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Genetic complementation by cloned bacteriophage T4 late genes.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteriophage T4 containing nonsense mutations in late genes was found to be genetically complemented by four conjugate T4 genes (7, 11, 23, or 24) located on plasmid or phage vectors. Complementation was at a very low level unless the infecting phage carried a denB mutation (which abolishes T4 DNA endonuclease IV activity). In most experiments, the infecting phage also had a denA mutation, which abolishes T4 DNA endonuclease II activity. Mutations in the alc/unf gene (which allow dCMP-containing T4 late genes to be expressed) further increased complementation efficiency. Most of the alc/unf mutant phage strains used for these experiments were constructed to incorporate a gene 56 mutation, which blocks dCTP breakdown and allows replication to generate dCMP-containing T4 DNA. Effects of the alc/unf:56 mutant combination on complementation efficiency varied among the different T4 late genes. Despite regions of homology, ranging from 2 to 14 kilobase pairs, between cloned T4 genes and infecting genomes, the rate of formation of recombinants after T4 den:alc phage infection was generally low (higher for two mutants in gene 23, lower for mutants in gene 7 and 11). More significantly, when gene 23 complementation had to be preceded by recombination, the complementation efficiency was drastically reduced. We conclude that high complementation efficiency of cloned T4 late genes need not depend on prior complete breakage-reunion events which transpose those genes from the resident plasmid to a late promoter on the infecting T4 genome. The presence of the intact gene 23 on plasmids reduced the yield of T4 phage. The magnitude of this negative complementation effect varied in different plasmids; in the extreme case (plasmid pLA3), an almost 10-fold reduction of yield was observed. The cells can thus be said to have been made partly nonpermissive for this lytic virus by incorporating a part of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Summary DNA sequence analysis of genetic deletions in bacteriophage T7 has shown that these chromosomal rearrangements frequently occur between directly repeated DNA sequences. To study this type of spontaneous deletion in more quantitative detail synthetic fragments of DNA, made by hybridizing two complementary oligonucleotides, were introduced into the non-essential T7 gene 1.3 which codes for T7 DNA ligase. This insert blocked synthesis of functional ligase and made the phage that carried an insert unable to form plaques on a host strain deficient in bacterial ligase. The sequence of the insert was designed so that after it is put into the T7 genome the insert is bracketed by direct repeats. Perfect deletion of the insert between the directly repeated sequences results in a wild-type phage. It was found that these deletion events are highly sensitive to the length of the direct repeats at their ends. In the case of 5 bp direct repeats excision from the genome occurred at a frequency of less than 10−10, while this value for an almost identical insert bracketed by 10 bp direct repeats was approximately 10−6. The deletion events were independent of a hostrecA mutation.  相似文献   

Mutations that affect the single-stranded DNA-binding protein of bacteriophage T7 (gene 2.5) and four T7 proteins of unknown function (the gene 4.3, 4.5, 4.7 and 5.5 proteins) are described and mapped by three-factor crosses. An extensive search for mutants defective in the DNA-binding protein (Mr = 25,562) produced several strains in which this protein has an altered electrophoretic mobility but no strains that appear to lack it completely. The gene 2.5 mutation that was mapped produces a slightly short DNA-binding protein that appears functional by tests in vitro. It seems likely that a functional DNA-binding protein is needed for T7 growth but that conditional-lethal amber mutations in it are rare; the nucleotide sequence known to code for the gene 2.5 protein contains only 1 to 3 sites that would be expected to be readily mutable to conditional-lethal amber codons by N-methyl-N?nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The gene 4.3, 4.5 and 4.7 proteins (Mr ~ 8000 to 15,000) are eliminated by a deletion mutant that removes most of the DNA between genes 4 and 5. The gene 5.5 protein (Mr ~ 11,700) is made in relatively large amounts and is affected by two different mutations that were mapped between genes 5 and 6. One of these mutations appears to be an amber mutation that eliminates the protein entirely; the other decreases the electrophoretic mobility of the protein (an apparent increase in size). A larger protein (Mr ~ 18,000), found in small amounts and difficult to observe, is also affected by these two mutations; the relationship of this minor protein to the major gene 5.5 protein is not yet known. The genes 2 and 18 proteins have also been identified in patterns of protein synthesis during infection. The proteins specified by at least 34 different T7 genes have now been identified.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of bacteriophage T4 transducing bacteriophages.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations in the genes for nuclear disruption (ndd), endonuclease IV (denB), and the D1 region of the T4 genome are essential for converting bacteriophage T4 into a generalized transducing phage. These mutations gave rise to a very low frequency of transduction, about 10(-8) per infected bacterium. The addition of an rII mutation raised the transduction frequency about 20-fold. An additional 100-fold increase in the transduction frequency was observed with mutations in genes 42, 56, and alc. High-frequency generalized transduction by T4 results from the cumulative effect of these mutations.  相似文献   

