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Abstract: The short-term inhibition by estradiol of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons was examined in vitro on hypothalamic slices from ovariectomized rats. TH activity (determined by L-3,4-di-hydroxyphenylalanine accumulation in the median eminence after blockade of decarboxylase with NSD 1055) showed a 30–40% decrease within 1 h of incubation with estradiol. To determine whether a dephosphorylation process was involved in this decline in TH activity, we studied the sensitivity of the enzyme to dopamine (DA) feedback inhibition: In controls, we observed that two kinetically different forms of TH coexisted, with one exhibiting a Kl(DA) of 26.4 ± 2 μM the other being ∼ 10-fold more sensitive to DA inhibition, with a [k1{DA)] of 2.56 ± 0.17 μM. likely corresponding to a phosphorylated and active form and to a non-phosphorylated and poorly active form, respectively. Conversely. after estradiol treatment all TH molecules exhibited the same K1(DA) of 2.5 ± 0.3 μM. This effect was stereospecific, because 17α-estradiol could not promote it. whereas with 17β-estradiol. it could be observed at only 10−11M and after a short delay (30 min). Finally, this decrease in the K1(DA) of the purported active form of TH could be prevented by okadaic acid (an inhibitor of protein phosphatases). These results suggest that estradiol can act directly on the mediobasal hypothalamus to trigger a rapid decline in TH activity and that this action may involve a decrease in TH phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dopamine released from brain nerve terminals is mainly removed from the synaptic cleft by an uptake mechanism. Despite their functional importance, modulation of the dopamine uptake sites is still not well known. Steroid hormones were shown to modulate brain dopamine transmission. The aim of this study was thus to investigate in ovariectomized rats the effects of 17β-estradiol and progesterone treatments on brain dopamine uptake sites. Treatments consisted of 17β-estradiol (10 μg/0.2 ml), progesterone (0.72 mg/0.2 ml). 17β-estradiol + progesterone, or the vehicle (0.3% gelatin in saline solution) twice daily for 2 weeks. The steroid treatments left the affinity of [3H]GBR 12935 binding to striatal homogenates unchanged (ovariectomized rats, 0.823 ± 0.028 nM), whereas the density was increased by these steroids alone or in combination to a similar extent of 16-23%. Chronic treatment of ovariectomized rats with 17β-estradiol progesterone, or their combination increased to the same extent and uniformly [3H]-GBR 12935 binding in the striatum as measured by autoradiography; the increase was similar in the substantia nigra pars compacta, whereas no steroid effect was observed in the nucleus accumbens and in the substantia nigra pars reticulata. In summary, chronic exposure to 17β-estradiol and/ or progesterone increased dopamine uptake site density in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, whereas the nucleus accumbens and the substantia nigra pars reticulata were unaffected.  相似文献   

The possible control of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity by dopaminergic receptor-dependent mechanisms was investigated using rat striatal slices or synaptosomes incubated in the presence of various 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine or DA) agonists and antagonists. Under "normal" conditions (4.8 mM K+ in the incubating medium), the DA agonists apomorphine, 6,7-dihydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-2-aminotetralin (TL-99), 7-hydroxy-N,N-dipropyl-2-aminotetralin (7-OH-DPAT), Trans-(-)-4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a,9-octahydro-5-propyl-2H-pyrazolo-3,4- quinoline, and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-n-propylpiperidine decreased TH activity in soluble extracts of incubated tissues. In the case of the catechol-containing drugs apomorphine and TL-99, this effect was partly due to a direct inhibition of the enzyme, but in all other cases it appeared to depend on the stimulation of presynaptic DA autoreceptors. No effect of DA antagonists was detected on TH activity under "normal" conditions. In contrast, when tissues were incubated in a K+ -enriched (60 mM) medium, (-)-sulpiride and other DA antagonists enhanced TH activation due to depolarization whereas DA agonists were ineffective. Because (-)-sulpiride also increased the enzyme activity in striatal slices exposed to drugs inducing release of DA, such as veratridine and d-amphetamine, it is concluded that the stimulating effect of the DA antagonist resulted in fact from the blockade of the negative control of TH normally triggered by endogenous DA acting on presynaptic autoreceptors. In contrast to TH activation due to K+ -induced depolarization, the activation evoked by tissue incubation