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A hybrid virus (CMVcymMP) constructed by replacing the movement protein (MP) of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) with that of cymbidium ringspot tombusvirus (CymRSV) was viable and could efficiently spread both cell to cell and long distance in host plants. The hybrid virus was able to move cell to cell in the absence of functional CP, whereas CP-deficient CMV was restricted to single inoculated cells. In several Chenopodium and Nicotiana species, the symptom phenotype of the hybrid virus infection was clearly determined by the foreign MP gene. In Nicotiana debneyi and Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi, the hybrid virus could move systemically, contrary to CymRSV.  相似文献   

Plant viruses have movement protein (MP) gene(s) essential for cell-to-cell movement in hosts. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) requires its own coat protein (CP) in addition to the MP for intercellular movement. Our present results using variants of both CMV and a chimeric Brome mosaic virus with the CMV MP gene revealed that CMV MP truncated in its C-terminal 33 amino acids has the ability to mediate viral movement independently of CP. Coexpression of the intact and truncated CMV MPs extremely reduced movement of the chimeric viruses, suggesting that these heterogeneous CMV MPs function antagonistically. Sequential deletion analyses of the CMV MP revealed that the dispensability of CP occurred when the C-terminal deletion ranged between 31 and 36 amino acids and that shorter deletion impaired the ability of the MP to promote viral movement. This is the first report that a region of MP determines the requirement of CP in cell-to-cell movement of a plant virus.  相似文献   

The binding of sodium dodecyl sulfate to coat protein subunits of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus was studied by equilibrium dialysis. The amount of dodecyl sulfate bound to the cucumber virus protein in 0.1 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) was found to be 1.55 g/g, which was the same value as that obtained with the tobacco virus protein. The presence of 8 m urea markedly decreased the degree of binding of dodecyl sulfate to the proteins. The amount of binding to the cucumber virus protein was reduced to 0.56 g/g, and that to the tobacco virus protein decreased to 0.8 g/g. The net charges of both proteins were negative at neutral pH and the amount of negative charge of the cucumber virus protein, obtained from the potentiometric titration curves, was larger than that of the tobacco virus protein, either in the native state or in the denatured state. In dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the cucumber virus protein migrated faster than the tobacco virus protein. On the other hand, in the presence of 8 m urea, the electrophoretic migration rate of the cucumber virus protein was equal to that of the tobacco virus protein. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments in 6 m guanidinium chloride gave molecular weights of 17,700 and 17,200 for the tobacco mosaic virus and the cucumber virus proteins, respectively. These results suggest that the effective negative charge density of the cucumber virus protein-dodecyl sulfate complex is higher than that of the tobacco virus proteindodecyl sulfate complex in 0.1% dodecyl sulfate solution. The conformation of both proteins was investigated by circular dichroism measurements. Both proteins have a slightly higher degree of α-helix content in dodecyl sulfate solution than in the native state. The addition of 8 m urea to both proteins while in this solution induced a change in conformation to one having a much smaller degree of ordered structure, although the change in the cucumber virus protein was more intense than that in the tobacco virus protein.  相似文献   

The p30 movement protein (MP) is essential for cell-to-cell spread of tobacco mosaic virus in planta. We used anion-exchange chromatography and preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to obtain highly purified 30-kDa MP, which migrated as a single band in native PAGE. Analytical ultracentrifugation suggested that the protein was monodisperse and dimeric in the nonionic detergent n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy showed that the detergent-solubilized protein contained significant alpha-helical secondary structure. Proteolysis of the C-tail generated a trypsin-resistant core that was a mixture of primarily monomers and some dimers. We propose that MP dimers are stabilized by electrostatic interactions in the C terminus as well as hydrophobic interactions between putative transmembrane alpha-helical coiled coils.  相似文献   

