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Colonies of the ant, Leptothorax (s. str.) gredleri may contain several inseminated female reproductives of which typically only one is laying eggs. Observations suggest that “functional monogyny” is caused by aggressive interactions among nestmate queens. Only the most dominant queen reproduces. Subordinate queens either leave the colony to found their own nests solitarily or by budding, or stay in the nest without reproducing, but may eventually replace the dominant queen. The interrelations of life history of L. gredleri, population structure and habitat characteristics are examined.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific competition was investigated in ants of the myrmicine genus leptothorax in a deciduous woodland near Würzburg, Germany. The most common species, A. (Myrafant) nylanderi, lives in rotting pine, oak, and elder sticks and may locally reach densities of 10 nests per m2. In the studied sites, only a small fraction of colonies were polydomous, i.e. single colonies typically did not inhabit several nest sites. The home ranges of nylanderi colonies overlap the ranges of other conspecific colonies and colonies of other species, especially L. (s.str.) gredleri. Foragers from different colonies encountering one another in the field back off without exhibiting strong aggression, suggesting that colonies do not defend absolute foraging territories. In laboratory experiments, the frequency and severity of agonistic interactions among workers from different colonies, all living in pine sticks, increased significantly with the distance between their nests. Workers from colonies nesting in different types of wood exhibited significantly more aggression. Experiments in which we transferred colonies from pine sticks into artificial pine or oak nests corroborate the hypothesis that nesting material strongly influences colony odour in L. nylanderi. The evolutionary significance of this apparent dear-enemy phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

The Use of Edges in Visual Navigation by the Ant Leptothorax albipennis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Certain navigating insects home in on their goal by moving so that currently viewed images of landmarks fall on the same retinal locations memorized during previous visits. Here we show that ants can use similar retinotopic learning to guide lengthy routes, by memorizing and walking parallel to a distinct visual edge. We induced workers of the ant Leptothorax albipennis to travel parallel to a prominent wall. When the wall's height was changed, the ants' paths consistently shifted toward a lowered wall and away from a raised wall, as would be expected if they attempt to keep the wall's image at a constant retinal position. These path shifts were smaller than would be expected if the wall was the only guide to navigation, suggesting that other cues are also important. Significantly larger shifts were seen when edge guidance was enhanced by using two walls, one on each side of the path.  相似文献   

Throughout their lives, animals adapt their behaviour to environmental fluctuations and to their own requirements. In social insects, behavioural changes are often particularly conspicuous. For example, in many ant species, reproductive sexuals leave their maternal nests and engage in risky mating and dispersal activities. Female sexuals experience, during a short period of time, dramatic changes in terms of behaviour and environmental conditions. But because sexual activities of ants are not easily observed, few studies have quantified in detail how behaviour alters with maturation and mating. We studied how various behavioural traits of Leptothorax gredleri female sexuals, a species in which female sexuals attract males by ‘female calling’, change before and after mating. We tested the hypothesis that behavioural variation reflects the altered requirements of queens to adapt to a particular situation. To this end, we compared geotactic, phototactic and locomotor behaviour across a wide range of life stages from lightly coloured, unmated female sexuals to old, mated queens. The results showed that female sexuals of L. gredleri change conspicuously their geotactic, phototactic and locomotor behavioural traits over their life stages. Three different behavioural states were evident (1) from light to dark female sexuals, individuals have negative phototaxis and reduced locomotor activity; (2) mature female sexuals during the daily period of sexual activity have strong phototaxis, negative geotaxis and an important locomotor activity; and (3) freshly mated and old mated queens avoid light and decrease their locomotor activity. These sharp differences in behaviour between stages match the transition from the relative safety of the nest chamber to the adversary world outside the nest , and back.  相似文献   

Queens in some species of ant with several queens per colony are believed to inhibit one another's fecundity pheromonally. This paper describes a repeat of an experimental test of this idea in the multiple-queen ant Leptothorax acervorum. The three most fecund queens from a field-collected colony were housed together in an experimental nest. This was then filmed for 10 h per day over 36 consecutive days (i.e. for 360 h in total). Over the first 12 d, all queens were present in the colony. For the middle 12 d, the two most fecund queens were removed, but were returned for the final 12 d. The queen that was observed throughout the experiment failed to show a rise in fecundity when the other queens were removed. Instead, her egg-laying rate fell, although this drop was not significant. These results confirm previous findings that short-term, strong pheromonal inhibition of fecundity does not occur among L. acervorum queens. The phenomena of pheromonal inhibition in other species may be a result of workers treating queens differentially in response to rapid, short-term changes in the numbers of queens and eggs. If so, the results presented here could stem from the relative infrequency of such changes in L. acervorum.  相似文献   

