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In wetland habitats, periphyton is a common component of open‐water areas with species assemblage determined by local water quality. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) secreted by algae and bacteria give structure to periphyton, and differences in EPS chemistry affect the functional roles of these polymers. The Florida Everglades provide a unique opportunity to study compositional differences of EPS from distinctive algal assemblages that characterize areas of differing water chemistry. Water conservation area (WCA)‐1 is a soft‐water impoundment; periphyton was loosely associated with Utricularia stems and amorphous in structure, with a diverse desmid and diatom assemblage, and varying cyanobacterial abundance. Extracellular polymers were abundant and were loosely cell‐associated sheaths and slime layers in addition to tightly cell‐associated capsules. The EPS were complex heteropolysaccharides with significant saccharide residues of glucose, xylose, arabinose, and fucose. Carboxylic acids were also prominent, while ester sulfates and proteins were small components. Structured, cohesive cyanobacteria‐dominated periphyton was observed in WCA‐2A, a minerotrophic impoundment, and filaments were heavily encrusted with calcium carbonate and detrital matter. EPS were primarily cell‐associated sheaths, and polymer residues were dominated by glucose, xylose, fucose, and galactose, with uronic acids also a significant component of the polymers. Principal components analysis revealed that periphyton community assemblage determined the monosaccharide composition of EPS, which ultimately determines a range of biogeochemical processes within the periphyton.  相似文献   

Production of toxic secondary metabolites by cyanobacteria, collectively referred to as cyanotoxins, has been well described for eutrophied water bodies around the world. However, cohesive cyanobacterial mats also comprise a significant amount of biomass in subtropical oligotrophic wetlands. As these habitats generally do not support much secondary production, cyanotoxins, coupled with other physiological attributes of cyanobacteria, may be contributing to the minimized consumer biomass. Periphyton from the Florida Everglades has a diverse and abundant cyanobacterial assemblage whose species produce toxic metabolites; therefore, by screening periphyton representative of the greater Everglades ecosystem, six different cyanotoxins and one toxin (domoic acid) produced by diatoms were identified, ranging in content from 3 × 10?9 to 1.3 × 10?6 (g · g?1), with saxitoxin, microcystin, and anatoxin‐a being the most common. While content of toxins were generally low, when coupled with the tremendous periphyton biomass (3–3,000 g · m?2), a significant amount of cyanotoxins may be present. While the direct effects of the toxins identified here on the local grazing community need to be determined, the screening process utilized proved effective in showing the broad potential of periphyton to produce a variety of toxins.  相似文献   

Algal and plant production of nonphosphorus lipids in place of phospholipids is a physiological response to low phosphorus (P) availability. This response has been shown in culture and in marine plankton studies, but examples from freshwater algae remain minimal. Herein, we analyzed the nutrient contents and lipid composition of periphyton communities across the Florida Everglades ecosystem. We hypothesized that in phosphate‐poor areas, periphyton in high‐ and low‐sulfate waters would vary the proportion of sulfolipids (SLs) and betaine lipids (BLs), respectively. In phosphate‐enriched areas, periphyton would produce more phospholipids (PLs). We observed that at low‐P sites, PLs were a minor lipid component. In cyanobacteria‐dominated periphyton where sulfate was abundant, BLs were only slightly more abundant than SLs. However, in the low‐P, low‐sulfate area, periphyton were comprised to a greater degree green algae and diatoms, and BLs represented the majority of the total lipids. Even in a P‐rich area, PLs were a small component of periphyton lipid profiles. Despite the phosphorus limitations of the Everglades, periphyton can develop tremendous biomass. Our results suggest a physiological response by periphyton to oligotrophic conditions whereby periphyton increase abundances of nonphosphorus lipids and have reduced proportions of PLs.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios and nutrient concentrations on periphyton when nutrients (N and P) are provided in excess. A gradient of seven N:P ratios ranging from 7.5:1 to 1:7.5 and each at three absolute concentrations, was established using nutrient‐releasing substrata placed in a meso‐oligotrophic lake. Differences in total algal biovolume among nutrient ratios were significant (analysis of covariance [ANCOVA]) when P concentration was entered as the co‐variate. In addition, total algal biovolume was significantly correlated with N concentration but not P. To further evaluate the relationship between nutrient ratios and biovolume, we analyzed (using four 1‐way analysis of variances [ANOVAs]) four subsets of data defined as a series of treatments where one nutrient concentration remained relatively constant as the other changed creating different N:P ratios. Ratios of data subsets ranged from 1:1 to 7.5:1 and 1:1 to 1:7.5 with low and high concentrations of both series. Only diatom biovolume varied with ratio but these differences are most likely related to increased green algal abundance. Species richness and diversity differed among N:P ratios (ANCOVA) when P concentration was used as the co‐variate. Stigeoclonium tenue (Ag.) Gomont, which generally accounted for the increase in green algal abundance, varied with nutrient ratio (ANCOVA) when P was the co‐variate. Based on the ANCOVAs, correlations, and one‐way ANOVAs, periphyton in this system appears to be affected by N concentration but not by N:P treatment ratios under nutrient‐rich conditions. When compared with previous studies, these data also suggest that the response of periphyton to in situ treatments constructed with nutrient‐releasing substrata vary between years.  相似文献   

