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Various cytokines are thought to play a role in muscle regeneration, however, the interaction and mechanisms of action of these cytokines remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of HGF, IGF-I, and IGF-II during myogenesis using the regeneration model of skeletal muscle as well as myoblast culture. RT-PCR analysis revealed that HGF and IGF-I expressions were markedly upregulated, in regenerating muscle. In contrast, there was no significant difference in IGF-II expression between normal and regenerating muscle. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that HGF was expressed mostly by myocytes during the early stages of muscle regeneration. Additionally, HGF inhibited the formation of myotubes by myoblasts, but promoted cellular proliferation. Otherwise, IGF-I and IGF-II were expressed by myocytes through the early to middle stages of muscle regeneration. The addition of HGF to myoblast growing in vitro significantly increased the number of cells. These findings indicate that these three cytokines have pleiotropic effects in regenerating skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue development is observed in some muscle pathologies, however, mechanisms that induce accumulation of this tissue as well as its cellular origin are unknown. The adipogenicity of cells from bupivacaine hydrochloride (BPVC)-treated and untreated muscle was compared in vitro. Culturing cells from both BPVC-treated and untreated muscles in adipogenic differentiation medium (ADM) for 10 days resulted in the appearance of mature adipocytes, but their number was 3.5-fold higher in cells from BPVC-treated muscle. Temporal expressions of PPARgamma and the presence of lipid droplets during adipogenic differentiation were examined. On day 2 of culture in ADM, only cells from BPVC-treated muscle were positive both for PPARgamma and lipid droplets. Pref-1 was expressed in cells from untreated muscle, whereas its expression was absent in cells from BPVC-treated muscle. In ADM, the presence of insulin, which negates an inhibitory effect of Pref-1 on adipogenic differentiation, was required for PPARgamma2 expression in cells from untreated muscle, but not for cells from BPVC-treated muscle. These results indicate that BPVC-induced degenerative/regenerative changes in muscle lead to increased adipogenicity of cells, and suggest that this increased adipogenicity not only involves an increase in the number of cells having adipogenic potential, but also contributes to the progression of these cells toward adipogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 is a soluble carbohydrate-binding protein with a particularly high expression in skeletal muscle. Galectin-1 has been implicated in skeletal muscle development and in adult muscle regeneration, but also in the degeneration of neuronal processes and/or in peripheral nerve regeneration. Exogenously supplied oxidized galectin-1, which lacks carbohydrate-binding properties, has been shown to promote neurite outgrowth after sciatic nerve sectioning. In this study, we compared the expression of galectin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in innervated and denervated mouse and rat hind-limb and hemidiaphragm muscles. The results show that galectin-1 mRNA expression and immunoreactivity are up-regulated following denervation. The galectin-1 mRNA is expressed in the extrasynaptic and perisynaptic regions of the muscle, and its immunoreactivity can be detected in both regions by Western blot analysis. The results are compatible with a role for galectin-1 in facilitating reinnervation of denervated skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Two different aspects of tritiated thymidine (3H-Tdr) reutilisation in skeletal muscle were examined. Injection of a high dose (7 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr into mice prior to crush injury of skeletal muscle resulted in heavy labelling (grain counts) of myotube nuclei 9 d later. In contrast, myotube nuclei were essentially unlabelled when a low dose (1 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr was injected at similar times with respect to injury. It was concluded that labelling seen after the high dose was due to reutilisation of 3H-Tdr. (Such 3H-Tdr reutilisation can account for the results of Sloper et al. (1970) which previously supported the concept of a circulating muscle precursor cell.) When replicating muscle precursors were labelled directly with 3H-Tdr 48 h after injury, the percentages of labelled myotube nuclei and the distribution of nuclear grain counts were similar with either high or low dose.We also investigated whether the light labelling seen in regenerated myotube nuclei after 9 d, when 3H-Tdr had been injected before the onset of myogenesis (as found by McGeachie and Grounds 1987), was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation or, alternatively, to proliferation of local cells in the wound which subsequently gave rise to muscle precursors. Labelling of myotube nuclei was compared in mice injected with 3H-Tdr either 2 h before, or 2 h after injury. In another experiment, mice were injected 12 h after injury and lesions sampled 1, 12 or 36 h later, to see whether local cells were replicating 12 h after injury, and what labelled cells subsequently entered to wound. No difference was found in myotube labelling between mice injected before or after injury, and no cells replicating locally in the wound at 12 h after injury were observed. The results clearly show that the light labelling was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve the survival ofNIH3T3 cells in low serum or serum-free media by theendogenous expression of recombinant bFGF (basicfibroblast growth factor) and/or IGF (insulin-likegrowth factor) -I and II. Expression was detected byWestern blotting, and the growth characteristics ofdifferent transfected cell lines investigated in bothserum-free and low serum conditions and also in softagar. Morphological changes and the growth rate werecompared with growth in normal serum-containingmedium. The experimental data suggested that theexpression of either bFGF alone, or the co-expressionof bFGF and either IGF-I or II could improve thesurvival of NIH3T3 cells in low serum or serum-freemedia. The use of such lines could decrease the use ofserum in cell culture and thus both reduce the costsinvolved in this technique and simplify thedown-stream purification procedure in protein harvest.Hence, such lines may be of value in both experimentaland industrial applications.  相似文献   

