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Cells of amputated, denervated larval Ambystoma forelimbs dedifferentiate and enter the cell cycle but do not subsequently proliferate sufficiently to form a blastema. The denervated limb stump resorbs slowly until reinnervation stimulates regeneration. We used this system to investigate the fate of cells in denervated limbs which undergo early but limited cycling in response to amputation. In Experiment 1, cells were labeled with [3H]thymidine (3H-T) on Day 4 postamputation (PA)/Day 3 postdenervation (PD). Labeled cells were still present on Day 7 PA, but were less frequently observed on Day 13 PA when the limbs were reinnervated and beginning to regenerate. In Experiment 2 we denervated 1 day preamputation to obtain earlier reinnervation and prevent loss of Day 4 PA labeled cells. Cells labeled with 3H-T on Day 4 PA/Day 5 PD were present throughout the denervation period and most were still present on Day 13 PA. Little or no mitotic activity was found among the labeled cells after the initial round of cycling. The apparent cell cycle block was released upon reinnervation on Days 12 and 13 PA when cycling resumed. Labeled mitotic figures were present on Day 13 PA, and the mitotic index of the labeled population increased as a result of reinnervation. These results demonstrate that blocked cells are rescued by nerves, re-enter the cell cycle, and thus contribute to the reinnervation blastema.  相似文献   

When denervated at the medium bud stage, limb blastemas of the newt, Pleurodeles waltlii Michah, stop growing. In order to better understand the role of nerves in the cell cycle in blastemas, we studied the distribution of mesenchymal cells in the G0-1, G1, S, G2 and M phases 48 and 96 h after denervation. The cell-cycle phases were determined by examining Feulgen-stained nuclei using a SAMBA 200 (System for Analytical Microscopy in Biological Applications) cell image processor. The cell nuclei were automatically analyzed by calculating 18 parameters related to the densitometry and texture of chromatin, and the shape of each nucleus. Cell-cycle phases were classified according to the unsupervised recognition method using a SAMBA 200 system as proposed by Moustafa and Brugal for cell-kinetics analysis. The classification obtained was tested against the results of stepwise linear discriminant analysis performed according to the method of Giroud. Our results show that, in blastemas 96 h after denervation, the percentage of cells in the S, G2, and M phases decreases significantly, while the percentage of G1 and G0-1 cells increases (+ 51% for G1 cells; + 30% for G0-1 cells). Thus, it appears that denervation of medium-bud-stage limb blastemas promotes the lengthening of G1 and premature exiting of cells from the cycle into the G0-1 phase. These results show that nerves (i.e., neurotrophic factor) regulate cell kinetics during newt limb regeneration by maintaining blastema mesenchymal cells in the cell-cycle.  相似文献   

Amputated, regenerating forelimbs have been compared with the contralateral, denervated non-regenerating limb stumps in the adult newt Notophthalmus viridescens, with respect to hyaluronidase activity and the incorporation of 3H-acetate into glycosaminoglycans (GAG). At 10 days after amputation, which is the time of maximum hyaluronate production in the early growing regenerate, incorporation of 3H-acetate into GAG (cpm/mg protein) in the denervated, nonregenerating limb stump was approximately 50% of that in the contralateral regenerating limbs. At this stage, hyaluronate was the major GAG being produced, but the ratio of incorporation into hyaluronate relative to chondroitin sulfate was reduced in the denervated limbs. In intact, nonamputated limbs, the incorporation into GAG was 5% of that in the regenerating limb 10 days after amputation, and 10% of that in the denervated stumps.At 25 days, cartilage is forming and chondroitin sulfate synthesis predominates in the normal regenerate whilst the contralateral, denervated limb stumps are forming scars. GAG synthesis in the latter was less than one-quarter the level seen in the regenerating limbs, mostly due to low incorporation into chondroitin sulfate.Hyaluronidase activity, which appears in the regenerating limb during differentiation of skeletal elements (20–45 days), was not detectable in limbs denervated early enough to prevent regeneration. However, limbs denervated after formation of the blastema will regenerate without nerve, and hyaluronidase activity in such limbs was normal. Thus, hyaluronidase activity appears when regeneration reaches the cartilage deposition stage, with or without nerve.  相似文献   

