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We studied territorial behaviour of Calomys musculinus, a promiscuous-polygynous species, in order to test the predictions that during the breeding period, home-range-owner females are more aggressive than home-range intruders and that males do not display territorial behaviour. At the core of the breeding season, we conducted 136 intrasexual and 66 intersexual encounters. The study was carried out in four 0.25-ha enclosures, each containing one independent population. We studied territorial behaviour utilising focal animal sampling to record behaviour. Encounters were conducted in a circular opaque arena (COA) near the home-range’s activity mathematical centre (AMC). Amicable behaviour was not observed in any of the 78 trials among females. The rates of aggressive and submissive behaviour per female–female encounters varied in relation to whether they were home-range owners or intruders, the former being aggressive, the latter submissive. So we could link these drives to the territorial behaviour of C. musculinus. This result fits well with the already known territoriality of C. musculinus during the breeding season. In contrast, the 58 intrasexual male encounters did not show direct aggressive interactions between them. The rates of the different behaviours between males did not vary in relation to whether they were home-range owners or intruders. In our study, which took place during the breeding period, C. musculinus males were nonterritorial, and they never exhibited aggressiveness towards females.  相似文献   

Nectar thieves may increase or decrease pollinator-mediated pollen flow and thus may have positive or negative effects on plant reproductive success. In temperate rainforests of South America, the hummingbird Sephanoides sephaniodes acts as both a pollinator and non-destructive nectar thief on Lapageria rosea. Although pollinators that also act as nectar thieves have the potential to significantly modify plant reproductive success, no previous study has addressed this. To determine how the mixed behaviour of S. sephanoides affects pollen flow, we experimentally exposed some flowers to nectar theft and excluded nectar thieves from other flowers. We then assessed pollen dispersal into the floral neighbourhood. Thieved flowers exported less pollen, but the pollen exported was transferred farther into the neighbourhood. Our findings indicate a trade-off between distance and amount of pollen flow.  相似文献   

Heterostylous self-incompatible plant species are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation and to disruption of pollination processes because of the need of intermorph cross-pollination for producing seeds. Heterostyly is characterized by sexual polymorphism through the occurrence of two (distyly) or three (tristyly) morph types that differ in floral traits (style length and anther position). We examined whether the long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) morph types show differences in reproductive components and responses to habitat fragmentation in the distylous, self-incompatible perennial herb Primula veris. We documented reproductive components for pin and thrum individuals and their relationships with population size, plant density and morph ratio (pin frequency), in nine populations from Flanders (northern Belgium) located in fragmented habitats of the intensively used agricultural landscape. Seed abortion increased in small populations as a result of inbreeding depression. Fruit set increased with plant density. Seed set was positively related to pin proportion. Seed set was higher for pin than thrum in small populations, but lower in large populations. Two hypotheses can be considered to explain these morph-specific differences: a pollen transfer asymmetry, and a reproductive advantage for the partially self-compatible pin morph. Morph types appear to respond differently to habitat fragmentation constraints. A floral morph type showing partial self-compatibility may be favored in populations under pollination failure, because it can increase reproductive success and mating opportunities through intramorph crosses.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) is implicated in a wide variety of developmental and physiological processes in plants. Here, we studied the effects of JA and the combination of JA and ethylenediamine-dio-hydroxyphenyl-acetic acid (EDDHA) on flowering in Lemna minor in axenical cultures. JA (0.475-47.5 nmol l(-1)) enhanced floral induction in L. minor under long-day (LD) conditions. Under the same conditions, at a concentration of 237.5 nmol l(-1), JA inhibited floral induction, and at a concentration of 475 nmol l(-1) it prevented floral induction. Under LD conditions with LD preculture, a combination of EDDHA (20,500 nmol l(-1)) and JA (47.5 nmol l(-1)) had a synergistic effect on the promotion of floral induction. Floral induction was enhanced to the greatest extent in experiments with LD precultures. Microscopic examination of microphotographs of histological sections showed that JA and, to an even greater extent, JA+EDDHA at optimal concentrations promote apical floral induction (evocation). Furthermore, JA, and to an even greater extent JA in combination with EDDHA in an optimal concentration, also promote flower differentiation, especially the development of stamens, as is evident from the microphotographs. The experimental results show that JA promotes floral induction in other species of Lemnaceae from various groups according to their photoperiodic response. The results support our hypothesis that, in addition to previously ascribed functions, JA may regulate floral induction, evocation and floral differentiation. Our hypothesis is supported also by the results obtained by quantitative determination of endogenous JA levels in L. minor at three growth stages. The levels of endogenous JA decreased from 389 ng JA g(-1) (fresh weight) of L. minor during the vegetative stage to 217 ng JA g(-1) during the evocation stage, and to 37.5 ng JA g(-1) during the flowering stage, which proves that JA is used for flowering.  相似文献   

