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Regional collection planning and implementation are essential if professional zoological parks and aquariums are to achieve their collective conservation and animal management goals. Several regional associations currently have taxon advisory groups (TAGs) in place whose primary role is to develop taxon‐specific collection plans. During their planning process, TAGs review all known taxa of interest and evaluate them based on relevant criteria. TAGs also evaluate the total amount of captive space available to determine the number of priority taxa that can be maintained. In addition, some TAGs heighten their impact on conservation by producing an action plan of select conservation and research projects to be supported by participating institutions. Although current guidelines for regional collection plan (RCP) development are extremely useful for some TAGs, such as those for most mammalian taxa, they do not address the needs of other more speciose TAGs, such as those for fish, invertebrates, and amphibians. These TAGs, characterized by their numerous taxa and more flexible space requirements, still need to develop plans for the species they manage. We recommend that highly speciose TAGs make development of an action plan their highest priority and use it to direct the RCP process. This will limit the number of taxa they need to consider, while ensuring that their RCPs are directly relevant to conservation. Once their action plans have been developed, speciose TAGs can then determine which species are most important to zoological collections and at what level they should be managed. This strategy represents a departure from the current processes used to develop RCPs for many mammalian and avian species and, as such, has not yet been addressed. An action plan‐driven approach will result in more practical and relevant planning for speciose TAGs. Zoo Biol 21:313–320, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As zoos have sought to further their conservation missions, they have become powerful providers of environmental education. Outside of “formal” education initiatives, such as those designed for school and other organized groups, or structured public talks programmes, much of the learning potential that the zoo has to offer is around the viewing of animals and the response of visitors to them. In this, zoo learning is a very personal construct, develops from the previous knowledge, and experiences and motivations of each individual. In this article, we make the assertion that learning potential, although difficult to quantify, is very much related to the attractiveness of animal species and the interest that visitors show in them. Using standard behaviorist measures of attraction and interest (the proportion of visitors that stop and for how long), we analyzed the relative interest in 40 zoo species held in a modern UK zoo and the variables that are significant in predicting that popularity. Further to this, the suggestion is made that the zoo collection planning process could use such information to make more informed decisions about which species should be housed for their educational value. Taxonomic grouping was found to be the most significant predictor of visitor interest—that is, visitors were far more interested in mammals than any other group—although body size (length), increasing animal activity and whether the species was the primary or “flagship” species in an exhibit or not, were all found to have a significant bearing on visitor interest. Zoo Biol 29:715–731, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Given current extinction trends, the number of species requiring conservation breeding programs (CBPs) is likely to increase dramatically. To inform CBP policies for threatened terrestrial vertebrates, we evaluated the number and representation of threatened vertebrate species on the IUCN Red List held in the ISIS zoo network and estimated the complexity of their management as metapopulations. Our results show that 695 of the 3,955 (23%) terrestrial vertebrate species in ISIS zoos are threatened. Only two of the 59 taxonomic orders show a higher proportion of threatened species in ISIS zoos than would be expected if species were selected at random. In addition, for most taxa, the management of a zoo metapopulation of more than 250 individuals will require the coordination of a cluster of 11 to 24 ISIS zoos within a radius of 2,000 km. Thus, in the zoo network, the representation of species that may require CBPs is currently low and the spatial distribution of these zoo populations makes management difficult. Although the zoo community may have the will and the logistical potential to contribute to conservation actions, including CBPs, to do so will require greater collaboration between zoos and other institutions, alongside the development of international agreements that facilitate cross-border movement of zoo animals. To maximize the effectiveness of integrated conservation actions that include CBPs, it is fundamental that the non-zoo conservation community acknowledges and integrates the expertise and facilities of zoos where it can be helpful.  相似文献   

