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Feeding data collected concurrently on bearded sakis (Chiropotes satanas) and red and green macaws (Ara chloroptera) on a large island in Guri, Venezuela provides preliminary evidence that these two seed predators have similar diets. Individuals of both species were equally capable of opening very hard, protected fruits. Of the seven fruit species used by macaws during the study period, four species were also ingested by sakis at the same stage of ripeness, two species were ingested at different stages of ripeness (macaws earlier than sakis), and one species was never observed to have been eaten by sakis. The second finding, that macaws ingest young seeds of the Anacardiaceae and Burseraceae families and the bearded sakis ingest only the ripe mesocarp of these species suggests that the most distinguishable difference in their diets might be a tolerance of toxins by the macaws that act as feeding deterrents for the monkeys. Although we did not document the location of local clay licks in eastern Venezuela, the use of clay licks by macaws in Peru (Munn, 1992) suggests that this activity (that is not practiced by the sakis) may be helpful in detoxifying or ameliorating the effects of ingesting chemically protected fruit. deceased.  相似文献   

Invasibility depends on the interaction of the introduced species with the abiotic and biotic factors of the recipient community. In particular, the biotic resistance posed by native herbivores has been claimed to be of great importance in controlling plant invasion. We investigated fruit and seed predation of two exotic Opuntia species within and between Mediterranean communities in order to determine how patterns of predation matched patterns of invasion. Predators were small mammals, presumably mice, which could consume more than 50% of the seeds produced. Predators could be equally effective in consuming fruit and single seeds. O. maxima fruits were slightly preferred to O. stricta fruits, but predators did not distinguish between seeds. Seed predation was more intense in invaded than in non-invaded communities. However, there was a high spatial variation in seed predation that did not always match patterns of invasion, suggesting that seed predation alone is not a good predictor of community invasibility to Opuntia. According to these results invasibility to Opuntia is limited in some (but not all) communities by native mice. Seed losses by predation were high for both species. However, we estimated that more than 75% of seeds dispersed by birds to non-invaded areas are not predated.  相似文献   

A combined field experiment and modelling approach has been used to provide evidence that ants may be responsible for an observed lower patchiness and higher plant diversity in the neighbourhood of ant nests, within Mediterranean dry grasslands belonging to the phytosociological class Tuberarietea guttatae. The hypothesis was that seeds occurring in clumps may have a higher probability to be harvested than seeds having a scattered distribution. In order to test this hypothesis, four analysis steps were performed. First, pattern of seed production and dispersal of four species was recorded; two of them were more abundant next to ant nests (Tuberaria guttata, Euphorbia exigua), whereas the other two were more abundant away from ant nests (Bromus scoparius and Plantago bellardi). Second, a stochastic model was developed to simulate the observed dispersal patterns of each studied species. Third, 10 seed spatial arrangements in accordance to the distribution patterns created by the model were offered to ants and the location of predated seeds was recorded. Finally, the observed pattern of seed predation was matched to models performed by different distributions of probability. Results showed that the probability of being predated decreased as distance among seeds increased. This preference of ants for high concentration of food items holds down the dominant species sufficiently to allow the subordinates to survive, thus increasing diversity near nests. The observed higher frequency of small-seeded, small-sized, or creeping therophytes close to the ant nests can be therefore seen as an example of indirect myrmecophily.  相似文献   

Fruit is an important food resource for neotropical primates. In this study I compare the fruit diet of sympatric brown howlers (Alouatta guariba) and southern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides). Feeding behavior was studied over 12 months and fruit species consumed were identified and assigned to the categories fruit type, fruit color, and seed size. Observed-fruit feeding records were compared with expected records determined from local availability of the fruit of the tree species. I also determined dietary overlap. Fruit consumption occupied 8 and 12% of the feeding time of A. guariba and B. arachnoides, respectively. Fruit from eight tree species were consumed by the former and fruit from twenty-two species by the latter. Patterns of fruit selection of A. guariba and B. arachnoides varied widely. Although howlers and muriquis converge behaviorally by selecting fruit with common attributes (fleshy/unprotected, violet and brown/black-colored), unlike A. guariba, B. arachnoides fed on immature seeds of fleshy/protected and dry fruit. Large seeds were ingested, and defecated intact, by B. arachnoides only. There was little overlap of fruit diet even within categories that had been selected by both, suggesting that dietary divergence is occurring at the interspecific level. Different resource exploitation probably mediates the coexistence of A. guariba and B. arachnoides in low diversity, semideciduous forests, where the environment imposes narrow limits on primate food choices.  相似文献   

