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J. Calladine 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):318-326
Nest sites used by Herring Gulls and Lesser Black-backed Gulls in a mixed colony were compared. Correlations between features surrounding a nest and breeding success at different stages of the breeding cycle are presented. Lesser Black-backed Gulls nested on more vegetated and flatter areas than did Herring Gulls, even though the latter species had a lower hatching success at less vegetated sites. The difference in the general topography of nest sites between the species suggests that the Lesser Black-backed Gull, through an individual defence strategy, may be better adapted to use sites which are accessible to ground predators than the Herring Gull. The fledging success of Lesser Black-backed Gulls tended to increase with an increased proportion of relatively tall vegetation close to the nest. The Lesser Black-backed Gull may therefore be able to leave its young unattended and rely on their concealment for protection against predators. In contrast, the Herring Gull may rely more on parental vigilance to protect young. More frequent attendance by adult Herring Gulls at the nest site during chick rearing compared with Lesser Black-backed Gulls supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the cooperatively breeding apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea, Corcoracidae) both sexes are philopatric and help to raise offspring. However, male helpers provision nestlings more often than females, an activity associated with reduced nestling starvation and enhanced fledgling production. Presuming that males are the more helpful sex, we examined the helper repayment hypothesis by testing the predictions that offspring sex ratio should be skewed toward the production of males (a) among breeding groups with relatively few helpers, and (b) in the population as a whole. The relationship between sex and hatching order was examined as a potential mechanism of biasing sex allocation. The sex ratio of all sexed offspring was male biased (57.9%; n = 171) as was the mean brood sex ratio (0.579; n = 70 broods). These biases were less pronounced in the subset of clutches/broods in which all offspring were sexed. This overall bias appeared to result from two distinct patterns of skew in the hatching order. First, mothers in small breeding groups produced significantly more males among the first-hatching pair. This is consistent with the helper repayment hypothesis given that later hatching chicks were less likely to survive, particularly in small groups. Second, almost all fourth-hatching chicks, usually the last in the brood, were male (91.7%, n = 12). This bias is difficult to interpret but demonstrates the value of examining hatching sequences when evaluating specific predictions of sex allocation theory in birds.  相似文献   

Brood sex ratio in the Kentish plover   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
How and why do the mating opportunities of males and femalesdiffer in natural population of animals? Previously we showedthat females have higher mating opportunities than males inthe Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Both parents incubatethe eggs, and males provide more brood care than females; thusit is not obvious why the females find new mates sooner thanthe males. In this study we investigated whether the sex-biasedmating opportunities stem from biased offspring sex ratios.We determined the sex of newly hatched, precocial chicks usingCHD gene markers. Among fully sexed broods, 0.461 ± 0.024(SE) of chicks (454 chicks in 158 broods) were male, and thissex ratio was not significantly different from unity. The proportionof males at hatching decreased significantly over the breedingseason, which occurred consistently in all 3 years of the study.Large chicks were more likely to be males than females. Neitherparental age nor body size of male and female parents was relatedto brood sex ratio. We also sexed a number of chicks that werecaught after they left their nest (range of estimated ages 0–17days) and found that the proportion of males increased withbrood age. This relationship remained highly significant whencontrolling statistically for hatching date. As brood size decreaseddue to mortality after the chicks left their nest, these resultssuggest that the mortality of daughters was higher than thatof the sons shortly after hatching. Taken together, our resultsshow that the female-biased mating opportunities in the Kentishplover are not due to biased brood sex ratio at hatching but,at least in part, are due to female-biased chick mortality soonafter hatching.  相似文献   

