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Galanin (GAL), a 29-amino-acid-residue neuropeptide, modulatesgastric smooth muscles activity by interacting with specific receptors. However due to the lack of specific antagonists in thegastrointestinal (GI) tract the actual level of GAL involvement in GI motility remains largely unknown. In our studies we have performed structure-activity relationship studies of two porcinegalanin fragments, two chimeric galanin analogues and several 15-amino-acid-residue galanin analogues modified in positions 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 14, investigating their contractile action on rat isolated gastric fundus strips, employed as in vitro assay of peptides activity. Thus we intended to characterize the moleculardomains of GAL responsible for binding and activation of GAL receptors in rat gastric smooth muscle cells. The data acquired in the course of our structure-activity relationship studies suggest that both N- and C-terminal fragment of GAL molecule contribute towards the affinity and activity of GAL gastric smooth muscle cell receptors. Moreover, we concluded that positions 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 14 in the amino acid sequence of GAL may play important roles in binding and activation of GAL receptors in rat gastric smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the mode of action of galanin (GAL) on the neuroeffector mechanism of peripheral sympathetic nerve fibers, the effects of this peptide were tested on the electrical stimulated and the unstimulated preparations of the isolated rat vas deferens in the presence of 10(-7) M atropine. The contractile responses, which were mediated predominantly by activation of postganglionic noradrenergic nerve fibers were dose-dependently potentiated by GAL in concentrations ranging from 1 to 50 nM. The facilitatory action induced by GAL in high concentrations (greater than 10 nM) usually returned to the control level at 2-3 min and were tachyphylactic. The potentiating action of GAL was not modified by pretreatment with 10(-7) M propranolol. Contractions produced by exogenous norepinephrine (NE) in the unstimulated preparations were not affected by pretreatment with low concentrations (less than 5 nM) of GAL. On the other hand, the contractions were dose-dependently potentiated 1 min after pretreatment with higher concentrations (greater than 10 nM) of GAL, which recovered 15 min after constant flow washout. Contractions developed by exogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine were not affected, or slightly inhibited, by GAL (1-50 nM). In some preparations without electrical stimulation, high concentrations of GAL caused a slight contraction, which was not blocked by pretreatment with 10(-6) M phentolamine and 10(-6) M tetrodotoxin. These results suggest that GAL receptors exist presynaptically in the rat vas deferens and that stimulation of the receptors by GAL potentiates the release of NE from the nerve terminals during postganglionic sympathetic nerve stimulation. Other mechanisms for GAL action, such as influence on neuronal uptake and catecholamine metabolism, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

In muscle strips of the guinea-pig large intestine, haloperidol and clotrimazole increased spontaneous electrical and contractile activities and decreased ATP-evoked hyperpolarization of smooth-muscle cells and the amplitude of inhibitory synaptic potentials. The pattern of effects of haloperidol on hyperpolarization induced by intramural stimulation of muscle strips was preserved under conditions of pre-incubation of the preparations in Krebs solutions containing pyridoxal-5′-phosphate, Nω-nitro-L-arginine, or apamin, as well as both apamin and tetraethylammonium. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 412–415, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The binding of monoiodo 125I-Trp11-neurotensin to purified rat gastric fundus smooth muscle plasma membranes was characterized. Specific binding of ligand in subcellular fractions from rat fundus smooth muscle showed a distribution that paralleled that of several plasma membrane marker enzymes. 125I-Trp11-neurotensin binding to smooth muscle plasma membranes at 25 degrees C was maximal at 30 min, reversible and saturable. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium data indicated the existence of two classes of binding sites with dissociation constants (Kd) of 56 pmol and 1.92 nM, and corresponding binding capacities (Bmax) of 6.6 fmol/mg and 11.4 fmol/mg of membrane protein. Analogues and fragments of neurotensin competed for 125I-Trp11-neurotensin binding with a rank order of potency similar to that previously reported for their contracting effect in rat fundus strips. Na+ decreased in a concentration dependent manner the binding of labelled ligand to the high affinity site. At 100 mM, Na+ induced a 6-fold increase in the IC50 of neurotensin for inhibition of 125I-Trp11-neurotensin binding. At this concentration of Na+, the IC50 for neurotensin was 1 nM, a value close to the Kd of the low affinity site.  相似文献   