We describe the expression and distribution patterns of nestin, desmin and vimentin in intact and regenerating muscle spindles of the rat hind limb skeletal muscles. Regeneration was induced by intramuscular isotransplantation of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) or soleus muscles from 15-day-old rats into the EDL muscle of adult female inbred Lewis rats. The host muscles with grafts were excised after 7-, 16-, 21- and 29-day survival and immunohistochemically stained. Nestin expression in intact spindles in host muscles was restricted to Schwann cells of sensory and motor nerves. In transplanted muscles, however, nestin expression was also found in regenerating “spindle fibers”, 7 and 16 days after grafting. From the 21st day onwards, the regenerated spindle fibers were devoid of nestin immunoreactivity. Desmin was detected in spindle fibers at all developmental stages in regenerating as well as in intact spindles. Vimentin was expressed in cells of the outer and inner capsules of all muscle spindles and in newly formed myoblasts and myotubes of regenerating spindles 7 days after grafting. Our results show that the expression pattern of these intermediate filaments in regenerating spindle fibers corresponds to that found in regenerating extrafusal fibers, which supports our earlier suggestion that they resemble small-diameter extrafusal fibers.  相似文献   

Mighty is a novel promyogenic factor in skeletal myogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Genetic analysis has revealed an important function in myogenesis for Myostatin, a member of the TGF-beta superfamily. However, the cascade of genes that responds to Myostatin signalling to regulate myogenesis is not well understood. Thus, a suppressive subtraction hybridization to identify such genes was undertaken and here we report the cloning and characterization of a novel gene, Mighty. Mighty is expressed in a variety of different tissues but appears to be specifically regulated by Myostatin in skeletal muscle. Overexpression of Mighty in C2C12 cells results in early withdrawal of myoblasts from the cell cycle, enhanced and accelerated differentiation and hypertrophy of myotubes. Most importantly, Mighty overexpression leads to increased and earlier expression of MyoD and increased secretion of another known differentiation inducing factor, IGF-II. Furthermore, viral expression of Mighty in mdx mice resulted in an increase in the number of larger healthy muscle fibers. Given its role in myogenesis, we propose that Mighty is a critical promyogenic factor which plays a key role in the signalling pathway downstream of Myostatin.  相似文献   

