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Two cell autonomous fluorescent labels (DiI and Hoechst) were used as vital markers in a fate map study of the Xenopus neural plate and ridge. Most areas of the brain derive from the neural plate in a fate map that is consistent with the topology of a sheet rolling into a tube, i.e., neighboring areas are maintained as neighbors. This has enabled us not only to plot the fates of larval brain structures, but also to suggest their primordial orientation in the neural plate. Since overlapping areas of the plate gave rise to overlapping regions of the central nervous system (CNS), we have been able to construct a space-filling model of the neural plate, whereby the number of founder cells for each brain region fate-mapped may be estimated roughly. Much of the telencephalon, ventral forebrain, and dorsal brain stem derives from the neural ridge and not the neural plate in the stage 15 Xenopus embryo. The structures of the forebrain were examined in detail because there were indications of substantial cell movements in this region. The anterior pituitary arises from the mid-anterior ridge, while hypothalamic structures arise from the midline regions of the anterior neural plate. Consistent groups of ventral hypothalamic structures were labeled when fluorescent markers were applied to these parts of the neural plate, indicating stereotyped cell movements. Detailed comparisons were made between the fate map of the Ambystoma neural plate (Jacobson, 1959) and that of Xenopus.  相似文献   

The organizer has traditionally been considered the major source of somite-inducing signals. We show here that signaling from the neural plate specifies somite tissue and regulates somite size in the Xenopus gastrula. Ectopic undifferentiated neural tissue induces massive somite expansion at the expense of intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm. Although the early expanded somite expresses muscle-specific markers, only a portion terminally differentiates, suggesting that myotome development requires additional signals. Explant assays demonstrate that neural tissue induces somite-specific marker expression even in the absence of the organizer. Finally, we demonstrate that neural tissue is required for proper somite development because elimination of neural precursors results in pronounced somite reduction. Thus, an important reciprocal interaction exists between somite and neural tissue that is mutually reinforcing and critical for normal embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

We have isolated three cDNA clones that are preferentially expressed in the cement gland of early Xenopus laevis embryos. These clones were used to study processes involved in the induction of this secretory organ. Results obtained show that the induction of this gland coincides with the process of neural induction. Genes specific for the cement gland are expressed very early in the anterior neural plate of stage-12 embryos. This suggests that the anteroposterior polarity of the neural plate is already established during gastrulation. At later stages of development, two of the three genes have secondary sites of expression. The expression of these genes can be induced in isolated animal caps by incubation in 10 mM-NH4Cl, a treatment that is known to induce cement glands.  相似文献   

The region with the potential to form the heart has traditionally been called the heart field. This region can be approximated by, but is not identical to, the expression domain of the early cardiac gene Nkx2.5. The region expressing Nkx2.5 does not change in size, although there are major shape changes and a subdivision of the region into non-myogenic and myogenic lineages. Using a variety of embryo manipulations, we have sought to determine whether cellular interactions could change the size of the initial Nkx2.5-expressing region and thus change the size of the heart. We have shown that if the heart is isolated from the dorsal half of the embryo, the volume of tissue expressing myocardial differentiation markers increases, indicating that signals restricting the size of the heart come from the dorsal side. Despite the change in myocardial volume, the non-myogenic heart lineages are still present. The ability of dorsal tissues to restrict the size of the heart is further demonstrated by fusing two Xenopus embryos shortly after gastrulation, generating twinned embryos where the heart of one embryo would develop adjacent to different tissues of the second embryo. The final size of the differentiated heart was markedly reduced if it developed in close proximity to the dorso-anterior surface of the head but not if it developed adjacent to the flank or belly. In all cases, the manipulations that restricted the size of the myocardium also restricted the expression of Nkx2.5 and GATA-4, both key regulatory genes in the cardiogenic pathway. These results provide evidence for a model in which signals from dorso-anterior tissues restrict the size of the heart after gastrulation but before neural fold closure.  相似文献   