with dibutyryl cyclic AMP was unaffected by the typical agonist 7-OH-DPAT or the antagonist (-)-sulpiride. This would suggest that TH control via presynaptic DA autoreceptors normally concerns possible modulations of the cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract: L-DOPA is a large neutral amino acid subject to transport out of, as well as into, brain tissue. Competition between dopamine synthesis and L-DOPA egress from striatum must favor L-DOPA egress if decarboxylation declines relatively more than transport in Parkinson's disease. To test this hypothesis, we injected patients with Parkinson's disease with a radidabeled analogue of L-DOPA and recorded regional brain radioactivity as a function of time by means of positron emission tomography. We simultaneously estimated the activity of the decarboxylating enzyme and the amino acid transport. In the striatum of patients, we found the L-DOPA decarboxylase activity to be reduced in the head of the caudate nucleus and the putamen. However, the rate of egress of the DOPA analogue was unaffected by the disease and thus inhibited dopamine synthesis more than predicted in the absence of L-DOPA egress.  相似文献   

It is becoming apparent that the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine not only explains endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation, but is a widespread mechanism for the regulation of cell function and communication. We examined the role of NO on the endogenous dopamine (DA) release from rat striatum. Nitroprusside, in the concentration range of 3-100 microM, induced a dose-dependent increase in the endogenous DA release from rat striatal slices. The maximal response was 330% over the baseline release. A higher concentration of nitroprusside (300 microM) produced an inhibitory effect on the spontaneous release of DA. L-Arginine (10 and 100 microM), a substrate in the NO-forming enzyme system, also produced an elevation of DA release. L-Arginine-induced DA release was attenuated by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NO synthase. NADPH (1 microM), a cofactor of NO synthase, enhanced L-arginine-induced DA release. These results suggest a possible involvement of NO in the DA release process in rat striatum.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that dopamine (DA) autoreceptors modulate the phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; EC was investigated in rat striatal slices. Tissue was prelabeled with 32P inorganic phosphate, and TH recovered by immunoprecipitation with anti-TH rabbit serum. The TH monomer was resolved on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, and the extent of phosphorylation was determined by scanning densitometry of autoradiographs. Depolarization of striatal slices with 55 mM K+ markedly increased the incorporation of 32P into several proteins, including the TH monomer (Mr = 60,000). A similar increase in TH phosphorylation occurred in response to the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin and the cyclic AMP analog dibutyryl cyclic AMP. An increase in TH phosphorylation was not observed in response to the D1-selective agonist SKF 38393. The D2-selective DA autoreceptor agonist pergolide decreased the phosphorylation of TH below basal levels and blocked the increase in phosphorylation elicited by 55 mM K+. The inhibitory effect of pergolide was antagonized by the D2-selective antagonist eticlopride. Changes observed in the phosphorylation of TH were mirrored by changes in tyrosine hydroxylation in situ. These observations support the hypothesis that a reduction in TH phosphorylation is the mechanism by which DA autoreceptors modulate tyrosine hydroxylation in nigrostriatal nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract: Protein tyrosine kinases that are known to have major roles in the control of cell growth and transformation are abundant and have numerous phosphoprotein substrates in the adult CNS. Although less well characterized than serine/threonine kinases, tyrosine kinases are also concentrated in the synapse. The effect of genistein, a selective inhibitor of tyrosine kinase activity, was examined on the in vitro release of endogenous dopamine (DA) from superfused mouse striatal slices. Fractional release of DA was significantly increased over basal release levels by genistein (100 and 200 µ M ). The effect was concentration dependent and rapidly reversible on washout of the kinase inhibitor. No significant change from basal release levels was observed with two structural analogues of genistein that do not inhibit tyrosine kinase activity at the same concentration. We have previously described alterations in basal and evoked DA release from the striatum of the weaver ( wv/wv ) mutant mouse, and genotypic differences in fractional release were also observed with genistein stimulation. The total evoked release was 25–50% greater from the wv/wv striatum. These results suggest a modulatory role for tyrosine kinase activity in neurotransmitter release and perhaps an alteration of kinase-regulated mechanisms in the DA-deficient wv/wv striatum.  相似文献   

