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Sesarma leptosoma an East African mangrove-dwelling crab, migrates twice a day from a system of known dens among the roots to well-defined feeding areas in the branches of trees, reaching 15 m high. Field experiments were performed to test whether chemical or visual cues are involved in the orientation and homing of this species to reach their feeding areas. Manipulation of the substratum at branch junctions, in order to alter possible chemical cues, did not affect homing ability in S. leptosoma. Moreover, crabs trained to cross an asymmetrical artificial wooden fork could still follow their preferred directions after (1) the fork branches had been switched, (2) the whole fork had been rotated around the trunk, resulting in a right-left inversion, and (3) the inversion of two wide black and white screens hiding most of the canopy from view of the climbing crabs. These results suggest that S. leptosoma may not rely on reference systems such as chemical trail-following and chemical or visual cues from the substratum, but probably depend on complex visual information from the surroundings trunks and/or from the sun's position integrated with junction sequence memory.  相似文献   

We investigated whether Thalamita crenata, a swimming crab found on the East African intertidal flats, uses landmarks to locate its refuges. We modified the visual panorama of an intertidal flat, using conspicuous movable objects, and conducted homing trials with the local population of swimming crabs. In the first set of trials, after being moved away from their dens, the crabs were immediately able to find other known dens, using direct shortcut paths. In the second set of trials we moved all the artificial landmarks surrounding a crab's den 5 m away and then displaced the crab itself. The crabs made initial navigational errors in accordance with the new position of the landmarks; this shows that they oriented themselves by remembering the landmarks. We then repositioned the landmarks and released the crabs far from the familiar area, on a similar flat. This time the crabs could rely only on the artificial landmarks; they used this information and reached the point where home should have been according to the landmarks. Thus, T. crenata showed good spatial knowledge, based on the storage of landmark memories. This orienting mechanism is much more flexible and complex than those of other crabs and is comparable to the route-based memory of honeybees, Apis mellifera. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The spermatophores of S. serrata are protected by an outer thick chitinous layer and an inner thin non-chitinous one. Both layers are rich in acid mucopolysaccharides containing sulphated (outer layer) and carboxylic groups (inner layer). The proteins of the two layers show much tryptophan, but lack tyrosyl, sulfhydryl and disulphide groups. No phenols or phenol oxidases could be detected histochemically in either layer, suggesting the absence of phenolic tanning in the spermatophore. The physical properties, as revealed from treatment with acids and alkali, indicate the resistant nature of the outer layer; the inner layer easily shrinks or disrupts under such treatment. The outer layer, though resistant, is readily permeable to low molecular weight dye substances employed in permeability experiments. The mechanism of sperm release is recorded and discussed. It is suggested that, in S. serrata, the dehiscence of spermatophore may be caused by imbibing of low molecular weight substances by the sperm mass substances of the spermatophore while the latter is inside the spermatheca.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at understanding the process of reproduction and the changes happening in the ovary of Portunus pelagicus during maturation, which would be useful for its broodstock development for hatchery purposes. For that, tissue samples from different regions of the ovary at various stages of maturation were subjected to light and electron microscopy, and based on the changes revealed and the differences in ovarian morphology, the ovary was divided into five stages such as immature (previtellogenic oocytes), early maturing (early vitellogenic oocytes), late maturing (late vitellogenic oocytes), mature (vitellogenic oocytes), and spent (resorbing oocytes). The ovarian wall comprised of an outermost thin pavement epithelium, a middle layer of connective tissue, and an innermost layer of germinal epithelium. The oocytes matured as they moved from the centrally placed germinal zone toward the ovarian wall. The peripheral arrangement of nucleolar materials and the high incidence of cell organelles during the initial stages indicated vitellogenesis I. Movement of follicle cells toward oocytes in the early maturing stage and low incidence of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in the ooplasm during late vitellogenic stage marked the commencement and end of vitellogenesis II, respectively. Yolk granules at various stages of development were seen in the ooplasm from late vitellogenic stage onwards. The spent ovary had an area with resorbing oocytes and empty follicle cells denoting the end of one reproductive cycle and another area with oogonial cells and previtellogenic oocytes indicating the beginning of the next.  相似文献   

Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Portunidae) is a swimming crab that is widespread in the Indo-Pacific region and commonly found in estuarine and mangrove waters. An extended planktonic larval phase suggests high dispersal potential and the possibility of extensive gene flow between conspecific populations at least on a geographic mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometres).Intraspecific variation of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtDNA COI) gene was investigated in 77 individuals from four representative mangrove swamps of the African tropics (Kenya and Zanzibar) by means of DNA sequencing. We examined 535 base pairs (bp) and identified 24 different haplotypes. Each population sample is characterised by a single most frequent haplotype, shared among all four populations, and a small number of rare ones, typically present in only one or two individuals and representative of a specific population.Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), FST statistics and χ2 contingency analysis of spatial distribution of mtDNA haplotype frequencies revealed in toto a significant genetic differentiation among populations. These results could indicate that gene flow might be reduced, even between geographically close sites, despite the high potential for dispersal; anyway, at the recorded level of divergence and owing to the abundance of rare haplotypes and singletons in our data set, repeated sampling over time is necessary to establish whether the recorded pattern of genetic differentiation is stable and biologically significant.Finally, integration of our data with those reported by Gopurenko et al. [Mar. Biol. 134 (1999) 227] on S. serrata from South Africa, Red Sea and Mauritius Islands allowed to infer S. serrata population structure within a larger area of the Indian Ocean region.  相似文献   

An attempt was made here to study the structure of the male reproductive system of Portunus pelagicus, which would improve the knowledge base on the reproductive biology of the species and also help in the maintenance of broodstock under controlled conditions. Male P. pelagicus of different sizes were collected from the Palk Bay off Mandapam (9°17′ N, 79°9′ E) and maintained under controlled conditions for the study. Tissues from testis, anterior vas deferens (AVD), median vas deferens (MVD), posterior vas deferens (PVD), ejaculatory duct and penis were fixed in Bouin's fluid and 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde separately and processed for light and electron microscopic studies, respectively. The reproductive system consisted of testis, commissure, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct and penis. The vas deferens was divided based on the morphology and/or histology into AVD, MVD and PVD. The AVD was further divided based on histology into proximal and distal regions, and the MVD, based on diameter into major and minor coils. The testicular lobe had several lobules with a central seminiferous tubule, which continued till the penis. The seminiferous tubule was lined by a layer of cuboidal or columnar epithelium. The lining of the central tubule of the vas deferens formed several ‘folds’, which at times formed ‘pouches’. High incidence of cell organelles in the columnar epithelial cells, aggregations of vesicles and occurrence of blebs at the luminal periphery and the projection of numerous microvilli containing electron‐dense materials into the lumen from the cell lining denoted high secretory activity of the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Callinectes danae is a common species captured with crab traps in nearby areas of coastal lagoons in Margarita Island. Although its considerable economic importance as a fishery resource, few studies have been done on population dynamics and its fishery potential in local coastal environments to support decision making in fishery administration. We present growth pattern details of Callinectes danae to better estimate its population size and exploitation feasibility. For this, we analyzed a total of 3 623 specimens that were monthly captured in crab pots by artisanal fishermen in Las Marites lagoon, from October 2007 to September 2008. The length-weight ratio was determined, and growth parameters estimated from both length and weight curves of the von Bertalanffy model. The general sex ratio showed no significant difference between males and females (chi2 = 0.04, p > 0.05). However, values of slopes b between males and females were significantly different (t(s) = 2.75, p < 0.05), as well as intercepts a (t(s) = 2.44, p < 0.05). Thus, the length-weight ratio was determined separately: W = 7.48e(-5)*L(2.98) for males and W = 1.21e(-4)*L(2.87) for females, indicating a negative allometric growth in both sexes. Growth parameters were established as: L(infinity) =134.80mm, W(infinity) = 166.04g and k = 0.86/yr for males; L(infinity) = 122.35mm, W(infinity) = 118.45g and k = 0.63/yr for females. Lifespan was estimated at 3.05 years for males and 4.24 years for females. We concluded that Callinectes danae is a species with short lifespan and moderately rapid growth. The coefficient of variation values (CV), of the phi-prime growth performance index (?'), showed a different growth pattern compared to those obtained in other regions. We propose that a management strategy will be the periodical review of the minimum capture size for fishing area, after the great variability found in growth parameters.  相似文献   

