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The Menominee River, a boundary water between northeastern Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan, contains a sport fishery for lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, which is jointly managed by both states. Previous studies indicated that overfishing of this sturgeon population was occurring, and this investigation examined the impact of new angling regulations. The sturgeon population is fragmented into sections by hydroelectric dams. Stocks from the three main sections of the river were compared before and after implementation of the new angling regulations. Records of the legal harvest of lake sturgeon from each river section were obtained through a registration system, which has been in effect since 1983, and estimates of exploitation were derived from these data. Overfishing of lake sturgeon stocks in two of the three sections of the Menominee River is still occurring. Management recommendations are made which would allow for a continued fishery by providing further protection to the stocks.  相似文献   

Catches for the last 25 years are analyzed for beluga Huso huso, stellate sturgeon A. stellatus and Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, which are the three commercially important species of sturgeons found in the Caspian Sea Basin. Population sizes for generations born between 1961 and 1970 are estimated, and found to depend on natural reproduction and the number of young fish stocked annually from sturgeon hatcheries located in the Volga River Delta. A ban on sea fishing from 1962 to 1991 positively impacted the number and total biomass of commercial stocks. Sturgeon growth rates depend on water levels in the Caspian Sea. In order to preserve Caspian Sea sturgeon populations, it will be necessary to coordinate efforts of all countries surrounding the Caspian Sea to achieve rational harvests, preserve juveniles, and produce at least 100 million juveniles annually from hatcheries.  相似文献   

Understanding the drift dynamics of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) early life intervals is critical to evaluating damming effects on sturgeons. However, studying dispersal behavior is difficult in rivers. In stream tanks, we studied the effect of velocity on dispersal and holding ability, estimated swimming height, and used the data to estimate drift distance of pallid sturgeon. Dispersal was by days 0–10 embryos until fish developed into larvae on day 11 after 200 CTU (daily cumulative temperature units). Embryos in tanks with a mean channel velocity of 30.1 cm s−1 and a side eddy could not hold position in the eddy, so current controlled dispersal. Late embryos (days 6–10 fish) dispersed more passes per hour than early embryos (days 0–5 fish) and held position in side eddies when channel velocities were 17.3 cm s−1 or 21.1 cm s−1. Day and night swim‐up and drift by embryos is an effective adaptation to disperse fish in channel flow and return fish from side eddies to the channel. Early embryos swam <0.50 cm above the bottom and late embryos swam higher (mean, 90 cm). A passive drift model using a near bottom velocity of 32 cm s−1 predicted that embryos dispersing for 11 days in channel flow would travel 304 km. Embryos spawned at Fort Peck Dam, Missouri River, must stop dispersal in <330 km or enter Lake Sakakawea, where survival is likely poor. The model suggests there may be a mismatch between embryo dispersal distance and location of suitable rearing habitat. This situation may be common for pallid sturgeon in dammed rivers.  相似文献   

We observed Suwannee River Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the laboratory and found free embryos (first interval after hatching) hid under rocks and did not migrate. Thus, wild embryos should be at the spawning area. Larvae (first interval feeding exogenously) initiated a slow downstream migration, and some juveniles (interval with adult features) continued to migrate slowly for at least 5 months, e.g., a 1-step long larva-juvenile migration. No other population of sturgeon yet studied has this migration style. A conceptual model using this result suggests wild year-0 sturgeon have a variable downstream migration style with short-duration (short distance) migrants and long-duration (long distance) migrants. This migration style should widely disperse wild fish. The model is supported by field studies that found year-0 juveniles are widely dispersed in fresh water to river km 10. Thus, laboratory and field data agree that the entire freshwater reach of river downstream of spawning is nursery habitat. Foraging position of larvae and early juveniles was mostly on the bottom, but fish also spent hours holding position in the water column, an unusual feeding location for sturgeons. The holding position of fish above the bottom suggests benthic forage in the river is scarce and fish have evolved drift feeding. The unusual migration and foraging styles may be adaptations to rear in a river at the southern limit of the species range with poor rearing habitat (low abundance of benthic forage and high summer water temperatures). Suwannee River Gulf sturgeon and Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon, A. o. oxyrinchus, are similar for initiation of migration, early habitat preference, and diel migration. The two subspecies differ greatly for migration and foraging styles, which is likely related to major differences in the quality of rearing habitat. The differences between Atlantic sturgeon populations show the need for geographical studies to represent the behavior of an entire species.  相似文献   