The pigment pattern formation in embryos and larvae of three ambystomatid salamanders was investigated in an evolutionary context. Early neural crest development was studied with scanning electron microscopy. Pigment cell migration and pattern formation were investigated at the light microscopy level with markers that labelled the two pigment cell types specifically before they were fully differentiated. In all three species, the pigment pattern formation started when xanthophores that had first formed aggregates in the crest migrated ventrally. As previously observed in other species, vertical bars always form by a mechanism involving earlier onset of migration in melanophores than in xanthophores and aggregate formation in the crest. In Ambystoma talpoideum and A. annulatum, a pattern of vertical chromatophore bars formed, which was superimposed on a pattern of horizontal stripes. In Ambystoma barbouri, the tendency to form this pattern was obscured by the high density of melanophores. It is suggested that variation among species may be due to differences in the chromatophore density and in the melanophore/xanthophore ratio. Mapping of the evolution of vertical bars onto existing phylogenies for the group was confounded by controversies about how to interpret the phylogenetic data. On the phylogeny that takes all the available evidence into account, there are two equally parsimonious mappings. Vertical bars have either evolved only once and been lost twice, or evolved twice and been lost once. This rather conservative pattern can be explained both as an effect of stabilizing selection and as a result of developmental constraints. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The punctuated-cycling (PC) hypothesis [39] predicts that the proportion of actively cycling (AC) cells within the blastema influences the rate of limb regeneration in urodele amphibians. To test this, we compared the rate of regeneration and the parameters of the PC hypothesis in small and large Ambystoma mexicanum larvae and in aneurogenic limbs of Ambystoma maculatum. Aneurogenic limbs regenerated more slowly than limbs of small axolotls, but considerably faster than limbs of large axolotls. Regardless of regeneration rates, virtually all blastema cells were in the proliferative fraction (Pf) (ranging from 92.3% +/- 4.2% to 96.2% +/- 3.4%). As predicted, in the blastemata of more rapidly regenerating small axolotls, 86% of the proliferative fraction was actively cycling, but as regeneration slowed, the proportion of the proliferative fraction that was actively cycling decreased (the AC of aneurogenic limbs being 69.5%, and that of large axolotl limbs being 57.3%) and the proportion of transiently quiescent cells increased. The parameters of the PC hypothesis were also examined in small axolotls at two different times during regeneration. During dedifferentiation and initial blastema formation, 61% of the cells in the proliferative fraction were actively cycling and 34% were transiently quiescent. During the rapid-growth phase of the blastema, 88% of the cells in the proliferative fraction were actively cycling and only 7% of the cells were transiently quiescent. It therefore appears that dedifferentiated cells do not immediately begin active cycling and that the transiently quiescent population is relatively large; however, during the period of rapid growth the proportion of transiently quiescent cells is small. In amputated/denervated limbs of small axolotls, the size of the proliferative fraction decreased as the length of the denervation interval increased. Furthermore, with prolonged denervation the total proportion of actively cycling blastema cells also declined (to about 15%). The failure of denervated limbs to regenerate was correlated with an increased nonproliferative fraction and a reduced proportion of actively cycling cells.  相似文献   

