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Summary The localization of the human genes for cytosolic and mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) has been determined by chromosomal in situ hybridization with specific human cDNA probes previously characterized in our laboratory. The cytosolic AspAT gene is localized on chromosome 10 at the interface of bands q241–q251. Mitochondrial AspAT is characterized by a multigene family located on chromosomes 12 (p131–p132), 16 (q21), and 1 (p32–p33 and q25–q31). Genomic DNA from ten blood donors was digested by ten restriction enzymes, and Southern blots were hybridized with the two specific probes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism was revealed in only one case for cytosolic AspAT, with PvuII, while no polymorphism for mitochondrial AspAT was found.  相似文献   

Group-specific component (GC), an alpha 2-globulin plasma protein synthesized primarily in the liver, is the major vitamin D-binding protein in plasma. It has two common phenotypes, GC1 and GC2, which appear in all human populations. Using the cDNA insert containing the entire coding sequence of GC2, the GC gene was mapped to human chromosomal bands 4q13----q21.1 by in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Exudation of maize roots was studied using a microdrop recorder. The high-resolution measurements of relatively short-term changes in exudation seems to be one of the most useful and unproblematic applications of the microdrop recorder. When mannitol, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and kinetin were supplied to the medium bathing, the surfaces of excised maize roots, a marked decrease in root exudation was observed. The action of fusicoccin and that of abscisic acid (ABA) showed a sharp and then a slower decline on root exudation, though, enhanced exudation was sustained over a much longer period, in comparison to that recorded for mannitol and polyethylene glycol. A decline in the volume of exudates is related to an increase in the water deficit, in coincidence to changes in the osmotic gradient between root cells and the bathing medium generated by expelling exudates.  相似文献   

Summary Maize DNAs isolated from wild type and from mutants caused by the insertion of transposable genetic element Ds at the gene encoding endosperm sucrose synthase (Sh) are compared in Southern blotting experiments by hybridization to Sh-cDNA cloned in pBR322. Differences observed between the DNAs of the wild type and the mutants indicate the presence of additional DNA at the Sh locus and/or DNA alterations that have occurred subsequent to the insertion of Ds. A double mutant exhibiting the recessive phenotype of both sh and the closely linked gene bz lacks DNA hybridizing to the probe and may be a deletion.  相似文献   

We describe the combination of hot banding with fluorescence in situ hybridization as a rapid and efficient method to identify integration sites of transfected DNA sequences in chromosomes. As a test system we used SW480 EJ2, a clonal cell line obtained after transfection of SW480 with pSV2neoEJ, a plasmid containing a point-mutated, c-Ha-RAS oncogene. Nick-translated probes were compared with random primed-labeled probes to evaluate their relative efficiency in fluorescence in situ hybridization. The fluorescence signals were quantified in interphase nuclei by confocal scanning laser microscopy. Nick-translated probes were found to yield better results. Hot banding followed by fluorescence in situ hybridization localized the integration site of pSV2neoEJ in SW480 EJ2 at the site of a translocation on a marker chromosome Xp+. The combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization and hot banding can be used to (a) rapidly and efficiently analyze integration sites in large numbers of transfectants, (b) assess the clonality of transfected cell lines, and (c) localize the site of integration of transfected genes in the recipient genome.  相似文献   

Summary A F1 hybrid of Petunia hybrida, heterozygous for at least one marker on each of the seven chromosomes, was transformed with a modified strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in which the phytohormone biosynthetic genes in the transferred DNA (T-DNA) were replaced with a NOS/NPTII/NOS chimeric gene and a wildtype nopaline synthase (NOS) gene. The chimeric gene, which confers kanamycin resistance, was used as selectable marker during the transformation process and the NOS gene was used as a scorable marker in the genetic studies. After plants had been regenerated from the transformed tissues, the transgenic plants that expressed both of these markers were backcrossed to the parental lines. The offspring were examined for the segregation of the NOS gene and the Petunia markers. Genetic mapping was thus accomplished in a single generation.By Southern hybridization analysis we confirmed the presence of the expected T-DNA fragments in the transformed plants. Four out of the six plants presented here, had just one monomeric T-DNA insertion. The sizes of the plant/T-DNA junction fragments suggest that the integration occurred in different sites of the Petunia genome. One transformant gave a more complicated hybridization pattern and possibly has two T-DNA inserts. Another transgenic plant was earlier reported (Fraley et al. 1985) to have two, possibly tandemly repeated T-DNAs.Data is presented on the genetic localization of the T-DNA inserts in six independently obtained transgenic plants. The T-DNA inserts in three plants were mapped to chromosome I. However, the distances between the NOS gene and the marker gene on this chromosome were significantly different. In another transgenic plant the NOS gene was coinherited with the marker on chromosome IV. Two other transgenic plants have the T-DNA insert on chromosome III. A three point cross enabled us to determine that both plants have the NOS gene distally located from the peroxidaseA (prxA) marker and both plants showed about 18% recombination. However, Southern hybridization analysis shows that the sizes of the plant/T-DNA junction fragments in these transgenic plants are different, thus suggesting that the integrations occurred in different sites.  相似文献   

