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Regularly cycling female mice attained anoestrus when they were exposed to voided urine or to urine directly collected from the bladder of intact females. In contrast, the urine of spayed females or the clitoral gland homogenate from intact females was found ineffective in suppressing oestrus. The findings thus clearly elucidate the presence of an oestrous-suppressing pheromone in the urine of intact females whether voided or collected directly from the bladder and confirm the oestrogen dependence of the pheromone. Clitoral glands do not seem to have a role in production of this pheromone.  相似文献   

Duration of oestrus, time of ovulation and hormone profiles for progesterone and LH in prepubertal, pubertal and mature Javanese thin-tail sheep were studied at synchronized oestrus following progestagen-PMSG treatment and at the first natural oestrus after synchronization.The ewe lambs responded to progestagen-PMSG treatment by showing earlier onset of oestrus and an earlier and higher peak of LH concentration than mature ewes. For pre-pubertal, pubertal and mature ewes the mean LH peaks were 49.9, 43.9 and 37.9 ng/ml (P>0.05) at mean intervals of 7.5, 8.4 and 16.5 h (P < 0.05), respectively, after onset of oestrus. Duration of oestrus was 41.2 h in pubertal lambs and averaged 37.5 h in the other two groups (P>0.05). Except in one mature ewe, ovulation occurred between 24 and 36 h after onset of oestrus and the majority ovulated at around the end of oestrus. The corpora lutea developed normally, as indicated by plasma-progesterone changes. The patterns of plasma-progesterone changes were similar in all three groups, though the concentrations were lower in the ewe lambs.At the first natural oestrus after synchronization, mature ewes showed longer (P>0.05) oestrus (31.5 vs. 24.3 h), longer time interval from onset of oestrus to the LH peak (16.0 vs. 12.0 h) and from the LH peak to ovulation (21.0 vs. 19.6 h) than peri-pubertal lambs. Six of eight pre-pubertal lambs did not ovulate at their first natural oestrus, resulting in a conception rate of 11% for that group, while in pubertal lambs and mature ewes conception rates were 70% and 100%, respectively.  相似文献   

Estrous cyclicity was studied to examine the possibility that strain differences in the regularity of the mouse estrous cycle are the result of different olfactory signals produced by the male. Females with regular estrous cycles (lines E and S1) were housed in the olfactory presence of males from a line with irregular cycles (line CN-) or in the presence of males of their own line (used as a control). Females with irregular cycles (line CN-) were housed in the presence of males from a line with regular cycles (line E) or were exposed to males of their own line. The regularity of the estrous cycle decreased in line E females (regular cycles) when exposed to line CN- males (irregular cycles). The decreased regularity of line E cyclicity resulted from an increased period of diestrus, i.e., lengthening of the cycle. In contrast, line S1 females (regular cycles) did not show any change in estrous cyclicity when exposed to line CN- males. The period of diestrus increased in line CN- females when they were exposed to line E males. These results provide evidence that 1) the genotype of the male can influence the regularity of the estrous cycle, and 2) the genotype of the female regulates her responsiveness to environmental factors (e.g., male odor).  相似文献   

To understand how information is coded in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) we need to decipher the relationship between neural activity and tactile stimuli. Such a relationship can be formally measured by mutual information. The present study was designed to determine how S1 neuronal populations code for the multidimensional kinetic features (i.e. random, time-varying patterns of force) of complex tactile stimuli, applied at different locations of the rat forepaw. More precisely, the stimulus localization and feature extraction were analyzed as two independent processes, using both rate coding and temporal coding strategies. To model the process of stimulus kinetic feature extraction, multidimensional stimuli were projected onto lower dimensional subspace and then clustered according to their similarity. Different combinations of stimuli clustering were applied to differentiate each stimulus identification process. Information analyses show that both processes are synergistic, this synergy is enhanced within the temporal coding framework. The stimulus localization process is faster than the stimulus feature extraction process. The latter provides more information quantity with rate coding strategy, whereas the localization process maximizes the mutual information within the temporal coding framework. Therefore, combining mutual information analysis with robust clustering of complex stimuli provides a framework to study neural coding mechanisms related to complex stimuli discrimination.  相似文献   

