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Morphological resemblance of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus to the Eurasian sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus has been regarded as an example of predator mimicry. Common hosts could distinguish parasites as the result of coevolution, while rare hosts or non‐hosts may mistake cuckoos for hawks because rare hosts or non‐hosts behave similarly when faced with these two species. Birds usually produce alarm calls in addition to showing behavioral responses when in danger. However, previous studies of identification by rare hosts or non‐hosts of sparrowhawks usually lacked experimental evidence of alarm calls. Great tits Parus major, a rare cuckoo host, perform similar behaviors and usually produce alarm calls in response to sparrowhawks and common cuckoos. Here, we tested whether great tits could distinguish common cuckoo from sparrowhawk based on analysis of their alarm calls and the effects of playback of alarm calls on conspecific behavior. Previous studies showed that great tits have a complex communication system that conveys information about predators, and they could perform different kinds of response behavior to different alarm calls. If great tits have not made the ability to distinguish between common cuckoo and sparrowhawk, then their acoustic responses to these two species and their response behaviors in playback experiments should be similar. Specimens of a common cuckoo (parasite), a sparrowhawk (predator) and an Oriental turtle dove Streptopelia orientalis (harmless control) were used to elicit and subsequently record the response behavior and alarm calls of great tits. There was no significant difference in behavioral response among great tits when exposed to the dummy of cuckoo, sparrowhawk and dove. In contrast, they differed significantly in alarm calls. Great tits produced more notes per call that contained increasing D‐type and decreasing I‐type notes when responding to sparrowhawk as compared to cuckoo or dove. In playback experiments, we found that great tits responded more strongly to great tit hawk than to great tit cuckoo or great tit dove alarm calls. Our study suggests that great tits are able to distinguish sparrowhawks from common cuckoos and convey relevant information in alarm calls by adjusting the number and combinations of notes of a single call type.  相似文献   

Different mechanisms have been proposed for encoding information into vocalizations: variation of frequency or temporal characteristics, variation in the rate of vocalization production, and use of different vocalization types. We analyze the effect of rate variation on the dual function of chip calls (contact and alarm) produced by White‐eared Ground‐sparrows (Melozone leucotis). We conducted an acoustic playback experiment where we played back 1 min of four chip call rates (12, 36, 60, 84 calls/min). We measured the response of territorial pairs using behavioral responses, and fine structural features of calls produced in response to those playbacks. White‐eared Ground‐sparrows showed more intense behavioral responses to higher than lower call rate playbacks. Both individuals of the pair approached the source of the playback stimulus faster, produced the first vocalization faster, produced more vocalizations, and spent more time close to the stimulus in higher call rate than in lower call rate playbacks. Frequency and duration characteristics of calls (chip and tseet) were similar in response to all call rate playbacks. Our playback experiment elicited different intensity of behavioral responses, suggesting that risk‐based information is encoded in call rate. Our results suggest that variation in the rate of chip call production serves a dual function in this species; calls are used at lower rates for pair contact and at higher rates for alarm/mobbing signals.  相似文献   

Alarm calls are vocalisations animals give in response to predators which mainly function to alert conspecifics of danger. Studies show that numerous species eavesdrop on heterospecific calls to gain information about predator presence. Responding to heterospecific calls may be a learned or innate response, determined by whether the response occurs with or without prior exposure to the call. In this study, we investigated the presence of eavesdropping behaviour in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. This species is not known to possess a distinct alarm call to warn adult conspecifics of a threat, and could be relying on alarm calls of nearby heterospecifics for predator information. We used a playback experiment to expose captive zebra finches to three heterospecific sounds: an unfamiliar alarm call (from the chestnut‐rumped thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis), a familiar alarm call, and a familiar control (both from the noisy miner Manorina melanocephala). These calls were chosen to test if the birds had learnt to distinguish between the function of the two familiar calls, and if the acoustic properties of the unfamiliar alarm indicated presence of a threat to the finches. Our results showed that in response to the thornbill alarm, the birds reduced the rate of production of short calls. However, this decrease was also seen when considering both short and distance calls in response to the control sound. An increase in latency to call was also seen after the control stimulus when compared to the miner alarm. The time spent scanning increased in response to all three stimuli, but this did not differ between stimuli. There were no significant differences when considering the stimulus by time interaction for any of the three vigilance measures. Overall, no strong evidence was found to indicate that the captive zebra finches were responding to the heterospecific alarm stimuli with anti‐predator behaviour.  相似文献   

