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Summary In the presence of protein, Hansenula polymorpha cultivation medium exhibits a maximum volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa, as function of the employed antifoam agents (soy oil and Desmophen 3600). With diminishing superficial gas velocity this maximum disappeas.Symbols EG Relative gas holdup - kLa Volumetric mass transfer coefficient (s–1) - wSL Superficial liquid velocity (cm s–1) - wSG Superficial gas velocity (cm s–1)  相似文献   

Summary The anaerobic growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with six different mono- and disaccharides as energy source was investigated calorimetrically. With mixtures of monosaccharides and disaccharides or disaccharides with each other, biphasic thermograms were obtained. The diauxic growth is discussed in view of constitutive and inducible transport systems and degradation enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Microcalorimetric experiments on growth ofSaccharomyces under oxygen and nitrogen pressure between 0 and 10 kp/cm2 are described. Within this range there are no alterations of the metabolism by the pressureper se but increased cell volume and a pronounced number of cells are observed. With nitrogen the enthalpy change amounts to a value of 130 cal/g glucose invariable with pressure. For oxygen a maximum heat evolution of 650 cal/g glucose is found in stirred cultures at the minimum pressure of almost 0 kp/cm2. With rising O2 pressure one observes a strong repression of heat flux which drops to a minimum value at 2 kp/cm2. This repression is overcome by substrate concentrations less than 2 mg/ml. In unstirred cultures exposed to oxygen pressure the growth is determined by the geometrical and temporal distribution of cells and oxygen in the vessels. The calorimetric data are discussed in view of the mean volume and the dry weight of the cells.Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Stein zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary The heat evolution of aerobic batch cultures of growing yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in glucose media was investigated by a combination of a flow-microcalorimeter with a fermentor vessel. The course of heat production, cell production and the rate of oxygen consumption were qualitatively the same for all glucose concentrations between 10 mM and 100 mM. Under optimal aerobic conditions a triphasic growth was observed due to the fermentation of glucose to ethanol, respiration of ethanol to CO2 and acetate, and respiration of acetate to C02. Energy and carbon were found to be in balance for all glucose concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary Microcalorimetric experiments on growth and maintenance metabolism ofSaccharomyces strains ranging from haploid to hexaploid are described. During growth, the mean dry weight, the mean volume and the maximum heat flux of the cells are nearly linear functions of ploidy. These parameters are correlated with the cell concentration in such a manner that the weight-specific heat production and the grown biomass are independent of ploidy. For the metabolism of maintenance, two levels of the specific heat flux are found, the lower of which is occupied by the haploids, diploids and triploids. The higher polyploids exhibit the higher level.  相似文献   

In synchronized continuous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 8066, the production of the extracellular invertase (EC showed a cyclic behavior that coincided with the budding cycle. The invertase activity increased during bud development and ceased at bud maturation and cell scission. The cyclic changes in invertase production resulted in cyclic changes in amounts of invertase localized in the cell wall. However, the amount of enzyme invertase present in the culture liquid remained constant throughout the budding cycle. Also, in asynchronous continuous cultures of S. cerevisiae, the production and localization of invertase showed significant fluctuation. The overall invertase production in an asynchronous culture was two to three times higher than in synchronous cultures. This could be due to more-severe invertase-repressive conditions in a synchronous chemostat culture. Both the intracellular glucose-6-phosphate concentration and residual glucose concentration were significantly higher in synchronous chemostat cultures than in asynchronous chemostat cultures. In the asynchronous and synchronous continuous cultures of S. cerevisiae, about 40% of the invertase was released into the culture liquid; it has generally been believed that S. cerevisiae releases only about 5% of its invertase. In contrast to invertase production and localization in the chemostat cultures of S. cerevisiae, no significant changes in inulinase (EC production and localization were observed in chemostat cultures of Kluyveromyces maxianus CBS 6556. In cultures of K. marxianus about 50% of the inulinase was present in the culture liquid.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that cyclic AMP is engaged in the regulation of a bistability in the glucose and energy metabolism of NH3-limited chemostat cultures of Escherichia coli ML 30. Cyclic AMP probably reverses the repression of the citric acid cycle by glucose favouring the state of glycogen and energy overproduction.  相似文献   

