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松针瘿蚊以三龄老熟幼虫在浅层土表越冬。本文比较两种温度处理过程 ,快速冷耐受 (rapidcoldhardening)和冷驯化 (coldacclimation)对松针瘿蚊获得耐寒性的能力。发现 3龄越冬幼虫具有一种特殊的生物学现象 -快速冷耐受。当越冬幼虫直接从 2 7℃转入 - 1 5℃ 3小时 ,其存活率仅为 1 7 9% ,然而在 - 1 5℃暴露之前 ,经 4℃ ,2h短暂处理 ,其存活率升高至 40 0 % ,而短时间 (1 5分钟 ) 2 7℃能抑制快速冷耐受的表达。快速冷耐受比冷驯化更能提高越冬松针瘿蚊幼虫的耐寒力。文中还讨论了快速冷耐受和冷驯化提高松针瘿蚊耐寒能力的不同机制  相似文献   

入侵种松针鞘瘿蚊在山东省黄岛区的发现与初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】明确危害我国青岛地区3种针叶树的害虫是松针鞘瘿蚊Thecodiplosis japonensis,研究其形态特征、危害特点及扩散方式,以期为该虫的发生监测及防治提供理论基础。【方法】对采自黑松Pinus thunbergii和赤松P.densiflora上瘿蚊的卵、幼虫、蛹及成虫进行观察、拍照和比对。制做玻片观察幼虫剑骨片的形态特征。用扫描电子显微镜观察幼虫头部表面超微结构。提取其基因组DNA,利用通用引物扩增线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)序列并测序,与NCBI数据库中已有序列比对。统计受害枝中单枝瘿瘤数量及每瘿瘤内幼虫数量,计算针叶被害率和每瘿瘤幼虫数目的相关性。观察交配、产卵行为并持续记录其生活史。【结果】老熟幼虫剑骨片和成虫翅脉的形态特征均符合Thecodiplosis japonensis的描述;基于COⅠ基因序列构建邻接法系统发育树(NJ树)显示,山东青岛瘿蚊样本与日本T.japonensis样本聚成一支,置信度为100%,明确了外来入侵种松针鞘瘿蚊已在我国山东黄岛地区定殖。目前该虫主要危害黑松Pinus thunbergii、赤松P.densiflora和油松P.tabulaeformis,幼虫在当年生松针基部为害形成虫瘿并在其中取食,使松针停止生长,而导致被害针叶较健康针叶显著缩短,逐渐枯黄脱落。【结论】本文首次明确在黄岛区危害3种松树树种的针叶造瘿类害虫为松针鞘瘿蚊,描述其生物学特性及危害特征。DNA比对结果对开发松针鞘瘿蚊分子快速鉴定技术提供依据,为疫情的早期监测提供理论基础和参考。  相似文献   

刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫空间格局及抽样调查技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用聚集指标法分析了刺槐叶瘿蚊Obolodiplosis robiniae(Haldemann)越冬幼虫的空间分布格局,结果表明:刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫在林间呈聚集分布;其聚集的原因与刺槐叶瘿蚊自身的行为习性有关或由刺槐叶瘿蚊本身与环境的异质性共同作用所造成。采用"z"字型、平行线、棋盘式、大五点、对角线5种抽样方法估计林间刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫虫口密度,确定对角线法调查15样方为最佳抽样方法。对土壤不同深度土层中越冬幼虫数量调查,明确最适取样深度为3cm。同时利用Iwao回归建立了理论抽样数量模型:n=t2/D2(1.1957/x珋+0.8905)。利用过筛手检和过筛水漂2种方法检数土中幼虫,对检出刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫虫量及检虫时间进行了对比分析,结果表明过筛水漂法检虫较为可取。  相似文献   

刺槐叶瘿蚊广腹细蜂Platygaster robiniae Buhl and Duso(膜翅目:细蜂科)是我国外来有害生物刺槐叶瘿蚊Obolodiplosis robiniae(Haldeman)(双翅目:瘿蚊科)十分重要的寄生性天敌,为卵-幼虫跨期寄生蜂,专化性强,在自然抑制害虫虫口密度中起着非常重要的作用。为摸清刺槐叶瘿蚊广腹细蜂在我国的地理分布,探讨其与刺槐叶瘿蚊的相互关系,本文根据寄主刺槐叶瘿蚊在我国的分布范围,采用踏查的方法,对全国17个省、市、自治区的29个地区进行了调查。结果显示,刺槐叶瘿蚊广腹细蜂在其寄主分布区都有分布,分布范围在26°35.451′-43°53.482′N,103°51.816′-125°15.969′E,海拔4-1 097 m。  相似文献   