This study examines the pathways of migration followed by neural crest cells in Xenopus embryos using two recently described cell marking techniques. The first is an interspecific chimera created by grafting Xenopus borealis cells into Xenopus laevis hosts. The cells of these closely related species can be distinguished by their nuclear dimorphism. The second type of marker is created by microinjection of lysinated dextrans into fertilized eggs which can then be used for intraspecific grafting. These recently developed fluorescent dyes are fixable and identifiable in both living and fixed embryos. After grafting labeled donor neural tubes into unlabeled host embryos, the distribution of neural crest cells at various stages after grafting was used to define the pathways of neural crest migration. To control for possible grafting artifacts, fluorescent lysinated dextran was injected into a single blastomere which gives rise to a large number of neural crest cells, thereby labeling the neural crest without grafting. By all three techniques, Xenopus neural crest cells were observed along two predominant pathways in the trunk. The majority of neural crest cells were observed along a "ventral" route, between the neural tube and somite, the notochord and somite, and along the dorsal mesentery. A second group of neural crest cells was observed "dorsally" where they populated the dorsal fin. A third minor "lateral" pathway was observed primarily in borealis/laevis chimerae and in blastomere-injected embryos; some neural crest cells were observed underneath the ectoderm lateral to the neural tube. Along the rostrocaudal axis, neural crest cells were not continuously distributed but were primarily located across from the caudal two-thirds of the somite. Fewer than 3% of the neural crest cells were observed across from the rostral third of each somite. When grafted to ventral locations, neural crest cells were not able to migrate dorsally but migrated laterally along the dorsal mesentery. Labeled neural crest cells gave rise to cells of the spinal, sympathetic, and enteric ganglia as well as to adrenal chromaffin cells, Schwann cells, pigment cells, mesenchymal cells of the dorsal fin, and some cells in the integuments and in the region of the pronephros. These results show that the neural crest migratory pathways in Xenopus differ from those in the avian embryo. In avians NC cells migrate as a closely associated sheet of cells while in Xenopus they migrate as individual cells. Both species exhibit a metamerism in the neural crest cell distribution pattern along the rostrocaudal axis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spatial aspects of neural induction in Xenopus laevis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A monoclonal antibody, 2G9, has been identified and characterised as a marker of neural differentiation in Xenopus. The epitope is present throughout the adult central nervous system and in peripheral nerves. Staining is first detected in embryos at stage 21 in the thoracic region. By stage 29 it stains the whole central nervous system, except the tail tip. The epitope is present in a 65K Mr protein, and includes sialic acid. The antibody also reacts with neural tissue in mice and axolotls and newts. 2G9 was used to show that both notochord and somites are capable of neural induction, and the stimulus is present as late as stage 22. Attempts to demonstrate the induction of nervous system by developing nervous system (homoiogenetic induction) were unsuccessful. The view that the lateral extent of the nervous system might be determined by that of the inductive stimulus is discussed. Neural induction was detected as early as stage 10 and occurs in embryos without gastrulation and without cell division from stage 7 1/2.  相似文献   

Excision experiments performed on amphibian neurulae by H. Spemann (1901, Verh. Anat. Ges.15, 61–79) and W. H. Lewis (1907, Amer. J. Anat.7, 259–276) have localized the eye primordia in the anterior neural plate. This was confirmed by the results of the classical vital dye mapping studies by E. Manchot (1929, Wilhelm Roux Arch. Entwicklungsmech.116, 689–709) and (M. W. Woerdeman, 1929, Wilhelm Roux Arch. Entwicklungsmech.116, 220–241). Spemann published a figure which might suggest that the prospective eye vesicles are still located in this position when the neural folds are present. This paper shows that the eye primordia move from the anterior neural plate into the forming neural folds. This result was obtained by time-lapse photography and excision experiments. Grafting experiments exchanging presumptive optic tissue between wild-type and albino embryos were also performed.  相似文献   