In habitats in which multiple species are prey to the same predators, individuals can greatly benefit from recognizing information regarding predators that is provided by other species. Past studies have demonstrated that various mammals respond to familiar heterospecific alarm calls, but whether acoustic similarity to a familiar call can prompt a mammal's recognition of an unfamiliar call has yet to be shown. We presented alarm calls to free‐ranging eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and recorded behavioral changes in vigilance and antipredatory response. Playbacks included alarm calls of a sympatric bird (American robin, Turdus migratorius), an allopatric bird with a call structure similar to that of the robin (common blackbird, Turdus merula), and an allopatric bird with a distinct call structure (New Holland honeyeater, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae). Squirrels responded significantly more frequently to squirrel alarm calls (positive control) than to robin song (negative control) or honeyeater calls. Squirrel response to robin and blackbird alarm calls was statistically similar to their response to squirrel alarm calls, indicating that squirrels responded to those alarm calls as if they provided information about the presence of predators. However, squirrel response to robin song was not statistically different from response to any of the other avian calls, including the robin and blackbird alarms, suggesting that squirrels neither respond to blackbird alarms as if they clearly signify danger, nor as if they clearly do not signify danger, perhaps reflecting some ambiguity in interpretation of the calls. These results suggest that squirrel responses to alarm calls are generally based on call familiarity, but that acoustic similarity of an unfamiliar allopatric call to a familiar call also can elicit antipredator behavior. The lack of response to honeyeater alarm calls also supports the hypothesis that call recognition by gray squirrels is dependent on familiarity, rather than simply detection of an acoustic feature common to alarm calls across a variety of avian species.  相似文献   

Studies on primate vocalisation have revealed different types of alarm call systems ranging from graded signals based on response urgency to functionally referential alarm calls that elicit predator‐specific reactions. In addition, alarm call systems that include both highly specific and other more unspecific calls have been reported. There has been consistent discussion on the possible factors leading to the evolution of different alarm call systems, among which is the need of qualitatively different escape strategies. We studied the alarm calls of free‐ranging saddleback and moustached tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) in northeast Peru. Both species have predator‐specific alarm calls and show specific non‐vocal reactions. In response to aerial predators, they look upwards and quickly move downwards, while in response to terrestrial predators, they look downwards and sometimes approach the predator. We conducted playback experiments to test if the predator‐specific reactions could be elicited in the absence of the predator by the tamarins’ alarm calls alone. We found that in response to aerial alarm call playbacks the subjects looked significantly longer upwards, and in response to terrestrial alarm call playbacks they looked significantly longer downwards. Thus, the tamarins reacted as if external referents, i.e. information about the predator type or the appropriate reaction, were encoded in the acoustic features of the calls. In addition, we found no differences in the responses of S. fuscicollis and S. mystax whether the alarm call stimulus was produced by a conspecific or a heterospecific caller. Furthermore, it seems that S. fuscicollis terrestrial alarm calls were less specific than either S. mystax terrestrial predator alarms or either species’ aerial predator alarms, but because of the small sample size it is difficult to draw a final conclusion.  相似文献   

Individual and Contextual Variation in Thomas Langur Male Loud Calls   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Individual and contextual differences in male loud calls of wild Thomas langurs (Presbytis thomasi) were studied in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Loud calls were given in the following contexts: morning calls, vocal responses to other groups, between‐group encounter calls and alarm calls. Loud call spectrograms were analysed for a large number of variables. With discriminant analyses, 14 variables were found to be important in distinguishing individuals and contexts. Loud calls were assigned to the correct individual in 95.6% of the cases (91.8% with ‘leave‐one‐out’ validation) and to the correct context in 52.2% of the cases (39.0% with ‘leave‐one‐out’ validation). Further analyses with two‐way anova s showed significant differences in both temporal and frequency variables between individuals and contexts. Loud calls seemed to differ between the contexts in functionally meaningful ways, relating to the distance of the intended receivers and to the urgency of the message. Observation showed that females in the caller's group collected infants more often in the between‐group encounter context and in the alarm call context than in the vocal exchange context. These differential responses suggest that the monkeys also perceive the measurable differences in loud call characteristics between the various contexts.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates eavesdrop on alarm calls of other species, which is a remarkable ability, given geographical variation in community composition and call diversity within and among species. We used micro-geographical variation in community composition to test whether individuals recognize heterospecific alarm calls by: (i) responding to acoustic features shared among alarm calls; (ii) having innate responses to particular heterospecific calls; or (iii) learning specific alarm calls. We found that superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) fled to cover to playback of noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala) aerial predator alarm calls only in locations where miners were present, suggesting that learning rather than acoustic structure determines response. Sites with and without miners were well within the dispersal distance of fairy-wrens, and philopatric males and dispersing females showed the same pattern, so that local genetic adaptation is extremely unlikely. Furthermore, where miners were present, fairy-wrens responded appropriately to different miner calls, implying eavesdropping on their signalling system rather than fleeing from miners themselves. Learned eavesdropping on alarm calls enables individuals to harvest ecologically relevant information from heterospecifics on an astonishingly fine spatial scale. Such phenotypic plasticity is valuable in a changing world, where individuals can be exposed to new species.  相似文献   

