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A way to identify loci subject to positive selection is to detect the signature of selective sweeps in given chromosomal regions. It is revealed by the departure of DNA polymorphism patterns from the neutral equilibrium predicted by coalescent theory. We surveyed DNA sequence variation in a region formerly identified as causing "sex-ratio" meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans. We found evidence that this system evolved by positive selection at 2 neighboring loci, which thus appear to be required simultaneously for meiotic drive to occur. The 2 regions are approximately 150-kb distant, corresponding to a genetic distance of 0.1 cM. The presumably large transmission advantage of chromosomes carrying meiotic drive alleles at both loci has not erased the individual signature of selection at each locus. This chromosome fragment combines a high level of linkage disequilibrium between the 2 critical regions with a high recombination rate. As a result, 2 characteristic traits of selective sweeps--the reduction of variation and the departure from selective neutrality in haplotype tests--show a bimodal pattern. Linkage disequilibrium level indicates that, in the natural population from Madagascar used in this study, the selective sweep may be as recent as 100 years.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait, known in several species of Drosophila including D. simulans, results from meiotic drive of the X chromosome against the Y. Males that carry a sex-ratio X chromosome produce strongly female-biased progeny. In D. simulans, drive suppressors have evolved on the Y chromosome and on the autosomes. Both the frequency of sex-ratio X and the strength of the total drive suppression (Y-linked and autosomal) vary widely among geographic populations of this worldwide species. We have investigated the pattern of Y-linked drive suppression in six natural populations representative of this variability. Y-linked suppressors were found to be a regular component of the suppression, with large differences between populations in the mean level of suppression. These variations did not correspond to differences in frequency of discrete types of Y chromosomes, but to a more or less wide continuum of phenotypes, from nonsuppressor to partial or total suppressor. We concluded that a large diversity of Y-linked suppressor alleles exists in D. simulans and that some populations are highly polymorphic. Our results support the hypothesis that a Y-chromosome polymorphism can be easily maintained by a balance between meiotic drive and the cost of drive suppression.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally-transmitted endocellular bacteria infecting several arthropod species. In order to study the possibility of Wolbachia segregation in a naturally bi-infected host, isofemale lines from a bi-infected Drosophila simulans (Sturtevant) strain from Nouméa (New Caledonia) were backcrossed using uninfected males carrying the same nuclear background. Uninfected males were used to avoid the cytoplasmic incompatibility syndrome (CI) associated with the presence of Wolbachia in males. Each line was established using a female infected simultaneously by the two different Wolbachia variants wHa and wNo. The backcross led to some individuals carrying only one type of infection being recovered among the progeny of the bi-infected foundress females. Rarely, uninfected individuals were also recovered. Isolated for the first time in its natural host, wNo exhibited a significantly weaker CI phenotype than the isolated wHa variant. Infection fate when backcross conditions were relaxed varied depending on rearing conditions of the host. Under favourable conditions, the infection was generally maintained, while it was frequently lost under unfavourable conditions. This result probably reflects the direct fitness dependence of the symbiont on its host.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait, an example of naturally occurring X-linked meiotic drive, has been reported in a dozen Drosophila species. Males carrying a sex-ratio X chromosome produce an excess of female offspring caused by a deficiency of Y-bearing sperm. In Drosophila simulans, such males produce approximately 70-90% female offspring, and 15-30% of the male offspring are sterile. Here, we investigate the cytological basis of the drive in this species. We show that the sex-ratio trait is associated with nondisjunction of Y chromatids in meiosis II. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using sex-chromosome-specific probes provides direct evidence that the drive is caused by the failure of the resulting spermatids to develop into functional sperm. XYY progeny were not observed, indicating that few or no YY spermatids escape failure. The recovery of XO males among the progeny of sex-ratio males shows that some nullo-XY spermatids become functional sperm and likely explains the male sterility. A review of the cytological data in other species shows that aberrant behavior of the Y chromosome may be a common basis of sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila and the signal that triggers differential spermiogenesis failure.  相似文献   