In experiments on isolated segments of the rat femoral artery, we demonstrated that a donor of nitric oxide, nitroglycerine (NG), suppresses KCl-and phenylephrine-induced contractions of smooth muscles (SMs) of the vascular wall in a dose-dependent manner. The relaxing effect of NG on SMs is based on several mechanisms. In a series of experiments on intact preparations, we found that potassium channels of two types, Ca-dependent big-conductance and inward rectifying channels, are involved in the relaxing effect of NG. Experiments on skinned preparations showed that interaction between the contractile apparatus of SM cells and calcium ions is disturbed under the action of NG. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 208–213, May–June, 2007.  相似文献   

R Kerouac  S St-Pierre  F Rioux 《Peptides》1984,5(4):695-699
Histamine releasing effects of neurotensin (NT) and several NT fragments and structural analogues were measured in the rat perfused hindquarter. The results show that the chemical groups responsible for histamine release are located in the C-terminal sequence Arg9-Pro10-Tyr11-Ile12-Leu13-OH. Both the spatial configuration and positive charge of Arg8 and Arg9 appear to contribute to the histamine releasing effect of NT. Optimization of the histamine releasing effect of NT requires both a free C-terminal carboxyl group and the presence in position 11 of NT of an aromatic residue, with the L-configuration, bearing an heteroatom capable of hydrogen bonding with the receptor. The results indicate that the structural requirements of NT to induce histamine release from the rat perfused hindquarter are similar to those involved in other peripheral biological actions of NT.  相似文献   

甘丙肽(galanin, GAL)作为治疗抑郁症的可能靶点被关注已久,但目前仍未有广泛应用的GAL类抗抑郁药物。GAL可与3种G蛋白偶联受体(GalR1~3)结合,GalR1和GalR3介导促进抑郁的作用,GalR2介导抗抑郁的作用。GAL的N端有生物活性的片段GAL (1-15),通过其受体GalR1-GalR2异聚体(heteromer),介导比GAL更强的调节抑郁效应。GAL (1-15)还可以通过GalR1-GalR2异聚体与5-羟色胺1A受体(5-HT1AR)相互作用形成GalR1-GalR2-5-HT1AR异聚体的方式,加强5-HT1AR激动剂的抗抑郁效果。此外,GAL及其受体还与去甲肾上腺素、神经肽Y、脑源性神经营养因子、多巴胺等递质或因子交互作用调节抑郁。本文梳理GAL及其受体对抑郁的调节作用及其可能机制,并对以GAL及其受体为靶点开发的药物应用于临床治疗抑郁症的可能性进行探讨。  相似文献   

Receptors for galanin in membranes from the rat gastric and jejunal smooth muscle were studied using [125I] radioiodinated synthetic porcine galanin. Specific binding was time and temperature dependent. At 32 degrees C radioligand was degraded in the presence of smooth muscle membranes in a time-dependent manner. At optimal experimental conditions, the equilibrium binding analyses showed the presence of a single population of high affinity binding sites in both the rat stomach and jejunum (Kd value of 2.77 +/- 0.78 nM and 4.93 +/- 1.74 nM for stomach and jejunal smooth muscle membranes, respectively). The concentration of the high affinity binding sites was 58.19 +/- 11.04 and 32.36 +/- 5.68 fmol/mg protein, for gastric and jejunal preparations, respectively. Specific binding was completely inhibited by 10(-6) M of nonradioactive galanin; was 75% blocked by 1 microM of galanin(9-29); it was 10% blocked by 1 microM of galanin(15-29). Galanin(1-15) at a concentration of 1 microM was ineffective for inhibiting [125I]galanin binding. Deletion of four C-terminal amino acid residues from galanin(9-29) to give galanin(9-25) also resulted in almost complete loss of affinity. Radioiodinated galanin and N-terminally deleted fragments had receptor binding potency in the following order: galanin(1-29) greater than galanin(9-29) greater than galanin(15-29). We conclude that the C-terminal part of the galanin chain is important for the rat gastric and jejunal smooth muscle membrane receptor recognition and binding and that N-terminal amino acid sequences are probably not so important, since galanin(1-15) was not active but galanin(9-29) retained most of the receptor binding activity.  相似文献   