The first demonstration, to our knowledge, of an evolutionary shift in communication mode in animals is presented. Some species of Ovalipes display spectacular iridescence resulting from multilayer reflectors in the cuticle. This reflector is unique in animals because each layer is corrugated and slightly out of phase with adjacent layers. Solid layers are separated from fluid layers in the reflector by side branches acting as support struts. An effect of this reflector is that blue light is reflected over a ''broad'' angle around a plane parallel to the sea floor when the host crab is resting. Species of Ovalipes all possess stridulatory structures. The shallow-water species with the best developed stridulatory structures are non-iridescent and use sound as a signal. Deep-water species possess poorly developed stridulatory structures and display iridescence from most regions of the body. In deep water, where incident light is blue, light display is highly directional in contrast to sound produced via stridulation. Sound and light display probably perform the same function of sexual signalling in Ovalipes, although the directional signal is less likely to attract predators. Deep-water species of Ovalipes appear to have evolved towards using light in conspecific signalling. This change from using sound to using light reflects the change in habitat light properties, perhaps the hunting mechanisms of cohabitees, and its progression is an indicator of phylogeny. The changes in sexual signalling mechanisms, following spatial–geographical isolation, may have promoted speciation in Ovalipes.  相似文献   

The reproductive strategy of the symbiotic spider crab, Inachus phalangium was studied from 1981 to 1983 in the natural environment. Main study focus was the efficiency of males in search of mates. I. phalangium females are site-constant, and live in the protection of one anemone or group. Males travel frequently between anemones harbouring females due to spawn; they copulate and guard the females until spawning, after which the male leaves again. A male operates in a patrol area containing 3–8 anemone groups and up to 8 females, visiting each female in turn repeatedly just before it is due to spawn. Patrol areas of different males may overlap, with resulting competition to fertilize a female's next brood. Large males have higher reproductive success than small ones. Females live up to 8 months after the moult of puberty and hatch up to six broods, and males live up to 7 months as adults. A male could fertilize a calculated 26,000 eggs, whilst a female's reproductive potential is ca. 4,200 eggs. Mortality risks are higher for males than for females, probably because of increased predation while leaving the protection of anemones in order to visit females. Males learn the positions of anemones harbouring females in their patrol areas, and when these are due to spawn. This allows a male to travel with a target and arrive punctually to fertilize the next brood due in his circuit. I. phalangium is the first marine invertebrate reported to use a “schedule” of localities and times for visiting prespawning females. In this way males minimize searching time and mortality risk, and maximize the number of broods fertilized.  相似文献   

A histological study of the reproductive cycle of male and female shore crabs, Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus), was performed monthly on the South West coast of Ireland (from December 2006 to July 2008). The calculated sex ratio deviated from equality, 1:0.53, revealing a strong male bias. A system was devised, based on screening of tissue sections, to describe and stage gametogenic development. Histological examinations revealed that ovarian development occurred biannually, with a primary winter cycle in which the larger crabs reproduced and a secondary summer cycle, when smaller crabs reproduced. An association was observed where more of the larger specimens were caught in the summer months and the smaller specimens in the winter months, which inversely correlated with the segregated breeding cycles. There was strong evidence that mature male crabs could potentially copulate year round since all mature specimens, collected throughout the year, contained viable spermatozoa. Developmental stages of oogenesis and spermatogenesis were described to develop a practical gonadal index for this portunid crab, providing information on the biology of this species, which will be of benefit for fisheries management.  相似文献   


The fatty acid composition, moisture, and total lipid of the eggs from the swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus, at three different embryonic stages (within 24 h, during the eye placode stage and the final heart beat stage), were measured. Results showed that the moisture and lipid content significantly increased and decreased (p < 0.05), respectively, as the stages progressed. The most prevalent fatty acids that were initially deposited included C16:0, C18:1n-9, and C18:0, while the most consumed fatty acids were C22:5n-6, C22:5n-3, and C20:1n-7. Among the major fatty acid groups, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) were consumed more than saturated fatty acids and significantly more (p < 0.05) than monounsaturated fatty acids (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, n-3 PUFA was deposited in significantly higher amounts (p < 0.05) than n-6 PUFA, but both were consumed at similar amounts at 43.4% and 41.3%, respectively. The relatively low amount of C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 consumption may indicate these fatty acids were conserved, while the essential fatty acids C18:3n-3 and C18:3n-6 were consumed at high amounts. These findings may have implications for broodstock nutrition in order to formulate a well-balanced diet.  相似文献   