Differential growth of the neural retina in Xenopus laevis larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In the amphibian Xenopus laevis, suprachiasmatic melanotrope-inhibiting neurons (SMINs) play an important role in the regulation of the background adaptation process. In this study, we investigated the innervation of the SMINs at the light- and electron- microscopical level. Immunocytochemistry in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed co-existence of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and synaptobrevin in spots in the direct vicinity of the SMINs, suggesting the existence of NPY-containing synapses on these cells. At the ultrastructural level, the SMINs showed a high degree of plasticity, containing more electron-dense vesicles and a larger extent of RER in white- than in black-adapted animals. In black-adapted animals, symmetric synapses (Gray type II) were observed on the soma of the SMINs, suggesting an inhibitory input to these cells. The synaptic profiles contained electron-lucent and electron-dense vesicles, indicating the involvement of both a classical neurotransmitter and a neuropeptide (possibly NPY) in this input. In white-adapted animals, synapses were only found at some distance from the SMIN somata. Our findings indicate a striking plasticity of the innervation of the SMINs in relation to background adaptation and support the hypothesis that the SMINs are innervated by NPY-containing interneurons that inhibit SMIN activity in black-adapted animals.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase I has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from ovaries of the frog Xenopus laevis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the most purified fraction revealed a single major band at 110 kDa and less abundant minor bands centered at 62 kDa. Incubation of the most purified fraction with immobilized calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase abolished all DNA topoisomerase enzymatic activity in a time-dependent reaction. Treatment of the dephosphorylated X. laevis DNA topoisomerase I with a X. laevis casein kinase type II activity and ATP restored DNA topoisomerase activity to a level higher than that observed in the most purified fraction. In vitro labeling experiments which employed the most purified DNA topoisomerase I fraction, [gamma-32P]ATP, and the casein kinase type II enzyme showed that both the 110- and 62-kDa bands became phosphorylated in approximately molar proportions. Phosphoamino acid analysis showed that only serine residues became phosphorylated. Phosphorylation was accompanied by an increase in DNA topoisomerase activity in vitro. Dephosphorylation of DNA topoisomerase I appears to block formation of the initial enzyme-substrate complex on the basis of the failure of the dephosphorylated enzyme to nick DNA in the presence of camptothecin. We conclude that X. laevis DNA topoisomerase I is partially phosphorylated as isolated and that this phosphorylation is essential for expression of enzymatic activity in vitro. On the basis of the ability of the casein kinase type II activity to reactivate dephosphorylated DNA topoisomerase I, we speculate that this kinase may contribute to the physiological regulation of DNA topoisomerase I activity.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, experiments performed with isolated ectoderm suggest that neural determination is a 'by default' mechanism, which occurs when bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are antagonized by extracellular antagonists, BMP being responsible for the determination of epidermis. However, Ca(2+) imaging of intact Xenopus embryos reveals patterns of Ca(2+) transients which are generated via the activation of dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca(2+) channels in the dorsal ectoderm but not in the ventral ectoderm. These increases in the concentration of intracellular Ca(2+)([Ca(2+)]i) appear to be necessary and sufficient to orient the ectodermal cells towards a neural fate as increasing the [Ca(2+)]i artificially results in neuralization of the ectoderm. We constructed a subtractive cDNA library between untreated and caffeine-treated ectoderms (to increase [Ca(2+)]i) and then identified early Ca(2+)-sensitive target genes expressed in the neural territories. One of these genes, an arginine methyltransferase, controls the expression of the early proneural gene, Zic3. Here, we discuss the evidence for the existence of an alternative model to the 'by default' mechanism, where Ca(2+) plays a central regulatory role in the expression of Zic3, an early proneural gene, and in epidermal determination which only occurs when the Ca(2+)-dependent signalling pathways are inactive.  相似文献   