Interspecific crosses were carried out between P element-transformed strains of D. simulans and a strain of D. mauritiana, a species devoid of this transposable element family. Four lines were established from hybrid females backcrossed with D. mauritiana males for four generations, and then maintained by intra-line mass mating. In situ hybridization of polytene chromosomes and southern blots showed that full-length and deleted P elements were present in all of the lines after 15 generations. We conclude that at least some of the P elements observed in two lines result from their transposition into D. mauritiana genome. Gonadal sterility, induced at 29°C in D. melanogaster by P elements also occurred with these two latter lines.  相似文献   

This study aims to unravel the biogeography of a model symbiont/host system by exploiting the prediction that a symbiont will leave a signature of infection on the host. Specifically, a global sample of 1,442 Drosophila simulans from 33 countries and 64 sampling localities was employed to infer the phylogeography of the maternally inherited alpha-proteobacteria Wolbachia. Phylogenetic analyses, from three symbiont genes and 24 mtDNA genomes (excluding the A + T-rich region), showed that each of four Wolbachia strains infected D. simulans once. The global distribution and abundance of the Wolbachia strains and the three mtDNA haplogroups (D. simulans siI, siII and siIII) was then determined. Finally, network analyses of variable regions within siI (584 bp from seven additional lines) and siII (1,701 bp from 383 lines) facilitated a detailed biogeographic discussion. There is little variation in siIII and the haplogroup is restricted in its distribution. These data show how the history of an infection can be mapped by combining data from the symbiont and the host. They say little about the organismal history of the host because the mtDNA genome is a biased representation of the whole genome.  相似文献   

Sex ratio distortion (sex-ratio for short) has been reported in numerous species such as Drosophila, where distortion can readily be detected in experimental crosses, but the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here we characterize an autosomal sex-ratio suppressor from D. simulans that we designate as not much yang (nmy, polytene chromosome position 87F3). Nmy suppresses an X-linked sex-ratio distorter, contains a pair of near-perfect inverted repeats of 345 bp, and evidently originated through retrotransposition from the distorter itself. The suppression is likely mediated by sequence homology between the suppressor and distorter. The strength of sex-ratio is greatly enhanced by lower temperature. This temperature sensitivity was used to assign the sex-ratio etiology to the maturation process of the Y-bearing sperm, a hypothesis corroborated by both light microscope observations and ultrastructural studies. It has long been suggested that an X-linked sex-ratio distorter can evolve by exploiting loopholes in the meiotic machinery for its own transmission advantage, which may be offset by other changes in the genome that control the selfish distorter. Data obtained in this study help to understand this evolutionary mechanism in molecular detail and provide insight regarding its evolutionary impact on genomic architecture and speciation.  相似文献   

Most discussions of ‘sperm competition’ have ignored the potential for competition among the different sperm genotypes present in the ejaculate of a single male. Rivalry within ejaculates may limit cooperation among the members of an ejaculate when they compete with sperm produced by other males. A gene that gains an advantage in competition within an ejaculate (a segregation distorter) may increase in frequency even if it is associated with significant costs to organismal fitness. Therefore, selection will favor genes expressed in males that suppress competition within ejaculates. This may explain why sperm function is largely controlled by the diploid genotype of the male progenitor, rather than by the genotypes of individual haploid sperm. Females who mate with multiple males reduce the relative advantage of a segregation distorter whenever the distorter impairs the competitive effectiveness of the ejaculates in which it occurs. If the distorter is associated with costs to organismal fitness, selection will favor female mating behavior that reduces the distorter's equilibrium frequency. Competition within ejaculates may thus be one reason why females choose to mate with multiple males.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio drive, which results in males siring female-biased progeny, has been reported in several Drosophila species, including D. simulans. It is caused by X-linked drivers that prevent the production of Y-bearing sperm. In natural populations of D. simulans, the drivers are usually cryptic, because their spread has elicited the evolution of drive suppressors. We investigated autosomal suppression in flies from Madagascar, Réunion and Kenya. Autosomal suppressors were found in all three places, indicating that they are a regular component of drive suppression over this geographic area, where strong Y-linked suppressors also occur. These suppressors were suspected of being polymorphic in Madagascar and Réunion and proved to be polymorphic in Kenya. We developed a model simulating the evolution of neutral autosomal suppressors in order to explore the effects of the number of suppressor genes, their relative strength and the co-occurrence of Y-linked suppressors. The most interesting prediction of the model is that when suppression is multigenic, suppressor loci can remain polymorphic despite the absence of balancing selection if an equal sex-ratio is restored in the population before the suppressor alleles become fixed at all loci. The model also emphasises the importance of the sterility of distorters sons in suppressor dynamics.  相似文献   