Skewed adult sex ratios sometimes occur in populations of free‐living animals yet the proximate mechanisms, timing of sex‐biases, and the selective agents contributing to skew remain a source of debate with contradictory evidence from different systems. We investigated potential mechanisms contributing to sex biases in a population of herring gulls with an apparent female skew in the adult population. Theory predicts that skewed adult sex ratios will adaptively lead to skewed offspring sex ratios to restore balance in the effective breeding population. Parents may also adaptively bias offspring sex ratios to increase their own fitness in response to environmental factors. Therefore, we expected to detect skewed sex ratios either at hatching or at fledging as parents invest differentially in offspring of different sexes. We sampled complete clutches (n = 336 chicks) at hatching to quantify potential skews in sex ratios by position in the hatch order, time of season, year, and nesting context (nest density), finding no departure from equal sex ratios at hatching related to any of these factors. Further, we sampled 258 chicks at near‐fledging to investigate potential sex biases in survival at the chick stage. Again, no biases in sex ratios were recorded. Male offspring were favored in this population via greater maternal investment in eggs carrying male embryos and greater parental provisioning of male offspring which reached greater sizes by fledging. Despite the advantages realized by male offspring, females were equally as likely to fledge as males. Thus, biased adult sex ratios apparently arise in the post‐fledging and pre‐recruitment stage in our population.  相似文献   

R. G. B. Brown 《Ibis》1967,109(4):502-515
This paper describes the results of investigations into the factors affecting breeding success of the Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus argentatus and L. fuscus, in the large colony on Walney Island, northwest Lancashire, between 1962 and 1965. These investigations were concerned with the incubation period, and the first ten days after hatching. The survival of chicks to ten days is 67% in Herring Gulls, and 56% in Lesser Black-backs. Most of these losses occur in the period just after hatching and are due to “cannibalism” by other gulls. This form of predation does not appear to be masking any effects from starvation or disease. The following factors contribute to egg or chick mortality:breeding too late (and, to a much smaller extent, too early); breeding in the open, as opposed to amongst cover; the facts that eggs in small clutches have a lower hatching success than those in large ones and that Herring Gull (but not Lesser Black-back) chicks in small broods are less likely to survive to ten days than are those in large broods. Chick mortality after the first ten days is not certainly known. About 30% of the eggs laid gave rise to fledged young— or about one fledged chick per pair. In the Herring Gull, the average clutch size (2.56) is lower than that of the Lesser Black-back (2.76). Both species show a seasonal decline in clutch size—this occurs earlier in the Herring Gulls than in the Lesser Black-backs. The Walney population, which stood at about 700 pairs in 1950, had reached 12,000 in 1957, and is at present about 18–19,000 pairs. It is suggested that this increase may be linked to the greater availability, or exploitation, of human garbage in the Morecambe Bay area. The population explosion between 1950 and 1957 must have been partly due to massive immigration and could not have come about through natural increase alone. The possible influences of the gulls' behaviour on the population growth are discussed. There is no evidence of any “shock disease”, although the Walney colony is very crowded. “Cannibalism” is regarded, not as evidence of a failing food supply, but as an extension of the normal hunting behaviour of these omnivorous gulls; it will be an economical means of obtaining food only in a large, dense colony, such as Walney. It may be offset by increased breeding efficiency due to social factors.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should manipulatebrood sex ratio in order to maximise the combined reproductivevalue of their progeny. Females mating with high quality malesshould, therefore, be expected to produce brood sex ratiosbiased towards sons, as male offspring would receive a relativelygreater advantage from inheritance of their father's characteristicsthan would their female siblings. Furthermore, it has been suggested that sex allocation in chicks fathered through extrapair fertilizations should also be biased towards sons. Contraryto these predictions, we found no evidence that the distributionof sex ratios in a sample of 1483 chicks from 154 broods ofblue tits (Parus caeruleus) deviated significantly from thatof a binomial distribution around an even sex ratio. In addition,we found no significant effect on brood sex ratio of the individualquality of either parent as indicated by their biometrics, feather mite loads, time of breeding, or parental survival. This suggeststhat females in our population were either unable to manipulateoffspring sex allocation or did not do so because selectionpressures were not strong enough to produce a significant shiftaway from random sex allocation. The paternity of 986 chicks from 103 broods was determined using DNA microsatellite typing.Extrapair males sired 115 chicks (11.7%) from 41 broods (39.8%).There was no significant effect of paternity (within-pair versusextrapair) on the sex of individual offspring. We suggest that,in addition to the weakness of selection pressures, the possiblemechanisms responsible for the allocation of sex may not besufficiently accurate to control offspring sex at the levelof the individual egg.  相似文献   