记述了中国鼓瘿蚊亚科钩瘿蚊属7种,其中2种:长角钩瘿蚊C.longicornis sp.nov.(模式产地:陕西凤县)、背折钩瘿蚊C.retrorsa sp.nov.(模式产地:云南屏边)为科学上的新种,另外5种:美丽钩瘿蚊C.formosa(Bremi)(分布:湖南、云南、吉林),日本钩瘿蚊C.mpponensis Yukawa(分布: 甘肃、四川、湖北),尖瓣钩瘿蚊C.hamata (Felt) (分布:湖南、贵州),狭眼钩瘿蚊C.neueitasis (Zetterstedt)(分布:甘肃)和锯齿钩瘿蚊C.serrata Yukawa (分布:陕西、甘肃、福建)为中国新纪录种.编制了钩瘿蚊属中国已知种种类检索表.模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述了中国瘿蚊科1新纪录属异瘿蚊属及一新种:横瓣异瘿蚊Heterogenella transversa.spn.nov.,模式产地云南中甸虎跳峡;中国3新纪录种;达氏异瘿蚊H.dolini Berest(四川理县米亚罗),短须异瘿蚊H.hybrida Mamaev(内蒙古额尔古纳旗莫尔道嘎)和纵缝异瘿蚊H.linearis Yukawa(云南丽江玉龙山)。文中给出了异瘿蚊属中国已知种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

【目的】基于实验室饲养的食蚜瘿蚊Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani)进行个体发育的形态特征描述。为食蚜瘿蚊的鉴定提供基本信息。【方法】在野外采集幼虫,温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度65%±5%、光照16 L∶8 D的室内条件下饲养获得食蚜瘿蚊卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的全部虫态。通过数码采集和电子显微镜详细描述了各虫态的发育特征。【结果】食蚜瘿蚊卵的发育历期为2 d,幼虫期有3个龄期,发育历期5-8 d,蛹期7-10 d以及成虫期3-4 d。【结论】食蚜瘿蚊个体发育特征对食蚜瘿蚊的鉴定和分类有指导意义。  相似文献   

中国短角瘿蚊属记述 (双翅目:瘿蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述了双翅目瘿蚊科短角瘿蚊属4种,其中郑氏短角瘿蚊Anarete zhengi sp.nov.(模式产地:内蒙古固阳县)为新种,短须短角瘿纹A.coracina (Zetterstedt)(分布:内蒙古)和鸢尾短角瘿蚊A.iridis (Cockerell)(分布:陕西,青海)为中国新纪录种。文中给出了短角瘿蚊属中国种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

利用桑瘿蚊的空间分布参数m^#.k.α.β.b值.确定桑瘿蚊幼虫属聚集分布,其原因主要是由于本身的聚集习性引起的,同时根据Iwao模型进行了资料代换。采用Iwao法.Taylor幂法则及Southwood。公共值Kc的理论抽样模式得出在不同密度(x)和不同精度(D)要求下的理论抽样数。应用Kuno模型探讨了序贯抽样方法。  相似文献   

丁香北京瘿蚊Pekinomyia syringae Jiao&Kolesik以幼虫在北京丁香Syringa reticulata subsp.pekinensis和暴马丁香Syringa reticulata subsp.amurensis叶片内隐蔽为害,为害严重时导致寄主提前落叶。通过林间调查和室内试验,对其生活史、习性研究发现,该瘿蚊在北京1 a发生1代,以老熟幼虫在表土层结茧越冬。3月初越冬幼虫开始化蛹,成虫羽化盛期为3月底至4月初,成虫不需补充营养,有趋黄性,卵孵化期为4月上中旬,4-10月幼虫为害,10月老熟幼虫脱离叶片在表土层结茧越冬。本研究结果为该虫的综合防治提供了防治基础。  相似文献   