The influence of the composition of methanol/glucose-mixtures as only sources of carbon and energy on growth and regulation of the synthesis of enzymes involved in methanol-dissimilation was studied under chemostat conditions at a fixed dilution rate with the methylotrophic yeasts Hansenula polymorpha and Kloeckera sp. 2201. Both carbon sources were found to be utilized completely independently of the composition of the C1/C6 mixture. Using mixtures of 14C-labelled methanol and glucose the growth yield for glucose was found to be constant for all C1/C6-mixtures tested and both yeasts. The growth yield for methanol, however, was reduced by up to 25% when the proportion of methanol in the inflowing medium was lower than 20% (w/w with respect to glucose) for H. polymorpha and 50% (w/w with respect to glucose) for Kloeckera sp. 2201 respectively. During growth with C1/C6-mixtures containing higher C1-proportions of methanol regular growth yields for methanol were recorded which corresponded to the growth yields found with methanol as the only carbon source.The regulation of the synthesis of the enzymes of the dissimilatory pathway for methanol was found to be under multiple control. Although glucose was present in the medium methanol had a positive effect on the synthesis of these enzymes. Thus, in addition to derepression induction by methanol was also observed. This inductive effect was found to increase with increasing proportions of methanol in the mixture. Depending on the enzyme, 10–40% methanol in the mixture resulted in a maximal induction with enzyme specific activities equal to those found in cells grown with methanol as the only carbon source. No further enhancements in enzyme specific activities were observed during growth on mixtures containing more than 40% methanol.Abbreviations and terms C1 Methanol - C6 glucose - C1/C6 mixture compositions are given in % (w/w) - C0 concentration of 14C in the inflowing medium (DPM ml-1) - C(t) concentration of 14C incorporated in cells as a function of time t (DPM ml-1) - d dilution rate (h-1) - DPM disintegrations per minute - q s q C1 and q C6 are specific rates of consumption of substrate, methanol and glucose respectively [g (g cell dry weight)-1 h-1] - q O2 and q CO2 are the specific rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide release [mmol (g cell dry weight)-1 h-1] - RQ respiration quotient (q CO2 q O2 -1) - s C1 and s C6 are the residual concentrations of methanol and glucose in the culture liquid (g l-1) - s O/C1 and s O/C6 are the concentrations of methanol and glucose in the inflowing medium (g l-1) - Sp.A. enzyme specific activity - x cell dry weight concentration (g l-1) - Y X/C1 and Y X/C6 are growth yields on methanol and glucose respectively (g cell dry weight (g substrate)-1 - Y C/C1 growth yield with methanol with respect to carbon (g carbon assimilated (g carbon supplied)-1 - m maximum specific growth rate (h-1)  相似文献   

In synchronized continuous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 8066, the production of the extracellular invertase (EC showed a cyclic behavior that coincided with the budding cycle. The invertase activity increased during bud development and ceased at bud maturation and cell scission. The cyclic changes in invertase production resulted in cyclic changes in amounts of invertase localized in the cell wall. However, the amount of enzyme invertase present in the culture liquid remained constant throughout the budding cycle. Also, in asynchronous continuous cultures of S. cerevisiae, the production and localization of invertase showed significant fluctuation. The overall invertase production in an asynchronous culture was two to three times higher than in synchronous cultures. This could be due to more-severe invertase-repressive conditions in a synchronous chemostat culture. Both the intracellular glucose-6-phosphate concentration and residual glucose concentration were significantly higher in synchronous chemostat cultures than in asynchronous chemostat cultures. In the asynchronous and synchronous continuous cultures of S. cerevisiae, about 40% of the invertase was released into the culture liquid; it has generally been believed that S. cerevisiae releases only about 5% of its invertase. In contrast to invertase production and localization in the chemostat cultures of S. cerevisiae, no significant changes in inulinase (EC production and localization were observed in chemostat cultures of Kluyveromyces maxianus CBS 6556. In cultures of K. marxianus about 50% of the inulinase was present in the culture liquid.  相似文献   

Aerobic chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were performed under carbon-, nitrogen-, and dual carbon- and nitrogen-limiting conditions. The glucose concentration was kept constant, whereas the ammonium concentration was varied among different experiments and different dilution rates. It was found that both glucose and ammonium were consumed at the maximal possible rate, i.e., the feed rate, over a range of medium C/N ratios and dilution rates. To a small extent, this was due to a changing biomass composition, but much more important was the ability of uncoupling between anabolic biomass formation and catabolic energy substrate consumption. When ammonium started to limit the amount of biomass formed and hence the anabolic flow of glucose, this was totally or at least partly compensated for by an increased catabolic glucose consumption. The primary response when glucose was present in excess of the minimum requirements for biomass production was an increased rate of respiration. The calculated specific oxygen consumption rate, at D = 0.07 h-1, was more than doubled when an additional nitrogen limitation was imposed on the cells compared with that during single glucose limitation. However, the maximum respiratory capacity decreased with decreasing nitrogen concentration. The saturation level of the specific oxygen consumption rate decreased from 5.5 to 6.0 mmol/g/h under single glucose limitation to about 4.0 mmol/g/h at the lowest nitrogen concentration tested. The combined result of this was that the critical dilution rate, i.e., onset of fermentation, was as low as 0.10 h-1 during growth in a medium with a low nitrogen concentration compared with 0.20 h-1 obtained under single glucose limitation.  相似文献   

