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The distribution of trait values in many populations is not homogenous but creates a mosaic of patches. This may lead to differences in selection on the patch level compared to selection on the population level. As an example we investigated the spatial distribution of nectar production and its effects on pollinator behaviour in a natural population of Echium vulgare. Nectar production per flower, number of flowers and total nectar production showed a hierarchy and spatial aggregation as expressed by Gini coefficients and significant Moran's I values. Plants in patches of high nectar production received significantly more pollinator visits and had a significant emanating effect on pollinator visits of neighbouring plants. The same was true for plants in patches with high number of flowers. To disentangle these effects a path analysis was applied, which suggested that the direct effect of nectar production per flower although present, seems to be small compared to the effect of the number of flowers. Nectar production per flower affected pollinator visits mainly indirectly by way of total nectar production, which includes the effect of number of flowers. Assuming a minor pollinator-mediated selection for number of flowers, pollinator-mediated selection for total nectar production equals that for nectar production per flower. If so, the observed spatial structure of nectar production and its emanating effect on pollinator behaviour is of importance for natural selection. Plants of low nectar production occurring close to patches of plants with high nectar production benefited from the enhanced pollinator service of their neighbours while saving costs of increased nectar production. Consequently, plants with low nectar production may have a selective advantage at patch level while plants with high nectar production may have a selective advantage at population level. Results presented stress the importance of small-scale patterns for ecological relationships and evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Spatial aggregation of plants of high nectar production, receiving an enhanced pollinator service is known to occur in Echium vulgare. Moreover, an emanating effect of nectar production on pollinator visits may occur, i.e. many pollinator visits may be observed around high nectar patches. Consequently, gene flow within patches of plants of high nectar production and their close neighbours may result in genetic structure. In this study, we investigated whether aggregation of total nectar production (nectar production per flower×number of flowers) and its emanating effect resulted in genetic structure in a natural E. vulgare population. We compared the spatial structure of total nectar production, pollinator visits and microsatellite markers using spatial autocorrelation analysis. Increased geitonogamy, caused by longer boutlengths in plants of high nectar production may generate genetic structure. We estimated selfing rates of plants of the highest and lowest total nectar production. Spatial aggregation of total nectar production occurred on a relatively small scale up to 2.83 m. A significant emanating correlation between total nectar production and pollinator visits was observed on a relatively large scale up to a 4.24 m. Thus, around patches of high nectar production numbers of pollinator visits were relatively high, while few visits were observed around patches of low nectar production. Weak genetic structure was present on a small scale up to 2.20 m. This corresponded with the scale of aggregation of total nectar production. High gene flow around the patches of high nectar production seems to weaken genetic structure. This is supported by the relatively low selfing rates. The average selfing rate of the plants of highest nectar production was 8.8% and that of the plants of lowest nectar production 5.0%. Low gene flow within and around low nectar patches sustain a weak genetic structure or, conversely, may have caused it in the first instance. Results indicate the importance of spatial structure of nectar production for pollinator movement.  相似文献   

Long‐term variation in the population density of honey bees Apis mellifera across landscapes has been shown to correlate with variation in the floral traits of plant populations in these landscapes, suggesting that variations in pollinator population density and foraging rates can drive floral trait evolution of their host plants. However, it remained to be determined whether this variation in plant traits is associated with adaptive variation in plant reproductive strategies under conditions of high and low pollinator densities. Here we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment to examine how this variation in floral traits, under conditions of either high and low pollinator density, impacted seed production in the Tibetan lotus Saussurea nigrescens. In 2014 and 2015, we recorded the floral traits, pollinator visitation rates, and seed production of S. nigrescens populations grown in both home sites and foreign sites, where sites varied in honey bee population density. Our results demonstrated that the floral traits reflected those of their original population, regardless of their current location. However, seed production varied with both population origin and transplant site. Seed number was positively correlated with flower abundance in the pollinator‐rich sites, but with nectar production in the pollinator‐poor sites. Pollinator visitation rate was also positively correlated with flower number at pollinator‐rich sites, and with nectar volume at pollinator‐poor sites. Overall, the local genotype had higher seed production than nonlocal genotypes in home sites. However, when pollen is hand‐supplemented, plants from pollinator‐rich populations had higher seed production than plants from pollinator‐poor populations, regardless of whether they were transplanted to pollinator‐rich or ‐poor sites. These results suggest that the plant genotypic differences primarily drive variation in pollinator attraction, and this ultimately drives variation in seed: ovule ratio. Thus, our results suggest that flowering plant species use different reproductive strategies to respond to high or low pollinator densities.  相似文献   

