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张德兴 《生物多样性》2015,23(5):559-31
分子生态学是多学科交叉的整合性研究领域, 是运用进化生物学理论解决宏观生物学问题的科学。经过半个多世纪的发展, 本学科已日趋成熟, 它不仅已经广泛渗透到宏观生物学的众多学科领域, 而且已经成为连接和融合很多不同学科的桥梁, 是目前最具活力的研究领域之一。其研究的范畴, 从最基础的理论和方法技术, 到格局和模式的发现和描述, 到对过程和机制的深入探讨, 再到付诸于实践的行动和规划指导等各个层次。分子生态学的兴起给宏观生物学带来了若干飞跃性的变化, 使宏观生物学由传统的以观察、测量和推理为主的描述性研究转变为以从生物和种群的遗传构成的变化和历史演化背景上检验、证明科学假设及揭示机制和规律为主的机制性/解释性研究, 因而使得对具有普遍意义的科学规律、生态和进化过程及机制的探索成为可能。分子生态学已经进入组学研究时代, 这使得阐明复杂生态过程、生物地理过程和适应性演化过程的机制性研究由原来难以企及的梦想变成完全可以实现的探求; 它也带来了全新的挑战, 其中最有深远影响的将是对分子生态学研究至关重要的进化生物学基础理论方面的突破, 例如遗传变异理论、种群分化理论、表观遗传因素的作用, 乃至进化生物学的基本知识构架等等。这些方面的进展必将使宏观生物学迎来一场空前的革命, 并对生态学的所有分支学科产生重大影响, 甚至催生诸如生态表观组学这样的新分支学科。对于中国科学家来说, 分子生态学组学时代的开启, 更是一个千载难逢的机遇, 为提出和建立生命科学的新方法、新假说、新思想和新理论提供了莫大的探索空间——此前我们对宏观生物学方法、理论和思想的发展贡献很小。然而, 限制组学时代重大突破的关键因素是理论、概念、理念、实验方法或分析方法方面的创新和突破, 这正是我国分子生态学研究最薄弱的环节。我国教育部门应尽快调整生命科学本科生培养的理念和方法, 以培养具备突出创新潜力的年轻一代后备人才; 同时, 科研项目资助部门和研究人员不仅应清醒地认识本学科领域的发展态势, 更要及时调整思路, 树立新的项目管理理念和治学 理念。  相似文献   

The power of molecular genetic techniques to address ecological research questions has opened a distinct interdisciplinary research area collectively referred to as molecular ecology. Molecular ecology combines aspects of diverse research fields like population and evolutionary genetics, as well as biodiversity, conservation biology, behavioural ecology, or species-habitat interactions. Molecular techniques detect specific DNA sequence characteristics that are used as genetic markers to discriminate individuals or taxonomic groups, for instance in analyses of population and community structures, for elucidation of phylogenetic relationships, or for the characterization and monitoring of specific strains in the environment. Here, we summarize the PCR-based molecular techniques used in molecular ecological research on fungal entomopathogens and discuss novel techniques that may have relevance to the studies of entomopathogenic fungi in the future. We discuss the flow chart of the molecular ecology approaches and we highlight some of the critical steps involved. There are still many unresolved questions in the understanding of the ecology of fungal entomopathogens. These include population characteristics and relations of genotypes and habitats as well as host-pathogen interactions. Molecular tools can provide substantial support for ecological research and offer insight into this far inaccessible systems. Application of molecular ecology approaches will stimulate and accelerate new research in the field of entomophathogen ecology.  相似文献   

