary and sufficient for usage of the NT-deleted CXCR4. Different variable domains of gp120 can therefore cooperate for a functional interaction with CXCR4.  相似文献   

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