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The ultrastructure of the central nervous system of four species of the Geocentrophoragroup (Prorhynchida, Lecithoepitheliata) has been studied with Geocentrophora waginias a model organism. This is the first ultrastructural study of the nervous system in flatworms of the endemic Geocentrophoragroup from Lake Baikal. The neurons are characterized by invaginations of the plasma membrane with extracellular material (ECM) extending deep into the neuronal cytoplasm. Two types of neuron are distinguished on the basis of the character of the cytoplasm and the content of neuronal vesicles. Several more vesicle types are observed in the nerve processes in the neuropile. The following kinds of neuronal release sites are distinguished: single synapses, shared synapses, nonsynaptic release sites characterized by omega profiles and neuromuscular contacts. Special features of the synapses in the species of Geocentrophoraare pronounced local thickenings of the presynaptic membrane connected to paramembraneous densities. The ECM-filled invaginations and the local presynaptic thickenings are features that distinguish the neurons of Geocentrophoraspp. from previously described turbellarian neurons.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the paired lateral ciliary pits in several endemic species of Geocentrophora from Lake Baikal and in one cosmopolitan species, G. baltica, has been compared and the possible functional significance is discussed. The pit is composed of two distinctive parts; the bottom of the pit is an extensive sensitive area, filled with uni-and biciliary sensory receptors with reduced rootlets and numerous neurotubules. The walls of the pit are formed by several large dark cells, characterized by a dark cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria, a large nucleus, intracellular canaliculi, basal infoldings of the cell membrane, glycogen granules and a varying number of cilia. A protruding, densely ciliated ridge occurs along the anterior wall of the pit. The cilia have a strengthened rootlet system and seem to provide a strong water current into the pit. Dark cell processes penetrate the basement membrane of the pit and come into the vicinity of large cells with a cytoplasm similar to that of the dark cells of the pit. These large cells in their turn come close to the terminal parts of the protonephridial canals, containing a weir. Smaller protonephridial capillaries without a weir seem to open directly into the pit lumen. The morphological data obtained suggest that the ciliary pit in not only a sensory structure, but plays a part in osmoregulation and ion exchange as well.  相似文献   

Two types of nerve cell could be distinguished ultrastructurally in the central nervous system of Geocentrophora baltica (Prorhynchida, Lecithoepitheliata). Both show invaginations in the plasma membrane, but they differ in the character of the cytoplasm (light or densely stained) and the distribution of the neuronal vesicles (evenly or in groups). Different kinds of vesicles and neuronal release sites are observed. Special features of the synapses are pronounced local thickenings of the presynaptic membrane connected to paramembranous densities. In G. baltica and five endemic Geocentrophora spp. from Lake Baikal six types of surface sensillum were observed at the epidermal surface: 1. those with a long thin rootlet; 2. a short, balloon-shaped cilium with an aberrant axoneme and a reduced rootlet; 3. a rootlet branching into many striated bundles; 4. a thick rootlet; 5. a reduced rootlet and numerous neurotubules;and 6. collared sensilla each with one cilium in a deep pit surrounded by a collar of 11 to 12 microvilli. The variable number of microvilli in the collared sensillum is considered plesiomorphic relative to the stable number of eight microvilli known in sensilla of the Prolecithophora, Proseriata, and Rhabdocoela. The ultrastructure of the collar sensillum indicates that the Lecithoepitheliata is only distantly related to the Prolecithophora and higher turbellarians.  相似文献   


