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The effect of submergence of air-grown rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. var. Sasanishiki) on coleoptile growth and ultrastructure, extensibility and chemical composition of the cell walls was investigated. The lag-time between start of submergence and the onset of the enhancement of growth was less than 4 h. The growth response was associated with a drastic thinning of the cell walls and an increase in wall extensibility. At the outer epidermal wall of both air-grown and submerged coleoptiles electron-dense (osmiophilic) particles were detected. During submergence, the net accumulation of cellulose and hemicellulose was reduced, but the increase in pectic substances was unaffected. Submergence caused an 80% inhibition of the net accumulation of wall-bound phenolics (ferulic- and diferulic acid) compared with air-grown controls. The osmotic concentration of the tissue saps was not affected by submergence. Our results support the hypothesis that rapid coleoptile elongation under water is caused by an inhibition of the formation of phenolic cross-links between matrix polysaccharides via diferulate, which results in a mechanical stiffening of the cell walls in the air-grown coleoptile.  相似文献   

It has been found that coleoptiles of dark-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings undergo regular circumnutation in circular orbits with periods of about 180 min. Both clockwise and counter-clockwise movements were observed, but individual coleoptiles continued to rotate only in one direction. Light-grown seedlings did not show circumnutation. In fact, dark-grown seedlings were found to cease circumnutating in response to a pulse of red light (R). This light-induced inhibition of circumnutation was demonstrated to involve both a FR-inducible very-low-fluence response, solely mediated by phytochrome A, and a FR-reversible low-fluence response, mediated by phytochrome B and/or C. The R-induced inhibition of circumnutation showed temporal agreement with the R-induced inhibition of coleoptile growth, suggesting that the former results from the latter. However, about 25% of growth activity remained after R treatment, indicating that circumnutation is more specifically regulated by phytochrome. The R-treated coleoptile showed gravitropism. Investigation of the growth differential for gravitropic curvature revealed that gravitropic responsiveness was rather enhanced by R. The results suggested that gravitropism is not a cause of circumnutation. It remained probable, however, that gravity perception is a part of the mechanism of circumnutation. It is speculated that the circumnutation investigated aids the seedling shoot in growing through the soil.  相似文献   

Graviresponding sites in shoots of normal and'lazy'rice seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined the graviresponding sites in the shoots of seedlings of rice ( Oryzasativa L.) and their relation to the agravitropic growth of a'lazy'line. The graviresponding sites of the seedling shoots of a japonica type of rice. cv. Kamenoo. shifted from the mesocotyl/coleoplile region to the leaf-shealh base when the shoots grew in the dark. A lazy line ot rice. lazy-Kamenoo. showed gravicurvature in the mesocotyl/ coleoptile region at the early stage of growth, hut eventually lost its graviresponse as the seedlings grew. The loss of graviresponsiveness of lazy-Kamenoo was attributed to a reduced response of the coleoptile and a diminished response of the leal-sheath base to gravity. Later. the leaf-sheath base of lazy-Kamenoo became gravitropically incompetent. causing agravitropic growth of the shoots. Thus, shoots of lazy-Kamenoo lose graviresponsiveness in an organ-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

A new method is described for evaluation of submergence tolerance of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) plants. Responses of a range of cultivars corresponded with known differences in field performance. The method 1) allows fast and effective determination of submergence tolerance, 2) allows screening of many plants in a small glasshouse area, 3) provides for recovery of superior plants for seed collection, 4) allows manipulation of many environmental variables to mimic the natural submergence environment, and 5) uses simple, inexpensive, readily available equipment. Physiological studies performed with this method gave results similar to those obtained from field studies and showed that submergence tolerance increased in older plants; it decreased with increasing depth, increasing temperature and with high or low light levels. The system is ideal for the rapid evaluation of rice germplasm under controlled conditions and physiological studies on the mechanism of rice submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

