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Spatial patterns of seedling regeneration of woody Mediterranean plants are widely documented, with seedlings and juveniles growing almost exclusively under shrub and tree canopy. Neighbourhood habitat amelioration and consequent facilitative effects on recruitment have been extensively suggested as the major determinant of such spatial pattern for Mediterranean vegetation. Much less is known on recruitment patterns of perennial herbs. As herbs differ from woody plants in many relevant ecological aspects and in their life cycles, we would expect particularities in their recruitment dynamics. We analysed the spatial (regional, local and fine-scale) variation in environment (herb cover, litter depth, air temperature and irradiance) and its relationship with seedling emergence, mortality, and recruitment of the perennial herb Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae) during 2 years. We conducted the study in three distant localities in south-eastern Iberian Peninsula (defining the regional scale). Local scale was defined in terms of microhabitat type based on three categories of vegetation cover (under evergreen shrubs or trees, under deciduous spiny-shrubs, and in open interspaces). Finally, fine-scale variation was defined in terms of 1 m2 sampling plots. Our results showed regional, local and fine-scale variations in recruitment, with the major source of variation changing across scales. Seed input was important in determining differences in recruitment both at the largest (regional) and the finest scale. Environment had minor importance in shaping differences in recruitment at these two scales. At the local scale, variation between microhabitats was mainly related to differences in seedling survival through facilitative effects (alleviation of water and irradiance stresses) of shrub and tree cover, although such facilitative effect was not consistent in all localities or years. Our study thus points to a similarity in the spatial patterns of recruitment (and in the environmental factors shaping such patterns) between Mediterranean woody plants and perennial herbs, but much more effort is needed to assess the generality of such similarity.  相似文献   

T. Juenger  J. Bergelson 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):358-363
We performed a factorial combination of seed additions, surface soil disturbance, and protection from potential seed predation in experimental plots to elucidate the relative importance of each factor in the recruitment of scarlet gilia seedlings. We detected a significant interaction between seed addition and surface soil disturbance on seedling recruitment over 2 years of establishment. Plots that received both supplemental seed addition and disturbance established 10.5 times as many rosettes as control plots. We did not detect main or interactive effects of caging on seedling establishment. We explored the importance of density-dependent recruitment by investigating the number of rosettes per experimental plot through time. In addition, we used planned contrasts to compare the absolute and percent changes in control and treatment plot rosette densities between the study years. We found significant downward concave curvature to the seedling recruitment curve, suggesting negative density-dependent recruitment across the experimental range of rosette densities. We found a significant difference between the control plots and the seed addition-disturbance plots in terms of absolute changes in plot density from 1997 to 1998. Greater net mortality occurred in plots that received both seed addition and disturbance. However, we found no differences among treatments in the percent change in rosette density across the study years. Our study demonstrates that seedling recruitment in natural plant populations may be limited by the interaction of seed and microsite availability, and that seedling recruitment in scarlet gilia may be negatively density dependent. Our results suggest that the fecundity effects of particular plant-animal interactions (e.g., pollination, herbivory) may affect scarlet gilia population dynamics, particularly under conditions of high soil disturbance. Received: 11 June 1999 / Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

Literature on seed dispersal mutualisms suggests that plant populations should hardly adapt to their current dispersers. We address the predictions that selection pressures exerted by ants on dispersal-related diaspore traits of the ant-dispersed Helleborus foetidus are highly variable in space, and that geographic (inter-population) variation in these traits is unrelated to selection by current dispersers. To test these predictions we use the concept of the quantitative adaptive landscape for seed size at dispersal. Such landscape depicts the relationship between the population’s mean trait value (mean seed size in the present study) and the population’s mean fitness (mean dispersal probability in the present study). Adaptive landscapes make it possible to assess whether the mean population’s phenotype agrees with one favored by selection. We first analyse, in 12 populations of H. foetidus from southern Spain, the extent of divergence among populations in seed and elaiosome size, and the abundance, composition, and behavior of the ant communities. Seeds from a fixed set of five of these populations were offered to ants in all the study sites to fit the adaptive landscape for seed size. In addition, seeds from the local population were also offered in each site. Our results show that seed size has undergone a larger divergence among populations than elaiosome size. Despite geographic variation in ant assemblages, the adaptive landscapes for seed size at dispersal were remarkably similar among sites: ants create disruptive selection on seed size in 10 out of 12 study sites. As predicted, the basic features of these adaptive landscapes (curvature and location of the minimum) varied geographically in accordance with variation in the size of seed dispersers. Also as predicted, in most populations, the observed mean seed size does not agree with that expected from the adaptive landscapes at dispersal. However, the relevance of dispersers for seed size evolution should not be neglected since the agreement between observed and optimum seed size was stronger where dispersers were more abundant. Thus, against the general view, our results evidence that, in H. foetidus, the observed geographic variation in dispersal-related plant traits is partly linked to selection exerted by current dispersers. Geographic variation in ant assemblages determines both the existence of a selection mosaic and the degree of adjustment of populations to the patterns of selection in the mosaic.  相似文献   

