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目的建立H7N9禽流感病毒小鼠感染模型。方法 1×108,1×107或1×106TCID50H7N9禽流感病毒原液(A/Anhui/1/2013)滴鼻感染BALB/c小鼠。主要观测指标:临床症状、死亡率、病理变化、病毒载量和血清抗体检测。结果被感染的小鼠表现为竖毛、弓背、体重下降;病理表现为间质性肺炎,感染后第2天开始在呼吸道脱落细胞中检测到病毒;免疫组化或病毒分离方法在肺、肾、脑、肠、脾等组织检测到病毒;感染后14 d在小鼠血清中血凝抑制试验特异性抗体效价达到160;淋巴细胞减少,中性粒细胞增多。结论 H7N9感染BALB/c小鼠模型与人类禽流感感染疾病的基本特征相似,为研究该病的发病机制及药物疫苗的研发提供了工作基础。  相似文献   

The kinetics of infection with Theileria parva in cattle were studied by examining the total cellularity and numbers of parasites in a range of lymphoid organs from animals killed at intervals during the course of the infection. With the dose of T. parva stabilate used, macroschizonts were initially detected in the drainage lymph node about 7 days after inoculation and death of the host resulted on Day 18–19. Associated with the initial detection of parasites, there was a marked increase in cellularity of the drainage lymph node and a more gradual and less pronounced increase in cellularity of the other lymphoid organs. From about Day 12 onward, there was a gradual decrease in the cellularity in all of the lymphoid organs, so that in animals examined in the terminal stages of the infection there was often cellular depletion. The pattern of these cellular changes was similar in groups of Boran and Friesian cattle, although both the increase in cellularity and the terminal depletion were more marked in the Friesians. Blood leukocyte counts in infected Boran started to drop as early as Day 7 of infection and by Day 14 had reached values less than 25% of normal. Quantitation of parasitic schizonts indicated that the numbers of parasites in the lymphoid organs do not increase in a simple exponential manner. Rather, there appears to be an early rapid increase in parasite numbers followed by a phase of less rapid multiplication. Because of the marked changes which occured in total cellularity of the lymphoid organs during the course of the infection, a significant discrepancy was found between the replication rate of the parasite as calculated using total numbers of parasites and that obtained using schizont index (SI). These results indicated that the use of SI, as described in previous studies, is not a reliable method of determining the replication rate of the parasite.  相似文献   

The tick-borne apicomplexan parasite Theileria annulata is endemic in many sub-tropical countries and causes the bovine disease tropical theileriosis. Although the parasite is known to be highly diverse, detailed information is lacking on the genetic structure of natural populations and levels of multiplicity of infection in the cattle host. With the widespread deployment of live attenuated vaccines and the emergence of drug-resistant parasites in the field, it is vital to appreciate the factors which shape genetic diversity of the parasite both within individual hosts and in the wider population. This study addresses these issues and represents an extensive genetic analysis of T. annulata populations in two endemic countries utilising a high-throughput adaptation of a micro- and mini-satellite genotyping system. Parasite material was collected from infected cattle in defined regions of Turkey and Tunisia to allow a variety of analyses to be conducted. All animals (n = 305) were found to harbour multiple parasite genotypes and only two isolates shared an identical predominant multi-locus profile. A modelling approach was used to demonstrate that host age, location and vaccination status play a measurable role in determining multiplicity of infection in an individual animal. Age was shown to positively correlate with multiplicity of infection and while positive vaccination status exerted a similar effect, it was shown to be due not simply to the presence of the immunising genotype. Importantly, no direct evidence was found for the immunising genotype spreading or recombining within the local parasite community. Genetic analysis confirmed the tentative conclusion of a previous study that the parasite population appears to be, in general, panmictic. Nevertheless, evidence supporting linkage disequilibrium and a departure from panmixia was uncovered in some localities and a number of explanations for these findings are advanced.  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌动物感染模型的建立及较适感染剂量的确定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
尝试在SPF级KM鼠胃内定植HP ,并确定其定植的较适感染菌量。采用幽门螺杆菌 (HelicobacterPylori,HP)SydneyStrain 1株 (简称SS1)攻击 ,连续 5次 ,分别于最后一次感染后第 2、4、8、12、16、2 6周处死小鼠 ,取胃粘膜组织分别进行病理切片 ,尿酶试验、涂片镜检和HP分离培养。结果 试验组动物HP定植率可达 10 0 % ,对照组未有定植 ,感染量越大越易定植 ,定植菌量随时间的延长有增加的趋势 ,定植时间可达 2 6周 ,12周龄小鼠感染的较适菌量 5× 10 8。病理组织学检查显示 ,小鼠有轻至中度浅表性胃炎改变 ,随时间延长有加重趋势 ,对照组未见炎症反应。HPSS1株能在SPF级KM鼠胃内较长期定植 ,并能引起胃部炎性病变  相似文献   

