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Genetic improvement, without control of inbreeding, can go to loss of genetic variability, reducing the potential for genetic gains in the domestic populations. The aim of this study was to analyze the population structure and the inbreeding depression in Campolina horses. Phenotype information from 43 465 individuals was analyzed, data provided by the Campolina Breeders Association. A pedigree file containing 107 951 horses was used to connected the phenotyped individuals. The inbreeding coefficient was performed by use of the diagonal of the relationship matrix and the genealogical parameters were computed using proper softwares. The effective population size was estimated based on the rate of inbreeding and census information, and the stratification of the population was verified by the average relationship coefficient between animals born in different regions of Brazil. The effects of inbreeding on morphological traits were made by the use of inbreeding coefficient as a covariate in the model of random regression. The inbreeding coefficient increased from 1990 on, impacting effective population size and, consequently, shrinking genetic variability. The paternal inbreeding was greater than maternal, which may be attributed to the preference for inbred animals in reproduction. The average genetic relationship coefficient of animals born in different states was lower than individuals born within the same state. The increase in the inbreeding coefficient was negatively associated with all studied traits, showing the importance to avoid genetic losses in the long term. Although results do not indicate a severe narrowing of the population until the present date, the average relationship coefficient shows signs of increase, which could cause a drastic reduction in genetic variability if inbred mating is not successfully controlled in the Campolina horse population.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is common in small and threatened populations and often has a negative effect on individual fitness and genetic diversity. Thus, inbreeding can be an important factor affecting the persistence of small populations. In this study, we investigated the effects of inbreeding on fitness in a small, wild population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) on the island of Aldra, Norway. The population was founded in 1998 by four individuals (one female and three males). After the founder event, the adult population rapidly increased to about 30 individuals in 2001. At the same time, the mean inbreeding coefficient among adults increased from 0 to 0.04 by 2001 and thereafter fluctuated between 0.06 and 0.10, indicating a highly inbred population. We found a negative effect of inbreeding on lifetime reproductive success, which seemed to be mainly due to an effect of inbreeding on annual reproductive success. This resulted in selection against inbred females. However, the negative effect of inbreeding was less strong in males, suggesting that selection against inbred individuals is at least partly sex specific. To examine whether individuals avoided breeding with close relatives, we compared observed inbreeding and kinship coefficients in the population with those obtained from simulations of random mating. We found no significant differences between the two, indicating weak or absent inbreeding avoidance. We conclude that there was inbreeding depression in our population. Despite this, birds did not seem to actively avoid mating with close relatives, perhaps as a consequence of constraints on mating possibilities in such a small population.  相似文献   

Genetic effects are often overlooked in endangered species monitoring, and populations showing positive growth are often assumed to be secure. However, the continued reproductive success of a few individuals may mask issues such as inbreeding depression, especially in long‐lived species. Here, we test for inbreeding depression in little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii) by comparing a population founded with two birds to one founded with 40 birds, both from the same source population and both showing positive population growth. We used a combination of microsatellite genotypes, nest observations and modelling to examine the consequences of assessing population viability exclusively via population growth. We demonstrate (i) significantly lower hatching success despite significantly higher reproductive effort in the population with two founders; (ii) positive growth in the population with two founders is mainly driven by ongoing chick production of the founding pair; and (iii) a substantial genetic load in the population founded with two birds (10–15 diploid lethal equivalents). Our results illustrate that substantial, cryptic inbreeding depression may still be present when a population is growing, especially in long‐lived species with overlapping generations.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence for inbreeding depression manifested as a reduction in fitness or fitness‐related traits in the focal individual. In many organisms, fitness is not only affected by genes carried by the individual, but also by genes carried by their parents, for example if receiving parental care. While maternal effects have been described in many systems, the extent to which inbreeding affects fitness directly through the focal individual, or indirectly through the inbreeding coefficients of its parents, has rarely been examined jointly. The Soay sheep study population is an excellent system in which to test for both effects, as lambs receive extended maternal care. Here, we tested for both maternal and individual inbreeding depression in three fitness‐related traits (birthweight and weight and hindleg length at 4 months of age) and three fitness components (first‐year survival, adult annual survival and annual breeding success), using either pedigree‐derived inbreeding or genomic estimators calculated using ~37 000 SNP markers. We found evidence for inbreeding depression in 4‐month hindleg and weight, first‐year survival in males, and annual survival and breeding success in adults. Maternal inbreeding was found to depress both birthweight and 4‐month weight. We detected more instances of significant inbreeding depression using genomic estimators than the pedigree, which is partly explained through the increased sample sizes available. In conclusion, our results highlight that cross‐generational inbreeding effects warrant further exploration in species with parental care and that modern genomic tools can be used successfully instead of, or alongside, pedigrees in natural populations.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is common among plants and may distort mating system estimates. Mating system studies traditionally ignore this effect, nonetheless an assessment of inbreeding depression that may have occurred before progeny evaluation could be necessary. In the neotropical Pinus chiapensis inbreeding depression was evaluated using regression analysis relating progeny F-values with seed germinability, the mating system was analysed in three populations with contrasting size, using isozymes, obtained a corrected outcrossing rate. Selfing decreased seed viability by 19%, relative to an outcrossed plant. Multilocus outcrossing rates, t(m), varied widely among populations. In the two smallest populations t(m) congruent with 1. Therefore, inbreeding depression did not affect the estimates, but overestimated t(m) by 10% in the third population, which has a true mixed mating system (selfing was the major source of inbreeding), and an unusually low t(m) for pines (t(m) = 0.54, uncorrected, t(m) = 0.49, corrected). Inbreeding depression may be an uneven source of bias for outcrossing estimates even at the infraspecific level. Accuracy [corrected] but not precision [corrected] may be gained by including inbreeding depression in outcrossing estimates. Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing t(m) among species or even populations within the same species.  相似文献   

