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A study was made of the toxicity of copper to the marine copepod Tisbe holothuriae Humes and the development of increased tolerance due to acclimation. In sublethal concentrations, copper causes a prolongation of maturation time and a reduction in offspring production. These effects increased proportionally to the copper concentration used, while the respiratory rate (measured at the highest concentration used: 0.008 mg l–1 Cu) increased. A tendency for higher tolerance due to acclimation was also observed. The copper induced delay in maturation time observed in the F2 generation, became less pronounced from F3 onwards. In animals exposed at 0.008 mg l–1 Cu the maturation time of F3 was not statistically different from that of untreated animals. The LC50 48 h also presented an increase due to acclimation in animals exposed at 0.004 (F5) and 0.008 mg l–1 Cu (F3 and F5 generations), but this increase was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Cataletto  B.  Fonda Umani  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):283-288
A yearly study was made on total and cephalothorax lengths, dry weight, carbon and nitrogen contents and C:N ratio of the species Acartia clausi (Copepoda, Calanoida) which is always abundant, particularly in spring, in the net zooplankton community of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea). The samples of net zooplankton were carried out every month at the permanent station located 200 m offshore and preserved for about one year in 4% buffered formalin to insure weight loss stabilization. A. clausi was separated from other zooplankton specimens; washed and dried. For each monthly sample the average total and cephalothorax lengths and the average dry weight of adult organisms of A. clausi were measured. The mean carbon and nitrogen contents, as a percentage of dry weight, were determined by using a CHN analyser. Linear regression models were computed on the log-transformed data in order to check the relationships between dry weight, total and cephalothorax lengths, carbon and nitrogen contents and C:N ratio of A. clausi. The best of the various established correlations, was between dry weight and carbon content. Our study pinpointed a high seasonal variability of the C:N ratio, mainly due to seasonal fluctuations in the nitrogen content.  相似文献   

Circadian variations in gut repletion were observed in adults of Acartia clausi, based on fluorescent pigments measurements. Maximum values lies between 2.00 and 8.00 p.m. and minimum values between 2.00 and 8.00 a.m. This variation which is associated with a less important variation of the concentration of organic particles in water, is assumed to result from a circadian variation in filtration rate. This assumption is discussed on the basis of a rough simulation of the variation of gut repletion. Daily ration estimated according to the observed gut repletion values lies between 35 and 86% of the body organic dry weight.

Variations in prosome length and width, dry weight and condition factor of female Acartia clausi copepods were studied at three salinities (35, 34 and 33 psu) in the euhaline region of two estuaries (Bilbao and Urdaibai) of the Basque coast, with different level of anthropogenic impact. Effect of the environmental variables upon the morphology of A. clausi females on a small geographic scale is discussed. In general, biometric variables showed no significant differences between the two estuaries, but dry weight and condition factor were significantly higher in the estuary of Urdaibai at 35 and 34 psu, whilst at 33 psu they were higher in Bilbao. Body dimensions decreased significantly with decreasing salinity in both estuaries, however, no similar trends were observed for dry weight and condition factor. Temperature appeared the main variable to account size variations, but once eliminated seasonal effect of the temperature body size was related with oxygen concentration in the estuary of Bilbao and with salinity in Urdaibai. This study reveals that morphological characteristics of A. clausi not are only dependent on the temperature, but also, within a limited geographical zone, on local differences in environmental variables, mainly salinity and oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

Bakker  C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):117-126
During the period of construction of a storm-surge barrier current velocities decreased strongly and the Eastern compartment of the basin obtained a lagoon-like character. The rotifer Synchaeta spp., already abundant in the neighbouring salt and brackish lakes, profited from this condition. Higher and less fluctuating salinities caused the estuarine character of this compartment to disappear in the post-barrier years. This was reflected in the obscured succession of some Acartia species: the estuarine A. tonsa dominated in pre-barrier- and barrier years during summer, while the marine A. clausi was abundant in the post-barrier Oosterschelde during that time. Also the changed food conditions (Bakker & Vink, 1993) may have played a role in this phenomenon.Further changes in species composition were hardly observed. The main changes were of a quantitative nature (Bakker & Van Rijswijk, 1993; Tackx et al., 1993). A list of the commonly occurring species is given.  相似文献   

