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The vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) is surrounded by a complex extracellular matrix that provides and modulates a variety of biochemical and mechanical cues that guide cell function. Conventional two-dimensional monolayer culture systems recreate only a portion of the cellular environment, and therefore there is increasing interest in developing more physiologically relevant three-dimensional culture systems. This review brings together recent studies on how mechanical, biochemical, and extracellular matrix stimulation can be applied to study VSMC function and how the combination of these factors leads to changes in phenotype. Particular emphasis is placed on in vitro experimental studies in which multiple stimuli are combined, especially in three-dimensional culture systems and in vascular tissue engineering applications. These studies have provided new insight into how VSMC phenotype is controlled, and they have underscored the interdependence of biochemical and mechanical signaling. Future improvements in creating more complex in vitro culture environments will lead to a better understanding of VSMC biology, new treatments for vascular disease, as well as improved blood vessel substitutes.  相似文献   

Summary The interactions of vascular smooth muscle cells with growth modulators and extracellular matrix molecules may play a role in the proliferation and migration of these cells after vascular injury and during the development of atherosclerosis. Time-lapse cinematographic techniques have been used to study cell division and migration of bovine carotid artery smooth muscle cells in response to matrix molecules consisting of solubilized basement membrane (Matrigel) and type I collagen. When cells were grown adjacent to Matrigel, both migration and cell proliferation were increased and interdivision time was shortened. Cells grown in Matrigel or in type I collagen had markedly reduced migration rates but interdivision time was not altered. Further, diffusible components of the Matrigel were found to stimulate proliferation of the smooth muscle cells. This work was supported by grants HL35684 and SCOR HL14212 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Vessels remodel to compensate for increases in blood flow/pressure. The chronic exposure of blood vessels to increased flow and circulatory redox-homocysteine may injure vascular endothelium and disrupt elastic laminae. In order to understand the role of extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation in vascular structure and function, we isolated human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from normal and injured coronary arteries. The apparently normal vessels were isolated from explanted human hearts. The vessels were injured by inserting a blade into the lumen of the vessel, which damages the inner elastic laminae in the vessel wall and polarizes the VSMC by producing a pseudopodial phenotypic shift in VSMC. This shift is characteristic of migratory, invasive, and contractile nature of VSMC. We measured extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP), and collagen I expression in VSMC by specific substrate zymography and Northern blot analyses. The injured and elastin peptide, val-gly-val-ala-pro-gly, treated VSMC synthesized active MMPs and reduced expression of TIMP. The level of tPA and collagen type I was induced in the injured, invasive VSMC and in the val-gly-val-ala-pro-gly treated cells. To demonstrate the angiogenic role of elastin peptide to VSMC we performed in vitro organ culture with rings from normal coronary artery. After 3 days in culture the vascular rings in the collagen gel containing elastin peptide elaborated MMP activity and sprouted and grew. The results suggest that val-gly-val-ala-pro-gly peptide generated at the site of proteolysis during vascular injury may have angiogenic activity.  相似文献   

Changes in the ECM and increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass are major contributors to airway remodeling in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has recently been demonstrated that ECM proteins may differentially affect proliferation and expression of phenotypic markers of cultured ASM cells. In the present study, we investigated the functional relevance of ECM proteins in the modulation of ASM contractility using bovine tracheal smooth muscle (BTSM) preparations. The results demonstrate that culturing of BSTM strips for 4 days in the presence of fibronectin or collagen I depressed maximal contraction (E(max)) both for methacholine and KCl, which was associated with decreased contractile protein expression. By contrast, both fibronectin and collagen I increased proliferation of cultured BTSM cells. Similar effects were observed for PDGF. Moreover, PDGF augmented fibronectin- and collagen I-induced proliferation in an additive fashion, without an additional effect on contractility or contractile protein expression. The fibronectin-induced depression of contractility was blocked by the integrin antagonist Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) but not by its negative control Gly-Arg-Ala-Asp-Ser-Pro (GRADSP). Laminin, by itself, did not affect contractility or proliferation but reduced the effects of PDGF on these parameters. Strong relationships were found between the ECM-induced changes in E(max) in BTSM strips and their proliferative responses in BSTM cells and for E(max) and contractile protein expression. Our results indicate that ECM proteins differentially regulate both phenotype and function of intact ASM.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of bovine carotid artery smooth muscle cells, during long-term in vitro subcultivation (up to 100 population doublings), have revealed phenotypic heterogeneity among cells, as characterized by differences in proliferative behavoir, cell morphology, and contractile-cytoskeletal protein profiles. In vivo, smooth muscle cells were spindle-shaped and expressed desmin and alpha-smooth muscle actin (50% of total actin) as their predominant cytoskeletal and contractile proteins. Within 24 h of culture, vimentin rather than desmin was the predominant intermediate filament protein, with little change in alpha-actin content. Upon initial subcultivation, all cells were flattened and fibroblastic in appearance with a concommitant fivefold reduction in alpha-actin content, whereas the beta and gamma nonmuscle actins predominated. In three out of four cell lines studied, fluctuations in proliferative activity were observed during the life span of the culture. These spontaneous fluctuations in proliferation were accompanied by coordinated changes in morphology and contractile-cytoskeletal protein profiles. During periods of enhanced proliferation a significant proportion of cells reverted to their original spindle-shaped morphology with a simultaneous increase in alpha-actin content (20 to 30% of total actin). These results suggest that in long-term culture smooth muscle cells undergo spontaneous modulations in cell phenotype and may serve as a useful model for studying the regulation of intracellular protein expression. This work was supported by grants from from National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, to DMW (HL35684), JW (HL36412), and JM and RL (SCOR HL 14212).  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of the extracellular matrix (ECM) secreted by vascular cells on proteoglycan (PG) synthesis by vascular smooth muscle cells in culture. PG synthesis of human aortic smooth muscle cells plated on plastic or the matrices derived from vascular endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, or THP-1 macrophages was characterized. Smooth muscle cell and macrophage matrices increased both secreted and cellular smooth muscle cells PG production by 2.5-fold to 3.9-fold, respectively, over plastic and endothelial cell matrix. Macrophage matrix was more potent than smooth muscle cell matrix in this regard. Selective enzymatic removal of chondroitin sulfates, collagen, and elastin from smooth muscle cell matrix enhanced the stimulation of PG synthesis, as did the removal of chondroitin sulfates from macrophage matrix. PG turnover rates were similar for smooth muscle cells plated on the three matrices. The newly synthesized PG from cultures plated on smooth muscle cell-, and macrophage-derived matrices had greater charge density, larger molecular size, and longer glycosaminoglycan chains than those from endothelial cell matrix cultures. These data show that the ECM plays a major role in modulating vascular smooth muscle cell PG metabolism in vitro.  相似文献   