When the costs of rearing males and females differ progeny sex ratios are expected to be biased toward the less expensive sex. Blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) females are larger and roughly 32% heavier than males, thus presumably more costly to rear. We recorded hatching and fledging sex ratios in 1989, and fledging sex ratios during the next 5 years. In 1989, the sample of 751 chicks showed male bias at hatching (56%) and at fledging (57% at ˜90 days). Fledging sex ratios during the five subsequent reproductive seasons were at unity (1 year) or male-biased, varying from 56% to 70%. Male bias was greater during years when mean sea surface temperature was warmer and food was presumably in short supply. During two warm-water years (only) fledging sex ratio varied with hatching date. Proportions of male fledglings increased with date from 0.48 to 0.73 in 1994, and from 0.33 to 0.79 in 1995. Similar results were obtained when the analysis was repeated using only broods with no nestling mortality, suggesting that the overall increase in the proportion of males over the season was the result of sex ratio adjustments at hatching. The male-biased sex ratio, and the increased male bias during poor breeding conditions supports the idea that daughters may be more costly than sons, and that their relative cost increases in poor conditions. Received: 3 February 1998 / Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

We studied breeding success, chick growth, parental effort and chick behaviour in two groups of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus whose chicks were provided with additional food until 7 days after hatching or until fledging. These data were compared with those from control pairs which we studied simultaneously to test the hypotheses that food was in short supply during the chick stage at the colony site and that in such circumstances the behaviour of adults and young is mainly responsible for the low success. Pairs whose chicks were fed with additional food until fledging showed a higher fledging success than control pairs (intermediate for pairs of first experimental group). During the first week after hatching, experimental adults of both groups were present together at the territory for longer than control pairs. In adult females of experimental pairs, the length of feeding trips was shorter than in females of control pairs, whilst the rate of chick feeding was more frequent in the experimental broods. After the chicks were 7 days old, differences were significant only for the experimental pairs whose chicks were provided with additional food until fledging. Chicks fed until fledging showed a higher daily mass and wing-length increments and reached a higher fledging mass at an earlier age than both control chicks and chicks which were provided with additional food until day 7. Starvation occurred only in control chicks and in chicks of the first experimental group after we had stopped providing food. When food was in short supply, fledging success of gulls was adversely affected as a result of both starvation (because of the lower feeding rates of chicks) and a higher predation rate (arising from changes in behaviour of both adults and chicks).  相似文献   

Sex differences in adult mortality may be responsible for male‐skewed adult sex ratios and male‐skewed parental care in some birds. Because a surplus of breeding males has been reported in serially polyandrous populations of Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus, we examined sex ratio, early‐season nesting opportunities, adult survival and annual reproductive success of a Snowy Plover population at Monterey Bay, California. We tested the hypotheses that male adult survival was greater than female survival and that a sex difference in adult survival led to a skewed adult sex ratio, different mating opportunities and different annual productivity between the sexes. Virtually all females left chicks from their first broods to the care of the male and re‐nested with a new mate. As a result, females had time to parent three successful nesting attempts during the lengthy breeding season, whereas males had time for only two successful attempts. Among years, the median population of nesting Plovers was 96 males and 84 females (median difference = 9), resulting in one extra male per eight pairs. The number of potential breeders without mates during the early nesting period each year was higher in males than in females. Adult male survival (0.734 ± 0.028 se) was higher than female survival (0.693 ± 0.030 se) in top‐ranked models. Annually, females parented more successful clutches and fledged more chicks than their first mates of the season. Our results suggest that in C. alexandrinus a sex difference in adult survival results in a male‐skewed sex ratio, which creates more nesting opportunities and greater annual productivity for females than for males.  相似文献   