Larvae of Carcinus maenas L. were reared in the laboratory and temperature-dependent stage durations of successive instars were examined at 12, 15, 18, and 25°C. Feeding rates (FR), in numbers of newly hatched Artemia nauplii, biomass, and energy consumed by a single crab larva during 24 h, were measured daily through the moulting cycles of all larval stages at the four temperatures. Dry weight (DW) and elemental content of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) were analysed in newly hatched (0 h) and 1-day-old (24 h) Artemia nauplii at six temperatures (6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 25°C). Due to a 24 h feeding regime, the temperature dependent “mean nutritive value” of newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii is defined, individual biomass (DW, C, N, H) and energy (Joule) 12 h after hatching. General figures in changing individual daily FR, and temperature-dependent peculiarities are discussed. The total amount of food ingested by successive larval instars increases exponentially, while the increasing cumulative quantity consumed by individual crab larvae on successive days of development is described by power functions. At higher temperatures significantly less absolute biomass and energy is consumed during the entire larval development. C. maenas megalops are the main energy consumers in larval life, contributing 41 to 67% (12 to 25°C) to the total larval energy intake between hatching and metamorphosis. Larval ability to adapt to increasing metabolic costs for maintenance in higher water temperatures is discussed with average daily feeding rates (AFR). Improved efficiencies are presented for the cumulative larval energy budget, 31% in assimilation, and 4.4% in gross growth (K1).  相似文献   

Lethal and sublethal effects of particular starvation events were investigated in larvae of Carcinusmaenas L. Mean survival times of continuously starved zoeae-1 were approximately twice the normal stage duration (12, 18, 25°C), and both increased with falling temperatures. At 6°C zoea-1 was unable to develop to stage-2. No larva retained the ability for successful further development if starved for half the stage duration time and was then refed. The zoea-1 larvae had to feed for at least 20 % of the normal stage duration for some larvae to moult to zoea-2. Some initial feeding was necessary to start zoea-1 development. Beyond a certain point of energy and accumulation of reserves development of the larvae seems to continue regardless of feeding rates. The demands for larval feeding correspond very well with the larval moulting cycle. Larvae of C. maenas proved to be well adapted to natural shortage of food.  相似文献   

The taxonomic ambiguity of the Indian mud crab (genus Scylla de Hann 1833) is still a cause of concern as several papers have been published with misleading identification. This is the first attempt to resolve the taxonomic uncertainty of the mud crab commonly available in Indian coastal waters using molecular genetic markers (ITS-1 and sequencing of COI gene) combined with traditional morphometry. Additionally, we developed a PCR method by which Indian mud crab species can be identified rapidly and effectively. The results clearly indicate that the green morph of the Indian mud crab is Scylla serrata and the brown morph is S. olivacea. The S. serrata commonly mentioned in the literature from India is S. olivacea; the S. tranquebarica noted by many Indian researchers should belong to S. serrata. Caution should be taken when interpreting or implementing the biological, molecular, and aquaculture data in the literature.  相似文献   

In order to determine temporal and spatial distribution patterns of Callinectes sapidus, samplings were carried out during the cold-front (January-February), dry (May-June) and rainy (August-September, 2002) climatic seasons, in 30 sampling stations of Chetumal Bay, grouped in sectors A (14 stations), B (eight stations) and C (eight stations). In each sampling station crabs were collected from two transects parallel to the coast, each with three traps, separated by 30 m. Sediments were calcareous coarse and medium sand, white or lightly gray. A total of 1 031 specimens were collected. CPEU (Capture Per Effort Unit) differed spatially and temporally. Highest CPEU was found in sector C with 1.3 ind.trap(-1), and in the rainy season with 1.1 ind.trap(-1). Population was predominantly composed of male individuals. The male:female ratio was 15:1. Males and adults (group II) CPEU was significant different between sectors and climatic seasons. Both males and adults (group II) had a greater CPEU in sector C (1.2 ind.trap-) and in the rainy season (1.1 ind.trap(-1)). Abundance of female and juvenile individuals (group I) was low during the sampling period whereas group 0 juvenile individuals were not found. A greater relative frequency between sectors and climatic seasons were observed in 130-139 mm and 140-149 mm size interval (CW). C. sapidus occurred on sandy sediments in Chetumal Bay. Pearson product moment correlations exhibited significant relationships between CPEU and temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. In Chetumal Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of C. sapidus can be related to salinity, temperature, habitat quality, food availability, recruitment and reproduction events of individuals.  相似文献   

We characterized nine polymorphic microsatellites in the Mediterranean shore crab Carcinus aestuarii (Decapoda: Portunidae). Microsatellites were isolated from a partial genomic library enriched for multiple motifs. All loci were polymorphic, with number of alleles ranging from two to 16 and a mean observed heterozygosity of 0.75. Seven loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and two showed weak heterozygote deficiency. No linkage disequilibrium was found between loci. In addition, we tested Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium of three Carcinus maenas loci, already reported to cross-amplify in C. aestuarii. These molecular markers will be potentially useful to investigate genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

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