水稻无侧根突变体的根向重力性异常   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用化学诱变剂 (NaN3 )处理粳稻品种大力 (O ryzasativaL .cv .Oochikara) ,得到具有 2 ,4 D抗性、无侧根和根向重力性异常的突变体RM 10 9。对原品种为父本和突变体为母本的杂交后代F1、F2 根向重力性的遗传分离进行了研究。结果表明 :突变体的根向重力性异常 ,其性状是单显性基因控制且不受光照和黑暗培养的影响。通过对根冠组织切片观察发现 :突变体根冠中含淀粉体的细胞数量比大力少 ,根冠细胞中淀粉体的直径为原品种的 5 0 %且集中排列于细胞内的一角 ,其排列沉积方向与重力方向相同。推测 :突变体的根向重力性异常与淀粉体直径变小有关  相似文献   

Gravitropism of maize and rice coleoptiles was investigated with respect to its dependence on the angle of displacement or the initial stimulation angle (ISA). Close examination of curvature kinetics and the response to a drop in stimulation angle (SA) indicated that the gravtropic response during an early but substantial part of the curvature development is directly related to the ISA, there being no effect of the reduction of SA resulting from the curvature response itself. On the basis of this finding, the relationship between the steady SA and the curvature rate was determined. In maize, the curvature rate increased linearly with the sines of SAs up to an SA of 90 degrees. Rice coleoptiles, however, showed a saturation curve in the same range of SAs. The saturation profile was nearly identical between coleoptiles grown in air and those submerged in water, although the latter elongated much faster. Rice coleoptiles appeared to be far more sensitive to gravity than maize coleoptiles. It is concluded that the sensitivity to gravity, assessed through dependence on ISA, is a property inherent to a given gravitropic organ. Long-term measurements of curvature indicated that the coleoptiles bend back past the vertical. This overshooting was marked in submerged rice coleoptiles.  相似文献   

水稻萌发耐淹性的遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水稻(Oryza sativa)萌发耐淹性受到复杂的网络调控, 其分子机制不同于苗期耐淹性的相关机制, 萌发耐淹性的强弱影响着直播稻的成苗率。通过对256份水稻核心种质的萌发耐淹性评估, 发现粳稻和籼稻之间的萌发耐淹性差异并不显著, 都存在广泛的遗传变异。利用以粳稻R0380为供体亲本, 籼稻RP2334为轮回亲本的170个高代回交自交系构建含146个分子标记的连锁图谱, 以低氧胚芽鞘长度为性状指标, 通过复合区间作图法检测到影响萌发耐淹性的4个QTLs(quantitative trait loci), 分别定位于第2(2个)、3(1个)和8号(1个)染色体。贡献率最大的QTL为qGS2.2, 其值为17.34%, 增效等位基因来自轮回亲本籼稻RP2334; 其余3个QTLs的增效等位基因均来自供体亲本粳稻R0380, 贡献率分别为12.86%、9.37%和14.60%。  相似文献   

对水稻胚乳淀粉颗粒结合的淀粉分支酶进行了研究.酶活性分析表明水稻胚乳中存在着与淀粉颗粒结合的淀粉分支酶.氨基酸测序分析结果表明结合于水稻胚乳淀粉粒的淀粉分支酶是分子量为84 kD的淀粉分支酶3(rice starch branching enzyme 3; RBE3).从开花后5 d到种子成熟,淀粉颗粒结合的RBE3蛋白都保持较为稳定的含量.Northern 分析表明水稻胚乳发育过程中RBE4最先表达而RBE3和RBE1的表达滞后.综合以上研究结果说明RBE3存在于水稻胚乳的淀粉之中是由于RBE3与淀粉葡聚糖链具有较高亲和性而难以和葡聚糖链解离,进而随着淀粉粒的增长而被其包裹.  相似文献   

水稻耐淹涝性状的遗传分析和SSR标记的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈永华  赵森  柳俊  严钦泉  肖国樱 《遗传》2006,28(12):1562-1566
淹涝胁迫对水稻生产造成了严重影响, 发掘可应用于耐淹涝辅助选择的分子标记(MAS), 将有助于水稻耐淹涝性状的遗传改良。应用耐淹涝材料FR13A和淹涝敏感材料IR39595-503-2-1-2为亲本做正反交获得F1和F2代群体。对正反交的F1群体的耐淹涝性状进行遗传分析, 发现正反交的F1代群体在耐淹涝性状上没有显著差异, 说明耐淹涝性状是核基因控制。从两次淹涝处理中F2代群体的分离情况来看, 来源于FR13A的耐淹特性表现出数量-质量性状遗传的特点。当淹涝胁迫压力比较轻时表现为数量性状遗传, 具有微效多基因的作用。当淹涝胁迫压力增大时, 表现为主效基因控制的质量性状。在SSR分析中, 187对SSR引物中有73对引物在两亲本间有明显的差异, 差异率为39%。用这73对差异引物, 对F2群体进行多态筛选, 结果筛选到一个与耐淹涝性状连锁的标记RM219, 验证了耐淹涝性状确实由主效基因Sub1控制, 因此, RM219在水稻耐淹涝育种中具有利用价值。  相似文献   

