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Barleria fulvostellata C. B. Clarke, a highly variable species of dry miombo (Brachystegia) woodland in eastern Africa, is studied in detail in preparation for the treatment of the Acanthaceae in the Flora of Tropical East Africa and Flora Zambesiaca. Four geographically allopatric subspecies are recognised for the first time, and a fifth taxon within the complex is highlighted but needs more material prior to full recognition. The affinities of B. fulvostellata are considered and the conservation status of each subspecies is assessed.  相似文献   

Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. subsp.coracana (Finger millet or eleusine) is a cereal that is widely cultivated in Africa and India. Archaeological records of finger millet are few and unsatisfactory. But, distribution, linguistic and historical evidence seem to suggest an African rather than Indian origin of the crop. Data from morphology, supplemented with cytogenetical observations and distribution revealed thatE. coracana subsp.africana is wild finger millet. This subspecies is widely distributed along the highlands of East Africa. Consequently, it is concluded that finger millet originated in the East African Highlands and was subsequently introduced into India.  相似文献   

The pattern of phenotypic and molecular variation within the polytypic olivaceous warbler H. pallida was examined. This species is distributed in the southern parts of the western Palaearctic, central Asia and in the arid parts of northern Africa, and also in parts of the sub-Saharan Sahel zone. Based on morphology, five subspecies, at times assigned to three groups, have been identified. By comparing morphological, behavioural, vocal and molecular variation, we investigated the phenotypic and phylogenetic relationships within the Hippolais pallida group. The morphological and genetic data of the present study support the view of splitting the olivaceous warbler into a western (former subspecies opaca) and an eastern form (former subspecies elaeica, pallida, reiseri and laeneni). Opaca is consistently and significantly larger than the other taxa in all size measurements, even if it does share morphological properties with elaeica in characters associated with migration. The song of the polytypic pallida differs clearly from that of opaca, and is remarkably consistent within its wide range which comprises four subspecies. The molecular analysis, and the resulting phylogenetic pattern, clearly separated opaca on a single branch distant from the other subspecies. The eastern form consists of two non-overlapping haplotype groups: elaeica with relatively diverse mtDNA variation, and the three African subspecies pallida, reiseri and laeneni, which all share the same or closely related mtDNA haplotypes. It remains open whether the African taxa should be regarded as three valid subspecies of the Eastern olivaceous warbler, or if they are better treated as a single African subspecies.  相似文献   

Meconopsis wilsonii subsp. orientalis Grey‐Wilson, Rankin & Wu, a new subspecies from north‐east Yunnan Province of China, is described and illustrated. Its relationships with other members of subsection Eupolychaetia, particularly M. wallichii, M. violacea and the other subspecies of M. wilsonii, are discussed.  相似文献   

 In samples from 56 populations of Cardamine amara, representing four diploid subspecies (subspp. amara, opicii, balcanica, and pyrenaea) and two tetraploid subspecies (subspp. austriaca and olotensis) from different parts of the European distribution area, four enzyme systems with 23 alleles were studied. These data, together with previous morphological and karyological data, suggest that the distribution and variation pattern within the species was strongly influenced by the last glacial period and postglacial migrations. Cardamine amara subsp. pyrenaea is monomorphic for a unique allele, and subsp. balcanica has a unique allele, too which, however, is not fixed in all populations of the taxon. Both taxa seem to be relic ones, although otherwise subsp. balcanica in respect of allelic spectrum much resembles subsp. amara. The other two diploid subspecies, subsp. amara and subsp. opicii, are not characterised by presence of unique alleles but differ in allele frequencies. The two tetraploid subspecies have different evolutionary histories. C. amara subsp. austriaca seems to be an autopolyploid derivative of subsp. amara which colonised open space offered by retreating glaciers in the Eastern Alps. C. amara subsp. olotensis from the Iberian Peninsula represents most probably a polyploid of preglacial time. Received June 22, 2001; accepted May 17, 2002 Published online: September 13, 2002  相似文献   

