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东北太平洋深海沉积物细菌多样性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用两种方法提取中国结核合同区东区沉积物不同层次总DNA,通过克隆测序构建了含有79个克隆子的细菌16S rRNA基因文库,分析了该海域沉积物中细菌的多样性.79个克隆在系统发育树中形成了11个大分支,包括Gamma proteobacteria(22.8%),Alpha proteobacteria(16.5%),Planctomycetacia(7.6%),Delta proteobacteria(6.3%), Nitrospira(6.3%),Actinobacteria(6.3%),Beta proteobacteria(5%),Acidobacteria(5.1%),Sphingobacteria(3.8%),Firmicutes(2.5%),Other bacteria(17.7%),其中Gamma proteobacteria在总文库中所占比例最高,该分支细菌在0~2cm、4~6cm层也是优势菌种.Gamma proteobacteria中假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)为优势属(22.2%).各个层次中所含细菌类群有所不同,Alpha proteobacteria、Gamma proteobacteria、Delta proteobacteria 、Planctomycetacia、Nitrospira 、Actinobacteria和Acidobacteria为三层样品共有类群. 相似文献
为了认识南海深海冷泉区沉积物中可培养微生物的多样性,本文以冷泉区与非冷泉区两个站点的深海沉积物为样品,通过两种培养基(R2A海水培养基和2216E培养基)直接涂布或富集后平板分离纯化,从9个样品中共得到395株菌株,并通过16SrRNA基因鉴定,分属10个属。发现产芽胞细菌分布最广、丰度最大,包括3个属、15个种。其中芽胞杆菌(Bacillus)无论是在数量还是在种类上都分布最多。并且,随着水深和沉积物深度的增加,分离到的可培养微生物丰富度降低。本研究表明,即使在冷泉区,南海深海沉积物中产芽胞细菌也比较丰富。 相似文献
2005年夏季东太平洋中国多金属结核区小型底栖生物研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
“大洋一号”调查船于2005年7月在太平洋结核区中国合同区东、西小区调查中共进行了12个站位的小型底栖生物的取样.研究表明:调查区域小型底栖生物共有13个类群.东、西两小区小型底栖生物平均密度分别为(104.4±20.48)个/10 cm2,(40.26±25.84)个/10 cm2,线虫平均生物量分别为(5.25±0.99)(μg·干重)/10 cm2,(1.68±0.77)(μg·干重)/10 cm2,东小区小型底栖生物平均密度、线虫生物量明显高于西小区.线虫是绝对优势类群,分别占东、西小区小型底栖生物总密度的93.13%和91.36%,其它优势类群有桡足类,多毛类,介形类等.小型底栖生物密度随着沉积物深度的增加而减少,其数量的75%以上分布在0-2 cm层,东小区深层的小型底栖生物所占比例比西小区要大.与环境因子相关分析表明:调查区域的小型底栖生物密度,线虫密度,线虫生物量,桡足类密度,多毛类密度与经、纬度呈显著负相关,与脱镁叶绿素呈显著正相关,与沉积物微型生物生物量相关性不显著.小型底栖生物密度,线虫密度,线虫生物量,多毛类密度与叶绿素a呈显著正相关,桡足类与叶绿素a相关性不显著.脱镁叶绿素与沉积物微型生物生物量呈显著正相关. 相似文献
海洋沉积环境蕴含丰富的微生物资源。对深海难培养微生物的分离培养,不仅有利于深海微生物资源的挖掘与利用,也有利于对深海微生物学的研究。本研究采用多种培养基分离获得细菌菌株纯培养,并通过16S r RNA基因序列鉴定,对我国南海海域1个4 000 m水深的深海表层沉积物样品的可培养细菌多样性进行初探。共设计23种分离培养基,经过选择性分离培养最终获得612株细菌菌株,分别隶属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)的9目10科27个属级类群,可培养优势类群为厚壁菌门,占所有分离物种数量的85.8%,包含13个16S rRNA基因序列相似性低于98%的潜在新物种。海洋琼脂类培养基适合培养不同种类的海洋细菌类群,放线菌选择性分离类合成培养基对放线菌类群的分离效果较好。最终获得一些与具有产抗生素、细胞毒素、高效酶活、耐受不良环境、降解污染物等特殊功能微生物相近的菌株。研究结果表明,该深海沉积物样品的可培养微生物资源、潜在新物种和微生物生理特性丰富多样,研究深海环境难培养微生物的分离策略及其微生物适应生理特性对研究极端环境微生物打下了基础。 相似文献
采用PCR-RFLP技术调查了劳盆地深海热液喷口两位点沉积物中的细菌多样性。结果表明, 在劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物环境中细菌多样性十分丰富, 样品DY1中发现6个细菌类群, DY2中则存在4个细菌类群, 其中Gammaproteobacteria细菌亚群和Epsilonproteobacteria细菌亚群在两文库中均占据最大比例, 为沉积物样品中的优势菌群。另外, 在克隆文库中还发现了一些与数据库中的已知序列同源性较低的类群, 从而说明劳盆地深海热液喷口沉积物中存在特有的微生物种属。 相似文献
运用高通量测序技术对新疆巴里坤湖、阿勒泰福海阿尔达乡盐湖、吐鲁番亚尔乃孜沟三个盐碱地区土壤沉积物的细菌进行序列测定和分析,发现三个不同盐碱土壤沉积物中菌落构成在门水平和属水平均存在差异,阿勒泰福海阿尔达乡盐湖土壤沉积物中物种总数最多且具有丰富的多样性,其次是巴里坤湖地区土壤沉积物,而吐鲁番地区土壤沉积物中物种总数和多样性最少,三个不同盐碱土壤沉积物中细菌的丰度、多样性差异有统计学意义(Z_(chao)=9.373,F_(shannon)=1 497.94,F_(Simpson)=159.46,P0.05)。门水平看三个不同盐碱地区土壤沉积物中共有的优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),其次是拟杆菌门(Bacteroides),门水平上差异存在统计学意义(P0.05)。三个不同盐碱地区土壤沉积物共获得827个不同的菌属,巴里坤地区土壤沉积物气单胞菌属(Aeromonas)、热带小单胞菌属(Tropicimonas)丰度较高;阿勒泰地区是气单胞菌属丰度较高;吐鲁番地区优势菌群则是鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)和柄杆菌属(Caulobacter),属水平上差异存在统计学意义(P0.05)。本研究得出三个不同盐碱地区土壤沉积物中细菌多样性在门水平和属水平细菌组成和丰度存均在差异,且具有不同的优势菌,为微生物资源开发利用及医药研发提供了前期研究基础。 相似文献
