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Comparative morphology of the butterfly proboscis and its sensilla — a contribution to the phylogenetic systematics of Papilionoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) The morphology of the proboscis was investigated in more than 70 European representatives of Papilionoidea using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The composition of the proboscis wall, its surface structures, as well as the shape and distribution of the different types of sensilla are compared. Special attention is given to the tip region and the diversity of the sensilla styloconica. Plesiomorphic features of the proboscis of Papilionoidea were found to include vertically extended exocuticular ribs composing the galeal wall, cuticular spines restricted to the ventral side of the proximal galea, and two rows of fluted sensilla styloconica restricted to the tip region. Apomorphic features of the proboscis in Papilionidae are three rows of small sensilla styloconica. The presence of cuticular spines all over the galeae was identified as an autapomorphy of Pieridae. Possible apomorphies of Nymphalidae are oblique exocuticular ribs of the galeal wall and the great number and length of the sensilla styloconica (significant at p < 0.01, t-test). A possible synapomorphy of Lycaenidae and Riodinidae are cuticlar spines up to the distal galeae. Distinct transformation series of sensilla styloconica give evidence that divergent evolutionary trends led from fluted shafts to a multitude of other shapes in Papilionidae, Nymphalidae (sensu lato), and Lycaenidae. Long smooth-shafted, club-shaped sensilla styloconica, bearing apical spines, are found in Nymphalinae, Apaturinae and Limenitidinae. Highly derived sensilla styloconica evolved in Heliconiinae and Melitaeini, which are arranged in only one row in both taxa. Their shafts are smooth, flattened and bear an excentral sensory cone. Further apomorphic character states are dented flutes which evolved several times, independently from each other in Satyrinae, Lycaeninae and Riodinidae. The results are discussed in a systematical context and provide the basis for a better understanding of the function of different morphological structures of the proboscis in feeding.  相似文献   

J. Duty 《Plant Ecology》1985,59(1-3):177-184
Studies of the beeches and beech woods of eastern central Europe revealed, that in the postglacial period not only Fagus sylvatica (L.) emend. reimmigrated from the refugial territories in the SE-as has generally been accepted, but also the transitional taxa, which originated from hybrids with F. orientalis Lipsky. The NW area limit of these intermediate taxa must be revised. The presence in central Europe of these taxa-which form own Fagion alliances and associations in the SE (Fagus intermedia ssp. moesiaca and ssp. taurica) as well as the presence of other southeastern species in central European beach woods shows, that their postglacial development is parallel to, but different from other areas. The taxon Fagus intermedia (ssp. neglecta and ssp. transitus) became differential taxa of a central European region of the Fagion medioeuropaeum. Plant sociologists are therefore requested to make new and critical analyses of the beech woods in Europe, with special attention to the Fagus taxa, in order to establish in detail the geographical distribution and phytosociological significance of Fagus intermedia.The author offers to determine or revise Fagus material (herbarium collections).
Danksagung. Ich möchte meinen tiefsten und allzeitigen Dank besonders den Herren Prof. Dr. A. O. Horvat (Pécs), Prof. Dr. Ch. Moulopoulos, Prof. Dr. B. Jovanovié, Prof. Dr. I. Dumitriu-Tataranu, Prof. Dr. R. Bornkamm, Prof. Dr. M. A. Kotschkin, Prof. Dr. P. Fukarek, Prof. Dr. K. Browicz für gewährte Unterstützung aussprechen und ganz besonders unserem unvergeßlichen verstorbenen Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. R. Tüxen, der mir zur Fortführung dieser Studien Mut machte.  相似文献   

Theligonum cynocrambe and 13 species ofRubiaceae contain S-type sieve-element plastids, wide-spread in Dicotyledons. Alignment ofTheligonum toCaryophyllales (Centrospermae), especiallyPhytolaccaceae, is unlikely, because this order is characterized by specific P-type plastids. SEM investigations show the pollen exine ofTheligonum to be microreticulate, with additional supratectate spinules.Asperula and other genera of the tribeRubieae have a tectum perforatum (punctitegillate sexine), also with supratectate verrucae or spinulae.—Thus ultrastructure suggests (but not definitely proves) relationships betweenTheligonum andRubiaceae, while affinities betweenTheligonum andCaryophyllales are excluded.