The vast number of species threatened with extinction, coupled with the limited resources to support them, results in the need to prioritize species for conservation action. Similarly, zoo collection managers must prioritize species for inclusion at their institutions, which are also limited by space and resources. While conservation status is one factor considered by zoos, weight is also given to qualitative features and practical considerations when evaluating the fit of different species. Resultantly, the species prioritized by zoos have limited overlap with those prioritized for conservation. Several recent studies have highlighted that the majority of species maintained in zoos are ranked globally as least concern. Given the centrality of conservation to the modern mission of zoos, there is value in identifying clear connections between non‐threatened species in zoos and the roles they can play in conservation. Surrogate species approaches have been used in many instances to facilitate indirect conservation, and several distinctive types of surrogacy have been formally described. The aim of this study is to define a novel form of species surrogacy (i.e., “proxy species”) that draws utility from non‐threatened species maintained in zoos. A proxy species is here defined as a non‐threatened species managed ex situ that can be used as a flagship for a related threatened species that is morphologically similar but not otherwise represented in zoos. The benefits of this approach and opportunities for its application are here reviewed. This concept will provide opportunities to enhance the value of pre‐existing zoo collections, and ultimately, support conservation objectives.  相似文献   

The role of zoos in conservation has evolved. Additional roles that zoos can play in conservation include monitoring live wildlife use (one of the main threats for many species). Zoos in many parts of the world are offered animals by the public and are required to receive animals confiscated by the authorities. By quantifying these animals, zoos can monitor live wildlife use rates and trends and obtain relevant information on the environment of a region which can assist in situ conservation management. Zoos are sometimes forced to receive unwanted animals from the public or the authorities. Receiving these animals is a burden for zoos. Agreements between zoos and governments are important to take care of these animals and to optimize the use of conservation resources. It is not possible or desirable to maintain all donated and seized animals. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources provides useful guidelines on what to do with them. In all cases, species conservation should take precedence over individual animal welfare. These issues are illustrated with data collected at Zoológico Regional Miguel Alvarez del Toro (ZOOMAT) in Chiapas, southern Mexico. Zoo Biol 24:115–124, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

中国动物园动物种类与种群大小   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007~2008年,我们开展了中国动物园物种编目与易地保护抽样调查,抽样调查了68家动物园。抽样动物园饲养了789种[(包括虎(Panthera tigris)和金钱豹(P.pardus)的亚种]野生动物,比20世纪90年代初中国动物园饲养的600种野生动物,增加了180多种;抽样动物园饲养展出野生动物中有国外野生动物种类267种,比20世纪90年代初中国动物园饲养的100种国外野生动物,增加了160种。抽样动物园展出的中国哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类和两栖类种类数分别占中国哺乳类(607种)、鸟类(1332种)、爬行类(384种)和两栖类(302种)种类总数的25.0%、28.2%、22.7%、4.0%。这些抽样动物园饲养了234种国家重点保护野生动物和254种CITES附录物种,其中,饲养的国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物分别占国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物总数的70.57%和47.09%;饲养的列入CITES附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ及附录Ⅲ的中国动物分别占列入这些附录的中国动物总数的64.21%、60.86%和50%。中国动物园成功繁殖了大熊猫(Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca)、金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)、雪豹(P.unicia)、华南虎(P.tigris amoyensis)和亚洲象(Elephas maximus)等濒危物种,也成功繁殖了从国外引入的猎豹(Acinonyx jubatus)、大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla)、美洲狮(Puma concolor)等动物。然而,调查发现,(1)抽样动物园仅饲养了四分之一左右的中国哺乳类、鸟类及爬行类动物种类,饲养的两栖类更少;(2)抽样动物园饲养种群小,多数物种没有形成可繁殖种群。抽样调查的动物园两栖类、爬行类、鸟类及哺乳类种群大小分别为5.09(±2.15)只、5.69(±4.28)只、15.00(±6.63)只和10.08(±2.91)只;(3)一些动物园,特别是小型动物园动物饲养空间小,一些动物表现出刻板行为;(4)中国动物园饲养繁殖的大熊猫、华南虎、鹤类已经建立了谱系,其他一些物种的谱系正在建立之中,然而,多数动物还没有谱系;(5)一些小型动物园存在笼舍不清洁,仅饲养了单只动物,展出动物名牌错误等问题。动物园是人类社会的重要组成部分。应当重视动物园的发展,加强国际交流与合作,为更多动物建立谱系,加大动物园的投入,增加动物种类,增大动物园面积,丰富圈养环境,发挥大型动物园的示范作用,以充分发挥动物园的动物展示、科学普及与物种资源保存功能。  相似文献   