In 2002, the neritic copepod Acartia tumida was present in the plankton of Kievka Bay from February through July at a temperature of ?1.2 to 14°C with an average population density of 6812 ind/m3 and a biomass of 532.75 mg/m3 (0.12–65.33 and 2.2–87.84% of total copepod density and biomass, respectively). The maximum population density of A. tumida (45 600 ind/m3) was recorded in the first ten-day period of April at a temperature of 2.2–3.8°C. Seasonal variations in the age and sex structure of A. tumida population were found. From February to July, A. tumida produced two generations.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton samples were collected over a period of one year in five stations of the Ebrié lagoon and analysed for organic, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents. When zooplankton was dominated by A. clausi, body composition was relatively stable compared with the broad variability of environmental factors (mainly salinity, food abundance and composition), although a negative hypothetic influence of salinity may have occurred. Body composition was comparable when zooplankton was dominated by Pseudodiaptomus hessei and freshwater species, but contents were significantly lower for assemblages dominated by more exclusively marine species (Paracalanus spp., Oithona spp., marine cladocerans, chaetognates, etc.).  相似文献   

Information on gonad morphology and its relation to basic reproductive parameters such as clutch size and spawning frequency is lacking for Acartia clausi, a dominant calanoid copepod of the North Sea. To fill this gap, females of this species were sampled at Helgoland Roads from mid March to late May 2001. Gonad structure and oogenesis were studied using a combination of histology and whole-body-analysis. In addition, clutch size and spawning frequency were determined in incubation experiments, during which individual females were monitored at short intervals for 8 and 12 h, respectively. The histological analysis revealed that the ovary of A. clausi is w-shaped with two distinct tips pointing posteriorly. It is slightly different from that of other Acartia species and of other copepod taxa. From the ovary, two anterior diverticula extend into the head region, and two posterior diverticula extend to the genital opening in the abdomen. Developing oocytes change in shape and size, and in the appearance of the nucleus and the ooplasm. Based on these morphological characteristics, different oocyte development stages (OS) were identified. Mitotically dividing oogonia and young oocytes (OS 0) were restricted to the ovary, whereas vitellogenic oocytes (OS 1–4) were present in the diverticula. The development stage of the oocytes increased with distance to the ovary in both, anterior and posterior diverticula. Most advanced oocytes were situated ventrally, and their number varied between 1 and 18, at a median of 4. All oocyte development stages co-occur indicating that oogenesis in A. clausi is a continuous process. These morphological features reflect the reproductive traits of this species. In accordance with the low numbers of mature oocytes in the gonads, females usually produced small clutches of one to five eggs. Clutches were released throughout the entire observation period at intervals of 90 min (median) resulting in mean egg production rates of 18–28 eggs female−1 day−1.  相似文献   

Coniglio  Lidia  Baudo  Renato 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):407-410
The life-tables of Daphnia obtusa surviving a 48 hours exposure to various hexavalent chromium concentrations have been used to assess whether or not the toxicant had affected demographic parameters. The statistical comparisons lead to the conclusion that even such a short exposure to a relatively low level of chromium reduces the life-span, delays the time of first reproduction, shortens the reproduction period, and decreases the brood size.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of Cu, Cd and Cr to the marine copepod Tisbe holothuriae, Humes, was estimated by static bioassays and the LC inf50 su48h (in mg/l) was calculated. Copper proved to be the most toxic (LC inf50 su48h = 0,08 ± 0,01 mg/l) and chromium the least toxic (LC inf50 su48h = 8,14 ± 0,05 mg/l), while cadmium showed an intermediate toxicity (LC inf50 su48h = 0,97 ± 0,04 mg/l).In mixtures of the two metals an obvious synergism of the effects was observed in all cases. In all three combinations with two metals (Cu + Cd, Cu + Cr, and Cd + Cr) the mortality was higher than that expected on a purely additive basis. The mixture of the three metals presented a higher toxicity than that of the individual metals acting separately, but lower than that of all two metals mixture.  相似文献   

Xiu  Ruiquin  Xu  Yongxiang  Gao  Shirong 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):411-413
The toxicity of deltamethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, was determined under standardized conditions (ISO, 1982) in neonates and juveniles of Daphnia magna. Neonates (6 to 24 h old) were more sensitive than juveniles (48 to 72 h old). The 24- and 48-h EC50s (immobilization) in neonates were 0.113 and 0.031 µg l–1, respectively. The toxicity of deltamethrin was highly toxic. The 96-h EC50 was in the ppt (µg l–1) range. Toxicity tests with Daphnia may be used to detect toxic residues in water and sediment in areas treated with deltamethrin and other highly toxic pyrethroid pesticides.  相似文献   