The chromosome numbers of several Greece species of the genusSilene L. from natural habitats are reported for the first time:S. sieberi, S. niederi, S. radicosa subsp.rechingeri, S. oligantha, S. skorpilii, S. schwarzenbergeri andS. fruticulosa. All species are diploid with 2n = 24 chromosomes, including 0, 2 or 4 SAT-chromosomes;S. niederi has B-chromosomes.

Zusammenfassung Die Zellen der vier Rektalpapillen von Drosophila melanogaster sind polar gebaute, hochdifferenzierte, transportaktive Zellen mit großflächigen Ein- und Ausfaltungen des Plasmalemms. Ihre basale und laterale Zellmembran bildet ein Netzwerk von Einfaltungen, aus dem zahlreiche Stapel von Membranpaaren hervorgehen, die mit Mitochondrien vergesellschaftet sind. Apikal besitzt die Zelle ein System von Mikroleisten, an deren Basis ebenfalls Mitochondrien akkumuliert sind (s. Abb. 9). Bei Drosophila werden nach Durchführung der entsprechenden elektronenmikroskopischen Nachweise Natriumionen an den Membranen der apikalen Ausfaltungen, an den Membranen der interzellulären Stapel der Membranpaare, innerhalb deren Lumina und in den basalen und lateralen Einfaltungen gefunden. Eine bevorzugte Lokalisation von Chloridionen ist nicht vorhanden.Diese Feinstrukturaspekte und die Ergebnisse der Nachweisreaktionen für Natrium und Chloridionen werden mit den Verhältnissen bei Calliphora erythrocephala (Gupta und Berridge, 1966) verglichen und die Transportwege der Ionen eingehend diskutiert.
Electron microscopic studies on the structure and function of the rectal papillae in Drosophila melanogaster
Summary In Drosophila melanogaster the cells of the rectal papillae are highly differentiated and very active in transport. These cells show extensive infoldings of the plasmalemma. The basal and lateral cell membranes form a system of infoldings, continuous with intracellular stacks of paired membranes which are associated with mitochondria. The apex of the cell displays a system of micro-ridges with basal mitochondria (see Fig. 9). In Drosophila Na+ ions can be demonstrated by electron microscopy at the membranes of the apical micro-ridges, at the membranes and within the lumina of the intracellular stacks of paired membranes, and within the basal and lateral infoldings. In contrast, there is no predominant localization of Cl ions. The fine structure of the cells of the rectal papillae and the results of cytochemical demonstration of Na+ and Cl ions are compared with the findings of Gupta and Berridge (1966) in Calliphora erythrocephala. The possible pathways for ion transport are discussed in detail.
Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Infektionsexperimente algenfreier Paramecium bursaria mit aus diesen isolierten und unter Stickstoffmangel-Bedingungen vorkultivierten Algen deuten darauf hin, daß die Versorgung der endosymbiontischen Algen mit stickstoffhaltigen Verbindungen durch ihren Wirt in einem zu gutem Wachstum und Vermehrung der Alge ausreichendem Maße möglich ist. Die Bedeutung dieser stoffwechselphysiologischen Beziehung für die Symbiosepartner wird diskutiert.Die Vergiftung der Photosynthese der endosymbiontischen Chlorella durch 3-(3,4-Dichlorphenyl)-1,1-dimethylharnstoff (DCMU) führt in grünen Paramecium bursaria durch Beeinflussung des Kohlenstoff-Stoffwechsels zu einer Entkoppelung des symbiontischen steady state-Systems und damit zur Auflösung der Symbiose. Eine ausreichende heterotrophe Ernährung der Alge durch das Paramecium ist in der Symbiose offenbar nicht möglich.Die Anwendung von 3-(3,4-Dichlorphenyl)-1,1-dimethylharnstoff (DCMU) kann als neue Methode zur Züchtung algenfreier Paramecium bursaria dienen.
The metabolic interactions between Paramecium bursaria Ehrbg. and Chlorella spec. in the Paramecium bursaria-symbiosisI. The nitrogen and the carbon metabolism
Symbiotic Chlorellae have been isolated from Paramecium bursaria Ehrbg. and cultivated under conditions of nitrogen deficiency. Reinfection of Chlorella-free Paramecium bursaria with these nitrogen-deficient algae resulted in a complete regeneration and multiplication of the algae within the host cells. The endosymbiotic algal cells of the Paramecium bursaria-symbiosis can be supplied by their host with nitrogen.The inhibition of photosynthesis by 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) leads in green Paramecium bursaria to a breakdown of the symbiotic steady state-system resulting in a loss of algal cells. Obviously the endosymbiotic algae cannot be fed heterotrophically by their host to such an extent that a stable symbiosis is maintained.The application of 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) can be used as a new method for culturing Chlorella-free Paramecium bursaria.