【背景】海洋环境作为地球上最大的有机碳库贮藏着大量腐殖质,其中可能蕴藏着丰富的腐殖质转化菌。【目的】从深海沉积物环境中分离具有潜在腐殖质转化能力的细菌,为难降解天然有机多聚物的生物转化提供菌种资源。【方法】利用以腐殖质为唯一碳源的培养基,对西太平洋多金属结核区12个站位沉积物样品中的腐殖质转化菌进行富集培养和纯化,通过16S rRNA基因测序分析比对初步确定分离菌株的分类地位,并利用含苯胺蓝的培养基筛选潜在的腐殖质转化菌。【结果】从12个沉积物样品中共分离获得菌株276株,隶属于放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)、纤维粘网菌纲(Cytophagia)、黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteria)、 α变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria)和γ变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)中的14个目37个属56个种(含1个潜在新属和2个新种),其中49个种呈现木质素修饰酶阳性。【结论】利用以腐殖质为唯一碳源和能源的培养基可以分离获得具有较高多样性的潜在腐殖质转化菌。 相似文献
黄海海域海洋沉积物细菌多样性分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
【背景】海洋独特的环境造就了海洋生物的多样性,海洋沉积物中细菌对海洋环境具有至关重要的作用。【目的】研究陆地土壤和海洋沉积物间细菌群落相似性和差异性,以便更好地认识海洋细菌多样性,深入了解沉积物细菌在海洋环境中的潜在作用。【方法】从中国黄海海域及大连市大黑山脚下分别采集样品,以陆地土壤为对照,采用16SrRNA基因高通量测序技术分析海洋沉积物的细菌群落结构。【结果】海洋沉积物样品中芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli)、鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)丰度高于陆地土壤样品;海洋沉积物中亚硝化单胞菌(unculturedbacterium f. Nitrosomonadaceae)和厌氧绳菌(uncultured bacterium f. Anaerolineaceae)丰度虽低于陆地土壤,但丰度值也均高于1%;样品分类学统计显示酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)在海洋沉积物和陆地土壤样品中的序列丰度比例都较大,鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)在海洋沉积物样品中的序列丰度大于陆地土壤样品。【结论】海洋沉积物细菌多样性可作为海洋环境恢复情况的重... 相似文献
藻华爆发期太湖不同区域沉积物细菌多样性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究以藻华爆发期的太湖不同区域沉积物为对象, 测定氮、磷和生物量碳等理化性质, 并通过末端限制性酶切片断长度多态性分析(T-RFLP)的分子生态学手段, 鉴定不同富营养化湖区7个标准采样位点沉积物中细菌群落结构差异。结果表明, 总氮、总磷含量以6#、16#样品最高, 且各形态氮和各形态磷的趋势也与总氮、总磷趋势基本一致; 生物量碳为6#和16#明显高于其他位点, 其余各位点相近。T-RFLP结果显示, 各位点细菌多样性间存在差异, 其中16#样品的多样性指数最低, 6#、7#和1#较高; 在种群组成上各个位点无论是组分还是比例均有显著差异。另外, 所取7个沉积物样品中与氮、磷循环相关的α、β和γ-变形菌纲含量非常丰富, 且与硫、铁循环相关的δ-变形菌纲含量也很丰富。 相似文献
【目的】从南海4个站位的深海沉积物中分离真菌,揭示其多样性并测定抗菌活性。【方法】使用4种培养方法和8种培养基,从12个深海沉积物样本中分离培养真菌,通过菌落形态观察和ITS序列系统发育分析进行鉴定。采用滤纸片扩散法和生长速率法分别测试真菌小量发酵液粗浸膏的抗细菌和抗真菌活性。【结果】共分离到125株纯培养真菌,基于形态和ITS序列分析,排重后得到18个种类型,这些真菌可以划分到12个属,大多数属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota),只有2株属于担子菌门(Basidiomycota)。4个站位可培养真菌多样性具有差异性。抑菌活性筛选显示,大多数真菌具有较好的抑菌活性;链格孢属(Alternaria)、青霉属(Penicillium)、匐柄霉属(Stemphylium)这几个属的真菌表现出对多种指示细菌有抑制作用,尤其是Alternaria tenuissima DN09、Alternaria alternata DN14和Penicillium chrysogenum DN16对G~+和G~–细菌均表现出抑制作用。【结论】本研究揭示了南海深海沉积物可培养真菌多样性和抑菌活性,为进一步利用深海沉积物来源真菌奠定了基础。 相似文献