The effects of quercetin-loaded liposomes (PCL-Q) and their constituents, that is, free quercetin (Q) and ‘empty’ phosphatidylcholine vesicles (PCL), on maxi-K channel activity were studied in single mouse ileal myocytes before and after H2O2-induced oxidative stress. Macroscopic Maxi-K channel currents were recorded using whole-cell patch clamp techniques, while single BKCa channel currents were recorded in the cell-attached configuration. Bath application of PCL-Q (100?μg/ml of lipid and 3?μg/ml of quercetin) increased single Maxi-K channel activity more than threefold, from 0.010?±?0.003 to 0.034?±?0.004 (n?=?5; p?<?0.05), whereas single-channel conductance increased non-significantly from 138 to 146?pS. In the presence of PCL-Q multiple simultaneous channel openings were observed, with up to eight active channels in the membrane patch. Surprisingly, ‘empty’ PCL (100?μg/ml) also produced some channel activation, although it was less potent compared to PCL-Q, that is, these increased NPo from 0.010?±?0.003 to 0.019?±?0.003 (n?=?5; p?<?0.05) and did not affect single-channel conductance (139?pS). Application of PCL-Q restored macroscopic Maxi-K currents suppressed by H2O2-induced oxidative stress in ileal smooth muscle cells. We conclude that PCL-Q can activate Maxi-K channels in ileal myocytes mainly by increasing channel open probability, as well as maintain Maxi-K-mediated whole-cell current under the conditions of oxidative stress. While fusion of the ‘pure’ liposomes with the plasma membrane may indirectly activate Maxi-K channels by altering channel’s phospholipids environment, the additional potentiating action of quercetin may be due to its better bioavailability.  相似文献   

We have examined the biological activities of thrombin and the thrombin-receptor-related polypeptides, S42FLLRNPNDKYEPF55(TRP42-55), S42FLLRNPND50(TRP42-50), and A42FLLRNPND50(A42-TRP42-50) as well as an arginine-containing basic peptide beginning with the SF motif (SFRGHITR), in rat aortic (RA) rings and in a gastric guinea pig longitudinal (LM) smooth muscle preparation. In the RA preparation, thrombin, as well as the three receptor-related peptides caused a relaxation in tissue that was precontracted with noradrenaline; the basic peptide, SFRGHITR, was inactive either as an agonist or as an antagonist to TRP42-55. In the LM bioassay, which unlike the RA preparation did not persistently desensitize in response to thrombin, all three receptor-related peptides, like thrombin, caused a prompt phasic reproducible contraction. The basic peptide, SFRGHITR, was inactive. In the LM assay, TRP42-55, TRP42-50 and A42-TRP42-55 all caused comparable contractile responses. We conclude that the gastric LM smooth muscle possesses a thrombin receptor and provides a convenient and reliable assay for the activities of thrombin receptor-related peptides. Our data also demonstrated that neither the C-terminal hirudin-related pentapeptide nor the N-terminal serine hydroxyl group are required for the biological activity of the thrombin receptor-derived peptide previously described (TRP42-55). Based on our findings we suggest that only a small portion of the N-terminal sequence of TRP42-55 may be required for thrombin-like biological activity.  相似文献   

A new iridoid, named methylscutelloside (1) together with 19 known compounds belonging to the iridoids (2-4), monoterpenoids (5), flavonoids (6-8), triterpenoids (9-14), and phenylethanoids (15-20) were isolated from the flowers of Buddleja officinalis. Their chemical structures were elucidated on the basis of physicochemical properties, and by spectroscopic methods including 1D, 2D NMR, and MS. All isolated compounds were tested in vitro for their effects on the proliferation of rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Among them, iridoids were the main active components and showed significant inhibitory effects on PDGF-BB-induced proliferation in rat aortic VSMCs.  相似文献   