A field experiment was employed in Florida Bay investigating the response of seagrass epiphyte communities to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) additions. While most of the variability in epiphyte community structure was related to uncontrolled temporal and spatial environmental heterogeneity, P additions increased the relative abundance of the red algae–cyanobacterial complex and green algae, with a concomitant decrease in diatoms. When N was added along with P, the observed changes to the diatoms and the red algae–cyanobacterial complex were in the same direction as P‐only treatments, but the responses were decreased in magnitude. Within the diatom community, species relative abundances, species richness, and diversity responded weakly to nutrient addition. P additions produced changes in diatom community structure that were limited to summer and were stronger in eastern Florida Bay than in the western bay. These changes were consistent with well‐established temporal and spatial patterns of P limitation. Despite the significant change in community structure resulting from P addition, diatom communities from the same site and time, regardless of nutrient treatment, remained more similar to one another than to the diatom communities subject to identical nutrient treatments from different sites and times. Overall, epiphyte communities exhibited responses to P addition that were most evident at the division level.  相似文献   

扁担塘虾类群落组成、空间分布和生物量估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2002年秋季,利用“蹦网”(Popnet)采样,调查了扁担塘的虾类组成、空间分布和生物量,以期为虾类资源的合理开发利用提供科学依据。采集样点31个,共采集到虾类44287尾,由6种组成,其中长臂虾科4种,匙指虾科2种。优势种是细足米虾(CaridinaniloticgracilipesdeMan)、日本沼虾(MacrobrachiumnipponensedeHaan)和中华新米虾(NeocaridinadenticulatesinensisKubo),它们占采样总数量的99.3%。根据水深特征将扁担塘划分为浅水区(1.5m);根据水生植被的分布格局将全湖划分四种生境类型:苦草生境、聚草生境、金鱼藻生境和裸地生境。协方差分析的结果表明:水深类型对虾类的分布没有显著影响,生境类型是决定虾类密度分布的主要因素。整个湖区虾类密度为83.36ind/m2,生物量为3.97g/m2。其中细足米虾的密度和生物量分别为64.69ind/m2,1.53g/m2;日本沼虾为8.99ind/m2,2.09g/m2;中华新米虾为8.61ind/m2,0.22g/m2。    相似文献   

Eutrophication caused by phosphorus (P) leads to water quality problems in aquatic systems, particularly freshwaters, worldwide. Processing of nutrients in shallow habitats removes P from water naturally and periphyton influences P removal from the water column in flowing waters and wetlands. Periphyton plays several roles in removing P from the water column, including P uptake and deposition, filtering particulate P from the water, and attenuating flow, which decreases advective transport of particulate and dissolved P from sediments. Furthermore, periphyton photosynthesis locally increases pH by up to 1 unit, which can lead to increased precipitation of calcium phosphate, concurrent deposition of carbonate-phosphate complexes, and long-term burial of P. Actively photosynthesizing periphyton can cause super-saturated O2 concentrations near the sediment surface encouraging deposition of metal phosphates. However, anoxia associated with periphyton respiration at night may offset this effect. Linking the small-scale functional role of periphyton to ecosystem-level P retention will require more detailed studies in a variety of ecosystems or large mesocosms. A case study from the Everglades illustrates the importance of considering the role of periphyton in P removal from wetlands. In general, periphyton tends to increase P retention and deposition. In pilot-scale constructed periphyton-dominated wetlands in South Florida, about half of the inflowing total P was removed.  相似文献   