Estuarine sediment flats are essential feeding areas for waders, but their exploitation is constrained by the movements of tides. In this cyclic environment the exposure period of sediment flats decreases several fold from upper to lower flats, and the moving tidal waterline briefly creates particular conditions for waders and their prey. This study attempts to determine how the exposure period and the movement of the tide line influence the use of space and food resources by waders across the sediment flats. Wader counts and observations of feeding behaviour were carried out in all phases of the tidal cycle, in plots forming a transect from upper to lower flats, thus representing a gradient of exposure periods. Pecking, prey intake, and success rates varied little along the gradient. Some species actively followed the tide line while foraging, whereas others are evenly spread over the exposed flats. Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and Avocet were 'tide followers', whereas Grey Plover, Redshank and Bar-tailed Godwit were 'non-followers'. Densities of 'followers' near the tide line were up to five times higher than elsewhere. Species differed markedly in the way they used space on the flats, but in general the rate of biomass acquisition (in grams of ash-free dry weight per time exposed) was much higher in lower flats. However, this preference was insufficient to counter the much longer exposure of the upper flats, so the total amount of biomass consumed on the latter was greater. Therefore, it was in these upper flats that waders fulfilled most of their energetic needs. Consequently, upper flats are of particular importance for the conservation of wader assemblages, but because they are usually closer to shore they tend to suffer the highest pressure from disturbance and land reclamation.  相似文献   

A tooth of a sirenian from the Late Miocene sediments of the Bahia Inglesa Formation (Chile) is described and referred to the Dugongidae. The fossil represents the first sirenian record from Chile and the southernmost record of the Sirenia in the eastern Pacific Ocean (latitude 27° S). The Chilean record extends the already wide geographical distribution of fossil sirenians along the Eastern Pacific coast. The presence of a sirenian during the Miocene on the Chilean coast is related to a globally warmer climatic condition and a still limited northern extension of the cold Humboldt Current. To cite this article: G. Bianucci, C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

Plant transpiration has a key role on both plant performance and ecosystem functioning in arid zones, but realistic estimates at appropriate spatial-temporal scales are scarce. Leaf and tiller morphology and crown architecture were studied together with leaf physiology and whole plant water balance in four individual plants of Stipa tenacissima of different sizes to determine the relative influence of processes taking place at different spatial and temporal scales on whole plant transpiration. Transpiration was estimated in potted plants by leaf-level gas exchange techniques (infrared gas analyzer and porometer), by sap flow measurements, and by integrating leaf physiology and crown architecture with the 3-D computer model Yplant. Daily transpiration of each individual plant was monitored using a gravimetric method, which rendered the reference values. Leaves on each individual plant significantly varied in their physiological status. Young and green parts of the leaves showed five times higher chlorophyll concentration and greater photosynthetic capacity than the senescent parts of the foliage. Instantaneous leaf-level transpiration measurements should not be used to estimate plant transpiration, owing to the fact that extrapolations overestimated individual transpiration by more than 100%. Considering leaf age effects and scaling the estimates according to the relative amount of each foliage category reduced this difference to 46% though it was still significantly higher than gravimetric measurements. Sap flow calculations also overestimated tussock transpiration. However, 3-D reconstruction of plants with Yplant and transpiration estimates, considering both the physiological status and the daily pattern of radiation experienced by each individual leaf section within the crown, matched the gravimetric measurements (differences were only 4.4%). The complex interplay of leaf physiology and crown structure must be taken into account in scaling up plant transpiration from instantaneous, leaf-level measurements, and our study indicates that transpiration of complex crowns is easily overestimated.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in seed size is common in wild plant populations and has important consequences for the reproductive success of individual plants. Multiple, often conflicting evolutionary forces mediated by biotic as well as abiotic agents may maintain such a variation. In this paper we assessed seed size variation in a population of the threatened, commercially important palm Euterpe edulis in southeast Brazil. We investigated (i) how this variation affects the probability of attack by vertebrate and invertebrate post-dispersal seed predators, and (ii) if seed size influences the outcome of seeds damaged by beetles in terms of seed germination and early survival of seedlings. Euterpe edulis seeds varied in diameter from 8.3 to 14.1 mm. Neither insects nor rodents selected the seeds they preyed upon based on seed size. Seed germination and total, shoot and root biomasses of one-year seedlings were significantly and positively affected by seed size. Root biomass and seedling survival were negatively affected by seed damage caused by a scolytid beetle (Coccotrypes palmarum) whose adults bore into seeds to consume part of the endosperm, but do not oviposit on them. Seed size had a marginally significant effect on seedling survival. Therefore, if any advantage is accrued by E. edulis individuals producing large seeds, this is because of greater seed germination success and seedling vigor. If this is so, even a relatively narrow range of variation in seed size as observed in the E. edulis population studied may translate into differential success of individual plants.  相似文献   