The California Floristic Province harbours more endemic plant and animal taxa and more identifiable subspecies than any other area of comparable size in North America. We present evidence that physical historical processes have resulted in congruent patterns of genetic diversity over the past 2-10 million years. Using a molecular clock approach we show that diversification and establishment of spatial genetic structure across six taxonomic groups coincide with the putative age of California's mountain ranges and aridification in the region. Our results demonstrate the importance of geographical barriers and climatological events to species diversification and the overall geographical structure of biodiversity. These results should facilitate conservation efforts in this biodiversity hotspot for taxa whose population genetic structure is still unknown and may suggest the potential utility of this approach in regional conservation planning efforts.  相似文献   

Markhors (Capra falconeri) are among the most endangered mammal species, and several conservation measures, including ex situ breeding, are implemented to prevent their extinction. We studied sequence diversity and differentiation of the first hypervariable segment of the mitochondrial DNA control region among C. f. heptneri and C. f. megaceros kept in four zoos in relationship to lineages of other wild and domestic goats, to assess for the first time the level of molecular distinctness and variability among those subspecies, and to check for possible introgression by related Capra taxa, such as domestic goats. Levels of differentiation between some Capra falconeri lineages and modern domestic goats were similar to levels between other wild goat species (i.e., Capra aegagrus, Capra ibex) and domestic goats. Among pure markhor lineages, paraphyly was observed for C. f. heptneri, suggesting occurrence of shared ancestral polymorphism among markhor subspecies and/or ancient or recent gene exchange between subspecies. Interestingly, 35.7% of all studied markhors from three zoos are introgressed by the domestic goat. Furthermore, despite relatively small breeding group sizes, markhors have maintained a relatively high proportion of mtDNA variation within zoo groups. In any case, the existence of markhors introgressed with domestic goat DNA in zoos should be considered when selecting markhors for ex situ breeding programs with the aim of building up a stock for later reintroduction into the wild.  相似文献   

In a world of massive extinctions where not all taxa can be saved, how ought biologists to decide their preservation priorities? When biologists make recommendations regarding conservation, should their analyses be based on scientific criteria, on public or lay criteria, on economic or some other criteria? As a first step in answering this question, we examine the issue of whether biologists ought to try to save the endangered Florida panther, a well known “glamour” taxon. To evaluate the merits of panther preservation, we examine three important arguments of biologists who are skeptical about the desirability of panther preservation. These arguments are (1) that conservation dollars ought to be spent in more efficient ways than panther preservation; (2) that biologists and conservationists ought to work to preserve species before subspecies; and (3) that biologists and conservationists ought to work to save habitats before species or subspecies. We conclude that, although all three arguments are persuasive, none of them provides convincing grounds for foregoing panther preservation in favor of other, more scientifically significant conservation efforts. Our conclusion is based, in part, on the argument that biologists ought to employ ethical, as well as scientific, rationality in setting conservation priorities and that ethical rationality may provide persuasive grounds for preserving taxa that often are not viewed by biologists as of great importance.  相似文献   