We found that nonadrenergic inhibitory synaptic potentials (ISP) induced by intramural stimulation in atropine-treated smooth muscles of the guinea-pig large intestine demonstrated no changes upon the influence of an activator of adenylate cyclase, forskolin. This indicates that cAMP-dependent pathways are not involved in the generation of ISP. However, in these muscles with no atropine pretreatment ISP were suppressed by forskolin; intramural stimulation evoked in these smooth muscle cells M-cholinergic excitatory synaptic potentials (ESP) instead of ISP. An increase in the intracellular cAMP concentration due to application of its membrane-penetrating form, dibutyryl-cAMP, did not mimic the above-described effect of forskolin. Hence, it can be supposed that the effect of forskolin on inhibitory synaptic transmission in the atropine-untreated smooth muscles is not related to changes in the intracellular cAMP level; this effect is determined by other mechanisms. The above differences between the effects of forskolin on ISP in the atropine-treated and atropine-untreated smooth muscle strips indicate that the interaction of intracellular signal pathways (probably, through protein Gq/11), which is observed with activation of adenylate cyclase, occurs under conditions of simultaneous activation of M cholinoreceptors and purinoreceptors. The pattern of adenylate cyclase-mediated modulation of inhibitory effects of purinergic neurons on smooth muscles does not allow us to rule out the possibility of involvement of interstitial cells of Cajal as a relay link providing this synaptic effect. Transmission of excitation from cholinergic nerve terminals to smooth muscles is realized without the participation of the interstitial cells of Cajal.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 36, Nos. 5/6, pp. 438–445, September–December, 2004.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date and copyright year.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity, which is manifested as slow depolarization waves and action potentials, is observed in most (81%) smooth muscles (SMs) of the circular layer of the human colon. Independently of the type of pathology, inhibitory junction potentials (IJPs) in SMs of various parts of the human colon are evoked by intramural stimulation; ranges of parameters of these potentials were comparable with those observed in muscle intestinal fragments isolated at a distance of several tens of centimeters from the zone of injury. In muscle strips (MSs) of such fragments, pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PPh) applied in different concentrations caused suppression of IJPs: in the concentration of 1·10−8 to 1·10−4 M it decreased the amplitude, and in the concentrations of 1·10−5 to 1·10−4 M and 1·10−4 M, respectively, it decreased rates of the half-amplitude rise and decay of these potentials. Pyridoxal (1·10−4 M) and 4-pyridoxolic acid (1·10−4 M) also caused a drop in the amplitude of IJPs; however, these agents influenced this parameter to a lesser extent, as compared with the effect of 1·10−4 M PPh. Pyridoxine (1·10−4 M) and pyridoxamine (1·10−4 M) evoked no significant changes in the parameters of IJPs in MSs of the human colon. Our data allow us to hypothesize that the suppressing effect of PPh on IJPs is determined by the presence of a purinergic component present in non-adrenergic inhibition of SMs of the human colon. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 269–279, July–August, 2006.  相似文献   

Edeines are pentapeptide amide antibiotics composed of four nonprotein amino acids, glycine, and polyamine. They exhibit antimicrobial and immunosuppressive activities and are universal inhibitors of translation. Moreover, it was proven that the free ionizable carboxy group in the (2R, 6S, 7R)-2,6-diamino-7-hydroxyazelaic acid moiety is not essential for biological activity of these compounds. In this paper we describe the synthesis of four novel edeine A and D analogues in which the above-mentioned acid residue was replaced with the (3R, 4S)- or (3S, 4S)-4,5-diamino-3-hydroxypentanoic acid moiety. In one compound we also introduced into molecule the 3-N,N-dimethyl derivative of (S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid to prevent the transpeptidation process, which results in the loss of biological activity of alpha-isomers of edeines. All peptides were synthesized applying the active ester and azide methods and on the basis of the coupling of suitable N-terminal tripeptides with proper C-terminal dipeptide amides. The activities of the newly obtained edeine analogues against selected strains of bacteria and fungi are also presented.  相似文献   

The activity of porcine galanin (Gal) fragments and analogues were tested in vitro using rat gastric fundus strips. The peptides contracted longitudinal smooth muscle in a concentration-dependent manner with the following order of potency: [Nle4]Gal(1-15), Gal(-15), [Cle4]Gal(1-15), [Hse6]Gal(1-15), [Va14]Gal(1-15), [Ile4]Gal(1-15), [endoTrip2a, Cle4]Gal(1-15), [desThr3, Cle4]Gal(1-15), [D-Leu4] Gal(1-15), [desLeu4]Gal(1-15). On the contrary [desTrp2, Val4]Gal (1-15) remained inactive up to 10 microM. The values of Hill's coefficients estimated from the appropriate concentration-contraction curves for all analogues except for [Val4]Gal(1-15), [Hse6]Gal(1-15), [endoTrp2a,Cle4]Gal(1-15), [desLeu4]Gal(1-15) and [D-Leu4] Gal(1-15) did not significantly differ from unity. Our results indicate that the integrity of the first four N-terminal amino acids of Gal molecule is essential for the full excitatory myogenic action of the peptide in rat gastric fundus. Similarly, substitution, addition or deletion of amino acid residues in positions two, three, four and six can considerably influence the ability of Gal analogues to interact with Gal receptors. The data acquired in the course of our structure-activity study suggest that both N- and C-terminals of Gal molecule contribute towards the affinity and activity of Gal in rat gastric smooth muscle cell receptors.  相似文献   