The seeds of many plant species present a food body that is consumed by animal dispersers. In theory, if the animals are polyphagous, the availability of alternative food resource other than the diaspore itself may influence its dispersal and survival. We used the myrmecochore Helleborus foetidus L. (Ranunculaceae), the seeds of which are attached to a lipid-rich elaiosome that is attractive to ants, as a model system to investigate (1) whether alternative foods that are present along with the plant affect ant foraging behavior and diaspore removal and (2) whether food availability in an ant nest affects seed predation and germination. In a field experiment, artificial diaspore depots were offered together with either sugar, insect corpses, seed, or no food (control). Contrary to the prediction that ants would rather concentrate their foraging effort on the highly rewarding alternative foods only, many workers, attracted by the sugar, switched to the hellebore diaspores, which significantly enhanced removal rate. Results obtained in the laboratory further indicated that the larvae of Aphaenogaster iberica (a major seed disperser) predated more on the H. foetidus embryos when no alternative food was available. This, in turn, slightly reduced seed germination. Overall, these results shed light, for the first time, on the potential indirect effects of alternative resources on the fate of diaspores adapted for ant dispersal.  相似文献   

In the protogynous species H. foetidus, I investigated if investment in sexual structures and seed set shows any trend with position in the flower-opening sequence. In four-flower inflorescences, stamen number decreased with flower position i.e. was highest for the earliest flower and lowest for the latest flower. Ovule number was significantly higher in the latest flower. Stamen and ovule number did not covary, indicating that there is no structural gender trade-off in this species. Seed set (i.e. percentage of ovules producing seed) did not differ between control plants and pollen-supplemented plants and the effect of pollen supplementation did not vary among positions. Seed set showed marginally significant differences between control plants and simulated-herbivory plants, but the effects of this treatment varied significantly among positions. Significant among-position variation in seed set was observed in the control plants but not the simulated-herbivory plants. Seed set of latest-opening flowers of simulated-herbivory plants was significantly higher than that of latest-opening flowers of control plants. H. foetidus support Brunet and Charlesworth's (1995) prediction that in plants with protogynous flowers, later-opening flowers should specialize as female flowers, at least under conditions of high resource availability.  相似文献   

García D  Obeso JR  Martínez I 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):435-446
We investigated the role of seed predation by rodents in the recruitment of the fleshy-fruited trees Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium and Crataegus monogyna in temperate secondary forests in NW Spain. We measured the densities of dispersed seeds, early emerged seedlings, established recruits and adults, at four sites over a period of 2 years. Seed predation among species was compared by seed removal experiments and analysis of rodent larder-hoards. The three species differed markedly in local regeneration patterns. The rank order in the seed rain following decreasing seed density was Ilex, Taxus and Crataegus. However, Crataegus established 3.3 times more seedlings than Taxus. For all species, there was a positive linear relationship between the density of emerged seedlings and seed density, suggesting that recruitment was seed- rather than microsite-limited. A consistent pattern of seed selection among species was exerted by rodents, which preferred Taxus and, secondarily, Ilex seeds to Crataegus seeds. Predation ranking was the inverse of that of seed protection against predators, measured as the mass of woody coat per mass unit of the edible fraction. Recruitment potential, evaluated as the ratio of seedlings to seeds, was negatively related to seed predation, with the rank order Crataegus > Ilex > Taxus. The selective early recruitment limitation exerted by predation may have a demographic effect in the long term, as judged by the positive relationship between early seedling emergence and the density of established recruits. By modulating the pre-emptive competition for seed safe sites, rodents may preclude the progressive exclusion of species that produce low numbers of seeds (i.e. Crataegus) by those dominant in seed number (i.e. Ilex, Taxus), or at least foster the evenness for site occupation among seedlings of different species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cross-pollination and satiation of seed predators are often invoked to explain synchronous mast reproduction in long-lived plants. However, explanations for the synchronous death of parent plants are elusive. The roles of synchronous seeding and post-reproductive mortality were investigated in a perennial monocarpic herb (Isoglossa woodii) in coastal dune forest in South Africa.