Both differences in local plant density and phenotypic traits may affect pollination and plant reproduction, but little is known about how density affects trait–fitness relationships via changes in pollinator activity. In this study we examined how plant density and traits interact to determine pollinator behaviour and female reproductive success in the self‐incompatible, perennial herb Phyteuma spicatum. Specifically, we hypothesised that limited pollination service in more isolated plants would lead to increased selection for traits that attract pollinators. We conducted pollinator observations and assessed trait–fitness relationships in a natural population, whose individuals were surrounded by a variable number of inflorescences. Both local plant density and plant phenotypic traits affected pollinator foraging behaviour. At low densities, pollinator visitation rates were low, but increased with increasing inflorescence size, while this relationship disappeared at high densities, where visitation rates were higher. Plant fitness, in terms of seed production per plant and per capsule, was related to both floral display size and flowering time. Seed production increased with increasing inflorescence size and was highest at peak flowering. However, trait–fitness relationships were not density‐dependent, and differences in seed production did not appear to be related to differences in pollination. The reasons for this remain unclear, and additional studies are needed to fully understand and explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract In perennial plants, life-history theory suggests that natural selection should result in the optimization of fruit-to-flower ratios within the limits imposed by the trade-offs between resource allocation for present reproduction and future growth and reproduction. The tropical orchid Dendrobium monophyllum F. Muell., an epiphyte or lithophyte, offers no nectar rewards, is self-incompatible and has a capsule-to-flower ratio of about 1:14. The influence of pollination limitation and the costs of capsule production on capsule-to-flower ratios were assessed using experimental and field studies in which individual plants were observed for 3 years. Pollinators visited about 80% of flowers, and capsule production was significantly related to inflorescence size and pollinaria removal. About nine pollinator visits occurred per capsule. Pollinator visitation and capsule production did not vary significantly between years. The inflorescence size classes most successful in capsule production were also the most frequent in natural populations. The experimental supplementation of outcross pollen to flowers increased capsule set over controls by 45% within a year, but was limited to about 53%. A capsule-to-flower ratio of 1:2 in experimental plants significantly decreased the subsequent growth and flowering of individuals relative to controls. A capsule-to-flower ratio above 1:10 in naturally pollinated plants decreased flowering in the subsequent year. Thus, it is suggested than an increase in capsule production above 10% would not necessarily correlate with greater reproductive fitness because of the increased cost of capsule production. The capsule-to-flower ratio recorded in this study could be evolutionarily stable because of trade-offs between selection for pollinator attraction and the cost of capsule production. The production of surplus flowers appears to function in pollinator attraction and increases fitness through male function.  相似文献   

I studied the relationship between seed-set patterns within inflorescences and temporal variations in light and pollinator availabilities for 2 years in the spring ephemeral species Gagea lutea in a deciduous forest. Timing of canopy closure and seasonal trend of pollinator frequency did not synchronize with the annual fluctuation in flowering phenology. In the early snowmelt year, seed-set success reflected the seasonal pollinator abundance from early to middle flowering periods. In the late snowmelt year, however, seed-set rates were independent of pollinator activity and decreased with canopy closing even after hand pollination. The restricted seed production by defoliation and the increase in seed-set rates at the forest edge suggested that seed production was supported by current photosynthetic carbon gain. Thus, annual fluctuations of reproductive success can explain the variation in flowering phenology within a population although seasonal light deterioration would serve as a selective force for flowering in the early season.  相似文献   

Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (Apocynaceae), an invasive woody milkweed, has expanded its range in northern Australia affecting rangeland and pastoral productivity. While self‐compatibility should enhance the species range expansion, spread of C. procera is limited by the availability of larger wasp and bee species that are able to vector its solid pollinia. Pollination efficiency is thus likely dependent on both pollinator abundance and plant density. Calotropis procera flowers year round in Australia but fruiting is limited to the warm months of the year when pollinators are most abundant, indicating that seasonal regulation of reproduction may be due to pollinator limitation. We examine the propositions that C. procera reproduction is regulated by the interaction between plant population density and pollinator pressure and that low pollinator pressure causes low per capita plant fecundity. All pollinators belonged to Order Hymenoptera and pollinator composition was similar at six of the seven sites. Fruit production per plant (fecundity) was lower above and below intermediate densities (350–550 plants ha?1) of flowering plants with evidence of a weak Allee effect at lower plant density. Pollinator visitation rates per plant were low at high and low plant densities, and greatest at intermediate densities, while pollen supplementation experiments showed that C. procera is pollen limited (Pollen Limitation Indexfruit = 0.9) even at intermediate densities. Pollen limitation caused by low pollinator pressure at low plant densities and pollinator satiation at high plant densities may account for these fruit production trends. Management should be conducted in the colder months when pollinator pressure is low and plants are not reproducing. In addition, where stand eradication cannot be achieved in one attempt, management should reduce flowering plants to below intermediate densities where the fecundity per plant is low.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that in non-rewarding animal-pollinated plants the pollination intensity should decrease with increasing population size and should increase with increasing local abundance of reward-producing plants. To test these hypotheses, we examined how population size, local abundance of Salix caprea, and tree cover were related to pollen removal and fruit production in 16 populations of the deceptive, early-flowering and bumblebee-pollinated orchid Calypso bulbosa in northern Sweden in 3 consecutive years. To determine whether fruit production was limited by pollinator visitation, supplemental hand-pollinations were performed in three populations in 3 years. Finally, to examine whether increased fruit production was associated with a reduction in future flower production, vegetative growth or survival, supplemental hand-pollination was repeated for 5 years in one population. The levels of pollen export, pollen deposition, and fruit set of C. bulbosa varied considerably among years and among populations. The proportion of plants exporting pollen was negatively related to population size, and positively related to density of S. caprea and to tree cover in 1 of the 3 years. In the other 2 years, no significant relationship was detected between proportion of plants exporting pollen and the latter three variables. In no year was there a significant relationship between fruit set and population size, density of S. caprea and tree cover. There was substantial among-year variation in the extent to which fruit production was limited by insufficient pollen deposition and in the amount of weather-induced damage to flowers and developing fruits. Fruit set was consistently higher in hand-pollinated than in open-pollinated plants, but this difference was statistically significant in only one of 3 years. Supplemental hand-pollination in 5 consecutive years increased cumulative fruit production 1.8 times, but did not affect flower production, plant size, or survival. Tree cover was negatively correlated with the incidence of frost damage in 1 year. The results indicate that life-time seed production may be pollen limited in C. bulbosa, and that variation in population size and local abundance of the early-flowering, nectar-producing S. caprea can only partly explain the extensive variation in pollinator visitation among populations of this species.  相似文献   

Habitat-corridors are assumed to counteract the negative impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation, but their efficiency in doing so depends on the maintenance of ecological processes in corridor conditions. For plants dispersing in linear habitats, one of these critical processes is the maintenance of adequate pollen transfer to insure seed production within the corridor. This study focuses on a common, self-incompatible forest herb, Trillium grandiflorum, to assess plant–pollinator interactions and the influence of spatial processes on plant reproduction in hedgerow corridors compared to forests. First, using pollen supplementation experiments over 2 years, we quantified the extent of pollen limitation in both habitats, testing the prediction of greater limitation in small hedgerow populations than in forests. While pollen limitation of fruit and seed set was common, its magnitude did not differ between habitats. Variations among sites, however, suggested an influence of landscape context on pollination services. Second, we examined the effect of isolation on plant reproduction by monitoring fruit and seed production, as well as pollinator activity and assemblage, in small flower arrays transplanted in hedgerows at increasing distances from forest and from each other. We detected no difference in the proportion of flowers setting fruit or in pollinator activity with isolation, but we observed some differences in pollinator assemblages. Seed set, on the other hand, declined significantly with increasing isolation in the second year of the study, but not in the first year, suggesting altered pollen transfer with distance. Overall, plants in hedgerow corridors and forests benefited from similar pollination services. In this system, plant–pollinator interactions and reproduction seem to be influenced more by variations in resource distribution over years and landscapes than by local habitat conditions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Nectar standing crops in flowers within an individual plant are often highly variable. This variability may be a by-product of the foraging activity of insect pollinators. Alternatively, plants may be selected to produce highly variable rewards to reduce consecutive visitation by risk-averse pollinators, thus diminishing within-plant pollen transfer. This study evaluated the roles of pollinator control vs. plant control over nectar variability in the bee-pollinated shrub Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae). We sampled nectar production, standing crop and pollinator visits in three shrubs of one population over 17 days during one blooming season. Nectar production rates were highly variable (CV = 1.48), and increased after rainy days. Nectar standing crops were even more variable (CV = 2.16), decreased with increasing temperatures, and increased with time since the last rain. Pollinator visit rates decreased with variability in nectar standing crops, increased with flower number per shrub, and were unaffected by variability in nectar production rates. Repeated sampling of marked flowers revealed no correlation between their nectar standing crops and production rates. These findings support the role of reward variance in reducing pollinator visits, but suggest that plants are not in complete control of this variability. Rather, plant-generated variability can be modified by intensive foraging activity of pollinators. Such pollinator control over nectar variability is likely to reduce the selective advantage of plant-generated reward variation. Handling Editor: Neal Williams.  相似文献   