In preparation for two major regional Flora accounts, Asclepias has been reassessed in tropical Africa. 38 species not assigned to the allied genera Aspidoglossum, Glossostelma, Gomphocarpus, Margaretta, Pachycarpus, Stathmostelma, Stenostelma or Xysmalobium are recognised in the region. Nine species and one subspecies are described for the first time. The inclusion of Trachycalymma again within Asclepias requires four new combinations. A further three new names or combinations are required for the transfer of Odontostelma welwitschii, Schizoglossum alpestre and Stathmostelma verdickii to Asclepias. Five names are lectotypified, and a neotype proposed for Gomphocarpus meliodorus. The conservation status of all species is assessed.  相似文献   

A genotypic analysis of 79 finger millet accessions (E. coracana subsp. coracana) from 11 African and five Asian countries, plus 14 wild E. coracana subsp. africana lines collected in Uganda and Kenya was conducted with 45 SSR markers distributed across the finger millet genome. Phylogenetic and population structure analyses showed that the E. coracana germplasm formed three largely distinct subpopulations, representing subsp. africana, subsp. coracana originating from Africa and subsp. coracana originating from Asia. A few lines showed admixture between the African and Asian cultivated germplasm pools and were the result of either targeted or accidental intercrossing. Evidence of gene flow was also seen between the African wild and cultivated subpopulations, indicating that hybridizations among subspecies occur naturally where both species are sympatric. The genotyping, combined with phylogenetic and population structure analyses proved to be very powerful in predicting the origin of breeding materials. The genotypic study was complemented by a phenotypic evaluation. The wild and cultivated accessions differed by a range of domestication-related characters, such as tiller number, plant height, peduncle length, seed color and grain yield. Significant differences in plant architecture and yield were also identified between the Asian and African subpopulations. The observed population structure within cultivated finger millet is consistent with the theory that, after the introduction of finger millet from Africa into India via the trade routes some 3000 years ago, the two germplasm pools remained largely isolated until recent times. The significantly lower diversity present within the Asian subpopulation also suggests that it arose from a relatively small number of founder plants.  相似文献   

Barred Long‐tailed Cuckoo (Cercococcyx montanus) currently comprises two morphologically distinct subspecies, one resident in the Albertine Rift (montanus) and one in east and southeast Africa (patulus) in which there are migrations that are poorly understood. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we find that two specimens collected in relatively low‐elevation forest in the Albertine Rift were correctly identified from plumage as the migratory subspecies whose closest known breeding area is > 800 km to the east. We discuss ways in which this unique migratory pattern could have evolved and argue that migration was gained and then lost in the C. montanus complex. Based on consistent morphological and genetic differences, we suggest that Barred Long‐tailed Cuckoo is best treated as two species, one of which (C. montanus) is a non‐migratory Albertine Rift endemic.  相似文献   

Sixty-two isolates from basidiocarps of Armillaria spp. were obtained from Hokkaido Island, northern Japan. Six species (Armillaria cepistipes, A. gallica, A. nabsnona, A. ostoyae, A. sinapina, and an undescribed species, “Nag. E”) were identified by pairing tests with known tester strains and one subspecies (Armillaria mellea subsp. nipponica, a non-heterothallic form of A. mellea) was identified by its macro- and micro-morphological characters of the basidiocarps. This is the first case of “Nag. E” being reported from Hokkaido Island.  相似文献   

A species-level review of the genus Clinopodium in Bolivia is presented. Characters used to distinguish taxa are discussed and evaluated with emphasis being given to nutlet characteristics for the first time. Nine species are described, seven from Bolivia, one of which, C. pilosum J. R. I. Wood is described as new. Bystropogon uniflorus Rusby ex Briq. is treated as subsp. uniflorum (Rusby ex Briq.) J. R. I. Wood of C. axillare (Rusby) Harley and its typification is discussed. Three subspecies of C. bolivianum are recognised, one of which subsp. diffusum J. R. I. Wood is described as new. Notes on salient characteristics of each taxon, on intermediate forms and on the distribution of each species are provided, as well as a key to species, maps and illustrations.  相似文献   

