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We exposed fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to water fromone of two distinct habitat types (an open water site or a vegetatedcover site in the same stream) that we mixed with either alarmsubstance or a distilled water control. Upon subsequent exposuresto the habitat waters alone, minnows showed a fright responseto the habitat water that they received in conjunction withalarm substance but not to the other habitat water. These resultsindicate that minnows can learn to recognize high-risk habitatsbased on the association of habitat specific chemical cues withalarm substance. The ability to recognize these habitats couldpotentially lower the minnows' risk of predation. These resultsprovide evidence of a long-term benefit to receivers of a chemicalalarm signal.  相似文献   

In this study we test whether brook sticklebacks (Culaea inconstans) can acquire predator recognition through releaser-induced recognition learning, i.e. simultaneous exposure to aversive ('releasing') stimuli and neutral stimuli causing learned aversion to the neutral stimuli. We exposed wild-caught pike-naive brook sticklebacks (collected from a creek containing fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, but not pike, Esox lucius) to chemical stimuli from pike that were mixed with brook stickleback skin extract, fathead minnow skin extract, or a control of distilled water. In subsequent tests 2 d later, when only pike stimuli were presented, sticklebacks conditioned with stickleback skin extract and fathead minnow skin extract exhibited antipredator behaviour (i.e. increased schooling and movement toward the substrate), while those conditioned with distilled water did not. Sticklebacks conditioned with stickleback skin extract responded to pike with a more intense response, in terms of movement toward the substrate, than those conditioned with fathead minnow skin extract, suggesting that conspecific skin extract may be a stronger stimulus than heterospecific skin extract for learning recognition of predators. To our knowledge this is the first study to demonstrate that an acanthopterygian fish can acquire predator recognition through the pairing of conspecific alarm pheromone with the cue of a predator. Furthermore, our results are the first to demonstrate that fish can acquire predator recognition through the pairing of a heterospecific alarm pheromone with the cue of a predator. These results suggest that brook sticklebacks will benefit by being in close proximity to fathead minnows. Acquired predator recognition has long-term consequences in mediating predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of predator recognition in mediating predator-prey interactions, we know little about the specific characteristics that prey use to distinguish predators from non-predators. Recent experiments indicate that some prey who do not innately recognize specific predators as threats have the ability to display antipredator responses upon their first encounter with those predators if they are similar to predators that the prey has recently learned to recognize. The purpose of our present experiment is to test whether this generalization of predator recognition is dependent on the level of risk associated with the known predator. We conditioned fathead minnows to chemically recognize brown trout either as a high or low threat and then tested the minnows for their responses to brown trout, rainbow trout (closely related predator) or yellow perch (distantly related predator). When the brown trout represents a high-risk predator, minnows show an antipredator response to the odour of brown trout and rainbow trout but not to yellow perch. However, when the brown trout represents a low-risk predator, minnows display antipredator responses to brown trout, but not to the rainbow trout or yellow perch. We discuss these results in the context of the Predator Recognition Continuum Hypothesis.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of aquatic organisms release alarm signals upon being attacked by a predator. Alarm signals may 'warn' nearby individuals of danger. Moreover, the signals may be important in facilitating learned recognition of unknown stimuli. It is common for different prey species to respond to each other's chemical alarm signals. In many cases, the responses are learned but no learning mechanisms have been identified to date. In this study we tested whether prey fish can learn the identity of an unknown alarm signal when they detect it in association with conspecific alarm cues in the diet of a predator. Chemical alarm cues are known to be conserved in the diet of predators. We conditioned fathead minnows ( Pimephales promelas ) with chemical stimuli from predatory yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) fed a mixed diet of minnows and brook stickleback ( Culaea inconstans ), perch fed a mixed diet of swordtails ( Xiphophorus helleri ) and stickleback or distilled water. Minnows were subsequently exposed to chemical alarm cues of injured stickleback alone. Those minnows previously conditioned with perch fed a mixed diet of minnows and stickleback increased their use of shelter and 'froze' significantly more than minnows previously conditioned with perch fed a diet of swordtails and stickleback or those exposed to distilled water. These data demonstrate a mechanism by which minnows can learn the identity of a heterospecific alarm signal.  相似文献   