Drosophila simulans originated in sub-Saharan Africa or Madagascar and colonized the rest of the world after the last glaciation about 10 000 years ago. Consistent with this demographic history, sub-Saharan African populations have been shown to harbour higher levels of microsatellite and sequence variation than cosmopolitan populations. Nevertheless, only limited information is available on the population structure of D. simulans. Here, we analysed X-linked and autosomal microsatellite loci in four sub-Saharan African, one North African, one Israeli, and two European D. simulans populations. Bayesian clustering algorithms combined the North African, Israeli, and European populations into a single cosmopolitan group. The four sub-Saharan populations were split into two separate groups. Pairwise F(ST) analysis, however, indicated significant population differentiation between all eight populations surveyed. A significant signal for population reduction in cosmopolitan populations was found only for X-linked loci.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio drive is a particular case of meiotic drive, described in several Drosophila species, that causes males bearing driving X chromosome to produce a large excess of females in their progeny. In Drosophila simulans, driving X chromosomes and resistance factors located on the Y chromosome and on the autosomes have been previously reported. In this paper, we report the study of the dynamics of sex-ratio factors in experimental populations. We followed the evolution in frequency of driving X chromosomes in the absence of resistance factors and the evolution of resistance factors in the presence of driving X chromosomes. The driving X chromosome was lost, contrarily to theoretical expectations that predict its rapid invasion. Autosomal resistances increased in frequency, and resistant Y chromosomes invaded the population very quickly, as predicted by theoretical models. Fitness measurements showed that the loss of the driving X chromosome was due to a strong deleterious effect that was expressed only when distorting males were in competition with standard males. However, the spread of autosomal resistances reduced this deleterious effect. Implications for the maintenance of polymorphism in natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Melvin RG  Ballard JW 《Aging cell》2006,5(3):225-233
Lifespans of organisms vary greatly even among individuals of the same species. Under the framework of the free oxygen radical theory of aging, it is predicted that variation in individual lifespan within a species will correlate with variation in the accumulation of oxidative damage to cell components from reactive oxygen species. In this study we test the hypothesis that variation in survival of three wild-caught Drosophila simulans fly lines (HW09, NC48 and MD106) correlates with three key aspects of mitochondrial bioenergetics. The rank order of median survival was HW09 > MD106 > NC48. Young HW09 flies (11-18 days) had (i) highest ADP:O (quantity of oxygen consumed by mitochondria when provided with a quantity of ADP) when metabolizing both electron transport chain complex I and complex III substrates; (ii) lowest rate of mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide production from complex III; and (iii) highest cytochrome c oxidase activity from complex IV. Rate of hydrogen peroxide production increased and cytochrome c oxidase activity decreased in all lines in the age range 11-25 days. This is the first study to correlate natural variation in organism survival with natural variation in mitochondrial bioenergetics.  相似文献   

The study of speciation has advanced considerably in the last decades because of the increased application of molecular tools. In particular, the quantification of gene flow between recently diverged species could be addressed. Drosophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana diverged, probably allopatrically, from a common ancestor approximately 250,000 years ago. However, these species share one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype indicative of a recent episode of introgression. To study the extent of gene flow between these species, we took advantage of a large sample of D. mauritiana and employed a range of different markers, i.e. nuclear and mitochondrial sequences, and microsatellites. This allowed us to detect two new mtDNA haplotypes (MAU3 and MAU4). These haplotypes diverged quite recently from haplotypes of the siII group present in cosmopolitan populations of D. simulans. The mean divergence time of the most diverged haplotype (MAU4) is approximately 127,000 years, which is more than 100,000 years before the assumed speciation time. Interestingly, we also found some evidence for gene flow at the nuclear level because an excess of putatively neutral loci shows significantly reduced differentiation between D. simulans and D. mauritiana. Our results suggest that these species are exchanging genes more frequently than previously thought.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the effects of sex-ratio segregation distorters on the fertility of male Drosophila simulans can explain the contrasting success of these X-linked meiotic drivers in different populations of the species. We compared the fertility of sex-ratio and wild-type males under different mating conditions. Both types were found to be equally fertile when mating was allowed, with two females per male, during the whole period of egg laying. By contrast sex-ratio males suffered a strong fertility disadvantage when they were offered multiple mates for a limited time, or in sperm competition conditions. In the latter case only, the toll on male fertility exceeded the segregation advantage of the distorters. These results indicate that sex-ratio distorters can either spread or disappear from populations, depending on the mating rate. Population density is therefore expected to play a major role in the evolution of sex-ratio distorters in this Drosophila species.