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The RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) is a monocistronic messenger that lacks both a cap and a poly(A) tail. Translation of STNV RNA in vitro is promoted by a 120-nt translational enhancer domain (TED) in the 3'-untranslated region. TED also stimulates translation of heterologous mRNAs. In this study, we show that TED stimulates translation of a cat mRNA by increasing translation efficiency to the level of capped mRNA. This stimulatory activity is not impaired by translation through TED. TED stimulates translation efficiency from different positions within the mRNA, varying from the 5' end to 940 nt downstream of the coding region. Duplication of TED has an additive effect on translation stimulation only when located at both ends of the mRNA. On dicistronic RNAs, TED stimulates translation of both cistrons to the same extent. These data suggest that TED acts primarily by recruiting the translational machinery to the RNA.  相似文献   

The RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) is a monocistronic messenger that lacks both a 5′ cap and a 3′ poly(A) tail. The STNV trailer contains an autonomous translational enhancer domain (TED) that promotes translation in vitro by more than one order of magnitude when combined with the 5′-terminal 173 nt of STNV RNA. We now show that the responsible sequence within the 5′ region maps to the first 38 nt of the STNV RNA. Mutational analysis indicated that the primary sequence of the STNV 5′ 38 nt and TED is important for translation stimulation in vitro, but did not reveal a role for the complementarity between the two. Translation of chimeric STNV-cat RNAs in tobacco protoplasts showed that TED promotes translation in vivo of RNAs lacking a cap and/or a poly(A) tail. Similar to in vitro, TED-dependent translation in tobacco was stimulated further by the STNV 5′ 38 nt.  相似文献   

Plus-strand RNA viruses without 5' caps require noncanonical mechanisms for ribosome recruitment. A translational enhancer in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) contains an internal T-shaped structure (TSS) that binds to 60S ribosomal subunits. We now report that the 63-nucleotide (nt) 5' UTR of TCV contains a 19-nt pyrimidine-rich element near the initiation codon that supports translation of an internal open reading frame (ORF) independent of upstream 5' UTR sequences. Addition of 80S ribosomes to the 5' UTR reduced the flexibility of the polypyrimidine residues and generated a toeprint consistent with binding to this region. Binding of salt-washed 40S ribosomal subunits was reduced 6-fold when the pyrimidine-rich sequence was mutated. 40S subunit binding generated the same toeprint as 80S ribosomes but also additional ones near the 5' end. Generation of out-of-frame AUGs upstream of the polypyrimidine region reduced translation, which suggests that 5'-terminal entry of 40S subunits is followed by scanning and that the polypyrimidine region is needed for an alternative function that requires ribosome binding. No evidence for RNA-RNA interactions between 5' and 3' sequences was found, suggesting that TCV utilizes an alternative means for circularizing its genome. Combining 5' and 3' UTR fragments in vitro had no discernible effect on the structures of the RNAs. In contrast, when 80S ribosomes were added to both fragments, structural changes were found in the 5' UTR polypyrimidine tract that were not evident when ribosomes interacted with the individual fragments. This suggests that ribosomes can promote an interaction between the 5' and 3' UTRs of TCV.  相似文献   

Treatment of the RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) with phosphomonoesterase followed by heat denaturation and treatment with polynucleotide kinase in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP yields a STNV [5'-32P]RNA containing a homogeneous 5' terminus. Analyses of this STNV [5'-32P]RNA yield the sequence of the first 42 nucleotides from the 5'terminus of STNV RNA. This nucleotide sequence contains the translation initiation AUG codon starting at position 30 from the 5' terminus as indicated by match of subsequent nucleotides with the genetic code assignments for the N-terminal amino acids of STNV coat protein in the 5'-terminal sequence ppAGUAAAGACAGGAAACUU-UACUGACUAACAUGGCAAAACAAC. An interesting feature of this sequence is its potential to form a hairpin loop structure involving perfect Watson-Crick base pairing between the first seven nucleotides and nucleotides at positions 16--22.  相似文献   

The RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) is a monocistronic messenger that lacks both a 5' cap structure and a 3' poly(A) tail. We show that in a cell-free translation system derived from wheat germ, STNV RNA lacking the 600-nucleotide trailer is translated an order of magnitude less efficiently than full-size RNA. Deletion analyses positioned the translational enhancer domain (TED) within a conserved hairpin structure immediately downstream from the coat protein cistron. TED enhances translation when fused to a heterologous mRNA, but the level of enhancement depends on the nature of the 5' untranslated sequence and is maximal in combination with the STNV leader. The STNV leader and TED have two regions of complementarity. One of the complementary regions in TED resembles picornavirus box A, which is involved in cap-independent translation but which is located upstream of the coding region.  相似文献   

During cap-dependent translation of eukaryotic mRNAs, initiation factors interact with the 5′ cap to attract ribosomes. When animal viruses translate in a cap-independent fashion, ribosomes assemble upstream of initiation codons at internal ribosome entry sites (IRES). In contrast, many plant viral genomes do not contain 5′ ends with substantial IRES activity but instead have 3′ translational enhancers that function by an unknown mechanism. A 393-nucleotide (nt) region that includes the entire 3′ UTR of the Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) synergistically enhances translation of a reporter gene when associated with the TCV 5′ UTR. The major enhancer activity was mapped to an internal region of ~140 nt that partially overlaps with a 100-nt structural domain previously predicted to adopt a form with some resemblance to a tRNA, according to a recent study by J.C. McCormack and colleagues. The T-shaped structure binds to 80S ribosomes and 60S ribosomal subunits, and binding is more efficient in the absence of surrounding sequences and in the presence of a pseudoknot that mimics the tRNA-acceptor stem. Untranslated TCV satellite RNA satC, which contains the TCV 3′ end and 6-nt differences in the region corresponding to the T-shaped element, does not detectably bind to 80S ribosomes and is not predicted to form a comparable structure. Binding of the TCV T-shaped element by 80S ribosomes was unaffected by salt-washing, reduced in the presence of AcPhe-tRNA, which binds to the P-site, and enhanced binding of Phe-tRNA to the ribosome A site. Mutations that reduced translation in vivo had similar effects on ribosome binding in vitro. This strong correlation suggests that ribosome entry in the 3′ UTR is a key function of the 3′ translational enhancer of TCV and that the T-shaped element contains some tRNA-like properties.  相似文献   

Shen R  Miller WA 《Journal of virology》2004,78(9):4655-4664
RNAs of many viruses are translated efficiently in the absence of a 5' cap structure. The tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) genome is an uncapped, nonpolyadenylated RNA whose translation mechanism has not been well investigated. Computational analysis predicted a cap-independent translation element (TE) within the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of TNV RNA that resembles the TE of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), a luteovirus. Here we report that such a TE does indeed exist in the 3' UTR of TNV strain D. Like the BYDV TE, the TNV TE (i) functions both in vitro and in vivo, (ii) requires additional sequence for cap-independent translation in vivo, (iii) has a similar secondary structure and the conserved sequence CGGAUCCUGGGAAACAGG, (iv) is inactivated by a four-base duplication in this conserved sequence, (v) can function in the 5' UTR, and (vi) when located in its natural 3' location, may form long-distance base pairing with the viral 5' UTR that is conserved and probably required. The TNV TE differs from the BYDV TE by having only three helical domains instead of four. Similar structures were found in all members of the Necrovirus genus of the Tombusviridae family, except satellite tobacco necrosis virus, which harbors a different 3' cap-independent translation domain. The presence of the BYDV-like TE in select genera of different families indicates that phylogenetic distribution of TEs does not follow standard viral taxonomic relationships. We propose a new class of cap-independent TE called BYDV-like TE.  相似文献   