The establishment of plants depends crucially on where seeds are deposited in the environment. Some authors suggest that in forest understory seed predation is lower than in gaps, and higher than at the forest edge. However, most studies have been carried out in large forest patches and very little is known about the effects of microhabitat conditions on seed predation in forest fragments. We evaluated the effects of three microhabitats (gaps, forest edge, and understory) on seed predation of two palm species (Euterpe edulis and Syagrus romanzoffiana) in two semi-deciduous forest fragments (230 and 2100 ha) in southeast Brazil. Our objective was to test two hypotheses: (1) Low rodent abundance in small fragments as a result of meso-predator action levels leads to lower seed predation in small fragments. (2) Most mammal species in small fragments are generalists with respect to diet and habitat, so that seed predation is similar in different microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the small fragment, but not in the larger one. The study community of small fragments is usually composed of generalist species (in diet and habitat aspects), so we expected the same rate of seed predation among microhabitats (gaps, forest edge and understory) in the tested smaller fragment. The experiment was carried out in the dry season (for E. edulis) and in the wet season (for S. romanzoffiana) in 1999. We conclude that post-dispersal seed predation in forest fragments can be directly connected with mammal communities, reflecting their historical and ecological aspects.  相似文献   

Seed predation by howler monkeys is poorly documented. Here we report the seed predation onCariniana estrellensis (Lecythidaceae) fruits by the black howler monkeyAlouatta caraya in south-east Brazil during an intense dry season. This observation suggests that even non-specialized seed predators such as howlers can use seeds in critical periods of dry season.  相似文献   

We combined laboratory and nursery experiments to analyse the effectiveness of sheep as endozoochorous seed dispersers of six native shrubby Cistaceae species collected in SE Spain (Helianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill., H. violaceum (Cav.) Pers., Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Grand., F. thymifolia (L.) Spach, Cistus monspeliensis L. and C. laurifolius L.), considering the main stages after seed ingestion, i.e. seed recovery, seed germination, seedling emergence and early seedling establishment. Seed recovery after gut passage was high (around 40%) for all the species, except F. thymifolia (12%). Most seeds (ca. 90%) were recovered within 48 h after ingestion for all the species, although seeds were still recovered up to 96 h after ingestion. Gut passage increased germination up to seven-fold compared to non-ingested seeds. Furthermore, seedling emergence from seeds contained in pellets was overall similar (intact pellets) to or higher (crumbled pellets) than emergence from seeds without dung. Survival of emerged seedlings and mass of seedlings after 20 days were not reduced by dung. Sheep act therefore as effective dispersers of these Cistaceae species by scattering seeds and promoting germination, while faeces do not hamper seedling establishment. We conclude that the interaction between herbivorous ungulates and these dry-fruited species may be considered a mutualism qualitatively similar to the mutualism between frugivorous vertebrates and fleshy-fruited plants.  相似文献   