The effects of the glucose supply on growth and metabolism of an SP2/0 derived recombinant myeloma cell line were studied in chemostat culture during growth on IMDM medium at a fixed dilution rate of 0.032 h?1. Lowering of the feed medium glucose concentration from 25.0 to 1.4 mmol/L resulted in a decrease of steady-state viable cell concentration from 1.9 × 109 L?1, whereas viability remained above 90%. Mass balances indicated that only a minor amount of glucose was utilized via the TCA cycle irrespective of the glucose concentration in the feed medium. The apparent biosynthetic yield of cells from ATP was independent of the ratio between the specific glucose and glutamine consumption rate. It is concluded that the primary role of glucose is the provision of intermediates for anabolic reactions. In addition, glucose may play an indirect catabolic role in the process of glutaminolysis by providing the pyruvate for the transamination of glutamate to alanine and α-ketoglutarate. At low glucose concentrations in the feed medium, glutamine is probably the sole energy source for this myeloma in chemostat culture. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In potassium-limited chemostat cultures of Paracoccus denitrificans the maximum specific growth rate (µmax) was found to depend on the input potassium concentration: At 0.21mM µmax was 0.10–0.11 h-1; at 0.44 mM 0.15–0.16 h-1 and at 0.66 mM 0.20–0.21 h-1. The plots of the specific rates of oxygen-, succinate-and potassium consumption against gave straight lines. The intracellular potassium concentration was a linear function of and varied from 1% (0.13 M) at a value of 0.034 h-1 to 2.2% (0.29 M) at =0.26 h-1; the potassium concentration gradient and the potassium concentration in the culture fluid in the steady state were dependent on the input potassium concentration. The potassium concentration gradient varied from 8,900-1,200. At all values 20–25% of the total energy production was used for potassium transport. 350,100 and 30 ATP molecules were calculated to be required to maintain one potassium ion intracellular during 1 h at values of 0.034, 0.197 and 0.257 h-1 respectively. It is concluded that the amount of circulation of potassium is dependent on the potassium concentration gradient or on the potassium concentration in the culture in the steady state. The dependency of µmax on the input potassium concentration was explained by the assumption that at low input potassium concentrations the net uptake of potassium (influx-efflux) is not rapidly enough to maintain the high potassium gradient in the existing cells and to establish it in the newly formed cells. At high values and at high input potassium concentrations µmax is limited by the specific rate of oxygen consumption, which was found to be 11–12 mmol O2 g dry weight-1 h-1 at µmax for potassium-, succinate-and sulphate-limited chemostat cultures.  相似文献   

