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The roots of rice seedlings, growing in artificial pond water, exhibit robust gravitropic curvature when placed perpendicular to the vector of gravity. To determine whether the statolith theory (in which intracellular sedimenting particles are responsible for gravity sensing) or the gravitational pressure theory (in which the entire protoplast acts as the gravity sensor) best accounts for gravity sensing in rice roots, we changed the physical properties of the external medium with impermeant solutes and examined the effect on gravitropism. As the density of the external medium is increased, the rate of gravitropic curvature decreases. The decrease in the rate of gravicurvature cannot be attributed to an inhibition of growth, since rice roots grown in 100 Osm/m3 (0.248 MPa) solutions of different densities all support the same root growth rate but inhibit gravicurvature increasingly with increasing density. By contrast, the sedimentation rate of amyloplasts in the columella cells is unaffected by the external density. These results are consistent with the gravitational pressure theory of gravity sensing, but cannot be explained by the statolith theory.  相似文献   

Species that are dispersed across oceanic islands can have strong population structure due to genetic isolation, which makes it difficult to determine realistic and meaningful species boundaries. This becomes especially problematic when pest species are involved, and can result in undetected new invasions. The mango fruit fly, Bactrocera frauenfeldi (Schiner), is currently considered to be one of five morphologically similar members in a monophyletic species group distributed across Southeast Asia, Australasia, and Oceania, including three major pests. We used a phylogenomic approach with highly multiplexed amplicon sequencing to test species limits and evaluate the relationships among species in the B. frauenfeldi species complex and two closely related species. We obtained sequence data from 196 specimens for 395 nuclear DNA loci, totalling 102 kb, of which 2.2 kb were parsimony informative sites. Based on morphology, biogeography, and phylogenetic analyses, we conclude that there are five distinct species in the complex in our phylogeny. Our results show that the morphological differences between B. frauenfeldi and B. albistrigata (de Meijere) are part of a continuum that cannot be phylogenetically separated into monophyletic groups. We therefore synonymize the names of two major pests: B. albistrigata syn. rev. with B. frauenfeldi, making B. frauenfeldi now recognized as a widespread pest across Australasia and Southeast Asia. We evaluated the use of COI for pest recognition and conclude that it cannot reliably distinguish between six of the seven species we studied, thus new molecular approaches will be necessary for effective management and the prevention of incursions.  相似文献   

Idahoa scapigera produces solitary flowers in the axils of rosette leaves without elongation of the shoot axis, a rosette-flowering architecture. Previous work with one of the two I. scapigera LFY paralogs, IscLFY1, showed that this gene caused aerial flowering rosettes in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this paper, we report that after three generations IscLFY1 transgenic lines are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild-type Arabidopsis, indicating that IscLFY1 protein is able to replace normal LFY function. Additionally, we found that ectopic LFY expression late in development can phenocopy aspects of the aerial rosette phenotype, suggesting that shoot compression caused by IscLFY1 could be caused by localized overexpression of a functional IscLFY protein. We also characterized the expression and function of the second I. scapigera LFY paralog, IscLFY2, in A. thaliana. In contrast to IscLFY1, this paralog was expressed in floral meristems and the shoot apical meristem (SAM). In I. scapigera, LFY-specific antibodies detected high protein levels in developing flowers but not in the apex, suggesting trans-regulatory differences between I. scapigera and A. thaliana. Most IscLFY2 transgenic A. thaliana plants were indistinguishable from wild type, but in a minority of lines the SAM was converted to a terminal flower as would be expected from the reporter-expression pattern. Taken together these results show that both I. scapigera paralogs have conserved LFY function, both proteins can rescue lfy and both can modify inflorescence architecture in an A. thaliana background: either by affecting internode elongation (IscLFY1) or by causing homeotic conversion of shoots into flowers (IscLFY2).  相似文献   