Toxicity of blooms of the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium to zooplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The marine filamentous bloom-forming cyanobacteria Trichodesmium thiebautii and T. erythraeum were collected at locations in the Carribean during Jan.–Feb. 1991. They were screened for toxicity using Artemia salina and several species of copepods, which were harpacticoid grazers, filter-feeding calanoids, or cyclopoid copepods. Approximately 50% of the 89 T. thiebautii samples caused> 50% lethality of A. salina, though none of the 16 T. erythraeum samples caused> 25% lethality. The T. thiebautii bloom samples were toxic to the calanoid and cyclopoid copepods and non-toxic to the harpacticoid grazers. In contrast the T. erythraeum bloom samples were not toxic to any copepods tested.  相似文献   

Biosorption of chromium to fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Eighteen fungal strains were isolated from water and soil samples and tested for their ability to enrich chromium. The microorganism with the highest enrichment capacity, a zygomycete (Mucor hiemalis MP/92/3/4), was chosen for detailed investigations. Some basic tests such as the pH-dependence, the kinetics of the enrichment and the metal selectivity were carried out with the two most frequent oxidation states of chromium, the trivalent cation (Cr3+) and the hexavalent anion (CrO4 2–). With Cr3+ the enrichment showed a saturation kinetic reaching 70% of the maximum capacity after about 30 min, whereas with CrO4 2– a linear time course with a much lower metal enrichment was observed. The highest level of enrichment for Cr3+ was observed at pH 5.5 (21.4 mg/g dry wt), and for CrO4 2– at pH 1 (4.3 mg/g dry wt). Investigations concerning the metal enrichment selectivity resulted in the following series of decreasing ion uptake: Cr3+ > Cu2+ > Pb2+ > Ag+ > Al3+ > Co2+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ > Fe2+ > Mo5+ > Cd2+ > 2– > CrO4 2– > VO3–, calculated on a molar basis. Trivalent chromium caused a staining of the outer cell wall region in transmission electron microscopy. The localization of chromium in the stained outer layers of the cell wall could be verified by electron energy loss spectroscopy. The enrichment of Cr3+ by M. hiemalis seemed to be mainly a passive biosorption to the cell wall, whereas for the uptake of CrO4 2– intracellular accumulation as well as biosorption is possible.  相似文献   

Green  Jim 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):187-194
Seventeen localities over a 1500 m altitudinal range were sampled in January 1991 and October 1992 in the subtropical highlands of Lesotho, southern Africa. Spatial and temporal variability in rotifer assemblages are described briefly, and factors driving community heterogeneity are considered. Predation was identified as one significant factor; some sites with low rotifer diversity had dense populations of large calanoid copepods (Lovenula falcifera, Paradiaptomus warreni), and in other localities, tadpoles of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis.Gut content analysis demonstrated that both calanoids and tadpoles were consuming rotifers.  相似文献   

In Canada, environmental regulations for protection of the biota from the adverse effects of effluents from petroleum refineries have tended to focus on acute toxicity. There is concern those effluents may have other subtle, but still deleterious, long-term effects on aquatic ecosystems. We have used a battery of toxicity tests to assess the acute toxicity, genotoxicity, and chronic toxicity of effluent samples from two Ontario refineries. The test organisms included representatives of the bacterial, algal, plant, cladoceran, and fish communities. The results of our preliminary study indicate that the effluent samples had little acute toxicity to the test organisms. There were indications of some sublethal toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia, Panagrellus redivivus, and Pimephales promelas. One of the effluents inhibited the growth of Selanastrum capricornutum (IC50 of 59.9%) and Lemna gibba (IC25 of 73.3%) and also caused a 15 percent reduction in the germination of Lactuca sativa seeds. The SOS-Chromotest, a commercially available test that measures the activity of a bacterial DNA repair system, detected genotoxic effects in a single effluent that had been concentrated ten fold. There was no apparent relationship between several chemical parameters and the observed sublethal effects. Further research is needed to establish whether or not the observed toxic effects are typical of effluents from Ontario refineries.  相似文献   

