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Abstract Archaeopteris macilenta is one of the most widespread plants in the Late Devonian. Based on fossils from the Frasnian Huangjiadeng Formation, Yichang District of Hubei Province, for the first time we study in detail the anatomy of this progymnosperm plant in South China. Ultimate axes are protostelic with three xylem sympodia and lack secondary tissue. Penultimate axes are eustelic, bearing eight sympodia and a thin band of secondary xylem. Radially symmetrical sympodia of mesarch primary xylem produce traces of appendages in a spiral arrangement. Archaeopteris macilenta and A. halliana (A. roemeriana) are dominant in the Frasnian and Famennian, respectively. Comparisons with these two species from other tectonic plates indicate consistent stelar architectures. Global spread, continuous occurrence, and identical anatomy during the Late Devonian indicate that Archaeopteris survived the Frasnian–Famennian extinction event. In this time, endemic genera and cosmopolitan taxa, including Archaeopteris, suggest the palaeogeographic isolation of South China and certain associations with other plates.  相似文献   

Fossil remains of Curtisia Aiton (Cornales) are recognized for the first time from the Tertiary of Europe, based on early Eocene anatomically preserved fruits from the London Clay and Poole Formations of southern England. The modern distribution of this monotypic genus is limited to the cape of South Africa. Curtisia quadrilocularis (Reid & Chandler) comb. nov. fruits have globose tetralocular endocarps composed of isodiametric sclereids with a single seed per locule, a prominent axial vascular canal, apical placentation, and four germination valves. All of these characters, as well as size, correspond to extant Curtisia . Although many fossil taxa from the Eocene of Europe have been shown to have their closest extant relatives in Asia, this occurrence of Curtisia highlights Tertiary floristic exchange between Europe and Africa. The newly recognized fossil occurrences suggest a Laurasian origin for Curtisia , in conformity with the fossil record for several other genera of the Cornales. In addition, our rejection of the former assignment of this species to Leucopogon causes us to question whether Epacridaceae were present in the Tertiary of Europe.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 127–134.  相似文献   

Two examples of fragmentary, coalified plant fossils with cellular preservation and in situ spores are described using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), from a Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) locality in the Welsh Borderland. A sporophyte which produced dyads of ?Cymbohilates of. horridus is unique in that stomata are numerous on the supporting axis, and are comparable with those described from contemporary vascular plant remains. The in situ dyads possess a bilayered exospore wall, with an outer exosporal envelope present over the distal faces. A fusiform sporangium, with externally smooth epidermis, contains specimens of the tetrad Velatitetras sp. Each tetrad is encompassed by a laevigate, folded, exosporal envelope of uniform thickness, which contains a layer of regular voids. Spores within the tetrads are ultrastructurally bilayered, with a complex, digitate outer margin presumably representing spore wall ornamentation. Neither the tetrads nor dyads reported in this paper are lamellate in ultrastructure. The combination of stomata, branching and dyads in the same sporophyte holds significance for the understanding of cryptospore affinities.  相似文献   

New species of caesalpinioid legumes, Cynometra sensu lato and Afzelia, are described from the Late Oligocene (27.23 Ma) Guang River flora in north‐western Ethiopia. Both taxa show leaf characteristics that are shared with extant species in the Guineo‐Congolian, Sudanian and/or Zambezian regions of Africa today. The presence of these two species in Ethiopia during the Palaeogene provides further evidence of the importance of the legume tribe Detarieae in northern and north‐eastern Africa throughout much of the Cenozoic, even although the clade is poorly represented in these regions today. The fossil record documents a significant palaeogeographical and evolutionary history of Detarieae in Africa, especially compared with that of Europe and Anatolia. Based on this evidence, it is unlikely that significant diversification of extant African Detarieae took place on the Eurasian landmass. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 44–54.  相似文献   

Here we describe seven new species of Cis Latreille from southern Africa: Cis aster sp. nov., Cis makebae sp. nov., Cis mandelai sp. nov., Cis masekelai sp. nov., Cis neserorum sp. nov., Cis stalsi sp. nov. and Cis urbanae sp. nov. We also provide information on their host fungi and geographic distributions.  相似文献   