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster are found in sympatry with Drosophila simulans, and matings between the species produce nonfertile hybrid offspring at low frequency. Evolutionary theory predicts that females choose mates, so males should alter their behaviour in response to female cues. We show that D. melanogaster males quickly decrease courtship towards D. simulans females. Courtship levels are reduced within 5 min of exposure to a heterospecific female, and overall courtship is significantly lower than courtship towards conspecific females. To understand changes at the molecular level during mate choice, we performed microarray analysis on D. melanogaster males that courted heterospecific D. simulans females and found nine genes have altered expression compared with controls. In contrast, males that court conspecific females alter expression of at least 35 loci. The changes elicited by conspecific courtship likely modulate nervous system function to reinforce positive conspecific signals and dampen the response to heterospecific signals.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Transposable elements (TEs), which promote various kinds of mutations, constitute a large fraction of the genome. How they invade natural populations and species is therefore of fundamental importance for understanding the dynamics of genetic diversity and genome composition. On the basis of 85 samples of natural populations of Drosophila simulans , we report the distributions of the genome insertion site numbers of nine TEs that were chosen because they have a low average number of sites. Most populations were found to have 0–3 insertion sites, but some of them had a significantly higher number of sites for a given TE. The populations located in regions outside Africa had the highest number of sites for all elements except HMS Beagle and Coral , suggesting a recent increase in the activity of some TEs associated with the colonization patterns of Drosophila simulans . The element Tirant had a very distinctive pattern of distribution: it was identified mainly in populations from East Africa and some islands in the Indian Ocean, and its insertion site number was low in all these populations. The data suggest that the genome of the entire species of Drosophila simulans may be being invaded by TEs from populations in which they are present in high copy number.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio meiotic drive is the preferential transmission of the X chromosome by XY males, which occurs in several Drosophila species and results in female-biased progeny. Although the trait has long been known to exist, its molecular basis remains completely unknown. Here we report a fine-mapping experiment designed to characterize the major drive locus on a sex-ratio X chromosome of Drosophila simulans originating from the Seychelles (XSR6). This primary locus was found to contain two interacting elements at least, both of which are required for drive expression. One of them was genetically tracked to a tandem duplication containing six annotated genes (Trf2, CG32712, CG12125, CG1440, CG12123, org-1), and the other to a candidate region located approximately 110 kb away and spanning seven annotated genes. RT-PCR showed that all but two of these genes were expressed in the testis of both sex-ratio and standard males. In situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes revealed a complete association of the duplication with the sex-ratio trait in random samples of X chromosomes from Madagascar and Reunion.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait that exists in a dozen Drosophila species is a case of naturally occurring X chromosome drive that causes males to produce female-biased progeny. Autosomal and Y polymorphism for suppressors are known to cause variation in drive expression, but the X chromosome polymorphism has never been thoroughly investigated. We characterized 41 X chromosomes from a natural population of Drosophila simulans that had been transferred to a suppressor-free genetic background. We found two clear-cut groups of chromosomes, sex-ratio and standard. The sex-ratio X chromosomes differed in their segregation ratio (81-96% females in the progeny), the less powerful drivers being less stable in their expression. A sib analysis, using a moderate driver, indicated that within-X variation in drive expression depended on genetic (autosomal) or epigenetic factors and that the age of the males also affected the trait. The other X chromosomes produced equal or roughly equal sex ratios, but again with significant variation. The continuous pattern of variation observed within both groups suggested that, in addition to a major sex-ratio gene, many X-linked loci of small effect modify the segregation ratio of this chromosome and are maintained in a polymorphic state. This was also supported by the frequency distribution of sex ratios produced by recombinant X chromosomes.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(11):2300-2306.e5
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