Zusammenfassung Im Parenchym der Epiphysis cerebri von Passer domesticus kommen Nervenzellen vor. Ihre Neuriten ziehen im langgestreckten Epiphysenstiel zur Commissura habenularum. Im proximalen Endabschnitt des Epiphysenstiels wird ein Teil dieser Fasern myelinisiert. Zwischen die Nervenfasern schieben sich zahlreiche Pinealocytenausläufer; synaptische Bänder helfen die letzteren eindeutig zu identifizieren. Im Bereich der synaptischen Bänder liegen: 1. 300 Å Vesikel, 2. 300 Å Vesikel und 800–1200 Å Granula, 3. nur 800–1200 Å große granulierte Vesikel. Die Tatsache, daß in Pinealocytenausläufern nebeneinander synaptische Bänder und Granula vorkommen, und daß apikal in zilientragenden Zellen ebenfalls Granula nachweisbar sind, spricht dafür, daß bei Passer domesticus ein Pinealzelltyp sensorische und sekretorische Strukturmerkmale besitzen kann. Außerdem werden Kontaktsynapsen beobachtet; ihre praesynaptischen Fasern enthalten die gleichen Strukturelemente wie die Fasern mit synaptischen Bändern. Die Zahl der Mikrofibrillen und Mikrotubuli variiert in den Pinealocytenausläufern, in den postsynaptischen Dendriten und in den Neuriten so stark, daß es mitunter schwierig ist, diese Fortsatztypen einwandfrei zu unterscheiden und die Zahl der zum Gehirn ziehenden Neuriten exakt zu ermitteln.Efferente sympathische Nervenfasern dringen in die Bindegewebssepten der Epiphyse ein. Sie enthalten Granula mit einem Durchmesser von 300–500 Å und 800–1200 Å. Nach Injektion von Nialamid zeigen beide Granulatypen einen elektronendichten Kern. Mikrospektrographisch ist Serotonin und Noradrenalin in diesen Nervenfasern nachweisbar. Das Material dieser Studie enthält keinen fluoreszenzmikroskopischen oder elektronenmikroskopischen Hinweis darauf, daß die sympathischen Nervenfasern durch die Basalmembran in den Zellverband des Epiphysenparenchyms eintreten. Im elektronenmikroskopischen Bild haben manche Pinealocytenausläufer eine Ähnlichkeit mit autonomen Nervenfasern.Die funktionelle Bedeutung der Vogelepiphyse als photo-neuro-endokrines Organ wird diskutiert.
Further investigations on the structure and innervation of the pineal organ of Passer domesticus L.
Summary The pineal organ of Passer domesticus contains nerve cells within its parenchyma. Axons of the nerve cells run within the elongated stalk of the pineal organ to the habenular commissure. At the proximal end of the stalk, some axons become myelinated. In the stalk, the axons intermingle with pinealocyte processes containing synaptic ribbons. The synaptic ribbons are in contact with (1) vesicles with a diameter of 300 Å; (2) 300 Å diameter vesicles and 800–1,200 Å diameter dense-core granules; or (3) the dense-core granules only. Dense-core granules are also present in pinealocytes with 9+0 type cilia. These results suggest that sensory and secretory structures are present in the same pineal cell type. Furthermore, conventional synapses are present between receptor and nerve cells: The presynaptic fibers have the same structure as the fibers containing synaptic ribbons. The numbers of microfibrils and microtubules vary among postsynaptic fibers (dendrites), the pinealocyte processes, and the neurites. Thus it is difficult to obtain an exact count of the number of axons running to the brain.Efferent sympathetic nerve fibers enter the pineal organ associated with the connective tissue surrounding blood vessels. The fibers show granules of 300–500 Å diameter or 800–1,200 Å diameter. After nialamide injection, both types of granules contain a dense core. Microspectrographically serotonin and noradrenaline are demonstrated in the sympathetic nerve fibers. There is no evidence found in the material of this study to suggest that sympathetic nerve fibers perforate the basement membrane and enter the parenchymal cell complexes of the pineal organ. Pinealocyte processes and sympathetic nerve fibers often show a very similar ultrastructural pattern.The role of the avian pineal organ in photo-neuro-endocrine regulation is discussed.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The DNA of Blue-Green Algae may be specifically and most efficiently elucidated by the combined use of the fluorochrome DAPI and DNAse treatment. InChroococcus turgidus andSynechococcus aeruginosus it forms a network which usually is positioned at the periphery of the centroplasm. At the beginning of cell division it seems to be invaginated by the ingrowing cell wall. Later it must be distributed by other means because two equal parts are connected by a number of fine and straight DNA threads. InOscillatoria limosa usually all parts of the centroplasm are interspersed with the DNA network. In surface view, the DNA occasionally seems to consist of a number of independant rods, but in reality these are connected to the general network. Division apparantly occurs by ingrowth of the crosswall and usually results in equal daughter nuclear equivalents although occasionally they are unequal. Four strains ofMicrocoleus vaginatus were found to have nuclear equivalents of the same general appearance as inOscillatoria limosa.