Previous micro-injection studies showed that some recombinant viral movement proteins and plant proteins produced in and purified from Escherichia coli could traffic from cell to cell. However, the relevance of these findings obtained by micro-injecting proteins produced in E. coli to the real functions of these proteins when produced in planta has been questioned. In this study, specific gene constructs were delivered by biolistic bombardment into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var Samsun) leaf epidermis for in planta production of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and various fusions between the cucumber mosaic virus 3a movement protein (3a MP) and GFP. Free GFP remained in cells producing it. In contrast, 3a MP:GFP fusion protein moved from approximately half of the cells producing it into neighboring cells. The movement also occurred at 4°C. A mutant 3a MP:GFP was incapable of cell-to-cell movement in all cases. A 3a MP:GUS fusion protein produced in this manner also moved from cell to cell. Our data provide direct evidence that specific viral proteins produced in planta can be transported between cells. Furthermore, our data suggest that the CMV 3a MP contains a signal for transport. Our approach is simple and efficient and has many potential applications in studying plasmodesma-mediated macromolecular transport.  相似文献   

The systemic movement of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in cucumber plants was analyzed. The structure that is translocated and its putative interactions with phloem components were analyzed in phloem exudate (PE) samples, which reflect sieve tubes stream composition. Rate zonal centrifugation and electron-microscopy analyses of PE from CMV-infected plants showed that CMV moves through sieve tubes as virus particles. Gel overlay assays revealed that CMV particles interact with a PE protein, p48. The amino-acid sequence of several tryptic peptides of p48 was determined. Partial amino-acid sequence of p48 showed it was a cucumber homolog of phloem protein 1 (PP1) from pumpkin, with which p48 also shares several chemical properties. PP1 from pumpkin has plasmodesmata-gating ability and translocates in sieve tubes. Encapsidated CMV RNA in PE samples from infected plants was less accessible to digestion by RNase A than RNA in purified CMV particles, a property that was reconstituted by the in vitro interaction of purified CMV particles and protein p48. These results indicate that the interaction with p48 modifies CMV particle structure and suggest that CMV particles interact with the cucumber homolog of PP1 during translocation in the sieve tubes.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the non-structural protein (molecular weight 35,000; 3a protein) from three plant viruses — cucumber mosaic, brome mosaic and alfalfa mosaic have been systematically compared using the partial genomic sequences for these three viruses already available. The 3a protein of cucumber mosaic virus has an amino acid sequence homology of 33.7% with the corresponding protein of brome mosaic virus. A similar protein from alfalfa mosaic virus has a homology of 18.2% and 14.2% with the protein from brome mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus, respectively. These results suggest that the three plant viruses are evolutionarily related, although, the evolutionary distance between alfalfa mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus or brome mosaic virus is much larger than the corresponding distance between the latter two viruses.  相似文献   

The movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) encoded by Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) RNA 3 are both required for virus transport. RNA 3 vectors that expressed nonfused green fluorescent protein (GFP), MP:GPF fusions, or GFP:CP fusions were used to study the functioning of mutant MP and CP in protoplasts and plants. C-terminal deletions of up to 21 amino acids did not interfere with the function of the CP in cell-to-cell movement, although some of these mutations interfered with virion assembly. Deletion of the N-terminal 11 or C-terminal 45 amino acids did not interfere with the ability of MP to assemble into tubular structures on the protoplast surface. Additionally, N- or C-terminal deletions disrupted tubule formation. A GFP:CP fusion was targeted specifically into tubules consisting of a wild-type MP. All MP deletion mutants that showed cell-to-cell and systemic movement in plants were able to form tubular structures on the surface of protoplasts. Brome mosaic virus (BMV) MP did not support AMV transport. When the C-terminal 48 amino acids were replaced by the C-terminal 44 amino acids of the AMV MP, however, the BMV/AMV chimeric protein permitted wild-type levels of AMV transport. Apparently, the C terminus of the AMV MP, although dispensable for cell-to-cell movement, confers specificity to the transport process.  相似文献   