Populations of six sturgeon species in the Danube River (beluga, Russian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, ship sturgeon and Atlantic sturgeon) have experienced severe decline during the last several decades, mostly due to the unsustainable fishery, river fragmentation and water pollution. Present lack of knowledge on basic sturgeon demography, life history and relative effects of different negative factors is further hindering implementation of efficient policy and management measures. In the present study, population viability analysis in a Vortex simulation model has been conducted in order to assess the state of the six Danube sturgeon species, their future risk of extinction and to determine the most suitable conservation and management measures. Population viability analysis has revealed a large sensitivity of the Danube sturgeon populations to changes in the natural mortality, fecundity, age at maturity and spawning frequency. It was also confirmed that the sturgeons are highly susceptible to even moderate levels of commercial fishery, and that their recovery is a multi-decadal affair. Stocking with adult individuals was shown to produce considerably greater effect on population persistence than stocking with juveniles, but the latter approach is probably still preferable since it avoids many inherent problems of aquaculture cultivation. This study represents the first population viability analysis of the Danube sturgeons.  相似文献   

The restoration of the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus in Lithuania started in 2011. Two rivers (Neris and ?ventoji) were chosen for reintroduction in the Nemunas river basin based on historical data and ecological conditions. Since 2011, more than 116 thousand of sturgeon juveniles have been stocked in Lithuania. In order to achieve successful population restoration, it is vital to evaluate the efficiency of performed artificial stocking. Analysis of post‐stocking survival, migration patterns, predation pressure, fisheries‐related mortality and possible aggregation zones are all important to understand the main threats and prepare possible mitigation measures necessary for population establishment during the initial phase of restoration. Therefore, conventional and radio tagging studies were performed during the initial restoration phase in Lithuania. Atlantic sturgeon downstream migration was divergent in summer and appeared to have no significant associations with fish size, river quality or hydrophysical parameters, but in autumn migration speed and even survival in small rivers seemed to depend on flow velocity and water discharge. The distribution of recaptured tagged juveniles coincided with dominant currents in the Curonian Lagoon and Baltic Sea. Some tagged specimens migrated long distances, with two sturgeons from Lithuania being caught in Estonian and Finnish territorial waters at up to 800 km from their release site. Tag recapture analysis and mortality rate of tagged fish clearly indicate that annual fisheries‐related mortality exceeds the required threshold of 5% for population establishment. High survival in rivers indicates that the main threat for a successful sturgeon reintroduction program is commercial fishing in the Curonian Lagoon and Baltic Sea coastal zone.  相似文献   

A method of estimating the population density of bream in Tjeukemeer (21.3 km2) using 16 690 introduced fish (fin-clipped and opercular tagged) is described. Gill nets of the winter fishery proved to be a more effective method of sampling the population for marked fish than fyke nets. The population density of bream (⋝25 cm) was estimated to be 180 000. There was no significant difference between the estimates derived from fin-clipped and opercular tagged fish. The growth rate of bream in Tjeukemeer (L=41 cm) is poor compared with that of bream in other waters, due to its high density and the scarcity of zoobenthos available to it.
The production of bream (I–XV) is estimated to be 34 kg ha−1 of which 25% is contributed by two (1959, 1963) strong year classes. Of a total biomass of 37.5 kg ha−1 available to the fishery in 1969 only 2.7 kg ha−l was removed as yield. The average P/B ratio for the population was low (0.39). It is concluded that a major flow of energy to bream is through zooplankton.  相似文献   

