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Little is known about the habitat requirements of Australian bats; however, this information is needed to make better‐informed decisions when systems are disturbed. This study contrasts the roosting and foraging ecology of the eastern forest bat Vespadelus pumilus (Vespertilionidae), one of Australia’s smallest bats, between two sites of differing disturbance history on the mid‐north coast of New South Wales. Lorne Flora Reserve (182 ha) is primarily old‐growth forest surrounded by regrowth forest and eucalypt plantations, while Swans Crossing is dominated by regrowth and eucalypt plantations established on part of an old dairy farm. A total of 38 bats were tracked during the maternity and mating seasons at the two sites. Roost preferences were determined by comparing trees used as roosts with those randomly available, while foraging bats were triangulated from fixed stations at night. Bats tracked at Lorne Flora Reserve typically roosted in hollows within large, mature trees and showed a strong preference for roosting and foraging (females only) within the Reserve. Lactating females at Swans Crossing roosted in hollows of remnant rainforest trees within a gully and dead eucalypts, while males often roosted in understorey trees (such as Acacia). Dead trees were frequently used as roosts at both sites. Under both disturbance histories, the mean distance of female maternity roosts from creeks was 20 m, indicating that riparian zones provide important roosting habitat for V. pumilus. However, roosts shifted to the mid‐slope prior to winter when bats mate. Retention of mature trees in a variety of topographic locations may allow behavioural adjustments with the seasons. Bats caught in the regrowth forest also foraged there, with foraging ranges averaging just 5.3 ha (n = 10), indicating that regrowth is used by this bat for both foraging and roosting.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined factors affecting roost tree selection by the white‐striped freetail bat Tadarida australis (Chiroptera: Molossidae), a large insectivorous bat in suburban Brisbane, Australia. We compared biophysical characteristics associated with 34 roost trees and 170 control trees of similar diameter, height and tree senescence characters. Roost trees used by the white‐striped freetail bat had significantly higher numbers of hollows in the trunk and branches (P < 0.003) and were more likely to contain a large trunk cavity with an internal diameter of >30 cm (P < 0.001) than control trees. These trees also accommodated more species of hollow‐using fauna (P = 0.005). When comparing roost trees with control trees of similar diameters and heights, roost trees were on average at a later stage of tree senescence (P < 0.001). None of the roost trees were found in the large forest reserves fringing the Brisbane metropolitan area despite these areas being used for foraging by the white‐striped freetail bat. Although all tree locations in this study were in modified landscapes, roost trees tended to be surrounded by groups of trees and undergrowth. Roost trees provide important habitat requirements for hollow‐using fauna in suburban, rural and forested environments.  相似文献   

The lemurs of Madagascar are known for their extraordinary species diversity. The mechanisms that allow the coexistence of these species are still poorly known. Here feeding patterns were investigated for three small nocturnal lemur species of Cheirogaleidae ( Microcebus murinus , Cheirogaleus medius and Cheirogaleus major ) occurring sympatrically in a littoral rainforest in south-east Madagascar. During three rainy seasons, the plant species eaten by these three lemurs were described in relation to morphological and biochemical characteristics. All three species were mainly frugivorous and fed on 68 different plant species with small- and medium-sized fruits. A total of 91% of these forage plant species was visited by all three lemur species. Fruits larger than 25–30 mm were avoided. Seeds of a total of 51 food plant species were swallowed and passed the gut unharmed. Thus, even these smaller lemur species play an important role in seed dispersal. There were no differences in the morphological and biochemical characteristics of fruits eaten between the three species, but the feeding height was significantly different between the species. Thus, competition avoidance and niche separation are presumably not based on different feeding patterns of M. murinus , C. medius and C. major in the littoral rainforest, but on different habitat utilization.  相似文献   

