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目的:通过分析抗菌药物临床应用专项治理前后住院患者抗菌药的使用情况,以促进合理用药。方法:随机抽取我院2010年1至2011年12月病例1680份,抽取甲状腺/乳腺/疝气/闭合性骨折I类切口手术病历100份,分析治理前后抗菌药物使用率、使用强度、病原送检率、DDDs、DUI及I类切口抗菌药物应用情况。结果:治理前住院患者抗菌药物使用率、使用强度分别为68.50%、49.8DDD;治理后分别为56.2%、37.8DDD,显著降低(P<0.05)。治理前有四种抗菌药物DUI>1,依次为头孢哌酮/舒巴坦钠>头孢噻吩钠=头孢唑啉>头孢呋辛;治理后有两种抗菌药物DUI>1,依次为磺苄西林>头孢哌酮/舒巴坦钠;治理后I类切口手术患者预防使用抗菌药物比例略为下降,疗程符合率、用药合理率明显上升(P<0.05)。结论:我院住院患者抗菌药使用情况基本达到《抗菌药物临床应用专项工作方案》要求。但在某些方面,如I类切口使用率、疗程、用药选择上需要持续改进,应加强对I类切口的监管力度,以确保用药的经济、有效、合理。  相似文献   

Ultrasonic telemetry is a preferred method for fish-movement studies. Despite surgical tag implantation being the most common method for affixing tags, many studies lack tests addressing the assumption that tagging has no effect on fish performance or survival. The threatened, anadromous green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, has little documentation concerning its movements. We evaluated the effects of surgery and tag implantation in juveniles. We compared three groups: tagged fish with dummy transmitters implanted in the peritoneal cavity, sham fish that underwent surgery without tag implantation, and control fish that were handled and anesthetized but did not undergo surgery. We found no differences in growth or critical swimming velocity among groups. Photos of incisions were taken towards the beginning and at the end of the study to assess inflammation and to score each incision for closure and suture retention. Inflammation declined similarly for tagged and sham fish during the study. Ucrit was not related to the extent of inflammation or to post-surgery time. All fish showed healing during the study (ca. 140 day duration) and 10 % of tagged and sham fish showed signs of inflammation by the study end. These results suggest that current ultrasonic surgical tagging methods do not significantly affect the short-term growth or swimming performance of juvenile green sturgeon. Additionally, effects of surgery can be mitigated by minimizing the number of suture entry points and by using rapid-absorbing sutures.  相似文献   

Early approaches to surgical implantation of electronic tags in fish were often through trial and error, however, in recent years there has been an interest in using scientific research to identify techniques and procedures that improve the outcome of surgical procedures and determine the effects of tagging on individuals. Here we summarize the trends in 108 peer-reviewed electronic tagging effect studies focused on intracoleomic implantation to determine opportunities for future research. To date, almost all of the studies have been conducted in freshwater, typically in laboratory environments, and have focused on biotelemetry devices. The majority of studies have focused on salmonids, cyprinids, ictalurids and centrarchids, with a regional bias towards North America, Europe and Australia. Most studies have focused on determining whether there is a negative effect of tagging relative to control fish, with proportionally fewer that have contrasted different aspects of the surgical procedure (e.g., methods of sterilization, incision location, wound closure material) that could advance the discipline. Many of these studies included routine endpoints such as mortality, growth, healing and tag retention, with fewer addressing sublethal measures such as swimming ability, predator avoidance, physiological costs, or fitness. Continued research is needed to further elevate the practice of electronic tag implantation in fish in order to ensure that the data generated are relevant to untagged conspecifics (i.e., no long-term behavioural or physiological consequences) and the surgical procedure does not impair the health and welfare status of the tagged fish. To that end, we advocate for (1) rigorous controlled manipulations based on statistical designs that have adequate power, account for inter-individual variation, and include controls and shams, (2) studies that transcend the laboratory and the field with more studies in marine waters, (3) incorporation of knowledge and techniques emerging from the medical and veterinary disciplines, (4) addressing all components of the surgical event, (5) comparative studies that evaluate the same surgical techniques on multiple species and in different environments, (6) consideration of how biotic factors (e.g., sex, age, size) influence tagging outcomes, and (7) studies that cover a range of endpoints over ecologically relevant time periods.  相似文献   