In this and three further papers 205 yeasts and yeast states of Basidiomycetes and presumed relatives were investigated comparatively on the basis of the carbohydrate (neutral sugars) pattern of purified cell walls, urease-activity, diazonium blue B reaction on the production of extracellular amyloid compounds (EAS), fermentation of carbohydrates, and ubiquinone data. A clustering leading to the Protomyces-, the Microbotryum-, the Ustilago-, the Dacrymyces-, and the Tremella-type became apparent, especially from the qualitative and quantitative cell wall carbohydrate pattern. The different yeast types correspond well with 5S rRNA clusters known from the literature. 31 strains clustering within the Microbotryum-type comprise the phragmobasidial smut fungi of dicotyledonous hosts (Microbotryum. Sphacelotheca), the phragmobasidial Rhodosporidium- and Leucosporidium-species including some anamorph Rhodotorula-species, which lack an oxidative degradation of myo-inositol, the genera Sporobolomyces and Sporidiobolus, the Septobasidiales and some simple septate Auriculariales e.g. Agaricostilbum, Platygloea. Main characteristics of the Microbotryum-type are: 1. The absence of extracellular amyloid compounds. 2. The dominance of mannose and the presence of fucose as cell wall constituents. 3. A positive DBB-reaction and splitting of urea. Four Ustilago species parasitic on dicotyledonous hosts were transfered to Microbotryum (M. scabiosae, M. scorzonerae, M. cordae, M. vinosum) as a consequence from cell wall carbohydrate composition, production of rhodotorulic acid, and 5S rRNA sequence data from the literature. The predominance of mannose in the cell wall — otherwise only known from ascomycetous yeasts –, a type A secondary structure of 5S rRNA, a simple unifactorial mating system in all parasitic smut species suggest that the Microbotryum-type might be ancestral to the Ustilago-type. An evolution of simple (“siphonal”) holobasidia from “pseudotrichal” phragmobasidia will be discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed analyses of karyology and leaf morphology do not support relationships betweenFlacourtiaceae andTiliaceae. In spite of different chromosome numbers,Prockia (2n = 18),Flacourtia (2n = 22) andRawsonia (2n = 22) are very similar in karyomorphology, indicating a certain karyological uniformity withinFlacourtiaceae. Lacistema (2n = ca. 62) appears more isolated. On the other hand, theTiliaceae Grewia (2n = 18) andLuhea (2n = 36) have much in common and differ remarkably from the Flacourtiaceous genera. The salicoid leaf-teeth ofProckia are also found inIdesia, but never inTiliaceae. Epidermis ultrastructure reveals certain relationships betweenProckia andFlacourtia in contrast to the strongly differingGrewia. Idesia has a rare und unique epidermis sculpture. — Basic chromosome numbers and chromosomal evolution within theFlacourtiaceae are discussed.