I present analytical predictions for the equilibrium inbreeding load expected in a population under mutation, selection, and a regular mating system for any population size and for any magnitude and recessivity of the deleterious effects. Using this prediction, I deduce the relative fitness of mutant alleles with small effect on selfing to explore the situations where selfing or outcrossing are expected to evolve. The results obtained are in agreement with previous literature, showing that natural selection is expected to lead to stable equilibria where populations show either complete outcrossing or complete selfing, and that selfing is promoted by large deleterious mutation rates. I find that the evolution of selfing is favored by a large recessivity of deleterious effects, while the magnitude of homozygous deleterious effects only becomes relevant in relatively small populations. This result contradicts the standard assumption that purging in large populations will only promote selfing when homozygous deleterious effects are large, and implies that previously published results obtained assuming lethal mutations in large populations can be extrapolated to nonlethal alleles of similar recessivity. This conclusion and the general approach used in this analysis can be useful in the study of the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   

An important issue in conservation biology and the study of evolution is the extent to which inbreeding depression can be reduced or reversed by natural selection. If the deleterious recessive alleles causing inbreeding depression can be 'purged' by natural selection, outbred populations that have a history of inbreeding are expected to be less susceptible to inbreeding depression. This expectation, however, has not been realized in previous laboratory experiments. In the present study, we used Drosophila melanogaster as a model system to test for an association between inbreeding history and inbreeding depression. We created six 'purged' populations from experimental lineages that had been maintained at a population size of 10 male-female pairs for 19 generations. We then measured the inbreeding depression that resulted from one generation of full-sib mating in the purged populations and in the original base population. The magnitude of inbreeding depression in the purged populations was approximately one-third of that observed in the original base population. In contrast to previous laboratory experiments, therefore, we found that inbreeding depression was reduced in populations that have a history of inbreeding. The large purging effects observed in this study may be attributable to the rate of historical inbreeding examined, which was slower than that considered in previous experiments.  相似文献   

Historically, explanations for the evolution of floral traits that reduce self-fertilization have tended to focus on selection to avoid inbreeding depression. However, there is growing support for the hypothesis that such traits also play a role in promoting efficient pollen dispersal by reducing anther-stigma interference. The relative importance of these two selective pressures is currently a popular topic of investigation. To date, there has been no theoretical exploration of the relative contributions of selection to avoid the genetic costs of self-fertilization and selection to promote efficient pollen dispersal on the evolution of floral traits. We developed a population genetic model to examine the influence of these factors on the evolution of dichogamy: the temporal separation of anther maturation and stigma receptivity. Our analysis indicates that anther-stigma interference can favor dichogamy even in the absence of in-breeding depression. Although anther-stigma interference and inbreeding depression are the key forces driving the initial evolution of dichogamy, selection to match the timing of pollen dispersal to the availability of ovules at the population level becomes a more potent force opposing the further evolution of dichogamy as the extent of temporal separation increases. This result may help to explain otherwise puzzling phenomena such as why dichogamy is rarely complete in nature and why dichogamy tends to be associated with asynchronous flower presentation.  相似文献   