Pike-naive fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were fed ad libitum or deprived of food for 12, 24, or 48 h and then exposed to either conspecific alarm pheromone or distilled water and the odour of a predatory northern pike (Esox lucius). Minnows fed ad libitum or deprived for 12 h showed a stereotypic alarm response to the alarm pheromone (increased time under cover objects and increased occurrence of dashing and freezing behaviour); those deprived of food for 24 h showed a significantly reduced alarm response, while those deprived of food for 48 h did not differ significantly from the minnows exposed to a distilled water control. Upon subsequent testing in an Opto-Varimex activity meter, all groups initially exposed to alarm pheromone and pike odour exhibited an alarm response when exposed to pike odour alone. Those initially conditioned with distilled water and pike odour did nor show an alarm response to pike odour alone. These results demonstrate that there exists a significant trade-off between hunger level and predator-avoidance behaviour in fathead minnows and that minnows can learn the chemical cues of a predatory northern pike through association with alarm pheromone even in the absence of an observable alarm response.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of aquatic organisms release chemical alarm cues upon encountering or being attacked by a predator. These alarm cues can be used by nearby individuals to assess local predation risk. Receivers warned by chemical alarm cues gain a survival benefit when encountering predators. Animals that are in the same prey guild (i.e. that co‐occur and share the same predators) may learn to recognize each others’ chemical alarm cues. This ability may confer an adaptive advantage if the prey animals are vulnerable to the same predators. However, if the prey grow to different sizes and as a consequence are no longer vulnerable to the same suite of predators, then there should no longer be an advantage for the prey to respond to each others’ alarm cues. In this study, we exposed small and large fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to cues from syntopic injured damselfly larvae (Enallagma boreale), cues from injured mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and to distilled water. Small minnows exhibited antipredatory behaviour and increased shelter use in response to injured damselfly cues but not to the controls of injured mealworm or distilled water. On the contrary, large minnows exhibited no significant change in shelter use in response to any of the injured cues. These data demonstrate that fathead minnows exhibit an antipredator response to damselfly alarm cues, but only when minnows are small and members of the same prey guild as damselfly larvae. These results demonstrate the considerable flexibility in the responses to heterospecific alarm cues.  相似文献   

Fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, and glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, were tested for their ability to associate predation risk with novel auditory stimuli after auditory stimuli were presented simultaneously with chemical alarm cues. Minnows and tetras gave a fright response when exposed to skin extract (alarm cue) and an artificial auditory sound stimulus, but no response to water (control) and sound, indicating that they did not have a pre-existing aversion to the auditory stimulus. When retested with sound stimuli alone, minnows and glowlight tetras that had previously been conditioned with water and sound showed no response, but those that had been conditioned with alarm cues and sound exhibited antipredator behaviour (reduced activity) in response to the auditory cue. This is the first known demonstration of learned association of an auditory cue with predation risk, and raises questions about the role of sound in mediating predator-prey interactions in fishes.  相似文献   

Many prey species rely on conspecifics to gather information about unknown predation threats, but little is known about the role of varying environmental conditions on the efficacy of social learning. We examined predator-naive minnows that had the opportunity to learn about predators from experienced models that were raised in either a low- or high-risk environment. There were striking differences in behaviour among models; high-risk models showed a weaker response to the predator cue and became neophobic in response to the control cue (a novel odour, NO). Observers that were previously paired with low-risk models acquired a strong antipredator response only to the predator cue. However, observers that interacted with high-risk models, displayed a much weaker response to the predator odour and a weak neophobic response to the NO. This is the first study reporting such different outcomes of social learning under different environmental conditions, and suggests high-risk environments promote the cultural transmission of neophobia more so than social learning. If such a transfer can be considered similar to secondary traumatization in humans, culturally transmitted neophobia in minnows may provide a good model system for understanding more about the social ecology of fear disorders.  相似文献   

The introduction of predator species into new habitats is an increasingly common consequence of human activities, and the persistence of native prey species depends upon their response to these novel predators. In this study, we examined whether the Largespring mosquitofish, Gambusia geiseri exhibited antipredator behavior and/or an elevation of circulating stress hormones (cortisol) to visual and chemical cues from a native predator, a novel predator, or a non‐predatory control fish. Prey showed the most pronounced antipredator response to the native predator treatment, by moving away from the stimulus, while the prey showed no significant changes in their vertical or horizontal position in response to the novel or non‐predator treatments. We also found no significant difference in water‐borne cortisol release rates following any of the treatments. Our results suggest the prey did not recognize and exhibit antipredator behavior to the novel predator, and we infer that this predator species could be detrimental if it expands into the range of this prey species. Further, our study demonstrates prey may not respond to an invasive predator that is phylogenetically, behaviorally, and morphologically dissimilar from the prey species' native predators.  相似文献   