Rats were infused intraventricularly with [3H]tyrosine over a 20-min period during various times while circling. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine) and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels were measured using HPLC with electrochemical detection and fractions were collected for tritium monitoring. During the first 20 min of circling, the specific activity of dopamine was increased by 290% in striatum contralateral to the circling direction whereas DOPAC specific activity was increased 50% on the same side. This differential change in relative specific activity suggests that unlabeled storage pool dopamine was mobilized to DOPAC during circling. Synthesis of dopamine and DOPAC in contralateral striatum returned to baseline levels as turning slowed (50-70 min). When turning ceased, there was an increase in ipsilateral striatal dopamine synthesis during the 20-min period following circling. We hypothesize that this ipsilateral increase represents either a "stop" signal following circling or a release of inhibition of ipsilateral nigral neurons.  相似文献   

Abstract: Basal levels of endogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) were detected by HPLC coupled with coulometric detection in dialysates from freely moving rats implanted 48–72 h earlier with transversal dialysis fibers in the dorsal caudate. Because decarboxylase inhibitor is absent in the Ringer's solution, this method allows monitoring of basal output of dopamine (DA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, as well as DOPA. Extracellular DOPA concentrations were reduced by the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor α-methylparatyrosine (200 mg/kg, i.p.) and by the dopaminergic agonist apomorphine (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.). The dopaminergic antagonist haloperidol (0.2 mg/kg, s.c.) stimulated DOPA output by about 60% over basal values. γ-Butyrolactone, at doses of 700 mg/kg, i.p., which are known to block dopaminergic neuronal firing and which reduce DA release, stimulated DOPA output maximally by 130% over basal values. Tetrodotoxin, which blocks DA release by blocking voltage-dependent Na+ channels, increased DOPA output maximally by 100% over basal values. The results indicate that basal DOPA can be detected and monitored in the extracellular fluid of the caudate of freely moving rats by transcerebral dialysis and can be taken as a dynamic index of DA synthesis in pharmacological conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Investigations of gene therapy for Parkinson's disease have focused primarily on strategies that replace tyrosine hydroxylase. In the present study, the role of aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase in gene therapy with tyrosine hydroxylase was examined by adding the gene for aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase to our paradigm using primary fibroblasts transduced with both tyrosine hydroxylase and GTP cyclohydrolase I. We compared catecholamine synthesis in vitro in cultures of cells with tyrosine hydroxylase and aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase together versus cocultures of cells containing these enzymes separately. l -DOPA and dopamine levels were higher in the cocultures that separated the enzymes. To determine the role of aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase in vivo, cells containing tyrosine hydroxylase and GTP cyclohydrolase I were grafted alone or in combination with cells containing aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase into the 6-hydroxydopamine-denervated rat striatum. Grafts containing aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase produced less l -DOPA and dopamine as monitored by microdialysis. These findings indicate that not only is there sufficient aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase near striatal grafts producing l -DOPA, but also the close proximity of the enzyme to tyrosine hydroxylase is detrimental for optimal dopamine production. This is most likely due to feedback inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by dopamine.  相似文献   