Light has been identified as one of the main factors affecting seaweed ecophysiology. We investigated the dependence of nutrient metabolism on sun and shade light conditions and whether episodes of upwelling of nutrient‐rich subsuperficial water could reduce the summer nutrient limitation driving physiological changes in Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze. We measured the major nutrient pools, photosynthetic pigments, and light curves, under sun and shade conditions during a summer period when one upwelling was recorded. The redundancy analysis (RDA) produced two clear groups: sun‐ and shade‐acclimated algae. Light was the major predictive factor. Sun‐acclimated algae exhibited higher carbon (C) and lower nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content in association with the storage of floridoside (main C reserve) to benefit from higher irradiance (under nutrient limitation). Among N pools, N reserves (phycoerythrin, nitrate) were a lower proportion of the total N in sun‐acclimated algae, suggesting their degradation to fulfill the N demands of the cell. The orthophosphate content was also lower in sun‐acclimated algae, indicating its utilization as a nutrient reserve. In contrast, N within cell walls and membranes and chl a contributed to a similar proportion of the total N in sun‐ and shade‐acclimated algae, suggesting a response to sustain cell integrity. Transient high nutrient concentration due to the upwelling was unrelated to the nutrient content of the thallus. The storage of C as floridoside from high light exposure was shown to be the driving force for the metabolic adjustment of P. palmata at the end of summer before the onset of dormancy.  相似文献   

Lipid content and lipid class composition were determined in stream periphyton and the filamentous green algae Cladophora sp. and Spirogyra sp, Sterols and phospholipids were compared to chlorophyll a (chl a) as predictors of biomass for stream periphyton and algae. Chlorophyll a, phospholipids, and sterols were each highly correlated with ash-free dry mass (AFDM) (r2 > 0.98). Stream periphyton exposed naturally to high light (HL) and low light (LL) had chl a concentrations (μg chl a-mg?1AFDM) of 7.9± 0.7 and 12.4 ± 2.9, respectively, while the sterol concentrations of these HL and LL stream periphyton (1.6 ± 0.4) were not significantly different (P > 0.05). Periphyton exposed to an irradiance of 300 μmol photons·m?2s?1 in the laboratory for 60 h had 5.6 ± 0.55 μg chl a·mg?1 AFDM, but the same periphyton exposed to 2% incident light for the same amount of time had 11.0 ± 0.56 μg chl mg?1 AFDM. Sterol concentrations in these periphyton communities remained unchanged (1.5 ± 0.3 μg·mg?1AFDM), Similar results (i.e. changes in chl a but stability of sterol concentrations in response to irradiance changes) were also found for Cladophora and Spirogyra in laboratory experiments. Sterols can be quantified rapidly from a few milligrams of algae and appear to be a useful predictor of eukaryote biomass, whereas cellular levels of chl a vary substantially with light conditions. Phospholipids (or phospholipid fatty acids) are considered to be a reliable measure of viable microbial biomass. Nevertheless, phospholipid content varied substantially and unpredictably among algae and periphyton under different light regimes. Irradiance also had a significant effect on storage lipids: HL Cladophora and HL periphyton had 2 × and 5 × greater concentrations of triacylglycerols, respectively, compared to their LL forms. HL and LL algae also differed in the concentration of several major fatty acids. These light-induced changes in algal lipids and fatty acids have important implications for grazers.  相似文献   

Microscopic algae ran grow rapidly in natural waters that are extremely low in essential macro and micro nutrients. Yet, their nutrient uptake systems exhibit only mediocre nutrient affinities, the saturation constants being often 10–1000 times the (estimated) ambient concentrations. The large difference which exists between the saturation constants for growth (Kμ) and short term uptake (Kρ) are due to the acclimation capabilities of the organisms. Over the acclimation range, Kμ to Kρ, the algae can maintain maximum growth rate by modulating both their internal nutrient quotas (Q) and their maximum short term nutrient uptake rates (ρmax) in response to variations in external nutrient concentrations. The commonly assumed hyperbolic relationships for steady growth and uptake (viz “chemostat theory”) are coherent with a hyperbolic expression for short term uptake including a variable maximum (ρmax). The ratio of the saturation constants for growth and uptake is then directly related to the extreme in quotas and maximum uptake rates: Kμ/Kρ= Qmin/Qmax·ρlomaxhimax. This result is applicable even when the exact hyperbolic laws are not. Published data on Fe, Mn, P and N limitation in algae are generally in accord with the theory and demonstrate a wider acclimation range for trace than for major nutrients.  相似文献   

Effects of current velocity and light energy on the taxonomica and physiognomic characteristics of periphyton assemblages were investigated in laboratory streams. The initial rate of colonization was related to current velocity, while the effects of light energy accounted for differences in species composition by the end of the experiment. Although the laboratory systems had many species in common during the realy stages of colonization, the experimental treatments generated differences in rates of communitydevelopment. synedra spp. were the early coloniters of the substrate, followed by an understory of Achnanthes spp. After day 16, Stigeoclonium tenue developed in the streams exposed to the higher photon flux density, but was rare in the shaded streams. The applicability of traditional successional theory to develoopmental patterns in lotic periphyton assemblages is discussed.  相似文献   