A substantial winter-spring sport fishery has developed along the 1.83 km heated discharge canal of a nuclear power plant. An estimated 3166 fishermen caught an estimated 11 090 fish, representing 18 species, during a creel survey conducted from January through June, 1972. Eighty-seven per cent of the canal fishermen were successful in catching one or more fish, and averaged 2.07 fish per rod-hour of effort. Fishermen averaged 1.08 fish per rod-hour and had a 61 % success rate at other areas in the vicinity of the plant from April through November, 1965–1969. There was a correlation between the water temperature of the canal and the number of fish caught per rod-hour of effort.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of ventrothalamic area of the diencephalon of the sturgeons was studied in four species of the sturgeons, the great sturgeon Huso huso L., the Kura sturgeon Acipenser guelden-staedtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, the Caspian sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudioventris Lov. using Nissl staining and Bilschowski impregnation techniques in Viktorov’s modification. The ventral thalamus of the sturgeons was found to include seven nuclei: ventromedial, ventrolateral, intermediate and ventral thalamic nuclei, thalamic eminence, and nuclei of ventral and medial optic tracts. The main attention was paid to comparative analysis of this area in the sturgeons and other actinopterygian fish. The structures common to all ray-finned fish or only to the lower teleosts and ganoids as well as characterizing only the sturgeons.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a gillnet survey in 2013 in Black Lake, Michigan, USA to evaluate the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) stocking programme that began in 2001. Objectives were to (i) estimate year‐class specific abundance of juvenile lake sturgeon in Black Lake; and (ii) determine year‐class specific survival of stocked year classes and determine whether year‐class‐specific first‐year survival was related to average size at the time of stocking. Deployed were 15 and 20 cm stretch mesh gillnets at 72 randomly selected sites in Black Lake over a 3‐week survey using a Schnabel multiple‐mark, multiple‐recapture estimator to determine overall abundance of stocked fish. Ages for captured fish were determined from fin ray cross sections and the presence of coded wire tags, and apportioned the overall abundance estimate of juveniles to year class using an age‐length key. Overall survival estimates were calculated by dividing the year‐class specific abundance estimates by the number of fish stocked that year. Also evaluated was the relationship between first‐year survival and average total length (TL) at time of stocking using logistic regression. Overall survival from stocking to 2013 ranged from 0.03 to 0.53. First‐year survival was positively associated with average TL at stocking, and ranged from 0.05 for fish stocked at 9 cm TL to 0.84 for fish stocked at 22 cm TL. Estimation of future cohort‐specific abundance based on size‐based expected survival allows managers to establish annual stocking targets that should lead to the achievement of long‐term population goals for adult abundance.  相似文献   

Working towards a future Rhine Sturgeon Action Plan the outmigration pathways of stocked juvenile European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L., 1758) were studied in the River Rhine in 2012 and 2015 using the NEDAP Trail system. A total of 87 sturgeon of 3 to 5 years old (n = 43 in 2012, n = 44 in 2015) were implanted with transponders and released in May and June in the river Rhine at the Dutch‐German border, approximately 160 km from the sea. In total three sturgeons (3%) were found dead on river banks within seven days after the release. Based upon their wounds these sturgeons were likely hit by ship‐propellers. Tracking results were obtained from 57 (66%) of the sturgeons, of which 39 (45%) indicated movement into the Port of Rotterdam. Here the sturgeons remained for an average of two weeks, which suggests they spent time to acclimatize to higher salinities before entering the North Sea. Of the 45 (52%) sturgeons that were confirmed to have entered the North Sea, ten (22%) were recaptured (mainly by shrimpers and gill‐nets) close to the Dutch coastline; nine were alive and were released. From the results we obtained the preferred outmigration pathways, movement speeds and an indication of impacting factors (i.e. ship propellers and bycatch). Bycatches provided also localisations information in the coastal area. A next step to complete this work would be to assess habitat selection in freshwater and downstream migration of young of the year (YOY sturgeons) in the Lower Rhine.  相似文献   