Total RNA extracted from cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) strains WT, with its associated satellite CARNA 5 (CMV-associated RNA 5), was successfully electroporated into isolated tomato protoplasts. At various time intervals samples were extracted for total nucleic acids and analyzed by semidenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Sequence-specific hybridization probes were used for the detection of viral and satellite RNAs following Northern transfer. The resulting PAGE patterns and/or autoradiographs depict the proportional presence of viral and satellite RNAs in the extracts over time and have been referred to as "replication footprint profiles" (RFPs) of specific CMV/CARNA 5 combinations. The effective isolation and infection of tomato protoplasts, combined with the ability to follow virus/satellite titers during the infection by RFP analysis, yield results similar to those of infected plants and reduces experiments of 21 or more days in whole plants to less than 72 h in protoplasts.  相似文献   

The location of RNA in cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus protein disks was visualized by a negative staining method as a narrow ring localized at a radius of 4 nm, which corresponds to the location of RNA obtained by X-ray diffraction studies of tobacco mosaic virus. The same ring-shaped stains were observed in the end views of helical rods prepared in acidic solutions from viral protein without RNA. Since such a ring-shaped image could not be observed in end views of natural particles and reconstituted particles composed of protein and RNA, the narrow ring was concluded to indicate the RNA location on the basis of X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

H Nagano  T Okuno  K Mise    I Furusawa 《Journal of virology》1997,71(3):2270-2276
The movement protein (MP) gene of brome mosaic virus (BMV) was precisely replaced with that of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Infectivity tests of the chimeric BMV on Chenopodium quinoa, a permissive host for cell-to-cell movement of both BMV and CMV, showed that the chimeric BMV failed to move from cell to cell even though it replicated in protoplasts. A spontaneous mutant of the chimeric BMV that displayed cell-to-cell movement was subsequently obtained from a local lesion during one of the experiments. A cloned cDNA representing the genomic RNA encoding the MP of the chimeric BMV mutant was analyzed and found to contain a mutation in the CMV MP gene resulting in deletion of the C-terminal 33 amino acids of the MP. Directed mutagenesis of the CMV MP gene showed that the C-terminal deletion was responsible for the movement capability of the mutant. When the mutation was introduced into CMV, the CMV mutant moved from cell to cell in C. quinoa, though the movement was less efficient than that of the wild-type CMV. These results indicate that the CMV MP, except the C-terminal 33 amino acids, potentiates cell-to-cell movement of both BMV and CMV in C. quinoa. In addition, since C. quinoa is a common host for both BMV and CMV, these results suggest that the CMV MP has specificity for the viral genomes during cell-to-cell movement of the virus and that the C-terminal 33 amino acids of the CMV MP are involved in that specificity.  相似文献   

Thirteen mutations were introduced in the movement protein (MP) gene of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene and the mutant MP-GFP fusions were expressed transiently in tobacco protoplasts, tobacco suspension cells, and epidermal cells of tobacco leaves. In addition, the mutations were introduced in the MP gene of AMV RNA 3 and the mutant RNAs were used to infect tobacco plants. Ten mutants were affected in one or more of the following functions of MP: the formation of tubular structures on the surface of protoplasts, association with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of suspension cells and epidermal cells, targeting to punctate structures in the cell wall of epidermis cells, movement from transfected cells to adjacent cells in epidermis tissue, cell-to-cell movement, or long-distance movement in plants. The mutations point to functional domains of the MP and support the proposed order of events in AMV transport. Studies with several inhibitors indicate that actin or microtubule components of the cytoskeleton are not involved in tubule formation by AMV MP. Evidence was obtained that tubular structures on the surface of transfected protoplasts contain ER- or plasmalemma-derived material.  相似文献   