Structural variations result in a marked heterogeneity of processes in arid environments. Disturbances have noticeable impacts on ecosystems, and a solid way of assessing their effect is to analyze how ecological processes operate. In deserts, granivory has been considered as a keystone process. The objective of our study was to determine the effect of domestic grazing on seed removal rates by birds, ants and rodents as an indirect measure of the process of granivory. This study was carried out in grazed and ungrazed habitats in the central Monte desert ecoregion in Argentina, during February and July 2002. We analyzed three major habitats: mesquite forest, creosotebush shrubland, and sand dunes under two different treatments (grazed, ungrazed). We found significant effects of grazing and non-grazing treatments on total seed removal rates, among granivorous taxa, as well as interactions with season and habitats. Ants and birds were the taxa that differed most under grazing pressure whereas seed removal by rodents showed no significant responses towards grazing. In conclusion, grazing affects plant structure and the assemblage of granivorous taxa, which in turn translates to the granivory process, adding another source of variation to the seed removal patterns reported for the temperate Monte desert.  相似文献   

Xylem-derived Pinus radiata cell cultures, which can be induced to differentiate tracheary elements (TEs), were transformed with an RNAi construct designed to silence cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of monolignols. Quantitative enzymatic CAD measurements revealed reduced CAD activity levels in most transclones generated. TEs from transclones with approximately 20% residual CAD activity did not release elevated levels of vanillin, which was derived from coniferyl-aldehyde through a mild alkali treatment. However, the activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway in transclones with approximately 20% residual CAD activity through the application of non-physiological concentrations of sucrose and l-phenylalanine produced phenotypic changes. The accumulation of metabolites such as dihydroconiferyl-alcohol (DHCA), which also accumulates in the P. taeda CAD mutant cad-n1, was observed. These results indicate that a substantial reduction in CAD activity is necessary for this enzyme to become a rate-limiting step in lignin biosynthesis in conifers such as P. radiata and confirm that transformable P. radiata callus cultures can be useful to investigate the function of xylogenesis-related genes in conifers.  相似文献   

The processes underlying the positive effect exerted by woody species on other plant species can be grouped into a physical effect due to the canopy itself (mainly amelioration of temperature and light extremes), and an edaphic effect (nutrient enrichment). Both groups of effects are present in the savanna-like systems originated by Retama sphaerocarpa in the Iberian Peninsula. The consequences of these shrubs for the spatial heterogeneity induced in the herbaceous community are not well known. The herbaceous community was sampled by means of radial transects around 20 adult shrubs, from the canopy centre to the open areas among the shrubs, both northwards and southwards. Floristic composition, diversity and pasture mean height change both along the inside–outside gradient, and from north to south. As a nutrient enriched environment, the centre of the understorey showed the lowest species richness and evenness, and the highest standing crop. In contrast, the environmentally stressful open areas showed the highest number of species and evenness, and the lowest standing crop. This general effect is only partially due to nutrient availability, and is not homogeneous around the shrub, as open area conditions penetrate into the understorey driving the herbaceous community towards that of open areas. An individual shrub effect is also suggested by our results. Different conditions are thus provided by R. sphaerocarpa understoreys, favouring different subsets of species from the general pool, and therefore defining shrub canopies as sources of spatial heterogeneity in the whole savanna-like system.  相似文献   