Data obtained during 1979–2005 on the natural reproduction of stellate sturgeon Acipenser stellatus and water level in the Volga River were analyzed. The relationship between the number of stellate sturgeon larvae migrating down the river, flow quantity during the summer period of low water and the number of spawners entering spawning grounds was shown. Fish productivity of spawning grounds located in the river channel in different zones of the Lower Volga was estimated. Recommendations are presented concerning the increase in the level of stellate sturgeon natural reproduction in the lower pool of the Volgograd hydrosystem.  相似文献   

Critical swimming speed (UCrit) is a standard test to measure sustained swimming capabilities of fish species, however, much of this research is focused on pelagic fish or popular game fish. Recently, more research is emerging on the swimming capabilities of sturgeons, mainly due to their conservation status. Substrate preference has been examined in sturgeons, however, few studies have investigated whether sturgeon would select for a particular substrate (smooth or pebble) when provided a choice under high-flow conditions, as irregular shaped bottom substrates may provide an energetic advantage. Critical swimming tests were performed in a linear flume to evaluate whether substrate (smooth, pebble, pebble on the left side of the flume/smooth on the right side of the flume, and pebble on the right side of the flume/smooth on the left side of the flume) would affect UCrit of juvenile shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), and if the sturgeon would select for a particular substrate at different speeds. All swimming experiments were video recorded and subsequently reviewed to determine the amount of time individual sturgeon spent in particular sections of the flume. Overall, there was no clear preference for a particular substrate and substrate configuration did not affect UCrit. These results may be attributed to small sample sizes, and the small pebble sizes used in relation to the sturgeon’s body size may not elicit an energetic advantage.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of hypothalamic area of diencephalon of the sturgeons was studied in serial sections by techniques of Nissl staining and Bielschowski impregnation in Viktorov’s modification. The hypothalamus was shown to be the most expanded area of diencephalon and forms its the most ventral part. The hypothalamic area of four studied sturgeons, the hausen, Huso huso L., Kura sturgeon, Acipenser guldenstaedtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, Caspian sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall. and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudioventris Lov. was found to have similar structure. Eleven nerve structures are identified and described in the hypothalamic area: dorsal, ventral, and caudal periventricular zones, rostral and dorsal hypothalamic nuclei, ventral and ventrolateral hypothalamic nuclei, diffuse and central nuclei of the inferior lobes, nucleus of the vascular sac, and mammillary nucleus. Peculiarities and common features of organization of four major parts of hypothalamus of the sturgeons are considered in comparison with those of other ray-finned fish. The performed analysis indicates a high level of development of hypothalamus of the sturgeons.  相似文献   

The Rogue River, Oregon represents one of three important spawning systems for green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in North America. In this paper we describe the spawning migration, spawning periodicity, and size at maturity for green sturgeon caught in the Rogue River during 2000–2004. Green sturgeon were caught by gill net or angling; 103 individuals were tagged with radio or sonic transmitters (externally or internally). Green sturgeon caught by gill net and angling ranged from 145 cm to 225 cm total length. Histological and visual examinations of gonad tissues indicated that most green sturgeon were spawning or post-spawning adults that entered the Rogue River to spawn. Ripe individuals were caught when water temperature was 10–18°C. Specimens carrying transmitters migrated 17–105 km up river; reaches consisting of likely spawning sites were identified based on sturgeon migratory behavior. Most green sturgeon remained in the Rogue River until late fall or early winter when flows increased, after which they returned to the ocean. Eight green sturgeon (males and females) returned to the Rogue River 2–4 years after leaving, entering the river during March, April, and May when water temperatures ranged from 9°C to 16°C. None of the 103-tagged individuals entered the Rogue River during successive years. There appear to be few known natural threats to adult green sturgeon in the Rogue River. However, our data suggest that a high percentage of adults that spawn in the Rogue River (particularly males) were susceptible to harvest by commercial, Tribal, and sport fisheries after leaving the system because they were not adequately protected by maximum size limits during the period of this study. The implications of maximum size limits (or lack of size limits) to green sturgeon are discussed, and recent actions taken by Oregon and Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissions to manage green sturgeon more conservatively are presented.  相似文献   