A new subspecies in sect. Jacea (Mill.) DC., Centaurea cassia Boiss. subsp. dumanii M. Dinç, A. Duran &; B. Bilgili subsp. nov., collected by the authors from South Anatolia, is described and illustrated. The new subspecies is restricted to Abies cilicica (Ant. &; Kotschy) Carr. subsp. cilicica forest above Göller Yaylas? (C6 Adana-Kozan). Diagnostic morphological characters from C. cassia subsp. cassia are discussed. The ecology, biogeography and conservation status of the new taxon are also presented.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic relationships among Otus scops owls from Socotra Island, the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa using molecular, vocalization and biometric data. The Socotra Scops Owl Otus senegalensis socotranus, currently treated as a subspecies of the African Scops Owl Otus senegalensis, is more closely related to the Oriental Scops Owl Otus sunia and to the endemic Seychelles Scops Owl Otus insularis. Considerable mitochondrial genetic distance and significant morphological differentiation from its two closest relatives, as well as its distinctive vocalizations compared with O. insularis, strongly support recognition of Socotra Scops Owl as a full species. Unexpectedly, two taxa from the Arabian Peninsula, Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei and African Scops Owl Otus senegalensis pamelae, represent very distinct lineages; O. brucei is basal to a clade that includes taxa found in the Indo‐Malayan region and on Indian Ocean islands. In contrast, O. s. pamelae occupies a well‐supported basal position within a clade of continental Afro‐Palaearctic taxa. The uncorrected‐p genetic distance between O. s. pamelae and its closest relatives (other populations of senegalensis from mainland Africa) is c. 4%. As O. s. pamelae is also well differentiated phylogenetically, morphologically and vocally from O. s. senegalensis, we recommend its elevation to species status, as Otus pamelae. Among mainland African O. senegalensis subspecies, Ethiopian populations appear to represent the most divergent lineage, whereas other lineages from Somalia, Kenya and South Africa are poorly differentiated. The large genetic distance between the Ethiopian haplotype and other African haplotypes (3.2%) suggests that the Ethiopian Otus may represent a cryptic taxon, and we recommend that more individuals be sampled to assess the taxonomic status of this population.  相似文献   

From the Caspian coastal region of Iran a new taxon,Sparganium erectum L. subsp.mazanderanicum Ponert, is described and illustrated. This new subspecies in some of its characters is near toSparganium erectum L. subsp.microcarpum (Neumann)Domin (with its east distribution trend); in other characters it is near toSparganium erectum L. subsp.neglectum (Beeby)Schinz etThell. (with ist south distribution trend). A comparative table of diacritical characters of these three subspecies is appended.  相似文献   

Strict sterility barriers where found between theScutellaria populations on Sicily and the Greek populations. The material from Samos is separated by a strict sterility barrier from the other Greek populations. In contrast, the populations on mainland Greece and adjacent islands are all ± interfertile. Three species are recognized,S. rubicunda Hornem., endemic to Sicily, andS. brevibracteata subsp.icarica, endemic to Samos and Ikaria. All other populations are referred toS. rupestris with eight subspecies, most of which are endemic to one island or to one mountain. Three new subspecies are described, viz. subsp.rechingeri and subsp.olympica, endemic to mt Vourinos and mt Olympus in North Greece, respectively, and subsp.caroli-henrici, native to the Malea peninsula of Peloponnisos. The phytogeographical connections and genetic differentiation within and between populations are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Parallel Evolution under Domestication and Phenotypic Differentiation of the Cultivated Subspecies of Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin, squash, gourd, Cucurbitaceae) is an ancient North American domesticate of considerable economic importance. Based on molecular genetic polymorphisms, two cultivated lineages of this species, each consisting of very many edible–fruited cultigens, have been recognized, C. pepo subsp. pepo and C. pepo subsp. texana. However, the phenotypic commonalities and differences between these two subspecies have not as yet been systematically collected and organized. Among the evolutionary developments common to the two subspecies are the increased size of the plant parts, less plant branching, and premature loss of chlorophyll in the exocarp of the fruits. In both subspecies, bush growth habit, conferred by allele Bu, is common to the cultigens grown for consumption of the immature fruits, as is the deviation from the 1:1 ratio of fruit length to fruit width. A major characteristic differentiating between the edible–fruited cultigens of the respective subspecies are the longitudinal protrusions, in subsp. pepo, versus depressions, in subsp. texana, of the fruit surface corresponding with the subsurface primary carpellary vein tracts. Subsp. pepo also has larger fruits and larger and longer seeds. In addition, some alleles affecting stem color, leaf mottling, multiple flower bud production, and fruit characteristics are frequently occurring to nearly fixed in one subspecies but are rare to less common in the other.  相似文献   