Abstract Over the last 20 years or so, the obligate methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) have attracted considerable interest. As they grow on a relatively cheap and abundant carbon source, they appeared ideal organisms for the production of bulk chemicals, single-cell protein and for use in biotransformations. More recently their cooxidation properties have been investigated for bioremediation, including the removal of chlorinated compounds such as trichloroethylene from polluted groundwaters. These studies have resulted in a great deal of information on the physiology and biochemistry of methanotrophs but sadly the molecular biology and genetic studies of these organisms have lagged behind. This has been in part due to the obligate nature of the methanotrophs and the refractory nature of such organisms to conventional genetic analysis. However, the more recent availability of broad-host range plasmids coupled with improvements in molecular biology methods have allowed the development of molecular genetic techniques for methanotrophs. The purpose of this review is to summarize what is known about the genetics and molecular biology of methanotrophs and how this information can be used to complement previous and current biochemical studies on the unique property of these bacteria, i.e. the ability to oxidize methane to methanol. Recent developments in molecular ecology techniques that may be applied to these apparently ubiquitous organism are also considered.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years or so, the obligate methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) have attracted considerable interest. As they grow on a relatively cheap and abundant carbon source, they appeared ideal organisms for the production of bulk chemicals, single-cell protein and for use in biotransformations. More recently their cooxidation properties have been investigated for bioremediation, including the removal of chlorinated compounds such as trichloroethylene from polluted groundwaters. These studies have resulted in a great deal of information on the physiology and biochemistry of methanotrophs but sadly the molecular biology and genetic studies of these organisms have lagged behind. This has been in part due to the obligate nature of the methanotrophs and the refractory nature of such organisms to conventional genetic analysis. However, the more recent availability of broad-host range plasmids coupled with improvements in molecular biology methods have allowed the development of molecular genetic techniques for methanotrophs. The purpose of this review is to summarize what is known about the genetics and molecular biology of methanotrophs and how this information can be used to complement previous and current biochemical studies on the unique property of these bacteria, i.e. the ability to oxidize methane to methanol. Recent developments in molecular ecology techniques that may be applied to these apparently ubiquitous organism are also considered.  相似文献   

Karr TL 《Heredity》2008,100(2):200-206
Proteomics is a relatively new scientific discipline that merges protein biochemistry, genome biology and bioinformatics to determine the spatial and temporal expression of proteins in cells, tissues and whole organisms. There has been very little application of proteomics to the fields of behavioral genetics, evolution, ecology and population dynamics, and has only recently been effectively applied to the closely allied fields of molecular evolution and genetics. However, there exists considerable potential for proteomics to impact in areas related to functional ecology; this review will introduce the general concepts and methodologies that define the field of proteomics and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages with other methods. Examples of how proteomics can aid, complement and indeed extend the study of functional ecology will be discussed including the main tool of ecological studies, population genetics with an emphasis on metapopulation structure analysis. Because proteomic analyses provide a direct measure of gene expression, it obviates some of the limitations associated with other genomic approaches, such as microarray and EST analyses. Likewise, in conjunction with associated bioinformatics and molecular evolutionary tools, proteomics can provide the foundation of a systems-level integration approach that can enhance ecological studies. It can be envisioned that proteomics will provide important new information on issues specific to metapopulation biology and adaptive processes in nature. A specific example of the application of proteomics to sperm ageing is provided to illustrate the potential utility of the approach.  相似文献   

施永彬  李钧敏  金则新 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5846-5858
生态基因组学是一个整合生态学、分子遗传学和进化基因组学的新兴交叉学科。生态基因组学将基因组学的研究手段和方法引入生态学领域,通过将群体基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学等手段与方法将个体、种群及群落、生态系统不同层次的生态学相互作用整合起来,确定在生态学响应及相互作用中具有重要意义的关键的基因和遗传途径,阐明这些基因及遗传途径变异的程度及其生态和进化后果的特征,从基因水平探索有机体响应天然环境(包括生物与非生物的环境因子)的遗传学机制。生态基因组学的研究对象可以分为模式生物与非模式生物两大类。拟南芥、酿酒酵母等模式生物在生态基因组学领域发挥了重要作用。随着越来越多基因组学技术的开发与完善,越来越多的非模式生物生态基因组学的研究将为生态学的发展提供重要的理论与实践依据。生态基因组学最核心的方法包括寻找序列变异、研究基因差异表达和分析基因功能等方法。生态基因组学已广泛渗透到生态学的相关领域中,将会在生物对环境的响应、物种间的相互作用、进化生态学、全球变化生态学、入侵生态学、群落生态学等研究领域发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

