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Emerging bacterial zoonoses in bats and rodents remain relatively understudied. We conduct the first comparative host–pathogen coevolutionary analyses of bacterial pathogens in these hosts, using Bartonella spp. and Leptospira spp. as a model.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used published genetic data for 51 Bartonella genotypes from 24 bat species, 129 Bartonella from 38 rodents, and 26 Leptospira from 20 bats. We generated maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenies for hosts and bacteria, and tested for coevoutionary congruence using programs ParaFit, PACO, and Jane. Bartonella spp. and their bat hosts had a significant coevolutionary fit (ParaFitGlobal = 1.9703, P≤0.001; m2 global value = 7.3320, P≤0.0001). Bartonella spp. and rodent hosts also indicated strong overall patterns of cospeciation (ParaFitGlobal = 102.4409, P≤0.001; m2 global value = 86.532, P≤0.0001). In contrast, we were unable to reject independence of speciation events in Leptospira and bats (ParaFitGlobal = 0.0042, P = 0.84; m2 global value = 4.6310, P = 0.5629). Separate analyses of New World and Old World data subsets yielded results congruent with analysis from entire datasets. We also conducted event-based cophylogeny analyses to reconstruct likely evolutionary histories for each group of pathogens and hosts. Leptospira and bats had the greatest number of host switches per parasite (0.731), while Bartonella and rodents had the fewest (0.264).


In both bat and rodent hosts, Bartonella exhibits significant coevolution with minimal host switching, while Leptospira in bats lacks evolutionary congruence with its host and has high number of host switches. Reasons underlying these variable coevolutionary patterns in host range are likely due to differences in disease-specific transmission and host ecology. Understanding the coevolutionary patterns and frequency of host-switching events between bacterial pathogens and their hosts will allow better prediction of spillover between mammal reservoirs, and ultimately to humans.  相似文献   

Migratory behavior in bats is poorly described, particularly in the Neotropics. Stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) analysis may allow tracking of altitudinal movements of bats but has not been explored. δD values in rainwater (δDp) deplete linearly with altitude and are reflected in the keratinous tissues of animals through diet. A mismatch between keratin δD (δDk) and that expected at the capture site based on δDp can indicate prior migration. We collected rainwater, claws and hair from eight bat species at two lower-montane forest sites in Nicaragua. Claw δD for Carollia brevicauda and hair and claws for Desmodus rotundus (known to be non-migratory) fell within the predicted range based on rainwater (−17 to −60‰) suggesting these tissues were synthesized at the study site. δD tissue values for Artibeus toltecus, Sturnira lilium, Glossophaga soricina, Anoura geoffroyi, and hair for C. brevicauda were more negative than predicted for the capture site (−60‰) suggesting tissue synthesis at higher elevation and migration downslope to the capture site. However, our study area represents the highest elevation in the region; the nearest appropriate higher elevations are 350–500 km away and seasonal migration is expected to be<200 km. Thus we consider that seasonal shifts in δDp (9 to −45‰) may result in differences in species which molt at different times, and that diet may have driven differences in δD. Our results suggest that the effects of molt timing and diet may first need to be understood before δD may be successfully used to track bat movements.  相似文献   

As cryptic diversity is being discovered, mostly thanks to advances in molecular techniques, it is becoming evident that many of these taxa display parapatric distributions in mainland and that they rarely coexist on islands. Genetic landscapes, haplotype networks and ecological niche modeling analyses were performed for two pairs of non-sister cryptic butterfly species, Aricia agestis-A. cramera and Polyommatus icarusP. celina (Lycaenidae), to specifically assess non-coexistence on western Mediterranean islands, and to test potential causes producing such chequered distribution patterns. We show that the morphologically and ecologically equivalent pairs of species do not coexist on any of the studied islands, although nearly all islands are colonized by one of them. According to our models, the cryptic pairs displayed marked climatic preferences and ‘precipitation during the driest quarter’ was recovered as the most important climatic determinant. However, neither dispersal capacity, nor climatic or ecological factors fully explain the observed distributions across particular sea straits, and the existence of species interactions resulting in mutual exclusion is suggested as a necessary hypothesis. Given that the studied species are habitat generalists, feeding on virtually unlimited resources, we propose that reproductive interference, together with climatic preferences, sustain density-dependent mechanisms like “founder takes all” and impede coexistence on islands. Chequered distributions among cryptic taxa, both sister and non-sister, are common in butterflies, suggesting that the phenomenon revealed here could be important in determining biodiversity patterns.  相似文献   