Aims Nothapodytes nimmoniana (Family Icacinaceae) is a deciduous tree species distributed in Asia facing severe population decline. Wood chips from the tree are a source of camptothecin, a globally sought-after alkaloid with cancer-treating properties, and are harvested unsustainably in natural forests. We studied the pollination ecology of the species and asked if there are constraints in pollination and fruiting success in its natural populations. We also discuss the potential effects of wood extraction on pollinators and reproductive success in the population.Methods The study was carried out during the flowering season in two populations with varying exploitation levels, both located in the Protected Area Network in the Western Ghats of Karnataka State. We assessed floral resource availability and measured pollinator diversity and activity in the canopy from the perspective of the biology of the species. We quantified pollinator abundance and percent fruit set as a function of population density.Important findings Flowers belong to the fly pollination syndrome and are open to visits by generalists such as Apis dorsata and Trigona iridipennis. Fruiting success did not vary between exploited and unexploited sites, but there was a significant difference in pollinator assemblage. In a lean male flowering year, fruit set was low, suggesting pollen limitation in the population. No fruiting was recorded in the second year at the site where trees were felled soon after the flowering period. We argue that when male floral resources are altered in exploited populations, pollinators of generalist nature may show a shift in foraging pattern. Also, generalist plants may be as susceptible to pollination loss as are specialist plants. The need for outcrossing in the species would probably exacerbate this vulnerability.  相似文献   

The floral ecology of a central Maine population of Platanthera blephariglottis was studied during the 1979–1981 flowering seasons. Although this species possesses characteristics typical of moth-pollinated plants, only diurnal pollinators were documented, primarily Hesperiidae, Pieridae, and Apidae. Pollinators were scarce throughout the study, yet bagging experiments indicated vectors were necessary for successful capsule set. The average capsule set per plant was lowest (32.2%) in 1979 when 362 plants bloomed and highest in 1980 (80.2%) when 202 plants flowered. Capsule set was found to be limited by pollinator activity. The adaptations of P. blephariglottis, including sequential flowering, length of receptivity, nectar production and inflorescence size, enable consistently successful reproduction regardless of microhabitat. This species is well-adapted to reproduce in environments experiencing periods of unfavorable weather and low pollinator abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Recent studies on the leek Allium porrum L. demonstrate that a sharp increase in the release of volatile and nonvolatile sulphur compounds occurs in response to attack by the specialist phytophage, the leek moth Acrolepiopsis assectella (Zeller). The consequences of that response on the developmental capacity and behaviour of the leek moth and on the host-searching behaviour of the parasitoid hymenoptera Diadromus pulchellus Wesmael have been studied. No immediate adverse effect on larval development is seen, but the duration of male development is significantly longer. In addition, an almost 20% decrease is observed in the number of oocytes produced by adult females that developed on attack-damaged leek plants. Leek moths do not avoid damaged plants systematically. On attacked plants, larvae tend to consume more and females to lay more eggs, although the latter tendency disappears after intensive attack. Concerning host-searching by D. pulchellus , the data indicate that females make use of the induced leek response. Parasitoids are attracted more strongly to attacked plants than to undamaged plants and mechanically damaged plants. The results of this study in a tritrophic system involving a biannual plant suggest a complex defence system combining direct and indirect mechanisms. Sulphur compounds may act by reducing second-generation pests, thereby preventing the specialist insect population from exploding at the expense of the leek.  相似文献   