Predation threat-associated behavioral response was studied in Rana temporalis tadpoles to discover the importance of predators’ visual and chemical cues (kairomones and diet-derived metabolites of consumed prey) in evoking antipredator behavior. The caged predators (dragonfly larvae) fed on prey tadpoles or insects (Notonecta spp.) and water conditioned with the predators provided the threat stimuli to the tadpole prey. The predators’ visual cues were ineffective in evoking antipredator behaviors in the tadpole prey. However, exposure to caged tadpole-fed predators or water conditioned with tadpole-fed predators elicited predator avoidance behavior in the tadpoles; they stayed away from the predators, significantly reduced swimming activity (swimming time and distance traveled), and increased burst speed. Interestingly, exposure to water conditioned with starved predators did not elicit any antipredator behavior in the prey. Further, the antipredator responses of predator-experienced tadpoles were significantly greater than those exhibited by predator-na?ve tadpoles. The study shows that R. temporalis tadpoles assess predation threat based exclusively on chemical cues emanating from the predators’ dietary metabolites and that the inclusion of conspecific prey items in the diet of the predators is perceived as a threat. The study also shows that antipredator behavior in these tadpoles is innate and is enhanced during subsequent encounters with the predators.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year, predator-naive fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas , from a pikesympatric population did not respond to chemical stimuli from northern pike, Esox Indus , while wild-caught fish of the same age and size did. These results suggest that chemical predator recognition is a result of previous experience and not genetic factors, Wild young-of-the-year minnows responded to pike odour with a response intensity that was similar to that of older fish, demonstrating that the ability to recognize predators is learned within the first year. The intensity of response of wild minnows which had been maintained in a predator free environment for 1 year was similar to that of recently caught minnows of the same age, suggesting that reinforcement was not required for predator recognition to be retained. Naive minnows that were exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike (a neutral stimulus) and minnow alarm substance exhibited a fright response upon subsequent exposure to the pike stimulus alone. Predator-naive minnows exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike and glass-distilled water did not exhibit a fright response to the pike stimulus alone. These results demonstrate that fathead minnows can acquire predator recognition through releaserinduced recognition learning, thus confirming a known mechanism through which alarm substance may benefit the receivers of an alarm signal.  相似文献   

Naive European minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) do not show a fright reaction when they first encounter the odour of a natural predator (the pike: Esox lucius) or the odour of a non-piscivorous exotic (tilapia: Tilapia mariae). A conditioned fright response to both these odours will however develop if minnows experience them in a potentially dangerous situation, for example, in conjunction with Schreckstoff, the ostariophysian alarm pheromone. Although minnows respond to both odours the reaction to the tilapia odour is reduced. This suggests that a constraint on learning is involved. Olfactory recognition is particularly valuable for detecting predators that hunt in conditions where visibility is poor.  相似文献   

Predator inspection behaviour at different levels of attack motivation (attack status of the predator) was investigated in European minnows Phoxinus phoxinus from a population sympatric with pike Esox lucius , during controlled laboratory experiments. Shoals of minnows performed more predator inspections and formed larger inspection group sizes shortly after an attack by a pike. After inspection, minnows returned to the safety of the main shoal, regardless of predator motivation. Minnows which inspected last-before and first-after a strike by a pike modified their behaviour after inspection; they reduced feeding, increased shoaling, flicked their dorsal and pectoral fins and skittered. This behaviour signified alarm and appeared to reflect the severity of the threat posed by the predator at the time of inspection. Fish that had inspected when the pike displayed low attack motivation did not modify their behaviour after inspection to reflect alarm. Information concerning the attack motivation of the predator is probably transferred passively throughout the shoal by changed inspector behaviour and by inspection rate. These data demonstrate that: (1) minnows modified their behaviour after inspection to reflect a predator's attack motivation; and (2) minnows which inspected immediately before a strike appeared to anticipate the future attack and modified their behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Organisms faced with stressors deploy a suite of adaptive responses in the form of behavioral, physiological and cognitive modifications to overcome the challenge. Interactive effects of these responses are known to influence learning and memory processes and facilitation is thought to be dependent, in part, upon contextual relevance of the stressor to the learning task. Predation is one such stressor for prey animals, and their ability to manage reliable information about predators is essential for adaptive antipredator strategies. Here, we investigated (i) the influence cortisol has on the ability of juvenile rainbow trout to learn and retain conditioned antipredator responses to predatory cues, and (ii) whether conditioned behavioral and physiological responses to predator cues are fixed or deployed in a threat-sensitive manner. Trout were fed cortisol-coated pellets minutes prior to a conditioning event where they were exposed to novel predator odor paired with chemical alarm cues (unconditioned stimulus). We tested for conditioned responses by exposing trout to predator cues after 2, 4 or 10 days and subsequently documented physiological and behavioral responses. Both control and cortisol-fed trout learned the predator odor and responded 2 and 4 days post conditioning. However, at 10 days only cortisol-fed trout maintained strong behavioral responses to predator cues. Interestingly, we failed to find conditioned physiological responses to predator odor despite the presence of threat-sensitive cortisol responses to the unconditioned stimulus. Our findings suggest cortisol exposure prior to predator-learning may enhance retention of conditioned responses, even without a contextual link between stressor source and learning task.  相似文献   