Anouk Spelt  Lorien Pichegru 《Ibis》2017,159(2):272-284
Biased offspring sex ratio is relatively rare in birds and sex allocation can vary with environmental conditions, with the larger and more costly sex, which can be either the male or female depending on species, favoured during high food availability. Sex‐specific parental investment may lead to biased mortality and, coupled with unequal production of one sex, may result in biased adult sex ratio, with potential grave consequences on population stability. The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus, endemic to southern Africa, is an endangered monogamous seabird with bi‐parental care. Female adult African Penguins are smaller, have a higher foraging effort when breeding and higher mortality compared with adult males. In 2015, a year in which environmental conditions were favourable for breeding, African Penguin chick production on Bird Island, Algoa Bay, South Africa, was skewed towards males (1.5 males to 1 female). Males also had higher growth rates and fledging mass than females, with potentially higher post‐fledging survival. Female, but not male, parents had higher foraging effort and lower body condition with increasing number of male chicks in their brood, thereby revealing flexibility in their parental strategy, but also the costs of their investment in their current brood. The combination of male‐biased chick production and higher female mortality, possibly at the juvenile stage as a result of lower parental investment in female chicks, and/or at the adult stage as a result of higher parental investment, may contribute to a biased adult sex ratio (ASR) in this species. While further research during years of contrasting food availability is needed to confirm this trend, populations with male‐skewed ASRs have higher extinction risks and conservation strategies aiming to benefit female African Penguin might need to be developed.  相似文献   

In birds with hatching asynchrony and sexual size dimorphism, chicks hatched earlier and later in the laying sequence usually suffer different mortalities due to uneven abilities to compete for food, especially in poor years. If sexes differ in vulnerability to environmental conditions, e.g., by having different food requirements due to differential growth rates, mothers can increase fitness by allocating sex according to the laying order, producing less vulnerable sex later rather than early in the clutch. By analysing variation in primary sex ratio using a PCR-based DNA technique, we tested this prediction in black-headed gull Larus ridibundus chicks where males may be the less viable sex under adverse conditions. The overall primary sex ratio of the population did not depart from parity. However, first hatched chicks were more likely to be males whereas last hatched chicks were more likely to be females. Both egg volume and hatchling body mass decreased with laying order irrespective of sex. Time of breeding had no effect on offspring sex or hatchling sex ratios.  相似文献   

We examined the brood sex ratio and offspring body mass in relation to the timing of breeding and brood size in the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. The brood sex ratio was not related to brood size but it was significantly related to the hatching date, with a decreasing proportion of males in the brood in the course of the season. Male chicks had significantly lower body mass if they hatched later in the season, whereas there was no such relationship for female offspring. Assuming that environmental conditions deteriorate with progress of the breeding season, and male offspring may be more vulnerable to poor environmental conditions, the observed decline in the proportion of male offspring late in the season may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Unequal sex ratios can reduce the productivity of animal populations and are especially prevalent among endangered species. A cohort of 333 Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii chicks at a site where the adult sex ratio was skewed towards females was sexed at hatching and followed through fledging and return to the breeding area, and subsequently during adulthood. The entire regional metapopulation was sampled for returning birds. Prebreeding survival (from fledging to age 3 years) was lower in males than in females, but only among B‐chicks (second in hatching order). Prebreeding survival also declined with hatching date. The proportion of females in this cohort increased from 54.6% at hatching to 56.2% at fledging and to an estimated 58.0% among survivors at age 3 years. This was more than sufficient to explain the degree of skew in the sex ratio of the adult population, but changes in this degree of skew during the study period make it difficult to identify the influence of a single cohort of recruits. Many studies of prebreeding survival in other bird species have identified effects of sex, hatching order or hatching date, but no previous study has tested for effects of all three factors simultaneously.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that mothers in good conditionshould bias their brood sex ratio in response to the differentialbenefits obtained from increased maternal expenditure in sonsand daughters. Although there is well-documented variationof offspring sex ratios in several bird species according tomaternal condition, the assumption that maternal condition has different fitness consequences for male and for female offspringremains unclear. The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is asexually size-dimorphic seabird, with females approximately31% heavier than males. It has been reported that the sex ratiois male biased in years with poor feeding conditions, whichsuggests that either females adjust their sex ratio in accordancewith their condition or that they suffer differential brood mortality before their sex can be determined. In this studyI tested whether the condition of mothers affected their daughters'fitness more than their sons' fitness. I manipulated maternalinvestment by trimming the flight feathers and thereby handicappingfemales during the chick-rearing period. Adult females in thehandicapped group had a poorer physical condition at end ofchick growth, as measured by mass and by the residuals of masson wing length compared to control birds. Female chicks wereaffected by the handicapping experiment, showing a lower massand shorter wing length (reduced approximately 8% in both measures)than controls. However, this effect was not found in male chicks.Hatching sex ratios were also related to female body conditionat hatching. The brood sex ratio of females in poor conditionwas male biased but was female biased for females in good condition.Overall, these results suggest that the variation in the sexratio in blue-footed boobies is an adaptive response to thedisadvantage daughters face from being reared under poor conditions.  相似文献   