In this review, I consider the contribution that common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) has made towards integrating the ecology, evolution and genetics of species interactions. Oenothera biennis was among the earliest plant models in genetics and cytogenetics and it played an important role in the modern synthesis of evolutionary biology. More recently, population and ecological genetics approaches have provided insight into the patterns of genetic variation within and between populations, and how a combination of abiotic and biotic factors maintain and select on heritable variation within O. biennis populations. From an ecological perspective, field experiments show that genetic variation and evolution within populations can have cascading effects throughout communities. Plant genotype affects the preference and performance of individual arthropod populations, as well as the composition, biomass, total abundance and diversity of arthropod species on plants. A combination of experiments and simulation models show that natural selection on specific plant traits can drive rapid ecological changes in these same community variables. At the patch level, increasing genotypic diversity leads to a greater abundance and diversity of omnivorous and predaceous arthropods, which is also associated with increased biomass and fecundity of plants in genetically diverse patches. Finally, in questioning whether a community genetics perspective is needed in biology, I review several multifactorial experiments which show that plant genotype often explains as much variation in community variables as other ecological factors typically identified as most important in ecology. As a whole, research in the O. biennis system has contributed to a more complete understanding of the dynamic interplay between ecology, evolution and genetics.  相似文献   

中国翼手目研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蝙蝠在中国的种类丰富,共有7科30属120种.本文主要从蝙蝠种类、生态学、生理和生化、遗传学和分子生物学5个方面对中国翼手目的研究现状和进展作了论述,分析了存在的问题,并对研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is not only an extensively used model system in genetics and molecular biology, it is an upcoming model for research in ecology and evolution. The available body of knowledge and molecular techniques make yeast ideal for work in areas such as evolutionary and ecological genomics, population genetics, microbial biogeography, community ecology and speciation. As long as ecological information remains scarce for this species, the vast amount of data that is being generated using S. cerevisiae as a model system will remain difficult to interpret in an evolutionary context. Here we review the current knowledge of the evolution and ecology of S. cerevisiae and closely related species in the Saccharomyces sensu stricto group, and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

微卫星标记在分子生态学中的应用及其位点的分离策略   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
微卫星DNA作为一种优良的遗传标记在分子生态学领域得到了广泛应用,本文综述了其在分子种群生物学、分子环境遗传学、分子适应等研究领域中的应用情况.微卫星位点的获得是开展各项研究的前提,传统的构建微卫星文库再杂交筛选的方法工作量大、效率低,因而在实践过程中又产生了富集文库法、PIMA法、FIASCO法等新的分离策略.本文对几种微卫星位点分离技术进行介绍并对其进行分析比较,为分子生态学研究过程中微卫星位点筛选方法的选择提供参考.  相似文献   

The plastic response of phenotypic traits to environmental change is a common research focus in several disciplines - from ecology and evolutionary biology to physiology and molecular genetics. The use of model systems such as the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana has facilitated a dialogue between developmental biologists asking how plasticity is controlled (proximate causes) and organismal biologists asking why plasticity exists (ultimate causes). Researchers studying ultimate causes and consequences are increasingly compelled to reject simplistic, ‘black box’ models, while those studying proximate causes and mechanisms are increasingly obliged to subject their interpretations to ecological ‘reality checks.’ We review the successful multidisciplinary efforts to understand the phytochrome-mediated shade-avoidance and light-seeking responses of flowering plants as a pertinent example of convergence between evolutionary and molecular biology. In this example, the two-way exchange between reductionist and holist camps has been essential to rapid and sustained progress. This should serve as a model for future collaborative efforts towards understanding the responses of organisms to their constantly changing environments.  相似文献   