The enzyme cholesterol lecithin acyl transferase (LCAT) shares the Ser/Asp-Glu/His triad with lipases, esterases and proteases, but the low level of sequence homology between LCAT and these enzymes did not allow for the LCAT fold to be identified yet. We, therefore, relied upon structural homology calculations using threading methods based on alignment of the sequence against a library of solved three-dimensional protein structures, for prediction of the LCAT fold. We propose that LCAT, like lipases, belongs to the alpha/beta hydrolase fold family, and that the central domain of LCAT consists of seven conserved parallel beta-strands connected by four alpha-helices and separated by loops. We used the conserved features of this protein fold for the prediction of functional domains in LCAT, and carried out site-directed mutagenesis for the localization of the active site residues. The wild-type enzyme and mutants were expressed in Cos-1 cells. LCAT mass was measured by ELISA, and enzymatic activity was measured on recombinant HDL, on LDL and on a monomeric substrate. We identified D345 and H377 as the catalytic residues of LCAT, together with F103 and L182 as the oxyanion hole residues. In analogy with lipases, we further propose that a potential "lid" domain at residues 50-74 of LCAT might be involved in the enzyme-substrate interaction. Molecular modeling of human LCAT was carried out using human pancreatic and Candida antarctica lipases as templates. The three-dimensional model proposed here is compatible with the position of natural mutants for either LCAT deficiency or Fish-eye disease. It enables moreover prediction of the LCAT domains involved in the interaction with the phospholipid and cholesterol substrates.  相似文献   

In domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), three serological types have been distinguished at the variable domain of the antibody H chain, the so-called V H a allotypes a1, a2, and a3. They correspond to highly divergent allelic lineages of the V H 1 gene, which is the gene rabbit utilizes in more than 80% of VDJ rearrangements. The sharing of serological V H a markers between rabbit and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) has suggested that the large genetic distances between rabbit V H 1 alleles (9–14% nucleotide differences) can be explained by unusually long lineage persistence times (transspecies polymorphism). Because this interpretation of the serological data is uncertain, we have determined the nucleotide sequences of V H genes expressed in specimens of Lepus species. Two sequence groups were distinguished, one of which occurred only in hare specimen displaying serological motifs of the rabbit V H a-a2 allotype. Sequences of this group are part of a monophyletic cluster containing the V H 1 sequences of the rabbit a2 allotype. The fact that this “transspecies a2 cluster” did not include genes of other rabbit V H a allotypes (a1, a3, and a4) is incompatible with the existence of a common V H a ancestor gene within the species, and suggests that the divergence of the V H a lineages preceded the Lepus vs Oryctolagus split. The sequence data are furthermore compatible with the hypothesis that the V H a polymorphism can be two times older than the divergence time between the Lepus and Oryctolagus lineages, which was estimated at 16–24 million years.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factors are universal determinants of plant susceptibility to RNA viruses, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we show that a sequence in the 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of a viral genome that is responsible for overcoming plant eIF4E-mediated resistance (virulence determinant) functions as a 3' cap-independent translational enhancer (3'-CITE). The virus/plant pair studied here is Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) and melon, for which a recessive resistance controlled by melon eIF4E was previously described. Chimeric viruses between virulent and avirulent isolates enabled us to map the virulence and avirulence determinants to 49 and 26 nucleotides, respectively. The translational efficiency of a luc reporter gene flanked by 5'- and 3'-UTRs from virulent, avirulent and chimeric viruses was analysed in vitro, in wheatgerm extract, and in vivo, in melon protoplasts, showing that: (i) the virulence determinant mediates the efficient cap-independent translation in vitro and in vivo; (ii) the avirulence determinant was able to promote efficient cap-independent translation in vitro, but only when eIF4E from susceptible melon was added in trans, and, coherently, only in protoplasts of susceptible melon, but not in the protoplasts of resistant melon; (iii) these activities required the 5'-UTR of MNSV in cis. Thus, the virulence and avirulence determinants function as 3'-CITEs. The activity of these 3'-CITEs was host specific, suggesting that an inefficient interaction between the viral 3'-CITE of the avirulent isolate and eIF4E of resistant melon impedes the correct formation of the translation initiation complex at the viral RNA ends, thereby leading to resistance.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and diversity of the scorpion fauna of Egypt was examined based on a large collection from most parts of the country and in view of recent revisionary systematics. We assessed the validity of listed records in light of new taxonomic findings and geographic distribution data and present a new list and an identification key to the scorpion fauna of Egypt consisting of 31 species, 18 of which were collected during this survey. Four species were not accepted for the list because no voucher material was available.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal changes in the density of epiphytic cladocerans Alona spp. (Chydoridae, Anomopoda) in two habitats, emergent and submerged aquatic plants, in Lake Suwa, Japan, from April to August 1998 and from April to November 2000. Alona had a density peak in early June on reeds (emergent) and in late June on Potamogeton malaianus (submerged). In summer, Alona density remained low in both habitats. Although density was positively correlated with the abundance of epiphytic algae, the birth rate was constant and no correlation between algal abundance and clutch size was detected. In a field experiment using ropes as an artificial substrate covered with high and low densities of epiphytic algae as food, more Alona attached to the ropes with the high density of algae. These results suggest that Alona may select food-rich habitats and migrate seasonally, and that migration is an important factor in the population dynamics of epiphytic chydorid cladocerans such as Alona. In Lake Suwa, Alona may migrate from the reed zone to the submerged macrophyte zone in June.  相似文献   