Semaphorins are secreted or transmembrane proteins important for axonal guidance and for the structuring of neuronal systems. Semaphorin 6C, a transmembrane Semaphorin, has growth cone collapsing activity and is expressed in adult skeletal muscle. In the present study the expression of Semaphorin 6C mRNA and immunoreactivity has been compared in innervated and denervated mouse hind-limb and hemidiaphragm muscles. Microscopic localization of immunoreactivity was studied in innervated and denervated rat skeletal muscle. The results show that Semaphorin 6C mRNA expression and immunoreactivity on Western blots are down-regulated following denervation. The mRNA of Semaphorin 6C as well as immunoreactivity determined by Western blots are expressed in extrasynaptic as well as perisynaptic regions of muscle. Immunohistochemical studies, however, show Semaphorin 6C-like immunoreactivity to be concentrated at neuromuscular junctions. The results suggest a role for Semaphorin 6C in neuromuscular communication.  相似文献   

When observed under a microscope, skeletal muscle exhibits striations due to the highly organized arrangement of muscle proteins that interact with one another to induce muscle contraction. Muscle contraction requires transient increases in intracellular ‘Ca2+’ concentration. In this review, Ca2+ channels contributing to the functional integrity of intracellular Ca2+-release and extracellular Ca2+-entry during skeletal muscle contraction are reviewed in terms of their properties, newly emerging ancillary proteins to them, and their abnormalities related to human skeletal muscle diseases. Finally, the aim of this review is to show the big picture of the correlation among Ca2+ channels that participate in the Ca2+ homeostasis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The balance of hypertrophy and atrophy is critical for the adaptation of cardiac and skeletal muscle mass to the demands of the environment and when deregulated can cause disease. Here we have used a proteomics approach to generate protein reference maps for the mouse heart and skeletal muscle, which provide a molecular basis for future functional and pathophysiological studies. The reference map provides information on molecular mass, pI, and literature data on function and localization, to facilitate the identification of proteins based on their migration in 2-D gels. In total, we have identified 351 cardiac and 284 skeletal muscle protein spots, representing 249 and 214 different proteins, respectively. In addition, we have visualized the protein pattern of mouse heart and skeletal muscle at defined conditions comparing knockout (KO) animals deficient in the sarcomeric protein titin (a genetic atrophy model) and control littermates. We found 20 proteins that were differently expressed linking titin's kinase region to the heat-shock- and proteasomal stress response. Taken together, the established reference maps should provide a suitable tool to relate protein expression and PTM to cardiovascular and skeletal muscle disease using the mouse as an animal model.  相似文献   

张磊  杨永杰  张燕君 《生物学杂志》2011,28(5):70-72,76
骨骼肌能够根据环境刺激的变化改变其质量,可以通过细胞融合或提高蛋白质水平来增加它的大小。介绍了参与骨骼肌生长发育调控的两个关键性信号通路——胰岛素样生长因子1和肌肉生长抑制素信号通路中新的且重要的研究结果,这对于了解肌肉的发育和成年期肌肉稳态的维持,并寻找肌肉相关疾病潜在的治疗靶点非常有意义。  相似文献   