Sphenophyllum was an important and long-surviving sphenopsid genus in the Paleozoic floras, with a worldwide distribution. A new species, Sphenophyllum changxingense sp. nov., is described from the Upper Devonian Wutong Formation of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China. This plant is characterized by two orders of slender axes and wedge-shaped leaves borne in whorls. The axes bear short spines and show longitudinal ridges and furrows on surface. Three to eight isophyllous leaves, with one, two, or no second-order axes, are attached at each node of first-order axes. Leaves bear spines and show a bilobate morphology; the two leaf lobes divide distally to form several marginal segments, each segment with a leaf vein. Sphenophyllum changxingense represents an early and primitive species within the genus, in light of the absence of heterophylly and specialized hook-like leaves. Like some Carboniferous and Permian species, it appears to have formed dense mats with mutually supportive axes. This plant adds to the known diversity of early sphenopsids in the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

Dyads, interpreted as cryptospore permanent dyads, are reported from sporangia and spore masses recovered from fluviatile deposits of Lochkovian (Early Devonian) age from the Welsh Borderland. The morphology, anatomy and ultrastructure of the specimens have been analysed using LM, SEM and TEM. Two specimens consist of a single sporangium terminating an axis: one is cup-shaped and attached to an unbranched axis and named Culullitheca richardsonii gen. et sp. nov., the other comprises an isotomously branching axis with one sporangium preserved and is named Fusitheca fanningiae gen. et sp. nov. Two specimens show dyads adhering to cuticular fragments presumably derived from sporangia. In one the cuticle is of irregular shape, in the other it is elliptical. The final specimen comprises an elongate spore mass. In all cases ultrastructural analysis reveals that the spore walls are essentially homogeneous. Our findings suggest that cryptospore permanent dyads were produced by rhyniophytoid plants of small stature. The affinities of these plants remain conjectural, as is the relationship of the cryptospore permanent dyads with other sporomorph morphotypes (cryptospores and trilete spores). However, the production of dyads by a plant with a bifurcating sporophytic axis is evidence against affinity with extant bryophytes. The mode of formation, adaptive significance, affinities, phylogenetic relationships and stratigraphical history (including demise) of cryptospore permanent dyads is discussed.  相似文献   

A monospecific assemblage of myodocopid ostracods has been found in the Middle Devonian of a unique hydrothermal vent system of Hamar Laghdad (eastern Anti-Atlas, southern Morocco), which developed over a submarine eruption of basaltic rocks. This fauna has been recovered from a neptunian dyke representing the sediment infill of an Eifelian venting fissure discovered in the central part of Hamar Laghdad. The assemblage consists of thousands of relatively large shells forming a coquina layer in which the valves are disarticulated, perfectly washed, well sorted and stacked into each other. Their orientation points to transport due to fluids migrating in the vent system. The ostracod specimens, on the base of the general outline, the presence of rostrum and rostral incisure is assigned to the order Myodocopida. The new genus and species Hamaroconcha kornickeri is proposed, most likely representing a new family. Its carapace morphology gives no clear clue to its mode of life; however, a relatively long rostral incisure may suggest that frontal appendages of this species were sufficient for active swimming. Therefore, a nectobenthic lifestyle is postulated for H. kornickeri nov. gen., nov. sp. Isotope data from the sediment infill provide evidence for the activity of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Late Emsian-Early Eifelian radiolarians from the southern Ural Mountains are recorded and described for the first time. They come from the Kamennaya Gora section on the Tanalyk River near the town of Buribay, Bashkiria. The new Late Emsian-Early Eifelian radiolarian assemblage consists of 20 species of 11 genera of spherical, discoidal, spindle-shaped, pylomate, and spiny radiolarians. Four new species, i.e., Entactinia rostriformis sp. nov., Palaeodiscaleksus tumefactus sp. nov., Primaritripus buribayensis sp. nov., and P. chuvashovi sp. nov., are described. The diagnosis of the genus Primaritripus Afanasieva, 2000 is amended. The fact that the oryctocenosis is dominated by discoidal radiolarians suggests that, in the Late Emsian-Early Eifelian, the area under study was occupied by a relatively shallow marine basin. Based on radiolarians, a new Upper Emsian-Lower Eifelian biostraton, beds with Primaritripus buribayensis-Entactinia rostriformis, is established. The history of the study of Early Devonian radiolarians is considered.  相似文献   

