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The first triconodontids from Asia have been discovered from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian to Albian) Shahai and Fuxin formations in Liaoning Province, northeastern China: Meiconodon lii gen. and sp. nov. and M. setoguchii gen. and sp. nov. M. lii is characterized by molariform teeth with a developed cusp d, an m3 with taller cusp a, an m4 with three primary cusps of subequal height, the posteriorly decreasing transverse width of the m4, and a considerably reduced m5. M. setoguchii is slightly larger than M. lii, and characterized by a sharp labial cingulum on the m4, and a less developed cusp d on the molariform teeth than M. lii. The extensive interlocking system between molariforms, posteriorly recumbent primary molariform cusps, and their great degree of asymmetry in occlusal view with rounded labial faces and more angulate lingual faces in lateral view, indicate that Meiconodon belongs to the triconodontid subfamily Alticonodontinae. These new taxa are the first record of Triconodontidae from Asia, and of Alticonodontinae outside North America, suggesting the occurrence of mammalian faunal exchange between North America and Asia during or before the Aptian-Albian.  相似文献   

A low-diversity cockroach assemblage from the Upper Jurassic of the Houtiyn-Hotgor locality in Mongolia is described, comprising Solemnia alexandri gen. et sp. nov. (Caloblattinidae), Blattula choutinensis sp. nov. (Blattulidae) and a presumed Triassic relict Irreblatta relicta gen. et sp. nov. (incertae familiae). The carnivorous Raphidiomimidae supposedly originated directly from the Caloblattinidae.  相似文献   

Two new genera (monotypic Samarabatrachus gen. nov. (S. bjerringi sp. nov.) and Syrtosuchus gen. nov. (including S. samarensis (Sennikov, 1981) and S. morkovini sp. nov) and a new species of the genus Selenocara Bjerring (S. rossica sp. nov.) are described based on revision of the original material of the form previously known as Wetlugasaurus samarensis. The genera Selenocara and Samarabatrachus gen. nov. positioned at the base of radiation of Triassic capitosaurids are combined into a new subfamily, Selenocarinae subfam. nov. The genus Syrtosuchus gen. nov., which is undoubtedly a derivative of early capitosaurids (Selenocara or a closely related genus), shows some typical benthosuchid features and is assigned to a separate benthosuchid subfamily, Syrtosuchinae subfam. nov. The diagnoses of the genera Wetlugasaurus Riabinin and Selenocara are amended. For the territory of the Obschii Syrt Highland, the genera Selenocara, Samarabatrachus gen. nov., and Syrtosuchus gen. nov. are regarded as key members of a separate Early Triassic tetrapod assemblage (Selenocara–Syrtosuchus Fauna), which is intermediate between the Tupilakosaurus and Benthosuchus faunas and dated Late Induan (Dienerian).  相似文献   

Knowledge on the morphology of Early Triassic ophiuroids is very limited, in spite of the relatively high number of described species. This hampers attempts to use morphology-based phylogenetic analyses in order to explore the early diversification of the ophiuroid modern clades between the latest Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic. Here, a new ophiuroid from the Early Triassic of southern Idaho (USA) is described and assigned to the new taxon Shoshonura brayardi Thuy nov. gen., nov. sp. It is part of an exceptional Early Triassic faunal assemblage recently described as the Paris Biota. On account of the arm morphology and the shape of the arm spines and arm spine articulations, Shoshonura brayardi nov. gen., nov. sp. is considered a basal member of the suborder Ophiodermatina.  相似文献   

Lasasaurus beltanae nov. gen. nov. sp., a new procolophonid (Reptilia, Parareptilia) from the Lower Triassic of Madagascar, is represented by a single partial skeleton preserved in a ferro-calcareous nodule from the Middle Sakamena Formation, in the North of the island. This new taxon is unique in possessing peculiar, fine and dendritic crests running along the posterolateral side of the squamosal, widely spaced maxillary teeth, subparallel mesiodistal ridges connecting maxillary teeth to the tooth row, and a strongly acute anterior margin of the copula (hyoid bone). This well-preserved specimen belongs to a juvenile individual. The inclusion of L. beltanae nov. gen. nov. sp. in a phylogenetic analysis suggests that it is close to Theledectinae, Procolophoninae, and Leptopleurinae, though their respective relationships are uncertain. This specimen is the first procolophonid described from Madagascar and represents a minor terrestrial component of a coastal vertebrate assemblage dominated by amphibious to fully-aquatic taxa.  相似文献   