Innovative tools that benefit conservation are critical as freshwater fishes are lost at unprecedented rates. Mark-recapture methods can characterize population demographics and life-history traits of diverse fishes, but suitable techniques for tagging for individual recognition of small-bodied fishes are rare. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag technology may facilitate the tagging of small fishes and early life stages of larger species. However, relatively little research has evaluated the suitability of these small (8.4 × 1.4 mm) tags for many groups of small fishes. Tag loss (retention and survival) and growth of individuals implanted with PIT tags relative to control and sham treatments were compared for eight fishes of differing morphologies. Additionally, the utility of cyanoacrylate to improve tag retention was tested on a subset of taxa. Fish of each species were equally divided and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (handled [control], surgical incision [sham], or surgical incision and PIT tag implantation [PIT]). During the 42-d study period, mortalities and expelled tags were counted daily and growth was measured weekly. Researchers can generally expect little tag loss and uncompromised growth rates for a variety of small-bodied fishes; however, initial fish length was related to the magnitude of physiological effects for some taxa (i.e., blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus, johnny darter Etheostoma nigrum, juvenile white sucker Catostomus commersonii). Relatively poor survival (<80%) was observed for two benthic species: johnny darter and blacknose dace, often when incision wounds became inflamed before healing. Prevalent tag loss for johnny darter, tadpole madtom Noturus gyrinus, and a dorsal-laterally compressed cyprinid can be reduced by closing the wounds with cyanoacrylate, but with substantially increased mortality rates. This research demonstrates the broad applicability of PIT tagging technology for ecological studies of small-bodied fishes and alleviates many concerns when surgically implanting tags into several fishes.  相似文献   

目的:探讨行政干预对I类切口围术期预防性使用抗菌药物的影响。方法:2011年4月~6月对全院手术科室进行行政干预,具体做法:卫生行政部门与医院一把手、医院与手术科室主任、科室主任与科室执业医生分别签订目标责任状;医院配合全国抗菌药物临床应用专项整治活动方案进行全员培训,并对医师进行抗菌药物临床应用培训并考核合格后,授予其相应级别的抗菌药物处方权,明确各级医师使用抗菌药物的处方权限;由医务科牵头与院感染科、药剂科、质控科联合对I类切口手术患者预防使用抗菌药物情况进行检查,定期实施目标奖罚,责任到科室主任和临床医生。然后抽取我院2010年7月~12月(行政干预前)和2011年7月~12月(行政干预后)I类切口手术病历各210份,参考《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》、卫办医政发[2009]38号通知对420例I类切口手术患者预防使用抗菌药物情况进行回顾性分析。结果:行政干预前(2010年7月~12月)I类切口围手术期预防性抗菌药物的使用率达83.81%(176/210),术后抗菌药物使用时间在2~7天者占69.52%,大于7天者占6.67%;行政干预后(2011年7月~12月)210例患者预防使用抗菌药物使用率为30%(63/210),显著低于未使用行政干预的Ⅰ类切口术患者(P<0.05),围术期术后抗菌药物使用时间在2~7天者占16.67%,没有1例患者用药超过7天,抗菌药物的使用时间较未使用行政干预的Ⅰ类切口术患者显著缩短(P<0.05)。结论:有效的行政干预可以强化临床医生合理应用抗菌药物的意识,提高合理用药的水平,明显降低I类切口预防性抗菌药物的使用率,缩短抗菌药物的使用疗程。  相似文献   