The fiveAretiastrum species investigated are differentiated by morphological, histological and palynological characteristics from one another and from woodyValeriana species. It seems justified to regardAretiastrum at least as a distinct section ofValeriana but better as a separate genus.
Morphologische, anatomische und palynologische Untersuchungen an der GattungAretiastrum (Valerianaceae)

Zusammenfassung Die Protonephridien des marinen Gastrotrichs Turbanella cornuta Remane werden elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Terminalapparate der Macrodasyoidea sind Cyrtocyten. Ein Reusenröhrchen besteht aus acht Längsstäben mit netzartigen Zwischenwänden aus dünnen Fibrillen. Im Lumen des Röhrchens schwingt eine Geißel. Die Wand eines Terminalbechers bildet ein zusätzliches Reusensystem, das mit Poren und Schlitzen versehen ist. Die drei bis vier Cyrtocyten eines Protonephridiums münden in eine Sammelzelle ein. Von dieser geht ein Exkretionsröhrchen mit Treibwimperflamme aus, welches von einer Ausleitungszelle gebildet wird. Die Cyrtocyten der beiden Gastrotrichenordnungen (Chaetonotoidea u. Macrodasyoidea) grenzen sich strukturell gegenüber bisher bekannten Formen dieses Zelltyps ab.
The fine structure of the protonephridial system of Turbanella cornuta remane, a marine gastrotrich of the order macrodasyoidea
Summary The protonephridial system of the marine gastrotrich Turbanella cornuta Remane was studied with the electron microscope. The terminal cells of the Macrodasyoidea are Cyrtocytes. Each tube for filtration consists of eight longitudinal rods with a net of fine fibrils between them; it contains a single whip. The wall of a terminal cup with its pores and slits is an additional system for filtration. Three or four filtration tubes are ending in a collecting cell. From this cell an excretory channel with one whip formed by an outlet cell arises. The filtration tubes of Macrodasyoidea are similar to those of Chaetonotoidea and differ from other forms of this cell-type.