The female gonad of two fresh-water prorhynchids, Geocentrophora baltica and Prorhynchus stagnalis, has been investigated by means of conventional electron microscopy and cytochemical techniques. Both species have an unpaired germovitellarium located under the gut; accessory cells surround the germovitellarium of G. baltica. The germovitellarium consists of a restricted germinative area where early differentiating oocytes and vitellocytes are randomly associated, and an extensive growth area with follicular organization. Each follicle consists of a single alecithal oocyte surrounded by numerous vitellocytes. The main features of oocyte differentiation are the accumulation of lipid droplets and the appearance of Golgi complexes and small bodies possibly representing secondary lysosomes. Vitellocytes show features typical of secretory cells, including well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and Golgi complexes which are involved in the production of type A and type B inclusions, hi both species, type A inclusions appear first, have a glycoprotein content, do not contain polyphenols, and become localized in the peripheral cytoplasm of mature vitellocytes; they have been interpreted as eggshell forming granules. Type B inclusions are larger, have a proteinaceous content with a different structure in the two species examined, and remain scattered in the cytoplasm of mature vitellocytes; they are considered to be yolk. The finding of eggshell forming granules without polyphenols in prorhynchids contrasts with the condition in most platyhelminths that have a sclerotized eggshell formed through a tanning process of polyphenolic substances. The small bodies in the oocytes and the eggshell granules in the vitellocytes of Lecithoepitheliata differ from those observed in prolecithophorans, which have oocyte and vitellocyte inclusions similar to those of the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   

Karyotypes and chromosomal polymorphism of sympatric sibling species Chironomus entis and Chironomus borokensis from Lake Kotokel were studied. Five inversion banding sequences were found in C. entis, including p’entA16, p’entB9, and p’entF6 that are new for the species; in C. borokensis, four inversion banding sequences were revealed, borA4 being new for the species. The level of chromosome polymorphism in C. entis and C. borokensis can be considered similar: 54.2 and 53.8% heterozygosity, 0.67 and 0.73 inversions per individual, respectively. The new data are compared with those on C. entis population from Lake Kotokel obtained in 1981 and those of C. borokensis from Lake Dukhovoe (Lake Baikal basin) obtained in 1983.  相似文献   

McGee  Catherine  Fairweather  Ian  Blackshaw  Rod P. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):15-24
The epidermis of the land planarian Arthioposthia triangulatawas examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Thisinvestigation revealed that the flatworm was covered entirely withcilia and was especially densely populated on the ventral surface.In all regions the epidermis consisted of a one-layered columnarepithelium resting on a prominent basement membrane, but lacking aterminal web. Various secretions were found in the epidermistogether with epidermal rhabdoids. Below the basement membraneother secretory material was visible and this included thecytoplasmic lamellated granules and adenal rhabdites. The basementmembrane consisted of fibrils with a beaded appearance and thesewere arranged parallel to the epidermal layer but did not displaycross-banding. The secretory cells above and below the basementmembrane were compared and their products characterized on thebasis of shape, size and location. Their possible function isdiscussed.  相似文献   

Summary The unpaired germarium of Dicrocoelium dendriticum contains many female germ cells at different stages of maturation and is enveloped by a fibrous basal lamina-like structure and a multilayered cytoplasmic sheath whose origins and functions are discussed. The maturation process of primary oocytes occurs completely within the prophase of the first meiotic division. It has been divided into three stages, as previously suggested for monogeneans. Stage I corresponds to oogonia and early oocytes which are located in the distal germinative area of the gonad. These cells are characterized by a high nucleo/cytoplasmic ratio and a poorly differentiated cytoplasm. Stage II corresponds to maturing oocytes grouped in the central area of the gonad and exhibiting long synaptonemal complexes and a prominent nucleolus. The main feature of cytoplasmic differentiation is the increase in the number of RER and Golgi complex which are involved in the production of small electron-dense granules. Stage III corresponds to mature oocytes located in the proximal area of the germarium near the origin of the oviduct. In this stage, the granules become regularly distributed in a monolayer in the peripheral ooplasm and make contact with the oolemma. They show a distinctive complex structure, are composed of proteins and glycoproteins and do not contain polyphenols. Their possible role as cortical granules is discussed in relation to chemical composition and previous studies on other Plathelminthes. Neither yolk globules nor glycogen are present in the oocytes.Abbreviations I oogonium and early oocyte - II growing oocyte - III mature oocyte - cg cortical granule - cs cytoplasmic sheath - db dense body - ecm extra cellular matrix - ER endoplasmic reticulum - fl fibrous extracellular layer - gc Golgi complex - m mitochondria - N nucleus - nu nucleolus - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - sc synaptonemal complex  相似文献   

