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过量表达苹果酸脱氢酶对大肠杆菌NZN111产丁二酸的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
大肠杆菌NZN111是敲除了乳酸脱氢酶的编码基因 (ldhA) 和丙酮酸-甲酸裂解酶的编码基因 (pflB) 的工程菌,厌氧条件下由于辅酶NAD(H) 的不平衡导致其丧失了代谢葡萄糖的能力。构建了苹果酸脱氢酶的重组菌大肠杆菌NZN111/pTrc99a-mdh,在厌氧摇瓶发酵过程中通过0.3 mmol/L的IPTG诱导后重组菌的苹果酸脱氢酶 (Malate dehydrogenase,MDH) 酶活较出发菌株提高了14.8倍,NADH/NAD+的比例从0.64下降到0.26,同时NAD+和NADH浓度分别 相似文献
过量表达Bacillus subtilis磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化激酶对大肠杆菌产琥珀酸的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在大肠杆菌厌氧混合酸发酵途径中,磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PPC)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化激酶(PCK)皆可催化由磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)到草酰乙酸(OAA)的反应。鉴于经由PCK催化的反应伴有ATP的生成,理论上更有利于菌体生长和产酸,本研究以大肠杆菌W3110(△pfl,△ldh)为出发菌株,利用λ-Red同源重组系统构建了其ppc缺陷菌株并在此基础上过量表达了Bacillus subtilispck基因。初步的厌氧发酵实验表明:过量表达pck可在一定程度上恢复初始菌株厌氧代谢葡萄糖的能力。其中又以ppc缺陷株更为明显,其耗糖能力和产酸能力分别为对照菌株的4.2和15.3倍。 相似文献
好氧发酵生产琥珀酸工程菌株的构建 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过分析大肠杆菌的碳源代谢途径, 利用基因敲除手段, 以Escherichia coli MG1655为出发菌株, 成功构建了琥珀酸好氧发酵生产工程菌E. coli QZ1111 (MG1655?ptsG?poxB?pta?iclR?sdhA)。检测结果表明该菌株能以葡萄糖为碳源, 在好氧发酵且不表达任何异源基因的条件下大量积累琥珀酸。摇瓶试验证明, 琥珀酸发酵产量达到26.4 g/L, 乙酸盐作为唯一检测到的副产物产量为2.3 g/L。二者浓度比达到11.5:1。 相似文献
苹果酸广泛应用于食品、化工行业。文中通过在酿酒酵母内敲除丙酮酸脱羧酶PDC1,并通过构建胞质内还原TCA的路径,即超表达丙酮酸羧化酶和苹果酸脱氢酶,成功地实现了苹果酸的生产。在野生型菌株中基本检测不到苹果酸的生成,而在工程菌株,苹果酸发酵浓度达到了45 mmol /L,同时副产物乙醇的产量也降低了18%。进一步通过发酵调控提高第二信使Ca2+的浓度使苹果酸的产量提高了7 %,在此基础上提高丙酮酸羧化酶的辅酶生物素浓度,使苹果酸的产量达到52.5 mmol /L,较原始菌株提高了16%。 相似文献
产琥珀酸重组大肠杆菌的发酵性能研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了重组大肠杆菌JM001(△ppc)/pTrc99a-pck发酵产琥珀酸的性能,结果表明厌氧条件下其耗糖能力和产酸能力分别为对照菌株JM001的4.2倍和15.3倍。进一步优化发酵条件表明:采用接入菌泥的发酵方式比按照10%接种量转接厌氧发酵的效果要好,琥珀酸的对葡萄糖的质量收率提高了约10%,且副产物乙酸的量进一步降低。初始葡萄糖浓度高于60g/L时会对菌株的生长和产酸产生抑制,且浓度越高,抑制作用越明显。7L发酵罐放大实验中,整个厌氧发酵阶段葡萄糖的消耗速率为0.42g/(L.h),琥珀酸对葡萄糖的质量收率为67.75%,琥珀酸的生产强度为0.28g/(L.h)。 相似文献
盐胁迫对库拉索芦荟叶片中NADP-苹果酸酶基因的诱导表达 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为弄清景天酸代谢植物 库拉索芦荟中NADP 苹果酸酶 (NADP ME)基因的表达与其耐盐间的关系 ,根据已知NADP 苹果酸酶序列设计引物 ,从库拉索芦荟的 2个月幼苗中扩增克隆了NADP 苹果酸酶 4 96bp的cDNA片段 ,并对其进行了序列测定 ;选用敏感品种皂质芦荟和耐盐品种库拉索芦荟做材料 ,分别检测高盐胁迫条件下NADP ME的表达和NADP ME的活性。结果表明 ,两者在不同品种的芦荟中均被诱导 ,但诱导的强度与芦荟的耐盐程度相关。Northern杂交分析表明 ,高盐、干旱、外源ABA均能强烈诱导苹果酸酶的表达 ,但寒冷对其影响不大 ,这与库拉索芦荟的生物学特性相符合 ;此外 ,为了检测库拉索芦荟中NADP 苹果酸酶受盐诱导情况 ,利用Western印迹对样品进行了分析 ,结果显示高盐条件不仅明显诱导NADP ME的合成 ,而且随着处理时间的延长其合成量也在增多。 相似文献
为了考察苹果酸酶对厌氧混合酸发酵影响,从E.coli DH5α中PCR扩增苹果酸酶(NAD+-dependent, E.C1.1.1.38)基因sfcA,插入质粒pTrc99a构建了表达质粒pTrc99a-sfcA,有氧和厌氧的条件下,IPTG诱导在E.coli FMJ39(ldh,pfl)中均获得大量表达,从而构建和加强了一条在厌氧混合酸发酵中微弱的代谢途径。厌氧发酵结果表明,过量表达苹果酸酶会影响混合酸发酵中甲酸、乙酸、丁二酸途径。重组FMJ39甲酸和乙酸的量分别比FMJ39提高了17.58%和15.27%,丁二酸的量降低了26.87%,柠檬酸的量变化不大。证实即使pfl基因缺陷,高浓度的L-Thr和L-Ser也会诱导Tdc 操纵元把丙酮酸转化为甲酸和乙酸。实验结果为进一步改造和利用FMJ39奠定了基础。 相似文献
环境对产毒性大肠杆菌肠毒素表达的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
通过体外试验,探讨一些与人体肠道微环境有关因素的变化对ETEC主要毒力因子肠毒素产生的影响。研究结果表明,细菌培养基的pH、渗透浓度、气体组成及温度的不同均可影响ETEC肠毒素的产生,而且LT与ST对有关环境因素的反应有所不同,一些与肠道环境有关环境条件的变化可影响ETEC肠毒素的表达,提示机体肠道微环境的变化可能与ETEC的致病有关。 相似文献