The development of atherosclerosis involves phenotypic changes among vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) that correlate with stiffening and remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM). VSMCs are highly sensitive to the composition and mechanical state of the surrounding ECM, and ECM remodeling during atherosclerosis likely contributes to pathology. We hypothesized that ECM mechanics and biochemistry are interdependent in their regulation of VSMC behavior and investigated the effect of ligand presentation on certain stiffness-mediated processes. Our findings demonstrate that substrate stiffening is not a unidirectional stimulus—instead, the influence of mechanics on cell behavior is highly conditioned on ligand biochemistry. This “stiffness-by-ligand” effect was evident for VSMC adhesion, spreading, cytoskeletal polymerization, and focal adhesion assembly, where VSMCs cultured on fibronectin (Fn)-modified substrates showed an augmented response to increasing stiffness, whereas cells on laminin (Ln) substrates showed a dampened response. By contrast, cells on Fn substrates showed a decrease in myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and elongation with increasing stiffness, whereas Ln supported an increase in MLC phosphorylation and no change in cell shape with increasing stiffness. Taken together, these findings show that identical cell populations exhibit opposing responses to substrate stiffening depending on ECM presentation. Our results also suggest that the shift in VSMC phenotype in a developing atherosclerotic lesion is jointly regulated by stromal mechanics and biochemistry. This study highlights the complex influence of the blood vessel wall microenvironment on VSMC phenotype and provides insight into how cells may integrate ECM biochemistry and mechanics during normal and pathological tissue function.  相似文献   

Cells receive signals from the extracellular matrix through receptor-dependent interactions, but they are also influenced by the mechanical properties of the matrix. Although bulk properties of substrates have been shown to affect cell behavior, we show here that nanoscale properties of collagen fibrils also play a significant role in determining cell phenotype. Type I collagen fibrils assembled into thin films provide excellent viewing of cells interacting with individual fibrils. Cells can be observed to extensively manipulate the fibrils, and this behavior seems to result in an incompletely spread stellate morphology and a nonproliferative phenotype that is typical of these cells in collagen gels. We show here that thin films of collagen fibrils can be dehydrated, and when seeded on these dehydrated fibrils, smooth muscle cells spread and proliferate extensively. The dehydrated collagen fibrils appear to be similar to the fully hydrated collagen fibrils in topology and in presentation of β1 integrin ligation sites, but they are mechanically stiffer. This decrease in compliance of dehydrated fibrils is seen by a failure of cell movement of dehydrated fibrils compared to their ability to rearrange fully hydrated fibrils and from direct measurements by nanoindentation and quantitative atomic force measurements. We suggest that increase in the nanoscale rigidity of collagen fibrils can cause these cells to assume a proliferative phenotype.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of glucocorticoid hormones on the proliferation of cultured adult bovine aortic smooth muscle cells (BASM) using both primary mass cultures and a cloned strain. Cloned BASM cells maintained on plastic culture dishes were inhibited by approximately 40% by dexamethasone treatment but showed no inhibition when grown of homologous extracellular matrix (ECM) coated dishes. Dexamethasone inhibited growth of primary cultures by 73% on plastic and by 45% on ECM. The inhibitory effect was specific for the glucocorticoids, dexamethasone, corticosterone, and cortisol and was not observed with progesterone, aldosterone, estradiol or 17-alpha OH progesterone. In cloned cells, the abolition of glucocorticoid inhibition by ECM was independent of seeding density and serum concentration. The inhibition on plastic was dependent on serum concentrations greater than 1% and resulted in both a slow rate of proliferation and a lower saturation density. A specific subset of peptides detected on two-dimensional gels was induced by glucocorticoids under growth inhibitory conditions but was not induced when the cells were grown on ECM. Primary cultures grown on ECM and exposed to Dulbecco's modified Eagle's Medium (DME) containing high density lipoprotein and transferrin grew at 40% of the rate observed for cultures exposed to DME with 10% serum. Both conditions showed growth inhibition of 70% in the presence of dexamethasone. The addition of epidermal and platelet-derived growth factors in DME containing high density lipoprotein and transferrin to cells grown on ECM resulted in growth rates comparable to that observed with cultures exposed to 10% serum and were inhibited 45% by dexamethasone. These results suggest that glucocorticoids inhibit smooth muscle proliferation by decreasing the sensitivity of the cells to mitogenic stimulation by high density lipoprotein when the cells are maintained on a homologous substrate.  相似文献   