In strips of smooth muscles of the human colon, haloperidol (Hal) and clotrimazole (Clo), in contrast to pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PP), suppressed spontaneous electrical and contractile activities of these strips and also post-inhibitory excitation developing after inhibitory synaptic potentials (ISPs). Haloperidol, Clo, PP, and PP applied against the background of the action of Nω-nitro-L-arginine noticeably changed the parameters of ISPs. The pattern of effect of Hal on synaptic inhibition in smooth muscles was preserved against the background of the action of PP, and that of PP was preserved against the background of the action of Hal. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 408–411, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

Jin Z  Guo HS  Xu DY  Hong MY  Li XL  Xu WX 《生理学报》2004,56(6):678-684
为探讨非肾上腺素能非胆碱能神经递质对胃窦环行肌功能的调节作用,在离体胃平滑肌上观察了嘌呤拟似物对胃窦环行肌自发性收缩活动和电活动的影响。电活动用传统的细胞内微电极记录,并和收缩活动同步描记于多道生理记录仪。结果表明,嘌呤能P2Y受体激动剂,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)和2-methylthio ATP(2-MeSATP)均增强胃窦平滑肌的收缩活动,但不影响电活动,而且ATP和2-MeSATP对胃平滑肌收缩活动的增强作用可被嘌呤能P2Y受体阻断剂,reactive blue-2和苏拉明(suramin)所阻断。用100μmol/L α,β-MeATP引起的脱敏感使P2X受体被阻断,ATP增强胃窦平滑肌收缩活动的效应不受影响。嘌呤能P2X受体激动剂,α,β-MeATP明显抑制胃窦环行肌自发性收缩活动,同时使膜电位明显超极化。ATP对胃窦平滑肌的收缩作用不被L型钙通道阻断剂尼卡地平(nicardipine)阻断,但细胞外用无钙液灌流时这种效应则完全被阻断。用前列腺素合成抑制剂消炎痛预先处理20min后,ATP和2-MeSATP仍能增强胃窦平滑肌的自发性收缩活动。以上结果提示:(1)ATP和2-MeSATP通过嘌呤能P2Y受体增强胃窦平滑肌的自发性收缩活动,而α,β-MeATP或β,γ-MeATP通过嘌呤能P2X受体使膜电位超极化,引起胃窦平滑肌的舒张;(2)ATP和2-MeSATP增强胃窦平滑肌自发性收缩活动的效应依赖于细胞外钙,但钙离子进入细胞的途径并不是电压依赖性钙通道;(3)ATP和2-MeSATP增强胃窦平滑肌自发性收缩活动的效应不通过前列腺素介导。  相似文献   

Characteristics of the small arteries (with a diameter of 200-250 μm) feeding the medial gastrocnemius muscle and diaphragm were studied. Recording of the mechanical activity of ring segments under isometric conditions demonstrated that, similar to other arteries feeding the muscles with a high content of slow fibers, the diaphragm arteries are highly sensitive to adrenoceptor agonists and acetylcholine. The differences in the endothelium-dependent relaxation in response to acetylcholine were retained in the presence of L-NAME and diclofenac. The diaphragm and gastrocnemius arteries similarly responded to serotonin. On the other hand, a high innervation density was characteristic of the diaphragm arteries unlike the arteries of other slow muscles. The density of adrenergic nerve plexus in the diaphragm arteries was considerably higher than in the gastrocnemius arteries. The results suggest that the characteristics of small diaphragm arteries are determined not only by the oxidative capacity of diaphragm muscle fibers, but also by the fact that this is a respiratory muscle.  相似文献   

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