All six sturgeon species naturally occurring in the Danube River from the Black Sea (BS) to the upstream reaches in Germany today are under severe pressure and classified as either vulnerable, critically endangered or already extinct in the Danube River Basin (DRB). This sharp decline of populations is the result of two major drivers: habitat alteration and unsustainable harvest. The Danube River Basin can be divided in three functionally separated sections by its hydromorphology and character: The Lower Danube (LD) and BS, now also separated ecologically from the Middle Danube (MD) by two hydropower stations at the Iron Gate gorge, 800 km from the sea, currently restricting the remaining anadromous sturgeon species (A. gueldenstaedtii, A. stellatus, Huso huso) to the LD and BS also restraining migrations of potamodromous species. The Upper Danube (UD) is nowadays disconnected from the approx. 850 km long MD by Gab?ikovo Dam. The UD itself, as well as many tributaries along the Danube, are fragmented by numerous barriers, leaving no more than a total of 300 km free flowing river out of 700 km. Overharvest led to disappearance of most sturgeon species in the UD already in the Middle Ages, with populations in the MD following in the subsequent centuries. Today the potamodromous sterlet (A. ruthenus) still exists in small decreasing populations in the UD and MD basins, where its occurrence is supported by stocking. Most probably the potamodromous ship sturgeon (A. nudiventris) is extirpated in the whole basin. The Danube basin comprises 19 countries, being the most international river basin in the world, rendering coordinated conservation efforts a challenge. Strategic guidelines for the conservation of the Danube sturgeons are available in form of several action plans, but implementation remains insufficient as of yet. This paper attempts an analysis of the potential for sturgeon restoration in the UD and MD basin and highlights the need for concerted approaches when it comes to ex situ actions and reintroductions.  相似文献   