Abstract:  We determined the influence of temperature on post-diapause development of overwintered Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) under various treatments (12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30°C) in an effort to predict its spring emergence. Survival and developmental period for the overwintered larvae and pupae were significantly influenced by temperature. Linear and nonlinear regression models quantitatively described temperature-dependent development and survival of T. japonensis . The survival models exhibited right-skewed bell shape patterns for all stages, indicating a more detrimental impact on survival at high temperatures. Theoretical optimum temperatures with highest survival were 22.3, 24.0 and 24.0°C for the overwintered larvae, pupae and total post-diapause development (the larvae to adults) respectively. Pupal mortality was higher at all temperatures than larval mortality and the suitable range of temperature for pupae was narrower than that of larvae. The nonlinear Briere model estimated that optimum temperatures with the fastest development were 29.1°C for larvae, 27.6°C for pupae and 27.0°C for larvae to adults. In a linear model, the lower threshold temperatures were 5.1, 7.1 and 5.9°C for larvae, pupae, and larvae to adults respectively. A predictive degree-day model was developed using trap catches of T. japonensis adult emergence during 1991–1995. The model accounted for 84.6% of year-to-year variation in adult emergence and predicted accurately the median emergence time in 1996.  相似文献   

Numerical changes and distribution patterns of the pine needle gall midge, Thecodiplosis japonensisUchida etInouye , were studied during the period from 1978 to 1979 in a young plantation of Pinus thunbergii in Shiga Prefecture, Japan. The survivorship curve of this species was characterized by a low mortality of larvae in galls and two high mortalities before the formation of galls and during the overwintering period in soil. The within and between-trees distributions of eggs and larvae in galls were examined by using the regression method. The egg distribution per shoot was aggregative both within and between host plants. The within-tree variations in numbers of eggs per shoot were related to the differences in the abundance of available needles for oviposition per shoot among the canopy layers. The between-tree variations reflected the heterogeneous emergence of adult females in the study plot. The degree of aggregation increased from egg to gall stage in both within- and between-tree distributions and the increase was explained by the different mortality of larvae within trees and the inversely density-dependent mortality between trees. The distribution patterns in the soil habitat stages were examined by the patchness index (). This species showed aggregative distributions in soil stages. There was a correlation in spatial patterns of adult emergence between the successive generations. The distribution properties of this species were discussed in connection with the population dynamics and the availability of host plants in the study plot.  相似文献   

The pine caterpillar Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) with a larval facultative diapause is one of the most destructive insect pests of the pine tree Pinus massoniana in China. The larvae feeding on pine trees with different damage levels were studied to determine the induction of diapause under both laboratory and field conditions. Developmental duration of larvae before the third instar was the longest when fed with 75%–90% damaged needles, followed by 25%–40% damaged needles and intact pine needles, whereas mortalities did not differ among different treatments under the conditions of 25° and critical photoperiod 13.5:10.5 L:D. At 25°, no diapause was induced under 15:9 L:D, whereas 100% diapause occurred under 12:12 L:D regardless of the levels of needle damage. Incidences of larvae entering diapause when they were fed with intact, 25%–40% and 75%–90% damaged pine needles were 51.7%, 70.8% and 81% under 13.5:10.5 L:D, respectively. Similar results were obtained in the field experiment. Incidence of diapause was significantly different among the pine needle damage levels of pine trees when the photoperiod was close to the critical day length, indicating that the effect of host plants on diapause induction was dependent on the range of photoperiod. The content of amino acid and sugar decreased and tannin increased in pine needles after feeding by the pine caterpillars, suggesting that changed levels of nutrients in damaged needles or a particular substance emitted by damaged pine trees was perhaps involved in the diapause induction of the pine caterpillar.  相似文献   

The number of larvae reaching maturity within the gall of Adelges japonicus was positively related to gall volume, and the relationship between the number of mature larvae and gall volume did not change with different densities of colonized larvae. The population changes in the bud galls of A. japonicus were surveyed by collecting the galls, which did not suffer predation or parasitism within the galls, from young artificial plantations of Picea jezoensis over two years. In the year when the density of colonized larvae was high, they suffered a 42% mortality within the galls, whereas mortality was nearly zero in the low density year. The numbers of larvae per gall were positively correlated with gall volume. The regression lines of the number of colonized larvae on gall volume did not differ significantly in the regression coefficients between the two years, whereas the intercept was significantly higher in the year when the density of colonized larvae was higher. However, different within-gall mortality nullified this difference, and the regression lines of the number of mature larvae on gall volume had no significant difference both in the regression coefficients and the intercepts. This suggests that the number of mature larvae per gall was limited by available resources within the gall which were positively related to gall volume. In 25% of the galls in which mature larvae inhabited, the space within the galls were completely filled by the larvae, indicating that space was one of the limiting resources. Gall volume also affected the number of adults that emerged from the gall and the potential number of their progeny.  相似文献   