Cirsium rivulare is a perennial plant that forms patches consisting of ramets resulting from sexual reproduction by seeds and asexual propagation by rhizome fragmentation. We examined the relationship between the size of patches and genetic differentiation of ramets within and between patches. Ramet genotypes were identified using microsatellites. From among 216 ramets examined in the studied population, 123 had a unique genotype, while 93 were clonal, i.e., their genotype was present in at least two ramets. The frequency of ramets with clonal genotypes was 43% and the frequency of unique genotypes was 57%. Ramets with identical genotypes were dominant in small patches. Large patches consisted of ramets with both unique and clonal genotypes, usually with the predominance of the latter. A molecular variance analysis showed the highest level of variance between ramets and the lowest between patches. Additionally, 21.02% of the total variance was recorded between ramets and within patches. The size of patches was correlated with the number of clonal ramets and the number of unique ramets, but it was not correlated with the clonality index. This population of C. rivulare is currently in a phase of decline from 30 years of vegetation transformation, and there appears to have been an increase in sexual propagation based growth over clonal propagation based growth. Hence, a predominance of ramets with unique genotypes was observed. This can happen as a result of disintegration of large patches and formation of gaps between them. These gaps become convenient places for seed germination and the subsequent development of seedlings.  相似文献   

Pheidole oxyops builds subterranean nests, with an external architecture that is distinctive and easily recognizable by its wide and specific entrance hole, measuring up to 12.2 cm in diameter, denoting a pitfall-trap. In order to study the nests' internal architecture, seven nests were excavated; four were identified with neutral talc, while the others were cast in cement and then excavated. Measurements were made in order to gain a better understand- ing of their structures, and a photographic documentation was obtained as well. The excavations revealed that the nests are perpendicular relative to the ground, beginning with a cylindrical channel with a mean length of 13.5 cm, containing irregular formations, and whose diameter becomes progressively narrower until the first chamber is formed. As the channel continues, dish-like chambers appear, interconnected by channels that become progressively narrower and longer, while the chambers are arranged at greater distances from each other as nest depth increases. Both channels and chambers are located on the vertical projection of the entrance hole. Nests may reach a depth of up to 5.09 m, with a number of chambers ranging between 4 and 14.  相似文献   