Salmonella is a major cause of food-borne disease, and Salmonella enterica subspecies I includes the most clinically relevant serotypes. Salmonella serotype determination is important for the disease etiology assessment and contamination source tracking. This task will be facilitated by the disclosure of Salmonella serotype sequence polymorphisms, here annotated in seven genes (sefA, safA, safC, bigA, invA, fimA, and phsB) from 139 S. enterica strains, of which 109 belonging to 44 serotypes of subsp. I. One hundred nineteen polymorphic sites were scored and associated to single serotypes or to serotype groups belonging to S. enterica subsp. I. A diagnostic tool was constructed based on the Ligation Detection Reaction—Universal Array (LDR-UA) for the detection of polymorphic sites uniquely associated to serotypes of primary interest (Salmonella Hadar, Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Gallinarum, Salmonella Virchow, and Salmonella Paratyphi B). The implementation of promiscuous probes allowed the diagnosis of ten further serotypes that could be associated to a unique hybridization pattern. Finally, the sensitivity and applicability of the tool was tested on target DNA dilutions and with controlled meat contamination, allowing the detection of one Salmonella CFU in 25 g of meat.  相似文献   

Primarily, 50 characters taken from herbarium specimens, cultivated plants, and whole populations ofPrimula veris L. were critically evaluated. Only 24 characters were found to be suitable for taxonomic use. The geographical and multivariate analysis of about 1000 herbarium specimens from the whole area lead to a reduction of the number of subspecies. Only a less restricted subsp.veris (incl. subsp.canescens, subsp.inflata and probably including subsp.macrocalyx) and subsp.columnae (incl. subsp.suaveolens) can be distinguished considering the variability of characters within an individuum, under different culture conditions, and during the growth period. The status of the taxon macrocalyx cannot be cleared presently.  相似文献   

Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), a multipurpose crop, is among the first domesticates of humans. This study analyses nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) of the two cultivated subspecies to improve our understanding on the African origin and the dispersal to Asia. A total of 146 nrDNA sequences representing 79 individuals from African cultivars and 67 individuals from Asian cultivars were compared; the resulting nrDNA sequences were composed of 35 and 16 haplotypes specific to Africa and Asia, respectively, and two additional haplotypes shared by both continents. When all the rDNA haplotypes were bulked, the genetic differentiation (F ST ) was significant between the subspecies (P?<?0.001), within Africa (P?<?0.001) and within Asia (P?<?0.05), and the nucleotide diversity was 2.5-fold higher in Africa. Sorting the haplotypes by classes of paralogs revealed more classes in Africa, and in classes where African and Asian cultivars were represented, the diversity was higher in Africa, in general. The 5.8S-coding regions showed two to four amino acid differences resulting to nine protein sequence variants, one of which encompassed all the Asian cultivars. The nucleotide diversity at that shared variant was 1.43-fold higher in Africa than in Asia. Analyses of phylogenetic networks revealed major shared haplotypes containing 23.91 % of the cultivars and having founder locations. We suggest that African cultivars reached Asia. The study tags for the first time nrDNA haplotypes capable of discriminating between and within the subspecies. Thirty single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and five insertion-deletions (Indels) derived from the haplotypes and registered in GenBank are provided.  相似文献   

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