After infection of Escherichia coli with bacteriophage T7, the parenteral DNA forms a stable association with host cell membranes. The DNA-membrane complex isolated in cesium chloride gradients is free of host DNA and the bulk of T7 RNA. The complex purified through two cesium chloride gradients contains a reproducible set of proteins which are enriched in polypeptides having molecular weights of 54,000, 34,000, and 32,000. All proteins present in the complex are derived from host membranes. Treatment of the complex with Bruij-58 removes 95% of the membrane lipid and selectively releases certain protein components. The Brij-treated complex has an S value of about 1,000 and the sedimentation rate of this material is not altered by treatment with Pronase or RNase.  相似文献   

Summary The Escherichia coli mutants 7009 and BR3 are defective in the growth of bacteriophage T7. We have previously shown that both of these mutant hosts produce an altered RNA polymerase which is resistant to inhibition by the T7 gene 2 protein (De Wyngaert and Hinkle 1979). In both strains, the mutation which prevents T7 growth is closely linked to rifA (rpoB). Both mutants are complemented by transformation with a multicopy plasmid carrying rpoB and rpoC but not by a plasmid carrying only rpoB. This indicates that the mutations reside in rpoC, the structural gene for the subunit of RNA polymerase. When a single copy of the wildtype rpoC allele is introduced into the mutant using the transducing phage drif d18, the mutant allele is dominant over wildtype. The drif d18 transductant also remains unable to support the growth of T7 in the presence of rifampin. This supports our conclusion that the mutation is in rpoC. We have measured the growth of T7 phage, the kinetics of phage DNA synthesis, and the structure of replicative DNA intermediates in several transductants, and compared these results with those obtained in the original mutant strains.  相似文献   

The colicin Ib (ColIb) plasmid genes that inhibit the replication of the T5-like and T7 bacteriophage have been cloned on an approximately 7200-bp ClaI fragment and their sites relative to each other and to the colicin immunity (imm) gene have been mapped. The inhibition of wild-type T7 by the clone is shown to be caused by the same gene or genes (pic) that cause the inhibition of T7 kinase-negative mutants and is a different gene than the one that causes inhibition of T5 (ibf or abi). The pic gene does not hybridize to the pif genes of the F plasmid that also cause the replication of T7 to be inhibited. The abi gene and the pic gene map very closely together but are under the control of different promoters. The abi gene has a maximum size of 900 bp and lies approximately 3000 bp away from the immunity gene, distal to the colicin gene. A site which maps in or near the gene binds very tightly to Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. The pic gene or genes lie between the abi gene and the imm gene and are contiguous with abi. Promoters for pic have been mapped and hypotheses to explain the inhibition of T7 by a cloned gene but not the whole ColIb plasmid are presented.  相似文献   

Partially replicated bacteriophage T7 DNA was isolated from Escherichia coli infected with UV-irradiated T7 bacteriophage and was analyzed by electron microscopy. The analysis determined the distribution of eye forms and forks in the partially replicated molecules. Eye forms and forks in unit length molecules were aligned with respect to the left end of the T7 genome, and segments were scored for replication in each molecule. The resulting histogram showed that only the left 25 to 30% of the molecules was replicated. Several different origins of DNA replication were used to initiate replication in the UV-irradiated experiments in which 32P-labeled progeny DNA from UV-irradiated phage was annealed with ordered restriction fragments of T7 DNA (K. B. Burck and R. C. Miller, Jr., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75:6144--6148, 1978). Both analyses support partial-replica hypotheses (N. A. Barricelli and A. H. Doermann, Virology 13:460--476, 1961; Doermann et al., J. Cell. comp. Physiol. 45[Suppl.]:51--74, 1955) as an explanation for the distribution of marker rescue frequencies during cross-reactivation; i.e., replication proceeds in a bidirectional manner from an origin to a site of UV damage, and those regions of the genome which replicate most efficiently are rescued most efficiently by a coinfecting phage. In addition, photoreactivation studies support the hypothesis that thymine dimers are the major UV damage blocking cross-reactivation in the right end of the T7 genome.  相似文献   

