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The effect of soluble starch (acid-modified starch) on taste intensity was investigated in human subjects. Different concentrations of sucrose (Suc), six sweeteners, NaCl, quinine-HCl (QHCl) and citric acid (Cit) were dissolved in either distilled water (DW; standard) or starch solution (test solution). The solutions were presented to naive subjects and each subject was requested to taste and compare the sweetness intensity between the standard and test solutions based on a scale ranging from +3 (enhanced) to -3 (inhibited). A greater sweetness intensity occurred with Suc at different concentration (0.1-1.0 M) dissolved in soluble starch (0.125% to 4.0%) than with Suc in DW. Similarly, five other different products of soluble starch at 0.25 and 4.0% resulted in enhancement of sweetness for 0.3 and 1.0 M Suc. With the sole exception of the taste of 0.3 M Suc, sweet enhancement did not occur with 0.43 M fructose, 0.82 M glucose, 0.82 M sorbitol, 0.0037 M aspartame, 0.0042 M saccharin-Na or 0.016 M cyclamate. Neither the saltiness of NaCl (0.01-0.3 M), the bitterness of QHCl (0.00003-0.001 M) nor the sourness of Cit (0.0003-0.01 M) were affected by the soluble starch. These results suggest that the taste enhancing effects of soluble starch on Suc sweetness might depend not only on the taste transduction mechanism, but also on the molecular interaction between Suc and soluble starch.  相似文献   

Measurement of starch fermentation in the human large intestine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Starch, not fibre, is probably the major substrate for fermentation in the human colon. However, quantitating the amount of starch that resists pancreatic amylase and thus escapes digestion in the small bowel is difficult. A number of techniques have been employed in man and are reviewed here, including direct intubation of the ileum, the ileostomy model, and breath studies. The results of a series of studies of the digestion of starch from potato and banana are reported. When fed to ileostomy patients, 3% of hot potato starch and 12% of cold potato starch were resistant to digestion, as was 75% of banana starch. In feeding experiments with healthy volunteers none of the starch was recoverable in faces, indicating its complete fermentation in the colon. Breath H2 measurements after test meals of these starches indicated that only 2-5% of potato starch and 7-12% of banana starch was fermented. A single blood acetate measurement timed to coincide with peak breath H2 was not useful. However, a number of problems with breath H2 studies are discussed, and it is suggested that either ileal intubation or the ileostomy model are the most reliable techniques presently available, with serial blood acetate determinations also potentially valuable. Overall on Western diets, approximately 10% of all starch is probably resistant starch.  相似文献   

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HHC) is one of the most frequent genetic disorders in humans. In healthy individuals, absorption of iron in the intestine is tightly regulated by cells with the highest iron demand, in particular erythroid precursors. Cloning of intestinal iron transporter proteins provided new insight into mechanisms and regulation of intestinal iron absorption. The aim of this study was to assess whether, in humans, the two transporters are regulated in an iron-dependent manner and whether this regulation is disturbed in HHC. Using quantitative PCR, we measured mRNA expression of divalent cation transporter 1 (DCT1), iron-regulated gene 1 (IREG1), and hephaestin in duodenal biopsy samples of individuals with normal iron levels, iron-deficiency anemia, or iron overload. In controls, we found inverse relationships between the DCT1 splice form containing an iron-responsive element (IRE) and blood hemoglobin, serum transferrin saturation, or ferritin. Subjects with iron-deficiency anemia showed a significant increase in expression of the spliced form, DCT1(IRE) mRNA. Similarly, in subjects homozygous for the C282Y HFE mutation, DCT1(IRE) expression levels remained high despite high serum iron saturation. Furthermore, a significantly increased IREG1 expression was observed. Hephaestin did not exhibit a similar iron-dependent regulation. Our data show that expression levels of human DCT1 mRNA, and to a lesser extent IREG1 mRNA, are regulated in an iron-dependent manner, whereas mRNA of hephaestin is not affected. The lack of appropriate downregulation of apical and basolateral iron transporters in duodenum likely leads to excessive iron absorption in persons with HHC.  相似文献   

Increased intake of chromium (Cr) often leads to improvements in glucose, insulin, lipids, and related variables in studies involving humans and experimental and farm animals. However, the results are often variable, depending not only on the selection of subjects but also dietary conditions and the form of supplemental Cr used. Our objective was to find a Cr supplement suitable for humans that was absorbed better than any of those available. Chromium absorption by six adult subjects, three males and three females, was determined based on the amount of Cr excreted in the urine in the initial 2 d following intake of 200 μg of Cr of the various forms of chromium tested. The absorption of the newly synthesized complexes was greatest for those containing histidine. Urinary Cr losses for six control subjects consuming 200 μg of Cr as Cr histidinate increased from basal levels of 256±48 to 3670±338 ng/d compared with 2082±201 ng for Cr picolinate, the currently most popular nutrient supplement, in the 48h following Cr consumption. Chromium histidinate complexes were stable and absorption was similar to the initial values after more than 2 yr. Mixing of some of the complexes with starch, which was postulated to improve Cr absorption, was shown to essentially block Cr absorption within 1 mo. These data demonstrate that urinary Cr losses need to be determined because stability and absorption of the Cr complexes varies widely and could be responsible for the variability in some of the Cr supplementation studies. Chromium ***DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02Q2015 00003 histidinate complexes are absorbed better than any of the Cr complexes currently available and need to be evaluated as Cr nutritional supplements.  相似文献   