【背景】大肠杆菌由于生长性能优良、遗传背景清晰,常被用作苏氨酸生产菌。【目的】敲除大肠杆菌Escherichia coli THR苏氨酸合成途径的非必需基因,并异源表达苏氨酸合成必需的关键酶,构建一株苏氨酸高产菌株。【方法】利用FLP/FRT重组酶系统,敲除E. coli THR中lysC、pfkB和sstT,同时进行谷氨酸棒杆菌中lysC~(fbr)、thrE和丙酮丁醇梭菌中gapC的重组质粒构建并转化到宿主菌中。【结果】以E. coli THR为出发菌株,敲除其苏氨酸合成途径中表达天冬氨酸激酶Ⅲ (AKⅢ)的基因lysC、磷酸果糖激酶Ⅱ基因pfkB及苏氨酸吸收蛋白表达基因sstT,使菌株积累苏氨酸的产量达到75.64±0.35g/L,比出发菌株增加9.9%。随后异源表达谷氨酸棒杆菌中解除了反馈抑制的天冬氨酸激酶(lysC~(fbr))、苏氨酸分泌转运蛋白(thrE)及丙酮丁醇梭菌中由gapC编码的NADP+依赖型甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶,获得重组菌株E. coli THR6菌株。该菌株积累苏氨酸的产量提高到105.3±0.5 g/L,糖酸转化率提高了43.20%,单位产酸能力提高到5.76 g/g DCW,最大生物量为18.26 g DCW/L。【结论】单独敲除某个基因或改造某个途径不能使苏氨酸大量合成和积累,对多个代谢途径共同改造是构建苏氨酸工程菌的最有效方法。 相似文献
本实验用平截末端连接法把卡那霉素抗性基因插入到大豆根瘤菌(Brahyrh;zobiumjaponicum)110的苹果酸脱氢酶(mdh)基因中,致使mdh基因失活,再通过电激法把这一重组基因转入大豆根瘤菌(Brahyrhizobiumjaponicum)2143中,进而探讨mdh基因失活对大豆固氮作用的影响。 相似文献
Metabolic flux analysis for succinic acid production by recombinant Escherichia coli with amplified malic enzyme activity 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
A pfl ldhA double mutant Escherichia coli strain NZN111 was used to produce succinic acid by overexpressing the E. coli malic enzyme. Escherichia coli strain NZN111 harboring pTrcML produced 6 and 8 g/L of succinic acid from 20 g/L of glucose in flask culture at 37 degrees C and 30 degrees C, respectively. When NZN111(pTrcML) was cultured at 30 degrees C with intermittent glucose feeding the final succinic acid concentration obtained was 9.5 g/L and the ratio of succinic acid to acetic acid was 13:1. This system could not be analyzed by conventional metabolic flux analysis techniques, since some pyruvate and succinic acid were accumulated intracellularly. Therefore, a new flux analysis method was proposed by introducing intracellular pyruvate and succinic acid pools. By this new method the concentrations of intracellular metabolites were successfully predicted and the differences between the measured and calculated reaction rates could be considerably reduced. 相似文献
Chan Woo Song Dong In Kim Sol Choi Jae Won Jang Sang Yup Lee 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2013,110(7):2025-2034
Fumaric acid is a naturally occurring organic acid that is an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Fungal species belonging to Rhizopus have traditionally been employed for the production of fumaric acid. In this study, Escherichia coli was metabolically engineered for the production of fumaric acid under aerobic condition. For the aerobic production of fumaric acid, the iclR gene was deleted to redirect the carbon flux through the glyoxylate shunt. In addition, the fumA, fumB, and fumC genes were also deleted to enhance fumaric acid formation. The resulting strain was able to produce 1.45 g/L of fumaric acid from 15 g/L of glucose in flask culture. Based on in silico flux response analysis, this base strain was further engineered by plasmid‐based overexpression of the native ppc gene, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PPC), from