P Serwer  R H Watson    S J Hayes 《Journal of virology》1987,61(11):3499-3509
By use of rate-zonal centrifugation, followed by either one- or two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis, the forms of intracellular bacteriophage T7 DNA produced by replication, recombination, and packaging have been analyzed. Previous studies had shown that at least some intracellular DNA with sedimentation coefficients between 32S (the S value of mature T7 DNA) and 100S is concatemeric, i.e., linear and longer than mature T7 DNA. The analysis presented here confirmed that most of this DNA is linear, but also revealed a significant amount of circular DNA. The data suggest that these circles are produced during DNA packaging. It is proposed that circles are produced after a capsid has bound two sequential genomes in a concatemer. The size distribution of the linear, concatemeric DNA had peaks at the positions of dimeric and trimeric concatemers. Restriction endonuclease analysis revealed that most of the mature T7 DNA subunits of concatemers were joined left end to right end. However, these data also suggest that a comparatively small amount of left-end to left-end joining occurs, possibly by blunt-end ligation. A replicating form of T7 DNA that had an S value greater than 100 (100S+ DNA) was also found to contain concatemers. However, some of the 100S+ DNA, probably the most branched component, remained associated with the origin after agarose gel electrophoresis. It has been found that T7 protein 19, known to be required for DNA packaging, was also required to prevent loss, probably by nucleolytic degradation, of the right end of all forms of intracellular T7 DNA. T7 gene 3 endonuclease, whose activity is required for both recombination of T7 DNA and degradation of host DNA, was required for the formation of the 32S to 100S molecules that behaved as concatemers during gel electrophoresis. In the absence of gene 3 endonuclease, the primary accumulation product was origin-associated 100S+ DNA with properties that suggest the accumulation of branches, primarily at the left end of mature DNA subunits within the 100S+ DNA.  相似文献   

Genetic and physical mapping in the early region of bacteriophage T7 DNA.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A detailed physical map of the early region of bacteriophage T7 DNA has been constructed. This map contains: locations for all the cuts made by the restriction endonucleases HindII, HpaII, HaeIII and HaeII, and many of the cuts by HhaI; the approximate end points for each of 61 different deletions; initiation sites and the termination site for RNAs made by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase; an initiation site for RNA made by T7 RNA polymerase; the five primary RNase III cleavage sites of the early region; and the coding sequences for perhaps nine different early proteins. Virtually all of the non-overlapping coding capacity of the five early messenger RNAs is used, except for untranslated stretches of perhaps 30 or so nucleotides at the ends. It seems likely that each of the nine early proteins is made from its own ribosome-binding and initiation site. The mapped restriction cuts provide fixed reference points, and allow DNA fragments containing specific genetic signals to be identified and isolated.The nucleotide sequences around the ends of three different T7 deletions have been determined. Each deletion eliminated a segment of DNA between repeated sequences of seven, eight or ten base-pairs, located 578 to 2100 base-pairs apart in the wild-type sequence. In each case, one copy of the repeated sequence was retained in the deletion mutant. This is consistent with the deletions having arisen by a genetic crossover between the repeated sequences. The approximate frequency of genetic recombination per base-pair has been estimated within two early genes; in both cases, the value was close to 0.01% recombination per base-pair, consistent with the value expected from the total length of the T7 genetic map. Genetic recombination between non-overlapping deletions appears to be severely depressed when the distance between the deletions is closer than about 40 to 50 base-pairs, but recombination between a point mutation and a deletion does not appear to be similarly depressed. This suggests that efficient genetic recombination in T7 may require a base-paired “synapse” of some minimum size between the recombining DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The termini of Escherichia coli phage T7 DNA have been labeled with 32P by the polynucleotide kinase reaction. The DNA was fragmented, denatured, and annealed to denatured T7 DNA embedded in agar; elution was measured as a function of temperature. The terminal fragments were eluted from the gel at temperatures well below that of the bulk of the DNA, suggesting that these regions have a very high adenine-plus-thymine content. However, when DNA doubly labeled throughout at random by growth of the phage in [3H]thymidine and 32PO4, was denatured, annealed to the gel, and eluted as a function of temperature, the material eluting from the gel in this low-temperature range was about 50% adenine and thymine. Hence the melting behavior of the terminal fragments is not a result of a high adenine plus thymine content. By electrophoretic analysis of exonucleolytic digests of the T7 DNA it was shown that no unusual bases were present. It is suggested that the low thermal stability of the annealed terminal fragments is a consequence of the high guanine·cytosine regions being unavailable for hybridization, possibly because they are involved in intra-strand hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