With few exceptions, the evolutionary consequences of harmful algae to grazers in aquatic systems remain unexplored. To examine both the ecological and evolutionary consequences of harmful algae on marine zooplankton, we used a two-fold approach. In the first approach, we examined the life history responses of two geographically separate Acartia hudsonica (Copepoda Calanoida) populations reared on diets containing the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense . One copepod population was from a region, Casco Bay, Maine, USA, that has experienced recurrent blooms of highly toxic Alexandrium spp. for decades; whereas the other population from Great Bay, New Jersey, USA, has never been exposed to toxic Alexandrium blooms. The life history experiment demonstrated that when the copepod population from New Jersey was reared on a diet containing toxic A. fundyense it exhibited lower somatic growth, size at maturity, egg production and survival than the same population reared on a diet without toxic A. fundyense . In contrast, toxic A. fundyense did not affect the life-history traits of the Maine population. Fitness, finite population growth rate (), was significantly reduced in the New Jersey population, but not in the Maine population. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of local adaptation (resistance) of the historically exposed copepod population to the toxic dinoflagellate. In the second approach, we further tested the resistance hypothesis with a laboratory genetic selection experiment with the naïve New Jersey copepod population exposed to a diet containing toxic A. fundyense. This experiment demonstrated that the ingestion and egg production of adult females of naïve copepods fed A. fundyense improved after three generations of being reared on a diet containing the toxic dinoflagellate. The results of the present study have important implications for understanding how grazer populations may respond to the introduction of toxic algae to their environment, and suggest that grazer resistance may be a feedback mechanism that may lead to bloom control.Co-ordinating editor: Hurst  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on the isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) are studied by static toxicity tests. Results demonstrate that the species is sensitive to Cd+2, Cr+6, Cu+2, Fe+3, Hg+2, Ni+2 Pb+2 and Zn+2, but the toxicity of each metal is different. Differences are also found between adults and between adults and juveniles. The comparative analysis of all data on the toxicity has been performed on the concentrations of metal ions and not on metal compound concentrations.Criteria for establishing water quality in order to guarantee protection of the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr) is a common pollutant of freshwater bodies in India, and is frequently detected in high concentrations in edible fish. Bioassays were carried out in the laboratory to determine acute the toxicity and pattern of accumulation of Cr in three species of freshwater fish. The 96-h LC50 value of Cr for Labeo bata, Puntius sarana, and Catla catla was found respectively as 7.33, 10.37, and 31.61 mg/L. Concentrations of Cr in water, sediments, and fish, during a period of 28 d of exposure to 0, 0.73, and 2.19 mg/L of Cr, varied with exposure period, concentration of Cr, presence of weed, and species of fish exposed. Polynomial regressions obtained by drawing polynomial curves revealed that the aquatic weed Eichhornia crassipes prevented gradual decrease of Cr concentrations in water, but reduced the accumulation of Cr in L. bata and Catla catla. However, the effect of the weed on Puntius sarana was not apparent. The pattern of Cr deposition on sediments was also inconsistent. To explain interactions between environment and fish in a very precise manner, polynomial and multiple regression curves were simultaneously used. When polynomial curves were replaced by multiple regression curves, it was revealed that the aquatic weed E. crassipes could reduce Cr accumulation in Puntius sarana also.  相似文献   

Batch cultures of algae grown at low (0.1 %) and elevated (2.0 %) concentrations of CO2, as well as in original BBM (Bold Basal Medium) and BBM modified with phosphate, EDTA and a combination of both, were exposed to cadmium (Cd(NO3)2·4H2O, 3CdSO4·8H2O and CdCl2·H2O) for 24 h. Regardless of the salt applied, the concentration-dependent relationships of Cd toxicity were found to be biphasic, suggesting the different affinity of target sites to cadmium. Nominal values of EC50 obtained for algae grown in original BBM and at low CO2 were 18.0, 16.44 and 15.37 mg·dm−3 for cadmium nitrate, sulphate and chloride, respectively. However, it was estimated that 97 % of the free cadmium in the added salts were bound by components of original BBM such as EDTA, phosphates, chloride and sulphate. The effect of Cd-salts at concentrations corresponding to EC50 values on algae were tested in media with 10-fold reduced phosphates (BBM-P), BBM depleted of EDTA (BBM-EDTA) and of both phosphates and EDTA (BBM-P-EDTA). For algae grown at low CO2 and BBM-P, cadmium was about 25 % less toxic than those applied in original BBM. Cadmium greatly inhibited (about 85 % of the control) the growth of algae cultured in BBM-EDTA; this effect was only slightly dependent on the CO2 concentration. Deficits of both EDTA and P led to effects similar to those brought about by the absence of EDTA only. The toxicity of cadmium depends on CO2 concentration only when algae are grown in original BBM. The growth of algae under high CO2 conditions was reduced considerably less (about 80% of control) compared with low CO2 concentrations (about 50 % of control). A relationship was found between the toxicity of cadmium salts and final pH values only in variants of low-CO2 grown algae; with an increase of medium pH the toxicity decreased. The results suggest that both growth conditions and the binding ability of the medium markedly affect the toxicity of cadmium towards microalgae.  相似文献   

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