The ornithophilous species Anagyris foetida L. is a Mediterranean shrub with highly fragmented populations and a mixed mating system. In a previous study, we analyzed the first 3 years of the life cycle of two progenies (selfed and outcrossed) grown from seed obtained by hand pollination and planted in an experimental garden in 2005. In that study, we found that inbreeding depression (ID) was manifested both reproductively and vegetatively throughout the life cycle, with male reproductive function being the most affected trait. In the present study, our main aim was to check the progression of the two progenies 12 years after transplantation. For this we analyzed their survival and their vegetative and reproductive traits. According to our results, levels of ID were similar to those obtained in the previous study, with some factors decreased and thus varying with the age of the studied individuals. Vegetative parameters were found to have a greater influence than reproductive ones (δ = 0.56 vs. δ = 0.36) on overall ID. As indicated by the global ID (δ = 0.72) the populations have a mating system that is intermediate between outcrossing and a mixed system. Furthermore, the lower male reproductive capacity of the selfed individuals has been maintained over time. Our study also demonstrates the importance of studying the ID value throughout the life cycle of plants.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Genetically based variation in outcrossing rate generates lineages within populations that differ in their history of inbreeding. According to some models, mating-system modifiers in such populations will demonstrate both linkage and identity disequilibrium with fitness loci, resulting in lineage-specific inbreeding depression. Other models assert that differences among families in levels of inbreeding depression are mainly attributable to random accumulation of genetic load, unrelated to variation at mating-system loci. We measured female reproductive success of selfed and outcrossed progeny from naturally occurring lineages of Datura stramonium , a predominantly self-fertilizing annual weed that has heritable variation in stigma-anther separation, a trait that influences selfing rates. Progeny from inbred lineages (as identified by high degree of anther-stigma overlap) showed equal levels of seed production, regardless of cross type. Progeny from mixed lineages (as identified by relatively high separation between anthers and stigma) showed moderate levels of inbreeding depression. We found a significant correlation between anther-stigma separation and relative fitness of selfed and outcrossed progeny, suggesting that family-level inbreeding depression may be related to differences among lineages in inbreeding history in this population. Negative inbreeding depression in putatively inbred lineages may be due in part to additive effects or to epistatic interactions among loci.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding can reduce individual fitness and contribute to population extinction, gene flow between inbred but unrelated populations may overcome these effects. Among extant Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi), inbreeding had reduced genetic diversity and potentially lowered fitness, and as a result, three unrelated captive wolf lineages were merged beginning in 1995. We examined the effect of inbreeding and the merging of the founding lineages on three fitness traits in the captive population and on litter size in the reintroduced population. We found little evidence of inbreeding depression among captive wolves of the founding lineages, but large fitness increases, genetic rescue, for all traits examined among F1 offspring of the founding lineages. In addition, we observed strong inbreeding depression among wolves descended from F1 wolves. These results suggest a high load of deleterious alleles in the McBride lineage, the largest of the founding lineages. In the wild, reintroduced population, there were large fitness differences between McBride wolves and wolves with ancestry from two or more lineages, again indicating a genetic rescue. The low litter and pack sizes observed in the wild population are consistent with this genetic load, but it appears that there is still potential to establish vigorous wild populations.  相似文献   