the strong tac promoter, which resulted in the production of 4.09 g/L of fumaric acid. Additionally, the arcA and ptsG genes were deleted to reinforce the oxidative TCA cycle flux, and the aspA gene was deleted to block the conversion of fumaric acid into L ‐aspartic acid. Since it is desirable to avoid the use of inducer, the lacI gene was also deleted. To increase glucose uptake rate and fumaric acid productivity, the native promoter of the galP gene was replaced with the strong trc promoter. Fed‐batch culture of the final strain CWF812 allowed production of 28.2 g/L fumaric acid in 63 h with the overall yield and productivity of 0.389 g fumaric acid/g glucose and 0.448 g/L/h, respectively. This study demonstrates the possibility for the efficient production of fumaric acid by metabolically engineered E. coli. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2025–2034. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
AIMS: To understand the modification of C4-metabolism under anaerobic glycolysis condition by overexpressing anaplerotic enzymes, which mediating carboxylation of C3 into C4 metabolites, in Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anaplerotic NADP-dependent malic enzyme (MaeB), as well as the other anaplerotic enzymes, including phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (Ppc), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck) and NAD-dependent malic enzyme (MaeA), were artificially expressed and their C4 metabolism was compared in E. coli. Increasing MaeB expression enhanced the production of C4 metabolites by 2.4 times compared to the wild-type strain in anaerobic glucose medium with bicarbonate supplementation. In MaeB expression, C4 metabolism by supplementing 10 g l(-1) of NaHCO(3) was three times than that by no supplementation, which showed the greatest response to increased CO(2) availability among the tested anaplerotic enzyme expressions. CONCLUSIONS: The higher C4 metabolism was achieved in E. coli expressing increased levels of the NADPH-dependent MaeB. The greatest increase in the C4 metabolite ratio compared to the other tested enzymes were also found in E. coli with enhanced MaeB expression as CO(2) availability increased. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The higher C4 metabolites and related biomolecule productions can be accomplished by MaeB overexpression in metabolically engineered E. coli. 相似文献
Apfl ldhA double mutantEscherichia coli strain NZN111 was used to produce succinic acid by overexpressing theE. coli malic enzyme gene (sfcA). This strain, however, produced a large amount of malic acid as well as succinic acid. After the analyses of the metabolic
pathways, thefumB gene encoding the anaerobic fumarase ofE. coli was co-amplified to solve the problem of malic acid accumulation. A plasmid, pTrcMLFu, was constructed, which contains an