Abstract: In an attempt to clarify the mechanisms by which dopamine (DA) autoreceptor activation inhibits DA synthesis, the efficacy and potency of the D2 DA agonists bromocriptine, lisuride, and pergolide, and the D1,-D2 DA agonist apomorphine were studied in rat striatal synapto- somes, in which the rate of DA synthesis (formation of 14CO2 from l -[1–14C]tyrosine) was increased 103% by treating the animals from which the synaptosomes were obtained with reserpine (5 mg/kg i.p. twice, 24 and 2 h before they were killed), using the striatal total homogenate as the standard synaptosomal preparation. The increase in DA synthesis evoked by reserpine was additive with that produced by treatment of the synaptosomes with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, suggesting that, not a cyclic AMP-dependent, but possibly a Ca2+-dependent mechanism was involved. The DA agonists showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of DA synthesis in the control synaptosomes, which was antagonized by the selective D2 DA antagonist (-)-sulpiride. In the synaptosomes with increased rate of DA synthesis obtained from the rats treated with reserpine, the concentration-response curves of DA synthesis inhibition for the other DA agonists were shifted to the right, and the effect of bromocriptine was completely eliminated, whereas bromocriptine antagonized the effect of apomorphine. The increased rate of DA synthesis was not preserved in the striatal P1+ P2 fraction obtained from the reserpine-treated rats, but the effects of the DA agonists were still reduced to the same degree as those in the total homogenate. (-)-Sulpiride did not enhance DA synthesis in synaptosomes from the reserpine- treated rats. The results presented indicate that the reduced effect of the DA agonists in synaptosomes from the reserpine-treated rats was not due to endogenous DA occupying the DA autoreceptors. Because it is known from the literature that reserpine in vivo increases impulse activity in DA neurons and, as a result, increases the Ca2+ concentration, these results suggest that the effect of DA agonists was reduced because DA autoreceptors may normally control DA synthesis by decreasing the free intraneuronal Ca2+ concentration, and consequently, the Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of phenylalanine (50-400 microM) on the electrically stimulated release of endogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine or DA) from superfused rat striatal slices. In the absence of tyrosine, phenylalanine (25 microM) partially sustained DA release, but less well than an equimolar concentration of tyrosine. In the presence of tyrosine (50 microM), phenylalanine (in concentrations of greater than or equal to 200 microM) inhibited DA release into the superfusate. This inhibition was not associated with changes in tissue levels of tyrosine or DA, nor was it mimicked by addition of high concentrations of tyrosine or leucine to the medium. We conclude that phenylalanine is a less effective precursor of DA in rat striatum than tyrosine and that it can also act to inhibit DA synthesis, depending on its concentration.  相似文献   

Anatoxin-a is an important neurotoxin that acts a potent nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist. This characteristic makes anatoxin-a an important tool for the study of nicotinic receptors. Anatoxin-a has been used extensively in vitro experiments, however anatoxin-a has never been studied by in vivo microdialysis studies. This study test the effect of anatoxin-a on striatal in vivo dopamine release by microdialysis.The results of this work show that anatoxin-a evoked dopamine release in a concentration-dependent way. Atropine had not any effect on dopamine release evoked by 3.5 mM anatoxin-a. However, perfusion of nicotinic antagonists mecamylamine and α-bungarotoxin induced a total inhibition of the striatal dopamine release. Perfusion of α7*-receptors antagonists, metillycaconitine or α-bungarotoxin, partially inhibits the release of dopamine stimulated by anatoxin-a. These results show that anatoxin-a can be used as an important nicotinic agonist in the study of nicotinic receptor by in vivo microdialysis technique and also support further in vivo evidences that α7*nicotinic AChRs are implicated in the regulation of striatal dopamine release.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have investigated three aspects of the relationship between calcium and tyrosine hydroxylase activity in rat striatum. In the first series of experiments, we examined the hypothesis that the rise in dopamine synthesis during increased impulse flow results from a calcium-induced activation of tyrosine hydroxylase. Calcium (12.5–200 μ M ) had no effect when added to crude enzyme or enzyme partially purified by gel filtration. Moreover, incubation of synaptosomes with excess calcium (up to 3.5 m M ) had little or no effect on dopamine synthesis. Incubation with the depolarizing alkaloid veratridine (75 μ M ) did increase dopamine synthesis, but did not alter the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase subsequently prepared from the synaptosomes, despite the presumed rise in intracellular calcium. In the second series we examined the hypothesis that increased dopamine synthesis after axotomy results from activation of tyrosine