Summary Most recombination following infection with T7 was found to coincide with the time of most rapid DNA synthesis, at about 20 min after infection at 30° in minimal medium. Recombining DNA was investigated electron microscopically. Multiply branched DNA structures were observed after infection with T7 wild type, gene 3 , gene 6 and genes 3 , 6 phage, but not after infection with T7 gene 5 phage. Evidence is presented indicating that these structures are T7 DNA molecules in the process of recombining. The detailed structures of these recombinational intermediates suggest mechanisms by which T7 DNA initiates recombination.  相似文献   

Binding of ethidium to bacteriophage T7 and T7 deletion mutants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equilibrium binding of ethidium, quantitated by fluorescence enhancement, to DNA packaged in bacteriophage T7 and T7 deletion mutants has been compared with the binding of this dye to DNA released from its capsid (free DNA). During achievement of apparent equilibrium binding, no change in bacteriophage T7 structure occurred, by the criterion of agarose gel electrophoresis. However, excessive incubation with ethidium bromide caused detectable changes in bacteriophage structure, a possible explanation of disagreements in similar studies previously performed with T-even bacteriophages. Scatchard plots for packaged DNA had a curvature greater than the previously demonstrated [Bresloff, J. L. & Crothers, D. M. (1981) Biochemistry 20 , 3547–3553] curvature for free DNA. By treating plots for packaged DNA as though they were biphasic, it was found that binding to most sites occurred with an apparent association constant (Kap) 3.3–4.3 times lower than the Kap of free DNA. The number of these sites increased significantly as the density of packaged DNA was decreased by use of the deletion mutants. Values of ΔH° for these sites were negative and equal to the ΔH° for free DNA; values of ΔS° were positive and about half the ΔS° for free DNA. A second class of sites, roughly 1.2% of the total, had a significantly higher Kap and more negative ΔH° than those of the majority of sites.  相似文献   

A Richardson  C Georgopoulos 《Genetics》1999,152(4):1449-1457
Previous genetic and biochemical analyses have established that the bacteriophage T4-encoded Gp31 is a cochaperonin that interacts with Escherichia coli's GroEL to ensure the timely and accurate folding of Gp23, the bacteriophage-encoded major capsid protein. The heptameric Gp31 cochaperonin, like the E. coli GroES cochaperonin, interacts with GroEL primarily through its unstructured mobile loop segment. Upon binding to GroEL, the mobile loop adopts a structured, beta-hairpin turn. In this article, we present extensive genetic data that strongly substantiate and extend these biochemical studies. These studies begin with the isolation of mutations in gene 31 based on the ability to plaque on groEL44 mutant bacteria, whose mutant product interacts weakly with Gp31. Our genetic system is unique because it also allows for the direct selection of revertants of such gene 31 mutations, based on their ability to plaque on groEL515 mutant bacteria. Interestingly, all of these revertants are pseudorevertants because the original 31 mutation is maintained. In addition, we show that the classical tsA70 mutation in gene 31 changes a conserved hydrophobic residue in the mobile loop to a hydrophilic one. Pseudorevertants of tsA70, which enable growth at the restrictive temperatures, acquire the same mutation previously shown to allow plaque formation on groEL44 mutant bacteria. Our genetic analyses highlight the crucial importance of all three highly conserved hydrophobic residues of the mobile loop of Gp31 in the productive interaction with GroEL.  相似文献   

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