Difference in the growth response to submergence between coleoptiles and roots of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated in 9-d-old rice seedlings. The coleoptile length in the submergence condition was much greater than that in aerobic condition, whereas the root length in the submergence condition was less than that in the aerobic condition. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity in the coleoptiles in the submergence condition was much greater than that in the aerobic condition, but ADH activity in the roots in the submergence condition increased slightly. These results suggest that the preferential ADH induction in rice seedlings may contribute to the difference in the growth response between the coleoptiles and roots under low oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

To elucidate the physiological role of exogenous nitrate under anaerobic conditions, we studied the effect of 10 mM KNO3 on the mitochondrial ultrastructure in rice (Oryza sativa L.) coleoptiles and in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots, detached from four-day-old seedlings, under strict anoxia. In wheat roots, following 6-h-long anoxia in the absence of exogenous nitrate, the mitochondrial membranes were partially degraded and, after 9 h under anoxia, the mitochondrial membranes and the membranes of other organelles were completely destroyed. In rice coleoptiles, the partial membrane degradation was observed only after 24 h and their complete breakdown after 48 h of anaerobiosis. In the presence of exogenous nitrate, no membrane destruction was noticed even after 9 and 48 h of anaerobiosis in wheat roots and rice coleoptiles, respectively. These results indicate that exogenous nitrate exerts protective action as a terminal electron acceptor, alternative to the molecular oxygen. Our findings are compared with the results of other researchers concerning the adverse or favorable nitrate action on plant growth, metabolism, and energy status under anaerobic stress.  相似文献   

The ability to withstand complete submergence was studied in R2 seedlings raised by self-pollination from 158 R1 plants regenerated from callus of mature rice seeds (cultivars FR13A and Calrose). Compared to parental controls, significant improvement in submergence tolerance as assessed by percentage survival, number of new leaves and chlorophyll content of the third leaf, was found in 5 of the 115 cv. FR13A somaclones and 3 of the 43 cv. Calrose somaclones tested using an aquarium system in a controlled-temperature glasshouse. With some exceptions these improvements were also observed in the R3 generation when tested under field conditions in Thailand. Variation in other agronomically important characters was observed in the R2 plants grown in a temperature glasshouse under 2 contrasting environments.  相似文献   