hydroxylase owing to a decrease in intracellular calcium. Addition of the calcium chelator EGTA (100 μ M ) to crude or partially purified enzyme was without effect, whereas incubation of synaptosomes with EGTA (500 μM ) decreased cell-free enzyme activity. In the third experimental series we examined the relationship between calcium and activation of tyrosine hydroxylase by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. EGTA failed to alter the increase in the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase prepared from synaptosomes incubated with dibutyryl cyclic AMP. However, it blocked the increase in synaptosomal dopamine synthesis and dopamine content normally produced by the cyclic AMP analogue. Thus, tyrosine hydroxylase does not appear to be activated by either increases or decreases in calcium availability. However, calcium may be important for the maintenance of basal tyrosine hydroxylase activity, and may play an indirect role in the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase activation produced by other means.  相似文献   

Abstract: Factors affecting dopamine (DA) synthesis in rat striatal synaptosomes were examined by measuring the conversion of [3H]tyrosine (Tyr) to [3H]DA. Any [3H]DA that was synthesized was extracted into a toluene-based scintillation cocktail and quantitated by liquid scintillation spectrometry. The extraction was facilitated using di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHP), a liquid cation exchanger. DA, apomorphine, and other DA agonists were much less potent inhibitors of DA synthesis in striatal synaptosomes at pH 6.2 than at pH 7.2. 3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)- N - n -propylpiperidine (3-PPP), a putative DA autoreceptor agonist, was inactive at pH 6.2. However, at pH 7.2, 3-PPP did inhibit DA synthesis. This inhibition was reversed by sulpiride, a DA receptor antagonist, but not by benztropine, a DA uptake blocker, suggesting that 3-PPP inhibits DA synthesis by stimulating the DA autoreceptor. DA release from synaptosomes was much greater at pH 6.2 than at pH 7.2, most probably because the synaptosomal membrane appears to be depolarized at pH 6.2, as measured by the accumulation of [3H]tetraphenylphosphonium ions. Since tyrosine hydroxylase is inhibited by DA, this finding suggested that low assay buffer pH (i.e., pH 6.2) might interfere with the ability of 3-PPP and other DA agonists to inhibit DA synthesis, by promoting DA release. Likewise, reserpine and tetrabenazine, compounds which disrupt vesicular DA storage, were much less effective inhibitors of DA synthesis at pH 6.2 (high basal DA release). Moreover, d -amphetamine and high buffer potassium concentrations, treatments which promote DA release, also interfered with the ability of 3-PPP to inhibit DA synthesis. Thus, modulation of the release of DA in equilibrium with tyrosine hydroxylase may be a mechanism by which the DA autoreceptor regulates DA synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of intranigral injection of kassinin, eledoisin, and substance P on striatal dopamine (DA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) contents as well as circling behavior were studied in rats. Kassinin and eledoisin produced a marked dose-dependent increase of DOPAC concentrations in the ipsilateral striatum, as well as in the number of contralateral circlings. Substance P produced a similar but weaker effect. At the larger dose (5 nmol), the three tachykinins also induced an increase of DA concentrations in the ipsilateral striatum. The rank order of activity was kassinin greater than eledoisin greater than substance P. These results suggest that tachykinins stimulated the nigro-striatal dopaminergic system by accelerating the dopamine metabolism in striatum.  相似文献   

Dynamic Observation of Dopamine Autoreceptor Effects in Rat Striatal Slices   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry has been used to measure dopamine (DA) synaptic overflow in slices of rat caudate nucleus induced by electrical stimulation with one-, two-, and 50-pulse, 10-Hz trains. Synaptic overflow in this preparation is shown to be the result of the competing effects of release and cellular uptake. Release caused by all pulses was attenuated by the D2 agonist quinpirole (1 microM). The rapid time response of the measurements (100 ms) allows the autoinhibition induced by endogenous, released DA to be resolved in real time. The concentration of DA released during the second pulse of a train was 58% of that released by the first pulse, an effect that is partially blocked by the addition of 2 microM sulpiride, a D2 antagonist, to the perfusion buffer. DA release during the first stimulus pulse is unaffected by 2 microM sulpiride, suggesting that autoreceptors are not normally occupied in this preparation. Release caused by the third pulse was 14% of the first pulse and also could be partially enhanced by 2 microM sulpiride. The duration of the inhibition of release induced by endogenous DA was estimated by varying the interval between one-pulse stimulations until the overflow of DA induced by the second pulse was equal to that on the first; a half-time of approximately 17 s was found. The addition of picrotoxin (100 microM) and glutamate (10 microM) to the perfusion buffer did not affect stimulated release of DA, although the addition of atropine (100 microM) attenuated overflow for all the trains tested.