The evolution of selfing taxa from outcrossing ancestors has occurred repeatedly and is the subject of many theoretical models, yet few empirical studies have examined the immediate consequences of inbreeding in a population with variable expression of self-incompatibility. Because self-incompatibility breaks down with floral age in Campanula rapunculoides, we were able to mate outbred and selfed maternal plants in a crossing design which produced progeny with inbreeding coefficients of 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75. Cumulative inbreeding depression in plants that were selfed for one generation was very high in families derived from strongly self-incompatible plants (average δ = 0.98), and somewhat lower in families derived from plants with weaker expression of self-incompatibility (average δ = 0.90). Relative to outbred progeny, inbred progeny produced fewer seeds, had lower rates of germination, less vegetative growth and fewer flowers per plant. Inbred progeny also took longer to germinate, and longer to produce a first leaf and to flower. Interestingly, inbred plants also produced 40% fewer seeds than outcrossed plants (t-test P < 0.001) even when mated to the same, unrelated pollen donor, suggesting that inbreeding can produce profound maternal effects. Most importantly, our results demonstrate that progeny derived from plants with stronger expression of self-incompatibility exhibited greater levels of inbreeding depression than progeny from plants with weaker expression of self-incompatibility. Moreover, the decline in fitness (cumulative, ln-transformed) over the four inbreeding levels was steeper for the progeny of the strongly self-incompatible lineages. These empirical results suggest that inbreeding depression and mating system phenotype have the potential to coevolve.  相似文献   

When previously isolated populations meet and mix, the resulting admixed population can benefit from several genetic advantages, including increased genetic variation, the creation of novel genotypes and the masking of deleterious mutations. These admixture benefits are thought to play an important role in biological invasions. In contrast, populations in their native range often remain differentiated and frequently suffer from inbreeding depression owing to isolation. While the advantages of admixture are evident for introduced populations that experienced recent bottlenecks or that face novel selection pressures, it is less obvious why native range populations do not similarly benefit from admixture. Here we argue that a temporary loss of local adaptation in recent invaders fundamentally alters the fitness consequences of admixture. In native populations, selection against dilution of the locally adapted gene pool inhibits unconstrained admixture and reinforces population isolation, with some level of inbreeding depression as an expected consequence. We show that admixture is selected against despite significant inbreeding depression because the benefits of local adaptation are greater than the cost of inbreeding. In contrast, introduced populations that have not yet established a pattern of local adaptation can freely reap the benefits of admixture. There can be strong selection for admixture because it instantly lifts the inbreeding depression that had built up in isolated parental populations. Recent work in Silene suggests that reduced inbreeding depression associated with post-introduction admixture may contribute to enhanced fitness of invasive populations. We hypothesize that in locally adapted populations, the benefits of local adaptation are balanced against an inbreeding cost that could develop in part owing to the isolating effect of local adaptation itself. The inbreeding cost can be revealed in admixing populations during recent invasions.  相似文献   

In natural populations, the expression and severity of inbreeding depression can vary widely across taxa. Describing processes that influence the extent of inbreeding and inbreeding depression aid in our understanding of the evolutionary history of mating systems such as cooperative breeding and nonrandom mate selection. Such findings also help shape wildlife conservation theory because inbreeding depression reduces the viability of small populations. We evaluated the extent of inbreeding and inbreeding depression in a small, re‐introduced population of red wolves (Canis rufus) in North Carolina. Since red wolves were first re‐introduced in 1987, pedigree inbreeding coefficients (f) increased considerably and almost every wild born wolf was inbred (average = 0.154 and max = 0.383). The large inbreeding coefficients were due to both background relatedness associated with few founders and numerous close relative matings. Inbreeding depression was most evident for adult body size and generally absent for direct fitness measures such as reproductive success and survival; no lethal equivalents (LE = 0.00) were detected in juvenile survival. The lack of strong inbreeding depression in direct measures of fitness could be due to a founder effect or because there were no outbred individuals for comparison. Our results highlight the variable expression of inbreeding depression across traits and the need to measure a number of different traits when evaluating inbreeding depression in a wild population.  相似文献   

Disease-mediated inbreeding depression is a potential cost of living in groups with kin, but its general magnitude in wild populations is unclear. We examined the relationships between inbreeding, survival and disease for 312 offspring, produced by 35 parental pairs, in a large, open population of cooperatively breeding American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). Genetic analyses of parentage, parental relatedness coefficients and pedigree information suggested that 23 per cent of parental dyads were first- or second-order kin. Heterozygosity–heterozygosity correlations suggested that a microsatellite-based index of individual heterozygosity predicted individual genome-wide heterozygosity in this population. After excluding birds that died traumatically, survival probability was lower for relatively inbred birds during the 2–50 months after banding: the hazard rate for the most inbred birds was 170 per cent higher than that for the least inbred birds across the range of inbreeding index values. Birds that died with disease symptoms had higher inbreeding indices than birds with other fates. Our results suggest that avoidance of close inbreeding and the absence of inbreeding depression in large, open populations should not be assumed in taxa with kin-based social systems, and that microsatellite-based indices of individual heterozygosity can be an appropriate tool for examining the inbreeding depression in populations where incest and close inbreeding occur.  相似文献   