The cell-to-cell spread of Tobacco mosaic virus infection depends on virus-encoded movement protein (MP), which is believed to form a ribonucleoprotein complex with viral RNA (vRNA) and to participate in the intercellular spread of infectious particles through plasmodesmata. Previous studies in our laboratory have provided evidence that the vRNA movement process is correlated with the ability of the MP to interact with microtubules, although the exact role of this interaction during infection is not known. Here, we have used a variety of in vivo and in vitro assays to determine that the MP functions as a genuine microtubule-associated protein that binds microtubules directly and modulates microtubule stability. We demonstrate that, unlike MP in whole-cell extract, microtubule-associated MP is not ubiquitinated, which strongly argues against the hypothesis that microtubules target the MP for degradation. In addition, we found that MP interferes with kinesin motor activity in vitro, suggesting that microtubule-associated MP may interfere with kinesin-driven transport processes during infection.  相似文献   

A disease of spiraea(Spiraea xvanhouttei) manifested in leaves by very mild, mostly hardly perceptible mosaic, was found to be caused by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection. The proof was given on the basis of responce of differential plants after virus transmission, by immunosorbent electron microscopy and ELISA.  相似文献   

Leaf samples of Glycine max and numerous other dicotyledonous species were cleared by a common, well established procedure modified by using more concentrated (10% w/v) aqueous NaOH, and by leaving samples in NaOH for 2-4 weeks and in chloral hydrate for 3 days, all at room temperature. A single dye, chlorazol black E (1 g/100 ml absolute ethanol), is used to stain for 3-6 min. Samples are mounted with the lower epidermis upward. Sieve tubes in favorable material can be seen in minor veins and vein endings.  相似文献   

A study was performed on the interaction of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) of potato virus Y (PVY) with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Interference was evaluated using tobacco plantsNicotiana tabacum cv. Java responding to CMV and PVY with a systemic infection and to TMV with local necrotic lesions. The decrease in TMV — induced lesion number gave evidence of a decrease in susceptibility caused by the previous infection with CMV or PVY, the decrease of lesion enlargement demonstrated a decreased TMV reproduction in the plants previously infected with CMV or PVY. The interference concerned was incomplete, as evaluated from reproduction of the challenging TMV and from the decrease in susceptibility of the host to TMV brought about by the first infection with CMV or PVY.  相似文献   

Reactions to two subgroup I isolates (Fny-CMV and Pf-CMV) and two subgroup II isolates (A9-CMV and LS-CMV) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were studied in three non tuber-bearing wild potato species (Solanum spp.) of the series Etuberosa, and in two tuber-bearing interspecific potato hybrids and four potato cultivars using graft-inoculation. Three classes of phenotypic reactions (susceptible, hypersensitive, extreme resistance) were observed in the tuber-bearing genotypes. Susceptible genotypes developed mosaic or severe mosaic with leaf malformation and had high CMV titres. Hypersensitive genotypes developed either top necrosis or vein necrosis and/or necrotic spots on apical leaves, and had low CMV titres. Extremely resistant genotypes had no symptoms and no CMV was detected. The hybrid 87HW13.7 (S. tuberosum×S. multidissectum) developed top necrosis specific to infection with Fny-CMV. The hybrid ‘A6’ (S. demissum×S. tuberosum cv. Aquila) was hypersensitive to all CMV isolates tested. Extreme resistance was not functional against all CMV isolates. Neither hypersensitivity nor extreme resistance were related to the CMV subgroup.  相似文献   

Using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, two components of the coat protein of isolate No. 3 of the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV, cucumber strain), Cp1 (minor) and Cp2 (major), were isolated and characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). In the Cp2 mass spectrum, two polypeptides with Mr of 16,727.0 and 16,813.5 were detected. By Edman degradation in combination with mass spectrometry, the primary structure of the tryptic peptides of Cp2 comprising in total 150 amino acid residues was determined. Two amino acid substitutions, Val-56-->Ala-56 and Asp-64-->Ser-64, were revealed in Cp2, as compared to the watermelon strain of the virus. Cp1 was shown to consist of three polypeptides with Mr of 10,014.2, 10,224.9, and 10,355.9 corresponding to the N-terminal regions of Cp2 (positions 1-92, 1-94, and 1-95). The observed heterogeneity of the coat protein of CGMMV, cucumber strain, may be due to proteolysis during protein isolation.  相似文献   

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