The effects of difructose anhydride III (DFAIII) on stimulating calcium absorption was investigated in humans. We studied changes in the time-course of characteristics urinary calcium excretion in 12 healthy men given 0.3, 1.0 or 3.0 g of DFAIII and 300 mg of calcium as calcium carbonate. In addition, urinary excretion and urine concentrations of creatinine and deoxypyridinoline were determined. Urine calcium excretion every 2 hours after the intake were higher over than that of the control subjects. The total amount of urinary calcium excretion for 10 hours was significantly greates in the subjects given 1.0 g or 3.0 g of DFAIII than that of the control subjects. However, there were no differences in the urine concentrations of creatinine and deoxypyridinoline between the subjects given DFAIII and the control subjects. These findings suggests that low dose of DFAIII had a stimulating effect on calcium absorption in humans.  相似文献   

Intestinal absorption was measured in six trained male cyclists during rest, exercise, and recovery periods with the segmental perfusion technique. Each subject passed a multilumen tube into the duodenojejunum. The experiments consisted of 1) a sequence of 1-h bouts of cycling exercise at 30, 50, and 70% maximal O2 uptake (Vo2max) separated by 1-h rest periods or 2) a 90-min bout at 70% VO2max. The cycling was performed on a constant-load Velodyne trainer. Absorption of water and a 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte (2% glucose, 6% sucrose, 20 meq Na+, 2.6 meq K+) solution (both perfused at 15 ml/min) were compared. The effects of perfusing an isotonic electrolyte solution during mild (30% VO2max) exercise were also studied. Fluid was sampled every 10 min from ports 10 and 50 cm distal to the infusion site. Water flux was determined by differences in polyethylene glycol concentration across the 40-cm test segment. Results showed 1) no difference in water or electrolyte absorption rates among rest, exercise, and recovery periods; 2) no difference in absorption rates among the three exercise intensities or different exercise durations; and 3) significantly greater fluid absorption rates from the carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) solution than from water. Water flux during rest, exercise, and recovery was about sixfold greater from the CE solution than from the isotonic solution without carbohydrate. We conclude that 1) exercise has no effect on water or solute absorption in the duodenojejunum, 2) fluid absorption occurs significantly faster from a CE solution than from water, and 3) fluid absorption is increased sixfold by addition of carbohydrate to an electrolyte solution.  相似文献   

Specific absorption rates were measured in three locations of humans exposed in the far field at 160, 350, and 915 MHz. Values obtained for six males are compared with data for a full-scale homogeneous model of man.  相似文献   

The amount of starch escaping absorption in the small intestine was measured in eight patients with symptomatic diverticular disease and eight controls. Unabsorbed starch was calculated from breath hydrogen measurements after a potato meal compared with the hydrogen response to lactulose. The proportion of unabsorbed starch was low in all the patients (mean 3.3%) and was only about a quarter of that in the controls (12.4%; p less than 0.01). These findings confirm that unabsorbed starch provides an important quantity of carbohydrate reaching the colon and suggest that super efficient starch absorption, by reducing this provision, may promote the development of diverticular disease.  相似文献   

Methionine metabolism forms homocysteine via transmethylation. Homocysteine is either 1) condensed to form cystathionine, which is cleaved to form cysteine, or 2) remethylated back to methionine. Measuring this cycle with the use of isotopically labeled methionine tracers is problematic, because the tracer is infused into and measured from blood, whereas methionine metabolism occurs inside cells. Because plasma homocysteine and cystathionine arise from intracellular metabolism of methionine, plasma homocysteine and cystathionine enrichments can be used to define intracellular methionine enrichment during an infusion of labeled methionine. Eight healthy, postabsorptive volunteers were given a primed continuous infusion of [1-13C]methionine and [methyl-2H(3)]methionine for 8 h. Enrichments in plasma methionine, [13C]homocysteine and [13C]cystathionine were measured. In contrast to plasma methionine enrichments, the plasma [13C]homocysteine and [13C]cystathionine enrichments rose to plateau slowly (rate constant: 0.40 +/- 0.03 and 0.49 +/- 0.09 h(-1), respectively). The enrichment ratios of plasma [13C]homocysteine to [13C]methionine and [13C]cystathionine to [13C]methionine were 58 +/- 3 and 54 +/- 3%, respectively, demonstrating a large intracellular/extracellular partitioning of methionine. These values were used to correct methionine kinetics. The corrections increase previously reported rates of methionine kinetics by approximately 40%.  相似文献   

