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本文介绍了新西兰常用的大型无脊椎动物群落指数(MCI)和大型无脊椎动物群落数量指数(QMCI)的原理及使用方法,并利用MCI和QMCI对新西兰惠灵顿地区40条河流53个监测点进行评价.结果表明:MCI和QMCI均与河流营养指标呈极显著相关关系,可用来监测和评价水体的营养污染状况;二者快速准确地监测出惠灵顿地区河流水质总体良好,但部分河流污染严重,并分析了污染的原因.MCI与QMCI存在极显著相关关系,但MCI与营养指标间的相关关系大于QMCI,可以准确地反映出水体中营养元素的富集状况.  相似文献   

城市溪流中径流式低坝对底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了浙江省安吉县内具径流式低坝的城市溪流(6个样点)和参照溪流(3个样点)的底栖动物群落,目的是了解城市溪流底栖动物群落结构退化规律和径流式低坝(2—3 m)对城市溪流底栖动物群落组成与结构的影响。结果表明,参照样点的底质组成以大石块(35.92%)和卵石(33.66%)为主,城市溪流以砾石为主(57.97%)。城市溪流水温和电导率显著高于参照溪流,TN和TP高于参照溪流。底栖动物总分类单元数和EPT分类单元数显著低于参照溪流。城市溪流河道内水坝上下游之间的流速(P=0.273)和宽深比(P=3.92)无显著差异。坝下游水体中的TP高于坝上游,电导率、溶解氧、pH值和水温在坝上下游之间几乎一致。除BI指数坝下游高于坝上游外,坝上下游间底栖动物总分类单元数、EPT分类单元数以及多样性指数、优势度和均匀度指数没有显著差异。但坝下游的耐污类群比例显著高于坝上游,敏感类群比例则显著低于坝上游。与坝上游相比,坝下游捕食者比例上升和集食者比例下降。NMDS结果进一步表明,城市溪流内水坝的建设导致坝上下游底栖动物群落物种组成明显改变。  相似文献   

The relative effects of a diffuse disturbance (alteration of land use from forest to plantation) and a point-source disturbance (a village and its associated coffee-processing plant, within the plantation) on longitudinal variation in water chemistry and macroinvertebrate community composition were assessed in Kali Dinoyo, a small upland stream in East Java, Indonesia. Four sites were sampled. The catchments of the two most-upstream sites were covered primarily by rainforest, while the two lower sites fell within a coffee plantation. The lowest site was downstream of a small village and its associated coffee-processing plant. Most of the variance in all water quality variables and in several community composition measures was explained by the difference between plantation and forest sites. Comparatively small differences in total suspended solids and macroinvertebrate community composition were observed downstream of the village. Diffuse disturbances associated with land clearance and plantation agriculture therefore appear to have a larger impact on the ecology of Kali Dinoyo than the point source impacts associated with the village. More robust and powerful study designs to formally test these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Levels of cadmium and zinc in various components of Williamson Ditch (an industrially contaminated stream flowing into Palestine Lake), Trimble Creek (a stream draining Palestine Lake) and the Tippecance River (a river receiving Trimble Creek) were determined. Water, sediment, plant, fish and clam samples were analyzed for cadmium and zinc content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Unweighted mean metal concentrations in Trimble Creek were the following: water, 51 µg Zn/1 and 4.2 µg Cd/1; sediment, 592 µg Zn/g and 48.8,µg Cd/g; plants, 375 µm Zn/g and 7.91 µg Cd/g; fish, 145 µg Zn/g and 6.02 µg Cd/g. These concentrations were generally lower than those found in Williamson Ditch and higher than those found in the Tippecanoe River or background levels previously reported for other aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Changes in epilithic algal communities colonizing introduced substrata were determined in a stream polluted with oil refinery effluent at Digboi (Assam, India). The number of algal taxa was reduced but the growth of blue-green algae, particularly two species ofOscillatoria, was encouraged. Epilithic biomass (as chlorophylla) also declined at polluted stations. The algal community of the upstream station was markedly different from the community occurring just after the confluence of effluent; however, the differences were gradually reduced downstream, indicating improvement in water quality. Of the various criteria tested for possible relationships with the level of pollutants, species richness, Shannon diversity and biomass showed significant relationships. The study demonstrates the usefulness of algal criteria for monitoring oil pollution in running waters.  相似文献   