吴建红  张飞  赵炜  张琦  刘海涛  夏术阶 《生物磁学》2014,(6):1033-1035,1047
目的:探讨建立稳定的荷人膀胱癌SCID 鼠人化复合模型的方法,为在人免疫重建荷人膀胱肿瘤SCID 鼠模型检测重组BCG 的免疫刺激和免疫保护中打下基础。方法:经SCID 鼠腹腔内注射人PBL、皮下接种RT4 膀胱癌细胞,于接种后4 周检测SCID 鼠体内人免疫细咆水平(IgG 和CD^3+、CD^4+、CD^8+ T 细胞)及脾脏重量,观察皮下成瘤潜伏期及成瘤率。结果:模型组100%成瘤,病理类型为移行细胞癌;检测SCID 鼠血中人IgG 均一定水平存在,与对照组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);人CD^3+、CD^4+、CD^8+T 细胞在鼠血及脾中均有表达,而对照组均未检出(P〈0.05);4 周鼠脾重平均(178.9± 45.2)mg。较对照组(40.6± 14.8)mg 差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:采用腹腔注射人PBL、皮下接种RT4膀胱癌细胞的方法可以有效地建立人化荷人膀胱癌SCID 鼠模型,较好地模拟人浸润性膀胱癌体内生物学特性,是膀胱癌免疫基因治疗的较理想模型。  相似文献   

Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris (PPP) has been considered as one of the typical tonsillar focal infections, based on the marked clinical improvement of the skin lesions after tonsillectomy. Despite the accumulation of data showing the clinical efficacy of tonsillectomy for this skin lesion, fundamental etiological and pathophysiological issues have yet to be addressed. One primary obstacle hindering investigators has been the lack of an appropriate animal model for this human skin disorder. In the early stage of PPP, it has been reported that lymphocytes, predominantly CD4+ T lymphocytes, infiltrate the palmar and plantar skins. However, the origin and mechanism of infiltration by these lymphocytes is not clear and there are very few reports on whether tonsillar mononuclear cells react directly with the skin. We have been intrigued by the ability to engraft human cells onto severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, together with the opportunity for long-term graft survival and ability to adoptively transfer various human immunocompetent cells. In this review, we addressed the existing deficiencies in our understanding of the relationship between tonsils and PPP by using emerging transplantation technology involving SCID mice.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨建立稳定的荷人膀胱癌 SCID 鼠人化复合型的方法,为在人免疫重建荷人膀胱肿瘤 SCID 鼠型检测重组 BCG 的免疫刺激和免疫保护中打下基础。方法: 经 SCID 鼠腹腔内注射人 PBL、 皮下接种 RT4 膀胱癌细胞, 于接种后 4 周检测 SCID 鼠体内人免疫细咆水平(IgG 和 CD 3+ 、 CD 4+ 、 CD 8+ T 细胞)及脾脏重量, 观察皮下成瘤潜伏期及成瘤率。结果: 型组 100% 成 瘤,病理类型为移行细胞癌; 检测 SCID 鼠血中人 IgG 均一定水平存在, 与对照组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01); 人 CD 3+ 、 CD 4+ 、 CD 8+ T 细胞在鼠血及脾中均有表达, 而对照组均未检出(P<0.05); 4 周鼠脾重平均(178.9± 45.2)mg。较对照组(40.6± 14.8)mg 差异 有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论: 采用腹腔注射人 PBL、 皮下接种 RT4 膀胱癌细胞的方法可以有效地建立人化荷人膀胱癌 SCID 鼠 型, 较好地拟人浸润性膀胱癌体内生物学特性,是膀胱癌免疫基因治疗的较理想型。  相似文献   