Species specificity of osmotic and ion regulation in five species of acipenserids connected in varying degrees with sea conditions is investigated. The objects of study were freshwater middle-Volga sterlet Acipenser ruthenus; Siberian sturgeon A. baerii, inhabiting the Lena River and migrating to the sea near the river mouth; and the following migratory acipenserids of the Volga-Caspian Basin (regular diadromous migrations): the Russian sturgeon A. gueldenstaedtii, the great sturgeon Huso huso, and the starred sturgeon A. stellatus. The study was carried out on immature specimens (of age 2+). The level of osmolarity and concentrations of cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) were determined in blood serum, urine, and liquid from the cavity of spiral valve in fish from the fresh water (control) and after their adaptation (period of seven to ten days) to sea water with salinity 12.5–12.7 and 18‰. The increase was found in the functional activity of the mechanism of osmotic and ion homeostasis in sturgeons according to the increase of the environmental salinity of a particular species. The freshwater sterlet adapted to the sea environment as osmoconformer. The other studied species were capable of maintaining a relative stability of osmolarity and ion concentration in blood serum at different levels while adapting to the sea environment; they changed from hyperosmotic (in fresh water) to hypoosmotic type of regulation. The kidney plays a more significant role in the removal of excessive Na+ in sturgeons than in bony fish. An increase in the sodium-reabsorption and magnesium-secretion functions of the kidney as well as the sodium-absorption function of the intestines was observed in sturgeons, relative to the increase of environmental salinity.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence and gonadal maturity of wild sturgeons, which are rarely caught off Hokkaido island in Japan. Based on their morphological features, combined with the data on their cell DNA content, 48 sturgeons were classified into three species and one hybrid. These were the kaluga, Huso dauricus; the Japanese (Sakhalin) sturgeon, Acipenser mikadoi (historically, this species has been considered conspecific with the American green sturgeon, A. medirostris); the Amur sturgeon, A. schrenckii; and the kaluga–Amur sturgeon hybrid; with a ratio of 36:10:1:1. All of them were caught in saline waters, rather than in the fresh-water of the river, although some of them were in saline waters in the mouth of the river. Most of them were smaller than adult size; however, early juvenile fish were not detected. Histological analysis of gonadal development revealed early stages of gametogenesis in the majority of the fish of both genders. These results indicate that several sturgeon species are still occurring in the coastal waters of northern Japan, at different stages of gonadal maturity. In contrast, the lack of reports of both mature and early juvenile sturgeon capture in the Hokkaido rivers may suggest that native spawning populations of Japanese sturgeon have become extinct in Japan.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare the possible locations, timing, and characteristics of potentially spawning shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus), and associated species during the spring of 2007–2015 in the 149‐km‐long lower Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA, a large, shallow, sand‐dominated Mississippi River tributary. A 5‐km index station of two pairs of rocky shoals surrounded by sandy areas was electrofished for shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker in a standardized fashion a total of 40 times from late March through mid‐June, the presumed spawning period. On one date in 2008 and two dates in 2012, all rocky shoals and adjacent sandy areas in the lowermost 149 km of the river were also electrofished for both species. Shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker appeared to spawn in the limited rocky areas of the river along with at least four other species: mooneye (Hiodon tergisus), quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus), smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), and shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum), usually at depths of 0.8–2.0 m and surface velocities of 0.4–1.0 m/s. However, apparently spawning shovelnose sturgeon were found only on mid‐channel cobble and coarse gravel shoals within a single 7‐km segment that included the 5‐km index station, whereas apparently spawning blue suckers were encountered on these same shoals but also more widely throughout the river on eroding bluff shorelines of bedrock and boulder and on artificial boulder wing dams and shoreline rip‐rap. Both species showed evidence of homing to the same mid‐channel shoal complexes across years. Blue sucker tended to concentrate on the shoals earlier in the spring than shovelnose sturgeon, usually from late April through mid‐May at water temperatures of 8.0–15.5°C along with quillback and shorthead redhorse. In comparison, shovelnose sturgeon usually concentrated on the shoals from mid‐May through early June at 13.5–21.8°C along with mooneye and smallmouth buffalo. Based on recaptures of tagged fish, at least some shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker returned to the shoals at one‐year intervals, although there was evidence that female blue sucker may have been more likely to return at two‐year intervals. Most shovelnose sturgeon could not be reliably sexed based on external characteristics. Spawning shovelnose sturgeon ranged from 487 to 788 mm fork length, 500–2400 g weight, and 5–20 years of age, whereas spawning blue sucker ranged from 495 to 822 mm total length, 900–5100 g weight, and 5–34 years of age, although age estimates were uncertain. Females were significantly larger than males for both species although there was overlap. Growth in length was negligible for tagged and recaptured presumably spawning shovelnose sturgeon and low (3.5 mm/y) for blue sucker, suggesting that nearly all growth may have occurred prior to maturity and that fish may have matured at a wide range of sizes.  相似文献   

Sturgeon abundance and distribution in the Caspian Sea.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number of sturgeons and their distribution on feeding grounds in the Caspian Sea were assessed. Data were collected between 1991 and 1996 on environmental factors, species composition, and population sizes in the Northern, Middle and Southern Caspian Sea except for Iranian waters. The results show a drastic decline of the sturgeon populations on the feeding grounds at sea. In order to preserve the Caspian Sea sturgeon populations, efforts of all States surrounding the Caspian Sea must be increased and harmonised to serve a single system of fishery management, stock conservation and enhancement measures based on natural reproduction and artificial propagation.  相似文献   

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