he Chinese tiger frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus is widely distributed in southern China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is listed in Appendix II of CITES as the only Class II nationally-protected frog in China. The bred tiger frog known as the Thailand tiger frog, is also identified as H. rugulosus. Our analysis of the Cyt b gene showed high genetic divergence (13.8%) between wild and bred samples of tiger frog. Unexpected genetic divergence of the complete mt genome (14.0%) was also observed between wild and bred samples of tiger frog. Yet, the nuclear genes (NCX1, Rag1, Rhod, Tyr) showed little divergence between them. Despite this and their very similar morphology, the features of the mitochondrial genome including genetic divergence of other genes, different three-dimensional structures of ND5 proteins, and gene rearrangements indicate that H. rugulosus may be a cryptic species complex. Using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses, Hoplobatrachus was resolved as a sister clade to Euphlyctis, and H. rugulosus (BT) as a sister clade to H. rugulosus (WT). We suggest that we should prevent Thailand tiger frogs (bred type) from escaping into wild environments lest they produce hybrids with Chinese tiger frogs (wild type).  相似文献   

Strains of insect-pathogenic fungi with high virulence toward certain pest insects have great potential for commercial biological control applications. Identifying such strains has been a central theme in using fungi for biological control. This theme is supported by a persistent paradigm in insect pathology which suggests that the host insect is the predominant influence on the population genetics of insect-pathogenic fungi. In this study, a population genetics analysis of the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae from forested and agricultural habitats in Ontario, Canada, showed a nonrandom association of alleles between two distinct, reproductively isolated groups (index of multilocus association = 1.2). Analyses of the mitochondrial DNA showed no differences between the groups. The two groups were associated with different habitat types, and associations with insect hosts were not found. The group from forested areas showed an ability for cold-active growth (i.e., 8°C), while the group from the agricultural area showed an ability for growth at high temperatures (i.e., 37°C) and resilience to UV exposure. These results represent a significant paradigm shift; habitat selection, not host insect selection, drives the population structure of these insect-pathogenic deuteromycetous fungi. With each group we observed recombining population structures as well as clonally reproducing lineages. We discuss whether these groups may represent cryptic species. Worldwide, M. anisopliae may be an assembly of cryptic species, each adapted to certain environmental conditions. The association of fungal genotypes with habitat but not with host insects has implications on the criteria for utility of this, and perhaps other, fungal biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Redondo RA  Santos FR 《Genetica》2006,126(1-2):199-213
Comparative studies of salivary glands showed that they maybe related to the adaptive radiation of bats, especially in the family Phylostomidae. In this study we have been searching for a likely relationship between different feeding habits found in bats and possible adaptive changes in a coding segment of the α-amylase enzyme. We have also tested some hypothesis about the phylogenetic relationship of bats and other mammals. A 663 bp segment of the α-amylase gene, corresponding to the exon 4 and part of the intron c, was sequenced in nine bat species. The exon 4 was also sequenced in further ten mammalian species. The phylogenetic trees generated with different methods produced the same results. When the intron c and the exon 4 were independently analyzed, they showed distinct topologies involving the bat species Sturnira lilium, different from the traditional bat phylogeny. Phylogenetic analysis of bats, primates and rodents supports the Euarchontoglires-Laurasiatheria hypothesis about the relationship among these groups. Selection tests showed that the α-amylase exon 4 is under strong purifying selection, probably caused by functional constraints. The conflicting bat phylogenies could not be explained by evolutionary convergence due to adaptive forces, and the different topologies may be likely due to the retention of plesiomorphic characters or the independent acquisition by evolutionary parallelism.  相似文献   

Krivina  E. S.  Temraleeva  A. D.  Bukin  Yu. S. 《Microbiology》2021,90(4):455-469
Microbiology - This article discusses the system of green microalgae of the clade Parachlorella, based on morphological, ecological, and molecular genetic data. The diagnostic characteristics of...  相似文献   



Although the negative effects of roads on the genetics of animal populations have been extensively reported, the question of whether roads reduce gene flow in volant, urban bird populations has so far not been addressed. In this study, we assess whether highways decreased gene flow and genetic variation in a small passerine bird, the tree sparrow (Passer montanus).


We assessed genetic differences among tree sparrows (Passer montanus) sampled at 19 sites within Beijing Municipality, China, using 7 DNA microsatellites as genetic markers.