Fishes in the superorder ostariophysi possess specialized epidermal cells that contain an alarm cue. Fish associate novel odours, such as the odour of a predator, with predation risk after a single, simultaneous exposure to the novel odour and alarm cue. Thereafter, the novel cue is recognized as an indicator of risk and its presence induces antipredator behaviour. Two common antipredator behaviours are reduction in activity and movement to the bottom. This phenomenon has been demonstrated many times in the laboratory setting for a variety of aquatic taxa. In nature however, the detection of novel predator odour may be time-shifted with respect to the detection of alarm cues. Is there a critical period immediately upon the detection of alarm cue in which associative learning can occur? We presented zebra danios, Danio rerio, with the odour of northern pike, Esox lucius, 5?min after presenting them with either alarm cue or water (control). During a predation event, 5?min is a long time. When later retested with pike odour alone, zebra fish conditioned with alarm cue significantly increased antipredator behaviour in terms of decreased activity and movement towards the bottom. Control fish did not recognize pike odour as dangerous when retested. These data show that learned recognition of predation risk is sufficiently robust to accommodate ecologically realistic temporal shifts in stimulus presentation.  相似文献   

Chemical alarm cues released from injured tissue are not released under any other context and therefore reliably inform nearby prey of the presence of a predator. Laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that most aquatic taxa show antipredator responses to chemical alarm cues. Ostariophysan fish (e.g. minnows) possess specialized skin cells that contain an alarm chemical. Magurran et al. (1996, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B,263, 1551-1556) were the first to use underwater video to carefully document the behavioural response of free-ranging wild populations of minnows to minnow alarm cues. They found no evidence of an antipredator response, and challenged the assumption that the contents of these cells indicate risk in the field. They proposed that alarm responses are context dependent in that they are an artefact of enclosed environments such as laboratory aquaria and field traps. Here, we repeat their experiment on free-swimming field populations of littoral fish and report a significant decrease in the number of fish in areas where chemical alarm cues of blacknose shiners, Notropis heterolepis (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae) were released. The effect of these chemical cues was equal in magnitude to the effect of the presentation of a model predator. The response to the approach of a model predator (visual cue) was intensified by pre-exposure to chemical alarm cues. We corroborated this interaction between chemical and visual indicators of predation risk in a laboratory study using glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus (Ostariophysi: Characidae). Response to the visual stimulus of a predator was significantly intensified by previous exposure to conspecific chemical alarm cues. We conclude that ostariophysan skin indeed contains an alarm cue that (1) informs nearby prey of imminent predation risk, (2) induces some form of antipredator behaviour in most contexts, and (3) affects subsequent behavioural responses to stimuli in other sensory modalities.  相似文献   

In four experiments conducted over a 6-year period, we investigated whether fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, could acquire the ability to recognize chemical alarm cues of introduced brook stickleback, Culaea inconstans. A laboratory experiment documented that stickleback-naïve minnows did not exhibit an anti-predator response when exposed to the chemical alarm cues of stickleback. In a laboratory experiment conducted 5 years after the introduction of stickleback to the pond, minnows exhibited an antipredator response to stickleback cues. Moreover, in a field experiment the minnows exhibited avoidance of areas labelled with stickleback alarm cues. Minnows raised from eggs taken from the test pond did not exhibit an anti-predator response to stickleback cues while minnows from the test pond that had experience with stickleback cues did respond to stickleback cues. Our results provide clear evidence that cross-species responses to chemical alarm cues of fishes can be learned. Learned recognition of alarm cues has important implications for predator/prey interactions.  相似文献   