Pre-dispersal seed predation and seed production were assessed by measuring fruit and seed set of inflorescences sprayed with insecticide or water and with no spray treatments. Seed predation was measured at different densities of I. woodii plants by monitoring removal rates of seed from the forest floor. The influence of adult plants on establishment of I. woodii seedlings was assessed by monitoring growth and survivorship of seedlings in caged and uncaged 1 × 1 m plots in understorey gaps and thickets.

Key Results

Fruit and seed set were similar between spray treatments. An I. woodii stem produced 767·8 ± 160·8 seeds (mean ± s.e.) on dune crests and 1359·0 ± 234·4 seeds on the foredune. Seed rain was greater on the foredune than in other topographic locations. Seed predation rates were 32 and 54 % on dune crests and in dune slacks, respectively, and decreased with seed abundance, number of inflorescences per stem and plant height. Seedling recruitment was greater beneath synchronously dying adult plants than in natural understorey gaps (no I. woodii). However, seedling growth rate beneath I. woodii mid-way through its life-cycle was less than in gaps, although survivorship was similar.


The selective advantage of masting in I. woodii derives from satiation of both pre- and post-dispersal seed predators. In addition, post-seeding mortality of adult plants facilitates seedling establishment. Satiation of seed predators and the benefits of seedling establishment are strong drivers of the evolution of synchronous monocarpy in I. woodii.  相似文献   

The joint effects of multiple herbivores on their shared host plant have received increasing interest recently. The influence of herbivores on population dynamics of their host plants, especially the relative roles of different types of damage, is, however, still poorly understood. Here, we present a modelling approach, including both deterministic and stochastic matrix modelling, to be used in estimating fitness effects of multiple herbivores on perennial plants. We examined the effects and relative roles of two specialist herbivores, a pre-dispersal seed predator, Euphranta connexa, and a leaf-feeding moth, Abrostola asclepiadis, on the population dynamics and long-term fitness of their shared host plant, a long-lived perennial herb Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (Asclepiadaceae). We collected demographic data during 3 years and combined these data with the effects of natural levels of herbivory measured from the same individuals. We found that both seed predation and leaf herbivory reduced population growth of V. hirundinaria, but only very high damage levels changed the growth trend of the vigorously growing study populations from positive to negative. Demographic modelling indicated that seed predation had a greater impact on plant population growth than leaf herbivory. The effect of leaf herbivory was weaker and diminished with increasing level of seed predation. Evaluation of individual fitness components, however, suggested that leaf herbivory contributed more strongly to host plant fitness than seed predation. Our results emphasize that understanding the effects of a particular herbivore on plant population dynamics requires also knowledge on other herbivores present in the system, because the effect of a particular type of herbivory on plant population dynamics is likely to vary according to the intensity of other types of herbivory. Furthermore, evaluating herbivore impact from using individual fitness components does not necessarily reflect the long-term effects on total plant fitness.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine how the processes of seed dispersal and seed predation were altered in forest fragments of the dry forest of Madagascar, where the usual seed dispersers and vertebrate seed predators were absent, using a lemur-dispersed tree species (Strychnos madagascariensis; Loganiaceae) as an example. We then assessed how the changes in vertebrate community composition alter the regeneration pattern and establishment of this tree species and thus, ultimately, the species composition of the forest fragments. By using size-selective exclosures, data from forest fragments were compared with results from continuous forest where vertebrate dispersers and predators were abundant. Visits to the exclosures by mammalian seed predators were monitored with hair traps. In the continuous forest up to 100% of the seeds were removed within the 7 days of the experiments. A substantial proportion of them was lost to seed predation by native rodents. In contrast, practically no predation took place in the forest fragments and almost all seeds removed were dispersed into the safety of ant nests by Aphaenogaster swammerdami, which improves chances of seedling establishment. In congruence with these findings, the abundance of S. madagascariensis in the forest fragments exceeded that of the continuous forest. Thus, the lack of vertebrate seed dispersers in these forest fragments did not lead to a decline in regeneration of this animal-dispersed tree species as would have been expected, but rather was counterbalanced by the concomitant demise of vertebrate seed predators and an increased activity of ants taking over the role of seed dispersers, and possibly even out-doing the original candidates. This study provides an example of a native vertebrate-dispersed species apparently profiting from fragmentation due to flexible animal-plant interactions in different facets, possibly resulting in an impoverished tree species community.  相似文献   