When fitness returns are sex-specific, selection should favor the facultative adjustment of offspring sex ratios. Seasonal shifts in offspring sex ratios are predicted to be particularly beneficial in short-lived, sexually dimorphic species in which hatching date is linked to adult size, which is related to fitness in a sex-specific fashion. We used four time series of hatching dates and progeny sex ratios in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei), a short-lived lizard with male-biased sexual size dimorphism, to test for such a seasonal shift in progeny sex ratio. In 2 of the 4 years, we also released hatchlings to their natural environment to test for sex-specific effects of hatching date on juvenile survival and adult size. We found that the relationship between hatching date and size the following year was significantly steeper in males than in females, and previous work has shown that adult size is more strongly tied to fitness in males than in females. Based on those results and on further evidence linking hatching date and body size to sex-specific survival and reproductive success, we predicted that sex ratios should shift from male- to female-biased as the breeding season progressed. Contrary to our prediction, we detected no clear seasonal shift in progeny sex ratio. Furthermore, although juvenile survival was correlated with hatching date, this relationship did not consistently differ between the sexes. The observation that progeny sex ratios are seasonally invariant despite several apparent links to adult fitness suggests that the evolution of a seasonal sex-ratio bias is either inherently constrained or requires a stronger selective advantage with respect to juvenile survival.  相似文献   

Few investigators have studied the offspring sex ratios of monomorphic shorebirds because visually determining the sex of juveniles is not possible. We investigated the ontogeny of an observed male‐biased adult sex ratio in the federally endangered Great Lakes population of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus). We determined sex ratios at hatching, banding ( = 9.0 d old), and fledging (23 d old) to determine if the bias arises during the pre‐fledging period and, if so, at what stage. For three consecutive years (2012–2014), we used a molecular technique to determine the sex of 307 chicks and followed individuals to a stage where survival to fledging could be inferred. Within fully‐sexed broods at hatching, the average proportions of male chicks (2012–2014) were 0.47, 0.58, and 0.54, respectively. At banding, the sex ratio remained unbiased in 2012 (0.51), but was male‐biased in 2013 (0.59) and 2014 (0.57). Overall, the sex ratio did not differ significantly from parity at fledging in 2012, but did differ during 2013 (P = 0.01) and 2014 (P = 0.03). Using logistic regression models fit using Bayesian inference, we found strong support for a sex effect on chick survival to fledging age, with higher male than female survival (μmale = 0.83 [95% credible interval: 0.75–0.90]; μfemale = 0.71 [0.61–0.80]). These results suggest that the male‐biased adult sex ratio in Piping Plovers arises, in part, due to differential survival during the pre‐fledging period. This difference did not result from female chicks hatching later in the season or weighing less at banding than male chicks, factors that could potentially affect the likelihood of survival. Future investigations into possible behavioral‐ or weather‐related influences on sex‐specific survival are needed. Our results have important implications for (1) identifying management efforts needed to increase recruitment given female‐biased chick mortality, and (2) conducting population viability analyses, which frequently assume an unbiased fledgling sex ratio.  相似文献   