Auxin-mediated elongation growth of isolated subapical coleoptile segments of maize (Zea mays L.) is controlled by the extensibility of the outer cell wall of the outer epidermis (Kutschera et al., 1987). Here we investigate the hypothesis that auxin controls the extensibility of this wall by changing the orientation of newly deposited microfibrils through a corresponding change in the orientation of cortical microtubules. On the basis of electron micrographs it is shown that cessation of growth after removal of the endogenous source of auxin is correlated with a relative increase of longitudinally orientated microfibrils and microtubules at the inner wall surface. Conversely, reinduction of growth by exogenous auxin is correlated with a relative increase of transversely orientated microfibrils and microtubules at the inner wall surface. These changes can be detected 30–60 min after the removal and addition of auxin, respectively. The functional significance of directional changes of newly desposited wall microfibrils for the control of elongation growth is discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of anoxia on K+ uptake andtranslocation in 3–4-d-old, intact, rice seedlings (Oryzasativa L. cv. Calrose). Rates of net K+ uptake from the mediumover 24 h by coleoptiles of anoxic seedlings were inhibitedby 83–91 %, when compared with rates in aerated seedlings.Similar uptake rates, and degree of inhibition due to anoxia,were found for Rb+ when supplied over 1·5–2 h,starting 22 h after imposing anoxia. The Rb+ uptake indicatedthat intact coleoptiles take up ions directly from the externalsolution. Monovalent cation (K+ and Rb+) net uptake from thesolution was inhibited by anoxia to the same degree for thecoleoptiles of intact seedlings and for coleoptiles excised,‘aged’, and supplied with exogenous glucose. Transportof endogenous K+ from caryopses to coleoptiles was inhibitedless by anoxia than net K+ uptake from the solution, the inhibitionbeing 55 % rather than 87 %. Despite these inhibitions,osmotic pressures of sap (sap) expressed from coleoptiles ofseedlings exposed to 48 h of anoxia, with or without exogenousK+, were 0·66 ± 0·03 MPa; however,the contributions of K+ to sap were 23 and 16 %, respectively.After 24 h of anoxia, the K+ concentrations in the basal10 mm of the coleoptiles of seedlings with or without exogenousK+, were similar to those in aerated seedlings with exogenousK+. In contrast, K+ concentrations had decreased in aeratedseedlings without exogenous K+, presumably due to ‘dilution’by growth; fresh weight gains of the coleoptile being 3·6-to 4·7-fold greater in aerated than in anoxic seedlings.Deposition rates of K+ along the axes of the coleoptiles werecalculated for the anoxic seedlings only, for which we assessedthe elongation zone to be only the basal 4 mm. K+ depositionin the basal 6 mm was similar for seedlings with or withoutexogenous K+, at 0·6–0·87 µmolg–1 f. wt h–1. Deposition rates in zones above6 mm from the base were greater for seedlings with, thanwithout, exogenous K+; the latter were sometimes negative. Weconclude that for the coleoptiles of rice seedlings, anoxiainhibits net K+ uptake from the external solution to a muchlarger extent than K+ translocation from the caryopses. Furthermore,K+ concentrations in the elongation zone of the coleoptilesof anoxic seedlings were maintained to a remarkable degree,contributing to maintenance of sap in cells of these elongatingtissues.  相似文献   

Auxin-mediated elongation growth of maize coleoptile segments is inhibited by reducing the O2 concentration in the incubation medium to GT 100 μmol . 1?1. The half-maximal elongation rate is reached at 40 μmol . 1?1 O2, i.e. about two orders of magnitude higher than with mitochondrial respiration. O2 uptake of the segments measured under similar conditions with an O2 electrode shows a very similar dependence on O2 concentration. Auxin increases O2 uptake by 5–10% when it induces growth. About 40% of the O2 uptake is insensitive to inhibition by KCN. Auxin has no effect on O2 uptake in the presence of KCN. The possibility that auxin-mediated elongation growth depends on a KCN-sensitive oxidative process, other than cytochrome c oxidase-catalyzed respiration, is discussed.  相似文献   

Differences in tolerance to submergence and anoxia exhibited by cultivar-specific rice (Oryza sativa L.) extend to the primary root tips and axes of 3-day-old seedlings. This paper considers the physiological mechanisms which might account for rice root intolerance to anoxia, particularly those implicated in pH regulation and sugar metabolism in relation to hypoxic acclimation. Hypoxic treatment and the presence of glucose during anoxia did not permit root tips and axes of intolerant cultivars to survive 24-h anoxia. The absence of typical glycolytic and fermentative enzyme induction together with no improvement of ethanol production and energy status during anoxia suggest that intolerant cultivars are not capable of hypoxic acclimation at the level of energy and sugar metabolism. However, root tip survival was enhanced in buffered medium after hypoxic treatment, suggesting a relationship between hypoxic treatment and improved pH regulation.  相似文献   