artificial operon (sfcA-fumB) under the control of the inducibletrc promoter. From the batch culture of recombinantE. coli NZN111 harboring pTrcMLFu, 7 g/L of succinic acid was produced from 20 g/L of glucose, with no accumulation of malic acid.
From the metabolic flux analysis the strain was found under reducing power limiting conditions by severe reorientation of
metabolic fluxes. 相似文献
Daisuke Koma Hayato Yamanaka Kunihiko Moriyoshi Kiyofumi Sakai Takaya Masuda Yoshihiro Sato 《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(2):350-357
The production of chemical compounds from renewable resources is an important issue in building a sustainable society. In this study, Escherichia coli was metabolically engineered by introducing T7lac promoter-controlled aroFfbr, pabA, pabB, and pabC genes into the chromosome to overproduce para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) from glucose. Elevating the copy number of chromosomal PT7lac-pabA-pabB distinctly increased the PABA titer, indicating that elevation of 4-amino-4-deoxychorismic acid synthesis is a significant factor in PABA production. The introduction of a counterpart derived from Corynebacterium efficiens, pabAB (ce), encoding a fused PabA and PabB protein, resulted in a considerable increase in the PABA titer. The introduction of more than two copies of PT7lac-pabAB (ce-mod), a codon-optimized pabAB (ce), into the chromosome of a strain that simultaneously overexpressed aroFfbr and pabC resulted in 5.1?mM PABA from 55.6?mM glucose (yield 9.2%). The generated strain produced 35?mM (4.8?g?L?1) PABA from 167?mM glucose (yield 21.0%) in fed-batch culture. 相似文献
Yunhe Meng Xixi Shao Yan Wang Yumei Li Xiaojian Zheng Gongyuan Wei Seon-Won Kim Chonglong Wang 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》2020,117(11):3499-3507
Squalene is a lipophilic and non-volatile triterpene with many industrial applications for food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Metabolic engineering focused on optimization of the production pathway suffer from little success in improving titers because of a limited space of the cell membrane accommodating the lipophilic product. Extension of cell membrane would be a promising approach to overcome the storage limitation for successful production of squalene. In this study, Escherichia coli was engineered for squalene production by overexpression of some membrane proteins. The highest production of 612 mg/L was observed in the engineered E. coli with overexpression of Tsr, a serine chemoreceptor protein, which induced invagination of inner membrane to form multilayered structure. It was also observed an increase in unsaturated fatty acid in membrane lipids composition, suggesting cellular response to maintain membrane fluidity against squalene accumulation in the engineered strain. This study potentiates the capability of E. coli for squalene production and provides an effective strategy for the enhanced production of such compounds. 相似文献