Summary Vincetoxicum hirundinaria is a longlived perennial herb. Its pod production was measured during seven years in about 40 small isolated patches in two study areas in southeastern Sweden. Total pod production in the two areas varied synchronously and up to about 200 times between years. This variation was mainly due to drought conditions as determined by the interplay of weather (sunshine h) and site characteristics.Populations of a univoltine tephritid fly, euphranta connexa, whose larva feeds on V. hirundinaria seeds in the maturing pods, were monitored for five and seven years in the two study areas respectively. Larval fly populations in the two areas varied 30 and 50-fold between years, with highs in years when pods were abundant and lows when pods were scarce. The percentage of pods attacked by E. connexa, however, varied in the opposite direction, with very high attack rates (about 100%) when pods were scarce and low rates (down to 10–20%) when pods were common. Thus the temporal tracking of food resources by E. connexa was poor, resulting in yearly variations in the amount of unattacked pods (and seeds) being about 2,00-fold.Many host plant patches were small and totally without pods in some years, causing frequent local extinctions of E. connexa. Patches were, however, readily colonized in later years when pods appeared again. Low overall attack rates in certain years were thus only to a minor extent explainable by host plant patches being uncolonized by the fly. The efficient spatial tracking of resources by the fly population allows this population system to be analyzed largely in terms of its temporal dynamics.Although E. connexa populations often exploit only a minor part of their potential larval resources, the rate of population change was closely correlated with these resources expressed on a per capita basis. Natural enemies only have negligible effects on E. connexa population trends. In this population system the herbivore (seed predator) population is thus controlled by its food resources, but weather-imposed temporal variations in resource set are too large for the herbivore population to closely track its resource base. This temporal tracking inertia has important implications for the long-term production of healthy seeds.  相似文献   

A 2-year field study of the frugivorous diet of a howling monkey troop, in a tropical rain forest in French Guiana, shows that they disperse by endozoochory ≥95% of plant species from which they eat ripe fruit. Passage through the digestive tract of howlers does not significantly modify the germination success of most plant species samples. Their low digestion rate (X = 20 hr 40 min) is the ultimate cause of a bimodal defecation rhythm that results in the concentration of 60% of defecations being deposited under sleeping sites. The distance of seed dispersal can reach more than 550 m from parent trees,with a mean of 260 m. Although howling monkeys consume fruits differing in morphological characteristics, they are particularly able to disseminate seeds of species whose fruits have a hard and indehiscent external coat or large seeds or both. In French Guiana, they may be especially important dispersers of the Sapotaceae with fruits that simultaneously present both characteristics.  相似文献   

Key processes during recruitment of Quercus petraea and Corylus avellana were investigated in abandoned calcareous grasslands and adjacent scrub using the following methods: (1) observation of hoarding animals during the main period of ripening of acorns and hazel nuts, (2) exposition of seeds on the soil surface and in 5–6 cm depth to test differences in predation and germination, and (3) mapping of seedlings in the grasslands. European jays (Garrulus glandarius) and mice were the main disperser of seeds. Jays preferred acorns, whereas the rodents were less selective, but probably more important for dispersal of nuts. The maximum dispersal distance was about 10–20 m for mice and was estimated several hundred metres for jays. Mice collected hoards of several seeds in about 2 cm depth in the soil, whereas jays stored single seeds. Seed predation and probably hoarding by mice were highest under scrub and in unmown grassland, while jays preferred mown sites for hoarding. However, hiding of seeds in the soil reduced losses in all sites. Predation of nuts was slightly less intensive than that of acorns. Seeds of Corylus were more sensitive to desiccation than Quercus, but in both species germination was lower for seeds exposed on the soil surface and in drier sites. Quercus and Corylus were the most abundant woody species in the fallow grasslands, probably due to the effective multi-staged dispersal by jays and mice, whereas wind-dispersed and fleshy-fruited species were less common; the latter restricted to margins of adjacent scrubland. The study provides several examples for discordance in suitability of patches for seeds and seedlings due to different habitat requirements of successive developmental stages. This result emphasizes the need for studies in the multiple stages during recruitment of vertebrate-dispersed plants.  相似文献   

Summary Merkel-neurite complexes in tongues of Japanese and cynomolgus monkeys were examined by means of light and electron microscopy. Merkel-neurite complexes were found preferentially in the epithelium of fungiform papillae located at the tip of the tongue. It appears that the anterior fungiform papillae of the monkey are highly adapted for both taste and mechanical sensation.  相似文献   