We reviewed the literature in an attempt to determine the importance of aseptic technique when implanting electronic tags in fish. Given that there was negligible information on this topic we embarked on a study where bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) were used as a model to investigate the effects of different aseptic surgical techniques for the intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags in fish. First we tested the effects of water entry into the incision using five treatments: lake, distilled and saline water introduced into the incision, water-free controls, and non-surgery controls. For fish in the water treatments, 1 mL of the sample was introduced into their coelom prior to incision closure. Fish were held for 10 days to monitor survival and at the end of the study, the survivors were blood sampled and euthanized to evaluate condition and health using the health assessment index. In a second experiment, four aseptic treatments were used: non-sterile, field-based, high-grade sterility, and non-surgery controls and fish were monitored as in the first experiment. For both experiments, no differences in physiological status, health or mortality were noted among treatment groups. However, in the aseptic techniques experiment, surgical times were approximately twice as long for fish in the sterile treatment as compared to other groups and the costs of surgical supplies was greater than that of the less-sterile treatments. Although we failed to document any benefit of keeping water out of the incision or using aseptic technique for bluegill, in other situations and for other species, such approaches may be important. As such, we encourage fish surgeons practicing intracoelomic implants to attempt to prevent water entry into the coelom. We also encourage, at least some level of infection control (e.g., non-sterile gloves, clean tags and surgical tools) consistent with good veterinary practices to maintain the welfare status of tagged fish and ensure that the data from tagged fish representative of untagged conspecifics. However, the most prudent and ethical approach would be to work with veterinarians to incorporate formal sterilization procedures, equipment (e.g., sterile gloves) and aseptic technique into field surgical techniques.  相似文献   

Surgical implantation techniques for electronic tags in fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intracoelomic implantation of transmitters into fish requires making a surgical incision, incision closure, and other surgery related techniques; however, the tools and techniques used in the surgical process vary widely. We review the available literature and focus on tools and techniques used for conducting surgery on juvenile salmonids because of the large amount of research that is conducted on them. The use of sterilized surgical instruments properly selected for a given size of fish will minimize tissue damage and infection rates, and speed the wound healing of fish implanted with transmitters. For the implantation of transmitters into small fish, the optimal surgical methods include making an incision on the ventral midline along the linea alba (for studies under 1 month), protecting the viscera (by lifting the skin with forceps while creating the incision), and using absorbable monofilament suture with a small-swaged-on swaged-on tapered or reverse-cutting needle. Standardizing the implantation techniques to be used in a study involving particular species and age classes of fish will improve survival and transmitter retention while allowing for comparisons to be made among studies and across multiple years. This review should be useful for researchers working on juvenile salmonids and other sizes and species of fish.  相似文献   

The current role of veterinarians participating in the intracoelomic surgical implantation of electronic tags in fisheries research projects with researchers is limited, but could be expanded. Veterinary training is broadly applicable to conducting surgeries on any species, and there are increasing numbers of veterinarians with fish-specific experience. A few of the roles veterinarians can play include advising on surgical instrument selection and acquisition, interfacing with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, devising strategies for anesthesia, providing direction on disinfection and sterilization, complying with regulatory requirements, providing individualized surgery instruction, and occasionally performing field surgeries. Veterinarians and fish researchers bring different strengths and deficits to bear in a fish surgery project, and it is helpful to recognize these for successful collaborations. Engaging veterinary consultation for electronic tag implantation surgeries in fish can be a mutually beneficial experience for the researcher and the veterinarian, with dividends in data quality and welfare of the research subjects.  相似文献   

Mobile transect surveys were conducted for 5 years in a deep fjord looking for weak acoustic tags, most of which were in dead fishes lying on the seabed. Detection efficiencies were quantified because inferences about fish presence were made from tag detection data but a considerable proportion of tags were not detected. Methods for assessing transect widths using cumulative probabilities of measured perpendicular distances from blind transect lines to triangulated tag locations are described. Three methods for estimating detection efficiencies are presented: fitting attenuation functions to perpendicular distance data, simultaneous use of two receiver systems and test tag surveys. Several factors that influenced these detection efficiencies and ranges are shown, including boat speed, depth of tag, tag type, different hydrophone–receiver systems and variation among individual hydrophones and receivers of the same model. The trade‐off between detection efficiency per unit area and area swept is discussed, which is largely based on boat speed during transects. Finally, several methods are suggested for increasing decoding efficiencies in mobile tracking studies when tags are heard but are difficult to decode.  相似文献   