The mutual adjustment of glucose uptake and metabolism in the insect stage of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei was studied. T. brucei was preadapted in the chemostat to conditions in which either glucose or proline served as the major carbon and energy source. Cells were grown and adapted to either energy or non-energy limitation at a low dilution rate (0.5 day-1) or a high dilution rate (1 day-1). The cells were then used in short- to medium-term uptake experiments with D-[14C]glucose as a tracer. In time course experiments a steady state was reached after 15 min regardless of the preadaptation conditions. This steady-state level increased with increasing glucose availability during preadaptation. The rate of glucose uptake and the hexokinase activity were linearly correlated. In short-term 5- to 90-s) uptake experiments a high transport rate was measured with cultures grown in excess glucose, an intermediate rate was measured with proline-grown cultures, and a low rate was measured in organisms grown under glucose limitation. Glucose metabolism and proline metabolism did not affect each other during the 15-min incubations. Glucose uptake, as a function of the external glucose concentration, did not obey simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics but could be described by a two-step mechanism: (i) transport of glucose by facilitated diffusion and (ii) subsequent metabolism of glucose. The respective rates of the two steps were adjusted to each other. It is concluded that T. brucei is capable of adjusting the different metabolic processes in a way that gives maximum energy efficiency at the cost of short-term flexibility.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether central nitrogen metabolism may influence the triggering of ethanol fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CEN.PK122 grown in the presence of different N-sources (ammonia, glutamate, or glutamine) under conditions in which the carbon to nitrogen (C : N) ratio was varied. An exhaustive quantitative evaluation of yeast physiology and metabolic behavior through metabolic flux analysis (MFA) was undertaken. It is shown that ethanol fermentation is triggered at dilution rates, D (growth rate), significantly lower (D=0.070 and 0.074 h(-1) for glutamate and glutamine, respectively, and D=0.109 h(-1) for ammonia) under N- than C-limitation (approximately 0.18 h(-1) for all N-sources). A characteristic specific rate of glucose influx, q(Glc), for each N-source at Dc, i.e., just before the onset of respirofermentative metabolism, was determined (approximately 2.0, 1.5, and 2.5, for ammonia, glutamate, and glutamine, respectively). This q(Glc) was independent of the nutritional limitation though dependent on the nature of the N-source. The onset of fermentation occurs when this "threshold q(Glc)" is overcome. The saturation of respiratory activity appears not to be associated with the onset of fermentation since q(O(2)) continued to increase after Dc. It was remarkable that under respirofermentative conditions in C-limited chemostat cultures, the glucose consumed was almost completely fermented with biomass being synthesized from glutamate through gluconeogenesis. The results obtained show that the enzyme activities involved in central nitrogen metabolism do not appear to participate in the control of the overflow in carbon catabolism, which is driven toward ethanol production. The role of nitrogen metabolism in the onset of ethanol fermentation would rather be realized through its involvement in setting the anabolic fluxes directed to nitrogenous macromolecules. It seems that nitrogen-related anabolic fluxes would determine when the threshold glucose consumption rate is achieved after which ethanol fermentation is triggered.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Lin YH 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(14):1151-1154
Saccharomyces cerevisiae was grown in a chemostat under high glucose conditions (up to 300 g l–1). The results support the view that higher glucose feed favors higher ethanol production regardless of the existence of osmotic stress. A low glucose utilization and yield coefficient provides an opportunity to improve continuous fermentation performance in the fuel alcohol industry. The possibility exists of reusing yeast cells and subsequently lower operating costs, and by using an optimal glucose feeding concentration between 100 and 200 g l–1.  相似文献   

Heat production by leukemia cells Molt 4, growing in suspensions with 1 and 3 x 10(5) cells/ml for 4 days, was studied by microcalorimetry. Heat production rates were related to cell growth, glucose consumption, lactate production and cellular ATP-content. The results show that the time course of heat dissipation is dependent on initial cell number. However, observed thermal power maxima were fairly identical in all experiments. Heat production rates per cell were similar during the initial phase of the study independently of initial cell number, while higher cell densities resulted in significantly lower rate of heat production. Glycolytic conversion of glucose into lactate is nearly stoichiometric. Our results indicate a relationship between heat production and amounts of glucose and lactate in the medium. ATP concentration in cells decreased after 24 hours of culture.  相似文献   

This study addresses the relation between NADPH supply and penicillin synthesis, by comparing the flux through the oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP; the main source of cytosolic NADPH) in penicillin-G producing and non-producing chemostat cultures of Penicillium chrysogenum. The fluxes through the oxidative part of the PPP were determined using the recently introduced gluconate-tracer method. Significantly higher oxidative PPP fluxes were observed in penicillin-G producing chemostat cultures, indicating that penicillin production puts a major burden on the supply of cytosolic NADPH. To our knowledge this is the first time direct experimental proof is presented for the causal relationship between penicillin production and NADPH supply. Additional insight in the metabolism of P. chrysogenum was obtained by comparing the PPP fluxes from the gluconate-tracer experiment to oxidative PPP fluxes derived via metabolic flux analysis, using different assumptions for the stoichiometry of NADPH consumption and production.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratories investigated the use of methyl alpha-glucoside (alpha-MG), a glucose analog that shares a phosphotransferase system with glucose, to modulate glucose uptake and therefore reduce acetate accumulation. The results of that study showed a significant improvement in batch culture performance and a reduction in acetate excretion without any significant effect on the growth rate in complex medium. The current study investigates the effect of supplementing the culture medium with the glucose analog alpha-MG on the metabolic fluxes of Escherichia coli under anaerobic chemostat conditions at two different dilution rates. Anaerobic chemostat studies utilizing complex media supplemented with glucose or glucose and alpha-MG at dilution rates of 0.1 and 0.4 h(-1), were performed, and the metabolic fluxes were analyzed. It was found that the addition of the glucose analog alpha-MG has an effect on the specific production rate of various extracellular metabolites. This effect is slightly greater at the higher dilution rate of 0.4 h(-1). However, the glucose analog does not cause any major shift in the central metabolic patterns. It was further observed that alpha-MG supplementation does not result in the reduction in specific acetate synthesis rate in anaerobic chemostat cultures. These results emphasize the importance of testing different strategies for metabolic manipulation under the actual operating conditions.  相似文献   

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