We investigated the seed dispersal of glabrous filbert (Corylus heterophylla) and pilose filbert (Corylus mandshurica), two large-seeded shrub species in a temperate forest, northeast China, September 2006. Small mammals such as Apodemus speciosus, Clethrlonomys rufocanus, and Eutamias sibiricus, were regarded as the main dispersal agents. More seeds were harvested by small mammals in pilose filbert (98%) than in glabrous filbert (87.5%) till our last survey. Seed removal rates differed between the two species. Fewer seeds of glabrous filbert (17.5%) were eaten in situ than pilose filbert (57.5%). More seeds of glabrous filbert were removed (70%), stay intact after removal (25.5%), eaten after removal (16%) than pilose filbert. However, more seeds were cached after removal in pilose filbert than in glabrous filbert (10.5 and 4%, respectively). Fewer tagged seeds of pilose filberts (14%) were missed than glabrous filberts (24.5%). About 8 and 12 primary caches were found in glabrous filbert and pilose filbert seeds respectively, indicating scatter hoarding. All of the removed seeds were distributed within 10 m of seed stations for both filberts. The average dispersal distances for glabrous filbert did not differ from pilose filbert. Only a small proportion of the caches remained till our last survey (2 and 1%, respectively). Based on the results, we found a difference in dispersal patterns of glabrous filbert and pilose filbert seeds. Evidences showed that glabrous filberts might be a less preferred seed species for small seed-eating mammals compared with pilose filbert, probably due to its harder and thicker husk and low seed profitability.  相似文献   

From June through December, data were collected on the diet and ranging patterns of moustached (Saguinus mystax) and saddle-back (Saguinus fuscicollis) tamarin monkeys in the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru. During this 7-month period, insects and nonleguminous fruits accounted for 83% of tamarin feeding and foraging time. Despite marked seasonal variation in rainfall and forest productivity, patterns of habitat utilization, day range, dietary diversity, resource exploitation, and activity budget remained relatively stable throughout the year. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins appear to solve problems of food acquisition and exploit patchily distributed feeding sites using a relatively limited set of foraging patterns. In general, these primates concentrate their daily feeding efforts on several trees from a small number of target plant species. These feeding sites are uncommon, produce only a small amount of ripe fruit each day, and are characterized by a high degree of intraspecific fruiting and flowering synchrony. Trees of the same species are frequently visited in succession, and individual feeding sites are revisited several times over the course of 1–2 weeks. This type of foraging pattern occurred during both dry and wet seasons and when exploiting fruit, nectar, legume, and exudate resources. Seasonal variation in the percentage of feeding and foraging time devoted to insectivory was also limited. In this investigation, there was no consistent evidence that temporal changes in overall forest fruit production had a major impact on the feeding, foraging, or ranging behavior of either tamarin species.  相似文献   

The juice of unripe fruit from a wild species of tomato, Lycopersicon peruvianum (L.) Mill., LA 107, contains over 50% of its soluble proteins as the sum of two proteinase inhibitors. These are the highest levels of proteinase inhibitors and highest percentage of soluble proteins as proteinase inhibitors of any plant or animal tissue found to date. Fruit of the modern tomato, L. esculentum Mill., contains only negligible quantities of the two inhibitors. The two proteinase inhibitors in the fruit of L. peruvianum are members of the Inhibitor I and II families previously found in potato tubers and in leaves of wounded potato and tomato plants. The levels of the two inhibitors in the unripe fruit decrease significantly during ripening. Unripe fruit from other wild Lycopersicon species such as L. parviflorum Rick, Kesicki, Fobes et Holle, L. hirsutum Humb. et Bonpe., L. pimpinellifolium Mill., and other lines of L. peruvianum contain moderate levels of the inhibitors that also decrease during ripening. Another wild tomato species, L. pennellii Corr., is similar to L. esculentum in not containing the two proteinase inhibitors in either unripe or ripe fruit. The transient levels of the inhibitors in fruit of wild species indicate that they are present in unripe fruit as defensive chemicals against insects, birds or small mammals and their disappearance during ripening may render them edible to facilitate seed dispersal. High levels of mRNAs coding for Inhibitors I and II in unripe fruit of L. peruvianum, LA 107, indicate that strong promoters may regulate the developmentally expressed proteinase-inhibitor genes in tomato fruit that may have a substantial potential for use in genetic-engineering experiments to enhance the production of large quantities of proteinase inhibitors or other proteins in field tomatoes.Abbreviations poly(A)+ mRNA polyadenylated mRNA - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis Project 1791, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Center, Washington, State University  相似文献   