slug gene expression is associated with the specification and migration of neural crest cells in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. We provide evidence that the protein Ying-Yang 1 (YY1) regulates the slug gene expression both indirectly and directly, via a YY1 cis-element in the slug promoter, during Xenopus development. The ability of the YY1 to bind this YY1 cis-element was confirmed by electromobility shift assays and reporter assays. YY1 was detected in the nuclei of ectodermal cells contemporaneously with the process of neural crest specification. The injection of anti-YY1 morpholino, which targeted both YY1alpha and YY1beta gene products, depleted YY1 expression below 20% and was lethal at gastrulation. Sublethal depletion of YY1 reduced the length of the anterior-posterior axis and severely inhibited the expression of the neural marker Nrp1 and of the slug gene. Overexpression of YY1 or mutation of the YY1 cis-element reduced the restricted spatial expression of the slug reporter gene in the neural ectoderm border and provoked its expression in the nonneural ectoderm. Chromatin immunoprecipitation indicated that endogenous YY1 interacts directly with the YY1 cis-element of the endogenous slug gene and with the slug gene reporter sequence injected into embryos. The results suggest that YY1 is essential for Xenopus development; is necessary for neural ectoderm differentiation, a prerequisite for neural crest specification; and restricts which cells can form neural crest mesenchyme through directly blocking slug gene activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of cyclic AMP in the regulation of tryptophan hydroxylase activity localized in retinal photoreceptor cells of Xenopus laevis, where the enzyme plays a key role in circadian melatonin biosynthesis. In photoreceptor-enriched retinas that lack serotonergic neurons, tryptophan hydroxylase activity is markedly stimulated by treatments that increase intracellular levels of cyclic AMP or activate cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, including forskolin, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and cyclic AMP analogues. In contrast, cyclic AMP has no effect on tryptophan hydroxylase mRNA abundance. Experiments using cycloheximide and actinomycin D demonstrate that cyclic AMP exerts its regulatory effect via posttranslational mechanisms mediated by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The effect of cyclic AMP is independent of the phase of the photoperiod, suggesting that the nucleotide is not a mediator of the circadian rhythm of tryptophan hydroxylase. Cyclic AMP accumulation is higher in darkness than in light, as is tryptophan hydroxylase activity. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect of forskolin and that of darkness are inhibited by H89, an inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. In conclusion, cyclic AMP may mediate the acute effects of light and darkness on tryptophan hydroxylase activity of retinal photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

Treatments expected to increase retinal serotonin levels were found to stimulate melatonin production by cultured eyecups from Xenopus laevis. The monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline (100 microM) caused a sixfold increase in melatonin release, and the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (100 microM) caused a 70-fold increase. Both acted synergistically with eserine, an inhibitor of melatonin deacetylation in the retina. The effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan was dose dependent, with effects increasing from 1 to 100 microM. Increasing the tryptophan level in the culture medium had no effect on melatonin release. These results indicate that the rate-limiting step in retinal melatonin synthesis is 5-hydroxylation of tryptophan. Melatonin released from individual eyecups in superfusion culture in constant darkness with and without added 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan was monitored over a 5-day period. Control eyecups released low levels of melatonin, with circadian rhythmicity persisting for 1-3 days. With 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan added, melatonin levels were elevated 10-20-fold at all times, and rhythmicity was apparent for as long as five cycles. This provides a model system for studies of the circadian clock in the eye.  相似文献   

To study the regulation of the dorsal axial structures, we removed the right animal dorsal and the right vegetal dorsal cells from an 8-cell embryo of Xenopus laevis .
Most of the right dorsal cell-deficient embryos developed to normally proportioned tailbud embryos. No detectable delay was observed in their development. Examinations of serial sections revealed that they had restored bilateral symmetry. The cell numbers of the somite and the notochord had recovered to more than 90% and 70%, respectively, those of controls. Since the right dorsal cell-deficient embryo retained roughly three-quarters of the prospective region for the somites and half of that for the notochord, respectively, the cell number was more than that expected from the remaining prospective regions. Cell lineage analyses showed that progeny of the right ventral cells had formed almost all of the right dorsal axial structures, which are normally formed by the progeny of the right dorsal cells. However, almost all the notochord cells had been derived from the remaining left dorsal cells.
These results indicate that some quantitative aspects of regulation as expressed in terms of the cell number were different between the two tissues examined.  相似文献   

The cellular and structural properties and binding capabilities of a lipocalin expressed in the early neural plate of Xenopus laevis embryos and the adult choroid plexus have been investigated. It was found that this lipocalin, termed Xlcpl1, binds retinal at a nanomolar concentration, retinoic acid in the micromolar range, but does not show binding to retinol. Furthermore, this protein also binds D/L thyroxine. The Xlcpl1 cDNA was expressed in cell culture using the vaccinia virus expression system. In AtT20 cells, Xlcpl1 was secreted via the constitutive secretory pathway. We therefore assume that cpl1 binds retinaldehyde during the transport through the compartments of the secretory pathway that are considered to be the storage compartments of retinoids. Therefore, cpl1-expressing cells will secrete the precursors of active retinoids such as retinoic acid isomers. These retinoids may enter the cytosol by diffusion or receptor-controlled mechanisms, as has been shown for exogenously applied retinoids. Based on these data, it is suggested that cpl1 is an integral member of the retinoid signaling pathway and, therefore, it plays a key role in pattern formation in early embryonic development.  相似文献   

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