James J. Krupa  Andrew Sih 《Oecologia》1998,117(1-2):258-265
Many studies have experimentally addressed the effects of a particular predator species on prey behavior. In nature, however, prey frequently face multiple species of predators that often vary in their predatory mode and in their level of predation risk. Relatively few studies have considered prey responses under these complex conditions. In Kentucky, the stream-dwelling water strider (Aquariusremigis) coexists with many potentially dangerous predators, two of which are the green sunfish (Lepomiscyanellus) and the fishing spider (Dolomedesvittatus). Green sunfish occupy stream pools and attack water striders from below. In contrast, fishing spiders hunt along stream shorelines where they perch on overhanging vegetation or rocks and attack water striders near shore. We compared how A. remigis individuals respond to these two very different predators in pools with one or both predators. The presence of sunfish in pools had strong effects on male water strider behavior, including increased use of three types of refuge from sunfish (riffles, climbing out of the water, sitting on the water but at the edges of pools), decreased activity and a decreased number of aggressive males on the water. Spiders also influenced water strider behavior; male water striders avoided spiders by shifting away from the edges of pools. Comparisons of the effects of the two predator species showed that in general, antipredator responses by male water striders were stronger in pools with fish alone than in those with spiders alone. In the presence of both predators, male water strider behavior (microhabitat use and activity) was generally similar to behavior in the presence of fish alone. In contrast, female water striders showed no significant response to the presence of sunfish, and little response to the presence of spiders. This lack of response could be because females spent much of their time in refuges even in the absence of predators (apparently hiding from harassment by males). Both spiders and fish caused decreases in water strider mating activity. The presence of fish reduced both the number of matings per pool (mating frequency), and mean mating durations. Spiders induced a decrease in mean mating duration, but not in mating frequency. The largest reductions in mating activity occurred in pools with both predators present. Pools with either spiders or fish alone suffered 15–20% water strider mortality during our experiment (versus no mortality in predator-free pools). Extant theory suggests that when prey face conflicting microhabitat responses to two predators (as in this study), the predators should have facilitative effects on predation rates (i.e., prey that avoid one predator are often killed by the other and vice versa). Mortality rates in pools with both predators present, however, were not significantly different from that predicted by a null model of multiple predator effects. The lack of predator facilitation can be explained by the compensatory reductions in water strider activity and mating activity in the presence of both predators. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

While some prey species possess an innate recognition of their predators, others require learning to recognize their predators. The specific characteristics of the predators that prey learn and whether prey can generalize this learning to similar predatory threats have been virtually ignored. Here, we investigated whether fathead minnows that learned to chemically recognize a specific predator species as a threat has the ability to generalize their recognition to closely related predators. We found that minnows trained to recognize the odour of a lake trout as a threat (the reference predator) generalized their responses to brook trout (same genus as lake trout) and rainbow trout (same family), but did not generalize to a distantly related predatory pike or non-predatory suckers. We also found that the intensity of antipredator responses to the other species was correlated with the phylogenetic distance to the reference predator; minnows responded with a higher intensity response to brook trout than rainbow trout. This is the first study showing that prey have the ability to exhibit generalization of predator odour recognition. We discuss these results and provide a theoretical framework for future studies of generalization of predator recognition.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared juveniles of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were conditioned to the odours of Arctic charr‐fed pikeperch Sander lucioperca in the absence of any other cues. Accordingly, there was no physical threat of capture for the Arctic charr. It was evident from the subsequent survival tests that a single exposure to predator odours was enough to increase Arctic charr survival compared to predator‐naïve control fish whist under direct threat from live predators. Instead of habituating to predator odours, the fish conditioned repeatedly (four times) improved their spatial avoidance of predator cues in the course of training. The repeated conditioning also further enhanced the survival of the test fish as compared to the singly conditioned fish. The economical and ethical advantages of training with chemical cues, combined with its high reliability, could promote the success of fish reintroductions especially through repeated antipredator conditioning.  相似文献   

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