张勇  刘朔孺  于海燕  刘东晓  王备新 《生态学报》2012,32(14):4309-4317
溪流底栖动物群落结构受不同空间尺度环境因子的共同作用。基于2010年钱塘江中游流域60个样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物和环境变量数据,寻找与研究流域底栖动物群落结构变化密切相关的关键环境变量,解析流域尺度和河段尺度的环境因子对底栖动物群落的相对影响。PCA分析表明该区域的主要环境梯度是流域内的土地利用类型及其引起的溪流物理生境退化程度和水体营养状态。CCA分析发现影响底栖动物群落的流域尺度的关键环境变量是纬度、海拔、样点所在流域大小、森林用地百分比,河段尺度是总氮、总磷、钙浓度、二氧化硅浓度和平均底质得分。偏CCA分析得到两种尺度环境因子对底栖动物变异的总解释量为26.4%,流域尺度和河段尺度变量分别为总解释量的50%和31%;方差分解结果表明研究区域大型底栖无脊椎动物受到两种尺度环境因子的综合影响,且流域尺度环境因子较河段尺度环境因子更为重要,体现了其在溪流生态系统保护、恢复、监测和评价中的重要参考价值。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the relative influence of water quality and substratum quality on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the Animas River, a metal-polluted stream in south-western Colorado (U.S.A.).
2. A community-level in situ toxicity test measured direct effects of Animas River water on benthic invertebrates collected from a reference stream (Elk Creek). The effects of metal-contaminated biofilm were examined by comparing macroinvertebrate colonisation of clean and contaminated substrata placed in Elk Creek. A feeding experiment with the mayfly Baetis tricaudatus Dodds (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) examined metal bioaccumulation and effects of metal-contaminated biofilm on growth and survival.
3. Animas River water was acutely toxic to most taxa, with greatest effects observed on mayflies (Heptageniidae, Ephemerellidae) and stoneflies (Taeniopterygidae and Capniidae).
4. Although Animas River biofilm was characterised by high concentrations of metals and low algal biomass, most taxa colonised substratum from the reference stream and the Animas River equally. The exceptions were Ephemerellidae, Taeniopterygidae and Simuliidae, which were less abundant on Animas River substratum. Mayflies grazing Animas River biofilm accumulated significantly more metals and showed reduced growth compared with organisms feeding on Elk Creek biofilm.
5. Results of our experiments demonstrated that effects of heavy metals on benthic community structure in the Animas River were complex, and that responses to metals in water and contaminated substratum were species-specific. Predicting recovery of benthic communities following remediation requires an understanding of these species-specific responses.  相似文献   

The effects of a paper mill effluent on the macroinvertebrate community were assessed for the riffle areas of a large fast-flowing stream, the lower reaches of the Saranac River of northern New York State, U.S.A. The effluent caused few changes in dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, temperature or nutrient content; however, significant differences in transmitted light, concentrations of particulates and accumulated debris on the substrate were observed. A moderate decrease in invertebrate diversity correlated with increased levels of particulates and substrate debris. An analysis of the response of invertebrate functional groups revealed the effluent had little effect on the density of gathering collector organisms. The functional groups most severely reduced in density were the filtering collectors and scrapers. Predators showed a moderate reduction in density in response to the effluent. The alterations in invertebrate densities were attributed largely to the alterations in seston and substrate caused by the introduction of particulates composed mainly of paper fiber and inert dye.  相似文献   

1. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were sampled in 30 tributary streams at altitudes from sea level to about 3000 m draining three geologically distinct regions within the catchment of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. The fauna of this near‐pristine river has been little studied, and the impacts of ongoing and anticipated human impacts on the Sepik are uncertain. 2. Data on community composition were analysed at different levels of taxonomic resolution (species or morphospecies versus family) to compare their responses to environmental variables such as altitude and geology (reflected in water chemistry), and to indicate their potential utility for the detection of environmental change. 3. A total of 183 000 macroinvertebrates representing 250 species were collected, predominantly insects (232 species and >99% of individuals). The fauna was co‐dominated by Diptera (42% of individuals; 32 morphospecies, mainly Orthocladiinae, Simuliidae and Chironominae) and Ephemeroptera (36%; 48 species), although the Trichoptera showed the highest species (67) and family (13) richness, with Coleoptera ranked third (43 species). Naucoridae (Heteroptera) and Crambidae: Acentropinae (Lepidoptera), each represented by 13 species, were distinctive faunal elements. Mayflies were represented by only four families, one consisting of a single species. 4. Multivariate analysis of the species‐level data set revealed that community composition was influenced by geological region, but the effect was largely due to altitude as most streams in one region (the Central Highlands) were at higher elevations (>800 m) than streams in the other two regions (<500 m). However, altitude had no direct effect on species richness. A secondary influence of current speed and a subsidiary effect of water chemistry (pH and N‐NO3) on community composition were also detected. Naucorid bugs showed evidence of altitudinal zonation and some species replacement, plus a tendency for certain genera to be associated with highland or lowland streams. 5. Analysis of the family‐level data set failed to uncover strong effects of any environmental variable, either individually or in combination, although some sensitivity to altitude plus slope was detected. 6. These findings suggest that attempts to use macroinvertebrates to detect environmental change in New Guinea streams will require species‐level monitoring of community composition.  相似文献   

R. G. Death 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):567-576
The effect of disturbance history on the recovery of benthic invertebrate communities following disturbance was investigated in four streams in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Two of the streams had a history of fluctuating discharge and temperature while the others did not. Recovery from disturbance was tested experimentally using baskets of cobbles, a third of which were disturbed every week for 9 weeks, a further third every 3 weeks and the final third left undisturbed. Algal biiomass, number of invertebrate taxa and total number of invertebrates all declined in baskets disturbed more frequently. Although the relative abundance of some taxa declined with time since the last disturbance, no taxa showed a significant decline in absolute abundance. However, several taxa showed marked increases in relative abundance in the less disturbed treatments particularly at the more stable sites. In contrast to the predictions of ecological theory, numbers of taxa and total invertebrates appeared to recover more quickly in the more complex communities at the stable sites. However, if these communities are considered to represent only stable communities, they do support the view that more complex communities will be more resilient. Community structure at the stable sites was also more similar between baskets in the undisturbed treatment than at the unstable sites, suggesting communities had reached a constant state more quickly. The more rapid recovery of communities measured at the stable sites may have been a consequence of experimental scale; disturbed patches were only 0.045 m2 in area and the higher densities of invertebrates at the stable sites meant a larger pool of colonists was available following each experimental disturbance. Nevertheless, ideas of stability in ecological theory and the scale of most spate events suggest this is the appropriate scale for examining community recovery. Furthermore, the larger pool of available colonists could not explain all the differences in community response, as patterns of change in community structure at the stable sites differed considerably more from those expected by purely random colonisation processes than at the unstable sites.  相似文献   

松花江干流大型底栖动物群落结构与水质生物评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于2010年春季(4-5月)、夏季(7-8月)和秋季(9-11月),对松花江干流大型底栖动物群落结构进行调查研究,并利用生物指数对松花江干流水质进行评价.共采集到大型底栖动物16目36科116种,其中水生昆虫种类最多,为74种,属6目21科,占总数63.8%,年平均密度为66.80 ind·m-2、生物量为24.30 g·m-2.春、夏、秋季的平均密度以春季最高 (90.52 ind·m-2),秋季(61.26 ind·m-2)次之,夏季(48.63 ind·m-2)最低;平均生物量以秋季最高(35.35 g·m-2),夏季(23.12 g·m-2)次之,春季(14.41 g·m-2)最低.Shannon指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson指数均以春季最高,夏季与秋季相近.各断面微生境共有种不多, 物种相似性不高,最大仅为60%;功能摄食群种类数相近,共有撕食者26种,收集者32种,刮食者28种,捕食者30种.采用BI生物指数和FBI生物指数对松花江干流水质的评价结果基本一致,并与化学监测结果基本吻合.松花江干流哈尔滨断面以上水质一般,哈尔滨以下断面水质在不同时期处于污染或严重污染状态.推测大顶子山航电枢纽的修建已对大型底栖动物的物种组成、群落结构造成了较大影响.  相似文献   