Long calls by flanged male Bornean orang‐utans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) serve as a long‐distance communication signal in this semi‐solitary species and allow individuals to adjust their ranging behavior. Long calls can be heard up to circa 1 km in dense rainforest. Only flanged males emit them, in various contexts: spontaneously (where no disturbances from the environment are perceived by human observers), when highly aroused by another male’s long call or a falling tree nearby, or right after having pushed over a dead tree themselves. In this study, acoustic analyses of orang‐utan long calls at Tuanan in Central Kalimantan not only confirm the discrimination of individual males by their long calls but also demonstrate the discrimination of context based on the long calls’ acoustic structure, which is further supported by the females’ ranging responses according to long call contexts. Females with dependent offspring move away from spontaneous long call sources but appear to ignore long calls elicited by disturbance. Hence, Bornean orang‐utan females perceive measurable differences in acoustic characteristics of long calls given in different contexts. These findings concur with vocal discrimination of contexts in other non‐human primates.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1640-1658
Observations and playback experiments were used to study the development of grunts and alarm calls among free-ranging vervet monkeys. Results indicate that the production of vocalizations, their use in appropriate circumstances, and the response to the vocalizations of others emerge gradually during an individual's first 4 years. Particularly in the case of grunts, different acoustic components develop at different rates. Immatures respond appropriately to the calls of others before they produce appropriate vocalizations themselves. Finally, immature vocal development may be aided by cues received from adults. If an infant gives an alarm call to a genuine predator (as opposed to a non-predator), adults respond more strongly. When infants hear a playback of an alarm, they are more likely to respond appropriately if they first look at an adult.  相似文献   

The great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus), a social rodent that lives in family groups, emits three different alarm vocalizations in the presence of predators: a rhythmic call; a faster more intense call; and a single whistle. We tested the hypothesis that the alarm calls communicate risk of predation. We quantified the relationship between predator distance and type of alarm call via human approaches to gerbils. We also tested responses of focal adults in family groups to playback broadcasts of the different calls and controls of bird song and tape noise. Results showed that alarm calls were related to distance from a predator. Gerbils gave the rhythmic call when the predator was farthest away, the more intense call as the predator moved closer; and a short whistle when startled by a close approach of the predator. Gerbils stopped feeding and stood vigilant in a frozen alert posture in response to playbacks of all three alarm calls. They decreased non‐vigilant behavior to the alarm vocalizations more than to the controls and decreased non‐vigilant behavior significantly more in response to the intense alarm and whistle compared with the rhythmic alarm. We conclude that one function of gerbil alarm calls is to communicate response urgency to family members. The rhythmic alarm communicates danger at a distance, whereas the intense alarm and whistle signal the close approach of a predator.  相似文献   

The repetition of elements within an alarm signal is commonly thought to ensure that receivers have detected that signal, or to promote residual vigilance in light of the dangerous circumstances prompting the signal's initial production (tonic communication). Beyond alerting others and maintaining that state of alertness, however, repetitive signal elements may be parsed so as to encode information about the nature of potential threats. To determine how call length and variation in intersyllable latency might prove informative in the repetitive alarm vocalizations of Richardson's ground squirrels (Spermophilus richardsonii), we conducted a field‐based playback experiment quantifying antipredator responses to manipulated alarm calls. Free‐living juvenile squirrels were exposed to playbacks of 12 syllable (long) and six syllable (short) calls with a constant (monotonous) or changing (variable) call rate. The length of calls had no significant effect on the behaviour of call recipients during and immediately after call production; however, call recipients showed greater vigilance after the playback of monotonous calls than after variable calls. The absence of a call length effect is not consistent with tonic communication in the strict sense; rather, enhanced responsiveness to monotonous relative to variable calls suggests that multiple syllables, and the emergent patterns of intersyllable latency, communicate information about response urgency or the distance to a predatory threat. Only monotonous calls convey those aspects with any certainty on the part of the signaller and hence are selectively attended to by receivers.  相似文献   