16S rDNA sequencing method is one of the effectively used culture-independent techniques in recent years. In this study, 16S rDNA sequencing method was used to investigate the bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediment from northeastern Pacific polymetallic nodule province. Total DNAs were extracted by using 2 different methods (chemical method and DNA extracting kit method). After purification, genomic DNA was amplified by using 2 universal primers (27F and 1492R). Clones were selected and sequenced randomly. After the sequences were checked by using the Chimera Check Program of the RDP database, a bacterial 16S rRNA gene library of 79 clones was established. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that 79 clones could be divided into 11 phylotypes. Gamma Proteobacteria (22.8%) and alpha Proteobacteria (16.5%) were the dominant components of the sediment bacterial community, followed by Planctomycetacia (7.6%), delta Proteobacteria (6.3%), Nitrospira (6.3%), Actinobacteria (6.3%), beta Proteobacteria (5%), Acidobacteria (5.1%), Sphingobacteria (3.8%), Firmicutes (2.5%) and uncultured bacteria (17.7%). Gamma Proteobacteria also dominated at slices 0–2 cm and 4–6 cm. Different slices had different types of bacteria, alpha Proteobacteria, gamma Proteobacteria, delta Proteobacteria, Planctomycetacia, Nitrospira, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria, however, appeared in all slices. Pseudomonas is common in many different deep-sea environments. In this study, it accounted for 22.2% of the total gamma Proteobacteria. 相似文献
Bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediments from different depths 总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38
Seven sediment samples have been examined, taken from different depths of the deep-sea in the range of 1159m to 6482m. A total of 75 different 16S rDNA sequences (149 clones) analyzed clustered into the Proteobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, Cytophaga, Planctomyces, and Actinomycetes and many sequences were from microorganisms that showed no phylogenetic affiliation with known bacteria. Clones identical to 16S rDNA sequences of members of the genus Pseudomonas were observed in all of the sediments examined. The second group of common sequences cloned from six sediment samples was related to the 16S rDNA sequence of a chemoautotrophic bacterium, the Solemya velum symbiont. Five 16S rDNA sequences from three sediments were related to those of the Alvinella pompejana epibiont which is a member of the -Proteobacteria. Only one sequence was obtained that was closely related to the 16S rDNA of the barophilic bacterium, Shewanella benthica, which might be a minor population in the deeper sediments. -Proteobacteria-related sequences were cloned from sediments obtained from sites near man-made garbage deposits and a Calyptogena community. These environments obviously would be richer in nutrients than other sites, and might be expected to show more types of bacteria than other deep-sea sediments. A large number of cloned sequences in this study showed very low identity to known sequences. These sequences may represent communities of as-yet-uncultivated microorganisms in the sediments. 相似文献