目的:分析我院的抗生素的使用频率以及细菌耐药率的变化,为规范临床用药提供参考资料。方法:采用回顾性分析的方法对我院2009年3月-2013年3月收治的8000例住院患者的抗生素使用情况进行调查,并对我院临床上常见革兰阴性菌和阳性菌的耐药率变化进行比较,分析抗生素的使用频率与细菌耐药率变化之间的关系。结果:临床上抗生素的使用频率最大的是β-内酰胺酶抑制剂以及头孢菌素类。金葡菌对环丙沙星的耐药率与青霉素类抗生素的DDDs呈正相关,大肠埃希菌对亚胺培南的耐药率与头孢菌素类抗生素的DDDs呈负相关。结论:抗生素的用药频率与病原菌对抗生素的耐药率有相关性,并且,单一的抗生素并不能引起病原菌的耐药性,而会同时影响其他类型的抗生素的耐药情况。  相似文献   

Management of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), a long-lived flatfish, is complicated by possible ontogenic and sex-specific variation in migration. Archival tags promise the ability to help uncover long-term movement patterns at the individual level, if the tags can be retained and recovered from healthy fish. We examined fifteen individuals (69–90 cm fork length) for long-term physiological response to intracoelomic implantation of three types of archival tags: fully internal, internal with right angle protruding light stalk, and internal with straight protruding light stalk. Tags represented 0.05–0.16% of initial fish weights. Fish were reared at 10.8 ± 1.1°C for 59 weeks post-surgery. One fish died after 39 weeks from thermal stress unrelated to the surgical procedure. Temporal variation in behavior of tagged fish was indistinguishable from that of controls (n = 15 tagged, 5 controls). Treatment and control-group fish grew at similar rates. No tag expulsion or physiological response was evident in the individual that died at 39 weeks, but nine of eleven individuals dissected at the end of 59 weeks had developed internal responses. These responses ranged from deposition of fibrous protein and/or calcitic material on tag surfaces to partial or full tag encapsulation in either the visceral peritoneal layer (fully-internal tags) or the intestinal mesenteries (stalk-bearing tags). The responses were within the range reported for other pleuronectids implanted with tags of similar configuration and may have implications for design and interpretation of long-term tagging studies. Encapsulation may reduce the probability of tag recoveries even in the absence of tag expulsion, especially in species eviscerated at sea.  相似文献   

The intracoelomic surgical implantation of electronic tags (including radio and acoustic telemetry transmitters, passive integrated transponders and archival biologgers) is frequently used for conducting studies on fish. Electronic tagging studies provide information on the spatial ecology, behavior and survival of fish in marine and freshwater systems. However, any surgical procedure, particularly one where a laparotomy is performed and the coelomic cavity is opened, has the potential to alter the survival, behavior or condition of the animal which can impair welfare and introduce bias. Given that management, regulatory and conservation decisions are based on the assumption that fish implanted with electronic tags have similar fates and behavior relative to untagged conspecifics, it is critical to ensure that best surgical practices are being used. Also, the current lack of standardized surgical procedures and reporting of specific methodological details precludes cross-study and cross-year analyses which would further progress the field of fisheries science. This compilation of papers seeks to identify the best practices for the entire intracoelomic tagging procedure including pre- and post-operative care, anesthesia, wound closure, and use of antibiotics. Although there is a particular focus on salmonid smolts given the large body of literature available on that group, other life-stages and species of fish are discussed where there is sufficient knowledge. Additional papers explore the role of the veterinarian in fish surgeries, the need for minimal standards in the training of fish surgeons, providing a call for more complete and transparent procedures, and identifying trends in procedures and research needs. Collectively, this body of knowledge should help to improve data quality (including comparability and repeatability), enhance management and conservation strategies, and maintain the welfare status of tagged fish.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid microfluidic method for antibiotic susceptibility testing in a stress-based environment. Fluid is passed at high speeds over bacteria immobilized on the bottom of a microfluidic channel. In the presence of stress and antibiotic, susceptible strains of bacteria die rapidly. However, resistant bacteria survive these stressful conditions. The hypothesis behind this method is new: stress activation of biochemical pathways, which are targets of antibiotics, can accelerate antibiotic susceptibility testing. As compared to standard antibiotic susceptibility testing methods, the rate-limiting step - bacterial growth - is omitted during antibiotic application. The technical implementation of the method is in a combination of standard techniques and innovative approaches. The standard parts of the method include bacterial culture protocols, defining microfluidic channels in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), cell viability monitoring with fluorescence, and batch image processing for bacteria counting. Innovative parts of the method are in the use of culture media flow for mechanical stress application, use of enzymes to damage but not kill the bacteria, and use of microarray substrates for bacterial attachment. The developed platform can be used in antibiotic and nonantibiotic related drug development and testing. As compared to the standard bacterial suspension experiments, the effect of the drug can be turned on and off repeatedly over controlled time periods. Repetitive observation of the same bacterial population is possible over the course of the same experiment.  相似文献   