To some, zoos are prisons exploiting animals. In reality zoos range from bad to better. I make this distinction: A bad zoo makes animals work for it; a good zoo works for animals. Good zoos do effective conservation work and continually strive to improve exhibits, relevance to conservation, and inspiring public engagement for wildlife. Many zoos have improved enormously; the better ones being crucial in saving species that would have otherwise gone extinct. Nonetheless, for some people the mere word “zoo” carries impressions of old zoos, bad zoos, circuses, and theme-park shows that many find distasteful. Good zoos know they must innovate forward. As society grows increasingly estranged from nature and continues driving broad declines of wildlife, wild lands, and natural systems, the goal of zoos and every organization concerned with animal welfare should not be to separate humans from other animals, but to entangle all humans in nonhuman lives. Zoos of the next decades must become the first stage in bringing young people into life-long, engaged caring about animals. They could carry on that mission in their communities, in schools, in wild lands, as well as inside their gates. Without a strong public constituency, wild animals will not withstand continued human proliferation. Zoos and aquariums must innovate toward being a crucial force abetting the continued existence of wildness on Earth. Zoos of the future must become uplifting places of respect, rescue, enhancement, conservation, and public engagement.  相似文献   

Zoo animal collections have gone through a variety of changes in recent decades. While an increasing number of species may be establishing self-sustainable populations, early specimens of some animal groups were captured and transported in wasteful and unacceptable methods, a part of history that should not be forgotten. Selection of species has shifted from individual to group decision-making processes, reflecting a different type of personnel now in charge. The fact remains, however, that zoos continue to present a popularity-driven, skewed representation of the animal kingdom to the public. Wildlife conservation has been one of the main purposes for zoos as well as zoo associations, both in Europe and America. In actuality, the concept of conservation is subject to individual interpretation and this is where a clear definition of the zoos’ role could become rather vague. An important and worthwhile task for zoos is conservation education. To counteract deep-rooted anthropomorphism in the public's mind is not easy, yet it is a necessary step to raise citizens’ environmental awareness. The ultimate results of conservation education include changing daily habits, as well as participation in grass-roots conservation movements, by citizens.  相似文献   

Whitworth AW 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29839
The debate as to which animals are most beneficial to keep in zoos in terms of financial and conservative value is readily disputed; however, demographic factors have also been shown to relate to visitor numbers on an international level. The main aims of this research were: (1) To observe the distribution and location of zoos across the UK, (2) to develop a way of calculating zoo popularity in terms of the species kept within a collection and (3) to investigate the factors related to visitor numbers regarding admission costs, popularity of the collection in terms of the species kept and local demographic factors. Zoo visitor numbers were positively correlated with generated popularity ratings for zoos based on the species kept within a collection and admission prices (Pearson correlation: n = 34, r = 0.268, P = 0.126 and n = 34, r = −0.430, P = 0.011). Animal collections are aggregated around large cities and tourist regions, particularly coastal areas. No relationship between demographic variables and visitor numbers was found (Pearson correlation: n = 34, r = 0.268, P = 0.126), which suggests that the popularity of a zoo''s collection relative to the types and numbers of species kept is more indicative of a collection''s visitor numbers than its surrounding demographic figures. Zoos should incorporate generating high popularity scores as part of their collection planning strategies, to ensure that they thrive in the future, not only as tourist attractions but also as major conservation organizations.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chrysocome (Forster 1781), is contentious. Some authorities recognise three subspecies based on morphological differences and geographical separation of breeding populations while others suggest that morphological differences support classifying rockhopper penguins as two distinct species. The taxonomy of rockhopper penguins is of more than academic interest as breeding colonies worldwide have declined markedly in size since the 1930s and rockhopper penguins are currently listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. We compared the genetic distances between three mitochondrial gene regions from the three putative rockhopper penguin subspecies with the distances between various penguin sister species to clarify the taxonomy and systematics of rockhopper penguins. Genetic distances between the rockhopper penguin taxa, relative to other closely related penguin species, support reclassifying the three rockhopper penguin subspecies as species. Reclassification of rockhopper penguins as three species could result in their conservation status being upgraded from vulnerable to endangered.  相似文献   