Seabirds spend most of their time at sea, yet our knowledge of their activities and behaviour is limited due to difficulties of in‐situ data collection. In particular, we know virtually nothing about their acoustic communication when at sea. We benefited from the recent development of miniaturised audio‐recording devices to deploy acoustic recorders on breeding Cape gannets Morus capensis to study their vocal activity while foraging. Call sequences were recorded on 1718 occasions, from which acoustic variables were measured on calls with good recording quality. A total of 1348 calls from 18 birds were measured in temporal and frequency domains. Each call was assigned to a behavioural context defined acoustically: sitting on the water, flying, taking off or just before diving. Potential discrimination among calls from different contexts was tested using the random forest algorithm. Within each context, individual stereotypy in the calls was assessed per acoustic variable using a measure of potential of individual coding, and as a combination of variables using a similar multivariate analysis. The acoustic structure differed according to the behavioural context (global accuracy of prediction 75%). Temporal variables (sequence and call duration) were most important to correctly classify the calls among the four contexts. When considering only two contexts, on the water and in the air (merging flying and diving), frequency and spectral variables (percentage of energy below 1200 Hz and fundamental frequency) were of most importance (accuracy 86%). A combination of acoustic variables was necessary to discriminate individuals, but calls from all contexts were not strongly individually distinct (accuracy 41–63%). We provided the first detailed acoustic analysis of a foraging seabird and demonstrated context‐specific acoustic structure in its vocalisations at sea. Our results suggest that seabirds use vocal communication to exchange various types of information that likely improves foraging success.  相似文献   

Captive adult common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) produce whistlelike “phee” calls in two contexts: in the home cage, where phee calls may function as part of territorial marking behavior, and when separated from social companions, where phee calls may function to reunite conspecifics. Natural and synthesized calls representing the acoustic structure of male and female calls in each context were presented to adult marmosets in a playback paradigm. Marmosets demonstrated discriminative abilities according to the context of the call and the caller's sex. Vocal and behavioral responses indicated increased vigilance and territorial behavior, following playbacks of naturally produced calls as well as synthetic calls. All animals scanned more frequently following produced calls as well as synthetic calls. All animals scanned more frequently following natural home cage as well as isolation calls, but only increased contact behavior (trills) in response to home cage calls. The responses were dimorphic according to the sex of the caller, where adult males scanned more following male calls, and adult females were more aggressive following male and female calls. The differential behavioral responses to playbacks of marmoset phee calls suggest a biological relevance to subtle differences found in the acoustic parameters of the phee call. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    We used playback experiments to test whether alarm calls affected the foraging behavior of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). We subjected chipmunks, foraging at artificial feeding stations, to three playback treatments (silent, control noise, and alarm call) and examined changes in vigilant and foraging behavior. Chipmunks responded to alarm calls with a greater degree and duration of vigilant behavior, such as look‐ups and alert postures. Chipmunks also ran a shorter distance to cover and took longer to re‐emerge from the burrow after hearing an alarm call. Alarm calls caused individuals to spend more time exposed at the feeding stations; however, individuals also took significantly fewer seeds after hearing an alarm call. This was not due to a difference in the time spent handling food, but rather to a slower rate of loading. Chipmunks appear to sacrifice energy gain by increasing vigilance after hearing an alarm call. This study suggests that to avoid the costs of unnecessary escape behavior, individuals directly assess their own risk rather than relying only on indirect cues such as alarm calls.  相似文献   

    We simulated the presence of an acoustic competitor by broadcasting conspecific playbacks to males of Johnstone's whistling frog, Eleutherodactylus johnstonei, in the field. We broadcast calls that differed in duration (short, typical, and long), dominant frequency (high, typical, and low), and period (short, typical, and long), and analyzed male vocal responses. We tested the hypothesis that males respond by escalating vocally when they are exposed to female‐attractive calls and by ignoring unattractive ones. At the population level, males responded to playbacks in ways that would potentially increase their attractiveness with regard to solo calling: males increased the duration, reduced the dominant frequency, and increased their calling effort (duty cycle), despite an increase in call period. The modification of call duration occurred only in response to playbacks of low‐frequency calls, long calls, and short‐period calls (selective response), while the modification of the dominant frequency was independent of the characteristic of the playback (fixed response). Contrary to the expected, males did not reduce the call period when they were exposed to attractive playbacks. At the ultimate level, the results suggest energy‐saving strategies. In addition, males seem to trade off call period for the avoidance of acoustic interference with attractive calls as calling effort was typically increased by increasing call duration but only rarely by reducing the call period. Interactive playbacks are necessary to better understand the calling strategies of males of E. johnstonei.  相似文献   

