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Hematophagous arthropods that transmit the etiological agents of arthropod-borne diseases have become the focus of anti-vector vaccines, targeted mainly at components of their saliva and midgut. These efforts have been directed mostly towards developing species-specific vaccines. An alternative is to target cross-reactive epitopes that have been preserved during evolution of the arthropods. The N- and O-linked glycans that are attached to arthropod glycoproteins are one of the potential targets of this pan-arthropod vaccine approach. Here, we discuss how genetically modified Drosophila melanogaster cells can be used to synthesize and to deliver these arthropod glycans to vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study of nuage-mitochondria complexes in spermatogonia of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina, was carried out. Release of mitochondrial contents into the cytoplasm was observed. The mitochondrial derivatives persisted as cristae-containing globules of friable material that subsequently contacted and integrated with nuage. The present ultrastructural findings agree with the results of other researchers who proposed that germ plasm substance probably produced by the nucleus is supplemented by the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

The optimal root system architecture for increased tree anchorage has not yet been determined and in particular, the role of the tap root remains elusive. In Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.), tap roots may play an important role in anchoring young trees, but in adult trees, their growth is often impeded by the presence of a hard pan layer in the soil and the tap root becomes a minor component of tree anchorage. To understand better the role of the tap root in young trees, we grew cuttings (no tap root present) and seedlings where the tap root had (?) or had not (+) been pruned, in the field for 7 years. The force (F) necessary to deflect the stem sideways was then measured and divided by stem cross-sectional area (CSA), giving a parameter analogous to stress during bending. Root systems were extracted and root architecture and wood mechanical properties (density and longitudinal modulus of elasticity, E L ) determined. In seedlings (?) tap roots, new roots had regenerated where the tap root had been pruned, whereas in cuttings, one or two lateral roots had grown downwards and acted as tap roots. Cuttings had significantly less lateral roots than the other treatments, but those near the soil surface were 14% and 23% thicker than plants (+) and (?) tap roots, respectively. Cuttings were smaller than seedlings, but were not relatively less resistant to stem deflection, probably because the thicker lateral roots compensated for their lower number. Apart from stem volume which was greater in trees (+) tap roots, no significant differences with regard to size or any root system variable were found in plants (?) or (+) tap roots. In all treatments, lateral roots were structurally reinforced through extra growth along the direction of the prevailing wind, which also improved tap root anchorage. Predictors of log F/CSA differed depending on treatment: in trees (?) tap roots, a combination of the predictors stem taper and %volume allocated to deep roots was highly regressed with log F/CSA (R 2 = 0.83), unlike plants (+) tap roots where the combined predictors of lateral root number and root depth were best regressed with log F/CSA (R 2 = 0.80). In cuttings, no clear relationships between log F/CSA and any parameter could be found. Wood density and E L did not differ between roots, but did diminish with increasing distance from the stem in lateral roots. E L was significantly lower in lateral roots from cuttings. Results showed that nursery techniques influence plant development but that the architectural pattern of Maritime pine root systems is stable, developing a sinker root system even when grown from cuttings. Anchorage is affected but the consequences for the long-term are still not known. Numerical modelling may be the only viable method to investigate the function that each root plays in adult tree anchorage.  相似文献   

Targeted modification of the genome has long been an aim of many geneticists and biotechnologists. Gene targeting is a main molecular tool to examine biological effects of genes in a controlled environment. Effective gene targeting depends on the frequency of homologous recombination that is indispensable for the insertion of foreign DNA into a specific sequence of the genome. The main problem associated with the development of an optimal procedure for gene targeting in a particular organism is the variability of homologous recombination (HR) in different species. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is an attractive model system for the study of many cellular processes and is also an interesting object for the biotechnology industry. In spite of many advantages of this model system, C. reinhardtii does not readily express heterologous genes and does not allow targeted integration of foreign DNA into its genome easily. This paper compares data obtained from several different experiments designed for improving gene targeting in different organisms and reviews the suitability of particular techniques in C. reinhardtii cells. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