Flash flooding of young rice plants is a common problem forrice farmers in south and south-east Asia. It severely reducesgrain yield and increases the unpredictability of cropping.The inheritance and expression of traits associated with submergencestress tolerance at the seedling stage are physiologically andgenetically complex. We exploited naturally occurring differencesbetween certain rice lines in their tolerance to submergenceand used quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping to improve understandingof the genetic and physiological basis of submergence tolerance.Three rice populations, each derived from a single cross betweentwo cultivars differing in their response to submergence, wereused to identify QTL associated with plant survival and variouslinked traits. These included total shoot elongation under water,the extent of stimulation of shoot elongation caused by submergence,a visual submergence tolerance score, and leaf senescence underdifferent field conditions, locations and years. Several majorQTL determining plant survival, plant height, stimulation ofshoot elongation, visual tolerance score and leaf senescenceeach mapped to the same locus on chromosome 9. These QTL weredetected consistently in experiments across all years and inthe genetic backgrounds of all three mapping populations. SecondaryQTL influencing tolerance were also identified and located onchromosomes 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 and 11. These QTL were specific toparticular traits, environments, or genetic backgrounds. Allidentified QTL contributed to increased submergence tolerancethrough their effects on decreased underwater shoot elongationor increased maintenance of chlorophyll levels, or on both.These findings establish the foundations of a marker-assistedscheme for introducing submergence tolerance into agriculturallydesirable cultivars of rice.  相似文献   

激素对水稻分蘖芽生长和分蘖相关基因表达的调控效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻品种‘南粳44'为材料,研究了植物激素对水稻分蘖芽生长及OsTB1、OsD3、OsD10和OsD27等基因表达的调控。结果表明,水稻分蘖芽生长的调控至少存在两条途径,一条通过调控分蘖芽中CTK含量进而调控OsTB1等基因表达来实现,另一条通过调控OsD3、OsD10和OsD27等系列基因表达来实现。外源IAA和GA_3对水稻分蘖芽生长的调控是通过这两条途径共同实现的。  相似文献   

Thai Jasmine Rice Carrying QTLch9 (SubQTL) is Submergence Tolerant   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Submergence tolerance is an important agronomic trait for ricegrown in South-East Asia, where flash flooding occurs frequentlyand unpredictably during the monsoons. Although mapping locationsof one major and several minor quantitative trait loci (QTL)were known previously, improving submergence tolerance in agronomicallydesirable types of rice has not been achieved. KDML105 is jasminerice widely grown in rain-fed lowland regions of Thailand. Thiscultivar is very intolerant of submergence stress. To improvesubmergence tolerance in this cultivar, three submergence-tolerantcultivars, FR13A, IR67819F2-CA-61 and IR49830-7-1-2-2, werecross-pollinated with KDML105. Transferring the major QTL forsubmergence tolerance was facilitated by four back-crossingsto the recipient KDML105. Molecular markers tightly linked tothe gene(s) involved were developed to facilitate moleculargenotyping. We demonstrated that individuals of a BC4F3 linethat retained a critical region on chromosome 9 transferredfrom tolerant lines were also tolerant of complete submergencewhile retaining all the agronomically desirable traits of KDML105.In addition, effects of secondary QTLch2 were detected statisticallyin back-cross progenies. Effects of secondary QTLch7 were notstatistically significant. The close association between tightlylinked markers of the tolerance locus on chromosome 9 and submergencetolerance in the field demonstrates the considerable promiseof using these markers in lowland rice breeding programmes forselecting increased submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

Small GTP-binding proteins play critical roles in signal transduction in mammalian and plant systems. In this study, sequence variation of a small GTP-binding protein identified in the subgenomic region was analyzed. The major quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling submergence tolerance on the 6.5-cM region of chromosome 9 was previously mapped, sequenced, and annotated. One of the most interesting candidate genes located in this QTL was a 5.2-kb sequence, which included a coding sequence consisting of two exons and a promoter. The deduced amino acid sequence corresponded to a 24.8 kD protein consisting of 226 amino acids, with 98% identity to RGP1, a small GTP-binding protein involved in a signal pathway responding to hormones, such as cytokinin and ethylene. According to the amino acid sequence, a putative small G-protein was classified as a small Ras-related GTP-binding protein. DNA gel blot analysis showed that the putative gene encoding the Ras-related GTP-binding protein was present as a single copy in the rice genome. Comparison of genomic sequences from several rice cultivars tolerant to submergence identified single nucleotide polymorphisms located in the TATA box of the Ras promoter region. Linkage analysis showed that the putative gene for GTP-binding protein was tightly linked to the peak of the QTL previously mapped on the long arm of chromosome 9. The single strand conformation polymorphism of the putative GTP-binding protein gene can be used for allele discrimination and marker assisted selection for tolerance to flash flooding.  相似文献   

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