We examined the inhibitory effect of a single ingestion of bread containing resistant starch (bread containing about 6 g of resistant starch derived from tapioca per 2 slices) (test food) on the postprandial increase in blood glucose in male and female adults with a fasting blood glucose level between 100 and 140 mg/dl. Bread not containing resistant starch (placebo) was used as the control.The study was conducted in 20 subjects (9 men and 11 women with a mean age of 50.5+/-7.5 years) using the crossover method, with a single ingestion of either bread containing resistant starch or the placebo. Blood glucose and insulin were measured before ingestion, and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h after ingestion. The blood glucose level before ingestion was stratified into a borderline group (blood glucose level >/= 111 mg/dl) and a normal group (blood glucose level 相似文献   

Combining molecular weight distribution (MWD) data for linear chains of debranched starch from capillary electrophoresis and from size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with detection by differential refractive index and by multi-angle laser light scattering has enabled Mark-Houwink parameters to be determined for linear starch chains. For accurate results, it was found to be important to take SEC band broadening into account, and a methodology for implementing this is presented. This deconvolution technique can be used to reveal features such as maxima or shoulders in the MWD which have qualitative as well as quantitative significance. Remarkably, these data show that the empirical Mark-Houwink relation between molecular weight and hydrodynamic volume is, for linear debranched starch, valid for much lower molecular weights than synthetic polymers. This implies that these Mark-Houwink parameters can be used with "universal calibration" to enable SEC to be used with relative ease to provide MWDs for debranched starch for essentially any degree of polymerization.  相似文献   

Intestinal water absorption from select carbohydrate solutions in humans.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eight men positioned a triple-lumen tube in the duodenojejunum. By use of segmental perfusion, 2, 4, 6, or 8% solutions of glucose (111-444 mM), sucrose (55-233 mM), a maltodextrin [17-67 mM, avg. chain length = 7 glucose units (7G)], or a corn syrup solid [40-160 mM, avg. chain length = 3 glucose units (3G)] were perfused at 15 ml/min for 70 min after a 30-min equilibration period. All solutions were made isotonic with NaCl, except 6 and 8% glucose solutions, which were hypertonic. An isotonic NaCl solution was perfused as control. Water absorption (range: 9-15 ml.h-1.cm-1) did not differ for the 2, 4, and 6% CHO solutions but was greater (P < 0.05) than absorption from control (3.0 +/- 2.2 ml.h-1.cm-1). The 8% glucose and 3G solutions reduced (P < 0.05) net water flux compared with their 2, 4, and 6% solutions, but 8% sucrose and 8% 7G solutions promoted water absorption equivalent to lower CHO concentrations. Water absorption was independent of [Na+] in the original solution. In the test segment, 1) Na+ flux correlated with net water flux (r = 0.72, P < 0.01), K+ (r = 0.78, P < 0.01), and [Na+] (r = 0.68, P < 0.001); 2) Na+ absorption occurred at luminal [Na+] as low as 50 mM; 3) glucose transport increased linearly over the luminal concentration range of 40-180 mM; and 4) net water flux was similar over a range of glucose-to-Na+ concentration ratios of 0.4:1 to 3.5:1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative changes in intraluminal bile acid composition may alter cholesterol absorption and synthesis and LDL receptor expression. In a randomized crossover design outpatient study, 12 adults aged 24-36 years took 15 mg/kg/day ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) or no bile acid supplement (control) for 20 days while being fed a controlled diet (AHA Step II). A liquid meal of defined composition was then given and luminal samples collected. Cholesterol absorption and cholesterol fractional synthetic rate (FSR) were assessed by stable isotopic methods. With UDCA treatment, bile was enriched significantly (P < 0.0001) to 40.6 +/- 2.6% (mean +/- SEM) compared with 2.2 +/- 2.6% for controls. Regardless, plasma total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol were unchanged with UDCA treatment. Intraluminal cholesterol solubilized in the aqueous phase during the entire collection was decreased (P = 0.012) in UDCA-treated subjects (101.0 +/- 7.2 mg/ml/120 min) compared with controls (132.5 +/- 7.2 mg/ml/120 min.). Percent micellar cholesterol was increased in UDCA-treated versus controls after meal ingestion. No changes were found in cholesterol absorption, FSR, or LDL receptor mRNA with UDCA treatment compared with controls. Thus, despite marked enrichment in luminal bile with UDCA and decreased cholesterol solubilization, no differences in cholesterol absorption or metabolism are found when diet and genetic differences in absorption are carefully controlled.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a significant amount of starch may reach the colon undigested and stimulate microbial fermentation. Indirect estimates of the quantity of starch reaching the colon have been obtained from breath hydrogen (H2) measurements, but numerous variables, i.e., dietary fiber source and level of intake, oral hygiene, hyperventilation, and cigarette smoking, stimulate H2 production and may exaggerate estimates of starch malabsorption. With proper controls, however, the lactulose breath H2 test based on total excess volume seems to provide a reasonable measure of the average amount of starch metabolized in the colon. Direct estimates of starch metabolism from human ileostomy studies suggest that typically less than 5% of the ingested starch escapes digestion in the small intestine. The general assumption that starch malabsorption stimulates normal colonic function, particularly with respect to colorectal carcinogenesis, is not entirely supported by the limited number of available epidemiologic studies. Further experimental studies are needed to elucidate the role of starch intake and malabsorption on colonic function and human health issues.  相似文献   

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