The effects of chilling on respiration (SHAM-resistant, cytochrome pathway and KCN-resistant, alternative pathway), temperature sensitivity, relative electrolyte conductivity, and degrees of oxidative stress (H(2)O(2) and malonaldehyde (MDA) contents) were separately examined in leaves and roots of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). After chilling at 8 degrees C for 4 days, both total respiration and KCN-resistant respiration in roots increased at different measurement temperatures. In contrast, SHAM-resistant respiration remained unchanged. In comparison, chilling significantly decreased the total respiration in leaves and this decrease was mostly due to a decrease in SHAM-resistant respiration. Chilling apparently decreased the sensitivity of KCN-resistant respiration to changes of temperature. The reduction levels of ubiquinone pool (UQr/UQt) increased both in chilled leaves and roots whilst pyruvate content increased only in chilled roots, but not in chilled leaves. Furthermore increases of H(2)O(2) and MDA contents were much greater in leaves than in roots. The same trend was also observed for ion leakage from tissues. Taken together, the results suggested that the higher chilling tolerance of roots was associated with their high total respiration and KCN-resistant respiration.  相似文献   

The flux of glutamine into the mistletoe Viscum album from the xylem sap of a coniferous host was analyzed. For this purpose, a perfusion system was used in which the xylem sap of the host was replaced by an artificial perfusion solution. With this system, flux rates into the mistletoe were determined in feeding experiments with the organic nitrogen source U(13)C/(15)N-Gln. At the end of the experiments the delta values of C and N were significantly depleted in the outflow compared to the percolation solution. Since this depletion was higher for C than for N, a combination of Gln uptake and simultaneous uploading of organic compounds in the host xylem can be assumed. Gln was strongly metabolized during its allocation in the mistletoe. As a consequence, the C skeleton of Gln was equally distributed between leaf and stem tissue, whereas N of Gln preferentially accumulated in the stem. Apparently, the C atoms of the Gln taken up are transported faster in the mistletoe to the sink tissues than the N atoms. It is concluded that C liberated from Gln is transported rapidly to different sink tissues, whereas N in the oversupplied mistletoes is transported slowly to sinks in the leaves.  相似文献   

The activity of a 65 kDa, cytosolic protease from sunflower seedling cotyledons coincides with the degradation of oleosins during seed germination. Further investigations carried out in this laboratory have demonstrated the probable association of a thiol-protease with oil bodies, leading to gradual degradation of oleosins during seedling growth. Evidence to this effect have been brought out through zymographic detection of protease activity from oil bodies, degradation of oleosins by electrophoretically eluted protease from the seedling cotyledons and inhibition of protease activity by thiol-protease inhibitor, such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). In addition to these biochemical evidence, visualization of thiol-protease activity has also been achieved by a novel fluorescence microscopic method and confocal imaging. It involves the uptake and binding of a fluorogenic thiol-protease inhibitor (fluorescein mercuric acetate, FMA) at the intracellular thiol-protease activity sites in protoplasts, leading to fluorescence emission at 523 nm following excitation at 499 nm. Maximum protease activity is observed in 4-d-old seedling cotyledons, coinciding with the phase of active triacylglycerol (TAGs) hydrolysis. All these observations provide evidence for the expression of the said thiol-protease activity on the oil body surface, leading to gradual proteolysis of oleosins during seed germination.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have compared invasibility and species invasiveness among microhabitats within communities, synchronously. We surveyed the abundance and performance of non-native Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (alligator weed), its co-occurring native congener, Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. (sessile joyweed), and other species in a wetland community along a riparian zone in southeast China to test the hypotheses that: i) degree of invasion differs between different types of microhabitats within the community; and ii) microhabitat types that differ in invasibility also differ in soil resource availability or in sediment characteristics likely to affect resource availability; iii) phenotypic plasticity of A. philoxeroides may play a key role in its adaptation to diverse habitats as can be concluded from its extremely low genetic diversity in China. The study riparian zone comprises different types of microhabitats including wet abandoned field, swamp, marsh dunes and gravel dunes. Consistent with these hypotheses, cover of A. philoxeroides was high in abandoned fields (73 ± 2.9%) and swamps (94 ± 1.3%), which had high soil nutrients and water availability. On the contrary, cover of native A. sessilis was relatively high in marsh dunes and grave dunes, which had coarse gravel surfaces, low soil nutrients and low water availability. A. philoxeroides showed greater morphological plasticity in response to habitat variation. In abiotically harsh habitats, stems had limited growth, and were prostrate with weak adventitious roots at nodes, forming thin, scattered patches. In the two richer habitats, the highly branched plants spread over the water or soil surface, supporting dense stronger leaf-bearing stems which grew vertically. The growth pattern of A. sessilis among microhabitats did not exhibit significant variations. These results suggest that morphological plasticity and microhabitat types with high soil resources may facilitate invasions of A. philoxeroides.  相似文献   