Satellite RNAs associated with Bamboo mosaic virus (satBaMVs) depend on BaMV for replication and encapsidation. Certain satBaMVs isolated from natural fields significantly interfere with BaMV replication. The 5' apical hairpin stem loop (AHSL) of satBaMV is the major determinant in interference with BaMV replication. In this study, by in vivo competition assay, we revealed that the sequence and structure of AHSL, along with specific nucleotides (C(60) and C(83)) required for interference with BaMV replication, are also involved in replication competition among satBaMV variants. Moreover, all of the 5' ends of natural BaMV isolates contain the similar AHSLs having conserved nucleotides (C(64) and C(86)) with those of interfering satBaMVs, suggesting their co-evolution. Mutational analyses revealed that C(86) was essential for BaMV replication, and that replacement of C(64) with U reduced replication efficiency. The non-interfering satBaMV interfered with BaMV replication with the BaMV-C64U mutant as helper. These findings suggest that two cytosines at the equivalent positions in the AHSLs of BaMV and satBaMV play a crucial role in replication competence. The downregulation level, which is dependent upon the molar ratio of interfering satBaMV to BaMV, implies that there is competition for limited replication machinery.  相似文献   

Simon AE  Howell SH 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(13):3423-3428
RNA C (355 bases), RNA D (194 bases) and RNA F (230 bases) are small, linear satellite RNAs of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) which have been cloned as cDNAs and sequenced in this study. These RNAs produce dramatically different disease symptoms in infected plants. RNA C is a virulent satellite that intensifies virus symptoms when co-inoculated with its helper virus in turnip plants, while RNA D and RNA F are avirulent. RNA D and RNA F, the avirulent satellites, are closely related to each other except that RNA F has a 36-base insert near its 3' end, not found in RNA D. The 189 bases at the 5' end of RNA C, the virulent satellite, are homologous to the entire sequence of RNA D. However, the 3' half of RNA C, is composed of 166 bases which are nearly identical to two regions at the 3' end of the TCV helper virus genome. Hence, the virulent satellite is a composite molecule with one domain at its 5' end homologous to the other avirulent satellites and another domain at its 3' end homologous to the helper virus genome. All four TCV RNAs, RNAs C, D and F and the helper virus genome have identical 7 bases at their 3' ends. The secondary structure of RNA C deduced from the sequence can be folded into two separate domains — the domain of helper virus genome homology and the domain homologous to other TCV satellite RNAs. Comparative sequences of several different RNA C clones reveal that this satellite is a population of molecules with sequence and length heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Uncapped messenger RNAs (mRNAs) encoding calf preprochymosin, chicken prelysozyme, or Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase (GUS) were synthesized in vitro, with or without a 5'-terminal 67-nucleotide sequence (omega') derived from the untranslated 5'-leader (omega) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA. Messenger RNAs were translated in vitro, in messenger-dependent systems derived from rabbit reticulocytes (MDL), wheat-germ (WG) or E. coli (EC). The omega' sequence enhanced expression of each mRNA in almost every translation system. While MDL was the least responsive to omega', this sequence proved particularly efficient in permitting translation of the eukaryotic mRNAs in EC, despite the absence of a consensus Shine-Dalgarno sequence in either the mRNAs or omega'. The local context of the initiation codon (AUG) in two GUS mRNA constructs did not influence the relative enhancement caused by the omega' sequence. These findings extend the utility of omega' as a general enhancer of translation for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic mRNAs in either 80S- or 70S-ribosome-based systems.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the coat protein subunit in satellite tobacco necrosis virus has been investigated. The results obtained are consistent with and support the proposal for the amino acid sequence made from the nucleotide sequence of RNA (Ysebaert et al., 1980). This would imply that no intervening sequences of RNA occur in the cistron for the satellite tobacco necrosis virus coat protein. The polypeptide chain of the protein consists of 195 amino acid residues. It contains one sulfhydryl group but no disulfide bridges. The distribution of various kinds of amino acid residues along the chain is markedly uneven.  相似文献   

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