1 During outbreaks of the pine looper, Bupalus piniarius, its host, Pinus sylvestris, is severely defoliated. The larvae of this geometrid normally feed on mature needles. However, because trees are totally defoliated during outbreaks, the next generation is forced to feed on current-year needles. 2 Bupalus piniarius larvae feeding on previously defoliated trees may show lower performance either because of induced resistance or because larvae have to feed on needles not normally fed upon (current instead of mature). 3 These hypotheses were tested in an experiment where larvae were reared on (i) shoots naturally defoliated the previous year, and thus, bearing only current-year needles, (ii) non-defoliated shoots where larvae had access only to current-year needles, and (iii) control shoots with access to both current and mature needles. 4 There was no support for the induction hypothesis. Survival was lower on naturally defoliated shoots than on control shoots (81.3 vs. 90.9%), but survival was lower also on non-defoliated shoots where larvae had access only to current-year needles (78.8%). Data on larval feeding distribution showed a strong preference for mature needles. 5 Needle nitrogen concentration of current-year needles was 38% higher on defoliated trees than on non-defoliated trees. 6 It is concluded that defoliation affected larval performance primarily through the removal of the preferred type of needles and not because of an induced resistance. Effects of increased concentrations of allelochemicals in defoliated shoots, if present, were probably cancelled out by increased nitrogen concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Immature stages of the gall midge, Asphondylia borrichiae, are attacked by four species of parasitoids, which vary in size and relative abundance within patches of the gall midge’s primary host plant, sea oxeye daisy (Borrichia frutescens). 2. In the current study, a bagging experiment found that the smallest wasp, Galeopsomyia haemon, was most abundant in galls exposed to natural enemies early in the experiment, when gall diameter is smallest, while the wasp with the longest ovipositor, Torymus umbilicatus, dominated the parasitoid community in galls that were not exposed until the 5th and 6th weeks when gall diameter is maximal. 3. Moreover, the mean number of parasitoids captured using large artificial galls were 70% and 150% higher compared with medium and small galls respectively, while stem height of artificial galls significantly affected parasitoid distribution. Galls that were level with the top of the sea oxeye canopy captured 60% more parasitoids compared with those below the canopy and 50% more than galls higher than the plant canopy. 4. These non‐random patterns were driven primarily by the differential distribution of the largest parasitoid, T. umbilicatus, which was found significantly more often than expected on large galls and the smallest parasitoid of the guild, G. haemon, which tended to be more common on stems level with the top of the plant canopy. 5. Large Asphondylia galls, especially those located near the top of the Borrichia canopy, were more likely to be discovered by searching parasitoids. Results using artificial galls were consistent with rates of parasitism of Asphondylia galls in native patches of sea oxeye daisy. Gall diameter was 19% greater and the rate of parasitism was reduced by almost 50% on short stems; as a result, gall abundance was 24% higher on short stems compared with ones located near the top of the plant canopy. 6. These results suggest that parasitoid community composition within galls is regulated by both interspecific differences in ovipositor length and preferences for specific gall size and/or stem length classes.  相似文献   

为了揭示受害马尾松Pinus massoniana针叶主要化学物质变化对思茅松毛虫Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura种群变动的影响, 本研究以受思茅松毛虫危害程度不同(轻度、 中度和重度)的马尾松针叶喂养思茅松毛虫幼虫, 测定思茅松毛虫饲养种群的特征参数和不同受害程度马尾松针叶营养物质与次生物质含量, 用综合相关系数分析法对试验结果进行分析。结果表明: (1)随植株受害程度加重, 针叶黄酮含量增加, 可溶性糖、 蛋白质、 多糖含量减少, 各龄幼虫平均历期延长、 死亡率升高。单宁和总酚含量的变化与各龄幼虫平均历期、 死亡率之间没有显著的相关性; (2)除6龄幼虫外, 其他各龄幼虫的平均历期、 死亡率均与松针营养物质和次生物质含量有直接的和综合的相关性; (3)随受害程度加重, 7龄幼虫体重、 幼虫平均取食量、 蛹重、 化蛹率、 雌性比、 每雌生殖力减小。单宁、 总酚含量的变化对7龄幼虫体重、 幼虫平均取食量、 蛹重、 幼虫平均死亡率、 化蛹率、 雌性比、 每雌生殖力都没有显著影响。总体上, 松针营养和次生物质含量对思茅松毛虫种群参数有重要影响, 其重要性依次为可溶性糖>蛋白质>多糖>黄酮, 单宁和总酚的作用相对较小。  相似文献   