In this short review we describe the observations which have led us to conclude that one of the most important components involved in modulating cell proliferation in vitro, and probably in vivo as well, may be the extrac-cellular matrix upon which cells rest.  相似文献   

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are thought to play a major role in cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Much remains to be done to understand the cellular effects of LDL and how the extracellular matrix (ECM) influences these effects. We found that LDL produced a dose dependent increase in vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation. The ECM altered the proliferative response of SMC to LDL: on collagen I there was a 66% inhibition, endothelial cell derived-ECM a 2-fold increase, and collagen IV no difference in proliferation compared to paired controls. LDL affected SMC motility (cell area and shape factor) but the extent and direction of the effect depended on whether the cells were cultured on uncoated or coated dishes. LDL treated cultures had a 5-fold lower migration rate but net movement was not different, suggesting that LDL decreased SMC random movement. There was a dose-dependent accumulation of lipid by SMC incubated with LDL and, subsequently, cytoplasmic lipid droplets were observed. Cells cultured on uncoated plates showed an increased cholesterol content as a function of LDL concentration. In contrast, cells cultured on a collagen IV matrix showed no net change in cholesterol content over the range of LDL concentrations studied. Hence, the uptake of LDL cholesterol appears to be completely inhibited by this matrix. These studies indicate that the influence of LDL on several SMC parameters is modulated by ECM components.  相似文献   

The migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is a principal factor for the development and progression of vascular diseases. In addition, phenotypic alteration from the contractile (differentiated) to the synthetic (dedifferentiated) state and a proteolytic process in the form of extra cellular matrix degradation are necessary for SMC invasion. The actual mechanism leading to the focal degradation of basement membrane matrix components and, hence, SMC migration within the tissue itself is, however, unclear. In response to phorbol ester [phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu)], VSMCs in culture form podosomes, dynamic organelles critical for cell adhesion and substrate degradation that are typically found in invasive cells and cells that cross tissue boundaries. Here, we show that PDBu-stimulated VSMCs resorb the extracellular matrix at the sites of podosomes. Podosome formation correlates with an increased polarization of VSMCs on fibronectin- or collagen-coated flexible substrates in addition to a concomitant induction of cell motility. VSMCs embedded in reconstituted basement membrane support adopt the typical spindle-shaped morphology of differentiated SMCs in vivo and, after PDBu treatment, form peripheral lamellipodia and podosomes around their matrix-contacting surface. Our findings demonstrate that podosome formation is the potential mechanism underlying the ability of VSMCs to traverse the surrounding basement membrane and escape the barrier of the tunica media in vascular diseases.  相似文献   

We have studied the combined effects of platelet-derived soluble factors and three types of macromolecular substrata on the proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells in vitro. Bovine aortic smooth muscle cells were plated onto three-dimensional gels of type I collagen or onto cell-free extracellular matrices deposited on such gels by either bovine aortic endothelial cells or smooth muscle cells. The cells were cultured in the presence of whole-blood serum (WBS) or platelet-poor plasma (PPP). Smooth muscle cell proliferation on type I collagen gels was dependent on the presence of platelet-derived factors, i.e. the cells proliferated in the presence of WBS but not in PPP. In contrast, cell proliferation on the extracellular matrices occurred at the same rate in PPP and WBS. Smooth muscle cells plated onto collagen gels rapidly migrated down into the gel matrix; the percentage of cells migrating was inversely proportional to cell density. The presence of extracellular matrices did not alter the rate of cell migration into the underlying gel matrix. Irrespective of the substratum used, smooth muscle cell migration was independent of platelet-derived or plasma factors and occurred in the absence of proliferation. These results indicate that possible chemotactic, chemokinetic, and/or mitogenic factors produced by the vascular cells and deposited within the extracellular matrix may play an important role in modulating smooth muscle cell behaviour in the vascular wall.  相似文献   

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