Summary Prey of feeding juvenile and adult Dolomedes triton (Walckenaer 1837) were sampled over two seasons on three small ponds in central Alberta, Canada. Prey were mainly insects active at the water surface with truly aquatic species making up about 14% of the diet. Throughout the season aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera represented about 30% of the prey. Diptera and adult Odonata were also important prey items but their abundance in the diet was more variable seasonally. Of the 625 prey items recorded nearly 50% were represented by taxa taken no more than once by spiders in one of the five size classes (adult females, adult males, large, intermediate and small juveniles). Large spiders did not take the smallest prey available, although small and intermediate-sized spiders fed on nearly the full size range taken by larger spiders. Cannibalism was common, accounting for 5% of the observations, with females and large juveniles as the most frequently observed cannibals. We hypothesize that intraguild predation (including cannibalism) could be an important coevolutionary force structuring phenology, population dynamics and microhabitat use of the predatory guild of the neuston community.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of insect herbivores on natural communities of plants may be demonstrated by manipulative experimetns. Such experiments, which reduce the natural levels of herbivory by application of insecticide, incorporate the assumption that the insecticide has no direct effect on the vegetation. A test of this assumption should therefore be an integral part of any study of herbivory employing chemical exclusion. Here a single compound (Malathion-60), which is commonly used in such studies, is tested both in the field and on selected plant species under controlled conditions. It was found to have no effect on a range of early successional plant species. The limitations of the tests are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose that a key change in the evolution of hominids from the last common ancestor shared with chimpanzees was the substitution of plant underground storage organs (USOs) for herbaceous vegetation as fallback foods. Four kinds of evidence support this hypothesis: (1) dental and masticatory adaptations of hominids in comparison with the African apes; (2) changes in australopith dentition in the fossil record; (3) paleoecological evidence for the expansion of USO-rich habitats in the late Miocene; and (4) the co-occurrence of hominid fossils with root-eating rodents. We suggest that some of the patterning in the early hominid fossil record, such as the existence of gracile and robust australopiths, may be understood in reference to this adaptive shift in the use of fallback foods. Our hypothesis implicates fallback foods as a critical limiting factor with far-reaching evolutionary effects. This complements the more common focus on adaptations to preferred foods, such as fruit and meat, in hominid evolution.  相似文献   

Bacterial HtrAs are serine proteases engaged in extracytoplasmic protein quality control and are required for the virulence of several pathogenic species. The proteolytic activity of HtrA (DegP) from Escherichia coli, a model prokaryotic HtrA, is stimulated by stressful conditions; the regulation of this process is mediated by the LA, LD, L1, L2, and L3 loops. The precise mechanism of action of the LA loop is not known due to a lack of data concerning its three-dimensional structure as well as its mode of interaction with other regulatory elements. To address these issues we generated a theoretical model of the three-dimensional structure of the LA loop as per the resting state of HtrA and subsequently verified its correctness experimentally. We identified intra- and intersubunit contacts that formed with the LA loops; these played an important role in maintaining HtrA in its inactive conformation. The most significant proved to be the hydrophobic interactions connecting the LA loops of the hexamer and polar contacts between the LA′ (the LA loop on an opposite subunit) and L1 loops on opposite subunits. Disturbance of these interactions caused the stimulation of HtrA proteolytic activity. We also demonstrated that LA loops contribute to the preservation of the integrity of the HtrA oligomer and to the stability of the monomer. The model presented in this work explains the regulatory role of the LA loop well; it should also be applicable to numerous Enterobacteriaceae pathogenic species as the amino acid sequences of the members of this bacterial family are highly conserved.  相似文献   

The rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) is an aggressive, invasive weed species with a high spreading potential that has caused great ecological impacts and economic costs to the areas in which it has been introduced. In Mexico, there is little information on the invasion of this species. In Baja California Sur (BCS), the first record of the species is documented from 1935 in one oasis. Despite the ecological problems that this invasive species may cause in the oases of BCS, little was known about its distribution and status. The aim of this work was to document the presence of the rubber vine in 57 oases in Baja California Sur during 2006–2008. The rubber vine was present in 22 (39%) of the sampled oases. The distribution pattern strongly suggests that the rubber vine had been introduced by the local population and then spread in the oasis and into the vicinity of streams and canyons. Vertebrate and invertebrate endemic oasis-dependent species may be at risk because the rubber vine can become a dominant species in oases and because reptiles and birds may not use the plant and instead avoid the areas where it grows. This is risky in fragile ecosystems immersed in a desert. Education and eradication of rubber vines from oases should be urgently done.  相似文献   