This study examined sexual and other social behavior in relation to menstrual cycle phase in four mixed-sex social groups of Cebus apella. Groups consisted of two adult males and either six or nine adult females. Menstrual cycles of high (rank 1–2) and low (rank 3–7) dominance-rank females from each group were monitored via vaginal swabs, and correlated with data collected from ongoing behavioral observations. Only cycles bounded by positive detection of menstrual blood were included in this analysis (n = 15 females, 182 cycles; mean ± s.d., cycle length = 20.8 ± 1.2 days). Rates of copulation and female solicitation of males varied significantly with cycle phase, with highest rates at midcycle. While total rates of solicitation and copulation did not vary with female dominance rank, copulation rates with the dominant male were significantly greater for high ranking females than for low ranking ones. Variance observed in affiliative and agonistic behaviors, including those with males, was attributable to female rank rather than cycle phase. Females and males were also observed attempting to interfere with copulations of lower ranking same-sex individuals. Although further study, particularly of wild populations, is needed, these results indicate that female-female reproductive competition should be included as a component of the capuchin breeding system. As in other primate species, both social and hormone-related factors influence the sexual behavior of Cebus apella. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The influences of thermal and tactile stimuli on the audible vocalization in pup rats,Rattus norvegicus were investigated. Mother rats and their litters were exposed to ambient temperature (AT) depression by 5°C for 2 hours every other day from 3 to 11 days postpartum. Nearly all audible calls emitted by pups were recorded during tactile contact with the mother. AT depression alone neither prolonged the total duration of pup-licking by mother nor intensified audible vocalization. It was found, however, that the frequency (No./h.) of nest exiting by the dam doubled during the cooling and that the sum of audible peeps emitted by cooled pups in 4 cooling days was higher than sum of peeps emitted by the control pups. This difference is apparently related to an increase in the mother's motor activity, especially nest-building activity, during cooling. Analysis of circumstances accompanying peep emission supports the hypothesis that the tactile stimuli delivered by mother play the predominant role in causing audible vocalization in pup rats. This investigation was supported by Project CPBP-04.01. of the Polish Academy of Science  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of the crayfishProcambarus clarkii turn to face in the direction of a brief tactile stimulus delivered to a walking leg. The control system that guides this directed behavior was investigated under closed-loop and open-loop conditions. The accuracy of turns exhibited in these experiments was compared to baseline accuracy established by animals restrained from forward and backward walking but allowed to rotate in the yaw plane. Procambarus clarkii individuals deprived of visual feedback tended to undershoot the target angle. Response accuracy increased when a uniform field of stripes moved across the visual field in accordance with the turning movements of the animal. Response accuracy did not match the accuracy observed under baseline conditions, however, unless the responding animal encountered a novel visual image, such as the silhouette of a crayfish, in the moving visual field.Visual feedback thus influences the accuracy of turning in crayfish in two important ways. Movement of stripes across the visual field of a crayfish feeds back positively and promotes rapid turning during the initial phase of a response. This effect obtains regardless of the direction or rate of movement of the stripes in the visual field. The appearance of a novel image in the visual field feeds back negatively to inhibit at least partially further turning. Feedback from the visual system appears to fine tune basic turning movements initiated by a tactile stimulus and crudely directed according to that input. Turning behavior in the crayfish resembles in this respect compensatory eye movements in the lobster and escape responses in a number of arthropods.Neural mechanisms that may explain the experimental results are discussed with particular emphasis on the possibility of interaction between voluntary turning responses and optomotor reactions.  相似文献   

By contrast with a wide definition of the 'epigenetic variation', including all changes in gene expression that do not result from alteration of the gene structure, a more restricted class had been defined, initially in plants, under the name 'paramutation'. It corresponds to epigenetic modifications distinct from the regulatory interactions of the cell differentiation pathways, mitotically stable and sexually transmitted with non-Mendelian patterns. This class of epigenetic changes appeared for some time restricted to the plant world, but examples progressively accumulated of epigenetic inheritance in organisms ranging from mice to humans. Occurrence of paramutation in the mouse and possible mechanisms were then established in the paradigmatic case of a mutant phenotype maintained and hereditarily transmitted by wild type homozygotes. Together with recent findings in plants indicative of a necessary step of RNA amplification in the reference maize paramutation, the mouse studies point to a new role of RNA, as an inducer and hereditary determinant of epigenetic variation. Given the known presence of a wide range of RNAs in human spermatozoa, as well as a number of unexplained cases of familial disease predisposition and transgenerational maintenance, speculations can be extended to possible roles of RNA-mediated inheritance in human biology and pathology.La paramutation est une modification épigénétique héréditaire, découverte chez des plantes et récemment, chez la souris. C'est un changement héréditaire du phénotype associé avec un allèle sauvage à la suite de son passage dans une structure hétérozygote avec un allèle mutant (phénomène quelquefois appelé "conversation interchromosomique"). Souvent il est considéré comme une exception à la base de lois de Mendel, "les allèles sont retrouvés inchangés lors des ségrégations au cours des croisements". Au contraire la paramutation observée chez la souris résulte d'une modification de l'allèle sauvage du gène Kit après transmission à partir d'un hétérozygote avec un allèle mutant "insertion". Le phénotype des taches blanches visibles aisément par la couleur du pelage est transmis en absence de l'allèle inducteur sur plusieurs générations. Il est corrélé avec une diminution du niveau d'ARNm de Kit et une accumulation d'ARN de taille variable de Kit dans les spermatozo?des des souris paramutantes. La micro-injection de l'ARN de l'hétérozygote, ou de l'ARN et des microARN spécifiques de Kit dans l'oeuf fécondé induit le phénotype "taches blanches". Le r?le de l'ARN dans l'établissement et le maintien d'un état épigénétique héréditaire est proposé et discuté.  相似文献   