氯化物型盐碱池塘浮游植物种类和多样性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年 4月 5日至 1 998年 9月 1日对山东高青县赵店乡渔场盐碱池塘浮游植物的种类组成和生物量进行了研究 ,池塘盐度变动于 1 .3 6— 2 0 g/L,总碱度变动于 2 .4— 7.2 mmol/L,p H值 8— 9。采集了 3 87个浮游植物定量水样。结果表明 ,高青盐碱池塘浮游植物主要是广盐性淡水种类 ,一些是典型的盐水种。浮游植物的平均生物量为 49.90± 3 1 .92 mg/L,硅藻和裸藻占优势 ,金藻占有相当比重。无鱼对照池的浮游植物生物量较养鱼池塘低得多。  相似文献   

Microscopic algae can grow rapidly in natural waters that are extremely low in essential macro and micro nutrients. Yet, their nutrient uptake systems exhibit only mediocre nutrient affinities, the saturation constants being often 10–1000 times the (estimated) ambient concentrations. The large difference which exists between the saturation constants for growth (Ku) and short term uptake (Kp) are due to the acclimation capabilities of the organisms. Over the acclimation range, Ku, to Kp the algae can maintain maximum growth rate by modulating both their internal nutrient quotas (Q) and their maximum short term nutrient uptake rates (Pmax) in response to variations in external nutrient concentrations. The commonly assumed hyperbolic relationships for steady growth and uptake (viz “chemostat theory”) are coherent with a hyperbolic expression for short term uptake including a variable maximum (Pmax). The ratio of the saturation constants for growth and uptake is then directly related to the extreme in quotas and maximum uptake rates: Kμ/Kρ= Qmin/Qmaxρmax/ρQmax. This result is applicable even when the exact hyperbolic laws are not. Published data on Fe, Mn, P and N limitation in algae are generally in accord with the theory and demonstrate a wider acclimation range for trace than for major nutrients.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA), total lipid, protein, amino acid, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus content was analyzed in 24 samples of freshwater microalgae. The samples originated from batch, continuous, or mass cultures in various growth phases and from net samples from lakewater. FA were analyzed quantitatively by using an internal standard in a GLC system and expressed as mg·g?1 dry weight (DW). The FA of one group of blue-greens (e.g. Oscillatoria and Microcystis) were similar to those of the greens with higher amounts of 18C acids of the ω3 type compared to the ω6 type, whereas the other group (e.g. Anabaena and Spirulina) contained mostly ω6 acids. The flagellates, a taxonomically diverse group, were characterized by high amounts of long-chained (20–22 C) polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), particularly of the ω3 type. The ω3/ω6 ratio appears to be highest in algae in the exponential growth phase. The increased lipid content in stressed algae was mostly due to increased saturated fatty acids and ω6 acids, whereas the valuable ω3 acids were unchanged or even decreased. Amino acid composition (% of total amino acids) did not vary much betaken species, but when analyzed quantitatively (mg-g?1 DW), varied considerably between species and within species in different growth phases. The nitrogen and phosphorus contents were variable in all three algal groups. The relationship between PUFA and phosphorus content differed among the algal groups. The data suggest that PUFA in the phospholipids consist mostly ω3 acids.  相似文献   

武汉东湖磷含量的变动及其分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了武汉东湖水体中磷含量(均以PO4计算)的周年逐月季节和年际变动及其分布上的差异(1973-1985年)。按面积加权法计算总磷的平均含量为0.244毫克/升(1983-1985年),总溶解磷和溶解活性磷的平均含量分别为0.121毫克/升和0.051毫克/升(1981-1984年),总磷和总溶解磷周年中出现两次高峰含量,即春季(3-5月)和夏末秋初(8-9月)。低含量出现在水温最低的冬季(12-2月),周年中溶解活性磷高峰含量出现在冬末春初(1-3月),低含量多数出现在春天夏初(5-7月)。东湖水体中磷含量平面分布有明显的差异,而垂直分布表层和底层差异小,各种形态磷的组成中颗粒磷所占比较最大(1983-1984年平均值),平均占总磷63.4%,溶解非活性磷所占比较最小,平均占总磷12.0%。  相似文献   