Tree biodiversity data is presented for a 1-ha permanent study plot on a low slope position of the Kuala Belalong valley in Temburong District, Brunei, Borneo. This is the first study in the region to document the tree flora of a low slope. All trees 5cm at 1.3m were mapped, measurements of dbh and height taken, and identified to species and morpho-species level. The total and relative values of each family for density, diversity, dominance and Importance Value Indices were calculated. A total of 1062 stems were recorded on the plot (1019 live, 43 dead) with a total of 278 species representing 110 genera in 49 families. The most ecologically significant family as determined by the Family Importance Value (FIV) was Euphorbiaceae with a value of 40 and'the'most significant species, using the Importance Value (IV), was morpho-speciesFordia splendissima with an IV of 29. The total basal area of all living trees was 31.43m2. Forest structure was marked by a few tall (>45m) emergents, for example,Koompassia excelsa, Crypteronia griffithii and two species of the Dipterocarpaceae family, however, lower understorey and sub-canopy species dominated the plot with the average height of all individuals over the hectare being 11m.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigates the importance of climate as a factor influencing the southern distributional limit of the common blossom bat (Syconycteris australis). Using the climatic predictive model BIOCLIM and 73 locality records, 5. australis was predicted to have a coastal distribution in eastern Australia, where winter temperatures are relatively warm and moist conditions prevail throughout the year. The actual southern limit of S. australis, determined by mist-netting suitable habitats, was found to be at Booti-Booti (32°19'S 152°3l'E) on the mid-north coast of New South Wales. BIOCLIM predicted the southerly limit of 5. australis to be 150–200km further south of their actual limit. Booti-Booti was occupied at relatively low levels of abundance year round, while the abundance of S. australis at a site 50 km to the north was much greater, fluctuating with changes in Banksia flower numbers. Seasonal range extensions beyond Booti-Booti were not detected, despite the availability of apparently suitable habitat at Myall Lakes only 20–35 km further south. Metabolic costs of S. australis at Booti-Booti were estimated to exceed basal metabolic rate (BMR) by 4.5 times, well above the physiologically predicted limit of 2.5 times BMR. These results, together with the lack of range extensions and the close correspondence of BIOCLIM'S predicted southern limit of S. australis with their actual limit, suggest that the bat's southern distribution is limited by cold, wet winters and dry summers.  相似文献   

Vegetation pattern, soil attributes, and salinity regimes along with several other environmental factors were studied in a small (11 ha) but unmodified estuary in south Westland, New Zealand. Part of an unmodified 40 km2 catchment within the South-west New Zealand World Heritage Area, the Hapuka Estuary, formed behind a 5-km long barrier beach, provides considerable ecological value as well as baseline, conservation advocacy and educative potentials both in a national and international context. Seventy-four quadrats were sampled randomly along five transects at right angles to the main Hapuka River. Eight plant communities comprising 141 native and thirteen exotic vascular species, were differentiated using multivariate analyses, from bare mud (mean elevation 1.23±0.24 m above Mean Low Water Spring (MLWS)), saltmarsh and shrubland associations through to the adjacent podocarp-broadleaved rain forest (4.53±0.74 m above MLWS). Bulk density of the upper 10 cm of substrate varied from a maximum of 1.15 g cm?3 in the lowest elevation association to a minimum of 0.15 g cm?3 in the rain forest. pH showed a similar trend with values of 6.97 and 4.31, respectively. The reverse pattern was evident with organic matter, with the highest content (53% ODWt) in the rain forest substrate. The water which irrigates the saltmarsh at high tide reaches 15–19» salinity on calm days but may be much less saline when moderate to strong southerly winds counter the tidal influence. Northerly winds, or a southern outlet through the barrier beach, intermittently evident in the past, are likely to enhance salinity of the tidal waters across the saltmarsh. Ordination of the vegetation samples indicated a very strong gradient associated with Axis 1 (eigenvalue=0.872) and Axis 2 (eigenvalue=0.461). Vector fitting of nine measured environmental factors indicated a strong positive correlation with Axis 1 of the ordination, of soil pH, sodium and conductivity, and negative correlations with elevation, soil water, organic matter and potassium contents.  相似文献   

Previous authors have reported that Pteropus poliocephalus colony sites are occupied in response to blossom availability. However, in the present study it is reported that at the Gordon site in suburban Sydney, colony numbers were negatively correlated with the occurrence of pollen in the droppings. In addition, in contrast to reported occupational patterns at other colony sites, where flying‐foxes are not present at the site during winter and early spring, the Gordon site was occupied by substantial numbers of flying‐foxes throughout the entire period of 62 months from 1985 to 1990. As a result of the introduction of plants native to other parts of Australia and exotics from other continents, there is a variety of foods available throughout the year in the Sydney region, in comparison with less urbanized areas. This food supply permits the occupation of the Gordon colony site during winter and spring and reduces the migratory behaviour of flying‐foxes throughout the year. It is concluded that in the absence of a restrictive food supply, the occupational pattern of the Gordon colony of P. poliocephalus is the result of the reproductive requirements of the species modified by the vagaries of blossom production in the native forests outside the foraging range of the colony.  相似文献   