The conservation of endangered taxa often critically depends on accurate taxonomic designations. The status of the Gran Canaria population of the blue chaffinch Fringilla teydea polatzeki has not been reevaluated since the early 1900s when this taxon was described as a subspecies and combined with the much more common Tenerife blue chaffinch F. t. teydea in a single species. We show that multiple diagnostic differences in plumage, songs, calls and morphometrics distinguish F. t. polatzeki from F. t. teydea. Preliminary playback experiments suggest that F. t. polatzeki is able to discriminate between songs of both taxa. Along with previously reported differences in mitochondrial DNA, these findings show that the blue chaffinches on Gran Canaria and Tenerife represent two distinctive species: F. polatzeki and F. teydea. Gran Canaria blue chaffinch is Europe's rarest passerine species and should be classified as critically endangered. Its long‐term survival in the wild currently depends on a very small (< 20 km2) area in southwest Gran Canaria. Reclassification of Gran Canaria blue chaffinch as a species increases the urgency of ongoing conservation efforts. Our study underscores the critical importance of taxonomic clarification of threatened taxa that are currently classified as ‘subspecies’.  相似文献   

Zoos have played a pivotal role in the successful reinforcement and reintroduction of species threatened with extinction, but prioritization is required in the face of increasing need and limited capacity. One means of prioritizing between species of equal threat status when establishing new breeding programs is the consideration of evolutionary distinctness (ED). More distinct species have fewer close relatives such that their extinction would result in a greater overall loss to the Tree of Life. Considering global ex situ holdings of birds (a group with a complete and well‐detailed evolutionary tree), we investigate the representation of at‐risk and highly evolutionarily distinct species in global zoo holdings. We identified a total of 2,236 bird species indicated by the Zoological Information Management System as being held in zoological institutions worldwide. As previously reported, imperiled species (defined as those possessing endangered or critically endangered threat status) in this database are less likely to be held in zoos than non‐imperiled species. However, we find that species possessing ED scores within the top 10% of all bird species are more likely to be held in zoos than other species, possibly because they possess unique characteristics that have historically made them popular exhibits. To assist with the selection of high priority ED species for future zoo conservation programs, we provide a list of imperiled species currently not held in zoos, ranked by ED. This list highlights species representing particular priorities for ex situ conservation planners, and represents a practical tool for improving the conservation value of zoological collections.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of lineages can provide important information for delineating “evolutionarily significant units” (ESUs) for conservation, and for planning actions to protect and restore taxa threatened with extinction. Speyeria zerene hippolyta, the Oregon silverspot butterfly, is a U.S.A. federally threatened subspecies that is the focus of considerable conservation effort, but whose evolutionary relationships with other Speyeria taxa are not well-understood. We conducted a genetic analysis of nine Speyeria species and 25 subspecies from western U.S.A., using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Our goal was to determine whether such data supported (a) S. z. hippolyta’s designation as an ESU, and (b) the current morphologically-based taxonomy of Speyeria spp. Our data for S. z. hippolyta were equivocal; while nuclear markers resolved all these individuals into a single clade, mtDNA data suggested the existence of two clades. Aside from S. cybele, which was consistently supported as monophyletic, our data provided little support for most of the species currently recognized for western U.S. Speyeria, including S. zerene, and even less for the many subspecies designations. These genetic findings stand in contrast to the morphological differences recognized by experts, and suggest a relatively recent origin for many of these taxa. Two of 66 individuals screened for Wolbachia infection tested positive for this symbiont. Our results provide no persuasive evidence that S. z. hippolyta should lose its status as an ESU, but they have important implications for ongoing management actions such as population augmentation.  相似文献   

Within the next decades species extinction may eliminate between 20 and 50% of the Earth's species. Captive breeding has often been claimed to be a useful tool in preservation of biodiversity. The role of zoos in conservation work and the value of captive breeding are discussed; the latter exemplified by the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) Programme and the Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) Programme. Captive breeding programmes are very resource demanding and can only be afforded for a very small number of species, which limits their value significantly. Zoos deal mainly with vertebrates, but these comprise less than 3% of the described species, and although the 878 zoos considered hold more than 20 000 specimens of 140 threatened mammal species, they probably only contribute to the conservation of 20 full species. The situation for birds, reptiles and amphibians is even worse. Zoos face serious problems with minimum viable population sizes and hybridization. However, zoos can make a major contribution to preservation of biodiversity through educating and informing the public. Today, where the crisis of extinction of species has reached such daunting dimensions, captive breeding and otherex situ conservation tools should be the last resort for preserving biodiversity, and captive breeding must not become an excuse to avoid dealing with preservation of habitats.  相似文献   