A new lycopsid megaspore cone from the Upper Devonian of Chaohu, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new small lycopsid cone, Minostrobus chaohuensis gen. et sp. nov. , is described from the upper part of Wutung Formation (Famennian) of Chaohu, Anhui, China. Six sporophylls in each whorl are tightly arranged on the cone axis. Each sporophyll consists of a short pedicel and a narrow lamina with smooth margins. One spherical to spherical-ellipsoidal sporangium is attached directly to the adaxial surface of each sporophyll. Each sporangium contains four megaspores. A solid exarch protostele occurs at the centre of the cone axis, and a mesarch protostele in the base of the sporophyll. M. chaohuensis is interpreted as a small, herbaceous, heterosporous lycopsid.  相似文献   

Aims The present paper concerns the analysis of macro‐remains (plant imprints) from high altitude travertine deposits dating back to the early Holocene (9800 BP ). Our results allow us to discuss treeline location and ecology, and to supplement previous data based on pollen from natural sediments and charcoal from natural soil. Location The travertine under study is located in the Queyras massif, in the southern French Alps, along the Italian border. The site is situated on a south‐facing slope. Methods The travertine deposit has been dated by 230Th/234U. Taxonomic identification of plant imprints was achieved by comparison of the morphology of fossil specimens with extant material. Results Imprints of Pinus uncinata (cones and needles), broad‐leaved trees (Betula cf. pubescens, Populus tremula and Salix spp.), and unidentified trunks have been found. The plant assemblage records the existence at a high altitude (2200 m) of shade‐intolerant vegetation at around 9800 BP. Our data indicate that the treeline limit was at least 100 m higher than previously thought. The morphological features of the travertine, the plant assemblage and trunk diameters indicate that during the travertinization process, vegetation around the site was probably dense with tall upright trees. Main conclusions Our data show that Pinus uncinata and broad‐leaved trees developed at 2200 m, while regional pollen analyses locate the treeline at lower altitudes. Different research methods appear to provide different results. Around 9800 BP tree regeneration and growth were made possible up to at least 2200 m a.s.l., probably as a result of warmer and wetter summers. Warmer conditions are inferred from the predicted increase in incoming solar radiation based on calculated orbital variations, and wetter conditions are inferred from the build‐up of the travertine.  相似文献   

Dispersed cuticles with surface ornamentation recovered from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Gedinnian) of Hereford and Worcester, England, are described, named and placed in an artificial, morphologically based classification system. Four species of the new genus Cosmochlaina are distinguished on the nature of the ornament. The affinities of the plants covered by such cuticles remain unknown: the cuticles are named to facilitate their use in biogeographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Dispersed cuticles with surface ornamentation recovered from the Lower Old Red Sandstone (Gedinnian) of Hereford and Worcester, England, are described, named and placed in an artificial, morphologically based classification system. Four species of the new genus Cosmochlaina are distinguished on the nature of the ornament. The affinities of the plants covered by such cuticles remain unknown: the cuticles are named to facilitate their use in biogeographic, stratigraphic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