We surveyed ground-dwelling small mammals in twenty-four rainforest remnants which were virtual islands surrounded by farmland on a plateau on the east coast of Australia. We investigated the effect of island size, level of disturbance, isolation and microhabitat on the abundance and species richness of the mammals. The remnants ranged from 0.3 to 29 ha, resulting from fragmentation during 175 years of European occupation. Two rodent species (Rattus fuscipes[Waterhouse, 1839] and R. rattus[Linnaeus, 1758] ) and one marsupial insectivore (Antechinus stuartii Macleay, 1841) were trapped in these remnants, with an additional species (A. swainsonii[Waterhouse, 1840] ) several kilometres away in rainforest on the escarpment of the plateau. Small-mammal species richness was low, but the native species (R. fuscipes and A. stuartii) were abundant. Three-way analyses of variance demonstrated that species richness and abundance decreased significantly with decreasing remnant size and increasing disturbance, but showed no distance effect. The abundance and richness of native species responded even more significantly. The interaction between the first two effects is important. Small remnants are affected most detrimentally by increasing disturbance, large remnants are less affected, and medium sized remnants show intermediate effects. The introduced R. rattus which was least abundant in large remnants, but more abundant in distant than near remnants, was also more abundant in those with major disturbance. The single most important variable in step-wise, multiple linear regression analyses was the logarithm of remnant area not influenced by edge effects, explaining 39% of the variance in species richness, 57% for native species richness and 46% for A. stuartii abundance. Disturbance related variables additionally contributed from 12 to 30% of the variance in dependent variables, while habitat variables explained between 22 and 48% of the variance, and accounted for two thirds of the explainable variance in R. fuscipes abundance. The implications of our results for wildlife conservation on the plateau are discussed.  相似文献   

We measured species richness, diversity, and diel activity patterns of insectivorous bats at four sites within Dhana Biosphere Reserve. A total of seven species belonging to five families at varying species compositions were recorded. Four to six species were present at these sites and total diversity ranged between 0.32 at Ain Lahtha and 0.65 at Al Khararah. Overall frequency of passes was highest at Shaq Kalbeh. The Common Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, was the most prevalent at three sites, followed by the Arabian Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus clivosus, and Botta’s Serotine, Eptesicus bottae. Natterer’s Bat, Myotis nattereri, and the European Free-tailed Bat, Tadarida teniotis, occurred at low abundance. The Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros, occurred at a higher abundance within Finan site (arid site at lower altitude), whereas the Egyptian Mouse-tailed Bat, Rhinopoma cystops, was restricted to Finan. The overall mean number of bat passes was not significantly different between sites. Average seasonal species diversity was low during winter (none at Ain Lahtha and Shaq Kalbeh) and highest during summer (0.68 at Al Kharrarah). Seasonal activity patterns for each site in terms of frequencies of bat passes on an hourly basis are given.  相似文献   

Abstract Cyclones have been instrumental in shaping the structural and floristic composition of tropical forests, including tropical rainforests of north Queensland, Australia. The response of tropical riparian rehabilitation sites to cyclonic wind damage, however, is currently unknown. This lack of knowledge may severely hamper long‐term success of riparian restoration efforts, particularly in light of predictions that cyclones in north Queensland may become less frequent but more severe. In this study, we examined the extent, type and magnitude of damage inflicted on revegetation works in the Tully‐Murray floodplain of north Queensland by Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry. We compared wind damaged in 20 paired revegetated and associated rainforest remnant sites, using (i) gross community damage scores, (ii) mean weighted damage scores, and (iii) type of damage sustained by individual plants. Overall, wind damage due to Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry was surprisingly similar in revegetated and remnant sites. Both gross community damage scores and mean weighted damage scores did not differ between paired revegetated and remnant sites. In contrast, the type of damage sustained by individual plants was not independent of site, with a larger proportion in revegetated sites sustaining severe damage compared with remnant sites. This larger proportion of severely damaged individuals in revegetated sites was at least in part due to the significantly higher proportion of pioneers at these sites. The pioneer species Homalanthus novoguineensis was particularly susceptible to wind damage. The potential effects of spatial differences, such as consistent bias due to size, shape or exposure between the remnants and revegetated sites, on our results are discussed. In light of our results, we recommend that future revegetation sites include fewer pioneer species that are highly susceptible to wind damage, more pioneer species that are resistant to wind damage, and alteration of pioneer species distribution within planting matrices.  相似文献   