We assessed seasonal differences in at-sea activity of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus, Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla and Common Guillemots Uria aalge in the south-eastern North Sea. The three species correspond to different ecological groups, with Lesser Black-backed Gulls representing omnivorous generalists, Kittiwakes representing surface-feeding pelagic seabirds, and Guillemots representing pursuit-diving pelagic seabirds. Using data from aerial surveys, we differentiated between active (flying or scavenging at fishing vessels) and inactive behaviour (swimming). We estimated the activity budgets of all three species for the different seasons and tested for differences in activity between different seasons. All species exhibited significant seasonal differences in activity, with the highest levels of activity observed during the breeding season. Numbers of flying auks were, however, exceptionally low in autumn due to moult and guarding of not-yet fledged chicks at sea. Our results underline the high energetic demands of the breeding season that lead to increased foraging and travelling activity.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions among siblings are an important determinantof parental fitness. These are strongly influenced by relativeoffspring size and therefore also by the extent to which parentscan influence offspring size hierarchies. The temporal patternof hatching in an avian clutch has a large effect on size anddevelopmental disparities among chicks. Hatching spread is generallyassumed to be mainly determined by the onset of incubation inrelation to egg laying. However, the extent to which factorsother than incubation onset, such as development rate, alsoinfluence timing of hatching has received little empirical investigation.We compared incubation periods of male and female black guillemot(Cepphus grylle) embryos to ascertain whether the time takenfor an egg to hatch varies with embryo sex. Laying date andegg mass had no significant effect on incubation time, but maleembryos hatched on average a day sooner than did females. Theonset of incubation and hatching spread vary in black guillemots.However, in mixed-sexed clutches in which the first-laid embryois male, a faster development time of males should mean asynchronoushatching regardless of parental incubation regime. This wassupported by empirical investigation. These results demonstratethat factors other than incubation behavior can be importantin establishing avian hatching patterns. Whether these sex differencesin development rate are a result of constraints on the degreeof parental control, or an adaptive strategy to manipulate hatchingpatterns, remains to be established.  相似文献   

In the jackdaw Corvus monedula , eggs hatch asynchronously with the youngest chicks in the brood often starving to death. So far, it is unknown whether there are sex differences in vulnerability to starvation. Adult females are smaller than males suggesting that daughters should be cheaper to produce than sons and so, less likely to starve when nest conditions are poor. Here, we determine whether sex, laying order and season interact to influence growth and fledging success. In a nestbox population of jackdaws, we found a non-significant female bias at both hatching (112:120) and fledging (37:52). Generalised linear models revealed that parents seemed to be investing differently in sons and daughters depending on their chances of success. Broods produced late in the season were significantly female biased, particularly those from small clutches. Females hatched towards the end of the season, when conditions were poor, were more likely to fledge than males. Nestlings that were relatively large at hatching were more likely to fledge. This effect was particularly important for last hatched individuals. Overall, males had a higher mortality rate than females. The most likely cause was starvation due to higher energetic requirements, because males were larger than females at fledging. We suggest that in species with brood reduction, sex-biased mortality may be at least as important as primary sex ratio manipulation in determining avian sex ratios.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Hylaeus alcyoneus is an endemic solitary bee common on coastal heaths of Western Australia. The bee is unusual in that males are larger than females. This size dimorphism presents an opportunity to test the theory of resource-dependent sex allocation, in which theory predicts that when resources are low the sex ratio should be biased towards the smaller sex. In most bees, females are larger than males and, in line with theoretical prediction, sex ratios are male biased when resources are scarce.
2. The emerging sex ratio and brood mass from a natural population of H. alcyoneus using trap nests was studied over two seasons (1999, 2000). A switch from a male- to a female-biased sex ratio through the season was found, which was related to a reduced floral resource.
3. Fisherian sex ratio theory predicts that total investment in each sex throughout a season should be equal and that the sex ratio should be biased towards the smaller sex. By measuring the mass of the emerging progeny, the total investment was found to favour males. Possible explanations for this bias in investment are discussed.  相似文献   

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