A palynofloral assemblage is described from the Upper Triassic Dockum Group of Texas. Forty palynomorph species are recorded and these are correlated with European Upper Triassic assemblages. The Dockum Group assemblage is considered to be of late Karnian age.Two new genera, Tulesporites gen. nov., type species T. briscoensis sp. nov., and Daughertyspora gen. nov., type species D. chinleanus (Daugherty) comb. nov. have been erected; new species are Converrucosisporites matsenii sp. nov., Pyramidosporites traversei sp. nov., Callialasporites triassicus sp. nov., Plicatipollenites minutotriletus sp. nov., Triadispora dockumensis sp. nov., Bhardwajispora jansonii sp. nov., Protodiploxypinus americus sp. nov., P. ujhelyi sp. nov., Klausipollenites gouldii sp. nov., Pityosporites old-hamensis sp. nov., Abietineaepollenites bujakii sp. nov., Falcisporites oviformis sp. nov. and F. tecovasensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

Cretaceous ichthyosaurs have typically been considered a small, homogeneous assemblage sharing a common Late Jurassic ancestor. Their low diversity and disparity have been interpreted as indicative of a decline leading to their Cenomanian extinction. We describe the first post-Triassic ichthyosaur from the Middle East, Malawania anachronus gen. et sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Iraq, and re-evaluate the evolutionary history of parvipelvian ichthyosaurs via phylogenetic and cladogenesis rate analyses. Malawania represents a basal grade in thunnosaurian evolution that arose during a major Late Triassic radiation event and was previously thought to have gone extinct during the Early Jurassic. Its pectoral morphology appears surprisingly archaic, retaining a forefin architecture similar to that of its Early Jurassic relatives. After the initial latest Triassic radiation of early thunnosaurians, two subsequent large radiations produced lineages with Cretaceous representatives, but the radiation events themselves are pre-Cretaceous. Cretaceous ichthyosaurs therefore include distantly related lineages, with contrasting evolutionary histories, and appear more diverse and disparate than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Two new taxa of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida) from the Aptian Crato Formation of the Araripe Basin, NE Brazil, are described. The fossil bivalves are confined to 30- to 130-cm-thick bioturbated mudstones overlying the fossil-rich laminated limestones of the Crato Formation Konservat-Lagerstätte. Individuals are often preserved with closed or splayed articulated valves, some of them potentially in life position, forming an autochthonous to parautochthonous assemblage. Monginellopsis bellaradiata nov. gen., nov. sp. shares key characters with the Trigonioidoidea: (i) the anterior pedal retractor muscle scar is clearly separated from the anterior adductor muscle scar; (ii) the shell has fold-like radial ribs on the posterior half; (iii) a right valve anterior tooth has a striated facet. Araripenaia elliptica nov. gen., nov. sp. is the most abundant and widely distributed unionid of the Crato Formation. Its ornament of anterior inverted V-shaped riblets, and central and posterior radial and sub-radial riblets resembles modern and fossil Hyriidae from the Americas, but also Trigonioidoidea from Eurasia. Its dentition of two smooth anterior pseudocardinals and two smooth posterior laterals in each valve provides no further clues for systematic assignment; muscle scars are not preserved. Assignment to the Hyriidae would make Araripenaia the oldest member of this family known from South America. Moreover, this bivalve assemblage of trigonioidoidids, hyriids, and previously reported silesunionoids suggests palaeobiogeographic links to other areas in both Gondwana and Laurasia.  相似文献   