Alanine production by skeletal muscle in tissue culture was studied using an established myogenic line (L6) of rat skeletal muscle cells. Correlation analyses were performed on rates of metabolism of alanine, glucose, lactate and pyruvate over incubation periods up to 96 h. Alanine production did not correlate significantly with glucose utilization (r = 0.24, P < 0.20). Alanine production, however, did correlate with lactate production (r = 0.72, P < 0.0005) as well as medium (r = 0.50, P < 0.025) and intracellular (r = 0.85, P < 0.0005) pyruvate concentrations. The intercepts of the latter two correlation analyses indicated that when medium or cell pyruvate fell below 0.28 mM or 1 nmol/mg protein, respectively, net alanine consumption occurred. Alanine synthesis also correlated (r = 0.71, P < 0.0005) with the percent change in the cell mass action ratio for the sum of the alanine and aspartate aminotransferase reactions, i.e., [alanine] [malate]/[aspartate] [lactate]. These results suggest that alanine production is not necessarily linked to the rate of glucose utilization but rather to pyruvate overflow above a critical intracellular level; under conditions of pyruvate overflow, alanine synthesis is driven by the tendency to establish equilibrium between metabolites of the linked amino acid transaminases in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Summary We have recently shown that myogenesis following severe injury is prolonged compared with minor injury (McGeachie and Grounds 1987). In this previous autoradiographic study 44 mice were injected with tritiated thymidine at various times after muscle injury (0 to 120 h), and samples were taken 9d after injury to determine the percentage of labelled myotube nuclei. In the present study the same experimental data are analysed in detail to reveal how many times labelled muscle precursors divided before fusing to form myotubes.Additional mice were prepared and samples removed 1 h after injection of tritiated thymidine to determine the maximum grain counts of premitotic nuclei. When a labelled premitotic nucleus divides, each of the two daughter nuclei will contain half of the original label. The grain counts of nuclei resulting from sequential divisions of a maximally labelled premitotic nucleus, forms the basis for our detailed analysis which can reveal how many times a muscle precursor has divided after labelling.Nine days after injury the autoradiographic grain counts of labelled myotube nuclei were analysed in detail. The results describe an in vivo model of myogenesis which we use to evaluate quantitatively observations derived from tissue culture studies. The analysis shows that, at the onset of myogenesis in regenerating muscle (30 h after injury), muscle precursors divide only twice before fusing to form myotubes. This observation challenges the concept of quantal mitosis as defined by the tissue culture studies of Quinn et al. (1984, 1985).  相似文献   

We previously determined that the cellular repressor of E1A-stimulated genes, (CREG) plays a role in the maintenance of the mature phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). This study aimed to identify the role of CREG in modulating the migration of SMCs. Recombinant virus-mediated CREG expression inhibited the cellular migration of cultured SMCs associated with down-regulated activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). In contrast, CREG knockdown via the retroviral transfer of short hairpin RNAs promoted cellular migration. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and endocytosis analysis revealed that CREG knockdown attenuated the internalization and increased secretion of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II. Western blot analysis demonstrated that both phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and phosphatase Akt were enhanced in CREG knockdown SMCs. Furthermore, the effect of CREG knockdown on SMC migration was abrogated in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of either IGF-II neutralizing antibody or the PI3K inhibitor, LY294002. These results indicate that the CREG knockdown-mediated increase in IGF-II secretion promoted cellular migration in SMCs via the PI3K/Akt signal pathway. Additionally, blockage of IGF-II binding to the mannose-6-phosphate/IGF-II receptor (M6P/IGF2R) by IGF2R antibody or recombinant IGF2R fragment attenuated the endocytosis of IGF-II in cells overexpressing CREG. This indicates that M6P/IGF2R is involved in the regulation of CREG-mediated IGF-II endocytosis. In summary, these data demonstrate for the first time that CREG plays a critical role in the inhibition of SMC migration, as well as maintaining SMCs in a mature phenotype. These results may provide a new therapeutic target for vascular disease associated with neointimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

The latency relaxation is a small drop of tension before skeletal muscle begins to develop active tension. This phenomenon was found nearly one century ago but its origin has not been clarified. In this review, the hypotheses for its mechanism are discussed in terms of the recent experimental results using X-ray diffraction. The latency relaxation takes place almost simultaneously as the structural change of the regulatory protein troponin, an unspecified structural change of the thick filament, and increase in stiffness. It seems difficult to associate all of these with the latency relaxation by assuming a simple mechanism.  相似文献   