区域性维管植物编目对于该区域内植物多样性保护及植物资源可持续利用具有重要意义。北京作为中国首都, 尽管编目工作早在20世纪60年代就得以开展, 但近30年来没有进行系统更新。现有数据零散、不系统, 相关编目进展甚至已经落后于周边地区。本文在《北京植物志(1992年修订版)》的基础上, 结合多年实际野外调查, 通过系统检索文献资料对现有编目数据进行查漏补缺(补充新分类群、新记录)、修订名称(基于新分类修订成果)、更新分类系统(采用基于分子数据的新分类系统), 并添加物种等级、分布状态、生长状态、室内/室外、分布区、了解程度及保护状况等相关信息, 最终完成北京维管植物编目和分布数据集(分为本土植物和外来植物两个表单, 其中外来植物主要基于志书和文献记载)。截至2021年12月31日, 该数据集共有数据2,883条(本土1,680条, 外来1,203条), 其中包含北京本土野生维管植物134科611属1,597个类群(1,440种3天然杂交种46亚种97变种11变型), 与《北京植物志(1992年修订版)》相比增加3科26属173种4亚种28变种11变型, 其中列入《国家重点保护野生植物名录(2021)》的有16种(一级仅1种), 列入《北京市重点保护野生植物名录(2008)》的有90种3亚种4变种; 收录外来维管植物137科581属1,184个类群(含992种及其他种下等级), 其中栽培植物854种19杂交种15亚种29变种2变型87栽培品种38栽培群, 逸生植物132种1亚种, 归化植物77种2变种, 入侵植物27种。编目数据显示, 北京本土野生维管植物多样性整体上并不高, 主要以广泛分布的常见种为主, 特有种、狭域种以及珍稀濒危种数量不多; 同时, 北京存在大量的外来植物(许多种类在《北京植物志》各版中已经收录), 这些植物也是北京维管植物多样性的重要组成部分, 但现有数据尚不完整。  相似文献   

People need a sense of purpose, the setting of clear targets, the encouragement and support of others in striving for and achieving tasks that have been set. This is particularly true for zoo personnel, a profession which is often under critical attack, especially from those who have a philosophical difficulty in accepting the idea of animals in captivity. The zoo world, with its huge number of collections and in excess of 600 million annual visitors, represents a grossly under-utilized force for the conservation of endangered species, for the development of scientific knowledge and the increase of public awareness through environmental education programmes. With targets before them, zoos can better provide, maintain and develop their full potential for the good of conservation. The World Zoo Conservation Strategy (WZCS) is not a new beginning, but a codification of the existing activities of responsible zoos, with the purpose of reminding all zoos and their supporters of the Mission Aims, which they should embrace and develop. It forms a set of standards of activity against which zoos can judge themselves and be judged by others. Zoological collections' ability to achieve the obligations of the WZCS will depend on public support. The Strategy, whilst setting the activity priorities, is also one which will evolve to meet the changing demands of the conservation world.  相似文献   

Taxonomic synopsis of Hippophae (Elaeagnaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small genus Hippophae (Elaeagnaceae) was thoroughly revised by Rousi in 1971. Several systematic treatments have since then confused the concept. Recent reports from China have added new subspecies, taxa with possible hybrid origin, and invalidly published names. Phylogenetic work on morphology and molecular markers agrees to Rousi's view of terminal taxa and seven species are currently recognised. Hippophae rhamnoides is a highly variable species and circumscribes eight subspecies. Recent work also confirms hybrid origins of two Chinese taxa. The purpose of this paper is to present a taxonomic synopsis of the genus with all currently accepted taxa and known types, especially in a situation of growing economic interest in Hippophae. We also provide a key and a map of the generic distribution.  相似文献   

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