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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method was established to detect each type of neurotoxin genes of Clostridium botulinum types A to F by employing the oligonucleotide primer sets corresponding to special regions of the light chains of the neurotoxins. In this procedure, the PCR products were easily confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion profiles, and as little as 2.5 pg of template DNAs from toxigenic strains could be detected. The specific PCR products were obtained from toxigenic C. botulinum types A to F, a type E toxin-producing C. butyricum strain, and a type F toxin-producing C. baratii strain, but no PCR product was detected in nontoxigenic strains of C. botulinum and other clostridial species. The neurotoxin genes were also detected in food products of a seasoned dry salmon and a fermented fish (Izushi) which had caused type E outbreaks of botulism. Therefore, it is concluded that this PCR-based detection method can be used for the rapid diagnosis of botulism.  相似文献   

The 16S toxin was purified from a Clostridium botulinum type D strain 1873 (D-1873). Furthermore, the entire nucleotide sequences of the genes coding for the 16S toxin were determined. It became clear that the purified D-1873 16S toxin consists of neurotoxin, nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNH), and hemagglutinin (HA), and that HA consists of four subcomponents, HA1, HA2, HA3a, and HA3b, the same as type D strain CB16 (D-CB16) 16S toxin. The nucleotide sequences of the nontoxic components of these two strains were also found to be identical except for several bases. However, the culture supernatant and the purified 16S toxin of D-1873 showed little HA activity, unlike D-CB16, though the fractions successively eluted after the D-1873 16S toxin peak from an SP-Toyopearl 650S column showed a low level of HA activity. The main difference between D-1873 and D-CB16 HA molecules was the mobility of the HA1 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Therefore it was presumed that the loss of HA activity of D-1873 16S toxin might be caused by the differences of processing HA after the translation.  相似文献   

A 9.8-kbp DNA fragment which contained a neurotoxin gene and its upstream region was cloned from Clostridium botulinum type D strain CB-16. Nucleotide sequencing of the fragment revealed that genes encoding for hemagglutinin (HA) subcomponents and one for a nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin (NTNH) component were located upstream of the neurotoxin gene. This strain produced two toxins of different molecular size (approximately 300 kDa and 500 kDa) which were designated as progenitor toxins (M and L toxins). The molecular size of the NTNH component of L toxin was approximately 130 kDa on SDS-PAGE and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was M-D-I-N-D-D-L-N-I-N-S-P-V-D-N-K-N-V-V-I which agreed with that deduced from the nucleotide sequence. In contrast, the M toxin had a 115-kDa NTNH component whose N-terminal sequence was S-T-I-P-F-P-F-G-G-Y-R-E-T-N-Y-I-E, corresponding to the sequence from Ser141 of the deduced sequence. A 15-kDa fragment, which was found to be associated with an M toxin preparation, possessed the same N-terminal amino acid sequence as that of the 130-kDa NTNH component. Furthermore, five major fragments generated by limited proteolysis with V8 protease were shown to have N-terminal amino acid sequences identical to those deduced from the nucleotide sequence of 130-kDa NTNH. These results indicate that the 130-kDa NTNH of the L toxin is cleaved at a unique site, between Thr and Ser, leading to the 115-kDa NTNH of the M toxin.  相似文献   