Invasive plants may compete with native species for abiotic factors as light, space and nutrients, and have also been shown to affect native pollination interactions. Studies have mainly focused on how invasive plants affect pollinator behaviour, i.e. attraction of pollinators to or away from native flowers. However, when an invasive plant provides resources utilized by native pollinators this could increase pollinator population sizes and thereby pollination success in natives. Effects mediated through changes in pollinator population sizes have been largely ignored in previous studies, and the dominance of negative interactions suggested by meta-analyses may therefore be biased. We investigated the impact of the invasive Lupinus polyphyllus on pollination in the native Lotus corniculatus using a study design comparing invaded and uninvaded sites before and after the flowering period of the invasive. We monitored wild bee abundance in transects, and visit rate and seed production of potted Lotus plants. Bumblebee abundance increased 3.9 times in invaded sites during the study period, whereas it was unaltered in uninvaded sites. Total visit rate per Lotus plant increased 2.1 times in invaded sites and decreased 4.4 times in uninvaded sites. No corresponding change in seed production of Lotus was found. The increase in visit rate to Lotus was driven by an increase in solitary bee visitation, whereas mainly bumblebees were observed to visit the invasive Lupinus. The mechanism by which the invasive increases pollinator visit rates to Lotus could be increased availability of other flower resources for solitary bees when bumblebees forage on Lupinus.  相似文献   

Climate change can affect plant–pollinator interactions in a variety of ways, but much of the research attention has focused on whether independent shifts in phenology will alter temporal overlap between plants and pollinators. Here I review the research on plant–pollinator mismatch, assessing the potential for observational and experimental approaches to address particular aspects of the problem. Recent, primarily observational studies suggest that phenologies of co‐occurring plants and pollinators tend to respond similarly to environmental cues, but that nevertheless, certain pairs of interacting species are showing independent shifts in phenology. Only in a few cases, however, have these independent shifts been shown to affect population vital rates (specifically, seed production by plants) but this largely reflects a lack of research. Compared to the few long‐term studies of pollination in natural plant populations, experimental manipulations of phenology have yielded relatively optimistic conclusions about effects of phenological shifts on plant reproduction, and I discuss how issues of scale and frequency‐dependence in pollinator behaviour affect the interpretation of these ‘temporal transplant’ experiments. Comparable research on the impacts of mismatch on pollinator populations is so far lacking, but both observational studies and focused experiments have the potential to improve our forecasts of pollinator responses to changing phenologies. Finally, while there is now evidence that plant–pollinator mismatch can affect seed production by plants, it is still unclear whether this phenological impact will be the primary way in which climate change affects plant–pollinator interactions. It would be useful to test the direct effects of changing climate on pollinator population persistence, and to compare the importance of phenological mismatch with other threats to pollination.  相似文献   

Identifying traits and agents of selection involved in local adaptation is important for understanding population divergence. In southern Sweden, the moth‐pollinated orchid Platanthera bifolia occurs as a woodland and a grassland ecotype that differ in dominating pollinators. The woodland ecotype is taller (expected to influence pollinator attraction) and produces flowers with longer spurs (expected to influence efficiency of pollen transfer) compared to the grassland ecotype. We examined whether plant height and spur length affect pollination and reproductive success in a woodland population, and whether effects are non‐additive, as expected for traits influencing two multiplicative components of pollen transfer. We reduced plant height and spur length to match trait values observed in the grassland ecotype and determined the effects on pollen removal, pollen receipt, and fruit production. In addition, to examine the effects of naturally occurring variation, we quantified pollinator‐mediated selection through pollen removal and seed production in the same population. Reductions of plant height and spur length decreased pollen removal, number of flowers receiving pollen, mean pollen receipt per pollinated flower, and fruit production per plant, but no significant interaction effect was detected. The selection analysis demonstrated pollinator‐mediated selection for taller plants via female fitness. However, there was no current selection mediated by pollinators on spur length, and pollen removal was not related to plant height or spur length. The results show that, although both traits are important for pollination success and female fitness in the woodland habitat, only plant height was sufficiently variable in the study population for current pollinator‐mediated selection to be detected. More generally, the results illustrate how a combination of experimental approaches can be used to identify both traits and agents of selection.  相似文献   