采用自然曝气生物滤床工艺处理污水处理厂尾水中抗生素,对生物滤床中抗生素的去除特点和影响因素进行研究。研究结果发现,自然曝气生物滤床能够有效地去除四环素类抗生素(58±2)%、喹诺酮类抗生素(48±20)%和大环内酯类抗生素(18±11)%。微生物降解和物理吸附是生物滤床去除抗生素的主要途径,而这两种途径的协同作用则延长了生物滤床的运行周期。结果还表明,水力负荷对抗生素的去除效率影响较大,当水力负荷为4.8~6.4m/d时,生物滤床对抗生素有较好的处理效果。此外,水质参数(水温、pH、COD浓度和硝化作用等)在一定程度上也可以影响生物滤床对抗生素的处理效果。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to evaluate whether the Eastern Canadian Diatom Index (IDEC: Indice Diatomées de l’Est du Canada), which was built on fine-scale taxonomic resolution and included all observed diatom taxa, would perform similarly if a number of taxa were excluded from the analyses or if a reduced level of taxonomic resolution was used. The effects of excluding taxa and reducing the taxonomic resolution were evaluated by studying community structure variations in ordination analyses, and more specifically by comparing IDEC values calculated from the original diatom matrix with IDEC values obtained from simplified diatom matrices. The results showed that the exclusion of taxa based on the relative abundance criterion is the most appropriate, while the exclusion of taxa based on the frequency of occurrence criterion greatly affected the structure of the ordination. More specifically, taxa with a maximum relative abundance <2% can be excluded from the CA without markedly affecting the results. As a result, 125 taxa (40%) were excluded from the 311 taxa included in the original matrix without significantly affecting the performance of the IDEC. Excluding a greater number of taxa still allows for the distinction between impacted and reference sites, although subtle changes in the ecological status are lost. Ordinations based on presence/absence or genus-level identification resulted in a loss of information on subtle changes, but gross separation between impacted and reference sites was still possible.  相似文献   

W. F. Warwick 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):563-575
The effects of contaminants and organic pollution on the chironomid communities of two basins in Lac St. Louis, a river-lake on the St. Lawrence River above Montreal, Quebec, were assessed and compared using lake classification theory techniques and morphological deformity indices based on the ligulae and antennae ofProcladius, the dominant surviving component of the south-shore communities. Contaminants from the industrial complex around Beauharnois, Quebec, have seriously degraded communities along the south-shore gradient while the introduction of untreated domestic wastes from Laprairie, Quebec, has seriously affected the communities of the Laprairie basin. The interaction between trophic and contaminant effects constitutes a classic example of the setback or deflection in the trajectory of ecological succession in biological communities hypothesized by ODUM (1981, 1985).  相似文献   

This study aimed at comparing the results obtained by processing a series of data according to several diversity indices (Simpson, Berger-Parker, Margalef, Menhinick, McIntosh, Shannon) and one similarity index (Jaccard) with those obtained from two biotic indices (Trent River Biotic Index, Extended Biotic Index). In addition, Cody's index was adopted to measure the species turnover along the stream gradient. The source of the data was a study of the seasonal variations of macroinvertebrates from the Ravella stream (Como Province, Northern Italy). The conclusions are the following. There is clearly a certain connection between the organic debris in the habitat, the abundance of individuals and the decrease in the diversity value of the macroinvertebrate association. The species turnover along the stream gradient is rapid which is due, in addition to birth and death rates, to the fact that most of the insects emerge as terrestrial adults. The species abundance distribution is a very simple and powerful tool for describing and comparing the species diversity from different sampling stations. Any type of monitoring (e.g., biotic indices, diversity indices) is useful in comparing non-polluted and heavily polluted environments. Conversely, small differences between species associations are better highlighted if diversity indices with high discriminant ability (e.g., Simpson's index) or species abundance distribution are used rather than biotic indices.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of irrigation with raw or diluted municipal sewage effluent accompanied by foliar micronutrient fertilizer sprays was examined on the growth, dry matter accumulation, grain yield, and mineral nutrients in foxtail millet plants. The experimental design was a split plot with three irrigation sources: raw sewage, 50% diluted sewage, and well water comprising the main treatments, and four combinations of Mn and Zn foliar sprays as sub-treatments that were applied with four replications. The experiment was conducted in 2009 at the Zabol University research farm in Zabol, south Iran. The applied municipal sewage effluent contained higher levels of micronutrients and macronutrients and exhibited greater degrees of electrical conductivity compared to well water. Because of the small scale of industrial activities in Zabol, the amount of heavy metals in the sewage was negligible (below the limits set for irrigation water in agricultural lands); these contaminants would not be severely detrimental to crop growth. The experimental results indicated that irrigation of plants with raw or diluted sewage stimulates the measured growth and productivity parameters of foxtail millet plants. The concentrations of micronutrients and macronutrients were also positively affected. These stimulations were attributed to the presence of high levels of such essential nutrients as N, P, and organic matter in wastewater. Supplied in sewage water alone, Mn and Zn were not able to raise the productivity of millet to the level obtained using fertilizers at the recommended values; this by itself indicated that additional nutrients from fertilizers are required to obtain higher levels of millet productivity with sewage farming. Despite the differences in nutrient concentrations among the different irrigation water sources, the micronutrient foliar sprays did not affect the concentrations of micronutrients and macronutrients in foxtail millet plants. These results suggested that municipal sewage effluent could be utilized efficiently as an important source of water, and that the nutrients used in growing foxtail millet with sewage water irrigation did not have any significant harmful effect on crop productivity. In contrast, the nutrients proved beneficial to soil fertility and millet productivity and quality.  相似文献   