Dispersal by young mammals away from their natal site is generallythought to reduce inbreeding, with its attendant negative fitnessconsequences. Genetic data from the dwarf mongoose, a pack-livingcarnivore common in African savannas, indicate that there areexceptions to this generalization. In dwarf mongoose populationsin the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, breeding pairs arecommonly related, and close inbreeding has no measurable effecton offspring production or adult survival. Inbreeding occursbecause average relatedness among potential mates within a packis high, because mating patterns within the pack are randomwith respect to the relatedness of mates, and because dispersaldoes little to decrease the relatedness among mates. Young femalesare more likely to leave a pack when the dominant male is aclose relative but are relatively infrequent dispersers. Youngmales emigrate at random with respect to the relatedness ofthe dominant female and tend to disperse to packs that containgenetically similar individuals.[Behav Ecol 7: 480–489(1996)]  相似文献   

Inbreeding is typically detrimental to fitness. However, some animal populations are reported to inbreed without incurring inbreeding depression, ostensibly due to past "purging" of deleterious alleles. Challenging this is the position that purging can, at best, only adapt a population to a particular environment; novel selective regimes will always uncover additional inbreeding load. We consider this in a prominent test case: the eusocial naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), one of the most inbred of all free-living mammals. We investigated factors affecting mortality in a population of naked mole-rats struck by a spontaneous, lethal coronavirus outbreak. In a multivariate model, inbreeding coefficient strongly predicted mortality, with closely inbred mole-rats (F> or = 0.25) over 300% more likely to die than their outbred counterparts. We demonstrate that, contrary to common assertions, strong inbreeding depression is evident in this species. Our results suggest that loss of genetic diversity through inbreeding may render populations vulnerable to local extinction from emerging infectious diseases even when other inbreeding depression symptoms are absent.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Phloem-feeding bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) generally disperse before mating, leading to expectations of outbreeding. New York and British Columbia populations of engraver beetles ( Ips pini ) were tested for inbreeding depression using different methods. Among several traits measured, only the number of offspring surviving to adulthood was strongly reduced by inbreeding.
2. There was no evidence of avoidance of inbreeding depression in two possible mechanisms considered: differential male and female emergence times within full sib broods, and early termination of brood construction in forced sib mating.
3. Sib-mated females lay more eggs and have longer galleries than those in outbred crosses, despite a low rate of survival to adulthood for such eggs. This difference may be due to the ability of engraver beetles to assess crowding in broods as larvae begin to feed, and allows partial compensation for the effects of inbreed depression.
4. Population models assuming density-dependent generational effects were modified to account for inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression makes populations less prone to cyclical behaviour, particularly at lower carrying capacities.
5. Inbreeding depression has not been previously measured in scolytids, nor has inbreeding-related behaviour been explicitly considered outside of exclusively inbreeding tribes.  相似文献   

1. Conservation biologists are concerned about the interactive effects of environmental stress and inbreeding because such interactions could affect the dynamics and extinction risk of small and isolated populations, but few studies have tested for these interactions in nature. 2. We used data from the long-term population study of song sparrows Melospiza melodia on Mandarte Island to examine the joint effects of inbreeding and environmental stress on four fitness traits that are known to be affected by the inbreeding level of adult birds: hatching success, laying date, male mating success and fledgling survival. 3. We found that inbreeding depression interacted with environmental stress to reduce hatching success in the nests of inbred females during periods of rain. 4. For laying date, we found equivocal support for an interaction between parental inbreeding and environmental stress. In this case, however, inbred females experienced less inbreeding depression in more stressful, cooler years. 5. For two other traits, we found no evidence that the strength of inbreeding depression varied with environmental stress. First, mated males fathered fewer nests per season if inbred or if the ratio of males to females in the population was high, but inbreeding depression did not depend on sex ratio. Second, fledglings survived poorly during rainy periods and if their father was inbred, but the effects of paternal inbreeding and rain did not interact. 6. Thus, even for a single species, interactions between the inbreeding level and environmental stress may not occur in all traits affected by inbreeding depression, and interactions that do occur will not always act synergistically to further decrease fitness.  相似文献   

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