目的建立用于评价副溶血弧菌毒力的小鼠模型,为研究副溶血弧菌的致病机制奠定基础。方法将适宜浓度的菌液经腹腔感染4~5周龄雌性BALB/c小鼠,观察小鼠的症状及死亡数。结果高盐(2%NaCl)条件下培养的强毒株RIMD2210633,经腹腔感染107CFU的菌量,小鼠存活率为20%~30%,而环境无毒株S251的小鼠存活率为100%。结论建立了评价副溶血弧菌毒力的实验小鼠模型,并应用于不同盐分浓度培养的强毒株与环境无毒株的毒力比较实验。  相似文献   

沈娟  金小宝  丁静  朱家勇 《中国实验动物学报》2013,(3):65-69,I0010,I0011
目的探讨一种简单、稳定的烧烫伤创面感染的小鼠模型构建方法,以便进行相关烧烫伤创面修复研究。方法取30只BALB/c小鼠,采用自制木质烫伤板,沸水浴法烫取直径8 mm的圆形创面,烫伤时间分别为5 s、10 s、15 s。伤后48 h,取创面组织进行HE染色观察,筛选最佳创面烫伤时间。另取72只小鼠制成深Ⅱ度烫伤创面,采用擦刮法分别接种20μL菌浓度为1×106、l×107、1×108CFU/mL金黄色葡萄球菌标准菌株ATCC 25923的菌液。接种细菌后72 h,取创面组织HE染色观察创面炎症反应情况,并测定3、7、14 d的皮肤菌负荷,筛选最佳的细菌接种浓度。最后,按最佳条件建模后,观察创面的完全愈合时间以及创面愈中、愈后的组织学变化,以确定此创面感染模型是否建立成功。结果组织学结果表明,10 s为深Ⅱ度创面的理想致伤时间,最佳接种菌浓度为l×108CFU/mL,此时期,14 d内菌负荷均高于l×105CFU/g。该模型的创面愈合时间(21±0.95 d)较正常创面愈合时间(15.92±0.34 d)明显延长(P<0.01),炎性反应明显,愈后不佳。结论烧烫伤创面感染的小鼠模型构建成功,可作为感染创面防治研究的实验动物模型。  相似文献   

目的建立H9N2亚型猪流感病毒感染BALB/c小鼠动物模型,为研究病毒致病机制提供模型动物。方法通过滴鼻的方法将H9N2亚型猪流感病毒感染BALB/c小鼠,观察小鼠的症状和组织病理变化。结果 BALB/c小鼠的临床症状明显,病理变化典型。结论 H9N2亚型猪流感病毒感染BALB/c小鼠的疾病模型成功建立。  相似文献   

Post‐inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common cutaneous condition that can cause a disfigured appearance. However, the pathophysiology of PIH remains poorly understood, at least in part, because an appropriate animal model for research has not been established. In order to analyze the pathomechanism of PIH, we successfully induced PIH in a hairless version of transgenic mice (hk14‐SCF Tg/HRM) that have a human‐type epidermis containing melanin by repeated hapten application of 2,4‐dinitrofluorobenzene. Histopathologic observation showed epidermal hyperplasia, predominant infiltrations of inflammatory cells, and melanin‐containing cells in the dermis just after elicitation of the atopic dermatitis‐like condition. At week 2, the findings were similar to the characteristics of PIH, that is, an increase of melanin without spongiosis or liquid degeneration in the epidermis and an increase in dermal melanophages. Dynamic analysis of melanin showed that the melanin in the dermis remained for a longer duration than in the epidermis. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining revealed that the majority of cells containing melanin were positive for the anti‐CD68 antibody, but negative for the anti‐F4/80 antibody. These data suggest that novel treatments of PIH should be targeted against macrophages and should eventually lead to the development of new treatment modalities.  相似文献   