    许多动物的叫声频率呈现性二态现象。蝙蝠夜间活动,主要利用声音信号导航空间、追踪猎物、传递交流信息。本研究选择成体菲菊头蝠作为研究对象,检验回声定位声波频率性二态是否有利于性别识别。研究发现,菲菊头蝠回声定位声波频率参数具有显著性别差异。播放白噪音、雄性回声定位声波及雌性回声定位声波期间,实验个体的反应叫声数量依次递减。播放白噪音、雌性回声定位声波及雄性回声定位声波后,实验个体的反应叫声数量依次递增。白噪音诱导反应叫声强度高于回声定位声波诱导反应叫声强度。研究结果表明,菲菊头蝠回声定位声波的频率参数编码发声者性别信息,有利于种群内部的性别识别。本研究暗示,回声定位声波可能在蝙蝠配偶选择中扮演一定作用。  相似文献   

    Alarm calls can code for different classes of predators or different types of predatory threat. Acoustic information can also encode the urgency of threat through variations in acoustic features within specific alarm call types. Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) produce an alarm call, known as the alarm peep, in highly threatening situations. Infant squirrel monkeys appear to have an innate predisposition to respond to alarm peeps but require experience to associate alarm peeps with the appropriate type of predatory threat [Herzog & Hopf, American Journal of Primatology 7:99-106, 1984]. Little is known about age-related differences in the type or frequency of response to alarm peeps, or the development of alarm peep response in infants. The purpose of this study was to test experimentally the response strategies of different age classes of squirrel monkey to the playback of alarm peeps that were produced by infants, juveniles, or adults. Results suggest that infants, juveniles, and female subadults respond more frequently to alarm peeps than do adult females. Infant squirrel monkeys showed different behavioral strategies in response to alarm peeps as a function of age. Adult females differentiate between infant and adult alarm peeps by responding more frequently to the alarm peeps of adult females. These data demonstrate that squirrel monkeys use acoustic information to discern when to respond to the alarm peeps from conspecifics, and that infants gradually develop an adult-like response to alarm peeps over the first year of development.  相似文献   

    Ben Walton 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(6):592-603

    Alarm vocalizations are a common feature of the mammalian antipredator response. The meaning and function of these calls vary between species, with some species using calls to reference-specific categories of predators. Species can also use more than just the calls of conspecifics to detect threat, ‘eavesdropping’ on other species’ signalling to avoid predation. However, the evidence to date for both referential signalling and eavesdropping within primates is limited. We investigated two sympatric populations of wild lemur, the Coquerel’s sifaka Propithecus coquereli and the common brown lemur Eulemur fulvus, presenting them with playbacks of predator calls, conspecific alarm calls and heterospecific lemur alarm calls, and recorded their behavioural responses following the playbacks. Results suggest that the Coquerel’s sifaka may have functionally referential alarm calls with high specificity for aerial predators, but there was no evidence for any referential nature of the other call investigated. Brown lemurs appear to have a mixed alarm system, with one call being specific with respect to aerial predators. The other call investigated appeared to reference terrestrial predators. However, it was also used in other contexts, so does not meet the criteria for functional reference. Both species showed evidence for heterospecific alarm call recognition, with both the Coquerel’s sifaka and the brown lemurs responding appropriately to heterospecific aerial alarm calls.  相似文献   

    Acoustic Features of Female Chacma Baboon Barks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    We studied variation in the loud barks of free-ranging female chacma baboons ( Papio cynocephalus ursinus ) with respect to context, predator type, and individuality over an 18-month period in the Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana. To examine acoustic differences in relation to these variables, we extracted a suite of acoustic parameters from digitized calls and applied discriminant function analyses. The barks constitute a graded continuum, ranging from a tonal, harmonically rich call into a call with a more noisy, harsh structure. Tonal barks are typically given when the signaler is at risk of losing contact with the group or when a mother and infant have become separated (contact barks). The harsher variants are given in response to large predators (alarm barks). However, there are also intermediate forms between the two subtypes which may occur in both situations. This finding is not due to an overlap of individuals' distinct distributions but can be replicated within individuals. Within the alarm bark category, there are significant differences between calls given in response to mammalian carnivores and those given in response to crocodiles. Again, there are intermediate variants. Both alarm call types are equally different from contact barks, indicating that the calls vary along different dimensions. Finally, there are consistent, significant differences among different individuals' calls. However, individual identity in one call type cannot directly be inferred from knowledge of the individuals' call characteristics in the other. In sum, the barks of female baboons potentially provide rich information to the recipients of these signals. The extent to which baboons discriminate between alarm and contact barks, and classify calls according to context and/or acoustic similarity will be described in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

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