Species established outside their native ranges are termed alien. Biological invasions of beetles are poorly studied. Distinguishing between alien and native species is necessary for conservation as well as for taxonomic, zoogeographic, and evolutionary studies. It constitutes a difficult problem, but the experience of botany and some branches of zoology gives reasons to believe that it is not unsolvable. The following criteria for distinguishing alien beetle species from native ones are proposed based on the criteria developed for plants, algae, mammals, and marine invertebrates: (1) detection of an established population of the species which has not been recorded earlier in the region; (2) disjunction of the range which cannot be explained by disjunction of suitable landscapes or host plant ranges; (3) expansion of a part of the range isolated from its main part; (4) highly localized distribution in an area adjacent to a known invasion pathway; (5) establishment in other regions; (6) dependency on another non-native species (feeding on an alien host plant or animal); (7) absence of specific parasites in the given region and their presence in some other region; (8) association with anthropogenic biotopes; (9) sharp fluctuations of abundance; (10) lack of taxonomically close species in the given region and their presence in other regions; (11) detection in the region of two or more taxonomically and/or ecologically close species typical of another region; (12) presence of known vectors of invasion; (13) low genetic diversity; (14) reproduction by parthenogenesis or inbreeding. These criteria are mere indirect evidences of the alien status of a species in the given territory, because numerous exceptions exist. Usually it is impossible to recognize an alien species by a single criterion, but matching several criteria characterizes the species as an alien one with high probability.  相似文献   

Bio-based succinate is still a matter of special emphasis in biotechnology and adjacent research areas. The vast majority of natural and engineered producers are bacterial strains that accumulate succinate under anaerobic conditions. Recently, we succeeded in obtaining an aerobic yeast strain capable of producing succinic acid at low pH. Herein, we discuss some difficulties and advantages of microbial pathways producing "succinic acid" rather than "succinate." It was concluded that the peculiar properties of the constructed yeast strain could be clarified in view of a distorted energy balance. There is evidence that in an acidic environment, the majority of the cellular energy available as ATP will be spent for proton and anion efflux. The decreased ATP:ADP ratio could essentially reduce the growth rate or even completely inhibit growth. In the same way, the preference of this elaborated strain for certain carbon sources could be explained in terms of energy balance. Nevertheless, the opportunity to exclude alkali and mineral acid waste from microbial succinate production seems environmentally friendly and cost-effective.  相似文献   

The long term functional consequences of peripheral nerve injuries are notoriously unpredictable. We hypothesized that considering the individual regrowth of the elementary components of a nerve (the neurites) rather than the global regeneration of the organ could lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of nerve repair. Our basic assumptions were that regrowth was random and regrowth of any individual neurite could be defined in terms of its influence on recovery; this influence could be either valid, neutral or invalid. We designed a probability model describing the prospects of regrowth for nerves composed of several types of fibers. Our goal was to propose a general explanation of nerve healing rather than to predict the outcome in individual situations. The results suggested that this model satisfactorily described the events taking place in a healing nerve.  相似文献   

Summary In order to address the problem of amino acid auxotroph scarcities in photosynthetic organisms, an attempt was made to recover methionine auxotrophs in a unicellular green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Evidence of methionine permeation into the algal cells was provided by the successful competition of the amino acid with its antimetabolite, methionine sulfoximine. No methionine auxotrophs were isolated despite the frequent recovery of both nicotinamide and arginine auxotrophs, selected as controls, and of methionine sensitive mutants. The use of either N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or ultraviolet light as mutagens appeared not to alter the mutation spectrum. Medium containing methionine was shown to be inhibitory to the growth of cells in culture under fluorescent light and this toxicity was further stimulated in the presence of riboflavin. In view of our results and the observations of other studies, the non-recoverability of methionine auxotrophs is discussed as a function of the photodynamic action of methionine.  相似文献   

Insertional mutagenesis resulting in a leukaemia-like lymphoproliferative disease, as observed in the X-SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency) clinical trial using a gamma-retroviral vector that transferred a functional copy of the defective gene into hematopoietic precursor cells of affected children, sparked a debate about a ban on conventional gamma-retroviral vectors. This commentary summarizes the relevant data on this topic and concludes that there is no preclinical or clinical evidence as yet that SIN vectors, which self-inactivate the retroviral long terminal repeats (LTRs), will indeed show an improved safety profile. Conventional murine leukaemia virus (MLV) vectors can thus be used further in clinical gene therapy trials but require a thorough case-by-case risk-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