目的 建立小鼠结核分枝杆菌耐利福平株静脉感染小鼠模型.方法 30只BALB/c雌性小鼠经尾静脉感染结核分枝杆菌耐利福平株每只106 CFU,观察小鼠一般状况,并分别在感染后6周、10周、14周处死小鼠,进行脾、肺组织病理切片、抗酸染色、计脏器荷菌数.结果 感染后小鼠体重呈逐渐上升趋势,脏器病理变化随时间推移由急性炎症逐...  相似文献   

目的 探讨建立CA16感染树鼩肺成纤维细胞(tree shrew lung fibroblasts,TSLF)实验模型的可行性。方法 用肠道病毒CA16感染TSLF,以人肺成纤维细胞(KMB-17)作对照,镜下观察细胞病变情况,间接免疫荧光实验观察病毒蛋白和感染相关受体SCARB2蛋白的表达情况,探针法实时荧光定量PCR检测病毒载量,以β-Actin作内参染料法实时荧光定量PCR检测受体SCARB2基因的相对表达量,结合基因序列比对,分析其与感染的相关性。结果 CA16感染TSLF,可引起明显的细胞病变,免疫荧光实验可见病毒和受体SCARB2蛋白,以100TCID50/10^5 cells的比例感染TSLF可在48 h左右病毒载量达到最高,SCARB2基因有与感染相关的高表达,而其基因序列也与人有较高同源性。结论 CA16可感染TSLF,树鼩SCARB2可参与感染。  相似文献   

The Australian paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) secretes neuropathic toxins into saliva that induce host paralysis. Salivary glands and viscera were dissected from fully engorged female I. holocyclus ticks collected from dogs and cats with paralysis symptoms. cDNA from both tissue samples were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 100?bp pair end read technologies. Unique and non-redundant holocyclotoxin sequences were designated as HT2–HT19, as none were identical to the previously described HT1. Specific binding to rat synaptosomes was determined for synthetic HTs, and their neurotoxic capacity was determined by neonatal mouse assay. They induced a powerful paralysis in neonatal mice, particularly HT4 which produced rapid and strong respiratory distress in all animals tested. This is the first known genomic database developed for the Australian paralysis tick. The database contributed to the identification and subsequent characterization of the holocyclotoxin family that will inform the development of novel anti-paralysis control methods.  相似文献   

目的:建立稳定的幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染人胃上皮细胞模型;筛选并鉴定H.pylori感染相关microRNAs(miRNAs)的表达,为深入研究感染相关miRNAs的调控作用机制奠定基础。方法:将H.pylori标准株按MOI=100:1感染人胃上皮细胞,通过检测炎性细胞因子及炎症反应关键酶的表达综合评价感染模型;采用博奥公司miRNAs V3.0芯片分析细胞感染前后miRNAs表达谱变化,运用实时定量PCR技术和Northern杂交对表达显著差异的miRNAs进行分析鉴定。结果:H.pylori感染细胞24 h后,细胞分泌促炎细胞因子IL-8显著升高(P〈0.01);启动炎症反应的关键酶COX-2的表达明显增加。芯片数据显示:H.pylori感染引起超过2倍显著差异表达的miRNAs包括:表达上调的PREDICTED-MIR191、miR-155、miR-92b、miR-30b、miR-146a、miR-16等,和表达降低的miR-181b、miR-324。实时定量PCR和Northern杂交结果显示感染相关miR-155和miR-146a在H.pylori感染细胞模型中表达均显著增加(P〈0.01)。结论:miR-155和miR-146a在感染细胞模型中的表达增加提示二者可能参与H.pylori感染的免疫调控过程。  相似文献   

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