In hermaphrodite plants, variations in structural gender (defined as the ratio between male and female gametes) may occur at different levels (among flowers, plants, and populations). In this study, we investigated variation in four traits influencing structural gender (number of carpels, ovules per carpel, stamens, and pollen grains per stamen) within and among six distant populations of the hermaphrodite perennial herb Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Our results show that the four traits investigated varied significantly at all levels considered. Traits influencing the female sexual component (number of carpels and ovules per carpel) showed greater variation at the lowermost levels (within flower and plant) than traits influencing the male component, which in turn varied more markedly among populations. Number of carpels per flower and number of pollen grains per anther were the most important traits affecting between-plant variation in structural gender. There was no evidence of significant plant-level trade-offs or correlations between the various male and female traits, which covaried differently across populations. The observed between-population variation in structural gender of Helleborus foetidus can be explained as a consequence of differences in self-pollination levels related to a flowers mating environment.  相似文献   

The role of harvester ants in Mediterranean grassland and scrubland has mostly focused on seed consumption. However, recent studies have reported their role as accidental dispersal agents of some of the collected seeds via refuse piles. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the ant Messor barbarus on seed availability and dispersal of one of its major diet components, Lavandula stoechas subsp. pedunculata, in scrubland, grassland and the ecotones between them. After confirming and quantifying the Lavandula contribution to M. barbarus diet, we described the spatial and temporal patterns of pre- and post-dispersal seed predation, seed content and seedling occurrence in the refuse piles. Our results show that: (1) Lavandula propagules constitute a high proportion of the prey items collected by M. barbarus, with particularly intense collection activity in mid-summer, spring and autumn, in decreasing order. (2) Pre-dispersal predation rate was significantly higher in the ecotone than in the scrubland (76% and 13.5% of total seed production lost respectively). (3) Season and propagule type (seed vs. fruit) were the most significant variables explaining the post-dispersal predation probability, which approached 100% of seeds after 48 h in mid-summer. (4) Viable Lavandula seeds were found in refuse piles at densities of 0.06–0.2 per g of refuse pile material, or 58.8–207.2 per refuse pile. On the one hand, these results indicate that the ecotones are most affected by M. barbarus pre-dispersal consumption, which may locally limit Lavandula colonisation. On the other hand, the small proportion of consumed seeds that is dispersed to refuse piles may be relevant at the population level, as this dispersal implies arrival at potentially favourable sites for establishment.  相似文献   

Hornbills (Bucerotidae) are widely regarded as important seed dispersers in tropical forests in Africa and Asia. We investigated how the roosting behavior of wreathed hornbills (Aceros undulatus) influences seed deposition and seedling survival at a roost site in a moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Fallen fruits and seeds were collected in traps that were placed around a roosting site for 14 months, and seedlings were monitored in adjacent quadrats for 3 years. Seedfall and seedlings of species represented in the hornbill diet occurred at significantly higher densities in the traps and quadrats located beneath the crown of the roosting tree than in those located beyond the crown. With the exception of Cinnamomum subavenium, the seeds and seedlings of most diet species rarely survived beyond the first year. The quality of hornbill dispersal to this roosting site may be poor due to the highly concentrated seedfall, which results in high seed and seedling mortality. However, the number of seeds deposited by each hornbill each day at roosting sites is relatively low. Wreathed hornbills are primarily scatter dispersers during the day and probably serve as agents of seed dispersal in the moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai.  相似文献   