An advanced diplacanthid (Climatiiformes) is described from a Famennian estuariee environment of South Africa. It is characterized by having exceptionally long thin fin spines and a deep body form. Unusual details of the fins and fm spine insertions are preserved. This is the first record of a diplacanthid from the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The hagfishes of the genus Eptatretus (Myxinidae) from southern Africa are known from three poorly studied species: Eptatretus hexatrema, a common species from Namibia and South Africa; Eptatretus profundus, known only from the holotype collected off Cape Point (South Africa); and Eptatretus octatrema, known from two syntypes from the Agulhas Bank (South Africa). Taxonomic, morphological and distributional information about these three species are reviewed and updated based on the examination of additional specimens collected in South African waters. Eptatretus hexatrema differs from all congeners by having six pairs (rarely seven) of gill apertures arranged in a straight line, 3/2 multicusp pattern of teeth, total cusps 44–49, trunk pores 53–60, total pores 93–107, preventral length 45.1–57.4% TL, tail length 11.6–14.3% TL, tail depth 5.7–8.1% TL, and two bilaterally symmetrical nasal-sinus papillae. Eptatretus octatrema differs from all congeners by having usually eight (some specimens with seven) pairs of gill apertures arranged in a straight line, 3/2 multicusp pattern of teeth, 42–46 total cusps, 22–26 prebranchial pores, 63–68 trunk pores, 104–117 total pores, and two bilaterally symmetrical nasal-sinus papillae. Eptatretus profundus differs from all congeners by having five pairs of gill apertures arranged in a straight line, 3/2 multicusp pattern of teeth, total cusps 42–46, prebranchial pores 12–15, branchial pores 4–5, trunk pores 48–52, tail pores 15–17, total pores 81–86, and body depth at PCD 7.0–9.7% TL. An identification key for the hagfishes from southern Africa is provided and the conservation status of E. octatrema, a species considered to be Critically Endangered, is discussed in light of the new findings.  相似文献   

The multiovulate cupule of a new spermatophyte, Thorezia vezerensisgen. et sp. nov., is described from the Late Devonian aged sediments from Trooz Quarry in Belgium. In gross morphology, it conforms to the Moresnetia morphotype and has a cupule that is composed of four independent quarters that each dichotomises three times. Each cupule quarter contains one single ovoid preovule with a long pedicel and an integument that has small apical teeth surrounding a rudimentary micropyle. Morphological variability in the materials examined is interpreted as being related to preovule maturity, and from this a good understanding of the ontogenetic development from preceding dispersal has been developed. Up to now, 17 spermatophyte species have been described, 11 of which come from eastern Laurussia. This diversity in eastern Laurussia contrasts strongly with the low diversity characterizing contemporaneous floras from other phytogeographical areas. We suggest here that the arid climatic conditions prevailing in eastern Laurussia favoured the development of diverse spermatophyte communities and contributed to reduced diversity and abundance of contemporaneous free-sporing plant diversity.  相似文献   

Two species of the Devonian herbaceous lycopsid Haskinsia Grierson & Banks, H. hastata Berry & Edwards and H. sagittata Edwards & Benedetto, are reported from the Hujiersite Formation (Givetian–Middle Devonian), Xinjiang, north‐west China. Both species were first described from Venezuela. Haskinsia hastata from Xinjiang has hastate leaves with toothed margins, and a pair of basal narrow lateral segments which curve distally. It is assigned to a new subspecies because of the toothed margins which cannot be demonstrated in Venezuelan material. The scar of the sporangium stalk is observed for the first time in specimens of H. sagittata, on the leaves of which a possible ligule structure is also shown. On the basis of our observations on both Xinjiang and Venezuelan specimens, the diagnosis of Haskinsia is enlarged to accommodate plants whose lamina has entire or toothed margins. The palaeophytogeography of the genus, otherwise known from South and North America, is discussed. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 633–644.  相似文献   

New species of the Pinaceae, Abies chavchavadzeae and Piceoxylon ussuriense, are described on the basis of fossil woods from the Pliocene of the Pavlovka lignite field (southern Primorye). For the first time, fossil wood of Abies is reported from the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

Archaeopteris as a representative fossil plant genus in the class Progymnospermopsida has been extensively recorded in the Late Devonian of the world. Although its phylogenetic, paleoecological, and biostratigraphic significances are well known, the author citation of the generic name Archaeopteris remains problematic. Here, it is shown that Dionys Stur was the first to treat Archaeopteris as an independent genus.Therefore, the generic name should be cited as Archaeopteris (Dawson) Stur, while Archaeopteris Dawson and Archaeopteris (Dawson) Lesquereux are incorrect.  相似文献   

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