Gary M. Barker   《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(3):256-265
Five experiments investigated the importance of herbivory by Sminthurus viridis in structuring botanical composition in developing grasslands, and how these effects may be modified by diversity in collembolan and plant species. Differential susceptibility to S. viridis feeding was demonstrated in 23 dicotyledonous and three monocotyledonous plants assayed as seedlings at the first true leaf stage. The composition of seedling communities developing from natural and artificially constructed soil seed banks varied with the level of S. viridis infestation, with plant species least susceptible to herbivory making the greatest contribution to plant biomass. The combined effect of herbivory by S. viridis and Bourletiella hortensis on Trifolium repens biomass was shown to be less than the effect of S. viridis alone, indicating competitive interference. The adverse effects of herbivory by S. viridis on T. repens biomass was reduced by increased diversity of plants growing in association with the legume, and the presence of four non-herbivorous arthropleonan Collembola. S. viridis was shown to reduce seedling numbers, species diversity and biomass in communities developing from the soil seed bank, but the presence of non-herbivorous arthropleonan species reduced the effect of S. viridis. The experiments demonstrate the potential for herbivory by S. viridis to significantly alter species composition in developing grassland communities. However, interactions with collembolan and plant species profoundly modified S. viridis herbivory impacts, either by reducing feeding intensity or enhancing plant growth. These results highlight the fact that data from simple, synthetic systems may be poor predictors of herbivory impacts under field conditions where more complex species interactions occur.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the ant community found along an alluvial fan located in the Tehuacán Valley, central Mexico. Considering that this fan is composed of four terraces with different soils and vegetation structures, our main goal was to determine whether there are significant differences in ant diversity among terraces. To accomplish this goal, we determine species richness and abundance in order to calculate diversity and evenness indices. In addition, we classify species in different feeding guilds to evaluate whether differences among terraces exist. We expected higher ant diversity and variety of food guilds in terraces with sandy soils and complex vegetation structures than in terraces with argillic and calcic horizons. Correlations between several diversity parameters, and soil percent-sand and vegetation structure were also conducted. A total of 26 ant species were recorded along the fan. Species richness was not different among terraces whereas abundance was higher in sandy soils and on terraces with complex vegetation structure. Particularly, the abundance of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus was higher in these terraces decreasing total ant diversity and evenness. Species richness within feeding guilds was similar among terraces with the generalized foragers as the most common. Our work suggests that percentage of sand in the soil and complexity of vegetation structure of the alluvial fan studied might be influencing ant distribution and favoring the abundance of numerically dominant species which could be affecting the diversity patterns of the whole community.  相似文献   

Biophotons are ultraweak light emissions from biochemical reactions in a living body. They increase in suspension-cultured rice (Oryza sativa L.) cells when elicited by N-acetylchitooligosaccharide. Biochemical analyses were undertaken to investigate the relationship between disease response and biophotons in order to clarify the emission mechanism of biophotons caused by this elicitor. Photon emissions induced by N-acetylchitohexaose were suppressed when cells were pretreated with the reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating inhibitors: pyrocatechol-3,5-disulfonic acid disodium salt (Tiron); diphenylene iodonium (DPI); and salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). Conversely, exogenously applied ROS (superoxide and hydrogen peroxide) were able to induce photon emissions. The effects of protein phosphorylation (K-252a) and the Ca(2+) signaling inhibitors, ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) and LaCl(3), caused photon emissions to decrease. It is clear that photon emissions from rice cells elicited by N-acetylchitohexaose are closely associated with the ROS-generating system, and are regulated by Ca(2+) signaling and protein phosphorylation. Exogenously applied phosphatidic acid (PA), the second messenger in the signal transduction of disease response, raised photon emissions in rice cells. Comparisons of photon emissions from PA and N-acetylchitohexaose regarding time courses, spectral compositions, and the inhibition ratios of several inhibitors, as well as a loss- and gain-of-function assay using the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) and PA, showed the possibility that photon emissions from rice cells elicited by N-acetylchitooligosaccharide were generated through PA, an intermediate of phospholipid signaling.  相似文献   

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