Trait-based approaches have long been a feature of physiology and of ecology. While the latter fields drifted apart in the twentieth century, they are converging owing at least partly to growing similarities in their trait-based approaches, which have much to offer conservation biology. The convergence of spatially explicit approaches to understanding trait variation and its ecological implications, such as encapsulated in community assembly and macrophysiology, provides a significant illustration of the similarity of these areas. Both adopt trait-based informatics approaches which are not only providing fundamental biological insights, but are also delivering new information on how environmental change is affecting diversity and how such change may perhaps be mitigated. Such trait-based conservation physiology is illustrated here for each of the major environmental change drivers, specifically: the consequences of overexploitation for body size and physiological variation; the impacts of vegetation change on thermal safety margins; the consequences of changing net primary productivity and human use thereof for physiological variation and ecosystem functioning; the impacts of rising temperatures on water loss in ectotherms; how hemisphere-related variation in traits may affect responses to changing rainfall regimes and pollution; and how trait-based approaches may enable interactions between climate change and biological invasions to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Although molecular physiology and ecology have drifted apart as a consequence of early separation in the questions posed and techniques used, there is a resurgence of interest in forging links between them. Here we explore the reasons for this renewed interest and provide four examples of how this is happening. Specifically, we examine links between molecular physiology and ecological realities in insect responses to thermal stress, vertebrate responses to anoxia, metabolic fuel use and torpor in mammals, and the recently developed "metabolic theory of ecology." Several novel insights are emerging from integrated approaches to these problems that might not have come forward from any single perspective on them. Nonetheless, prospects for linking molecular physiology and ecological realities are likely to remain poor if greater focus is not given to developing these links. Mostly, this is a consequence of the differing approaches and "languages" adopted by these fields. We discuss approaches by which the prospects for synthetic work might be improved.  相似文献   

Understanding the links between genetic variation and fitness in natural populations is a central goal of evolutionary genetics. This monumental task spans the fields of classical and molecular genetics, population genetics, biochemistry, physiology, developmental biology, and ecology. Advances to our molecular and developmental toolkits are facilitating integrative approaches across these traditionally separate fields, providing a more complete picture of the genotype‐phenotype map in natural and non‐model systems. Here, we summarize research presented at the first annual symposium of the UNVEIL Network, an NSF‐funded collaboration between the University of Montana and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, which took place from the 1st to the 3rd of June, 2018. We discuss how this body of work advances basic evolutionary science, what it implies for our ability to predict evolutionary change, and how it might inform novel conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Fluorescent nanoparticles (FNPs) have been widely used in chemistry and medicine for decades, but their employment in biology is relatively recent. Past reviews on FNPs have focused on chemical, physical or medical uses, making the extrapolation to biological applications difficult. In biology, FNPs have largely been used for biosensing and molecular tracking. However, concerns over toxicity in early types of FNPs, such as cadmium-containing quantum dots (QDs), may have prevented wide adoption. Recent developments, especially in non-Cd-containing FNPs, have alleviated toxicity problems, facilitating the use of FNPs for addressing ecological, physiological and molecule-level processes in biological research. Standardised protocols from synthesis to application and interdisciplinary approaches are critical for establishing FNPs in the biologists’ tool kit. Here, we present an introduction to FNPs, summarise their use in biological applications, and discuss technical issues such as data reliability and biocompatibility. We assess whether biological research can benefit from FNPs and suggest ways in which FNPs can be applied to answer questions in biology. We conclude that FNPs have a great potential for studying various biological processes, especially tracking, sensing and imaging in physiology and ecology.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are subcellular organelles in which oxidative phosphorylation and other important biochemical functions take place within the cell. Within these organelles is a mitochondrial (mt) genome, which is distinct from, but cooperates with, the nuclear genome of the cell. Studying mt genomes has implications for various fundamental areas, including mt biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology. Importantly, the mt genome is a rich source of markers for population genetic and systematic studies. To date, more than 696 mt genomes have been sequenced for a range of metazoan organisms. However, few of these are from parasitic nematodes, despite their socioeconomic importance and the need for fundamental investigations into areas such as nematode genetics, systematics and ecology. In this article, we review knowledge and recent progress in mt genomics of parasitic nematodes, summarize applications of mt gene markers to the study of population genetics, systematics, epidemiology and evolution of key nematodes, and highlight some prospects and opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