Zusammenfassung Die Muskulatur des ventralen Diaphragmas von Locusta besteht aus parallel verlaufenden Muskelfasern, die über glanzscheibenartige Strukturen in den Querverbindungen miteinander verbunden sind. Jede Muskelfaser ist von einer dicken Bindegewebshülle umgeben. Die Fasern sind über Hypodermiszellen mittels Tonofibrillen in der Cuticula verankert.Unkontrahierte Sarkomere haben eine Länge von 5 m und mehr. Eine H-Zone ist angedeutet, eine M-Linie nicht vorhanden. Aktin- und Myosinfilamente (Durchmesser 72 bzw. 160 AE) liegen nicht im Register. Daneben existiert ein dritter, sehr dünner Filamenttyp. Die Z-Zone hat einen gewellten Verlauf und faßt die Aktinfilamente in Bündeln zusammen. Mitochondrien liegen beiderseits der Z-Zone. Das T-System faltet sich in Form von Sarkolemmkerben in das Faserinnere ein und setzt sich in Tubuli nach innen fort. Z-Zonen und Sarkolemmkerben sind miteinander verbunden. T-System und sarkoplasmatisches Retikulum treten durch unregelmäßig verteilte Diaden miteinander in Kontakt.Begrenzter Ca++-Entzug läßt Kontraktionswellen von der Länge mehrerer Sarkomere entstehen.Die Fixation durch Gefriersubstitution erzeugt gegenüber Standardverfahren Veränderungen wie Schrumpfung des Sarkoplasmas, Verdickung der Myosinfilamente, Vakuolisierung von Mitochondrien und vesikulärem System. In der Kontraktionswelle verkürzt sich die A-Zone mit zunehmender Sarkomerenkontraktion. Der Durchmesser der Myosinfilamente beträgt 172 AE, die Periodik der Cross-bridges von 305 AE bleibt im mittleren Bereich der Filamente konstant.
Electron microscope studies of the ventral diaphragm of Locusta migratoria and of the slow wave of contraction after fixation by freeze substitution
Summary The muscular system of the ventral diaphragm of Locusta consists of parallel muscle fibers, which are connected by structures like intercalated discs within transverse bridges. Each muscle fiber is enveloped by a thick sheath of connective tissue. The fibers are attached to the cuticule by means of hypodermic cells with tonofibrils.Uncontracted sarcomeres have a length of 5 m and more. The H-band is slightly indicated, a M-line is not visible. Actin and myosin filaments (diameter 72 respectively 160 AE) are out of register. Moreover there is a third and very thin type of filaments. The Z-band has an undulating shape and collects the actin filaments into bundles. Mitochondria lie on either side of the Z-band. The T-system invaginates as sarcolemmal clefts and continues its course inwards as tubuli. The sarcolemmal clefts are connected with the Z-band. The T-system and the sarcoplasmic reticulum are joined by diads of irregular distribution.Limitated deprivation of Ca++ causes waves of contraction with the length of several sarcomeres.Contrary to standard methods the freeze-substitution causes some modifications such as shrinking of the sarcoplasm, thickening of the myosin filaments, vacuolization of mitochondria and vesicular system. Within the waves of contraction the A-band shortenes with increasing sarcomere contraction. The diameter of the myosin filaments measures 172 AE, the 305 AE-period of the cross-bridges remains constant within the middle of the filaments.
Auszug aus der Dissertationsarbeit Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Muskulatur des ventralen Diaphragmas von Locusta migratoria und der langsamen Kontraktionswelle unter Anwendung der Gefriersubstitution (Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Göttingen). Auf Anregung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Schlote und mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften.  相似文献   

An investigation of pseudocopulation behaviour in species ofOphrys from southern Spain confirms the close relationship betweenCampsoscolia ciliata (Scoliidae) andOphrys speculum, and betweenEucera nigrilabris (Apoidea) andOphrys tenthredinifera. It could be demonstrated thatEucera barbiventris is the pollinator ofOphrys scolopax subsp.scolopax, whereas other species ofEucera andTetralonia which are active at the same time show no interest at all for the flowers of this species. Special attention was paid to the forms of the taxonomically confusedOphrys fusca group:O. fusca s. str.,O. iricolor, O. omegaifera andO. atlantica. WhileO. fusca s. str. is widespread, small-flowered and has late anthesis,O. iricolor has very large flowers and early anthesis. Each of the four members ofO. fusca agg. in S. Spain is pollinated by a different bee, and selective experiments show that each of these four species of bees is specifically attracted only to one of theOphrys species:Andrena flavipes is the pollinator ofO. fusca s. str.,Colletes cunicularius infuscatus ofO. iricolor, Anthophora atroalba ofO. omegaifera, andChalicodoma parietina ofO. atlantica. These four pollinators belong to 4 different bee families (Andrenidae, Colletidae, Anthophoridae, Megachilidae). As this type of pollination represents a very effective pregamic isolation mechanism, these four taxa ofOphrys fusca agg., at least in southern Spain, behave and should be regarded as genuine species.