Several lines of growth hormone (GH)-overexpressing fish have been produced and analysed for growth and fertility parameters. However, only few data are available on the growth-promoting hormone insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) that mediates most effects of GH, and these are contradictory. Using quantitative real-time RT-PCR, radioimmunoassay, in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, and radiochromatography we investigated IGF-I and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) in an adult (17 months old) transgenic (GH-overexpressing) tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The transgenics showed an around 1.5-fold increase in length and an approximately 2.3-fold higher weight than the non-transgenics. Using radioimmunoassay, the serum IGF-I levels were lower (6.22 ± 0.75 ng/ml) in transgenic than in wild-type (15.01 ± 1.49 ng/ml) individuals (P = 0.0012). Radioimmunoassayable IGF-I in transgenic liver was 4.2-times higher than in wild-type (16.0 ± 2.21 vs. 3.83 ± 0.71 ng/g, P = 0.0017). No hepatocytes in wild-type but numerous hepatocytes in transgenic liver contained IGF-I-immunoreactivity. RT-PCR revealed a 1.4-times higher IGF-I mRNA expression in the liver of the transgenics (10.51 ± 0.82 vs. 7.3 ± 0.49 pg/μg total RNA, P = 0.0032). In correspondence, in situ hybridization showed more IGF-I mRNA containing hepatocytes in the transgenics. A twofold elevated IGF-I mRNA expression was determined in the skeletal muscle of transgenics (0.33 ± 0.02 vs. 0.16 ± 0.01 pg/μg total RNA, P < 0.0001). Both liver and serum of transgenics showed increased IGF-I binding. The increased IGFBP content in the liver may lead to retention of IGF-I, and/or the release of IGF-I into the circulation may be slower resulting in accumulation of IGF-I in the hepatocytes. Our results indicate that the enhanced growth of the transgenics likely is due to enhanced autocrine/paracrine action of IGF-I in extrahepatic sites, as shown here for skeletal muscle.  相似文献   



This study was to investigate changes in BCAT and BCKDH genes by Hindlimb-Suspension (HS) and protein intake composition (casein, Whey protein) in rats.


Following 5-day preliminary feeding, forty-eight male 5 weeks old Sprague Dawley albino rats (110g) divided into 17% protein intake group (24 rats) and 30% protein intake group (24 rats), and each group divided further into Hindlimb-Suspension group (HS; 12 rats) and control group(CON; 12 rats). Eventually, this study was performed with Whey protein intake group (HS; 6 rats, CON; 6 rats) and casein intake group (HS; 6 rats, CON; 6 rats). For analysis purposes, total RNA was extracted from isolated skeletal muscles, and mRNA expression was analyzed using Real Time PCR. Two-way ANOVA was performed to examine the difference in BCATm and BCKDH mRNA expression on protein uptake and myoatrophy. post-hoc test was perform on interaction if any, and significance level was set at p<0.05.


In this study, BCATm and BCKDH gene analysis in rat skeletal muscles by hindlimb-suspension and protein intake composition resulted in significant higher BCATm expression in 30% dietary protein group and hindlimb-suspension group that control group. In addition, regarding BCKDH, BCKDH was significantly higher in hindlimb-suspended 30% protein intake group than control group.


Overall, protein intake and myoatrophy demonstrated close relationship in skeletal muscles. Therefore, it is likely to affect effectively in prevention or recovery of exercise induced muscle disorder. This effect is considered to be applied to maintain and improve health of not only athletes but also the general public. Additionally it would be applied in convalescent rehabilitation due to skeletal muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

Autophagy in skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marco Sandri 《FEBS letters》2010,584(7):1411-1416
Muscle mass represents 40-50% of the human body and, in mammals, is one of the most important sites for the control of metabolism. Moreover, during catabolic conditions, muscle proteins are mobilized to sustain gluconeogenesis in the liver and to provide alternative energy substrates for organs. However, excessive protein degradation in the skeletal muscle is detrimental for the economy of the body and it can lead to death. The ubiquitin-proteasome and autophagy-lysosome systems are the major proteolytic pathways of the cell and are coordinately activated in atrophying muscles. However, the role and regulation of the autophagic pathway in skeletal muscle is still largely unknown. This review will focus on autophagy and discuss its beneficial or detrimental role for the maintenance of muscle mass.  相似文献   

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