Two new monotypic mayfly genera from Permian-Triassic deposits of the Khungtukun-2 and Khungtukun-4 localities on the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, Evenkia are described; one, Tunephemera tungussica Sinitshenkova gen. et sp. nov., is based on a wing fragment and assigned to the family Sharephemeridae Sinitshenkova, 2002; and the other, Khungtukunia sibirica Sinitshenkova gen. et sp. nov., is based on nymphs and assigned to the family Vogesonymphidae Sinitshenkova et Papier, 2005. The mayflies described suggest Early Triassic rather than Late Permian age of the deposits.  相似文献   

The Late Triassic Tiki Formation has yielded five isolated nearly complete claws or ungual phalanges from a fossil locality, which are described in detail and compared with other Late Triassic tetrapods. Of these, four ungual phalanges are slender, asymmetric, ventrally recurved, transversely compressed, and contain deep collateral grooves on either side, a low median keel on the proximal articular surface and a prominent proximoventral flexor tubercle showing their high similarity to the theropod dinosaurs. The remaining claw is unlike that of any theropods in terms of high robusticity and near symmetry. However, as in dinosaurs it is ventrally recurved and contains deep lateral grooves, a small flexor tubercle, lateromedially extended proximal articular surface with a distinct median keel and is considered as belonging to an indeterminate dinosaur. Although it is not possible to ascertain whether the unguals belong to a single taxon or multiple taxa, this new find points towards the presence of small dinosaurs in the Late Triassic Tiki fauna.  相似文献   

The Ni?angahtepe Formation (Teke Dere unit) in the Lycian Nappes, and reworked pebbles and blocks from the Late Triassic Gevne Formation in the Alada? unit (both in Southern Turkey), present a well-developed Kubergandian microfauna and microflora found for the first time in this area. The following cyanobacterial and algal taxa are newly established: Clinortonella nov. gen., Ramovsia lyciana nov. sp., and Kantia? guevenci nov. sp.; some Cancellina and Armenina are revised. These Kubergandian faunas and floras present strong palaeobiogeographical affinities with the Eurasian southern margin (northern Palaeotethyan border). The Teke Dere unit represents an accretionary prism/fore-arc sequence containing different parts of the Palaeotethyan succession. The Late Triassic Gevne Formation marks the Eo-Cimmerian unconformity related to the closure of the Palaeotethys between the Taurus and Anatolian terranes.  相似文献   

Mosasauroids are conventionally conceived of as gigantic, obligatorily aquatic marine lizards (1000s of specimens from marine deposited rocks) with a cosmopolitan distribution in the Late Cretaceous (90–65 million years ago [mya]) oceans and seas of the world. Here we report on the fossilized remains of numerous individuals (small juveniles to large adults) of a new taxon, Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov. from the Csehbánya Formation, Hungary (Santonian, Upper Cretaceous, 85.3–83.5 mya) that represent the first known mosasauroid that lived in freshwater environments. Previous to this find, only one specimen of a marine mosasauroid, cf. Plioplatecarpus sp., is known from non-marine rocks in Western Canada. Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov. uniquely possesses a plesiomorphic pelvic anatomy, a non-mosasauroid but pontosaur-like tail osteology, possibly limbs like a terrestrial lizard, and a flattened, crocodile-like skull. Cladistic analysis reconstructs P. inexpectatus in a new clade of mosasauroids: (Pannoniasaurus (Tethysaurus (Yaguarasaurus, Russellosaurus))). P. inexpectatus is part of a mixed terrestrial and freshwater faunal assemblage that includes fishes, amphibians turtles, terrestrial lizards, crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds.  相似文献   