白枕鹤(Grus vipio)为国家II级重点保护野生动物, 被IUCN列为易危(VU)物种。白枕鹤西部种群繁殖于中蒙俄交界处的达乌尔地区, 数量呈下降趋势。我们于2017-2018年在蒙古国东部给白枕鹤西部种群的50只个体佩戴了GPS-GSM跟踪设备。截至2019年5月, 获得春季和秋季迁徙路径各48条。分析结果显示: 春季91.67%和秋季72.91%的跟踪个体在滦河上游(河北省沽源-内蒙古正蓝旗-多伦区域)停歇, 春季停留时间36.16 ± 15.00天、秋季20.26 ± 11.08天, 分别占春季和秋季迁徙时间的75%和67%, 确定了这一区域是西部种群迁徙途中最重要的停歇地。迁徙路线栖息地选择模型结果显示, 白枕鹤常在距离湖泊较近(< 210 km)、海拔1,200-1,500 m, 且坡度小(< 1°)的区域停歇。而滦河上游和整条迁徙路线停歇位点比较的模型结果显示, 滦河上游停歇地的海拔1,200-1,500 m与整条迁徙路线栖息地选择模型的结果一致; 此外这个区域离河流更近(< 70 km), 不仅有湿地和水体的栖息环境, 还有草地和农田可供觅食和栖息。保护空缺分析发现滦河上游现有四处保护地, 但在保护地内的迁徙停歇点不超过总位点的1.63%。综上, 我们建议将滦河上游整体纳入保护地体系进行管理, 为这一受胁物种及其栖息地管理和保护提供可靠保障。  相似文献   

Seed germination percentage and rate of Rubia fruticosa, an endemic Macaronesian shrub was assessed with seed lots collected at three levels of an altitudinal gradient (200–800 m asl) located in El Hierro Island (Canarian Archipelago). Both seeds collected from control plants and those found in lizard droppings were studied. A significant decrease in the germination percentage was observed with control seeds and those seeds which are previously eaten by lizards if collected at 800 m asl. This indicates that R. fruticosa is a plant whose optimal germination environment is located between 200 and 500 m asl, occurring in higher altitudes only under sub-optimal conditions. The effect of lizard gut on R. fruticosa seeds was variable in the two study years: while germination percentage of seeds having passed through the lizards was not significantly different to that of control seeds in the first year, an increased germination was found for the animal-treated seeds in all three altitudinal zones in the second year. In general, germination rate of control seeds was rather variable between years. However, improvement of R. fruticosa seed germination caused by lizards may be important for its fitness; and a co-evolution may have occurred, since lizards and seeds of this endemic plant have been intensively interacting for millions of years in the lower zones of the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

Last-stage nymphs of the broad-headed bug, Megalotomus quinquespinosus contain the C28 ecdysteroid makisterone A as their major ecdysteroid. No ecdysone or 20-hydroxyecdysone was detected in whole body extracts analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmune assay. Analyses of the neutral sterols of this phytophagous hemipteran revealed that the sterol composition of the nymphs was highly reflective of their dietary sterols. The most abundant nymphal sterols were sitosterol (46.6%), Δ7-stigmastenol (13.8%) and spinasterol (13.4%). Cholesterol accounted for only 0.2% of the total sterols and indicates that this species is incapable of converting 24-alkyl sterols to cholesterol.  相似文献   

The Socorro isopod, Thermosphaeroma thermophilum, became the focus of a novel conservation strategy when apparent extirpation of the species from the wild prompted construction of the Socorro Isopod Propagation Facility (SIPF) near the native spring in Socorro, New Mexico, USA. We subjected captive populations to 4 habitat treatments over 2 consecutive 50-month experimental trials. Native populations of T. thermophilum remained significantly more abundant than captive subpopulations during the 100-month study. Population trends among artificial habitats differed slightly between the trials, but the magnitude of this difference was independent of linear flow within either pool series, suggesting that captive isopods responded to habitat quality. Isopod age structure was most heterogeneous in pools with plants suggesting that vertical structural diversity is necessary to maintain long-term viability of T. thermophilum in captivity. Observations of `breeding huddles' in the SIPF pools implied that controlled propagation may affect the social basis of the species' mating system. This could be a behavioral response to selection on body size that may reduce predation risks from larger male cannibals, or to increase fitness of both sexes under spatially altered sex ratios of artificial environments. Our results accentuate the need for continued research on species-specific management practices for geographically restricted invertebrate taxa such as the endangered Socorro isopod.  相似文献   

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