AMOVA showed that genetic variation between sites, between urban and rural populations, and between opposite sides of the same highway, were very weak. Mantel tests on all samples, and on urban samples only, indicated that the age and number of highways, and the number of ordinary roads, were uncorrelated with genetic differences (F ST) among tree sparrows from different urban sites. Birds sampled at urban sites had similar levels of genetic diversity to those at rural sites. There was, however, evidence of some weak genetic structure between urban sites. Firstly, there were significant genetic differences (F ST) between birds from opposite sides of the same highway, but no significant F ST values between those from sites that were not separated by highways. Secondly, birds from eleven urban sites had loci that significantly deviated from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium but no such deviation was found in birds from rural sites.


We cannot, therefore, conclusively reject the hypothesis that highways have no effect on the gene flow of tree sparrow populations. Furthermore, since the significance of these results may increase with time, we suggested that research on the influence of highways on gene flow in urban bird populations needs to be conducted over several decades.  相似文献   

Parisotoma notabilis is the most common species of Collembola in Europe and is currently designated as ubiquist. This species has been extensively used in numerous studies and is considered as well characterized on a morphological ground. Despite the homogeneity of its morphology, the sequencing of the barcoding fragment (5′ end of COI) for several populations throughout Europe and North America revealed four distinct genetic lineages. The divergence found between these lineages was similar to the genetic distance among other species of the genus Parisotoma included in the analysis. All four lineages have been confirmed by the nuclear gene 28S. This congruence between mitochondrial and nuclear signals, as well as the geographical distribution pattern of lineages observed in Europe, supports the potential specific status of these lineages. Based on specimens from the type locality (Hamburg), the species name was successfully assigned to one of these lineages. This finding raises several problems as Parisotoma notabilis has been widely used in many ecological studies. Accumulation of new data for the different lineages detected, especially ecological information and life history traits, is needed to help resolve this situation.  相似文献   

In most vertebrates, hemoglobin (Hb) is a heterotetramer composed of two dissimilar globin chains, which change during development according to the patterns of expression of α- and β-globin family members. In placental mammals, the β-globin cluster includes three early-expressed genes, ε(HBE)-γ(HBG)-ψβ(HBBP1), and the late expressed genes, δ (HBD) and β (HBB). While HBB encodes the major adult β-globin chain, HBD is weakly expressed or totally silent. Paradoxically, in human populations HBD shows high levels of conservation typical of genes under strong evolutionary constraints, possibly due to a regulatory role in the fetal-to-adult switch unique of Anthropoid primates. In this study, we have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic and comparative analysis of the two adult β-like globin genes in a set of diverse mammalian taxa, focusing on the evolution and functional divergence of HBD in primates. Our analysis revealed that anthropoids are an exception to a general pattern of concerted evolution in placental mammals, showing a high level of sequence conservation at HBD, less frequent and shorter gene conversion events. Moreover, this lineage is unique in the retention of a functional GATA-1 motif, known to be involved in the control of the developmental expression of the β-like globin genes. We further show that not only the mode but also the rate of evolution of the δ-globin gene in higher primates are strictly associated with the fetal/adult β-cluster developmental switch. To gain further insight into the possible functional constraints that have been shaping the evolutionary history of HBD in primates, we calculated dN/dS (ω) ratios under alternative models of gene evolution. Although our results indicate that HBD might have experienced different selective pressures throughout primate evolution, as shown by different ω values between apes and Old World Monkeys + New World Monkeys (0.06 versus 0.43, respectively), these estimates corroborated a constrained evolution for HBD in Anthropoid lineages, which is unlikely to be related to protein function. Collectively, these findings suggest that sequence change at the δ-globin gene has been under strong selective constraints over 65 Myr of primate evolution, likely due to a regulatory role in ontogenic switches of gene expression.  相似文献   

Leaf litter nutrients play a key role in nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems, yet our current knowledge of the ways in which climate controls leaf litter nutrients remains uncertain, especially for broad-leaved tree species in China. We performed a meta-analysis of geographic patterns of leaf litter nutrients of Chinese broad-leaved tree species in relation to climatic variables and leaf habit (as a discrete classification of tree species). We found that mean leaf litter carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were 458.36, 10.11, 0.72, 6.37, 14.22 and 2.59 mg?1 g, respectively. Leaf litter nutrients did not diverge between leaf habits where they coexisted. These leaf litter nutrients displayed significant latitudinal trends, partly driven by climatic factors and a shift in leaf habit. Mean annual precipitation explained the largest amount of total variation in leaf litter C, N, P and K, and mean annual temperature was the most important predictor for leaf litter Mg, whereas leaf habit was the largest contributor to total variation in leaf litter Ca. We further found that the relationships between climate and leaf litter nutrients were distinguishable for evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved tree species. Collectively, our study differed from previous studies that evaluated leaf litter nutrients and only focused on N and P, and substantiated that leaf litter nutrients in forest ecosystems were affected by climate and leaf habit, but the strengths of the influences of these factors were strongly contingent on leaf litter nutrient identity. Therefore, alteration of climate would directly and indirectly (via a shift in species composition) affect latitudinal patterns of leaf litter nutrients and thus the associated nutrient flux and ecosystem functioning. Our study also underlined the need to include multiple nutrients to explore the influence of climate on leaf litter nutrient stoichiometry.  相似文献   