The Pacific nodule province covered about 4.5 million km2 in the east tropical Pacific with an abundance of polymetallic nodules at the seafloor. In view of the environmental protection
and resource preservation, the survey of biodiversity was important during the reconnaissance and exploitation in this area.
As one of the important component of the deep sea ecosystem, the microbial community in the Pacific nodule province was still
largely unknown. The chitinolytic bacteria diversity in deep-sea sediment of a station within the Pacific nodule province
was examined by molecular technology. A total of 18 chitinase genes were detected by a set of degenerate PCR primer specific
for chiA gene fragment of family 18 chitinase. Most of them belonged to the Serratia-like chitinase. Eight genes had different amino acid sequences in the conserved motif, encompassing the catalytic site among
the ChiA protein of family 18 glycosyl hydrolases, and clustered in an independent clade on the phylygenetic tree. 相似文献
Sediment samples were collected from 12 beaches affected by the 2004 Asian Tsunami in the south-east coast of India between Vanagiri and Nagoor. The objective of the present study is to delineate the microbial diversity in pre- and post-tsunami disaster coastal sediments. The collected marine sediments indicate that the overall microbial diversity is higher in the pre-tsunami sediments. The increase in pathogenic bacteria and fungal species after the tsunami is obscured due to inundation and backwashing of seawater along the coast. The reduction of other microbial diversity after the tsunami is attributed that the coastal and shelf sediments play an important role in the demineralization of organic matter, which supports the growth of microbes. The continuous exchange of ocean water and backwashing of coastal sediments by the tsunami wave probably reduced the pathogenic bacterial diversity in the sediments. 相似文献
Construction and preliminary analysis of a metagenomic library from a deep-sea sediment of east Pacific Nodule Province 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Pacific Nodule Province is a unique ocean area containing an abundance of polymetallic nodules. To explore more genetic information and discover potentially industrial useful genes of the microbial community from this particular area, a cosmid library with an average insert of about 35 kb was constructed from the deep-sea sediment. The bacteria in the cosmid library were composed mainly of Proteobacteria including Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria. The end sequences of some cosmid clones were determined and the complete insert sequences of two cosmid clones, 10D02 and 17H9, are presented. 10D02 has a length of 40.8 kb and contains 40 predicted encoding genes. It contains a partial 16S rRNA gene of Alphaproteobacteria. 