Erodium paularense is a threatened plant species that is subject to seed predation by the granivorous ant Messor capitatus. In this paper we assessed the intensity and pattern of ant seed predation and looked for possible adaptive strategies at the seed and plant levels to cope with this predation. Seed predation was estimated in 1997 and 1998 at the population level by comparing total seed production and ant consumption, assessed by counting seed hulls in refuse piles. According to this method, ant seed predation ranged between 18% and 28%. A more detailed and direct assessment conducted in 1997 raised this estimate to 43%. In this assessment spatial and temporal patterns of seed predation by ants were studied by mapping all nest entrances in the studied area and marking the mature fruits of 109 reproductive plants with a specific colour code throughout the seed dispersal period. Intact fruit coats were later recovered from the refuse piles, and their mother plants and time of dispersal were identified. Seeds dispersed at the end of the dispersal period had a greater probability of escaping from ant seed predation. Similarly, in plants with late dispersal a greater percentage of seeds escaped from ant predation. Optimum dispersal time coincided with the maximum activity of granivorous ants because, at this time, ants focused their harvest on other plant species of the community. It was also observed that within-individual seed dispersal asynchrony minimised seed predation. From a conservation perspective, results show that the granivorous ant–plant interaction cannot be assessed in isolation and that the intensity of its effects basically depends on the seed dispersal pattern of the other members of the plant community. Furthermore, this threat must be assessed by considering the overall situation of the target population. Thus, in E. paularense, the strong limitation of safe-sites for seedling establishment reduces the importance of seed predation.  相似文献   

We examined the ecological relevance of bird versus mammal dispersal syndromes in four species of Solanum, S. americanum Type A, S. americanum Type B, S. ptychanthum, and S. sarrachoides. These plants were selected because their morphological characteristics, such as fruit color, mass, and persistence, resembled those typically associated with classically-defined bird and mammal dispersal syndromes. We monitored persistence of tagged fruits, compared physical and chemical chaacteristics, performed fruit preference trials with northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus), deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), and American robins (Turdus migratorius), and assessed differences in use of olfactory cues by foraging deer mice. We predicted that principal components analysis of physical and chemical characteristics would place fruits of these species along a clear gradient from bird to mammal dispersal syndromes (S. americanum Type A, S. americanum Type B, S. ptychanthum, and S. sarrachoides). However, physical and chemical characteristics did not consistently follow the gradient. Also, contrary to expectations, both birds and mammals demonstrated a preference for S. americanum Types A and B, both bird fruits. Deer mice and bobwhite quail showed much less discrimination among fruit types than did American robins. While the relatively strong odor of the green-fruited S. sarrachoides suggested a mammalian attractant, deer mice discovered the relatively odorless S. americanum Type A significantly more quickly. We conclude that in Solanum, suites of morphological characteristics resembling bird and mammal dispersal syndromes are not good predictors of fruit choice by birds and mammals. We note, however, that this conclusion is based on a sample of three animal species. Alternative explanations for fruit character suites should be considered. For example, the adaptive significance for an association of green coloration of ripe fruit with impersistence (dropping when ripe), as in S. sarrachoides and some S. ptychanthum, may relate more to photosynthesis and carbon balance in detached fruits than to disperser attraction.  相似文献   

Euphorbia characias is a Mediterranean spurge with a diplochorous dispersal system: after a ballistic dispersal that scatters the seeds, some ant species find and retrieve the seeds to their nest (myrmecochorous dispersal). The seed dispersal curve generated by ants in an abandoned field was described and partitioned according to ant size and to the distance to nest entrance from where seeds fell after ballistic dispersal. Both variables (ant size, distance to nest) affected dispersal distance. The seed dispersal curve showed a peak at short distance (median=1m) and a tail extending to 9.4m. The peak and the tail are explained differently. Short distances are usually generated by small ants (Pheidole pallidula and Tapinoma nigerrimum; 0.56±0.41m [n=48]) both from the nearest or farther nest entrances. The tail of the curve is generated disproportionately by big ants (Aphaenogaster senilis and Messor barbarus; 2.09±1.71m [n=61]) from farther nests. Seeds have a much greater probability (P=0.734) of being transported to nests which are not the nearest. This effect is largely due to transportation by big ants.  相似文献   