Recombinant whole heavy chains (H, 100 kDa) and their N-terminal (Hn, 50 kDa) and C-terminal (Hc, 50 kDa) half fragments of Clostridium botulinum type C and D neurotoxins were expressed as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. GST eliminated-preparations of H (10 microg), Hn (5 microg), Hc (5 microg), or a mixture of Hn (5 microg) and Hc (5 microg) of types C and D were mixed with an equal volume of adjuvant, and then were twice injected into mice subcutaneously. After immunization, the mice were challenged with up to 10(6) the minimum lethal doses (MLD)/0.5 ml of C or D toxin, the type of which was same as that of the immunogens. All of the mice immunized with antigens except for Hn survived against 10(5) to 10(6) MLD/0.5 ml of the toxins, but the mice immunized with Hn were killed by 100 MLD/0.5 ml. The mice immunized with a mixture of C-Hc and D-Hc, each 5 microg, also showed a high level of resistance against both C and D toxins. Antibody levels immunized with GST fused-or GST eliminatedpreparation were quite similar. These results indicate that recombinant GST-fused Hc can be used as a safe and effective vaccine for type C and D botulism in animals. It also became clear that one time inoculation with a large amount of C-Hc or D-Hc, 100 microg, is useful for vaccine trials in mice.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the nontoxic component of botulinum type E progenitor toxin is determined in recombinant plasmid pU9BUH containing about 6.0 kb HindIII fragment obtained from chromosomal DNA of Clostridium butyricum strain BL6340. The open reading frame (ORF) of this nontoxic component gene is composed of 3,486 nucleotide bases (1,162 amino acid residues). The molecular weight calculated from deduced amino acid residues is estimated 13,6810.1. The present study revealed that 33 nucleotide bases of 3,486 are different in the nontoxic component gene between C.butyricum strain BL6340 and C. botulinum type E strain Mashike. This corresponds to the difference of 17 amino acid residues in these nontoxic component.  相似文献   

The isolation of Clostridium botulinum from honey samples is described. Botulism is characterized as an intoxication provoked by ingestion of contaminated foods with this toxin. Infant botulism happens by the ingestion of spores of C. botulinum together with food that in special conditions of the intestinal tract, such as those present in babies of less than 1 year old, will allow the germination and colonization of the intestine with production and absorption of botulinic toxin. The samples were subjected to dilution and to a thermal shock and cultivated in modified CMM (Difco). Cultures were subjected to Gram smears and toxicity tests in mice. The toxic cultures were purified in RFCA (Oxoid) plates and incubated in anaerobic jars. Positive samples were typed using the mouse assay neutralization test. From the 85 honey samples analyzed, six were positive for C. botulinum (7.06%), and identified as producers of type A, B, and D toxins.  相似文献   

左庭婷  端青 《生物技术通讯》2010,21(1):103-106,144
肉毒毒素是自然界中已知毒性最强的毒素,通常被分为A~G共7个血清型,其中A、B、E型是最常见的人类中毒型别。肉毒中毒的流行特点与菌体的地域分布、各地居民的饮食习惯和社会活动都有一定关系。目前,除南极洲外的世界各大洲均有B型肉毒中毒的报道。我国、日本及欧洲B型肉毒中毒主要为家庭自制食物引发的食源性中毒,而美国则主要为婴儿肉毒中毒。近年来,创口型B型肉毒中毒与"注射型吸毒人员"的关联引起了研究者的注意。为了加深对B型肉毒中毒的了解,我们对我国及部分国家和地区的B型肉毒中毒情况做简要介绍。  相似文献   

Aims: To determine whether Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) production in anaerobic culture was affected by temperature and could influence the sandwich ELISA (sELISA) detection of group III toxins in pre‐enriched gastrointestinal (GI) contents from clinically suspect cattle botulism cases. Methods and Results: Bovine post‐mortem GI samples taken from 124 and 96 animals with suspect and nonsuspect botulism, respectively, were pre‐enriched anaerobically at 30 and 37°C prior to testing by sELISA. After enrichment at 37°C, BoNT was demonstrated in all clinically suspect bovine botulism cases that had been identified by the mouse bioassay, and enrichment by both temperatures enabled BoNT detection in a number of mouse bioassay–negative suspect cases. Conclusions: Culture temperature does influence the production of group III BoNT, and incubation at both 30 and 37°C is required for optimum detection. Significance and Impact of the Study: The in vitro assay defined in this study has the potential of improving the confirmation rate of clinically suspect cattle botulism cases whilst reducing the use of the costly and ethically sensitive mouse bioassay, the current diagnostic gold standard for BoNT testing.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 21E7-B12 (IgG3) can be used in a direct method of Clostridium tyrobutyricum detection based on an immunoenzymatic assay. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that the 21E7-B12 antibody recognized the surface-exposed epitopes on the flagellar filaments of C. tyrobutyricum. After flagellar extraction, the purified flagellin showed an apparent molecular mass of 46 kDa with an isoelectric point of 3.6. Sugar staining, mild periodate oxidation and é-elimination experiments showed that the flagellin was glycosylated and that the 21E7-B12 epitope was located in the sugar moiety. Amino acid composition showed that the flagellar filament protein contained a high percentage of serine and threonine, while proline was absent. The first 23 residues of the N-terminal were determined and sequence homology with other flagellins was found.  相似文献   