Young blastemas of the newt resorb if the limb is denervated, and are thus called "nerve dependent". Late bud and later stage regenerates are termed "nerve independent" because, while denervation inhibits their growth, they proceed through differentiation to form a normally patterned regenerate. Schotté and Liversage ('59) found that reamputation of a denervated nerve independent regenerate causes it to resorb. The present study asked whether injuries of varying severity are equally effective at promoting resorption. Newt forelimbs were amputated through the mid-radius/ulna. At nerve independent stages, the regenerates were denervated and injured in one of a variety of ways, then monitored for signs of resorption. Reamputation of the tip or incisions which created large gaps in the wound epidermis promoted resorption in 77-90% of the cases. Histology showed that the tissue removed by tip reamputation was a small proportion of the entire regenerate, suggesting that blastema resorption is not determined simply by the number of cells directly affected by the injury. Pin prick injuries, which created small disruptions of the wound epidermis, never caused resorption. Devascularization, caused by severing the brachial artery, promoted resorption in 17% of cases. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that avascularity is a major causative factor in nerve dependence.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing comparative study of pigment patterns and their formation in embryos and larvae of ambystomatid salamanders, Ambystoma maculatum from two differnt populations, one in the northern (New York) and one in the central (Tennessee) United States, were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study early neural crest development. Light microscopy in combination with markers for the two pigment cell types (xanthophores and melanophores) made it possible to follow pigment cell migration before the pigment cells were fully differentiated. A bilateral pigment pattern consisting of two horizontal melanophore stripes surrounding an interstripe area populated by xanthophores formed in the larvae. In both populations, some variation was present in the form of a continuum ranging from clear horizontal stripes to extreme cases with a random pattern. Unlike the other ambystomatids that have been investigated, the neural crest cells in A. maculatum do not form aggregates and no vertical bars are formed. Instead, both the pattern and its formation are very similar to what has been reported for salamandrids. If pattern formation mechanisms can act as developmental constraints we would expect the A. maculatum pattern to be the primitive condition in the Ambystomatidae, using the Salamandridae as the outgroup. There is no strong support for this when aggregate formation is used as a character and mapped onto phylogenies for the group. The aggregate formation mechanism, and the pigment pattern that it leads to, have most likely been secondarily lost in A. maculatum. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of healing on the proximodistal organization of regenerates from double-half forelimbs was studied. Double-anterior and double-posterior upper forelimbs were prepared surgically and amputated at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 days after grafting. All experimental groups regenerated hypomorphic skeletal patterns. Double-half forelimbs amputated at Days 5 and 10 regenerated more distally complete skeletal patterns than did limbs amputated at Days 30 and 60. The mean numbers of skeletal elements regenerated were seen to decrease as a function of time after grafting, with the maximal suppression of skeletal patterns observed to occur when limbs were amputated 30 days following grafting. There was no appreciable difference between limbs amputated at Days 30 and 60. These results suggest that healing time has a profound effect on the proximodistal organization of limbs regenerated from double-half forelimb stumps.  相似文献   

Regeneration of a newt limb requires a constant supply of adequate amounts of a neuronal contribution at the amputation site. Denervation during the early stages of regeneration precludes its growth and morphogenesis. It has been reported that denervation of a regenerating limb lowers the efficiency of incorporation of radioactive amino acids to 60% of contralateral control levels. To gain more insight into the mechanism responsible for this decrease, we examined the effects of denervation on the size distribution and quantity of regenerate polysomes. We characterized the [35S]methionine-labeled nascent peptidyl-tRNA from polysomes by hydroxyapatite chromatography. Moreover, we show that the labeled nascent peptides on polysomes can serve as a measure to quantitate the relative amounts of ribosomes on polysomes and the relative size of the translational machinery. Thus, we report that [35S]methionine-labeled nascent polypeptides on polysomes from denervated regenerates contain about 48% less radioactivity than those from controls. Despite decreased incorporation of [35S]methionine into nascent peptides, the relative distribution of radioactivity across linear sucrose gradients is not significantly altered by denervation. Studies of polysomes labeled with [3H]uridine prior to denervation indicate that ribosome content is depressed by denervation. Our results suggest that the nerve-dependent decrease in protein synthesis is mediated by decreasing the number of ribosomes active in protein synthesis. In addition, similarities in the ratios of free monosomes to polysomes and the relative size distribution of polypeptides between denervated and innervated regenerates indicate that in denervated regenerates the number of translatable mRNA molecules decreases in a coordinate manner with the number of ribosomes active in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Regeneration blastemata of adult newt forelimbs were cultured transfilter to dorsal root ganglia on extremely low porosity (0.05 μm) filters. Mitotic index profiles in these blastemata were compared with those obtained using filters of greater porosity (0.45 μm). In the above experiments nerves and blastema tissue were separated by 5 or 25 μm, i.e., the thickness of the respective filters. The results show that the transfilter mitogenic effect of the nerves was retained when the lower pore size filters were used. In addition, sensory ganglia grown at the bottom of a culture well, separated from the blastema explants by a distance of approximately 2 mm, were nevertheless able to promote blastema cell proliferation. The ganglia can thus be considered to be providing a “sustained conditioning” of the medium with neuromitogenic factor(s). This study also shows that nerves can promote blastema cell mitosis, although cell-to-cell contact between nerves and responding cells was precluded. This work was supported by National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Grants A6933 to M. Globus and A9753 to S. Vethamany-Globus.  相似文献   