For many plant species in eastern North America, short observed seed dispersal distances (ranging up to a few tens of meters) fail to explain rapid rates of invasion and migration. This discrepancy points to a substantial gap in our knowledge of the mechanisms by which seeds are dispersed long distances. We investigated the potential for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimm.), the dominant large herbivore in much of eastern North America, to disperse seeds via endozoochory. This is the first comprehensive study of seed dispersal by white-tailed deer, despite a vast body of research on other aspects of their ecology. More than 70 plant species germinated from deer feces collected over a 1-year period in central New York State, USA. Viable seeds included native and alien herbs, shrubs, and trees, including several invasive introduced species, from the full range of habitat types in the local flora. A mean of >30 seeds germinated per fecal pellet group, and seeds were dispersed during all months of the year. A wide variety of presumed dispersal modes were represented (endo- and exozoochory, wind, ballistic, ant, and unassisted). The majority were species with small-seeded fruits having no obvious adaptations for dispersal, underscoring the difficulty of inferring dispersal ability from diaspore morphology. Due to their broad diet, wide-ranging movements, and relatively long gut retention times, white-tailed deer have tremendous potential for effecting long-distance seed dispersal via ingestion and defecation. We conclude that white-tailed deer represent a significant and previously unappreciated vector of seed dispersal across the North American landscape, probably contributing an important long-distance component to the seed shadows of hundreds of plant species, and providing a mechanism to help explain rapid rates of plant migration.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

We present a series of computer-generated foraging models (random movement, olfactory navigation, and spatial memory) designed to examine the manner in which sensory cues and cognitive skills might be used by rainforest monkeys to locate patchily distributed feeding sites. These simulations are compared with data collected in the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru on the foraging patterns of two species of neotropical primates, the moustached tamarin monkey (Saguinus mystax) and the saddle-back tamarin monkey (Saguinus fuscicollis). The results indicate that, although tamarins may rely on olfactory cues to locate nearby feeding sites, their foraging patterns are better explained by an ability to maintain a detailed spatial map of the location and distribution of hundreds of feeding trees in their home range. There is evidence that such informationis retained for a period of at least several weeks and is used to minimize the distance traveled between widely scattered feeding sites. The use of computer simulations provides a powerful research tool for generating predictive models regarding the role of memory and sensory cues in animal foraging patterns.  相似文献   

Senecio inaequidens, a south African species that has recently invaded parts of Europe, especially human disturbed habitats, was examined under laboratory and glasshouse conditions to assess the germination of achenes, soil seed banks, growth of seedlings and its breeding system. These observations allowed identification of ecological characteristics that may contribute to the invasiveness of the species. Achenes derived from three populations of S. inaequidens were germinated over a wide temperature range (from 14/6 °C day/night temperatures to a constant temperature of 30 °C). They exhibited a rapid achene germination especially when temperatures reached 20 °C. Germination of seeds from soil samples also exhibited a prolonged germination over time suggesting therefore different types of dormancy. Growth response was studied along a nitrogen gradient from 0.33 to 16.0 mmol l–1 and data were interpreted using growth analysis. Seedlings of S. inaequidens exhibited a slow growth in low nutrient availability and a rapid growth rate when exposed to high nutrient availability, which contributed to producing a large leaf area and biomass. Four types of pollination were studied in S. inaequidens. Hand-pollinations showed that S. inaequidens was mostly self-incompatible. Self-pollinated capitula only showed 7.6% viable achenes, significantly lower than insect-pollinated and cross-pollinated capitula. Some individuals were more self-fertile than others ensuring the production of some offspring in a situation of colonisation. Natural pollination occurred with generalist insects. Most of these results confirm the invasive ability of S. inaequidens.  相似文献   

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