Potential effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields on periphyton were studied from 1983 to 1993 using a Before, After, Control and Impact design. The study was conducted at two sites on the Ford River, a fourth-order brown water trout stream in Dickinson County, Michigan. The Reference site received 4.9–6.5 times less exposure to ground electric fields and from 300 to 334 times less exposure to magnetic flux from 1989 to 1993 when the antenna was operational at 76 Hz than did the Antenna site. The objective of the study was to determine if ELF electromagnetic fields had caused changes in structure and/or function of algal communities in the Ford River. Significant differences in chlorophyll a standing crop and daily accumulation rate (a surrogate for primary productivity), and organic matter standing crop and daily accumulation rate were observed between the Reference and Antenna site after the antenna became operational. These four related community function variables all increased at the Antenna site with largest and most consistent increases occurring for chlorophyll measures. Compared to pre-operational data, the increase in chlorophyll at the Antenna site also occurred during a period of low amperage testing in 1986–1988, and did not increase further when the antenna became fully operational in 1989, indicating a low threshold for response. There was no significant differences between the Antenna and Reference sites in community structure variables such as diversity, evenness and the relative abundance of dominant diatoms. Thus, 76 Hz ELF electromagnetic radiation apparently did not change the basic makeup of the diatom community but did increase accumulation rates and standing crops of chlorophyll a and organic matter.  相似文献   

引水型电站对河流底栖动物栖息地的影响及生态需水量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅小城    吴乃成    周淑婵    蒋万祥    李凤清    蔡庆华   《生态学报》2008,28(5):1942-1942~1948
于2005年12月至2006年5月,对香溪河干流一典型引水型电站--苍坪河电站取水对坝下河段底栖动物栖息地的影响及河道的最小生态需水量进行调查研究,利用加权可利用宽度法(Weighted Usable Width)分别计算了香溪河底栖动物3个主要的目(蜉蝣目、襀翅目和毛翅目)的各断面加权可利用宽度,并对各断面结果进行比较.结果表明,电站引水坝的取水使下游河段部分地出现干涸,3个目的加权可利用宽度显著减小.根据底栖动物加权可利用宽度与流量的回归关系,计算得香溪河底栖动物主要类群的最小生态需水量为3.8 m3/s.  相似文献   

Studies conducted along the southern Iberian coastline validate macrobenthic community analyses at taxonomic levels higher than that of species. Twelve studies on littoral benthic communities, carried out by the same research team, were selected spanning both a variety of sampling strategies (spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal) and substrate/habitat types (sediment, rock, algae). In order to establish differences between the results obtained at the taxonomic levels of species, family and order, similarities among stations were calculated using Spearman’s coefficient for ranges. A subset of three studies was selected to investigate possible differences in ‘best-explaining’ environmental variables with taxonomic level. The environmental variables selected at species level were the same as those found at levels of family and order. It is concluded that studies at the different levels of taxonomic resolution (species, family, order) lead to similar results both with regard to relative community distributions and the environmental variables associated with these. The importance of this result for monitoring similar benthic communities is discussed.  相似文献   

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