1963例白内障晶体植入手术围术期抗生素使用调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调研本院眼科清洁手术围术期抗菌药物使用现状,为制订相关干预措施提供依据。方法:采用回顾性调查方法,对眼科2008年归档病例进行围术期用药调查,用表格形式进行统计。结果:1963例进行白内障晶体植入手术,其中1946例(99.13%)预防性使用了抗菌药物,无感染病例发生;首次给药时间为术前0.5-2小时221例,术前24小时114例,术后当日1611例;预防性用药病例术后1-3天停药428例,4-6天停药1235例,大于等于7天停药283例。使用青霉素类293例;喹诺酮类325例;头孢3代939例;头孢4代112例。结论:白内障晶体植入手术属清洁手术,围术期存在抗生素滥用和用药时间过长问题,提示眼科围术期抗生素使用管理亟待加强和干预。  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were used to investigate how different marking procedures, with 23 mm PIT (passive integrated transponders) – tags, affected mortality, body condition and tag expulsion in small roach Rutilus rutilus and rudd Scardinus erythrophthalmus (117 to 163 mm total length). In a laboratory experiment mortality was low (≤ 6%) and only occurred among fishes that had their incision closed with sutures. The latter also had a specific growth rate that tended to be lower than the fish tagged without sutures. The different marking procedures did not adversely affect the body condition of fishes either in the laboratory experiment (after 37 days) or in the field experiment (up to 369 days). No tag expulsions were observed among laboratory fishes PIT‐tagged without sutures. Marking without the use of sutures to close the incision, appears to be the most appropriate PIT tagging procedure for small cyprinids.  相似文献   

The accelerated growth of finfish aquaculture has resulted in a series of developments detrimental to the environment and human health. The latter is illustrated by the widespread and unrestricted use of prophylactic antibiotics in this industry, especially in developing countries, to forestall bacterial infections resulting from sanitary shortcomings in fish rearing. The use of a wide variety of antibiotics in large amounts, including non-biodegradable antibiotics useful in human medicine, ensures that they remain in the aquatic environment, exerting their selective pressure for long periods of time. This process has resulted in the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in aquaculture environments, in the increase of antibiotic resistance in fish pathogens, in the transfer of these resistance determinants to bacteria of land animals and to human pathogens, and in alterations of the bacterial flora both in sediments and in the water column. The use of large amounts of antibiotics that have to be mixed with fish food also creates problems for industrial health and increases the opportunities for the presence of residual antibiotics in fish meat and fish products. Thus, it appears that global efforts are needed to promote more judicious use of prophylactic antibiotics in aquaculture as accumulating evidence indicates that unrestricted use is detrimental to fish, terrestrial animals, and human health and the environment.  相似文献   