Wet‐sclerophyll forests are unique ecosystems that can transition to dry‐sclerophyll forests or to rainforests. Understanding of the dynamics of these forests for conservation is limited. We evaluated the long‐term succession of wet‐sclerophyll forest on World Heritage listed K'gari (Fraser Island)—the world's largest sand island. We recorded the presence and growth of tree species in three 0.4 hectare plots that had been subjected to selective logging, fire, and cyclone disturbance over 65 years, from 1952 to 2017. Irrespective of disturbance regimes, which varied between plots, rainforest trees recruited at much faster rates than the dominant wet‐sclerophyll forest trees, narrowly endemic species Syncarpia hillii and more common Lophostemon confertus. Syncarpia hillii did not recruit at the plot with the least disturbance and recruited only in low numbers at plots with more prominent disturbance regimes in the ≥10 cm at breast height size. Lophostemon confertus recruited at all plots but in much lower numbers than rainforest trees. Only five L. confertus were detected in the smallest size class (<10 cm diameter) in the 2017 survey. Overall, we find evidence that more pronounced disturbance regimes than those that have occurred over the past 65 years may be required to conserve this wet‐sclerophyll forest, as without intervention, transition to rainforest is a likely trajectory. Fire and other management tools should therefore be explored, in collaboration with Indigenous landowners, to ensure conservation of this wet‐sclerophyll forest.  相似文献   

Numerous processes operating at landscape scales threaten bats (e.g., habitat loss, disease). Temperate bat species are rarely examined at commensurate scales because of logistical and modeling constraints. Recent modeling approaches now allow for presence-only datasets, like those often available for bats, to assist with the development of predictive distribution models. We describe the use of presence-only data and rigorous predictive distribution models to examine habitat selection by bats across Colorado, USA. We applied hierarchical Bayesian models to bat locations from 1906–2018 to examine relationships of 13 species with landscape covariates. We considered differences in type of activity (foraging, roosting, hibernation), seasonality (summer vs. winter), and scale (1, 5, 10, and 15-km buffers). These findings generated statewide probability of use models to guide management of bat species in response to threats (e.g., white-nose syndrome [WNS]). Analysis of buffers suggest selection of land cover and environmental covariates occurs at different scales depending on the species and activity. Pinyon (Pinus spp.)-juniper (Juniperus spp.) appeared as a positive association in the highest number of models, followed by montane woodland, supporting the importance of these forest types to bats in Colorado. Other covariates commonly associated with bats in Colorado include westerly longitudes, and negative associations with montane shrubland. Mechanical treatments within pinyon-juniper and montane woodlands should be conducted with caution to avoid harming bat communities. We developed hibernation models for only 2 species, making apparent the lack of winter records for bat species in the state. We also provide a composite predictive surface of small-bodied bats in Colorado that delineates where these species, vulnerable to WNS, converge. This tool provides managers with focal points to apply surveillance and response strategies for the impending arrival of the disease.  相似文献   

Euastacus morgani sp. n., is described from a highland, rainforest site in Bindarri National Park, in eastern New South Wales, Australia. Euastacus morgani is found living sympatrically with two more common species, Euastacus dangadi Morgan, 1997 and Euastacus neohirsutus Riek, 1956. Systematically, the species belongs in the 'simplex' complex of the genus that includes Euastacus simplex Riek, 1956, Euastacus clarkae Morgan, 1997, Euastacus maccai McCormack and Coughran 2008 and E. morgani. This new species differs from its nearest congenor, Euastacus simplex, in having three mesial carpal spines. A key to the 'simplex' complex is presented.  相似文献   

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