Zusammenfassung Die Epithelzellen der Plexus chorioidei ventriculi III und IV und der Paraphyse von Rana temporaria L. zeigen histochemisch eine deutliche Aktivität der Phosphorylase, Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase und Aldolase. Die Aktivität der Uridindiphosphoglucose-Glycogen-Transferase ist im Plexusepithel der Frösche gering. Glucose-6-Phosphatase läßt sich in den Plexus chorioidei und in der Paraphyse von Rana temporaria nicht darstellen. Phosphorylase, Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase und Aldolase zeichnen sich durch ein charakteristisches, verschiedenartiges Verteilungsmuster aus. Der Einfluß von Adrenalininjektionen auf die Aktivität der obengenannten Enzyme des Plexus-und Paraphysenepithels und funktionelle Zusammenhänge mit der gleichzeitig eintretenden Entspeicherung ihres Glykogenvorrats werden erörtert. In fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Untersuchungen mit der Falck-Hillarp Methode läßt sich weiterhin beobachten, daß nach Adrenalingaben im Plexusepithel der Frösche ein Fluorophor auftritt, das bei Kontrolltieren vollständig fehlt. Im Plexusstroma finden sich nur vereinzelt adrenerge Nervenfasern.
Enzyme histochemical (carbohydrate metabolism) and fluorescence microscopic (biogenic amines) investigations of the choroid plexuses and the paraphysis in Rana temporaria L.
Summary Epithelial cells of the choroid plexuses and paraphysis in Rana temporaria L. show histochemically distinct phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and aldolase activities. The uridine diphosphate glucose-glycogen transferase-reaction of the choroid epithelium is very weak, and the glucose-6-phosphatase-reaction of the choroid plexuses and the paraphysis is negative. Choroid plexuses and paraphysis differ in their distribution patterns of phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and aldolase activities. Injections of epinephrine into the dorsal lymph sac increase the histochemically detectable activity of phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and aldolase, and deplete the glycogen stores of the choroid epithelium. After administration of epinephrine into the dorsal lymph sac, intensely fluorescent material is observed in the choroid epithelium with the Falck-Hillarp method. The adrenergic innervation of the choroid plexus of Rana temporaria is sparse.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Incubation, handrearing and motherrearing of 5 male Andean Cocks of the Rock (Rupicola peruviana) in Wuppertal Zoo is described, in particular the development of the juvenile plumage to adulthood, and the change of colour of the beak and the iris of the eye. Incubation lasted 26-28 days. The mother-reared nestling fledged after 28 days. The young male Cock of the Rock attained full adult plumage at the age of 18 months, not at 3 years as Del Hoyo et al. (2004) describe from free-living Cocks of the Rock. A report on the supposed world's first breeding of the Purple-throated Fruitcrow (Querula purpurata) is given. The incubation period was 25 days.  相似文献   

The biosystematics of theFestuca violacea group (F. rubra subsp.violacea sensuHackel) in the Eastern Alps is studied.F. picturata Pils (=F. picta Kit. exSchultes nonJ. F. Gmelin) is confirmed as diploid, whereas the chromosome numbers forF. nitida (diploid),F. puccinellii (hexaploid), andF. norica (diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid) are reported for the first time. Details of morphology, leaf anatomy, and epidermal structures now allow a better separation of these species; new maps illustrate their distribution. Karyological, chorological, morphological, and anatomical data form the basis for a discussion of the phylogeny of theF. violacea group and its position withinF. rubra s. latiss.

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