Tagging or marking of fish is instrumental to fisheries biologists and managers seeking to distinguish groups of fish, track movement or migration patterns, and monitor population characteristics. However, tag loss can inhibit the ability of biologists and managers to reach these objectives. The ability of Lake Sturgeon to live for long periods of time and reach large sizes, in combination with their dynamic spawning activity, requires tags to be retained under a variety of environmental and physically demanding conditions. This study evaluated tag retention of loop, monel, and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags on wild, free‐ranging Lake Sturgeon in Lake Huron and the St. Clair – Detroit River System. Lake Sturgeon in this study were double‐tagged with both a PIT tag under one of the three anterior‐most dorsal scutes and an external tag (loop or monel) at the base of the dorsal fin. Fish were at large for up to 16 years. Overall, tag loss for PIT tags was 1% followed by monel tags at 12% and loop tags at 36%. Tag loss for loop tags was higher when the initial length of Lake Sturgeon tagged was smaller. Tag loss for monel tags increased with time at large but was not related to length at initial tagging. Monel tags left behind abrasion marks when attached to smaller Lake Sturgeon. PIT tag retention was higher than reported in previous studies that tagged other sturgeon species in different body locations. Monel tag retention was higher than other external tag types evaluated in previous studies while loop tags had similar retention rates to external tag types. Most previous studies on tag retention of sturgeon species were of shorter duration and conducted in laboratory settings, therefore loop tags may have performed more favorably during studies under short term laboratory settings. Results of this study suggest that PIT tags inserted below dorsal scutes represent a viable option for long‐term tracking of Lake Sturgeon. Monel tags attached at the base of the dorsal fin also seem to be a viable option relative to other external tag types, but should be limited to larger sturgeon as they can leave behind abrasion marks.  相似文献   

Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (together, the bigheaded carps) are invasive fishes in North America that have resulted in substantial negative effects on native fish communities and aquatic ecosystems. Movement and behavior of adult bigheaded carps has been studied previously using telemetry, while similar studies with juvenile bigheaded carps have yet to be attempted. Recent technological advances in telemetry transmitters has increased the availability of tags sufficiently small enough to implant in juvenile carps. However, the effects of surgical implantation of telemetry tags on juvenile bigheaded carps have not been evaluated. We determined tag retention and survival associated with surgical implantation of acoustic telemetry tags into juvenile bighead carp (range 128–152 mm total length) at three temperatures (13, 18, and 23°C). In addition, we assessed the effect of surgically implanted transmitters on the fitness, defined as changes in weight or critical swimming speed, of carp implanted with transmitters. Survival was high among tagged fish (85%) with 47% of tags retained at the conclusion of the 45‐day study. No substantial decline in fitness of the fish was observed in tagged fish compared to untagged fish.  相似文献   

To validate age determination from scales in European grayling Thymallus thymallus, the scale‐read age of fish was compared with the true age obtained by tag‐recapture analysis. A total of 3997 individuals were tagged with visible implant tags and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in the River Wylye, south‐west England during 1999–2007. Annual repeat surveys were undertaken and collected scales read without prior knowledge of tag‐recapture age. Accuracy of fish ageing by scales was highest in 1 and 2 year‐old fish but decreased in older fish. In later life stages (>4 years old), underestimation of age occurred and the error in reading scales rose to 51·9% in 5 year‐old fish. Age assigned from scales underestimated the tag‐recapture assigned age by as much as 3 years. This study suggests that use of scales is an appropriate method to age a short‐lived population of T. thymallus inhabiting productive lotic systems. The underestimation of age in older fish, however, needs to be considered in the management of fish stocks because it may lead to undesirable exploitation of population.  相似文献   

A batch of 1 sea winter pre‐spawning adult Salmo salar from the Bush river in Northern Ireland, U.K., were gastrically tagged with large (13 mm diameter) and small (9 mm diameter) dummy acoustic telemetry tags alongside untagged control fish. Survival differed between control and tagged fish and the estimated probability of survival by the end of the study for control fish with no tag was 0·94, small tags was 0·90 and large tags was 0·72. Tag loss through regurgitation was slightly higher for fish tagged with larger tags than for fish tagged with smaller tags and the estimated probability of tag loss for fish with a small tag was 0·10 and for large tags was 0·14.  相似文献   

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