The female gonad of Prorhynchus is heterocellular (neoophoran organization) and consists of an unpaired, elongate germovitellarium enveloped by a finely granular extracellular lamina. It is composed of a posterior germinative area where early oocytes are randomly associated with differentiating vitellocytes and a growth area with follicular organization. In each follicle a single oocyte is surrounded by a layer of vitellocytes. By electron microscopy, the oocytes showed features typical of non-vitellogenic germ cells; they had chromatoid bodies, annulate lamellae, lipid droplets and R.E.R. and Golgi complexes producing small granules with a multilamellar pattern. Vitellocytes showed features typical of secretory cells with the R.E.R. and Golgi complex developed to a great extent and involved in the production of type A and type B globules, respectively. We speculate that type A globules are shell-globules and type B globules are yolk. The structure, composition and role of vitellocyte globules of Prorhynchus are compared with those of homologous inclusions from other Platyhelminthes.Abbreviations A type A globule - B type B globule - ECL extracellular lamina - GC Golgi complex - L lipid - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - O oocyte - V vitellocyte  相似文献   

Lanfranchi  Alberto 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):227-233
In the prosobranch snail Littorina littorea (L., 1758) the ultrastructure of the prostate gland cells (pgc) in males and the altered glandular epithelium of the pallial oviduct of females in intersex stage 3 is compared. Regarding form, structure, organelles and secretory products the pgc in males are identical with the corresponding gland cells of the females. Consequently these results demonstrate that in females of intersex stage 3 the epithelium of the pallial oviduct, which originally consists of several (3) glandular parts, is transformed into a male prostate gland.  相似文献   

In the southern Lake Baikal area, in the region of the Khamar-Daban ridge, which borders the banks of Lake Baikal, there was found in abundant population the tick I. trianguliceps. Data on the ecology of the tick in this particular part of its distribution area and on its ecological links revealed by factor analysis of the tick's habitat of the first and second order by means of electronic computers are given.  相似文献   

The karyotype and morphology of the Palaearctic chironomid, Chironomus wulkeri Filinkova et Belyanina 1993, inhabiting the Baikal coast were studied. The banding patterns of chromosomal arms B, C, and D are presented for the first time. The karyotype and chromosome polymorphism of Ch. wulkeri from the Baikal population have no significant difference from those in northern Sweden and the Polar Ural populations. One heterozygous inversion in arm A was found in 38% of larvae. A comparative morphological analysis of 46 quantitative characters of larvae from Baikal region and the Polar Urals showed that they did not differ from each other. However, there are some differences in the width of the ventromental plates and height of the mentum.  相似文献   

The pharynx variabilis of Prorhynchus is strongly muscular, with a small pharyngeal fold and a thin surrounding sheath. There is one row of inner longitudinal musclcs, up to six rows of inner circular muscles, many radial muscles, one row of outer circular and one row of outer longitudinal muscles, with no sphincter muscle groups. Three kinds of secretion, produced in a cluster of gland cell bodies posterior to the pharynx, enter the pharynx wall. They travel anteriorly in ducts and two kinds unite in a common duct just prior to discharging into the anterior region of the pharynx lumen. The perikarya of lumen epithelial cells lie within the pharynx musculature and, at the anterior and posterior margins of the pharynx, external to the pharynx. Bundles of ciliated receptors are numerous at the anterior and posterior constrictions. Similarities in the ultrastructure of flame bulbs of Rhabdocoela and Lecithoepitheliata suggest a relationship between these groups. However, the usefulness of pharynx ultrastructure for platyhelminth phylogeny cannot be assessed until complete ultrastructural studies of various groups of Rhabdocoela have been made.  相似文献   

Mekhanikova  I. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1250-1262
Biology Bulletin - The list of endemic calcioliferous (carrying calceoli, the antennal sensory organs) amphipods is presented for Lake Baikal. It includes 47 species and subspecies (13% of the...  相似文献   

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