Summary A cloned rabbit heart muscle myosin heavy-chain cDNA was hybridized in situ with human metaphase chromosomes. The probe was known to have sequence homology with human genomic heavy-chain DNA. Only one site in the human haploid karyotype was labeled with the cDNA, and this site was found on the short arm of chromosome 17. The localization of autoradiographic grains suggests a subregional assignment of the myosin heavy-chain locus to 17p 1,2-pter.  相似文献   

日本曲霉(Aspergillus japonicus)是土壤和谷物种子表面的一种常见真菌.研究结果表明,日本曲霉所产生的大量黑麦酮酸F(SAF)对玉米(Zea mays)有很强的化感作用,低浓度显著促进玉米幼苗生长,高浓度则抑制.在0.0375mmol·L-1SAF下,玉米幼苗根长增长31.7%,根数量增加13.2%,根活力提高4.73倍,并促进玉米对P、K、Ca、Mg、S等5种营养元素的吸收.高浓度SAF(0.3mmol·L-1)下玉米根活力受抑制(72.1%),根对N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe等营养元素的吸收也受抑制.0.6mmol·L-1的SAF下根完全失去活力.电镜观察表明,有SAF的情况下玉米叶绿体片层结构模糊、混乱,双层膜不完整.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨外源基因导入对玉米叶片物理性状的影响,为转基因玉米的安全性评价提供基础资料,也为转基因玉米的科学、有效利用提供依据。【方法】在扬州大学实验农牧场种植大北农转基因(转Cry Ab和epsps基因)和大北农(对照)、IE09S034转基因(转Cry IE基因)和IE09S034(对照)、808-双抗-12-5转基因(转Cry Ab/cry2Aj和Gloevo-epsps基因)和808瑞丰-1(对照)3对玉米品种,室内测定了不同时期(苗期、穂期和花粒期)各品种叶片的蜡质含量、叶绿素含量、茸毛密度、维管束埋深及Si、K、Ca、S、P和Cl含量。【结果】转基因玉米的叶片中蜡质含量、叶绿素含量和维管束埋深较对应的常规亲本品种大,而叶片茸毛密度则较对应的常规亲本品种小。其中,穗期的大北农、IE09S034和808-双抗-12-5转基因品种叶片蜡质含量分别较对照高17.95%、48.30%和39.31%;IE09S034和808-双抗-12-5转基因品种穗期叶片的维管束埋深分别较对照高13.70%和9.21%,花粒期分别高10.81%和14.47%;IE09S034和808-双抗-12-5转基因品种穗期叶片的叶绿素含量分别较对照高18.11%和13.13%,花粒期分别高16.62%和14.61%;大北农、IE09S034和808-双抗-12-5转基因品种花粒期叶片茸毛密度分别较对照低17.70%、17.43%和17.78%。3个品种的转基因玉米叶表面元素含量均大于相应的对照。其中,与常规亲本相比,穗期大北农转基因品种叶片中Ca和S含量分别高64.71%和61.18%,IE09S034转基因品种叶片中Si、Ca、S、P和Cl含量分别高110.26%、16.67%、44.44%、46.32%和20.00%,808-双抗-12-5转基因品种叶片中Si、Ca、S和P含量分别高34.78%、50.52%、115.47%和20.41%。【结论】外源基因的导入会诱导玉米叶片相关物理性状的改变。  相似文献   

A near full-length cDNA (1.9 kb) was used as probe forin situ hybridization to assign one of the two highly homologous 4-coumarate: CoA ligase genes in parsley (Petroselinum crispum) to the short arm of a submetacentric chromosome. The results suggest, but do not definitely prove, that the second gene is located on a metacentric chromosome and is thus unlinked from the other.Abbreviations CHS chalcone synthase - 4CL 4-coumarate:CoA ligase - Kb kilobases (kilobasepairs)  相似文献   