The behavioral traits that shape the structure of animal societies vary considerably among species but appear to be less flexible within species or at least within populations. Populations of the ant Leptothorax acervorum differ in how queens interact with other queens. Nestmate queens from extended, homogeneous habitats tolerate each other and contribute quite equally to the offspring of the colony (polygyny: low reproductive skew). In contrast, nestmate queens from patchy habitats establish social hierarchies by biting and antennal boxing, and eventually only the top-ranking queen of the colony lays eggs (functional monogyny: high reproductive skew). Here we investigate whether queen-queen behavior is fixed within populations or whether aggression and high skew can be elicited by manipulation of socio-environmental factors in colonies from low skew populations. An increase of queen/worker ratio and to a lesser extent food limitation elicited queen-queen antagonism in polygynous colonies from Nürnberger Reichswald similar to that underlying social and reproductive hierarchies in high-skew populations from Spain, Japan, and Alaska. In manipulated colonies, queens differed more in ovarian status than in control colonies. This indicates that queens are in principle capable of adapting the magnitude of reproductive skew to environmental changes in behavioral rather than evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Social organization of the queenless ponerine ant Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) sp. was studied in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Colonies had no morphologically distinct queens. Worker number per colony was 11 on average. Most colonies contained multiple mated workers (gamergates), however, only one of them laid eggs, whereas additional gamergates were sterile or ovipositing at a low rate, indicating that this ant species shows functional monogyny. Some virgin workers also developed their oocytes and actually laid eggs. Ritualized dominant — subordinate behavior was frequently observed and a linear dominance hierarchy was established among workers. The topranking individual was a fertile gamergate. Sterile gamergates positioned in lower ranks and they often engaged in foraging. Among virgin workers, callows and young workers monopolized higher ranks.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that, other things equal, individuals within social groups should direct altruistic behaviour towards their most highly related group‐mates to maximise indirect fitness benefits. In the social insects, most previous studies have shown that within‐colony kin discrimination (nepotism) is absent or weak. However, the number of studies that have investigated within‐colony kin discrimination at the level of individual behaviour remains relatively small. We tested for within‐colony kin discrimination in the facultatively multiple‐queen (polygynous) ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Specifically, we tested whether workers within polygynous colonies treated queens differently as a function of their relatedness to them. Colonies containing two egg‐laying queens were filmed to measure the rate at which individually marked workers antennated and groomed or fed each queen. Relatedness between individual queens and workers was calculated from their genotypes at four microsatellite loci. The results showed there were no differences in the rates at which workers antennated or groomed/fed their more related queen and their less related queen. Workers interacted preferentially with their potential mother queen with respect to grooming/feeding but not with respect to antennation. However, because of high queen turnover, the frequency of adult workers with their potential mother queen still present within the colony was relatively low. Overall, therefore, we found no evidence for within‐colony kin discrimination in the context of the average worker's treatment of queens in polygynous L. acervorum colonies.  相似文献   

B-chromosomes in the myrmicine ant,Leptothorax spinosior   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
B-chromosomes of ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) were observed for the first time in the myrmicine ant Leptothorax spinosior using an improved squash technique. The B-chromosomes are minute heterochromatic metacentrics resembling isochromosomes. They were found almost entirely in male germ cells and exhibited intra- and inter-individual numerical variation, with numbers ranging between 1 and 12. B-chromosomes were rarely found in female germ cells or somatic cells (cerebral ganglion cells) of all castes, which suggests that the B-chromosomes are unstable in those cells. The number of heterochromatic bodies in interphase nuclei corresponds well to that of metaphase B-chromosomes. The analysis of heterochromatic bodies in female cells suggested that B-chromosomes are maintained in oocytes but almost totally eliminated from nurse cells.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. M18 is a rhizosphere isolate capable of producing two kinds of antifungal agents: phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and pyoluteorin. Recently, the two well-studied quorum sensing (QS) systems of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, LasR/LasI and RhlR/RhlI, have also been identified in this strain. However, in this study, through the use of lacZ translational fusion expression analysis and acyl-homoserine lactone thin-layer chromatography (TLC) bioassays, we clearly display a more complex and distinctive hierarchy of the las and rhl QS systems in strain M18. In this QS cascade, expression of rhlI was negatively controlled by the LasR/LasI QS system. In contrast with lasI, which negatively regulated the rhlR induction, lasR exerted a positive influence on rhlR expression during the log-phase. This interrelationship indicated that the response regulators (LasR and RhlR) of the QS system are expressed independently of their cognate synthases (LasI and RhlI). Furthermore, the las system also modulated the timing and magnitude of the rhlI and rhlR maximal expression. In addition, our data imply that the lasR gene exerts its negative control on PCA production through modulation of rhlI expression. Thus, interactions between the two QS systems are strain specific.  相似文献   