Regenerated hindlimbs of larval Xenopus laevis were reamputated at critical larval stages and levels, viz when amputation of the control limb at the same larval stage and level is followed by reduced regeneration. Reamputations were performed at the level of (1) the original plane of amputation, (2) the early regenerate (cone/palette stage), (3) the late regenerate (digit stage). Reamputation increased both the percentage rate of regeneration and the morphological complexity of the regenerates in all experimental series. Cell counts in lateral motor columns and spinal ganglia innervating the hindlimb, together with histological observations and mitotic index and labelling index determinations in reamputated and control limbs showed that improved regeneration in the reamputated limb was related to an increase in undifferentiated and proliferating cells in the stump. We did not find any evidence suggesting that renewed regeneration in reamputated anuran limbs results from an increase in innervation, as has previously been hypothesized. We support our conclusions by demonstrating an improvement in regenerationen in the reamputated and denervated hindlimbs.  相似文献   

Temperature strongly influenced percent mortality and time to death of salamanders exposed to the Ambystoma tigrinum virus (iridovirus) (ATV). Most salamanders survived when exposed at 26 degrees C, whereas all died at 18 degrees C and nearly all died at 10 degrees C. Some asymptomatic salamanders that survived 60 d at 10 or 26 degrees C were found to be carrying virus. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed the presence of virus in ATV-exposed salamanders but was found to be less sensitive than cell culture in detecting ATV at low concentrations. PCR products were 100% identical to ATV in the major capsid protein sequence. Virus titer was higher in salamanders held at 10 degrees C than at 18 degrees C but little virus, if any, was present in the small number of salamanders that died at 26 degrees C. These results may help explain periodic viral epizootics in field populations of A. tigrinum where water temperatures fluctuate widely.  相似文献   

Numerous experiments have demonstrated that skin has a profound influence on the pattern of limb regeneration in urodeles. In this investigation, the fate during regeneration of marked cells derived from narrow strips of skin inserted into different positions around the limb circumference has been followed. Skin strips were taken from triploid axolotls and transplanted into diploid sibling animals. The distribution of trinucleolate cells was determined at the site of amputation and in the regenerated limb. The results indicate that at the time of amputation marked cells appear to be localized to the graft, whereas in the regenerated marked cells may be found at all proximal-distal levels and at any position around the circumference of the limb. These results are discussed in terms of a possible mechanism for distal outgrowth.  相似文献   

J. R. Holomuzki 《Oecologia》1986,71(1):142-148
Summary Survivorship and growth of larval tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona were compared in six microhabitats using field enclosures during summers, 1983–85. Microhabitats were vegetated and nonvegetated shallows, surface, middle, and bottom horizontal layers of limnetic areas, and the vertical limnetic water column. Initial enclosure densities (0.025 larvae per 1) were identical among microhabitats. Three enclosures were placed in each microhabitat in two ponds. Larval survivorship and growth were usually greatest in vegetated shallows in lowest in middle and bottom limnetic enclosures, despite several population dieoffs. Lower fitness, as reflected in survivorship and growth, in these latter enclosures was correlated with lower food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations in deeper limnetic areas. Relative fitness varied greatly between years while food levels, temperatures, and oxygen concentrations within microhabitats remained relatively constant indicating additional factors affected fitness. Disparities in fitness between microhabitats apparently affect habitat use patterns of larvae.  相似文献   

We have begun a comparative study of pigment patterns and their mechanisms of formation in ambystomatid salamanders in an attempt to elucidate the evolution of these traits in this family. In Ambystoma t. tigrinum, the migration of the prospective pigment cells was followed by using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy combined with markers (dopa incubation for detecting melanophores, ammonia-induced pterin fluorescence for detecting xanthophores). The pigment pattern resulting from the cell migration shares features both with the alternating vertical xanthophore and melanophore bars of A. mexicanum and the horizontal stripes of certain salamandrids and ambystomatids. The pigment pattern of A. t. tigrinum is interpreted here as an intermediate evolutionary step between a primitive horizontal stripe pattern and a derived vertical bar pattern. The initiation of pigment pattern formation resembles the situation in A. mexicanum, probably reflecting the close phylogenetic relationship between the two taxa.  相似文献   

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