Oestrus was detected on 177 occasions in 34 fallow does for the duration of the breeding season. A total of 142 cycles had a mean length of 22.4 (+/- 1.3, s.d.) days. Cycle length increased and became more variable as the season proceeded but was not affected by doe age or liveweight. First oestrus occurred within a 12-day period, but the length of the breeding season, and therefore the number of oestrous cycles, was related to doe age. Serum progesterone profiles suggest that silent ovulations, associated with short-lived corpora lutea, occurred before the first behavioural oestrus. Ovulations without oestrus may have also occurred at the end of the breeding season.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to examine the influence of adult males on the rate of sexual maturation in young female wild mice. In one experiment, young females were raised in presence of adult males, adult females and in absence of any individual, while in another, they were exposed to urines of: (1) castrated males, (2) spayed females, (3) castrated and TP-treated males, (4) castrated and placebo-injected males. Female maturation as measured by age at vaginal opening and first vaginal oestrus was accelerated by presence of adult males, whereas presence of adult females considerably delayed the vaginal opening and the appearance of first oestrus in young females. In the other set of the experiments, urine from castrated or castrated and placebo-injected males was ineffective in inducing early puberty while urine from spayed females highly delayed the sexual maturation. By contrast, urine from castrated and TP-treated males accelerated the puberty more or less like normal males. The results indicate that male's chemosignal accelerating puberty in young females is present in urine and its production is under the control of androgens. However, the female-originating urinary pheromone which delays the puberty in young females is not regulated by ovarian hormones.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the fingers of the two hands to faint tactile stimuli were tested in eight healthy subjects with a von Frey hair in a forced choice point localization test. Frequencies of correct responses were higher on the left than on the right hand, consistent with a right hemispheric advantage for spatial processing. Within the hands, stimulations of the ring fingers resulted in the highest percentage of correct localizations and stimulations of the thumbs in the fewest correct responses. This superiority of the ring fingers is probably related to a higher point pressure sensitivity and does not reflect the relative size of the representational area of the different fingers in the somatosensory cortex. Mislocalizations, i.e., stimuli that were not correctly attributed to the stimulation site, were located in the vicinity of the stimulation site within the finger as well as across fingers. The distribution of mislocalization across fingers deviates from a distribution expected by chance, showing a higher frequency of mislocalizations to the neighboring fingers than to more distant fingers. This observation in humans matches well with electrophysiological evidence from animal studies that some primary somatosensory cortex neurons have receptive fields that are not restricted to a single digit, but rather cover neighboring digits.  相似文献   

Gene targeting technology in mice by homologous recombination has become an important method to generate loss-of-function of genes in a predetermined locus. Although the inactivation is limited to irreversible alteration of chromosomal DNA and a surprising variety of genes have given unexpected and disappointing results, modification of the basic technology now provides additional choices for a more specific and variety of manipulations of the mouse genome. This includes conditional cell-type specific gene targeting, knockin technique and the induction of the specific balanced chromosomal translocations. In the past decade this technique not only generated a wealth of knowledge concerning the roles of growth factors, oncogenes, hormone receptors and Hox genes but also helped to produce animal models for several human genetic disorders. In the future it may provide more powerful and necessary tools to dissect the psychiatric disorders, understanding the complex central nervous system and to correct the inherited disorders.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the fingers of the two hands to faint tactile stimuli were tested in eight healthy subjects with a von Frey hair in a forced choice point localization test. Frequencies of correct responses were higher on the left than on the right hand, consistent with a right hemispheric advantage for spatial processing. Within the hands, stimulations of the ring fingers resulted in the highest percentage of correct localizations and stimulations of the thumbs in the fewest correct responses. This superiority of the ring fingers is probably related to a higher point pressure sensitivity and does not reflect the relative size of the representational area of the different fingers in the somatosensory cortex. Mislocalizations, i.e., stimuli that were not correctly attributed to the stimulation site, were located in the vicinity of the stimulation site within the finger as well as across fingers. The distribution of mislocalization across fingers deviates from a distribution expected by chance, showing a higher frequency of mislocalizations to the neighboring fingers than to more distant fingers. This observation in humans matches well with electrophysiological evidence from animal studies that some primary somatosensory cortex neurons have receptive fields that are not restricted to a single digit, but rather cover neighboring digits.  相似文献   

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