The tetrapod faunas from the terrestrial Middle–Late Triassic basins of Africa and South America are among the richest in the world, especially in non‐mammalian cynodonts. Despite the great abundance of cynodont specimens found in these basins, there are few known taxa that exhibit interbasinal distributions. Here we describe a new species of traversodontid cynodont of the genus Scalenodon from the Triassic Dinodontosaurus Assemblage Zone of the Santa Maria Supersequence, from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Scalenodon ribeiroae sp. nov. is based on a partial skull that possesses a combination of features not observed in any other South American traversodontid: ellipsoid upper postcanines with the transverse crest formed by three cusps, lacking a mesiobuccal accessory cusp, and with lingual cusp projected lingually creating a concave lingual surface on the upper postcanines; the paracanine fossa is positioned medially to the upper canine, and jugal lacks a suborbital process. A phylogenetic analysis places the new taxon in a basal position within the Family Traversodontidae, with the African Scalenodon angustifrons as sister‐taxon. The new specimen of Scalenodon represents the first record of this genus outside of the Manda Beds of Tanzania, and reinforces the biostratigraphical and biogeographical connection between Gondwanan Middle–Late Triassic tetrapod faunas. Although recent advances have been made, our current knowledge of these faunas is limited by the lack of absolute dates for most units and by uncertainties in the taxonomy and stratigraphical provenance of key fossils.  相似文献   

The paper describes structural features of megaspores from the Middle Gondwana (Middle Triassic) beds of Nidhpuri. These include two species of Srivastavaesporites Bharadwaj et Tiwari viz. S. triassicus sp. nov. and S. major sp. nov.; Grambastisporites nidhpurensis gen. et sp. nov.; Trikonia emarginata gen. et sp. nov.; one species of Mamillaespora Pant et Srivastava, M. sidhiensis sp. nov.; Nidhitriletes spinosa gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

A distinct large vole lineage involving three species from the Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene of China is morphologically and quantitatively delineated. A special sinuous line (linea sinuosa) pattern, not previously recognized, diagnoses the new lineage, and distinguishes the species in the lineage from all other vole genera known either from China or elsewhere. At present, only two morphologically discrete evolutionary stages can be recognized in the lineage. The primitive stage is represented by rooted Mimomys peii and M. banchiaonicus, and the advanced stage is represented by the newly described rootless Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. from the Paleolithic site of Renzidong Cave in Anhui Province. The schmelzmuster of M. peii and Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. is also examined to provide more details about the lineage. This lineage diverged from Mimomys by the Late Pliocene within North China. The comparison between the arvicoline species co-existing with Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. and those from Haiyan Formation in the Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, suggests the age of Heteromimomys zhengi nov. gen., nov. sp. can be correlated to or predate the Haiyan Formation, which is in reversely magnetized sediment identified as Chron 2r. The loss of roots in the lineage corresponds with a cooling event at the beginning of the Pleistocene, and seems to characterize the Nihewanian age of the Chinese Land Mammal ages from the perspective of arvicoline biochronology.  相似文献   

Although the group played an important role in the evolution of Late Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems, the early evolutionary history of the ornithischian dinosaurs remains poorly understood. Here, we report on a new primitive ornithischian, Eocursor parvus gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Triassic (?Norian) Lower Elliot Formation of South Africa. Eocursor is known from a single specimen comprising substantial cranial and postcranial material and represents the most complete Triassic member of Ornithischia, providing the earliest evidence for the acquisition of many key ornithischian postcranial characters, including an opisthopubic pelvis. A new phylogenetic analysis positions this taxon near the base of Ornithischia, as the sister taxon to the important and diverse clade Genasauria. The problematic clade Heterodontosauridae is also positioned basal to Genasauria, suggesting that an enlarged grasping manus may represent a plesiomorphic ornithischian condition. This analysis provides additional phylogenetic support for limited ornithischian diversity during the Late Triassic, and suggests that several major ornithischian clades may have originated later than generally believed. There are few morphological differences between Late Triassic and Early Jurassic ornithischians, supporting previous suggestions that the Early Jurassic ornithischian radiation may simply represent the filling of vacant ecological space following Late Triassic terrestrial extinctions.  相似文献   