Changes in plant population size, induced by various forms of habitat degradation, can affect the performance of plants by altering their interactions with other organisms such as pollinators and herbivores. However, studies on plant reproductive response to variation in population size that simultaneously consider different interactions are rare. In this study, we examined (1) how levels of pollinator visitation and florivory vary with population size of a self-incompatible herb, Verbascum nigrum (Scrophulariaceae), (2) the relative effect of these two interactions on host seed set, and (3) whether the intensity of florivory influences pollinator visitation rate. The intensity of florivory increased, whereas pollinator visitation rate decreased with host population size. Although average seed production was negatively affected by the intensity of florivory, seed production was independent of population size. The direct negative effect of florivores on plant seed set was indirectly enforced by their negative effect on pollinator visitation rate. Our results emphasize the complexity of responses of different plant–animal interactions to plant population size. However, interactions involving specialized organisms are likely to disrupt first as plant population size decreases.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity in floral communities has the potential to modify pollinator behavior. Pollinator foraging varies with the diversity, abundance, and spatial configuration of floral resources. However, the implications of this variation for pollen transfer and ultimately the reproductive success of insect pollinated plants remains unclear, especially for species which are rare or isolated in the landscape. We used a landscape‐scale experiment, coupled with microsatellite genotyping, to explore how the floral richness of habitats affected pollinator behavior and pollination effectiveness. Small arrays of the partially self‐compatible plant Californian poppy (Eschscholzia californica) were introduced across a landscape gradient to simulate rare, spatially isolated populations. The effects on pollinator activity, outcrossing, and plant reproduction were measured. In florally rich habitats, we found reduced pollen movement between plants, leading to fewer long‐distance pollination events, lower plant outcrossing, and a higher incidence of pollen limitation. This pattern indicates a potential reduction in per capita pollinator visitation, as suggested by the lower activity densities and richness of pollinators observed within florally rich habitats. In addition, seed production reduced by a factor of 1.8 in plants within florally rich habitats and progeny germination reduced by a factor of 1.2. We show this to be a consequence of self‐fertilization within the partially self‐compatible plant, E. californica. These findings indicate that locally rare plants are at a competitive disadvantage within florally rich habitats because neighboring plant species disrupt conspecific mating by co‐opting pollinators. Ultimately, this Allee effect may play an important role in determining the long‐term persistence of rarer plants in the landscape, both in terms of seed production and viability. Community context therefore requires consideration when designing and implementing conservation management for plants which are comparatively rare in the landscape.  相似文献   

Patterns of growth, and of flower and fruit production, were monitored over two years in a population of the orchid Aspasia principissa Reichb. f. in central Panama. Observations and experimental manipulations were used to determine the relative importance of pollinator and resource limitation on fruit production. Within a season, fruit production was limited by pollinator availability. Fruit set for hand-pollinated flowers was over six times greater than that for naturally pollinated flowers. However, in plants that produced more than one fruit, fruit size declined in subsequent fruits, indicating that resources could limit seed production within a season. Plants producing fruits in 1986, on average, produced smaller shoots and inflorescences in 1987 relative to plants that flowered but produced no fruit in 1986. Thus, plants are likely to be resource limited over their lifetimes. Most individuals of reproductive size (82.5%) did not produce fruit over a three-year period. The reproductive dominance of a few individuals in this population of Aspasia principissa may have important implications for understanding the population structure of the species and the high species diversity of orchids.  相似文献   

Stimulation of Photosynthesis in Uninfected Leaves of Rust-infected Leeks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fourth leaves of healthy leek plants exhibit very low ratesof net photosynthesis which appear to be related to the veryslow growth rates of young leeks early in the season. A stimulation in the rate of net photosynthesis was found tooccur in uninfected leaves of leek plants infected with therust, Puccinia porri. This was accompanied by a reduction inthe rate of photorespiration. Although the mechanisms underlyingthis response are not known, it may be instructive to comparethese results with those obtained from partial defoliation experiments.Increased photosynthetic activity in uninfected leaves may enablethe infected plant to maintain a functional shoot: root equilibrium. Allium porrum L., leek, Puccinia porri, leek rust, stimulation, photosynthesis, reduction, photorespiration  相似文献   

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