李玉  王琦  李姝 《菌物学报》2021,40(2):261-269
黏菌是一类在陆地生态系统中广泛分布的真核生物,在其生活史的不同阶段,既有体现原生动物运动性的营养体,也具有高度特异化的繁殖体,其形态结构与生理特征,兼具了“菌物”与“动物”的特性,独特的进化地位以及与环境、人类健康的密切关系,使得以黏菌为模式生物的研究在生物学、遗传学、生理学、生态学、信息科学等学科均具有广泛的科学意义和重要的应用价值。自17世纪以来,黏菌研究者们从早期的经典分类学,逐步拓展到从生物学各分支学科领域系统全面地认识黏菌类群。在近几十年中,黏菌研究在系统学、生物学、生态学等方向取得了长足的进步。本文扼要介绍了黏菌学在各领域内的代表性研究进展和前沿性科学问题,同时对相关领域未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

We aim at studying adaptation to genetic and environmental stress and its evolutionary implications at different levels of biological organization. Stress influences cellular processes, individual physiology, genetic variation at the population level, and the process of natural selection. To investigate these highly connected levels of stress effects, it is advisable - if not critical - to integrate approaches from ecology, evolution, physiology, molecular biology and genetics. To investigate the mechanisms of stress resistance, how resistance evolves, and what factors contribute to and constrain its evolution, we use the well-defined model systems ofDrosophila species, representing both cosmopolitan species such asD. melanogaster with a known genome map, and more specialized and ecologically well described species such as the cactophilicD. buzzatii. Various climate-related stresses are used as model stresses including desiccation, starvation, cold and heat. Genetic stress or genetic load is modelled by studying the consequences of inbreeding, the accumulation of (slightly) deleterious mutations, hybridization or the loss of genetic variability. We present here a research plan and preliminary results combining various approaches: molecular techniques such as microarrays, quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses, quantitative PCR, ELISA or Western blotting are combined with population studies of resistance to climatic and genetic stress in natural populations collected across climatic gradients as well as in selection lines maintained in the laboratory.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) shows a wide range of genetic and trait variation among wild accessions. Because of its unparalleled biological and genomic resources, the potential of Arabidopsis for molecular genetic analysis of this natural variation has increased dramatically in recent years. SCOPE: Advanced genomics has accelerated molecular phylogenetic analysis and gene identification by quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and/or association mapping in Arabidopsis. In particular, QTL mapping utilizing natural accessions is now becoming a major strategy of gene isolation, offering an alternative to artificial mutant lines. Furthermore, the genomic information is used by researchers to uncover the signature of natural selection acting on the genes that contribute to phenotypic variation. The evolutionary significance of such genes has been evaluated in traits such as disease resistance and flowering time. However, although molecular hallmarks of selection have been found for the genes in question, a corresponding ecological scenario of adaptive evolution has been difficult to prove. Ecological strategies, including reciprocal transplant experiments and competition experiments, and utilizing near-isogenic lines of alleles of interest will be a powerful tool to measure the relative fitness of phenotypic and/or allelic variants. CONCLUSIONS: As the plant model organism, Arabidopsis provides a wealth of molecular background information for evolutionary genetics. Because genetic diversity between and within Arabidopsis populations is much higher than anticipated, combining this background information with ecological approaches might well establish Arabidopsis as a model organism for plant evolutionary ecology.  相似文献   

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