In contrast to most insect guilds, gall-forming insects are thought to reach highest diversity on sclerophyllous vegetation, such as Neotropical savannas and Mediterranean vegetation types. The water and nutrient stress endured by meristems of canopy trees in tall wet tropical rainforests may cause leaf sclerophylly. Hence, the upper canopies of such ecosystems may represent a suitable habitat for gall-forming insects. At the San Lorenzo Protected Area, Panama, we estimated free-feeding herbivory and gall densities within five sites in 2003 and 2004, by surveying leaves in vertical and horizontal transects. In each sample, we recorded leaf density (mature and young foliage), free-feeding herbivore damage and number of galls, including the presence of live larvae, parasitoids or fungi. We surveyed 43 994 leaves, including 231 plants and 73 tree and liana species. We collected 5014 galls from 17 host-plant species, including 32 gall species of which 59% were restricted to the canopy (overall infestation rates: 2.4% in 2003, 5.5% in 2004). In 2003, 16% of the galls were occupied by live larvae, against 5% in 2004. About 17–20% of leaves surveyed suffered from free-feeding herbivory. Leaf sclerophylly increased significantly with sampling height, while free-feeding herbivory decreased inversely. Conversely, the number of live galls collected in the canopy was 13–16 times higher than in the understorey, a pattern consistent across sites and years. Hence, the probability of gall survivorship increased with increasing leaf sclerophylly as death by fungi, parasitoids or accidental chewing were greater in the understorey. Increasing harsh ecophysiological conditions towards the upper canopy appear favourable to galls-forming population maintenance, in support of the hypothesis of harsh environment. Hence, gall diversity and abundance in the upper canopy of tall tropical forests are perhaps among the highest in the world.  相似文献   

松针瘿蚊越冬幼虫体内酶活性的时序变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李毅平  龚和  朴镐用 《昆虫学报》2000,43(3):227-232
昆虫的越冬耐寒过程与糖酵解、磷酸己糖途径和抗冻保护性物质合成等一些中间代谢有关的酶有关。该文对松针瘿蚊Thecodiplosis japonensis老熟幼虫1998/1999越冬期间体内上述代谢酶活性的变化进行了研究。越冬期间体内糖原磷酸化酶活性明显地增加,糖酵解有关的酶(己糖激酶、乳酸脱氢酶和醛缩酶)活性较低,以保证更多的碳源(糖原)转化成海藻糖。越冬期间,体内葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶活性增高所产生的还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(NADPH),可为细胞在亚低温状态下发挥正常功能以及体内抗冻保护性物质的合成提供还原动力,同时通过调节体内海藻糖酶活性来维持越冬期间较高含量的海藻糖和移除春季体内累积的过多的海藻糖。  相似文献   

In this study, the mortality factors acting upon the galling psyllid Neopelma baccharidis Burckhardt (Homoptera) caused by its host plant, Baccharis dracunculifolia De Candole (Asteraceae) were analysed. In March 1999, 982 galls of the same cohort were randomly marked on 109 individuals of B. dracunculifolia in the field. Galls were censused each month during their development, from April to August, and dead galls were collected and analysed for mortality factors. Gall dehiscence rates were calculated for each month. The major mortality source of N. baccharidis was gall dropping (13.2% of the original cohort), which is probably a normal outcome of previous mortality caused by the other factors observed in this study. Unknown factors killed 11.7% of this gall population and were ascribed to plant resistance during gall development. Empty galls represented 7.7% of the observed mortality and may be a consequence of egg retention or egg mortality/abortion related to variations in plant quality. Shoot mortality was high during the dry season and killed 7.5% of the galls, but this impact was minimized after the third month from gall formation due to the ability of nymphs to accelerate development and emerge from galls on dying shoots. However, the size of dehisced galls on dead shoots tended to be smaller, possibly affecting adult performance. Mortality of N. baccharidis attributed to B. dracunculifolia strongly controlled the galling insect population, killing 40.7% of the original cohort of galls. Plant‐mediated mortality was caused by often neglected factors acting predominantly during the first 3 months of development, which are critical to gall survivorship. These results reinforce the importance of bottom‐up forces in plant‐insect systems.  相似文献   

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