Is it better to combine predictions?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have compared the accuracy of the individual protein secondary structure prediction methods: PHD, DSC, NNSSP and Predator against the accuracy obtained by combing the predictions of the methods. A range of ways of combing predictions were tested: voting, biased voting, linear discrimination, neural networks and decision trees. The combined methods that involve 'learning' (the non-voting methods) were trained using a set of 496 non-homologous domains; this dataset was biased as some of the secondary structure prediction methods had used them for training. We used two independent test sets to compare predictions: the first consisted of 17 non-homologous domains from CASP3 (Third Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction); the second set consisted of 405 domains that were selected in the same way as the training set, and were non-homologous to each other and the training set. On both test datasets the most accurate individual method was NNSSP, then PHD, DSC and the least accurate was Predator; however, it was not possible to conclusively show a significant difference between the individual methods. Comparing the accuracy of the single methods with that obtained by combing predictions it was found that it was better to use a combination of predictions. On both test datasets it was possible to obtain a approximately 3% improvement in accuracy by combing predictions. In most cases the combined methods were statistically significantly better (at P = 0.05 on the CASP3 test set, and P = 0.01 on the EBI test set). On the CASP3 test dataset there was no significant difference in accuracy between any of the combined method of prediction: on the EBI test dataset, linear discrimination and neural networks significantly outperformed voting techniques. We conclude that it is better to combine predictions.  相似文献   

Drug delivery systems prepared with nanostructures are able to overcome biological barriers. However, one of the main challenges in the use of these nanosystems is their internalization by macrophages. This study aims to prepare and characterize chitosan nanoparticles incorporating maghemite nanoparticles and investigate their intracellular tracking in RAW 264.7 macrophages in vitro. Then, maghemite nanoparticles were encapsulated within chitosan nanoparticles by ionotropic gelification method. The images from transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the intracellular penetration of conjugated nanoparticles by macrophages using different times. Our data suggests that magnetic nanoparticles are suitable to act as a contrast agent to investigate the cellular internalization of chitosan nanoparticles.  相似文献   

The rabies antibody status of juvenile foxes (Vulpes vulpes) was evaluated in large-scale, long-term oral vaccination campaigns. Between 9% (n = 659) and 21% (n = 42) of the juvenile foxes examined in 1993-94 and 1997, respectively, showed rabies virus neutralizing antibody (nAb)-titers > or = 0.5 IU/ml following bait distribution in spring. The presence of nAb may be due to either the passive transfer of maternal antibodies, or active immunization derived from spring vaccination campaigns. The latter alternative is supported by the finding of nAb throughout late spring and the summer months, and the finding of the tetracycline (TC) biomarker, used in the vaccine-baits, in 27% (n = 43) and 37% (n = 155) of juveniles in 1993-94 and 1997, respectively. It was not possible to distinguish nAb originating from passive immunity from that arising from active immunization. However, biological data on the whelping period of red foxes, on dynamics of maternal antibodies and the timing of oral vaccination, gave evidence that a superposition of these processes is likely. Evidence from these studies suggests that oral vaccination coinciding with the spring perinatal period may produce immunity in both parents and only in a certain percentage of the offspring simultaneously. This phenomenon should be useful in further enhancing the efficacy of oral vaccination in red foxes.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, important insights into our understanding of plant ecology and the communicative nature of plants have not only confirmed the existence of a wide range of communication means used by plants, but most excitingly have indicated that more modalities remain to be discovered. In fact, we have recently found that seeds and seedlings of the chili plant, Capsicum annuum, are able to sense neighbors and identify relatives using alternative mechanisms beyond previously studied channels of plant communication. In this addendum, we offer a hypothetical mechanistic explanation as to how plants may do this by quantum-assisted magnetic and/or acoustic sensing and signaling. If proven correct, this hypothesis prompts for a re-interpretation of our current understanding of plasticity in germination and growth of plants and more generally, calls for developing a new perspective of these biological phenomena.  相似文献   

Because of the relationship with subsistence, dental caries is a central issue in paleopathological research. Usually, comparisons between caries prevalence exhibited in different skeletal series are made. Dietary variation is the most common explanation for cavities prevalence. The aim of this paper is to verify if it is possible to compare caries prevalence reported on papers for archaeological skeletal series. Another goal is to determine if other factors besides diet are implicated in dental cavity prevalence explanation. Twenty six papers about dental health with caries prevalences published from 1999 to 2004 were analyzed for completeness. This assessment includes carious lesion diagnosis and characteristics, age, sex and size characteristics of samples, and prevalence calculation method. The majority of the analyzed papers do not provide adequate information in the topics listed above. Only very few implicated factors other than diet as a contributor to caries lesions development.  相似文献   

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