Clusters of range boundaries in coastal marine species often occur at shoreline locations where major nearshore ocean currents collide. Observing that these currents are typically composed of waters with quite different physical characteristics, biologists have traditionally assumed that high local densities of marine range limits result primarily from the strong water property gradients (particularly in temperature) that arise at oceanographic discontinuities. However, this view may overlook the potential for ocean flows themselves to generate distributional pattern. Here we explore this possibility in more detail using an extension of a coupled population dispersal model developed previously for benthic marine species with dispersing larvae. Results suggest that simple, common flow fields often observed in association with biogeographic boundaries worldwide may have the potential to constrain a species' geographic range, even when suitable habitat outside that range is abundant. Model predictions suggest that these boundaries can function as one- or two-way barriers to range expansion and may be differentially permeable, with boundary leakiness depending on life-history characteristics and the degree of temporal variability in the nearshore flow field.  相似文献   

The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) is a biodiversity hotspot with a history of fire that goes back as far as 10 million years. Fire has influenced the evolution of several aspects of the vegetation, including reproduction and life cycles. This study tested how fire by‐products such as heat and smoke affect the germination of six species common to two Cerrado open physiognomies: wet grasslands and the campo sujo (grassland with scattered shrubs and dwarf trees). We subjected seeds collected in northern Brazil to heat shock and smoke treatments, both separately and combined, using different temperatures, exposure times, and smoke concentrations in aqueous solutions. High temperatures and smoke did not break seed dormancy nor stimulate germination of the Cerrado study species. However, seeds were not killed by high temperatures, indicating that they are fire‐tolerant. Our findings differed from those of other fire‐prone ecosystems (mostly of Mediterranean vegetation), where fire stimulates germination. Moreover, we provide important information regarding germination strategies of non‐woody Cerrado plants, showing the importance of considering the tolerance of seeds to high temperatures when evaluating fire‐related traits in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

Reliable detection of large deletions from cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in maternal plasma is challenging, especially when both parents have the same deletion owing to a lack of specific markers for fetal genotyping. In order to evaluate the efficacy of a non-invasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD) test to exclude α-thalassemia major that uses SNPs linked to the normal paternal α-globin allele, we established a novel protocol to reliably detect paternal SNPs within the (−−SEA) breakpoints and performed evaluation of the diagnostic potential of the protocol in a total of 67 pregnancies, in whom plasma samples were collected prior to invasive obstetrics procedures in southern China. A group of nine SNPs identified within the deletion breakpoints were scanned to select the informative SNPs in each of the 67 couples DNA by multiplex PCR based mini-sequencing technique. The paternally inherited SNP allele from cffDNA was detected by allele specific real-time PCR. A protocol for reliable detection of paternal SNPs within the (−−SEA) breakpoints was established and evaluation of the diagnostic potential of the protocol was performed in a total of 67 pregnancies. In 97% of the couples one or more different SNPs within the deletion breakpoint occurred between paternal and maternal alleles. Homozygosity for the (−−SEA) deletion was accurately excluded in 33 out of 67 (49.3%, 95% CI, 25.4–78.6%) pregnancies through the implementation of the protocol. Protocol was completely concordant with the traditional reference methods, except for two cases that exhibited uncertain results due to sample hemolysis. This method could be used as a routine NIPD test to exclude gross fetal deletions in α-thalassemia major, and could further be employed to test for other diseases due to gene deletion.  相似文献   

Bats are the only mammals with the capacity for powered flight. When flying, they need abundant energy and oxygen. According to previous works, the hemoglobin (Hb) oxygen loading function of bats is insensitive to variations in body temperature, although different bat species have different heat sensitivity. We cloned Hb α-chain sequences from eight bat species to investigate whether they have different characteristics. We found that Hb in the bat lineages is under purifying selection, which accords with the importance of its function in bats. Three turn regions in bat Hb, however, have distinct evolutionary rates compared with those of other mammals, and the codons in these regions have an accelerated rate of evolution. These codons are under divergent selection in bats. These changes in Hb may have occurred in response to the physiological requirements of the species concerned, as adaptations to different lifestyles.  相似文献   

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