Byrne  M. M.  Levey  D. J. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):363-374
At our Costa Rican field site, seeds defecated by frugivorous birds usually do not remain where they have been deposited. Many species of ants are attracted to frugivore defecations and remove seeds and/or pulp. Pheidole species selectively remove seeds, fungus-growing species (tribe Attini) remove both pulp and seeds. Seeds of many Melastomataceae have an appendage, which we hypothesized is an elaiosome. Indeed, preference trials demonstrated that two species of Pheidole selected seeds with the appendage over seeds of the same species in which the appendage had been removed. However, we found that these ants did not take the appendage when it was offered by itself. We conclude that the appendage is not an elaiosome. In further trials, different ant species preferentially selected different seed species. These ants consumed some seeds and deposited others unharmed in refuse piles. We conclude that because the composition of leaf-litter ant communities is highly variable between neighboring square meter plots, and the probability of seed predation depends upon the species of ant, the over-all effect of ants on seed shadows and seed banks is spatially unpredictable. Addendum: The names of the two Pheidole emphasized in this study. P. nebulosa and P. nigricula, are unpublished names from a generic revision being prepared by E. O. Wilson and W. L. Brown. Their use here is not intended to constitute taxonomic publication but is solely for more precise indentification in future ecological research of similar nature  相似文献   

Joy  Deirdre A.  Young  Donald R. 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):125-135
Positive interactions between Juniperus virginianaand woody seedlings may influence trends in primary succession along theAtlantic Coast of eastern North America. Woody species richness was greaterbeneath isolated J. virginiana trees than in more exposed,grass-covered dune sites on a Virginia, USA barrier island. Fleshy fruitedseedswere more abundant in the seed bank beneath J. virginianathan in adjacent exposed sites, suggesting that J.virginiana may be utilized by passerine birds. Photosyntheticallyactive radiation was reduced below J. virginiana, and soiltemperature fluctuations were moderated during the growing season. In addition,moisture content, organic matter, and chlorides were higher for soils underJ. virginiana than in exposed sites. For plantedPrunus serotina and Sassafras albidumseedlings, mortality was lower beneath J. virginiana ascompared with the exposed treatment; however, no S.albidumseedlings survived beyond mid-August. The effect of J.virginiana on the recruitment and distribution of mid-successionalwoody seedlings in coastal environments may be passive, through the non-randomdistribution of fleshy seeds by perching birds, or active, through increasedseedling survival due to J. virginiana initiatedalterations in microclimate and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of pollen grains, pollen tubes and generative cells of Helleborus foetidus and Galanthus nivalis has been investigated using four probes spanning a wide range of molecular weights: 4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI; mol.wt. 350). Evans blue (mol.wt. 960), FITC-dextran (average mol.wt. 19400) and FITC-albumin (average mol.wt. 67000). DAPI penetrated into the vegetative cells of desiccated and hydrated pollen, and also entered growing pollen tubes. In contrast, the generative cells of hydrated pollen and of pollen tubes were highly resistant to penetration, as they were when isolated in osmotically balancing medium. Evans blue failed to enter intact generative cells under any of the conditions tested. The dye ultimately entered the vegetative cells of some pollen grains, but these were non-germinable. Growing pollen tubes invariably resisted penetration. Neither of the high molecular weight conjugates entered germinable pollen grains or intact pollen tubes. The results suggest that it is highly unlikely that DNA fragments of high molecular weight can enter viable pollen, pollen tubes or generative cells under any normal conditions.  相似文献   

Denslow JS  Uowolo AL  Hughes RF 《Oecologia》2006,148(1):118-128
While invasive species may be visible indicators of plant community degradation, they may not constitute the only, or even the primary, limitation to stand regeneration. We used seed-augmentation and grass-removal experiments under different canopy conditions to assess the relative importance of dispersal limitation, resource availability, and competition on seedling establishment in the understory shrubs Sophora chrysophilla, Dodonea viscosa, and Pipturus albidus in a montane mesic forest in Hawaii. The study location was an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest at 1000–1500 m elevation on the leeward side of Hawaii Island; it is a closed-canopy forest historically subject to logging and grazing by cattle and sheep and currently dominated by the exotic grass, Ehrharta stipoides, in the herb layer. Seedling establishment after 1 and 2 years was strongly dispersal limited in Sophora and Dodonea, but not in Acacia, a non-augmented species in which abundant seedlings established, nor in Pipterus, in which only one seedling established in 2 years. Grass cover reduced seedling establishment in Acacia, Sophora, and Dodonea and, for the latter two species, seedling establishment was substantially greater in the warmer, more moist forest at the lowest elevation. Light, moisture, and resin-captured N and P were more strongly affected by elevation and canopy composition than by grass cover, but in most cases seedling establishment was not positively correlated with resource availability. Limitations to the establishment of woody seedlings in this forest-grassland mixture vary among species; however, both dispersal limitation and competition from a shade-tolerant grass are important deterrents to regeneration in these forests.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The effect ofChaoborus predation on natural zooplankton communities was tested in enclosure experiments during June, July and August in the eutrophic Frederiksborg Slotssø,...  相似文献   