The TaqMan real-time PCR method for the quantitative detection of C. botulinum type A was developed based on sequence-specific hybridization probes. The validity of this assay was verified by using 10 genera of 20 strains, including reference strains of C. botulinum types A, B, C, D, E and F. The detection limit of this assay was evaluated on C. botulinum type A, using a 10-fold dilution series of DNA and spores . The DNA and spores were detected up to level of 0.1 ng/ml and 10(2)spores/ml, respectively. Spore spiked food sample preparation prior to the real-time PCR was performed by two methods, heat treatment and GuSCN. The detection limits after heat treatment showed 10(2) spores/ml for spiked sausage slurry, and 10(3) spores/ml for spiked canned corn slurry, while detection limits after GuSCN precipitation showed 10(2) spores/ml in both sausage and canned corn. Therefore the real-time PCR assay after GuSCN precipitation is useful for the quantification of C. botulinum type A because it showed identical CT values in both pure spore solutions and food slurries. We suggest that quantitative analysis of C. botulinum type A by TaqMan real-time PCR can be a rapid and accurate assessment method for botulinal risk in food samples.  相似文献   

A unique strain of Clostridium botulinum, serotype D 4947 (D-4947), produces a considerable amount of a 650 kDa toxin complex (L-TC) and a small amount of a 280 kDa M-TC, a 540 kDa TC, and a 610 kDa TC. The complexes are composed of only un-nicked components, including neurotoxin (NT), nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNHA) and hemagglutinin subcomponents (HA-70, HA-33 and HA-17). Unlike other NTs from all serotype strains, separation of D-4947 NT from L-TC, except for M-TC, during chromatography required highly alkaline conditions around pH 8.8. The separated NT and NTNHA/HAs complex can be reconstituted to L-TC that is indistinguishable from the parent L-TC with respect to toxicity, hemagglutination activity and gel filtration profile. The isoelectric points of NT and NTNHA/HAs were close together depending on the number of HA-33/17 molecules. We have established a new method to separate the unique D-4947 NT from the complex, which will yield valuable information on structure of botulinum toxin.  相似文献   