The Halecomorphi are a major subdivision of the ray-finned fishes. Although living halecomorphs are represented solely by the freshwater bowfin, Amia calva, this clade has a rich fossil history, and the resolution of interrelationships among extinct members is central to the problem of understanding the origin of the Teleostei, the largest clade of extant vertebrates. The Ionoscopiformes are extinct marine halecomorphs that were inferred to have originated in the Late Jurassic of Europe, and subsequently dispersed to the Early Cretaceous of the New World. Here, we report the discovery of a new ionoscopiform, Robustichthys luopingensis gen. et sp. nov., based on eight well-preserved specimens from the Anisian (242–247 Ma), Middle Triassic marine deposits of Luoping, eastern Yunnan Province, China. The new species documents the oldest known ionoscopiform, extending the stratigraphic range of this group by approximately 90 Ma, and the geographical distribution of this group into the Middle Triassic of South China, a part of eastern Palaeotethys Ocean. These new data provide a minimum estimate for the split of Ionoscopiformes from its sister clade Amiiformes and shed new light on the origin of ionoscopiform fishes.  相似文献   

A new scanilepiform, Beishanichthys brevicaudalis gen. et sp. nov. , is named and described based on fossils from the Lower Triassic lake deposits exposed in Beishan area, Gansu Province, China. The discovery documents a new record of this group, which is significantly older than other known scanilepiforms from China, and is slightly younger than Evenkia from the Lowest Triassic of Central Siberia. Although the Beishan beds were previously interpreted as Late Permian in age, based on megaplant fossils, this new discovery supports the reinterpretation of the deposits as Early Triassic in age, based on vertebrate fossils from the same locality and horizon. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted to resolve the relationships of Scanilepiformes with other actinopterygian clades, and the inter‐relationships within Scanilepiformes. Contrary to previous thought that scanilepiforms are closely related to the Amiidae, the phylogenetic results of this study recognize the Scanilepiformes as stem‐group neopterygians. Relationships of the Scanilepiformes and Australosomus with other neopterygians remain unresolved. With a characteristic long‐based dorsal fin, scanilepiforms represent a small group that emerged in Early Triassic freshwater environments, inhabited Eurasia and North America during the Middle–Late Triassic, briefly invaded the marine environment by the Late Triassic in Europe, and became extinct at the end of Triassic. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 595–612.  相似文献   

Marmorerpeton gen. nov. represented by M. kermackisp. nov. and M. freemani sp. nov., is the earliest known genus of fossil salamander from the Upper Bathonian, Middle Jurassic of Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, England. Marmorerpeton is more primitive than any other known salamander in the absence of intravertebral spinal nerve foramina in the atlantal centrum, but in other features it resembles members of the family Scapherpetontidae, neotenous salamanders otherwise known from the Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene. The Kirtlington herpetofauna is a unique freshwater assemblage of Middle Jurassic small amphibians and reptiles, several of which represent the earliest known occurrences of their respective groups.  相似文献   

Mammalian molars have undergone heavy scrutiny to determine correlates between morphology and diet. Here, the relationship between one aspect of occlusal morphology, tooth cusp radius of curvature (RoC), and two broad dietary categories, folivory and frugivory, is analyzed in apes. The author hypothesizes that there is a relationship between tooth cusp RoC and diet, and that folivores have sharper teeth than frugivores, and further test the correlation between tooth cusp RoC and tooth cusp size. Eight measures of tooth cusp RoC (two RoCs per cusp) were taken from 53 M2s from four species and subspecies of frugivorous apes (Pongo pygmaeus, Pan troglodytes troglodytes, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, and Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and two subspecies of folivorous apes (Gorilla beringei beringei, and Gorilla beringei graueri). Phylogenetically corrected ANOVAs were run on the full dataset and several subsets of the full dataset, revealing that, when buccolingual RoCs are taken into account, tooth cusp RoCs can successfully differentiate folivores and frugivores. PCAs revealed that folivores consistently had duller teeth than frugivores. In addition, a weak, statistically significant positive correlation exists between tooth cusp size and tooth cusp RoC. The author hypothesizes differences in tooth cusp RoC are correlated with wear rates, where, per vertical unit of wear, duller cusps will have a longer length of exposed enamel ridge than sharper cusps. More data need to be gathered to determine if the correlation between tooth cusp RoC and tooth cusp size holds true when small primates are considered. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:226–235, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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