五种鳗鲡的含肉率及肌肉营养成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(4):714-722
研究利用营养测试方法对日本鳗鲡、欧洲鳗鲡、美洲鳗鲡、花鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡共5种养殖鳗鲡的含肉率及肌肉营养成分进行了分析比较。结果表明: 5种鳗鲡含肉率61.77%69.22%, 日本鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡显著高于欧洲鳗鲡和花鳗鲡 (P0.05); 水分含量为62.34%71.80%, 粗蛋白含量为11.31% 18.47%, 脂肪含量为8.62% 24.48%, 灰分含量为0.92%1.06%; 均含有18种氨基酸, 其中包括8种人体必须氨基酸, 总氨基酸含量存在差异, 鲜味氨基酸含量占37.43%38.77%, 必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为65.2574.77, 其构成比例符合FAO/ WHO的标准, 色氨酸、异亮氨基酸和缬氨酸等氨基酸为限制性氨基酸; 富含磷、钾、铁和锌等多种矿物元素, 日本鳗鲡和花鳗鲡含量最高; 均含有16种脂肪酸, 其中饱和脂肪酸(SFA) 7种, 不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)9种; 脂肪酸中多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量较高, 分别占总量的41.92%48.27%和6.63%16.87%。研究结果表明: 5种鳗鲡的肌肉为高蛋白、鲜味氨基酸与必需氨基酸含量高的优质蛋白源; 富含磷、钾、铁、锌等矿物元素, 可作为补充人体矿物质营养的膳食来源; 脂肪酸以不饱和脂肪酸为主, 多不饱和脂肪酸和DHA比值高。因此, 5种鳗鲡具有较高的营养价值且有益人体健康, 均是优良的水产养殖种类。    相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that the heterogeneity of epilithic algal assemblages in streams may be partly a result of hydrologic differences created when water flows over a rough substrate. A 32-day experiment was conducted in laboratory streams that contained either 22.5 × 22.5 × 4 cm or 7.5 × 22.5 × 4 cm tile blocks. Free water velocities in the streams overaged 28 cm·s?1. Hydrologic parameters and algal assemblages associated with surfaces on top of blocks and with recessed surfaces between blocks were compared to corresponding surfaces in streams with of relief. In streams with blocks, shear velocities averaged 1.7 cm·s?1 on the top of blocks and 0.8 cm·s?1 in the recessed areas. Shear velocity at corresponding surfaces in the control (no relief) streams averaged 1.9 cm·s?1 and exhibited little variation. The hydrologic differences created by the larger blocks significantly affected the distribution of algal biomass, with recessed areas having an average of 2.6 g·m?2 AFDW more biomass than surfaces on the top of blocks. Differences in shear velocities and biomass accumulation between top and recessed areas for the smaller blocks were less than for large blocks. Successional changes on all substrates were similar with the exception that recessed surfaces had a significantly greater abundance of the filamentous chlorophyte Stigeoclonium tenue (Ag.) Kütz after day 16. The results suggest that in cobble riffle areas of natural streams, the interaction between current flow and substrate relief has the potential to create patches of algae which are different in biomass and taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Growing algae to scrub nutrients from manure presents an alternative to the current practice of land application and provides utilizable algal biomass as an end product. The objective of this study was to assess algal growth, nutrient removal, and nitrification using higher light intensities and manure loading rates than in the previous experiments. Algal turfs, with periphyton mainly composed of green algal species, were grown under two light regimes (270 and 390 μmol photons·m?2· s?1) and anaerobically digested flushed dairy manure wastewater (ADFDMW) loading rates ranging from 0.8 to 3.7 g total N and 0.12 to 0.58 g total P·m?2·d?1. Filamentous cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria spp.) and diatoms (Navicula, Nitzschia, and Cyclotella sp.) partially replaced the filamentous green algae at relatively high ADFDMW loading rates and more prominently under low incident light. Mean algal production increased with loading rate and irradiance from 7.6±2.71 to 19.1±2.73 g dry weight· m?2·d?1. The N and P content of algal biomass generally increased with loading rate and ranged from 2.9%–7.3% and 0.5%–1.3% (by weight), respectively. Carbon content remained relatively constant at all loading rates (42%–47%). The maximum removal rates of N and P per unit algal biomass were 70 and 13 mg·g?1 dry weight·m?2·d?1, respectively. Recovery of nutrients in harvested algal biomass accounted for about 31%–52% for N and 30%–59% for P. Recovery of P appeared to be uncoupled with N at higher loading rates, suggesting that algal potential for accumulation of P may have already been saturated. It appears that higher irradiance level enhancing algal growth was the overriding factor in controlling nitrification in the algal turf scrubber units.  相似文献   

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