The cluster of genes encoding components of the progenitor botulinum neurotoxin complex has been mapped and cloned in Clostridium botulinum type G strain ATCC 27322. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the region has revealed open reading frames encoding nontoxic components of the complex, upstream of the gene encoding BoNT/G (botG). The arrangement of these genes differs from that in strains of other antigenic toxin types. Immediately upstream of botG lies a gene encoding a protein of 1198 amino acids, which shows homology with the nontoxic-nonhemagglutinin (NTNH) component of the progenitor complex. Further upstream there are genes encoding proteins with homology to hemagglutinin components (HA-17, HA-70) and a putative positive regulator of gene expression (P-21). Sequence comparison has shown that BoNT/G has highest homology with BoNT/B. The sequence of the BoNT-cluster of genes in non-proteolytic C. botulinum type B strain Eklund 17B has been extended to include the complete NTNH and HA-17, and partial HA-70 gene sequences. Comparison of NTNH/G with other NTNHs reveals that it shows highest homology with NTNH/B consistent with the genealogical affinity shown between BoNT/G and BoNT/B genes. Received: 28 January 1997 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type A (BTx-A) is known to inhibit the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions and synapses and to cause neuroparalysis and death. In this study, we have identified two monoclonal antibodies, BT57-1 and BT150-3, which protect ICR mice against lethal doses of BTx-A challenge. The neutralizing activities for BT57-1 and BT150-3 were 103 and 104 times the 50% lethal dose, respectively. Using immunoblotting analysis, BT57-1 was recognized as a light chain and BT150-3 was recognized as a heavy chain of BTx-A. Also, applying the phage display method, we investigated the antibodies' neutralizing B-cell epitopes. These immunopositive phage clones displayed consensus motifs, Asp-Pro-Leu for BT57-1 and Cys-X-Asp-Cys for BT150. The synthetic peptide P4M (KGTFDPLQEPRT) corresponded to the phage-displayed peptide selected by BT57-1 and was able to bind the antibodies specifically. This peptide was also shown by competitive inhibition assay to be able to inhibit phage clone binding to BT57-1. Aspartic acid (D5) in P4M was crucial to the binding of P4M to BT57-1, since its binding activity dramatically decreased when it was changed to lysine (K5). Finally, immunizing mice with the selected phage clones elicited a specific humoral response against BTx-A. These results suggest that phage-displayed random-peptide libraries are useful in identifying the neutralizing epitopes of monoclonal antibodies. In the future, the identification of the neutralizing epitopes of BTx-A may provide important information for the identification of the BTx-A receptor and the design of a BTx-A vaccine.  相似文献   

Proteolytic Clostridium botulinum type B strains were investigated for stability of toxigenicity and bont/b gene upon serial passage. Strains with bont/b gene located on their plasmids showed loss or decrease of toxigenicity during serial passage. Some strains lost the bont/b gene-encoding plasmid. The stability of the plasmids varied between strains.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization was performed for 10 group I Clostridium botulinum strains isolated from botulism cases in Japan between 2006 and 2011. Of these, 1 was type A, 2 were type B, and 7 were type A(B) {carrying a silent bont/B [bont/(B)] gene} serotype strains, based on botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) production. The type A strain harbored the subtype A1 BoNT gene (bont/A1), which is associated with the ha gene cluster. The type B strains carried bont/B5 or bont/B6 subtype genes. The type A(B) strains carried bont/A1 identical to that of type A(B) strain NCTC2916. However, bont/(B) genes in these strains showed single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among strains. SNPs at 2 nucleotide positions of bont/(B) enabled classification of the type A(B) strains into 3 groups. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) also provided consistent separation results. In addition, the type A(B) strains were separated into 2 lineages based on their plasmid profiles. One lineage carried a small plasmid (5.9 kb), and another harbored 21-kb plasmids. To obtain more detailed genetic information about the 10 strains, we sequenced their genomes and compared them with 13 group I C. botulinum genomes in a database using whole-genome SNP analysis. This analysis provided high-resolution strain discrimination and enabled us to generate a refined phylogenetic tree that provides effective traceability of botulism cases, as well as bioterrorism materials. In the phylogenetic tree, the subtype B6 strains, Okayama2011 and Osaka05, were distantly separated from the other strains, indicating genomic divergence of subtype B6 strains among group I strains.  相似文献   