17H9 is 36.8 kb and predicted to have 31 encoding genes and a 16S-23S-5S rRNA gene operon. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequence on the 17H9 both reveals that the inserted DNA from 17H9 came from a novel Alphaproteobacteria and is closely related to Magnetospirillum species. The predicted proteins of ORF 1-11 also have high identity to those of Magnetospirillum species, and the organization of these genes is highly conserved among known Magnetospirillum species. The data suggest that the retrieved DNA in 17H9 might be derived from a novel Magnetospirillum species. 相似文献
黄河内蒙古段表层沉积物细菌多样性及群落结构类型 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为掌握黄河内蒙古段表层沉积物微生物多样性、群落结构类型及其影响因素,采用高通量测序技术分析了6个采样点表层沉积物中的微生物多样性及群落结构。研究结果表明,黄河内蒙古段沉积物细菌丰度大小排序为乌拉特前旗(H3)老牛湾(H6)临河(H2)包头(H4)托县(H5)乌海(H1),微生物多样性排序为H6 H2 H5 H4 H3 H1,乌海沉积物中细菌丰度和微生物多样性都是最低的一个采样点。黄河内蒙古段表层沉积物中三大优势菌群分别为变形菌门(Proteobacteria,相对丰度32.39%)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi,13.25%)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,12.16%)。细菌群落丰度与环境因子之间的冗余分析结果显示,沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)、离子交换容量(CEC)和总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)等环境因子对黄河内蒙古段沉积物细菌群落分布影响较大,负相关系数分别为82.5%、80.1%、85.5%和85.2%;微生物多样性与环境理化因子相关性分析结果表明,黄河沉积物微生物多样性格局与对氮磷等营养物质的损耗有直接关系。 相似文献
Franck Lejzerowicz Philippe Esling Wojciech Majewski Witold Szczuciński Johan Decelle Cyril Obadia Pedro Martinez Arbizu Jan Pawlowski 《Biology letters》2013,9(4)
Deep-sea subsurface sediments are the most important archives of marine biodiversity. Until now, these archives were studied mainly using the microfossil record, disregarding large amounts of DNA accumulated on the deep-sea floor. Accessing ancient DNA (aDNA) molecules preserved down-core would offer unique insights into the history of marine biodiversity, including both fossilized and non-fossilized taxa. Here, we recover aDNA of eukaryotic origin across four cores collected at abyssal depths in the South Atlantic, in up to 32.5 thousand-year-old sediment layers. Our study focuses on Foraminifera and Radiolaria, two major groups of marine microfossils also comprising diverse non-fossilized taxa. We describe their assemblages in down-core sediment layers applying both micropalaeontological and environmental DNA sequencing approaches. Short fragments of the foraminiferal and radiolarian small subunit rRNA gene recovered from sedimentary DNA extracts provide evidence that eukaryotic aDNA is preserved in deep-sea sediments encompassing the last glacial maximum. Most aDNA were assigned to non-fossilized taxa that also dominate in molecular studies of modern environments. Our study reveals the potential of aDNA to better document the evolution of past marine ecosystems and opens new horizons for the development of deep-sea palaeogenomics. 相似文献