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, is inhibited in vitro by catecholamines binding to two distinct sites on the enzyme. The N-terminal regulatory domain of TH contributes to dopamine binding to the high affinity site of the enzyme. We prepared an N-terminal deletion mutant of TH to examine the role of the N-terminal domain in dopamine binding to the low affinity site. Deletion of the N-terminus of TH removes the high affinity dopamine binding site, but does not affect dopamine binding to the low affinity site. The role of the low affinity site in situ was examined by incubating PC12 cells with L-DOPA to increase the cytosolic catecholamine concentration. This resulted in an inhibition of TH activity in situ under both basal conditions and conditions that promoted the phosphorylation of Ser40. Therefore the low affinity site is active in situ regardless of the phosphorylation status of Ser40.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of various doses of the serotonin (5-HT) release-inducing agent d -fenfluramine ( d -fenf) on extracellular dopamine (DA), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) was studied in vivo in the striatum of halothane-anesthetized rats, following systemic and local administration. At 5 and 10 but not 2.5 mg/kg, d -fenf administered intraperitoneally significantly increased DA extracellular concentration and reduced DOPAC outflow. A concentration-dependent enhancement of DA dialysate content was also found following intrastriatal application (5, 10, 25, and 50 µ M ). The bilateral administration of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine into the dorsal raphe nucleus, which markedly depleted 5-HT in the striatum, did not modify the effect on extracellular DA concentration of 25 µ M d -fenf locally applied into the striatum. The enhancement of extracellular DA level induced by 25 µ M d -fenf was slightly but significantly reduced by the local application of 25 µ M citalopgram. The blockade of DA uptake sites by nomifensine (0.1, 0.3, and 1 µ M ) did not modify significantly the effect of d -fenf. The rise of DA outflow induced by 25 µ M d -fenf was strongly reduced in the presence of 1 µ M tetrodotoxin (TTX) or by the removal of Ca2+ from the perfusion medium. The results obtained show that d -fenf increases the striatal extracellular DA concentration by a Ca2+-dependent and TTX-sensitive mechanism that is independent of striatal 5-HT itself or DA uptake sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: The somatodendritic release of dopamine in substantia nigra previously has been suggested to be nonvesicular in nature and thus to differ from the classical, exocytotic release of dopamine described for the dopaminergic nerve terminal in striatum. We have compared the effects of reserpine, a compound that disrupts vesicular sequestration of monoamines, on the storage and release of dopamine in substantia nigra and striatum of rats. Reserpine administration (5 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly decreased the tissue level of dopamine in substantia nigra pars reticulata, substantia nigra pars compacta, and striatum. In these brain areas, reserpine-induced reductions in tissue dopamine level occurred within 2 h and persisted at 24 h postdrug. In vivo measurements using microdialysis revealed that reserpine administration rapidly decreased the extracellular dopamine concentration to nondetectable levels in substantia nigra as well as in striatum. In both structures, it was observed that reserpine treatment significantly attenuated the release of dopamine evoked by a high dose of amphetamine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) given 2 h later. In contrast, dopamine efflux in response to a low dose of amphetamine (2 mg/kg, i.p.) was not altered by reserpine pretreatment either in substantia nigra or in striatum. The present data suggest the existence, both at the somatodendritic and at the nerve terminal level, of a vesicular pool of dopamine that is the primary site of transmitter storage and that can be displaced by high but not low doses of amphetamine. The physiological release of dopamine in substantia nigra and in striatum is dependent on the integrity of this vesicular store.  相似文献   

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