Seven distinct strains of Clostridium botulinum (type A to G) each produce a stable complex of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) along with neurotoxin-associated proteins (NAPs). Type A botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT/A) is produced with a group of NAPs and is commercially available for the treatment of numerous neuromuscular disorders and cosmetic purposes. Previous studies have indicated that BoNT/A complex composition is specific to the strain, the method of growth and the method of purification; consequently, any variation in composition of NAPs could have significant implications to the effectiveness of BoNT based therapeutics. In this study, a standard analytical technique using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) and densitometry analysis was developed to accurately analyze BoNT/A complex from C. botulinum type A Hall strain. Using 3 batches of BoNT/A complex the molar ratio was determined as neurotoxin binding protein (NBP, 124 kDa), heavy chain (HC, 90 kDa), light chain (LC, 53 kDa), NAP-53 (50 kDa), NAP-33 (36 kDa), NAP-22 (24 kDa), NAP-17 (17 kDa) 1:1:1:2:3:2:2. With Bradford, Lowry, bicinchoninic acid (BCA) and spectroscopic protein estimation methods, the extinction coefficient of BoNT/A complex was determined as 1.54 ± 0.26 (mg/mL)?1cm?1. These findings of a reproducible BoNT/A complex composition will aid in understanding the molecular structure and function of BoNT/A and NAPs.  相似文献   

Mouse‐human chimeric monoclonal antibodies that could neutralize botulinum neurotoxins were developed and an attempt was made to establish mouse hybridoma cell clones that produced monoclonal antibodies that neutralized botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNT/A). Four clones (2–4, 2–5, 9–4 and B1) were selected for chimerization on the basis of their neutralizing activity against BoNT/A and the cDNA of the variable regions of their heavy (VH) and light chains (VL) were fused with the upstream regions of the constant counterparts of human kappa light and gamma 1 heavy chain genes, respectively. CHO‐DG44 cells were transfected with these plasmids and mouse‐human chimeric antibodies (AC24, AC25, AC94 and ACB1) purified to examine their binding and neutralizing activities. Each chimeric antibody exhibited almost the same capability as each parent mouse mAb to bind and neutralize activities against BoNT/A. From the chimeric antibodies against BoNT/A, shuffling chimeric antibodies designed with replacement of their VH or VL domains were constructed. A shuffling antibody (AC2494) that derived its VH and VL domains from chimeric antibodies AC24 and AC94, respectively, showed much higher neutralizing activity than did other shuffling antibodies and parent counterparts. This result indicates that it is possible to build high‐potency neutralizing chimeric antibodies by selecting and shuffling VH and VL domains from a variety of repertoires. A shuffling chimeric antibody might be the best candidate for replacing horse antitoxin for inducing passive immunotherapy against botulism.  相似文献   

A型肉毒神经毒素基因的PCR检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立快速筛查A型肉毒毒素的PCR方法。方法:根据GenBank中报道的肉毒毒素基因序列,综合应用多种生物软件分析设计特异的检测引物,从提取的基因组DNA、热裂解产物和菌液等不同形式的模板中扩增大小为457bp的A型肉毒毒素特异基因片段,以肉毒梭菌其他血清型及破伤风梭菌为对照。结果:检测方法无交叉反应,灵敏度可达10pgDNA,3×103个菌。结论:建立的检测方法特异性强、灵敏度高,可以用于A型肉毒毒素基因的快速筛查。  相似文献   

A denaturing capillary electrophoresis method was developed to evaluate the subunit stoichiometry of the Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin complex. The results indicate that the neurotoxin complex contains single copies of the 150 kDa neurotoxin and the non-toxic non-hemagglutinating subunits as well as 5–6 HA17, 4–5 HA23, 3–4 HA48, and 8–9 HA34 subunits. The calculated molecular mass for a complex with this stoichiometry is between 880 and 1,000 kDa. The molecular mass of the intact complex was determined using size-exclusion HPLC (SE-HPLC) and SE-HPLC in conjunction with multi-angle laser light scattering detection. Based on a comparison to a mixture of standard proteins, SE-HPLC analysis yielded a molecular mass of 880 kDa while light scattering analysis indicated a weight average molecular mass of 925 ± 45 kDa. The close agreement between the molecular mass values determined by the three approaches supports the subunit stoichiometry proposed for the C. botulinum type A neurotoxin complex.  相似文献   

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