Factors which lead to social rank tension and dynamics of social hierarchy were analysed in a herd of dairy cattle. Socioethological characteristics were evaluated by means of the Dominance Value (DV) and the Index of Aggression (IA) which were computed for each animal of the herd. The analysis of interrelationships between DV—IA—seniority—body weight—individual pecularities elucidated some impulses of social rank dynamics.  相似文献   

Phytophthora drechsleri f. sp. cajani (Pal et al.) Kannaiyan et al. causes stem and leaf blight in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan [L.] Millsp.) in India. The asexual phase occurs in artificial culture as well as on the host tissue. Sparse oospore formation has been observed in old cultures. A technique has been evolved in which abundant mature oospores are formed on the leaflets of pigeon pea and also on glass slides using zoospores and mycelial discs on the former butonly mycelial discs on the glass slides. The largest number of oospores was formed after incubation for 36 h at 25°C.  相似文献   

Aggregation is usually studied in functional terms, forgetting mechanisms. In this paper, experimental results on the ant Lasius niger, complemented by a model, allow us to understand the mechanisms responsible for aggregation and to study the influence of the population density on this phenomenon. The results show (1) a high level of aggregation and the emergence of a large cluster; (2) that aggregation results from an amplification mechanism—the greater the number of ants inside a cluster, the greater the time spent by one ant in this cluster; and (3) that population density has only a weak influence on the aggregation process. This method of analysis and these results can certainly be extended not only in social insects but also in other species, like subsocial arthropods.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new species of the genus Phyllocladoxylon on the basis of fossil woods from the Fuxin Formation in Western Liaoning province, Phyllocladoxylon xinqiuensis sp. nov., is reported and its anatomic structures are described.  相似文献   

In forests, the vulnerable seedling stage is largely influenced by the canopy, which modifies the surrounding environment. Consequently, any alteration in the characteristics of the canopy, such as those promoted by forest dieback, might impact regeneration dynamics. Our work analyzes the interaction between canopy neighbors and seedlings in Mediterranean forests affected by the decline of their dominant species (Quercus suber). Our objective was to understand how the impacts of neighbor trees and shrubs on recruitment could affect future dynamics of these declining forests. Seeds of the three dominant tree species (Quercus suber, Olea europaea and Quercus canariensis) were sown in six sites during two consecutive years. Using a spatially-explicit, neighborhood approach we developed models that explained the observed spatial variation in seedling emergence, survival, growth and photochemical efficiency as a function of the size, identity, health, abundance and distribution of adult trees and shrubs in the neighborhood. We found strong neighborhood effects for all the performance estimators, particularly seedling emergence and survival. Tree neighbors positively affected emergence, independently of species identity or health. Alternatively, seedling survival was much lower in neighborhoods dominated by defoliated and dead Q. suber trees than in neighborhoods dominated by healthy trees. For the two oak species, these negative effects were consistent over the three years of the experimental seedlings. These results indicate that ongoing changes in species’ relative abundance and canopy trees’ health might alter the successional trajectories of Mediterranean oak-forests through neighbor-specific impacts on seedlings. The recruitment failure of dominant late-successional oaks in the gaps opened after Q. suber death would indirectly favor the establishment of other coexisting woody species, such as drought-tolerant shrubs. This could lead current forests to shift into open systems with lower tree cover. Adult canopy decline would therefore represent an additional factor threatening the recruitment of Quercus forests worldwide.  相似文献   

The marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002 synthesizes two alkenes, 1-nonadecene and 1,14-nonadecadiene. Whereas the genetic basis for the biosynthesis of the terminal double bond in both alkenes has been characterized, the origin of the internal double bond in 1,14-nonadecadiene has not. In this study, we demonstrate that a gene encoding an uncharacterized desaturase is involved in the formation of the internal double bond of 1,14-nonadecadiene. Further, at low temperatures, the desaturase gene is essential for growth, and in wild-type cells the levels of 1,14-nonadecadiene increase relative to that of cells grown at 38°C. These data suggest that 1,14-nonadecadiene plays a role in responding to cold stress.  相似文献   

During excystment of an amoeba, Cochliopodium sp., scale formation was examined with light and electron microscopy. This amoeba was covered with scales. When the amoeba encysted, the scales remained on the external surface of the cyst wall. Soon after the induction of excystment the Golgi complex began to develop. Many vesicles were extruded from it and changed into vacuoles. Scales were observed first in the vacuole adjacent to the Golgi complex and later in inside the cyst wall. When the amoeba excysted it had been coated by the newly formed scales. It is suggested that the scale formation is dependent on the activity of the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

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