Four recombinant DNA clones (H1, H7, H12, and H15) carrying low-repetitive human DNA were previously isolated from a human genomic library based on their specificity for chromosome 21 and were studied for their distribution as determined by in situ hybridization. Clone H7 hybridized to the satellite regions of chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22 as well as to the centromere region of chromosome 1. Clone H12 hybridized strongly to chromosomes 11 and 17 and the centromere of the X. Clones H1 and H15 had a very widespread distribution throughout the genome. Clone H15 hybridized significantly more to the short arm of chromosome 18 than to any other chromosomal segment. Clone H1 hybridized strongly to the centromere of chromosome 19 and also showed random distribution on all the other human chromosomes. We conclude that these probes appear to represent four repetitive families that demonstrate in situ hybridization patterns that do not correspond with those of any other repetitive family. Further, the in situ hybridization patterns do not show the strong chromosome 21 specificity originally defined by Southern blot analysis. The nature and chromosomal localization of these repetitive families should be useful in regional mapping and evolutionary studies and give additional insight into chromosomal organization.  相似文献   

The Sau3A DNA family consists of unique alphoid human repetitive DNA which is prone to be excised from the chromosomes and exhibits restriction fragment length polymorphism. We studied the chromosomal localization of the DNA by in situ hybridization using cultured normal human lymphocytes. Under standard hybridization conditions, the sequence hybridized with the centromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19 and X, but under high stringency hybridization conditions, it hybridized with the centromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 17 and X, and particularly chromosome 11. Based on these results, we discuss the evolutionary relationship among the sequences of the Sau3A DNA family.  相似文献   

Diprion pini belongs to a small family of sawflies with n = 7 as the modal chromosome number. This species has 14 acrocentric chromosomes and one carries a satellite. In situ hybridization to mitotic chromosomes of a Drosophila rDNA probe was carried out according to two protocols. The biotinylated probe was detected with peroxidase-conjugated extravidin and diaminobenzidine or with fluorescein-conjugated extravidin (FISH). These two techniques showed that only one chromosome per haploid complement responds to the probe used. The centric fission hypothesis is consequently more likely than polyploidization in order to explain the chromosome number doubling in D. pini. The sites of probe hybridization are located on the satellite and its carrier short arm, which are heterochromatin-rich. The propensity of rDNA and heterochromatin for self duplication and accretion most likely created the satellite and the short arms. This process is also known to be one of the mechanisms by which extra segments may arise.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of plants from mechanically isolated microspores of corn (Zea mays). Large populations of corn microspores were isolated using technology previously developed for rapeseed. Embryos and callus were developed from microspores in the late uninucleate stage. Scutellar-type embryos developed after two weeks and these could be transferred and germinated on a hormone free medium. However, the large majority of plants recovered from embryos developed only upon transfer to a corn embryogenic callus medium. These embryos produced shoots through organogenesis, and subsequently could be induced to form roots. Plants were developed from these colonies and grown in the greenhouse. The frequency of mature plants developed from the embryos was approximately 5 %. Non embryogenic callus which developed from some microspores have thus far either failed to develop or have developed only roots. Seed set has been obtained on some of the regenerated plants.  相似文献   

Our group has developed more than 600 DNA markers to build a map of the canine genome. Of these markers, 125 correspond to genes (anchor loci). Here we report the first six autosomal genes assigned to canine chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), using cosmid DNA: adenine phosphoribosyl transferase on Chromosome (Chr) 3; creatine kinase muscle type on Chr 4; pyruvate kinase liver and red blood cell type on Chr 2; and colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor, glucose transporter protein-2, and tumor protein p53 on Chr 5. These assignments are based on the karytotype proposed by Stone and associates (Genome 34, 407, 1991) using high-resolution techniques. In addition, we have assigned the Menkes gene to the X Chr of the dog. Received: 18 August 1995 / Accepted: 17 November 1995  相似文献   

Summary A species-specific, dispersed repetitive DNA sequence was cloned from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and used in dot blots and in situ hybridizations to analyze asymmetric somatic hybrids of N. tabacum(+)kanamycin-resistant N. plumbaginifolia. Dot blot hybridization data, using the cloned, species-specific repetitive DNA as a probe, showed that some of the hybrids contain only 1%–5% N. plumbaginifolia DNA, whereas others contain 15%–25%. In situ hybridization of the probe to chromosome spreads showed that the extremely asymmetric hybrids retain a single N. plumbaginifolia chromosome; the hybrids with higher dot blot values were found to have 8 to 12 N. plumbaginifolia chromosomes and chromosome fragments. In situ hybridization also revealed translocations between N. plumbaginifolia and N. tabacum chromosomes in 3 of 8 hybrids studied. RFLP analysis using a 5S gene probe showed the presence of N. plumbaginifolia-specific 5S banding patterns in most hybrids examined, including those that retain only a single N. plumbaginifolia chromosome.  相似文献   

In situ DNA/chromosome hybridization techniques were used to localize the cytoplasmic beta-actin gene in the chicken. Hybridization of a beta-actin cDNA probe to metaphase chromosome spreads indicated that sequences complementary to this probe are located on the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q) and one of chromosomes 9 through 12.  相似文献   

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