Under the concept of modularity, it is possible to recognise how seed production, as well as any other process affecting it, are hierarchically structured within fruits, within individual plants and within populations. In this work, we analysed the effects of pre-dispersal seed predation by insects upon a set of hierarchical levels in a population of the Mediterranean shrub plant Cistus ladanifer (“rock rose”) throughout a complete fruit-producing season (which takes place during the summer months). Almost all individual plants were predated, which implies that the effects of predation at the population level (regardless of the extent of predation within each individual) were virtually uniform. Within the individuals, however, the predation rate was close to a proportion of 0.5 (half of the fruits of each individual were predated), which indicates that this hierarchical level is likely to be subjected to a differential action of selection. Predation rates within the fruits showed an intermediate value (lower than that observed at the population level but higher than that at the individual level). According to these results, the pressure of phenotypic selection may therefore give rise to greater variation among fruits of the same individual than among seeds of the same fruit. In terms of the temporal patterns observed there was a large variation in the increments of predation along the fruiting season, which implies a high degree of heterogeneity in the temporal distribution of the effects of predation pressure on fitness. Besides its use in the specific example of the plant species studied in this work, the methodological procedure presented in this paper (integration of the temporal changes of different hierarchical levels) might be foreseen, in fact, as a useful tool for analysing the hierarchical structuring of fitness in modular organisms in general. This procedure allows to discriminate and integrate selection pressures and their effects across different phenotypic levels, from the infra-individual ones up to the population level.  相似文献   

Successful plant invasions require both the founding and local spread of new populations. High plant densities occur only when founding plants are able to disperse their seeds well locally to quickly colonize and fill the new patch. We test this ability in a 7-year field experiment with Carduus acanthoides, an invasive weed in several North American ecosystems. Founder plants were planted in the center of 64 m2 plots and we monitored the recruitment, distribution pattern, mortality, and seed production of the seedlings that originated from these founding plants. Competing vegetation was clipped not at all, once, or twice each year to evaluate the importance of interspecific competition. More seedlings recruited in the intermediate once-clipped plots, and these seedlings also survived better. The control plots had fewer microsites for seedling recruitment; clipping a second time in September stimulated grasses to fill up the gaps. The number of C. acanthoides recruits and their median distances from the founder plants were also explained by the initial seed production of the founding plants. Overall, the experiment shows that the success of founder plants can fluctuate strongly, as 55% of the plots were empty by the sixth year. Our study suggests that the local invasion speed following initial establishment depends strongly on both the propagule pressure and availability of suitable microsites for seedling recruitment and growth.  相似文献   

Mast-seeding behaviour was monitored in 18 populations of eight species of the African cycad genus Encephalartos between 1988 and 1991. The coefficient of variation (V) in annual cone production for each population ranged between 88 and 200, indicating large fluctuations in reproductive effort between years. Data were collected to determine whether mast-seeding reduced levels of predispersal seed predation by satiating seed predators in mast years and whether it resulted in a reproductive advantage over plants which reproduced more frequently. Masting intensity was greatest in those populations in which individual plants suffered the highest levels of predispersal seed predation in years when only a few plants produced seeds. The principal seed predators were two congeneric weevil species, Antliarhinus zamiae and A. signatus, which develop exclusively on cycad seeds. The lowest intensity of mast-seeding was recorded for cycad populations with low levels of seed predation and in which A. zamiae and A. signatus occurred only in low numbers or were entirely absent. Larger seed crops appeared to result in lower levels of seed predation by A. zamiae and A. signatus in four populations of E. altensteinii, and differences in seed crop size accounted for 48–66% of variation in levels of seed predation in populations of five cycad species. In one population of E. altensteinii, lower levels of seed predation in plants reproducing periodically resulted in a reproductive advantage over plants reproducing more frequently. These results are consistent with the predator satiation hypothesis. However, in most cycad populations, numbers of seed predators did not appear to decrease significantly after a period of 2–8 years between reproductive episodes and, in two of three populations examined, periodic reproduction did not increase the number of seeds surviving to dispersal over a 4-year period. These results are interpreted to mean that periodic reproduction has not evolved in response to selection imposed by seed predators, but that selection may favour those plants which experience lower levels of seed predation by coning in synchrony with the majority of plants in the population.  相似文献   

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